Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.

Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 400] [Versions 311 and 400] [Versions 39 and 400] [Versions 400 and 401] [Versions 400 and 402] [Versions 400 and 403]

   1  <?php
   3  // This file is part of Moodle -
   4  //
   5  // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   6  // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   7  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   8  // (at your option) any later version.
   9  //
  10  // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  11  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  13  // GNU General Public License for more details.
  14  //
  15  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  16  // along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.
  18  /**
  19   * Renderer for use with the course section and all the goodness that falls
  20   * within it.
  21   *
  22   * This renderer should contain methods useful to courses, and categories.
  23   *
  24   * @package   moodlecore
  25   * @copyright 2010 Sam Hemelryk
  26   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  27   */
  29  /**
  30   * The core course renderer
  31   *
  32   * Can be retrieved with the following:
  33   * $renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('core','course');
  34   */
  35  class core_course_renderer extends plugin_renderer_base {
  36      const COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_NONE = 0; /* do not show courses at all */
  37      const COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_COUNT = 5; /* do not show courses but show number of courses next to category name */
  39      const COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_AUTO = 15; /* will choose between collapsed and expanded automatically */
  43      const COURSECAT_TYPE_CATEGORY = 0;
  44      const COURSECAT_TYPE_COURSE = 1;
  46      /**
  47       * A cache of strings
  48       * @var stdClass
  49       */
  50      protected $strings;
  52      /**
  53       * Whether a category content is being initially rendered with children. This is mainly used by the
  54       * core_course_renderer::corsecat_tree() to render the appropriate action for the Expand/Collapse all link on
  55       * page load.
  56       * @var bool
  57       */
  58      protected $categoryexpandedonload = false;
  60      /**
  61       * Override the constructor so that we can initialise the string cache
  62       *
  63       * @param moodle_page $page
  64       * @param string $target
  65       */
  66      public function __construct(moodle_page $page, $target) {
  67          $this->strings = new stdClass;
  68          $courseid = $page->course->id;
  69          parent::__construct($page, $target);
  70      }
  72      /**
  73       * @deprecated since 3.2
  74       */
  75      protected function add_modchoosertoggle() {
  76          throw new coding_exception('core_course_renderer::add_modchoosertoggle() can not be used anymore.');
  77      }
  79      /**
  80       * Renders course info box.
  81       *
  82       * @param stdClass $course
  83       * @return string
  84       */
  85      public function course_info_box(stdClass $course) {
  86          $content = '';
  87          $content .= $this->output->box_start('generalbox info');
  88          $chelper = new coursecat_helper();
  89          $chelper->set_show_courses(self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_EXPANDED);
  90          $content .= $this->coursecat_coursebox($chelper, $course);
  91          $content .= $this->output->box_end();
  92          return $content;
  93      }
  95      /**
  96       * Renderers a structured array of courses and categories into a nice XHTML tree structure.
  97       *
  98       * @deprecated since 2.5
  99       *
 100       * Please see
 101       *
 102       * @param array $ignored argument ignored
 103       * @return string
 104       */
 105      public final function course_category_tree(array $ignored) {
 106          debugging('Function core_course_renderer::course_category_tree() is deprecated, please use frontpage_combo_list()', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
 107          return $this->frontpage_combo_list();
 108      }
 110      /**
 111       * Renderers a category for use with course_category_tree
 112       *
 113       * @deprecated since 2.5
 114       *
 115       * Please see
 116       *
 117       * @param array $category
 118       * @param int $depth
 119       * @return string
 120       */
 121      protected final function course_category_tree_category(stdClass $category, $depth=1) {
 122          debugging('Function core_course_renderer::course_category_tree_category() is deprecated', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
 123          return '';
 124      }
 126      /**
 127       * Render a modchooser.
 128       *
 129       * @param renderable $modchooser The chooser.
 130       * @return string
 131       */
 132      public function render_modchooser(renderable $modchooser) {
 133          return $this->render_from_template('core_course/modchooser', $modchooser->export_for_template($this));
 134      }
 136      /**
 137       * Build the HTML for the module chooser javascript popup
 138       *
 139       * @param array $modules A set of modules as returned form @see
 140       * get_module_metadata
 141       * @param object $course The course that will be displayed
 142       * @return string The composed HTML for the module
 143       */
 144      public function course_modchooser($modules, $course) {
 145          debugging('course_modchooser() is deprecated. Please use course_activitychooser() instead.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
 147          return $this->course_activitychooser($course->id);
 148      }
 150      /**
 151       * Build the HTML for the module chooser javascript popup.
 152       *
 153       * @param int $courseid The course id to fetch modules for.
 154       * @return string
 155       */
 156      public function course_activitychooser($courseid) {
 158          if (!$this->page->requires->should_create_one_time_item_now('core_course_modchooser')) {
 159              return '';
 160          }
 162          // Build an object of config settings that we can then hook into in the Activity Chooser.
 163          $chooserconfig = (object) [
 164              'tabmode' => get_config('core', 'activitychoosertabmode'),
 165          ];
 166          $this->page->requires->js_call_amd('core_course/activitychooser', 'init', [$courseid, $chooserconfig]);
 168          return '';
 169      }
 171      /**
 172       * Build the HTML for a specified set of modules
 173       *
 174       * @param array $modules A set of modules as used by the
 175       * course_modchooser_module function
 176       * @return string The composed HTML for the module
 177       */
 178      protected function course_modchooser_module_types($modules) {
 179          debugging('Method core_course_renderer::course_modchooser_module_types() is deprecated, ' .
 180              'see core_course_renderer::render_modchooser().', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
 181          return '';
 182      }
 184      /**
 185       * Return the HTML for the specified module adding any required classes
 186       *
 187       * @param object $module An object containing the title, and link. An
 188       * icon, and help text may optionally be specified. If the module
 189       * contains subtypes in the types option, then these will also be
 190       * displayed.
 191       * @param array $classes Additional classes to add to the encompassing
 192       * div element
 193       * @return string The composed HTML for the module
 194       */
 195      protected function course_modchooser_module($module, $classes = array('option')) {
 196          debugging('Method core_course_renderer::course_modchooser_module() is deprecated, ' .
 197              'see core_course_renderer::render_modchooser().', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
 198          return '';
 199      }
 201      protected function course_modchooser_title($title, $identifier = null) {
 202          debugging('Method core_course_renderer::course_modchooser_title() is deprecated, ' .
 203              'see core_course_renderer::render_modchooser().', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
 204          return '';
 205      }
 207      /**
 208       * Renders HTML for displaying the sequence of course module editing buttons
 209       *
 210       * @deprecated since Moodle 4.0 MDL-72656 - please do not use this function any more.
 211       *
 212       * @see course_get_cm_edit_actions()
 213       *
 214       * @param action_link[] $actions Array of action_link objects
 215       * @param cm_info $mod The module we are displaying actions for.
 216       * @param array $displayoptions additional display options:
 217       *     ownerselector => A JS/CSS selector that can be used to find an cm node.
 218       *         If specified the owning node will be given the class 'action-menu-shown' when the action
 219       *         menu is being displayed.
 220       *     constraintselector => A JS/CSS selector that can be used to find the parent node for which to constrain
 221       *         the action menu to when it is being displayed.
 222       *     donotenhance => If set to true the action menu that gets displayed won't be enhanced by JS.
 223       * @return string
 224       */
 225      public function course_section_cm_edit_actions($actions, cm_info $mod = null, $displayoptions = array()) {
 226          global $CFG;
 228          debugging(
 229              'course_section_cm_edit_actions is deprecated. Use core_courseformat\\output\\local\\content\\cm\\controlmenu instead.',
 230              DEBUG_DEVELOPER
 231          );
 233          if (empty($actions)) {
 234              return '';
 235          }
 237          if (isset($displayoptions['ownerselector'])) {
 238              $ownerselector = $displayoptions['ownerselector'];
 239          } else if ($mod) {
 240              $ownerselector = '#module-'.$mod->id;
 241          } else {
 242              debugging('You should upgrade your call to '.__FUNCTION__.' and provide $mod', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
 243              $ownerselector = 'li.activity';
 244          }
 246          if (isset($displayoptions['constraintselector'])) {
 247              $constraint = $displayoptions['constraintselector'];
 248          } else {
 249              $constraint = '.course-content';
 250          }
 252          $menu = new action_menu();
 253          $menu->set_owner_selector($ownerselector);
 254          $menu->set_constraint($constraint);
 255          $menu->set_menu_trigger(get_string('edit'));
 257          foreach ($actions as $action) {
 258              if ($action instanceof action_menu_link) {
 259                  $action->add_class('cm-edit-action');
 260              }
 261              $menu->add($action);
 262          }
 263          $menu->attributes['class'] .= ' section-cm-edit-actions commands';
 265          // Prioritise the menu ahead of all other actions.
 266          $menu->prioritise = true;
 268          return $this->render($menu);
 269      }
 271      /**
 272       * Renders HTML for the menus to add activities and resources to the current course
 273       *
 274       * Renders the ajax control (the link which when clicked produces the activity chooser modal). No noscript fallback.
 275       *
 276       * @param stdClass $course
 277       * @param int $section relative section number (field course_sections.section)
 278       * @param int $sectionreturn The section to link back to
 279       * @param array $displayoptions additional display options, for example blocks add
 280       *     option 'inblock' => true, suggesting to display controls vertically
 281       * @return string
 282       */
 283      function course_section_add_cm_control($course, $section, $sectionreturn = null, $displayoptions = array()) {
 284          // Check to see if user can add menus.
 285          if (!has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', context_course::instance($course->id))
 286                  || !$this->page->user_is_editing()) {
 287              return '';
 288          }
 290          $data = [
 291              'sectionid' => $section,
 292              'sectionreturn' => $sectionreturn
 293          ];
 294          $ajaxcontrol = $this->render_from_template('course/activitychooserbutton', $data);
 296          // Load the JS for the modal.
 297          $this->course_activitychooser($course->id);
 299          return $ajaxcontrol;
 300      }
 302      /**
 303       * Render the deprecated nonajax activity chooser.
 304       *
 305       * @deprecated since Moodle 3.11
 306       *
 307       * @todo MDL-71331 deprecate this function
 308       * @param stdClass $course the course object
 309       * @param int $section relative section number (field course_sections.section)
 310       * @param int $sectionreturn The section to link back to
 311       * @param array $displayoptions additional display options, for example blocks add
 312       *     option 'inblock' => true, suggesting to display controls vertically
 313       * @return string
 314       */
 315      private function course_section_add_cm_control_nonajax($course, $section, $sectionreturn = null,
 316              $displayoptions = array()): string {
 317          global $USER;
 319          $vertical = !empty($displayoptions['inblock']);
 321          // Check to see if user can add menus.
 322          if (
 323              !has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', context_course::instance($course->id))
 324              || !$this->page->user_is_editing()
 325          ) {
 326              return '';
 327          }
 329          debugging('non-js dropdowns are deprecated.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
 330          // Retrieve all modules with associated metadata.
 331          $contentitemservice = \core_course\local\factory\content_item_service_factory::get_content_item_service();
 332          $urlparams = ['section' => $section];
 333          if (!is_null($sectionreturn)) {
 334              $urlparams['sr'] = $sectionreturn;
 335          }
 336          $modules = $contentitemservice->get_content_items_for_user_in_course($USER, $course, $urlparams);
 338          // Return if there are no content items to add.
 339          if (empty($modules)) {
 340              return '';
 341          }
 343          // We'll sort resources and activities into two lists.
 344          $activities = array(MOD_CLASS_ACTIVITY => array(), MOD_CLASS_RESOURCE => array());
 346          foreach ($modules as $module) {
 347              $activityclass = MOD_CLASS_ACTIVITY;
 348              if ($module->archetype == MOD_ARCHETYPE_RESOURCE) {
 349                  $activityclass = MOD_CLASS_RESOURCE;
 350              } else if ($module->archetype === MOD_ARCHETYPE_SYSTEM) {
 351                  // System modules cannot be added by user, do not add to dropdown.
 352                  continue;
 353              }
 354              $link = $module->link;
 355              $activities[$activityclass][$link] = $module->title;
 356          }
 358          $straddactivity = get_string('addactivity');
 359          $straddresource = get_string('addresource');
 360          $sectionname = get_section_name($course, $section);
 361          $strresourcelabel = get_string('addresourcetosection', null, $sectionname);
 362          $stractivitylabel = get_string('addactivitytosection', null, $sectionname);
 364          $nonajaxcontrol = html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'section_add_menus', 'id' => 'add_menus-section-'
 365              . $section));
 367          if (!$vertical) {
 368              $nonajaxcontrol .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'horizontal'));
 369          }
 371          if (!empty($activities[MOD_CLASS_RESOURCE])) {
 372              $select = new url_select($activities[MOD_CLASS_RESOURCE], '', array('' => $straddresource), "ressection$section");
 373              $select->set_help_icon('resources');
 374              $select->set_label($strresourcelabel, array('class' => 'accesshide'));
 375              $nonajaxcontrol .= $this->output->render($select);
 376          }
 378          if (!empty($activities[MOD_CLASS_ACTIVITY])) {
 379              $select = new url_select($activities[MOD_CLASS_ACTIVITY], '', array('' => $straddactivity), "section$section");
 380              $select->set_help_icon('activities');
 381              $select->set_label($stractivitylabel, array('class' => 'accesshide'));
 382              $nonajaxcontrol .= $this->output->render($select);
 383          }
 385          if (!$vertical) {
 386              $nonajaxcontrol .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
 387          }
 389          $nonajaxcontrol .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
 391          return $nonajaxcontrol;
 392      }
 394      /**
 395       * Renders html to display a course search form
 396       *
 397       * @param string $value default value to populate the search field
 398       * @return string
 399       */
 400      public function course_search_form($value = '') {
 402          $data = [
 403              'action' => \core_search\manager::get_course_search_url(),
 404              'btnclass' => 'btn-primary',
 405              'inputname' => 'q',
 406              'searchstring' => get_string('searchcourses'),
 407              'hiddenfields' => (object) ['name' => 'areaids', 'value' => 'core_course-course'],
 408              'query' => $value
 409          ];
 410          return $this->render_from_template('core/search_input', $data);
 411      }
 413      /**
 414       * Renders html for completion box on course page
 415       *
 416       * If completion is disabled, returns empty string
 417       * If completion is automatic, returns an icon of the current completion state
 418       * If completion is manual, returns a form (with an icon inside) that allows user to
 419       * toggle completion
 420       *
 421       * @deprecated since Moodle 3.11
 422       * @todo MDL-71183 Final deprecation in Moodle 4.3.
 423       * @see \core_renderer::activity_information
 424       *
 425       * @param stdClass $course course object
 426       * @param completion_info $completioninfo completion info for the course, it is recommended
 427       *     to fetch once for all modules in course/section for performance
 428       * @param cm_info $mod module to show completion for
 429       * @param array $displayoptions display options, not used in core
 430       * @return string
 431       */
 432      public function course_section_cm_completion($course, &$completioninfo, cm_info $mod, $displayoptions = array()) {
 433          global $CFG, $DB, $USER;
 435          debugging(__FUNCTION__ . ' is deprecated and is being replaced by the activity_information output component.',
 436              DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
 438          $output = '';
 440          $istrackeduser = $completioninfo->is_tracked_user($USER->id);
 441          $isediting = $this->page->user_is_editing();
 443          if (!empty($displayoptions['hidecompletion']) || !isloggedin() || isguestuser() || !$mod->uservisible) {
 444              return $output;
 445          }
 446          if ($completioninfo === null) {
 447              $completioninfo = new completion_info($course);
 448          }
 449          $completion = $completioninfo->is_enabled($mod);
 451          if ($completion == COMPLETION_TRACKING_NONE) {
 452              if ($isediting) {
 453                  $output .= html_writer::span('&nbsp;', 'filler');
 454              }
 455              return $output;
 456          }
 458          $completionicon = '';
 460          if ($isediting || !$istrackeduser) {
 461              switch ($completion) {
 462                  case COMPLETION_TRACKING_MANUAL :
 463                      $completionicon = 'manual-enabled'; break;
 464                  case COMPLETION_TRACKING_AUTOMATIC :
 465                      $completionicon = 'auto-enabled'; break;
 466              }
 467          } else {
 468              $completiondata = $completioninfo->get_data($mod, true);
 469              if ($completion == COMPLETION_TRACKING_MANUAL) {
 470                  switch($completiondata->completionstate) {
 471                      case COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE:
 472                          $completionicon = 'manual-n' . ($completiondata->overrideby ? '-override' : '');
 473                          break;
 474                      case COMPLETION_COMPLETE:
 475                          $completionicon = 'manual-y' . ($completiondata->overrideby ? '-override' : '');
 476                          break;
 477                  }
 478              } else { // Automatic
 479                  switch($completiondata->completionstate) {
 480                      case COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE:
 481                          $completionicon = 'auto-n' . ($completiondata->overrideby ? '-override' : '');
 482                          break;
 483                      case COMPLETION_COMPLETE:
 484                          $completionicon = 'auto-y' . ($completiondata->overrideby ? '-override' : '');
 485                          break;
 486                      case COMPLETION_COMPLETE_PASS:
 487                          $completionicon = 'auto-pass'; break;
 488                      case COMPLETION_COMPLETE_FAIL:
 489                          $completionicon = 'auto-fail'; break;
 490                  }
 491              }
 492          }
 493          if ($completionicon) {
 494              $formattedname = html_entity_decode($mod->get_formatted_name(), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
 495              if (!$isediting && $istrackeduser && $completiondata->overrideby) {
 496                  $args = new stdClass();
 497                  $args->modname = $formattedname;
 498                  $overridebyuser = \core_user::get_user($completiondata->overrideby, '*', MUST_EXIST);
 499                  $args->overrideuser = fullname($overridebyuser);
 500                  $imgalt = get_string('completion-alt-' . $completionicon, 'completion', $args);
 501              } else {
 502                  $imgalt = get_string('completion-alt-' . $completionicon, 'completion', $formattedname);
 503              }
 505              if ($isediting || !$istrackeduser || !has_capability('moodle/course:togglecompletion', $mod->context)) {
 506                  // When editing, the icon is just an image.
 507                  $completionpixicon = new pix_icon('i/completion-'.$completionicon, $imgalt, '',
 508                          array('title' => $imgalt, 'class' => 'iconsmall'));
 509                  $output .= html_writer::tag('span', $this->output->render($completionpixicon),
 510                          array('class' => 'autocompletion'));
 511              } else if ($completion == COMPLETION_TRACKING_MANUAL) {
 512                  $newstate =
 513                      $completiondata->completionstate == COMPLETION_COMPLETE
 514                      ? COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE
 515                      : COMPLETION_COMPLETE;
 516                  // In manual mode the icon is a toggle form...
 518                  // If this completion state is used by the
 519                  // conditional activities system, we need to turn
 520                  // off the JS.
 521                  $extraclass = '';
 522                  if (!empty($CFG->enableavailability) &&
 523                          core_availability\info::completion_value_used($course, $mod->id)) {
 524                      $extraclass = ' preventjs';
 525                  }
 526                  $output .= html_writer::start_tag('form', array('method' => 'post',
 527                      'action' => new moodle_url('/course/togglecompletion.php'),
 528                      'class' => 'togglecompletion'. $extraclass));
 529                  $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div');
 530                  $output .= html_writer::empty_tag('input', array(
 531                      'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'id', 'value' => $mod->id));
 532                  $output .= html_writer::empty_tag('input', array(
 533                      'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'sesskey', 'value' => sesskey()));
 534                  $output .= html_writer::empty_tag('input', array(
 535                      'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'modulename', 'value' => $formattedname));
 536                  $output .= html_writer::empty_tag('input', array(
 537                      'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'completionstate', 'value' => $newstate));
 538                  $output .= html_writer::tag('button',
 539                      $this->output->pix_icon('i/completion-' . $completionicon, $imgalt),
 540                          array('class' => 'btn btn-link', 'aria-live' => 'assertive'));
 541                  $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
 542                  $output .= html_writer::end_tag('form');
 543              } else {
 544                  // In auto mode, the icon is just an image.
 545                  $completionpixicon = new pix_icon('i/completion-'.$completionicon, $imgalt, '',
 546                          array('title' => $imgalt));
 547                  $output .= html_writer::tag('span', $this->output->render($completionpixicon),
 548                          array('class' => 'autocompletion'));
 549              }
 550          }
 551          return $output;
 552      }
 554      /**
 555       * Checks if course module has any conditions that may make it unavailable for
 556       * all or some of the students
 557       *
 558       * @deprecated since Moodle 4.0 MDL-72656 - please do not use this function any more.
 559       *
 560       * @param cm_info $mod
 561       * @return bool
 562       */
 563      public function is_cm_conditionally_hidden(cm_info $mod) {
 564          global $CFG;
 566          debugging(
 567              'is_cm_conditionally_hidden is deprecated. Use \core_availability\info_module::is_available_for_all instead',
 568              DEBUG_DEVELOPER
 569          );
 571          $conditionalhidden = false;
 572          if (!empty($CFG->enableavailability)) {
 573              $info = new \core_availability\info_module($mod);
 574              $conditionalhidden = !$info->is_available_for_all();
 575          }
 576          return $conditionalhidden;
 577      }
 579      /**
 580       * Renders html to display a name with the link to the course module on a course page
 581       *
 582       * If module is unavailable for user but still needs to be displayed
 583       * in the list, just the name is returned without a link
 584       *
 585       * Note, that for course modules that never have separate pages (i.e. labels)
 586       * this function return an empty string
 587       *
 588       * @deprecated since Moodle 4.0 MDL-72656 - please do not use this function any more.
 589       *
 590       * @param cm_info $mod
 591       * @param array $displayoptions
 592       * @return string
 593       */
 594      public function course_section_cm_name(cm_info $mod, $displayoptions = array()) {
 595          debugging(
 596              'course_section_cm_name is deprecated. Use core_courseformat\\output\\local\\content\\cm\\cmname class instead.',
 597              DEBUG_DEVELOPER
 598          );
 600          if (!$mod->is_visible_on_course_page() || !$mod->url) {
 601              // Nothing to be displayed to the user.
 602              return '';
 603          }
 605          list($linkclasses, $textclasses) = $this->course_section_cm_classes($mod);
 606          $groupinglabel = $mod->get_grouping_label($textclasses);
 608          // Render element that allows to edit activity name inline.
 609          $format = course_get_format($mod->course);
 610          $cmnameclass = $format->get_output_classname('content\\cm\\cmname');
 611          // Mod inplace name editable.
 612          $cmname = new $cmnameclass(
 613              $format,
 614              $mod->get_section_info(),
 615              $mod,
 616              null,
 617              $displayoptions
 618          );
 620          $renderer = $format->get_renderer($this->page);
 621          return $renderer->render($cmname) . $groupinglabel;
 622      }
 624      /**
 625       * Returns the CSS classes for the activity name/content
 626       *
 627       * @deprecated since Moodle 4.0 MDL-72656 - please do not use this function any more.
 628       *
 629       * For items which are hidden, unavailable or stealth but should be displayed
 630       * to current user ($mod->is_visible_on_course_page()), we show those as dimmed.
 631       * Students will also see as dimmed activities names that are not yet available
 632       * but should still be displayed (without link) with availability info.
 633       *
 634       * @param cm_info $mod
 635       * @return array array of two elements ($linkclasses, $textclasses)
 636       */
 637      protected function course_section_cm_classes(cm_info $mod) {
 639          debugging(
 640              'course_section_cm_classes is deprecated. Now it is part of core_courseformat\\output\\local\\content\\cm ',
 641              DEBUG_DEVELOPER
 642          );
 644          $format = course_get_format($mod->course);
 646          $cmclass = $format->get_output_classname('content\\cm');
 647          $cmoutput = new $cmclass(
 648              $format,
 649              $mod->get_section_info(),
 650              $mod,
 651          );
 652          return [
 653              $cmoutput->get_link_classes(),
 654              $cmoutput->get_text_classes(),
 655          ];
 656      }
 658      /**
 659       * Renders html to display a name with the link to the course module on a course page
 660       *
 661       * If module is unavailable for user but still needs to be displayed
 662       * in the list, just the name is returned without a link
 663       *
 664       * Note, that for course modules that never have separate pages (i.e. labels)
 665       * this function return an empty string
 666       *
 667       * @deprecated since Moodle 4.0 MDL-72656 - please do not use this function any more.
 668       *
 669       * @param cm_info $mod
 670       * @param array $displayoptions
 671       * @return string
 672       */
 673      public function course_section_cm_name_title(cm_info $mod, $displayoptions = array()) {
 675          debugging(
 676              'course_section_cm_name_title is deprecated. Use core_courseformat\\output\\local\\cm\\title class instead.',
 677              DEBUG_DEVELOPER
 678          );
 680          $output = '';
 681          $url = $mod->url;
 682          if (!$mod->is_visible_on_course_page() || !$url) {
 683              // Nothing to be displayed to the user.
 684              return $output;
 685          }
 687          //Accessibility: for files get description via icon, this is very ugly hack!
 688          $instancename = $mod->get_formatted_name();
 689          $altname = $mod->modfullname;
 690          // Avoid unnecessary duplication: if e.g. a forum name already
 691          // includes the word forum (or Forum, etc) then it is unhelpful
 692          // to include that in the accessible description that is added.
 693          if (false !== strpos(core_text::strtolower($instancename),
 694                  core_text::strtolower($altname))) {
 695              $altname = '';
 696          }
 697          // File type after name, for alphabetic lists (screen reader).
 698          if ($altname) {
 699              $altname = get_accesshide(' '.$altname);
 700          }
 702          list($linkclasses, $textclasses) = $this->course_section_cm_classes($mod);
 704          // Get on-click attribute value if specified and decode the onclick - it
 705          // has already been encoded for display (puke).
 706          $onclick = htmlspecialchars_decode($mod->onclick, ENT_QUOTES);
 708          // Display link itself.
 709          $instancename = html_writer::tag('span', $instancename . $altname, ['class' => 'instancename ml-1']);
 711          $imageicon = html_writer::empty_tag('img', ['src' => $mod->get_icon_url(),
 712              'class' => 'activityicon', 'alt' => '', 'role' => 'presentation', 'aria-hidden' => 'true']);
 713          $imageicon = html_writer::tag('span', $imageicon, ['class' => 'activityiconcontainer courseicon']);
 714          $activitylink = $imageicon . $instancename;
 716          if ($mod->uservisible) {
 717              $output .= html_writer::link($url, $activitylink, array('class' => 'aalink' . $linkclasses, 'onclick' => $onclick));
 718          } else {
 719              // We may be displaying this just in order to show information
 720              // about visibility, without the actual link ($mod->is_visible_on_course_page()).
 721              $output .= html_writer::tag('div', $activitylink, array('class' => $textclasses));
 722          }
 723          return $output;
 724      }
 726      /**
 727       * Renders html to display the module content on the course page (i.e. text of the labels)
 728       *
 729       * @deprecated since Moodle 4.0 MDL-72656 - please do not use this function any more.
 730       *
 731       * @param cm_info $mod
 732       * @param array $displayoptions
 733       * @return string
 734       */
 735      public function course_section_cm_text(cm_info $mod, $displayoptions = array()) {
 737          debugging(
 738              'course_section_cm_text is deprecated. Now it is part of core_courseformat\\output\\local\\content\\cm ',
 739              DEBUG_DEVELOPER
 740          );
 742          $output = '';
 743          if (!$mod->is_visible_on_course_page()) {
 744              // nothing to be displayed to the user
 745              return $output;
 746          }
 747          $content = $mod->get_formatted_content(array('overflowdiv' => true, 'noclean' => true));
 748          list($linkclasses, $textclasses) = $this->course_section_cm_classes($mod);
 749          if ($mod->url && $mod->uservisible) {
 750              if ($content) {
 751                  // If specified, display extra content after link.
 752                  $output = html_writer::tag('div', $content, array('class' =>
 753                          trim('contentafterlink ' . $textclasses)));
 754              }
 755          } else {
 756              $groupinglabel = $mod->get_grouping_label($textclasses);
 758              // No link, so display only content.
 759              $output = html_writer::tag('div', $content . $groupinglabel,
 760                      array('class' => 'contentwithoutlink ' . $textclasses));
 761          }
 762          return $output;
 763      }
 765      /**
 766       * Displays availability info for a course section or course module
 767       *
 768       * @deprecated since Moodle 4.0 MDL-72656 - please do not use this function any more.
 769       * @param string $text
 770       * @param string $additionalclasses
 771       * @return string
 772       */
 773      public function availability_info($text, $additionalclasses = '') {
 775          debugging(
 776              'availability_info is deprecated. Use core_courseformat\\output\\local\\content\\section\\availability instead',
 777              DEBUG_DEVELOPER
 778          );
 780          $data = ['text' => $text, 'classes' => $additionalclasses];
 781          $additionalclasses = array_filter(explode(' ', $additionalclasses));
 783          if (in_array('ishidden', $additionalclasses)) {
 784              $data['ishidden'] = 1;
 786          } else if (in_array('isstealth', $additionalclasses)) {
 787              $data['isstealth'] = 1;
 789          } else if (in_array('isrestricted', $additionalclasses)) {
 790              $data['isrestricted'] = 1;
 792              if (in_array('isfullinfo', $additionalclasses)) {
 793                  $data['isfullinfo'] = 1;
 794              }
 795          }
 797          return $this->render_from_template('core/availability_info', $data);
 798      }
 800      /**
 801       * Renders HTML to show course module availability information (for someone who isn't allowed
 802       * to see the activity itself, or for staff)
 803       *
 804       * @deprecated since Moodle 4.0 MDL-72656 - please do not use this function any more.
 805       * @param cm_info $mod
 806       * @param array $displayoptions
 807       * @return string
 808       */
 809      public function course_section_cm_availability(cm_info $mod, $displayoptions = array()) {
 811          debugging(
 812              'course_section_cm_availability is deprecated. Use core_courseformat\\output\\local\\content\\cm\\availability instead',
 813              DEBUG_DEVELOPER
 814          );
 816          $format = course_get_format($mod->course);
 818          $availabilityclass = $format->get_output_classname('content\\cm\\availability');
 819          $availability = new $availabilityclass(
 820              $format,
 821              $mod->get_section_info(),
 822              $mod,
 823          );
 824          $renderer = $format->get_renderer($this->page);
 825          return $renderer->render($availability);
 826      }
 828      /**
 829       * Renders HTML to display one course module for display within a section.
 830       *
 831       * @deprecated since 4.0 - use core_course output components or course_format::course_section_updated_cm_item instead.
 832       *
 833       * This function calls:
 834       * {@link core_course_renderer::course_section_cm()}
 835       *
 836       * @param stdClass $course
 837       * @param completion_info $completioninfo
 838       * @param cm_info $mod
 839       * @param int|null $sectionreturn
 840       * @param array $displayoptions
 841       * @return String
 842       */
 843      public function course_section_cm_list_item($course, &$completioninfo, cm_info $mod, $sectionreturn, $displayoptions = []) {
 845          debugging(
 846              'course_section_cm_list_item is deprecated. Use renderer course_section_updated_cm_item instead',
 847              DEBUG_DEVELOPER
 848          );
 850          $output = '';
 851          if ($modulehtml = $this->course_section_cm($course, $completioninfo, $mod, $sectionreturn, $displayoptions)) {
 852              $modclasses = 'activity ' . $mod->modname . ' modtype_' . $mod->modname . ' ' . $mod->extraclasses;
 853              $output .= html_writer::tag('li', $modulehtml, array('class' => $modclasses, 'id' => 'module-' . $mod->id));
 854          }
 855          return $output;
 856      }
 858      /**
 859       * Renders HTML to display one course module in a course section
 860       *
 861       * This includes link, content, availability, completion info and additional information
 862       * that module type wants to display (i.e. number of unread forum posts)
 863       *
 864       * @deprecated since 4.0 MDL-72656 - use core_course output components instead.
 865       *
 866       * @param stdClass $course
 867       * @param completion_info $completioninfo
 868       * @param cm_info $mod
 869       * @param int|null $sectionreturn
 870       * @param array $displayoptions
 871       * @return string
 872       */
 873      public function course_section_cm($course, &$completioninfo, cm_info $mod, $sectionreturn, $displayoptions = []) {
 875          debugging(
 876              'course_section_cm is deprecated. Use core_courseformat\\output\\content\\cm output class instead.',
 877              DEBUG_DEVELOPER
 878          );
 880          if (!$mod->is_visible_on_course_page()) {
 881              return '';
 882          }
 884          $format = course_get_format($course);
 885          $modinfo = $format->get_modinfo();
 886          // Output renderers works only with real section_info objects.
 887          if ($sectionreturn) {
 888              $format->set_section_number($sectionreturn);
 889          }
 890          $section = $modinfo->get_section_info($format->get_section_number());
 892          $cmclass = $format->get_output_classname('content\\cm');
 893          $cm = new $cmclass($format, $section, $mod, $displayoptions);
 894          // The course outputs works with format renderers, not with course renderers.
 895          $renderer = $format->get_renderer($this->page);
 896          $data = $cm->export_for_template($renderer);
 897          return $this->output->render_from_template('core_courseformat/local/content/cm', $data);
 898      }
 900      /**
 901       * Message displayed to the user when they try to access unavailable activity following URL
 902       *
 903       * This method is a very simplified version of {@link course_section_cm()} to be part of the error
 904       * notification only. It also does not check if module is visible on course page or not.
 905       *
 906       * The message will be displayed inside notification!
 907       *
 908       * @param cm_info $cm
 909       * @return string
 910       */
 911      public function course_section_cm_unavailable_error_message(cm_info $cm) {
 912          if ($cm->uservisible) {
 913              return null;
 914          }
 915          if (!$cm->availableinfo) {
 916              return get_string('activityiscurrentlyhidden');
 917          }
 919          $altname = get_accesshide(' ' . $cm->modfullname);
 920          $name = html_writer::empty_tag('img', array('src' => $cm->get_icon_url(),
 921                  'class' => 'iconlarge activityicon', 'alt' => ' ', 'role' => 'presentation')) .
 922              html_writer::tag('span', ' '.$cm->get_formatted_name() . $altname, array('class' => 'instancename'));
 923          $formattedinfo = \core_availability\info::format_info($cm->availableinfo, $cm->get_course());
 924          return html_writer::div($name, 'activityinstance-error') .
 925          html_writer::div($formattedinfo, 'availabilityinfo-error');
 926      }
 928      /**
 929       * Renders HTML to display a list of course modules in a course section
 930       * Also displays "move here" controls in Javascript-disabled mode.
 931       *
 932       * @deprecated since 4.0 MDL-72656 - use core_course output components instead.
 933       *
 934       * This function calls {@link core_course_renderer::course_section_cm()}
 935       *
 936       * @param stdClass $course course object
 937       * @param int|stdClass|section_info $section relative section number or section object
 938       * @param int $sectionreturn section number to return to
 939       * @param int $displayoptions
 940       * @return void
 941       */
 942      public function course_section_cm_list($course, $section, $sectionreturn = null, $displayoptions = []) {
 943          global $USER;
 945          debugging('course_section_cm_list is deprecated. Use core_courseformat\\output\\local\\content\\section\\cmlist '.
 946                  'classes instead.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
 948          $output = '';
 950          $format = course_get_format($course);
 951          $modinfo = $format->get_modinfo();
 953          if (is_object($section)) {
 954              $section = $modinfo->get_section_info($section->section);
 955          } else {
 956              $section = $modinfo->get_section_info($section);
 957          }
 958          $completioninfo = new completion_info($course);
 960          // check if we are currently in the process of moving a module with JavaScript disabled
 961          $ismoving = $format->show_editor() && ismoving($course->id);
 963          if ($ismoving) {
 964              $strmovefull = strip_tags(get_string("movefull", "", "'$USER->activitycopyname'"));
 965          }
 967          // Get the list of modules visible to user (excluding the module being moved if there is one)
 968          $moduleshtml = [];
 969          if (!empty($modinfo->sections[$section->section])) {
 970              foreach ($modinfo->sections[$section->section] as $modnumber) {
 971                  $mod = $modinfo->cms[$modnumber];
 973                  if ($ismoving and $mod->id == $USER->activitycopy) {
 974                      // do not display moving mod
 975                      continue;
 976                  }
 978                  if ($modulehtml = $this->course_section_cm_list_item($course,
 979                          $completioninfo, $mod, $sectionreturn, $displayoptions)) {
 980                      $moduleshtml[$modnumber] = $modulehtml;
 981                  }
 982              }
 983          }
 985          $sectionoutput = '';
 986          if (!empty($moduleshtml) || $ismoving) {
 987              foreach ($moduleshtml as $modnumber => $modulehtml) {
 988                  if ($ismoving) {
 989                      $movingurl = new moodle_url('/course/mod.php', array('moveto' => $modnumber, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
 990                      $sectionoutput .= html_writer::tag('li',
 991                          html_writer::link($movingurl, '', array('title' => $strmovefull, 'class' => 'movehere')),
 992                          array('class' => 'movehere'));
 993                  }
 995                  $sectionoutput .= $modulehtml;
 996              }
 998              if ($ismoving) {
 999                  $movingurl = new moodle_url('/course/mod.php', array('movetosection' => $section->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
1000                  $sectionoutput .= html_writer::tag('li',
1001                      html_writer::link($movingurl, '', array('title' => $strmovefull, 'class' => 'movehere')),
1002                      array('class' => 'movehere'));
1003              }
1004          }
1006          // Always output the section module list.
1007          $output .= html_writer::tag('ul', $sectionoutput, array('class' => 'section img-text'));
1009          return $output;
1010      }
1012      /**
1013       * Displays a custom list of courses with paging bar if necessary
1014       *
1015       * If $paginationurl is specified but $totalcount is not, the link 'View more'
1016       * appears under the list.
1017       *
1018       * If both $paginationurl and $totalcount are specified, and $totalcount is
1019       * bigger than count($courses), a paging bar is displayed above and under the
1020       * courses list.
1021       *
1022       * @param array $courses array of course records (or instances of core_course_list_element) to show on this page
1023       * @param bool $showcategoryname whether to add category name to the course description
1024       * @param string $additionalclasses additional CSS classes to add to the
1025       * @param moodle_url $paginationurl url to view more or url to form links to the other pages in paging bar
1026       * @param int $totalcount total number of courses on all pages, if omitted $paginationurl will be displayed as 'View more' link
1027       * @param int $page current page number (defaults to 0 referring to the first page)
1028       * @param int $perpage number of records per page (defaults to $CFG->coursesperpage)
1029       * @return string
1030       */
1031      public function courses_list($courses, $showcategoryname = false, $additionalclasses = null, $paginationurl = null, $totalcount = null, $page = 0, $perpage = null) {
1032          global $CFG;
1033          // create instance of coursecat_helper to pass display options to function rendering courses list
1034          $chelper = new coursecat_helper();
1035          if ($showcategoryname) {
1036              $chelper->set_show_courses(self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_EXPANDED_WITH_CAT);
1037          } else {
1038              $chelper->set_show_courses(self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_EXPANDED);
1039          }
1040          if ($totalcount !== null && $paginationurl !== null) {
1041              // add options to display pagination
1042              if ($perpage === null) {
1043                  $perpage = $CFG->coursesperpage;
1044              }
1045              $chelper->set_courses_display_options(array(
1046                  'limit' => $perpage,
1047                  'offset' => ((int)$page) * $perpage,
1048                  'paginationurl' => $paginationurl,
1049              ));
1050          } else if ($paginationurl !== null) {
1051              // add options to display 'View more' link
1052              $chelper->set_courses_display_options(array('viewmoreurl' => $paginationurl));
1053              $totalcount = count($courses) + 1; // has to be bigger than count($courses) otherwise link will not be displayed
1054          }
1055          $chelper->set_attributes(array('class' => $additionalclasses));
1056          $content = $this->coursecat_courses($chelper, $courses, $totalcount);
1057          return $content;
1058      }
1060      /**
1061       * Returns HTML to display course name.
1062       *
1063       * @param coursecat_helper $chelper
1064       * @param core_course_list_element $course
1065       * @return string
1066       */
1067      protected function course_name(coursecat_helper $chelper, core_course_list_element $course): string {
1068          $content = '';
1069          if ($chelper->get_show_courses() >= self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_EXPANDED) {
1070              $nametag = 'h3';
1071          } else {
1072              $nametag = 'div';
1073          }
1074          $coursename = $chelper->get_course_formatted_name($course);
1075          $coursenamelink = html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/course/view.php', ['id' => $course->id]),
1076              $coursename, ['class' => $course->visible ? 'aalink' : 'aalink dimmed']);
1077          $content .= html_writer::tag($nametag, $coursenamelink, ['class' => 'coursename']);
1078          // If we display course in collapsed form but the course has summary or course contacts, display the link to the info page.
1079          $content .= html_writer::start_tag('div', ['class' => 'moreinfo']);
1080          if ($chelper->get_show_courses() < self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_EXPANDED) {
1081              if ($course->has_summary() || $course->has_course_contacts() || $course->has_course_overviewfiles()
1082                  || $course->has_custom_fields()) {
1083                  $url = new moodle_url('/course/info.php', ['id' => $course->id]);
1084                  $image = $this->output->pix_icon('i/info', $this->strings->summary);
1085                  $content .= html_writer::link($url, $image, ['title' => $this->strings->summary]);
1086                  // Make sure JS file to expand course content is included.
1087                  $this->coursecat_include_js();
1088              }
1089          }
1090          $content .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
1091          return $content;
1092      }
1094      /**
1095       * Returns HTML to display course enrolment icons.
1096       *
1097       * @param core_course_list_element $course
1098       * @return string
1099       */
1100      protected function course_enrolment_icons(core_course_list_element $course): string {
1101          $content = '';
1102          if ($icons = enrol_get_course_info_icons($course)) {
1103              $content .= html_writer::start_tag('div', ['class' => 'enrolmenticons']);
1104              foreach ($icons as $icon) {
1105                  $content .= $this->render($icon);
1106              }
1107              $content .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
1108          }
1109          return $content;
1110      }
1112      /**
1113       * Displays one course in the list of courses.
1114       *
1115       * This is an internal function, to display an information about just one course
1116       * please use {@link core_course_renderer::course_info_box()}
1117       *
1118       * @param coursecat_helper $chelper various display options
1119       * @param core_course_list_element|stdClass $course
1120       * @param string $additionalclasses additional classes to add to the main <div> tag (usually
1121       *    depend on the course position in list - first/last/even/odd)
1122       * @return string
1123       */
1124      protected function coursecat_coursebox(coursecat_helper $chelper, $course, $additionalclasses = '') {
1125          if (!isset($this->strings->summary)) {
1126              $this->strings->summary = get_string('summary');
1127          }
1128          if ($chelper->get_show_courses() <= self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_COUNT) {
1129              return '';
1130          }
1131          if ($course instanceof stdClass) {
1132              $course = new core_course_list_element($course);
1133          }
1134          $content = '';
1135          $classes = trim('coursebox clearfix '. $additionalclasses);
1136          if ($chelper->get_show_courses() < self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_EXPANDED) {
1137              $classes .= ' collapsed';
1138          }
1140          // .coursebox
1141          $content .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array(
1142              'class' => $classes,
1143              'data-courseid' => $course->id,
1144              'data-type' => self::COURSECAT_TYPE_COURSE,
1145          ));
1147          $content .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'info'));
1148          $content .= $this->course_name($chelper, $course);
1149          $content .= $this->course_enrolment_icons($course);
1150          $content .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
1152          $content .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'content'));
1153          $content .= $this->coursecat_coursebox_content($chelper, $course);
1154          $content .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
1156          $content .= html_writer::end_tag('div'); // .coursebox
1157          return $content;
1158      }
1160      /**
1161       * Returns HTML to display course summary.
1162       *
1163       * @param coursecat_helper $chelper
1164       * @param core_course_list_element $course
1165       * @return string
1166       */
1167      protected function course_summary(coursecat_helper $chelper, core_course_list_element $course): string {
1168          $content = '';
1169          if ($course->has_summary()) {
1170              $content .= html_writer::start_tag('div', ['class' => 'summary']);
1171              $content .= $chelper->get_course_formatted_summary($course,
1172                  array('overflowdiv' => true, 'noclean' => true, 'para' => false));
1173              $content .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
1174          }
1175          return $content;
1176      }
1178      /**
1179       * Returns HTML to display course contacts.
1180       *
1181       * @param core_course_list_element $course
1182       * @return string
1183       */
1184      protected function course_contacts(core_course_list_element $course) {
1185          $content = '';
1186          if ($course->has_course_contacts()) {
1187              $content .= html_writer::start_tag('ul', ['class' => 'teachers']);
1188              foreach ($course->get_course_contacts() as $coursecontact) {
1189                  $rolenames = array_map(function ($role) {
1190                      return $role->displayname;
1191                  }, $coursecontact['roles']);
1192                  $name = html_writer::tag('span', implode(", ", $rolenames).': ', ['class' => 'font-weight-bold']);
1193                  $name .= html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/user/view.php',
1194                          ['id' => $coursecontact['user']->id, 'course' => SITEID]),
1195                          $coursecontact['username']);
1196                  $content .= html_writer::tag('li', $name);
1197              }
1198              $content .= html_writer::end_tag('ul');
1199          }
1200          return $content;
1201      }
1203      /**
1204       * Returns HTML to display course overview files.
1205       *
1206       * @param core_course_list_element $course
1207       * @return string
1208       */
1209      protected function course_overview_files(core_course_list_element $course): string {
1210          global $CFG;
1212          $contentimages = $contentfiles = '';
1213          foreach ($course->get_course_overviewfiles() as $file) {
1214              $isimage = $file->is_valid_image();
1215              $url = moodle_url::make_file_url("$CFG->wwwroot/pluginfile.php",
1216                  '/' . $file->get_contextid() . '/' . $file->get_component() . '/' .
1217                  $file->get_filearea() . $file->get_filepath() . $file->get_filename(), !$isimage);
1218              if ($isimage) {
1219                  $contentimages .= html_writer::tag('div',
1220                      html_writer::empty_tag('img', ['src' => $url]),
1221                      ['class' => 'courseimage']);
1222              } else {
1223                  $image = $this->output->pix_icon(file_file_icon($file, 24), $file->get_filename(), 'moodle');
1224                  $filename = html_writer::tag('span', $image, ['class' => 'fp-icon']).
1225                      html_writer::tag('span', $file->get_filename(), ['class' => 'fp-filename']);
1226                  $contentfiles .= html_writer::tag('span',
1227                      html_writer::link($url, $filename),
1228                      ['class' => 'coursefile fp-filename-icon text-break']);
1229              }
1230          }
1231          return $contentimages . $contentfiles;
1232      }
1234      /**
1235       * Returns HTML to display course category name.
1236       *
1237       * @param coursecat_helper $chelper
1238       * @param core_course_list_element $course
1239       * @return string
1240       */
1241      protected function course_category_name(coursecat_helper $chelper, core_course_list_element $course): string {
1242          $content = '';
1243          // Display course category if necessary (for example in search results).
1244          if ($chelper->get_show_courses() == self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_EXPANDED_WITH_CAT) {
1245              if ($cat = core_course_category::get($course->category, IGNORE_MISSING)) {
1246                  $content .= html_writer::start_tag('div', ['class' => 'coursecat']);
1247                  $content .= html_writer::tag('span', get_string('category').': ', ['class' => 'font-weight-bold']);
1248                  $content .= html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/course/index.php', ['categoryid' => $cat->id]),
1249                          $cat->get_formatted_name(), ['class' => $cat->visible ? '' : 'dimmed']);
1250                  $content .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
1251              }
1252          }
1253          return $content;
1254      }
1256      /**
1257       * Returns HTML to display course custom fields.
1258       *
1259       * @param core_course_list_element $course
1260       * @return string
1261       */
1262      protected function course_custom_fields(core_course_list_element $course): string {
1263          $content = '';
1264          if ($course->has_custom_fields()) {
1265              $handler = core_course\customfield\course_handler::create();
1266              $customfields = $handler->display_custom_fields_data($course->get_custom_fields());
1267              $content .= \html_writer::tag('div', $customfields, ['class' => 'customfields-container']);
1268          }
1269          return $content;
1270      }
1272      /**
1273       * Returns HTML to display course content (summary, course contacts and optionally category name)
1274       *
1275       * This method is called from coursecat_coursebox() and may be re-used in AJAX
1276       *
1277       * @param coursecat_helper $chelper various display options
1278       * @param stdClass|core_course_list_element $course
1279       * @return string
1280       */
1281      protected function coursecat_coursebox_content(coursecat_helper $chelper, $course) {
1282          if ($chelper->get_show_courses() < self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_EXPANDED) {
1283              return '';
1284          }
1285          if ($course instanceof stdClass) {
1286              $course = new core_course_list_element($course);
1287          }
1288          $content = \html_writer::start_tag('div', ['class' => 'd-flex']);
1289          $content .= $this->course_overview_files($course);
1290          $content .= \html_writer::start_tag('div', ['class' => 'flex-grow-1']);
1291          $content .= $this->course_summary($chelper, $course);
1292          $content .= $this->course_contacts($course);
1293          $content .= $this->course_category_name($chelper, $course);
1294          $content .= $this->course_custom_fields($course);
1295          $content .= \html_writer::end_tag('div');
1296          $content .= \html_writer::end_tag('div');
1297          return $content;
1298      }
1300      /**
1301       * Renders the list of courses
1302       *
1303       * This is internal function, please use {@link core_course_renderer::courses_list()} or another public
1304       * method from outside of the class
1305       *
1306       * If list of courses is specified in $courses; the argument $chelper is only used
1307       * to retrieve display options and attributes, only methods get_show_courses(),
1308       * get_courses_display_option() and get_and_erase_attributes() are called.
1309       *
1310       * @param coursecat_helper $chelper various display options
1311       * @param array $courses the list of courses to display
1312       * @param int|null $totalcount total number of courses (affects display mode if it is AUTO or pagination if applicable),
1313       *     defaulted to count($courses)
1314       * @return string
1315       */
1316      protected function coursecat_courses(coursecat_helper $chelper, $courses, $totalcount = null) {
1317          global $CFG;
1318          if ($totalcount === null) {
1319              $totalcount = count($courses);
1320          }
1321          if (!$totalcount) {
1322              // Courses count is cached during courses retrieval.
1323              return '';
1324          }
1326          if ($chelper->get_show_courses() == self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_AUTO) {
1327              // In 'auto' course display mode we analyse if number of courses is more or less than $CFG->courseswithsummarieslimit
1328              if ($totalcount <= $CFG->courseswithsummarieslimit) {
1329                  $chelper->set_show_courses(self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_EXPANDED);
1330              } else {
1331                  $chelper->set_show_courses(self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_COLLAPSED);
1332              }
1333          }
1335          // prepare content of paging bar if it is needed
1336          $paginationurl = $chelper->get_courses_display_option('paginationurl');
1337          $paginationallowall = $chelper->get_courses_display_option('paginationallowall');
1338          if ($totalcount > count($courses)) {
1339              // there are more results that can fit on one page
1340              if ($paginationurl) {
1341                  // the option paginationurl was specified, display pagingbar
1342                  $perpage = $chelper->get_courses_display_option('limit', $CFG->coursesperpage);
1343                  $page = $chelper->get_courses_display_option('offset') / $perpage;
1344                  $pagingbar = $this->paging_bar($totalcount, $page, $perpage,
1345                          $paginationurl->out(false, array('perpage' => $perpage)));
1346                  if ($paginationallowall) {
1347                      $pagingbar .= html_writer::tag('div', html_writer::link($paginationurl->out(false, array('perpage' => 'all')),
1348                              get_string('showall', '', $totalcount)), array('class' => 'paging paging-showall'));
1349                  }
1350              } else if ($viewmoreurl = $chelper->get_courses_display_option('viewmoreurl')) {
1351                  // the option for 'View more' link was specified, display more link
1352                  $viewmoretext = $chelper->get_courses_display_option('viewmoretext', new lang_string('viewmore'));
1353                  $morelink = html_writer::tag(
1354                      'div',
1355                      html_writer::link($viewmoreurl, $viewmoretext, ['class' => 'btn btn-secondary']),
1356                      ['class' => 'paging paging-morelink']
1357                  );
1358              }
1359          } else if (($totalcount > $CFG->coursesperpage) && $paginationurl && $paginationallowall) {
1360              // there are more than one page of results and we are in 'view all' mode, suggest to go back to paginated view mode
1361              $pagingbar = html_writer::tag('div', html_writer::link($paginationurl->out(false, array('perpage' => $CFG->coursesperpage)),
1362                  get_string('showperpage', '', $CFG->coursesperpage)), array('class' => 'paging paging-showperpage'));
1363          }
1365          // display list of courses
1366          $attributes = $chelper->get_and_erase_attributes('courses');
1367          $content = html_writer::start_tag('div', $attributes);
1369          if (!empty($pagingbar)) {
1370              $content .= $pagingbar;
1371          }
1373          $coursecount = 0;
1374          foreach ($courses as $course) {
1375              $coursecount ++;
1376              $classes = ($coursecount%2) ? 'odd' : 'even';
1377              if ($coursecount == 1) {
1378                  $classes .= ' first';
1379              }
1380              if ($coursecount >= count($courses)) {
1381                  $classes .= ' last';
1382              }
1383              $content .= $this->coursecat_coursebox($chelper, $course, $classes);
1384          }
1386          if (!empty($pagingbar)) {
1387              $content .= $pagingbar;
1388          }
1389          if (!empty($morelink)) {
1390              $content .= $morelink;
1391          }
1393          $content .= html_writer::end_tag('div'); // .courses
1394          return $content;
1395      }
1397      /**
1398       * Renders the list of subcategories in a category
1399       *
1400       * @param coursecat_helper $chelper various display options
1401       * @param core_course_category $coursecat
1402       * @param int $depth depth of the category in the current tree
1403       * @return string
1404       */
1405      protected function coursecat_subcategories(coursecat_helper $chelper, $coursecat, $depth) {
1406          global $CFG;
1407          $subcategories = array();
1408          if (!$chelper->get_categories_display_option('nodisplay')) {
1409              $subcategories = $coursecat->get_children($chelper->get_categories_display_options());
1410          }
1411          $totalcount = $coursecat->get_children_count();
1412          if (!$totalcount) {
1413              // Note that we call core_course_category::get_children_count() AFTER core_course_category::get_children()
1414              // to avoid extra DB requests.
1415              // Categories count is cached during children categories retrieval.
1416              return '';
1417          }
1419          // prepare content of paging bar or more link if it is needed
1420          $paginationurl = $chelper->get_categories_display_option('paginationurl');
1421          $paginationallowall = $chelper->get_categories_display_option('paginationallowall');
1422          if ($totalcount > count($subcategories)) {
1423              if ($paginationurl) {
1424                  // the option 'paginationurl was specified, display pagingbar
1425                  $perpage = $chelper->get_categories_display_option('limit', $CFG->coursesperpage);
1426                  $page = $chelper->get_categories_display_option('offset') / $perpage;
1427                  $pagingbar = $this->paging_bar($totalcount, $page, $perpage,
1428                          $paginationurl->out(false, array('perpage' => $perpage)));
1429                  if ($paginationallowall) {
1430                      $pagingbar .= html_writer::tag('div', html_writer::link($paginationurl->out(false, array('perpage' => 'all')),
1431                              get_string('showall', '', $totalcount)), array('class' => 'paging paging-showall'));
1432                  }
1433              } else if ($viewmoreurl = $chelper->get_categories_display_option('viewmoreurl')) {
1434                  // the option 'viewmoreurl' was specified, display more link (if it is link to category view page, add category id)
1435                  if ($viewmoreurl->compare(new moodle_url('/course/index.php'), URL_MATCH_BASE)) {
1436                      $viewmoreurl->param('categoryid', $coursecat->id);
1437                  }
1438                  $viewmoretext = $chelper->get_categories_display_option('viewmoretext', new lang_string('viewmore'));
1439                  $morelink = html_writer::tag('div', html_writer::link($viewmoreurl, $viewmoretext),
1440                          array('class' => 'paging paging-morelink'));
1441              }
1442          } else if (($totalcount > $CFG->coursesperpage) && $paginationurl && $paginationallowall) {
1443              // there are more than one page of results and we are in 'view all' mode, suggest to go back to paginated view mode
1444              $pagingbar = html_writer::tag('div', html_writer::link($paginationurl->out(false, array('perpage' => $CFG->coursesperpage)),
1445                  get_string('showperpage', '', $CFG->coursesperpage)), array('class' => 'paging paging-showperpage'));
1446          }
1448          // display list of subcategories
1449          $content = html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'subcategories'));
1451          if (!empty($pagingbar)) {
1452              $content .= $pagingbar;
1453          }
1455          foreach ($subcategories as $subcategory) {
1456              $content .= $this->coursecat_category($chelper, $subcategory, $depth + 1);
1457          }
1459          if (!empty($pagingbar)) {
1460              $content .= $pagingbar;
1461          }
1462          if (!empty($morelink)) {
1463              $content .= $morelink;
1464          }
1466          $content .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
1467          return $content;
1468      }
1470      /**
1471       * Make sure that javascript file for AJAX expanding of courses and categories content is included
1472       */
1473      protected function coursecat_include_js() {
1474          if (!$this->page->requires->should_create_one_time_item_now('core_course_categoryexpanderjsinit')) {
1475              return;
1476          }
1478          // We must only load this module once.
1479          $this->page->requires->yui_module('moodle-course-categoryexpander',
1480                  'Y.Moodle.course.categoryexpander.init');
1481      }
1483      /**
1484       * Returns HTML to display the subcategories and courses in the given category
1485       *
1486       * This method is re-used by AJAX to expand content of not loaded category
1487       *
1488       * @param coursecat_helper $chelper various display options
1489       * @param core_course_category $coursecat
1490       * @param int $depth depth of the category in the current tree
1491       * @return string
1492       */
1493      protected function coursecat_category_content(coursecat_helper $chelper, $coursecat, $depth) {
1494          $content = '';
1495          // Subcategories
1496          $content .= $this->coursecat_subcategories($chelper, $coursecat, $depth);
1498          // AUTO show courses: Courses will be shown expanded if this is not nested category,
1499          // and number of courses no bigger than $CFG->courseswithsummarieslimit.
1500          $showcoursesauto = $chelper->get_show_courses() == self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_AUTO;
1501          if ($showcoursesauto && $depth) {
1502              // this is definitely collapsed mode
1503              $chelper->set_show_courses(self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_COLLAPSED);
1504          }
1506          // Courses
1507          if ($chelper->get_show_courses() > core_course_renderer::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_COUNT) {
1508              $courses = array();
1509              if (!$chelper->get_courses_display_option('nodisplay')) {
1510                  $courses = $coursecat->get_courses($chelper->get_courses_display_options());
1511              }
1512              if ($viewmoreurl = $chelper->get_courses_display_option('viewmoreurl')) {
1513                  // the option for 'View more' link was specified, display more link (if it is link to category view page, add category id)
1514                  if ($viewmoreurl->compare(new moodle_url('/course/index.php'), URL_MATCH_BASE)) {
1515                      $chelper->set_courses_display_option('viewmoreurl', new moodle_url($viewmoreurl, array('categoryid' => $coursecat->id)));
1516                  }
1517              }
1518              $content .= $this->coursecat_courses($chelper, $courses, $coursecat->get_courses_count());
1519          }
1521          if ($showcoursesauto) {
1522              // restore the show_courses back to AUTO
1523              $chelper->set_show_courses(self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_AUTO);
1524          }
1526          return $content;
1527      }
1529      /**
1530       * Returns HTML to display a course category as a part of a tree
1531       *
1532       * This is an internal function, to display a particular category and all its contents
1533       * use {@link core_course_renderer::course_category()}
1534       *
1535       * @param coursecat_helper $chelper various display options
1536       * @param core_course_category $coursecat
1537       * @param int $depth depth of this category in the current tree
1538       * @return string
1539       */
1540      protected function coursecat_category(coursecat_helper $chelper, $coursecat, $depth) {
1541          // open category tag
1542          $classes = array('category');
1543          if (empty($coursecat->visible)) {
1544              $classes[] = 'dimmed_category';
1545          }
1546          if ($chelper->get_subcat_depth() > 0 && $depth >= $chelper->get_subcat_depth()) {
1547              // do not load content
1548              $categorycontent = '';
1549              $classes[] = 'notloaded';
1550              if ($coursecat->get_children_count() ||
1551                      ($chelper->get_show_courses() >= self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_COLLAPSED && $coursecat->get_courses_count())) {
1552                  $classes[] = 'with_children';
1553                  $classes[] = 'collapsed';
1554              }
1555          } else {
1556              // load category content
1557              $categorycontent = $this->coursecat_category_content($chelper, $coursecat, $depth);
1558              $classes[] = 'loaded';
1559              if (!empty($categorycontent)) {
1560                  $classes[] = 'with_children';
1561                  // Category content loaded with children.
1562                  $this->categoryexpandedonload = true;
1563              }
1564          }
1566          // Make sure JS file to expand category content is included.
1567          $this->coursecat_include_js();
1569          $content = html_writer::start_tag('div', array(
1570              'class' => join(' ', $classes),
1571              'data-categoryid' => $coursecat->id,
1572              'data-depth' => $depth,
1573              'data-showcourses' => $chelper->get_show_courses(),
1574              'data-type' => self::COURSECAT_TYPE_CATEGORY,
1575          ));
1577          // category name
1578          $categoryname = $coursecat->get_formatted_name();
1579          $categoryname = html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/course/index.php',
1580                  array('categoryid' => $coursecat->id)),
1581                  $categoryname);
1582          if ($chelper->get_show_courses() == self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_COUNT
1583                  && ($coursescount = $coursecat->get_courses_count())) {
1584              $categoryname .= html_writer::tag('span', ' ('. $coursescount.')',
1585                      array('title' => get_string('numberofcourses'), 'class' => 'numberofcourse'));
1586          }
1587          $content .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'info'));
1589          $content .= html_writer::tag(($depth > 1) ? 'h4' : 'h3', $categoryname, array('class' => 'categoryname aabtn'));
1590          $content .= html_writer::end_tag('div'); // .info
1592          // add category content to the output
1593          $content .= html_writer::tag('div', $categorycontent, array('class' => 'content'));
1595          $content .= html_writer::end_tag('div'); // .category
1597          // Return the course category tree HTML
1598          return $content;
1599      }
1601      /**
1602       * Returns HTML to display a tree of subcategories and courses in the given category
1603       *
1604       * @param coursecat_helper $chelper various display options
1605       * @param core_course_category $coursecat top category (this category's name and description will NOT be added to the tree)
1606       * @return string
1607       */
1608      protected function coursecat_tree(coursecat_helper $chelper, $coursecat) {
1609          // Reset the category expanded flag for this course category tree first.
1610          $this->categoryexpandedonload = false;
1611          $categorycontent = $this->coursecat_category_content($chelper, $coursecat, 0);
1612          if (empty($categorycontent)) {
1613              return '';
1614          }
1616          // Start content generation
1617          $content = '';
1618          $attributes = $chelper->get_and_erase_attributes('course_category_tree clearfix');
1619          $content .= html_writer::start_tag('div', $attributes);
1621          if ($coursecat->get_children_count()) {
1622              $classes = array(
1623                  'collapseexpand', 'aabtn'
1624              );
1626              // Check if the category content contains subcategories with children's content loaded.
1627              if ($this->categoryexpandedonload) {
1628                  $classes[] = 'collapse-all';
1629                  $linkname = get_string('collapseall');
1630              } else {
1631                  $linkname = get_string('expandall');
1632              }
1634              // Only show the collapse/expand if there are children to expand.
1635              $content .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'collapsible-actions'));
1636              $content .= html_writer::link('#', $linkname, array('class' => implode(' ', $classes)));
1637              $content .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
1638              $this->page->requires->strings_for_js(array('collapseall', 'expandall'), 'moodle');
1639          }
1641          $content .= html_writer::tag('div', $categorycontent, array('class' => 'content'));
1643          $content .= html_writer::end_tag('div'); // .course_category_tree
1645          return $content;
1646      }
1648      /**
1649       * Renders HTML to display particular course category - list of it's subcategories and courses
1650       *
1651       * Invoked from /course/index.php
1652       *
1653       * @param int|stdClass|core_course_category $category
1654       */
1655      public function course_category($category) {
1656          global $CFG;
1657          $usertop = core_course_category::user_top();
1658          if (empty($category)) {
1659              $coursecat = $usertop;
1660          } else if (is_object($category) && $category instanceof core_course_category) {
1661              $coursecat = $category;
1662          } else {
1663              $coursecat = core_course_category::get(is_object($category) ? $category->id : $category);
1664          }
1665          $site = get_site();
1666          $actionbar = new \core_course\output\category_action_bar($this->page, $coursecat);
1667          $output = $this->render_from_template('core_course/category_actionbar', $actionbar->export_for_template($this));
1669          if (core_course_category::is_simple_site()) {
1670              // There is only one category in the system, do not display link to it.
1671              $strfulllistofcourses = get_string('fulllistofcourses');
1672              $this->page->set_title("$site->shortname: $strfulllistofcourses");
1673          } else if (!$coursecat->id || !$coursecat->is_uservisible()) {
1674              $strcategories = get_string('categories');
1675              $this->page->set_title("$site->shortname: $strcategories");
1676          } else {
1677              $strfulllistofcourses = get_string('fulllistofcourses');
1678              $this->page->set_title("$site->shortname: $strfulllistofcourses");
1679          }
1681          // Print current category description
1682          $chelper = new coursecat_helper();
1683          if ($description = $chelper->get_category_formatted_description($coursecat)) {
1684              $output .= $this->box($description, array('class' => 'generalbox info'));
1685          }
1687          // Prepare parameters for courses and categories lists in the tree
1688          $chelper->set_show_courses(self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_AUTO)
1689                  ->set_attributes(array('class' => 'category-browse category-browse-'.$coursecat->id));
1691          $coursedisplayoptions = array();
1692          $catdisplayoptions = array();
1693          $browse = optional_param('browse', null, PARAM_ALPHA);
1694          $perpage = optional_param('perpage', $CFG->coursesperpage, PARAM_INT);
1695          $page = optional_param('page', 0, PARAM_INT);
1696          $baseurl = new moodle_url('/course/index.php');
1697          if ($coursecat->id) {
1698              $baseurl->param('categoryid', $coursecat->id);
1699          }
1700          if ($perpage != $CFG->coursesperpage) {
1701              $baseurl->param('perpage', $perpage);
1702          }
1703          $coursedisplayoptions['limit'] = $perpage;
1704          $catdisplayoptions['limit'] = $perpage;
1705          if ($browse === 'courses' || !$coursecat->get_children_count()) {
1706              $coursedisplayoptions['offset'] = $page * $perpage;
1707              $coursedisplayoptions['paginationurl'] = new moodle_url($baseurl, array('browse' => 'courses'));
1708              $catdisplayoptions['nodisplay'] = true;
1709              $catdisplayoptions['viewmoreurl'] = new moodle_url($baseurl, array('browse' => 'categories'));
1710              $catdisplayoptions['viewmoretext'] = new lang_string('viewallsubcategories');
1711          } else if ($browse === 'categories' || !$coursecat->get_courses_count()) {
1712              $coursedisplayoptions['nodisplay'] = true;
1713              $catdisplayoptions['offset'] = $page * $perpage;
1714              $catdisplayoptions['paginationurl'] = new moodle_url($baseurl, array('browse' => 'categories'));
1715              $coursedisplayoptions['viewmoreurl'] = new moodle_url($baseurl, array('browse' => 'courses'));
1716              $coursedisplayoptions['viewmoretext'] = new lang_string('viewallcourses');
1717          } else {
1718              // we have a category that has both subcategories and courses, display pagination separately
1719              $coursedisplayoptions['viewmoreurl'] = new moodle_url($baseurl, array('browse' => 'courses', 'page' => 1));
1720              $catdisplayoptions['viewmoreurl'] = new moodle_url($baseurl, array('browse' => 'categories', 'page' => 1));
1721          }
1722          $chelper->set_courses_display_options($coursedisplayoptions)->set_categories_display_options($catdisplayoptions);
1724          // Display course category tree.
1725          $output .= $this->coursecat_tree($chelper, $coursecat);
1727          return $output;
1728      }
1730      /**
1731       * Serves requests to /course/category.ajax.php
1732       *
1733       * In this renderer implementation it may expand the category content or
1734       * course content.
1735       *
1736       * @return string
1737       * @throws coding_exception
1738       */
1739      public function coursecat_ajax() {
1740          global $DB, $CFG;
1742          $type = required_param('type', PARAM_INT);
1744          if ($type === self::COURSECAT_TYPE_CATEGORY) {
1745              // This is a request for a category list of some kind.
1746              $categoryid = required_param('categoryid', PARAM_INT);
1747              $showcourses = required_param('showcourses', PARAM_INT);
1748              $depth = required_param('depth', PARAM_INT);
1750              $category = core_course_category::get($categoryid);
1752              $chelper = new coursecat_helper();
1753              $baseurl = new moodle_url('/course/index.php', array('categoryid' => $categoryid));
1754              $coursedisplayoptions = array(
1755                  'limit' => $CFG->coursesperpage,
1756                  'viewmoreurl' => new moodle_url($baseurl, array('browse' => 'courses', 'page' => 1))
1757              );
1758              $catdisplayoptions = array(
1759                  'limit' => $CFG->coursesperpage,
1760                  'viewmoreurl' => new moodle_url($baseurl, array('browse' => 'categories', 'page' => 1))
1761              );
1762              $chelper->set_show_courses($showcourses)->
1763                      set_courses_display_options($coursedisplayoptions)->
1764                      set_categories_display_options($catdisplayoptions);
1766              return $this->coursecat_category_content($chelper, $category, $depth);
1767          } else if ($type === self::COURSECAT_TYPE_COURSE) {
1768              // This is a request for the course information.
1769              $courseid = required_param('courseid', PARAM_INT);
1771              $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $courseid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
1773              $chelper = new coursecat_helper();
1774              $chelper->set_show_courses(self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_EXPANDED);
1775              return $this->coursecat_coursebox_content($chelper, $course);
1776          } else {
1777              throw new coding_exception('Invalid request type');
1778          }
1779      }
1781      /**
1782       * Renders html to display search result page
1783       *
1784       * @param array $searchcriteria may contain elements: search, blocklist, modulelist, tagid
1785       * @return string
1786       */
1787      public function search_courses($searchcriteria) {
1788          global $CFG;
1789          $content = '';
1791          $search = '';
1792          if (!empty($searchcriteria['search'])) {
1793              $search = $searchcriteria['search'];
1794          }
1795          $content .= $this->course_search_form($search);
1797          if (!empty($searchcriteria)) {
1798              // print search results
1800              $displayoptions = array('sort' => array('displayname' => 1));
1801              // take the current page and number of results per page from query
1802              $perpage = optional_param('perpage', 0, PARAM_RAW);
1803              if ($perpage !== 'all') {
1804                  $displayoptions['limit'] = ((int)$perpage <= 0) ? $CFG->coursesperpage : (int)$perpage;
1805                  $page = optional_param('page', 0, PARAM_INT);
1806                  $displayoptions['offset'] = $displayoptions['limit'] * $page;
1807              }
1808              // options 'paginationurl' and 'paginationallowall' are only used in method coursecat_courses()
1809              $displayoptions['paginationurl'] = new moodle_url('/course/search.php', $searchcriteria);
1810              $displayoptions['paginationallowall'] = true; // allow adding link 'View all'
1812              $class = 'course-search-result';
1813              foreach ($searchcriteria as $key => $value) {
1814                  if (!empty($value)) {
1815                      $class .= ' course-search-result-'. $key;
1816                  }
1817              }
1818              $chelper = new coursecat_helper();
1819              $chelper->set_show_courses(self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_EXPANDED_WITH_CAT)->
1820                      set_courses_display_options($displayoptions)->
1821                      set_search_criteria($searchcriteria)->
1822                      set_attributes(array('class' => $class));
1824              $courses = core_course_category::search_courses($searchcriteria, $chelper->get_courses_display_options());
1825              $totalcount = core_course_category::search_courses_count($searchcriteria);
1826              $courseslist = $this->coursecat_courses($chelper, $courses, $totalcount);
1828              if (!$totalcount) {
1829                  if (!empty($searchcriteria['search'])) {
1830                      $content .= $this->heading(get_string('nocoursesfound', '', $searchcriteria['search']));
1831                  } else {
1832                      $content .= $this->heading(get_string('novalidcourses'));
1833                  }
1834              } else {
1835                  $content .= $this->heading(get_string('searchresults'). ": $totalcount");
1836                  $content .= $courseslist;
1837              }
1838          }
1839          return $content;
1840      }
1842      /**
1843       * Renders html to print list of courses tagged with particular tag
1844       *
1845       * @param int $tagid id of the tag
1846       * @param bool $exclusivemode if set to true it means that no other entities tagged with this tag
1847       *             are displayed on the page and the per-page limit may be bigger
1848       * @param int $fromctx context id where the link was displayed, may be used by callbacks
1849       *            to display items in the same context first
1850       * @param int $ctx context id where to search for records
1851       * @param bool $rec search in subcontexts as well
1852       * @param array $displayoptions
1853       * @return string empty string if no courses are marked with this tag or rendered list of courses
1854       */
1855      public function tagged_courses($tagid, $exclusivemode = true, $ctx = 0, $rec = true, $displayoptions = null) {
1856          global $CFG;
1857          if (empty($displayoptions)) {
1858              $displayoptions = array();
1859          }
1860          $showcategories = !core_course_category::is_simple_site();
1861          $displayoptions += array('limit' => $CFG->coursesperpage, 'offset' => 0);
1862          $chelper = new coursecat_helper();
1863          $searchcriteria = array('tagid' => $tagid, 'ctx' => $ctx, 'rec' => $rec);
1864          $chelper->set_show_courses($showcategories ? self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_EXPANDED_WITH_CAT :
1865                      self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_EXPANDED)->
1866                  set_search_criteria($searchcriteria)->
1867                  set_courses_display_options($displayoptions)->
1868                  set_attributes(array('class' => 'course-search-result course-search-result-tagid'));
1869                  // (we set the same css class as in search results by tagid)
1870          if ($totalcount = core_course_category::search_courses_count($searchcriteria)) {
1871              $courses = core_course_category::search_courses($searchcriteria, $chelper->get_courses_display_options());
1872              if ($exclusivemode) {
1873                  return $this->coursecat_courses($chelper, $courses, $totalcount);
1874              } else {
1875                  $tagfeed = new core_tag\output\tagfeed();
1876                  $img = $this->output->pix_icon('i/course', '');
1877                  foreach ($courses as $course) {
1878                      $url = course_get_url($course);
1879                      $imgwithlink = html_writer::link($url, $img);
1880                      $coursename = html_writer::link($url, $course->get_formatted_name());
1881                      $details = '';
1882                      if ($showcategories && ($cat = core_course_category::get($course->category, IGNORE_MISSING))) {
1883                          $details = get_string('category').': '.
1884                                  html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/course/index.php', array('categoryid' => $cat->id)),
1885                                          $cat->get_formatted_name(), array('class' => $cat->visible ? '' : 'dimmed'));
1886                      }
1887                      $tagfeed->add($imgwithlink, $coursename, $details);
1888                  }
1889                  return $this->output->render_from_template('core_tag/tagfeed', $tagfeed->export_for_template($this->output));
1890              }
1891          }
1892          return '';
1893      }
1895      /**
1896       * Returns HTML to display one remote course
1897       *
1898       * @param stdClass $course remote course information, contains properties:
1899             id, remoteid, shortname, fullname, hostid, summary, summaryformat, cat_name, hostname
1900       * @return string
1901       */
1902      protected function frontpage_remote_course(stdClass $course) {
1903          $url = new moodle_url('/auth/mnet/jump.php', array(
1904              'hostid' => $course->hostid,
1905              'wantsurl' => '/course/view.php?id='. $course->remoteid
1906          ));
1908          $output = '';
1909          $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'coursebox remotecoursebox clearfix'));
1910          $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'info'));
1911          $output .= html_writer::start_tag('h3', array('class' => 'coursename'));
1912          $output .= html_writer::link($url, format_string($course->fullname), array('title' => get_string('entercourse')));
1913          $output .= html_writer::end_tag('h3'); // .name
1914          $output .= html_writer::tag('div', '', array('class' => 'moreinfo'));
1915          $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div'); // .info
1916          $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'content'));
1917          $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'summary'));
1918          $options = new stdClass();
1919          $options->noclean = true;
1920          $options->para = false;
1921          $options->overflowdiv = true;
1922          $output .= format_text($course->summary, $course->summaryformat, $options);
1923          $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div'); // .summary
1924          $addinfo = format_string($course->hostname) . ' : '
1925              . format_string($course->cat_name) . ' : '
1926              . format_string($course->shortname);
1927          $output .= html_writer::tag('div', $addinfo, array('class' => 'remotecourseinfo'));
1928          $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div'); // .content
1929          $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div'); // .coursebox
1930          return $output;
1931      }
1933      /**
1934       * Returns HTML to display one remote host
1935       *
1936       * @param array $host host information, contains properties: name, url, count
1937       * @return string
1938       */
1939      protected function frontpage_remote_host($host) {
1940          $output = '';
1941          $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'coursebox remotehost clearfix'));
1942          $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'info'));
1943          $output .= html_writer::start_tag('h3', array('class' => 'name'));
1944          $output .= html_writer::link($host['url'], s($host['name']), array('title' => s($host['name'])));
1945          $output .= html_writer::end_tag('h3'); // .name
1946          $output .= html_writer::tag('div', '', array('class' => 'moreinfo'));
1947          $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div'); // .info
1948          $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'content'));
1949          $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'summary'));
1950          $output .= $host['count'] . ' ' . get_string('courses');
1951          $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div'); // .content
1952          $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div'); // .coursebox
1953          return $output;
1954      }
1956      /**
1957       * Returns HTML to print list of courses user is enrolled to for the frontpage
1958       *
1959       * Also lists remote courses or remote hosts if MNET authorisation is used
1960       *
1961       * @return string
1962       */
1963      public function frontpage_my_courses() {
1964          global $USER, $CFG, $DB;
1966          if (!isloggedin() or isguestuser()) {
1967              return '';
1968          }
1970          $output = '';
1971          $courses  = enrol_get_my_courses('summary, summaryformat');
1972          $rhosts   = array();
1973          $rcourses = array();
1974          if (!empty($CFG->mnet_dispatcher_mode) && $CFG->mnet_dispatcher_mode==='strict') {
1975              $rcourses = get_my_remotecourses($USER->id);
1976              $rhosts   = get_my_remotehosts();
1977          }
1979          if (!empty($courses) || !empty($rcourses) || !empty($rhosts)) {
1981              $chelper = new coursecat_helper();
1982              $totalcount = count($courses);
1983              if (count($courses) > $CFG->frontpagecourselimit) {
1984                  // There are more enrolled courses than we can display, display link to 'My courses'.
1985                  $courses = array_slice($courses, 0, $CFG->frontpagecourselimit, true);
1986                  $chelper->set_courses_display_options(array(
1987                          'viewmoreurl' => new moodle_url('/my/courses.php'),
1988                          'viewmoretext' => new lang_string('mycourses')
1989                      ));
1990              } else if (core_course_category::top()->is_uservisible()) {
1991                  // All enrolled courses are displayed, display link to 'All courses' if there are more courses in system.
1992                  $chelper->set_courses_display_options(array(
1993                          'viewmoreurl' => new moodle_url('/course/index.php'),
1994                          'viewmoretext' => new lang_string('fulllistofcourses')
1995                      ));
1996                  $totalcount = $DB->count_records('course') - 1;
1997              }
1998              $chelper->set_show_courses(self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_EXPANDED)->
1999                      set_attributes(array('class' => 'frontpage-course-list-enrolled'));
2000              $output .= $this->coursecat_courses($chelper, $courses, $totalcount);
2002              // MNET
2003              if (!empty($rcourses)) {
2004                  // at the IDP, we know of all the remote courses
2005                  $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'courses'));
2006                  foreach ($rcourses as $course) {
2007                      $output .= $this->frontpage_remote_course($course);
2008                  }
2009                  $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div'); // .courses
2010              } elseif (!empty($rhosts)) {
2011                  // non-IDP, we know of all the remote servers, but not courses
2012                  $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'courses'));
2013                  foreach ($rhosts as $host) {
2014                      $output .= $this->frontpage_remote_host($host);
2015                  }
2016                  $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div'); // .courses
2017              }
2018          }
2019          return $output;
2020      }
2022      /**
2023       * Returns HTML to print list of available courses for the frontpage
2024       *
2025       * @return string
2026       */
2027      public function frontpage_available_courses() {
2028          global $CFG;
2030          $chelper = new coursecat_helper();
2031          $chelper->set_show_courses(self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_EXPANDED)->
2032                  set_courses_display_options(array(
2033                      'recursive' => true,
2034                      'limit' => $CFG->frontpagecourselimit,
2035                      'viewmoreurl' => new moodle_url('/course/index.php'),
2036                      'viewmoretext' => new lang_string('fulllistofcourses')));
2038          $chelper->set_attributes(array('class' => 'frontpage-course-list-all'));
2039          $courses = core_course_category::top()->get_courses($chelper->get_courses_display_options());
2040          $totalcount = core_course_category::top()->get_courses_count($chelper->get_courses_display_options());
2041          if (!$totalcount && !$this->page->user_is_editing() && has_capability('moodle/course:create', context_system::instance())) {
2042              // Print link to create a new course, for the 1st available category.
2043              return $this->add_new_course_button();
2044          }
2045          return $this->coursecat_courses($chelper, $courses, $totalcount);
2046      }
2048      /**
2049       * Returns HTML to the "add new course" button for the page
2050       *
2051       * @return string
2052       */
2053      public function add_new_course_button() {
2054          global $CFG;
2055          // Print link to create a new course, for the 1st available category.
2056          $output = $this->container_start('buttons');
2057          $url = new moodle_url('/course/edit.php', array('category' => $CFG->defaultrequestcategory, 'returnto' => 'topcat'));
2058          $output .= $this->single_button($url, get_string('addnewcourse'), 'get');
2059          $output .= $this->container_end('buttons');
2060          return $output;
2061      }
2063      /**
2064       * Returns HTML to print tree with course categories and courses for the frontpage
2065       *
2066       * @return string
2067       */
2068      public function frontpage_combo_list() {
2069          global $CFG;
2070          // TODO MDL-10965 improve.
2071          $tree = core_course_category::top();
2072          if (!$tree->get_children_count()) {
2073              return '';
2074          }
2075          $chelper = new coursecat_helper();
2076          $chelper->set_subcat_depth($CFG->maxcategorydepth)->
2077              set_categories_display_options(array(
2078                  'limit' => $CFG->coursesperpage,
2079                  'viewmoreurl' => new moodle_url('/course/index.php',
2080                          array('browse' => 'categories', 'page' => 1))
2081              ))->
2082              set_courses_display_options(array(
2083                  'limit' => $CFG->coursesperpage,
2084                  'viewmoreurl' => new moodle_url('/course/index.php',
2085                          array('browse' => 'courses', 'page' => 1))
2086              ))->
2087              set_attributes(array('class' => 'frontpage-category-combo'));
2088          return $this->coursecat_tree($chelper, $tree);
2089      }
2091      /**
2092       * Returns HTML to print tree of course categories (with number of courses) for the frontpage
2093       *
2094       * @return string
2095       */
2096      public function frontpage_categories_list() {
2097          global $CFG;
2098          // TODO MDL-10965 improve.
2099          $tree = core_course_category::top();
2100          if (!$tree->get_children_count()) {
2101              return '';
2102          }
2103          $chelper = new coursecat_helper();
2104          $chelper->set_subcat_depth($CFG->maxcategorydepth)->
2105                  set_show_courses(self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_COUNT)->
2106                  set_categories_display_options(array(
2107                      'limit' => $CFG->coursesperpage,
2108                      'viewmoreurl' => new moodle_url('/course/index.php',
2109                              array('browse' => 'categories', 'page' => 1))
2110                  ))->
2111                  set_attributes(array('class' => 'frontpage-category-names'));
2112          return $this->coursecat_tree($chelper, $tree);
2113      }
2115      /**
2116       * Renders the activity information.
2117       *
2118       * Defer to template.
2119       *
2120       * @param \core_course\output\activity_information $page
2121       * @return string html for the page
2122       */
2123      public function render_activity_information(\core_course\output\activity_information $page) {
2124          $data = $page->export_for_template($this->output);
2125          return $this->output->render_from_template('core_course/activity_info', $data);
2126      }
2128      /**
2129       * Renders the activity navigation.
2130       *
2131       * Defer to template.
2132       *
2133       * @param \core_course\output\activity_navigation $page
2134       * @return string html for the page
2135       */
2136      public function render_activity_navigation(\core_course\output\activity_navigation $page) {
2137          $data = $page->export_for_template($this->output);
2138          return $this->output->render_from_template('core_course/activity_navigation', $data);
2139      }
2141      /**
2142       * Display waiting information about backup size during uploading backup process
2143       * @param object $backupfile the backup stored_file
2144       * @return $html string
2145       */
2146      public function sendingbackupinfo($backupfile) {
2147          $sizeinfo = new stdClass();
2148          $sizeinfo->total = number_format($backupfile->get_filesize() / 1000000, 2);
2149          $html = html_writer::tag('div', get_string('sendingsize', 'hub', $sizeinfo),
2150              array('class' => 'courseuploadtextinfo'));
2151          return $html;
2152      }
2154      /**
2155       * Hub information (logo - name - description - link)
2156       * @param object $hubinfo
2157       * @return string html code
2158       */
2159      public function hubinfo($hubinfo) {
2160          $screenshothtml = html_writer::empty_tag('img',
2161              array('src' => $hubinfo['imgurl'], 'alt' => $hubinfo['name']));
2162          $hubdescription = html_writer::tag('div', $screenshothtml,
2163              array('class' => 'hubscreenshot'));
2165          $hubdescription .= html_writer::tag('a', $hubinfo['name'],
2166              array('class' => 'hublink', 'href' => $hubinfo['url'],
2167                  'onclick' => '"_blank"'));
2169          $hubdescription .= html_writer::tag('div', format_text($hubinfo['description'], FORMAT_PLAIN),
2170              array('class' => 'hubdescription'));
2171          $hubdescription = html_writer::tag('div', $hubdescription, array('class' => 'hubinfo clearfix'));
2173          return $hubdescription;
2174      }
2176      /**
2177       * Output frontpage summary text and frontpage modules (stored as section 1 in site course)
2178       *
2179       * This may be disabled in settings
2180       *
2181       * @return string
2182       */
2183      public function frontpage_section1() {
2184          global $SITE, $USER;
2186          $output = '';
2187          $editing = $this->page->user_is_editing();
2189          if ($editing) {
2190              // Make sure section with number 1 exists.
2191              course_create_sections_if_missing($SITE, 1);
2192          }
2194          $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($SITE);
2195          $section = $modinfo->get_section_info(1);
2198          if (($section && (!empty($modinfo->sections[1]) or !empty($section->summary))) or $editing) {
2200              $format = course_get_format($SITE);
2201              $frontpageclass = $format->get_output_classname('content\\frontpagesection');
2202              $frontpagesection = new $frontpageclass($format, $section);
2204              // The course outputs works with format renderers, not with course renderers.
2205              $renderer = $format->get_renderer($this->page);
2206              $output .= $renderer->render($frontpagesection);
2207          }
2209          return $output;
2210      }
2212      /**
2213       * Output news for the frontpage (extract from site-wide news forum)
2214       *
2215       * @param stdClass $forum record from db table 'forum' that represents the site news forum
2216       * @return string
2217       */
2218      protected function frontpage_news($forum) {
2219          global $CFG, $SITE, $SESSION, $USER;
2220          require_once($CFG->dirroot .'/mod/forum/lib.php');
2222          $output = '';
2224          if (isloggedin()) {
2225              $SESSION->fromdiscussion = $CFG->wwwroot;
2226              $subtext = '';
2227              if (\mod_forum\subscriptions::is_subscribed($USER->id, $forum)) {
2228                  if (!\mod_forum\subscriptions::is_forcesubscribed($forum)) {
2229                      $subtext = get_string('unsubscribe', 'forum');
2230                  }
2231              } else {
2232                  $subtext = get_string('subscribe', 'forum');
2233              }
2234              $suburl = new moodle_url('/mod/forum/subscribe.php', array('id' => $forum->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
2235              $output .= html_writer::tag('div', html_writer::link($suburl, $subtext), array('class' => 'subscribelink'));
2236          }
2238          $coursemodule = get_coursemodule_from_instance('forum', $forum->id);
2239          $context = context_module::instance($coursemodule->id);
2241          $entityfactory = mod_forum\local\container::get_entity_factory();
2242          $forumentity = $entityfactory->get_forum_from_stdclass($forum, $context, $coursemodule, $SITE);
2244          $rendererfactory = mod_forum\local\container::get_renderer_factory();
2245          $discussionsrenderer = $rendererfactory->get_frontpage_news_discussion_list_renderer($forumentity);
2246          $cm = \cm_info::create($coursemodule);
2247          return $output . $discussionsrenderer->render($USER, $cm, null, null, 0, $SITE->newsitems);
2248      }
2250      /**
2251       * Renders part of frontpage with a skip link (i.e. "My courses", "Site news", etc.)
2252       *
2253       * @param string $skipdivid
2254       * @param string $contentsdivid
2255       * @param string $header Header of the part
2256       * @param string $contents Contents of the part
2257       * @return string
2258       */
2259      protected function frontpage_part($skipdivid, $contentsdivid, $header, $contents) {
2260          if (strval($contents) === '') {
2261              return '';
2262          }
2263          $output = html_writer::link('#' . $skipdivid,
2264              get_string('skipa', 'access', core_text::strtolower(strip_tags($header))),
2265              array('class' => 'skip-block skip aabtn'));
2267          // Wrap frontpage part in div container.
2268          $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('id' => $contentsdivid));
2269          $output .= $this->heading($header);
2271          $output .= $contents;
2273          // End frontpage part div container.
2274          $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
2276          $output .= html_writer::tag('span', '', array('class' => 'skip-block-to', 'id' => $skipdivid));
2277          return $output;
2278      }
2280      /**
2281       * Outputs contents for frontpage as configured in $CFG->frontpage or $CFG->frontpageloggedin
2282       *
2283       * @return string
2284       */
2285      public function frontpage() {
2286          global $CFG, $SITE;
2288          $output = '';
2290          if (isloggedin() and !isguestuser() and isset($CFG->frontpageloggedin)) {
2291              $frontpagelayout = $CFG->frontpageloggedin;
2292          } else {
2293              $frontpagelayout = $CFG->frontpage;
2294          }
2296          foreach (explode(',', $frontpagelayout) as $v) {
2297              switch ($v) {
2298                  // Display the main part of the front page.
2299                  case FRONTPAGENEWS:
2300                      if ($SITE->newsitems) {
2301                          // Print forums only when needed.
2302                          require_once($CFG->dirroot .'/mod/forum/lib.php');
2303                          if (($newsforum = forum_get_course_forum($SITE->id, 'news')) &&
2304                                  ($forumcontents = $this->frontpage_news($newsforum))) {
2305                              $newsforumcm = get_fast_modinfo($SITE)->instances['forum'][$newsforum->id];
2306                              $output .= $this->frontpage_part('skipsitenews', 'site-news-forum',
2307                                  $newsforumcm->get_formatted_name(), $forumcontents);
2308                          }
2309                      }
2310                      break;
2312                  case FRONTPAGEENROLLEDCOURSELIST:
2313                      $mycourseshtml = $this->frontpage_my_courses();
2314                      if (!empty($mycourseshtml)) {
2315                          $output .= $this->frontpage_part('skipmycourses', 'frontpage-course-list',
2316                              get_string('mycourses'), $mycourseshtml);
2317                      }
2318                      break;
2320                  case FRONTPAGEALLCOURSELIST:
2321                      $availablecourseshtml = $this->frontpage_available_courses();
2322                      $output .= $this->frontpage_part('skipavailablecourses', 'frontpage-available-course-list',
2323                          get_string('availablecourses'), $availablecourseshtml);
2324                      break;
2326                  case FRONTPAGECATEGORYNAMES:
2327                      $output .= $this->frontpage_part('skipcategories', 'frontpage-category-names',
2328                          get_string('categories'), $this->frontpage_categories_list());
2329                      break;
2331                  case FRONTPAGECATEGORYCOMBO:
2332                      $output .= $this->frontpage_part('skipcourses', 'frontpage-category-combo',
2333                          get_string('courses'), $this->frontpage_combo_list());
2334                      break;
2336                  case FRONTPAGECOURSESEARCH:
2337                      $output .= $this->box($this->course_search_form(''), 'd-flex justify-content-center');
2338                      break;
2340              }
2341              $output .= '<br />';
2342          }
2344          return $output;
2345      }
2346  }
2348  /**
2349   * Class storing display options and functions to help display course category and/or courses lists
2350   *
2351   * This is a wrapper for core_course_category objects that also stores display options
2352   * and functions to retrieve sorted and paginated lists of categories/courses.
2353   *
2354   * If theme overrides methods in core_course_renderers that access this class
2355   * it may as well not use this class at all or extend it.
2356   *
2357   * @package   core
2358   * @copyright 2013 Marina Glancy
2359   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
2360   */
2361  class coursecat_helper {
2362      /** @var string [none, collapsed, expanded] how (if) display courses list */
2363      protected $showcourses = 10; /* core_course_renderer::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_COLLAPSED */
2364      /** @var int depth to expand subcategories in the tree (deeper subcategories will be loaded by AJAX or proceed to category page by clicking on category name) */
2365      protected $subcatdepth = 1;
2366      /** @var array options to display courses list */
2367      protected $coursesdisplayoptions = array();
2368      /** @var array options to display subcategories list */
2369      protected $categoriesdisplayoptions = array();
2370      /** @var array additional HTML attributes */
2371      protected $attributes = array();
2372      /** @var array search criteria if the list is a search result */
2373      protected $searchcriteria = null;
2375      /**
2376       * Sets how (if) to show the courses - none, collapsed, expanded, etc.
2377       *
2379       * @return coursecat_helper
2380       */
2381      public function set_show_courses($showcourses) {
2382          $this->showcourses = $showcourses;
2383          // Automatically set the options to preload summary and coursecontacts for core_course_category::get_courses()
2384          // and core_course_category::search_courses().
2385          $this->coursesdisplayoptions['summary'] = $showcourses >= core_course_renderer::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_AUTO;
2386          $this->coursesdisplayoptions['coursecontacts'] = $showcourses >= core_course_renderer::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_EXPANDED;
2387          $this->coursesdisplayoptions['customfields'] = $showcourses >= core_course_renderer::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_COLLAPSED;
2388          return $this;
2389      }
2391      /**
2392       * Returns how (if) to show the courses - none, collapsed, expanded, etc.
2393       *
2395       */
2396      public function get_show_courses() {
2397          return $this->showcourses;
2398      }
2400      /**
2401       * Sets the maximum depth to expand subcategories in the tree
2402       *
2403       * deeper subcategories may be loaded by AJAX or proceed to category page by clicking on category name
2404       *
2405       * @param int $subcatdepth
2406       * @return coursecat_helper
2407       */
2408      public function set_subcat_depth($subcatdepth) {
2409          $this->subcatdepth = $subcatdepth;
2410          return $this;
2411      }
2413      /**
2414       * Returns the maximum depth to expand subcategories in the tree
2415       *
2416       * deeper subcategories may be loaded by AJAX or proceed to category page by clicking on category name
2417       *
2418       * @return int
2419       */
2420      public function get_subcat_depth() {
2421          return $this->subcatdepth;
2422      }
2424      /**
2425       * Sets options to display list of courses
2426       *
2427       * Options are later submitted as argument to core_course_category::get_courses() and/or core_course_category::search_courses()
2428       *
2429       * Options that core_course_category::get_courses() accept:
2430       *    - recursive - return courses from subcategories as well. Use with care,
2431       *      this may be a huge list!
2432       *    - summary - preloads fields 'summary' and 'summaryformat'
2433       *    - coursecontacts - preloads course contacts
2434       *    - customfields - preloads custom fields data
2435       *    - isenrolled - preloads indication whether this user is enrolled in the course
2436       *    - sort - list of fields to sort. Example
2437       *             array('idnumber' => 1, 'shortname' => 1, 'id' => -1)
2438       *             will sort by idnumber asc, shortname asc and id desc.
2439       *             Default: array('sortorder' => 1)
2440       *             Only cached fields may be used for sorting!
2441       *    - offset
2442       *    - limit - maximum number of children to return, 0 or null for no limit
2443       *
2444       * Options summary and coursecontacts are filled automatically in the set_show_courses()
2445       *
2446       * Also renderer can set here any additional options it wants to pass between renderer functions.
2447       *
2448       * @param array $options
2449       * @return coursecat_helper
2450       */
2451      public function set_courses_display_options($options) {
2452          $this->coursesdisplayoptions = $options;
2453          $this->set_show_courses($this->showcourses); // this will calculate special display options
2454          return $this;
2455      }
2457      /**
2458       * Sets one option to display list of courses
2459       *
2460       * @see coursecat_helper::set_courses_display_options()
2461       *
2462       * @param string $key
2463       * @param mixed $value
2464       * @return coursecat_helper
2465       */
2466      public function set_courses_display_option($key, $value) {
2467          $this->coursesdisplayoptions[$key] = $value;
2468          return $this;
2469      }
2471      /**
2472       * Return the specified option to display list of courses
2473       *
2474       * @param string $optionname option name
2475       * @param mixed $defaultvalue default value for option if it is not specified
2476       * @return mixed
2477       */
2478      public function get_courses_display_option($optionname, $defaultvalue = null) {
2479          if (array_key_exists($optionname, $this->coursesdisplayoptions)) {
2480              return $this->coursesdisplayoptions[$optionname];
2481          } else {
2482              return $defaultvalue;
2483          }
2484      }
2486      /**
2487       * Returns all options to display the courses
2488       *
2489       * This array is usually passed to {@link core_course_category::get_courses()} or
2490       * {@link core_course_category::search_courses()}
2491       *
2492       * @return array
2493       */
2494      public function get_courses_display_options() {
2495          return $this->coursesdisplayoptions;
2496      }
2498      /**
2499       * Sets options to display list of subcategories
2500       *
2501       * Options 'sort', 'offset' and 'limit' are passed to core_course_category::get_children().
2502       * Any other options may be used by renderer functions
2503       *
2504       * @param array $options
2505       * @return coursecat_helper
2506       */
2507      public function set_categories_display_options($options) {
2508          $this->categoriesdisplayoptions = $options;
2509          return $this;
2510      }
2512      /**
2513       * Return the specified option to display list of subcategories
2514       *
2515       * @param string $optionname option name
2516       * @param mixed $defaultvalue default value for option if it is not specified
2517       * @return mixed
2518       */
2519      public function get_categories_display_option($optionname, $defaultvalue = null) {
2520          if (array_key_exists($optionname, $this->categoriesdisplayoptions)) {
2521              return $this->categoriesdisplayoptions[$optionname];
2522          } else {
2523              return $defaultvalue;
2524          }
2525      }
2527      /**
2528       * Returns all options to display list of subcategories
2529       *
2530       * This array is usually passed to {@link core_course_category::get_children()}
2531       *
2532       * @return array
2533       */
2534      public function get_categories_display_options() {
2535          return $this->categoriesdisplayoptions;
2536      }
2538      /**
2539       * Sets additional general options to pass between renderer functions, usually HTML attributes
2540       *
2541       * @param array $attributes
2542       * @return coursecat_helper
2543       */
2544      public function set_attributes($attributes) {
2545          $this->attributes = $attributes;
2546          return $this;
2547      }
2549      /**
2550       * Return all attributes and erases them so they are not applied again
2551       *
2552       * @param string $classname adds additional class name to the beginning of $attributes['class']
2553       * @return array
2554       */
2555      public function get_and_erase_attributes($classname) {
2556          $attributes = $this->attributes;
2557          $this->attributes = array();
2558          if (empty($attributes['class'])) {
2559              $attributes['class'] = '';
2560          }
2561          $attributes['class'] = $classname . ' '. $attributes['class'];
2562          return $attributes;
2563      }
2565      /**
2566       * Sets the search criteria if the course is a search result
2567       *
2568       * Search string will be used to highlight terms in course name and description
2569       *
2570       * @param array $searchcriteria
2571       * @return coursecat_helper
2572       */
2573      public function set_search_criteria($searchcriteria) {
2574          $this->searchcriteria = $searchcriteria;
2575          return $this;
2576      }
2578      /**
2579       * Returns formatted and filtered description of the given category
2580       *
2581       * @param core_course_category $coursecat category
2582       * @param stdClass|array $options format options, by default [noclean,overflowdiv],
2583       *     if context is not specified it will be added automatically
2584       * @return string|null
2585       */
2586      public function get_category_formatted_description($coursecat, $options = null) {
2587          if ($coursecat->id && $coursecat->is_uservisible() && !empty($coursecat->description)) {
2588              if (!isset($coursecat->descriptionformat)) {
2589                  $descriptionformat = FORMAT_MOODLE;
2590              } else {
2591                  $descriptionformat = $coursecat->descriptionformat;
2592              }
2593              if ($options === null) {
2594                  $options = array('noclean' => true, 'overflowdiv' => true);
2595              } else {
2596                  $options = (array)$options;
2597              }
2598              $context = context_coursecat::instance($coursecat->id);
2599              if (!isset($options['context'])) {
2600                  $options['context'] = $context;
2601              }
2602              $text = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($coursecat->description,
2603                      'pluginfile.php', $context->id, 'coursecat', 'description', null);
2604              return format_text($text, $descriptionformat, $options);
2605          }
2606          return null;
2607      }
2609      /**
2610       * Returns given course's summary with proper embedded files urls and formatted
2611       *
2612       * @param core_course_list_element $course
2613       * @param array|stdClass $options additional formatting options
2614       * @return string
2615       */
2616      public function get_course_formatted_summary($course, $options = array()) {
2617          global $CFG;
2618          require_once($CFG->libdir. '/filelib.php');
2619          if (!$course->has_summary()) {
2620              return '';
2621          }
2622          $options = (array)$options;
2623          $context = context_course::instance($course->id);
2624          if (!isset($options['context'])) {
2625              // TODO see MDL-38521
2626              // option 1 (current), page context - no code required
2627              // option 2, system context
2628              // $options['context'] = context_system::instance();
2629              // option 3, course context:
2630              // $options['context'] = $context;
2631              // option 4, course category context:
2632              // $options['context'] = $context->get_parent_context();
2633          }
2634          $summary = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($course->summary, 'pluginfile.php', $context->id, 'course', 'summary', null);
2635          $summary = format_text($summary, $course->summaryformat, $options, $course->id);
2636          if (!empty($this->searchcriteria['search'])) {
2637              $summary = highlight($this->searchcriteria['search'], $summary);
2638          }
2639          return $summary;
2640      }
2642      /**
2643       * Returns course name as it is configured to appear in courses lists formatted to course context
2644       *
2645       * @param core_course_list_element $course
2646       * @param array|stdClass $options additional formatting options
2647       * @return string
2648       */
2649      public function get_course_formatted_name($course, $options = array()) {
2650          $options = (array)$options;
2651          if (!isset($options['context'])) {
2652              $options['context'] = context_course::instance($course->id);
2653          }
2654          $name = format_string(get_course_display_name_for_list($course), true, $options);
2655          if (!empty($this->searchcriteria['search'])) {
2656              $name = highlight($this->searchcriteria['search'], $name);
2657          }
2658          return $name;
2659      }
2660  }