Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.

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Defines 1 class

Class: application_registration  - X-Ref

Class application_registration.

This class represents an LTI Advantage Application Registration.
Each registered application may contain one or more deployments of the Moodle tool.
This registration provides the security contract for all tool deployments belonging to the registration.

__construct(string $name, string $uniqueid, ?\moodle_url $platformid, ?string $clientid,?\moodle_url $authenticationrequesturl, ?\moodle_url $jwksurl, ?\moodle_url $accesstokenurl, int $id = null)   X-Ref
The application_registration constructor.

param: string $name the descriptor for this application registration.
param: string $uniqueid a unique identifier for the registration used in place of client_id in the login URI.
param: \moodle_url|null $platformid the URL of application
param: string|null $clientid unique id for the client on the application
param: \moodle_url|null $authenticationrequesturl URL to send OIDC Auth requests to.
param: \moodle_url|null $jwksurl URL to use to get public keys from the application.
param: \moodle_url|null $accesstokenurl URL to use to get an access token from the application, used in service calls.
param: int|null $id the id of the object instance, if being created from an existing store item.

create(string $name, string $uniqueid, \moodle_url $platformid, string $clientid,\moodle_url $authenticationrequesturl, \moodle_url $jwksurl, \moodle_url $accesstokenurl,int $id = null)   X-Ref
Factory method to create a new instance of an application registration

return: application_registration the application_registration instance.
param: string $name the descriptor for this application registration.
param: string $uniqueid a unique identifier for the registration used in place of client_id in the login URI.
param: \moodle_url $platformid the URL of application
param: string $clientid unique id for the client on the application
param: \moodle_url $authenticationrequesturl URL to send OIDC Auth requests to.
param: \moodle_url $jwksurl URL to use to get public keys from the application.
param: \moodle_url $accesstokenurl URL to use to get an access token from the application, used in service calls.
param: int|null $id the id of the object instance, if being created from an existing store item.

create_draft(string $name, string $uniqueid, int $id = null)   X-Ref
Factory method to create a draft application registration.

return: application_registration the application_registration instance.
param: string $name the descriptor for the draft application registration.
param: string $uniqueid a unique identifier for the registration used in place of client_id in the login URI.
param: int|null $id the id of the object instance, if being created from an existing store item.

get_id()   X-Ref
Get the integer id of this object instance.

Will return null if the instance has not yet been stored.

return: null|int the id, if set, otherwise null.

get_name()   X-Ref
Get the name of the application being registered.

return: string the name.

set_name(string $name)   X-Ref
Sets the name of this registration.

param: string $name the new name to set.

get_uniqueid()   X-Ref
Return the local unique client id of the registration.

return: string the id.

get_platformid()   X-Ref
Get the platform id.

return: \moodle_url|null the platformid/issuer URL.

set_platformid(\moodle_url $platformid)   X-Ref
Sets the platformid/issuer for this registration.

param: \moodle_url $platformid the platform id / iss to set.

get_clientid()   X-Ref
Get the client id.

return: string|null the client id.

set_clientid(string $clientid)   X-Ref
Sets the client id for this registration.

param: string $clientid the client id

get_authenticationrequesturl()   X-Ref
Get the authentication request URL.

return: \moodle_url|null the authentication request URL.

set_authenticationrequesturl(\moodle_url $authenticationrequesturl)   X-Ref
Sets the authentication request URL for this registration.

param: \moodle_url $authenticationrequesturl the authentication request URL.

get_jwksurl()   X-Ref
Get the JWKS URL.

return: \moodle_url|null the JWKS URL.

set_jwksurl(\moodle_url $jwksurl)   X-Ref
Sets the JWKS URL for this registration.

param: \moodle_url $jwksurl the JWKS URL.

get_accesstokenurl()   X-Ref
Get the access token URL.

return: \moodle_url|null the access token URL.

set_accesstokenurl(\moodle_url $accesstokenurl)   X-Ref
Sets the access token URL for this registration.

param: \moodle_url $accesstokenurl the access token URL.

add_tool_deployment(string $name, string $deploymentid)   X-Ref
Add a tool deployment to this registration.

return: deployment the new deployment.
param: string $name human readable name for the deployment.
param: string $deploymentid the unique id of the tool deployment in the platform.

is_complete()   X-Ref
Check whether this registration is complete or not.

complete_registration()   X-Ref
Attempt to progress this registration to the 'complete' state, provided required state exists.