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 * Tests for the tool_provider class.
 * @package enrol_lti
 * @copyright 2016 Jun Pataleta <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

> namespace enrol_lti; use core\session\manager; >
< use enrol_lti\data_connector; < use enrol_lti\helper; < use enrol_lti\tool_provider;
use IMSGlobal\LTI\HTTPMessage; use IMSGlobal\LTI\ToolProvider\ResourceLink; use IMSGlobal\LTI\ToolProvider\ToolConsumer; use IMSGlobal\LTI\ToolProvider\ToolProvider; use IMSGlobal\LTI\ToolProvider\User; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Tests for the tool_provider class. * * @package enrol_lti * @copyright 2016 Jun Pataleta <> * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */
< class tool_provider_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
> class tool_provider_test extends \advanced_testcase {
< * @var stdClass $tool The LTI tool.
> * @var \stdClass $tool The LTI tool.
*/ protected $tool; /** * Test set up. * * This is executed before running any tests in this file. */ public function setUp(): void { global $SESSION; $this->resetAfterTest(); manager::init_empty_session(); // Set this user as the admin. $this->setAdminUser();
< $data = new stdClass();
> $data = new \stdClass();
$data->enrolstartdate = time(); $data->secret = 'secret'; $toolrecord = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_lti_tool($data); $this->tool = helper::get_lti_tool($toolrecord->id); $SESSION->notifications = []; } /** * Passing non-existent tool ID. */ public function test_constructor_with_non_existent_tool() { $this->expectException('dml_exception'); new tool_provider(-1); } /** * Constructor test. */ public function test_constructor() { global $CFG, $SITE; $tool = $this->tool; $tp = new tool_provider($tool->id); $this->assertNull($tp->consumer); $this->assertNull($tp->returnUrl); $this->assertNull($tp->resourceLink); $this->assertNull($tp->context); $this->assertNotNull($tp->dataConnector); $this->assertEquals('', $tp->defaultEmail); $this->assertEquals(ToolProvider::ID_SCOPE_ID_ONLY, $tp->idScope); $this->assertFalse($tp->allowSharing); $this->assertEquals(ToolProvider::CONNECTION_ERROR_MESSAGE, $tp->message); $this->assertNull($tp->reason); $this->assertEmpty($tp->details); $this->assertEquals($CFG->wwwroot, $tp->baseUrl); $this->assertNotNull($tp->vendor); $this->assertEquals($SITE->shortname, $tp->vendor->id); $this->assertEquals($SITE->fullname, $tp->vendor->name); $this->assertEquals($SITE->summary, $tp->vendor->description); $token = helper::generate_proxy_token($tool->id); $name = helper::get_name($tool); $description = helper::get_description($tool); $this->assertNotNull($tp->product); $this->assertEquals($token, $tp->product->id); $this->assertEquals($name, $tp->product->name); $this->assertEquals($description, $tp->product->description); $this->assertNotNull($tp->requiredServices); $this->assertEmpty($tp->optionalServices); $this->assertNotNull($tp->resourceHandlers); } /** * Test for handle request. */ public function test_handle_request_no_request_data() { $tool = $this->tool; $tp = new tool_provider($tool->id); // Tool provider object should have been created fine. OK flag should be fine for now. $this->assertTrue($tp->ok); // Call handleRequest but suppress output. ob_start(); $tp->handleRequest(); ob_end_clean(); // There's basically no request data submitted so OK flag should turn out false. $this->assertFalse($tp->ok); } /** * Test for tool_provider::onError(). */ public function test_on_error() { $tool = $this->tool; $tp = new dummy_tool_provider($tool->id); $message = "THIS IS AN ERROR!"; $tp->message = $message; $tp->onError(); $errormessage = get_string('failedrequest', 'enrol_lti', ['reason' => $message]); $this->assertStringContainsString($errormessage, $tp->get_error_output()); } /** * Test for tool_provider::onRegister() with no tool consumer set. */ public function test_on_register_no_consumer() { $tool = $this->tool; $tp = new dummy_tool_provider($tool->id); $tp->onRegister(); $this->assertFalse($tp->ok); $this->assertEquals(get_string('invalidtoolconsumer', 'enrol_lti'), $tp->message); } /** * Test for tool_provider::onRegister() without return URL. */ public function test_on_register_no_return_url() { $tool = $this->tool; $dataconnector = new data_connector(); $consumer = new ToolConsumer('testkey', $dataconnector); $consumer->ltiVersion = ToolProvider::LTI_VERSION2; $consumer->secret = $tool->secret; $consumer->name = 'TEST CONSUMER NAME'; $consumer->consumerName = 'TEST CONSUMER INSTANCE NAME'; $consumer->consumerGuid = 'TEST CONSUMER INSTANCE GUID'; $consumer->consumerVersion = 'TEST CONSUMER INFO VERSION'; $consumer->enabled = true; $consumer->protected = true; $consumer->save(); $tp = new dummy_tool_provider($tool->id); $tp->consumer = $consumer; $tp->onRegister(); $this->assertFalse($tp->ok); $this->assertEquals(get_string('returnurlnotset', 'enrol_lti'), $tp->message); } /** * Test for tool_provider::onRegister() when registration fails. */ public function test_on_register_failed() { global $CFG; $tool = $this->tool; $dataconnector = new data_connector(); $consumer = new dummy_tool_consumer('testkey', $dataconnector); $consumer->ltiVersion = ToolProvider::LTI_VERSION2; $consumer->secret = $tool->secret; $consumer->name = 'TEST CONSUMER NAME'; $consumer->consumerName = 'TEST CONSUMER INSTANCE NAME'; $consumer->consumerGuid = 'TEST CONSUMER INSTANCE GUID'; $consumer->consumerVersion = 'TEST CONSUMER INFO VERSION'; $consumer->enabled = true; $consumer->protected = true; $profilejson = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/tool_consumer_profile.json'); $consumer->profile = json_decode($profilejson); $consumer->save(); $tp = new dummy_tool_provider($tool->id); $tp->consumer = $consumer; $tp->returnUrl = $CFG->wwwroot; $tp->onRegister(); // The OK flag will be false. $this->assertFalse($tp->ok); // Check message. $this->assertEquals(get_string('couldnotestablishproxy', 'enrol_lti'), $tp->message); } /** * Test for tool_provider::onRegister() when registration succeeds. */ public function test_on_register() { global $CFG, $DB; $tool = $this->tool; $dataconnector = new data_connector(); $consumer = new dummy_tool_consumer('testkey', $dataconnector, false, true); $consumer->ltiVersion = ToolProvider::LTI_VERSION2; $consumer->secret = $tool->secret; $consumer->name = 'TEST CONSUMER NAME'; $consumer->consumerName = 'TEST CONSUMER INSTANCE NAME'; $consumer->consumerGuid = 'TEST CONSUMER INSTANCE GUID'; $consumer->consumerVersion = 'TEST CONSUMER INFO VERSION'; $consumer->enabled = true; $consumer->protected = true; $profilejson = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/tool_consumer_profile.json'); $consumer->profile = json_decode($profilejson); $consumer->save(); $tp = new dummy_tool_provider($tool->id); $tp->consumer = $consumer; $tp->returnUrl = $CFG->wwwroot; // Capture output of onLaunch() method and save it as a string. ob_start(); $tp->onRegister(); $output = ob_get_clean(); $successmessage = get_string('successfulregistration', 'enrol_lti'); // Check output contents. Confirm that it has the success message and return URL. $this->assertStringContainsString($successmessage, $output); $this->assertStringContainsString($tp->returnUrl, $output); // The OK flag will be true on successful registration. $this->assertTrue($tp->ok); // Check tool provider message. $this->assertEquals($successmessage, $tp->message); // Check published tool and tool consumer mapping. $mappingparams = [ 'toolid' => $tool->id, 'consumerid' => $tp->consumer->getRecordId() ]; $this->assertTrue($DB->record_exists('enrol_lti_tool_consumer_map', $mappingparams)); } /** * Test for tool_provider::onLaunch(). */ public function test_on_launch_no_frame_embedding() { $tp = $this->build_dummy_tp(); // Capture output of onLaunch() method and save it as a string. ob_start(); // Suppress session header errors. @$tp->onLaunch(); $output = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertStringContainsString(get_string('frameembeddingnotenabled', 'enrol_lti'), $output); } /** * Test for tool_provider::onLaunch(). */ public function test_on_launch_with_frame_embedding() { global $CFG; $CFG->allowframembedding = true; $tp = $this->build_dummy_tp(); // If redirect was called here, we will encounter an 'unsupported redirect error'. // We just want to verify that redirect() was called if frame embedding is allowed. $this->expectException('moodle_exception'); // Suppress session header errors. @$tp->onLaunch(); } /** * Test for tool_provider::onLaunch() with invalid secret and no tool proxy (for LTI 1 launches). */ public function test_on_launch_with_invalid_secret_and_no_proxy() { $tp = $this->build_dummy_tp('badsecret'); // Suppress session header errors. @$tp->onLaunch(); $this->assertFalse($tp->ok); $this->assertEquals(get_string('invalidrequest', 'enrol_lti'), $tp->message); } /** * Test for tool_provider::onLaunch() with invalid launch URL. */ public function test_on_launch_proxy_with_invalid_launch_url() { $proxy = [ 'tool_profile' => [ 'resource_handler' => [ [ 'message' => [ [ 'message_type' => 'basic-lti-launch-request', 'path' => '/enrol/lti/tool.php' ] ] ] ] ] ]; $tp = $this->build_dummy_tp($this->tool->secret, $proxy); // Suppress session header errors. @$tp->onLaunch(); $this->assertFalse($tp->ok); $this->assertEquals(get_string('invalidrequest', 'enrol_lti'), $tp->message); } /** * Test for tool_provider::onLaunch() with invalid launch URL. */ public function test_on_launch_proxy_with_valid_launch_url() { $tool = $this->tool; $proxy = [ 'tool_profile' => [ 'resource_handler' => [ [ 'message' => [ [ 'message_type' => 'basic-lti-launch-request', 'path' => '/enrol/lti/tool.php?id=' . $tool->id ] ] ] ] ] ]; $tp = $this->build_dummy_tp($this->tool->secret, $proxy); // Capture output of onLaunch() method and save it as a string. ob_start(); // Suppress session header errors. @$tp->onLaunch(); $output = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertTrue($tp->ok); $this->assertEquals(get_string('success'), $tp->message); $this->assertStringContainsString(get_string('frameembeddingnotenabled', 'enrol_lti'), $output); } /** * Test for tool_provider::onLaunch() for a request with message type other than basic-lti-launch-request. */ public function test_on_launch_proxy_with_invalid_message_type() { $tool = $this->tool; $proxy = [ 'tool_profile' => [ 'resource_handler' => [ [ 'message' => [ [ 'message_type' => 'ContentItemSelectionRequest', 'path' => '/enrol/lti/tool.php?id=' . $tool->id ] ] ] ] ] ]; $tp = $this->build_dummy_tp($this->tool->secret, $proxy); // Suppress session header errors. @$tp->onLaunch(); $this->assertFalse($tp->ok); $this->assertEquals(get_string('invalidrequest', 'enrol_lti'), $tp->message); } /** * Test for tool_provider::onLaunch() to verify that a user image can be set from the resource link's custom_user_image setting. */ public function test_on_launch_with_user_image_from_resource_link() { global $DB; $userimageurl = $this->getExternalTestFileUrl('test.jpg'); $resourcelinksettings = [ 'custom_user_image' => $userimageurl ]; $tp = $this->build_dummy_tp($this->tool->secret, null, $resourcelinksettings); // Suppress output and session header errors. ob_start(); @$tp->onLaunch(); ob_end_clean(); $this->assertEquals($userimageurl, $tp->resourceLink->getSetting('custom_user_image')); $username = helper::create_username($tp->consumer->getKey(), $tp->user->ltiUserId); $user = $DB->get_record('user', ['username' => $username]); // User was found. $this->assertNotFalse($user); // User picture was set. $this->assertNotEmpty($user->picture); } /** * Test for tool_provider::onLaunch() to verify that a LTI user has been enrolled. */ public function test_on_launch_user_enrolment() { global $DB; $tp = $this->build_dummy_tp($this->tool->secret); // Suppress output and session header errors. ob_start(); @$tp->onLaunch(); ob_end_clean(); $username = helper::create_username($tp->consumer->getKey(), $tp->user->ltiUserId); $user = $DB->get_record('user', ['username' => $username]); // User was found. $this->assertNotFalse($user); // User picture was not set. $this->assertEmpty($user->picture); // Check user enrolment. $enrolled = $DB->record_exists('user_enrolments', ['enrolid' => $this->tool->enrolid, 'userid' => $user->id]); $this->assertTrue($enrolled); } /** * Test for tool_provider::onLaunch() when the consumer object has not been set. */ public function test_on_launch_no_consumer() { global $DB; $tool = $this->tool; $tp = new dummy_tool_provider($tool->id); $tp->onLaunch(); $this->assertFalse($tp->ok); $this->assertEquals(get_string('invalidtoolconsumer', 'enrol_lti'), $tp->message); // Check published tool and tool consumer has not yet been mapped due to failure. $mappingparams = [ 'toolid' => $tool->id ]; $this->assertFalse($DB->record_exists('enrol_lti_tool_consumer_map', $mappingparams)); } /** * Test for tool_provider::onLaunch() when we have a non-existent consumer data. */ public function test_on_launch_invalid_consumer() { $tool = $this->tool; $dataconnector = new data_connector(); // Build consumer object but don't save it. $consumer = new dummy_tool_consumer('testkey', $dataconnector); $tp = new dummy_tool_provider($tool->id); $tp->consumer = $consumer; $tp->onLaunch(); $this->assertFalse($tp->ok); $this->assertEquals(get_string('invalidtoolconsumer', 'enrol_lti'), $tp->message); } /** * Test for tool_provider::map_tool_to_consumer(). */ public function test_map_tool_to_consumer() { global $DB; $tp = $this->build_dummy_tp(); $tp->map_tool_to_consumer(); // Check published tool and tool consumer mapping. $mappingparams = [ 'toolid' => $this->tool->id, 'consumerid' => $tp->consumer->getRecordId() ]; $this->assertTrue($DB->record_exists('enrol_lti_tool_consumer_map', $mappingparams)); } /** * Test for tool_provider::map_tool_to_consumer(). */ public function test_map_tool_to_consumer_no_consumer() { $tp = new dummy_tool_provider($this->tool->id); $this->expectException('moodle_exception'); $tp->map_tool_to_consumer(); } /** * Builds a dummy tool provider object. * * @param string $secret Consumer secret.
< * @param array|stdClass $proxy Tool proxy data.
> * @param array|\stdClass $proxy Tool proxy data.
* @param null $resourcelinksettings Key-value array for resource link settings. * @return dummy_tool_provider */ protected function build_dummy_tp($secret = null, $proxy = null, $resourcelinksettings = null) { $tool = $this->tool; $dataconnector = new data_connector(); $consumer = new ToolConsumer('testkey', $dataconnector); $ltiversion = ToolProvider::LTI_VERSION2; if ($secret === null && $proxy === null) { $consumer->secret = $tool->secret; $ltiversion = ToolProvider::LTI_VERSION1; } else { $consumer->secret = $secret; } $consumer->ltiVersion = $ltiversion; $consumer->name = 'TEST CONSUMER NAME'; $consumer->consumerName = 'TEST CONSUMER INSTANCE NAME'; $consumer->consumerGuid = 'TEST CONSUMER INSTANCE GUID'; $consumer->consumerVersion = 'TEST CONSUMER INFO VERSION'; $consumer->enabled = true; $consumer->protected = true; if ($proxy !== null) { $consumer->toolProxy = json_encode($proxy); } $consumer->save(); $resourcelink = ResourceLink::fromConsumer($consumer, 'testresourcelinkid'); if (!empty($resourcelinksettings)) { foreach ($resourcelinksettings as $setting => $value) { $resourcelink->setSetting($setting, $value); } } $resourcelink->save(); $ltiuser = User::fromResourceLink($resourcelink, ''); $ltiuser->ltiResultSourcedId = 'testLtiResultSourcedId'; $ltiuser->ltiUserId = 'testuserid'; $ltiuser->email = ''; $ltiuser->save(); $tp = new dummy_tool_provider($tool->id); $tp->user = $ltiuser; $tp->resourceLink = $resourcelink; $tp->consumer = $consumer; return $tp; } } /** * Class dummy_tool_provider. * * A class that extends tool_provider so that we can expose the protected methods that we have overridden. * * @copyright 2016 Jun Pataleta <> * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class dummy_tool_provider extends tool_provider { /** * Exposes tool_provider::onError(). */ public function onError() { parent::onError(); } /** * Exposes tool_provider::onLaunch(). */ public function onLaunch() { parent::onLaunch(); } /** * Exposes tool_provider::onRegister(). */ public function onRegister() { parent::onRegister(); } /** * Expose protected variable errorOutput. * * @return string */ public function get_error_output() { return $this->errorOutput; } } /** * Class dummy_tool_consumer * * A class that extends ToolConsumer in order to override and simulate sending and receiving data to tool consumer endpoint. * * @copyright 2016 Jun Pataleta <> * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class dummy_tool_consumer extends ToolConsumer { /** * @var bool Flag to indicate whether to send an OK response or a failed response. */ protected $success = false; /** * dummy_tool_consumer constructor. * * @param null|string $key * @param mixed|null $dataconnector * @param bool $autoenable * @param bool $success */ public function __construct($key = null, $dataconnector = null, $autoenable = false, $success = false) { parent::__construct($key, $dataconnector, $autoenable); $this->success = $success; } /** * Override ToolConsumer::doServiceRequest() to simulate sending/receiving data to and from the tool consumer. * * @param object $service * @param string $method * @param string $format * @param mixed $data * @return HTTPMessage */ public function doServiceRequest($service, $method, $format, $data) { $response = (object)['tool_proxy_guid' => 1]; $header = ToolConsumer::addSignature($service->endpoint, $this->getKey(), $this->secret, $data, $method, $format); $http = new HTTPMessage($service->endpoint, $method, $data, $header); if ($this->success) { $http->responseJson = $response; $http->ok = true; $http->status = 201; } return $http; } }