Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.
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 * A page to create or edit outcome grade items
 * @package   core_grades
 * @copyright 2007 Petr Skoda
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

> use core_grades\form\add_outcome; require_once '../../../config.php'; >
require_once $CFG->dirroot.'/grade/lib.php'; require_once $CFG->dirroot.'/grade/report/lib.php'; require_once 'outcomeitem_form.php'; $courseid = required_param('courseid', PARAM_INT); $id = optional_param('id', 0, PARAM_INT); $url = new moodle_url('/grade/edit/tree/outcomeitem.php', array('courseid'=>$courseid)); if ($id !== 0) { $url->param('id', $id); } $PAGE->set_url($url); $PAGE->set_pagelayout('admin'); navigation_node::override_active_url(new moodle_url('/grade/edit/tree/index.php', array('id'=>$courseid))); if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $courseid))) {
< print_error('invalidcourseid');
> throw new \moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
} require_login($course); $context = context_course::instance($course->id); require_capability('moodle/grade:manage', $context); // default return url $gpr = new grade_plugin_return(); $returnurl = $gpr->get_return_url('index.php?id='.$course->id); $mform = new edit_outcomeitem_form(null, array('gpr'=>$gpr)); if ($mform->is_cancelled() || empty($CFG->enableoutcomes)) { redirect($returnurl); } $heading = get_string('outcomeitemsedit', 'grades'); if ($grade_item = grade_item::fetch(array('id'=>$id, 'courseid'=>$courseid))) { // redirect if outcomeid present if (empty($grade_item->outcomeid)) { $url = new moodle_url('/grade/edit/tree/item.php', ['id' => $id, 'courseid' => $courseid]); redirect($gpr->add_url_params($url)); } $item = $grade_item->get_record_data(); $parent_category = $grade_item->get_parent_category(); $item->parentcategory = $parent_category->id; if ($item->itemtype == 'mod') { $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance($item->itemmodule, $item->iteminstance, $item->courseid); $item->cmid = $cm->id; } else { $item->cmid = 0; } } else { $heading = get_string('newoutcomeitem', 'grades'); $grade_item = new grade_item(array('courseid'=>$courseid, 'itemtype'=>'manual'), false); $item = $grade_item->get_record_data(); $item->cmid = 0; $parent_category = grade_category::fetch_course_category($courseid); $item->parentcategory = $parent_category->id; } $decimalpoints = $grade_item->get_decimals(); if ($item->hidden > 1) { $item->hiddenuntil = $item->hidden; $item->hidden = 0; } else { $item->hiddenuntil = 0; } $item->locked = !empty($item->locked); $item->gradepass = format_float($item->gradepass, $decimalpoints); if (empty($parent_category)) { $item->aggregationcoef = 0; } else if ($parent_category->aggregation == GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM) { $item->aggregationcoef = $item->aggregationcoef > 0 ? 1 : 0; $item->aggregationcoef2 = format_float($item->aggregationcoef2 * 100.0); } else { $item->aggregationcoef = format_float($item->aggregationcoef, 4); } $mform->set_data($item);
> $simpleform = new add_outcome(null, ['itemid' => $grade_item->id, 'courseid' => $courseid, 'gpr' => $gpr]); > // Data has been carried over from the dynamic form. if ($data = $mform->get_data()) { > if ($simpledata = $simpleform->get_submitted_data()) { > $mform->set_data($simpledata); // This is a new item, and the category chosen is different than the default category. > }
if (empty($grade_item->id) && isset($data->parentcategory) && $parent_category->id != $data->parentcategory) { $parent_category = grade_category::fetch(array('id' => $data->parentcategory)); } // If unset, give the aggregation values a default based on parent aggregation method. $defaults = grade_category::get_default_aggregation_coefficient_values($parent_category->aggregation); if (!isset($data->aggregationcoef) || $data->aggregationcoef == '') { $data->aggregationcoef = $defaults['aggregationcoef']; } if (!isset($data->weightoverride)) { $data->weightoverride = $defaults['weightoverride']; } if (property_exists($data, 'calculation')) { $data->calculation = grade_item::normalize_formula($data->calculation, $course->id); } $hidden = empty($data->hidden) ? 0: $data->hidden; $hiddenuntil = empty($data->hiddenuntil) ? 0: $data->hiddenuntil; unset($data->hidden); unset($data->hiddenuntil); $locked = empty($data->locked) ? 0: $data->locked; $locktime = empty($data->locktime) ? 0: $data->locktime; unset($data->locked); unset($data->locktime); $convert = array('gradepass', 'aggregationcoef', 'aggregationcoef2'); foreach ($convert as $param) { if (property_exists($data, $param)) { $data->$param = unformat_float($data->$param); } } if (isset($data->aggregationcoef2) && $parent_category->aggregation == GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM) { $data->aggregationcoef2 = $data->aggregationcoef2 / 100.0; } else { $data->aggregationcoef2 = $defaults['aggregationcoef2']; } $grade_item = new grade_item(array('id'=>$id, 'courseid'=>$courseid)); grade_item::set_properties($grade_item, $data); // fix activity links if (empty($data->cmid)) { // manual item $grade_item->itemtype = 'manual'; $grade_item->itemmodule = null; $grade_item->iteminstance = null; $grade_item->itemnumber = 0; } else { $params = array($data->cmid); $module = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT cm.*, as modname FROM {modules} m, {course_modules} cm WHERE = ? AND cm.module = ", $params); $grade_item->itemtype = 'mod'; $grade_item->itemmodule = $module->modname; $grade_item->iteminstance = $module->instance; if ($items = grade_item::fetch_all(array('itemtype'=>'mod', 'itemmodule'=>$grade_item->itemmodule, 'iteminstance'=>$grade_item->iteminstance, 'courseid'=>$COURSE->id))) { if (!empty($grade_item->id) and in_array($grade_item, $items)) { //no change needed } else { $max = 999; foreach($items as $item) { if (empty($item->outcomeid)) { continue; } if ($item->itemnumber > $max) { $max = $item->itemnumber; } } $grade_item->itemnumber = $max + 1; } } else { $grade_item->itemnumber = 1000; } } // fix scale used $outcome = grade_outcome::fetch(array('id'=>$data->outcomeid)); $grade_item->gradetype = GRADE_TYPE_SCALE; $grade_item->scaleid = $outcome->scaleid; //TODO: we might recalculate existing outcome grades when changing scale if (empty($grade_item->id)) { $grade_item->insert(); // move next to activity if adding linked outcome if ($grade_item->itemtype == 'mod') { if ($item = grade_item::fetch(array('itemtype'=>'mod', 'itemmodule'=>$grade_item->itemmodule, 'iteminstance'=>$grade_item->iteminstance, 'itemnumber'=>0, 'courseid'=>$COURSE->id))) { $grade_item->set_parent($item->categoryid); $grade_item->move_after_sortorder($item->sortorder); } } else { // set parent if needed if (isset($data->parentcategory)) { $grade_item->set_parent($data->parentcategory, false); } } } else { $grade_item->update(); } // update hiding flag if ($hiddenuntil) { $grade_item->set_hidden($hiddenuntil, false); } else { $grade_item->set_hidden($hidden, false); } $grade_item->set_locktime($locktime); // locktime first - it might be removed when unlocking $grade_item->set_locked($locked, false, true); redirect($returnurl); } $PAGE->navbar->add($heading); print_grade_page_head($courseid, 'settings', null, $heading, false, false, false); if (!grade_outcome::fetch_all_available($COURSE->id)) { echo $OUTPUT->confirm(get_string('nooutcomes', 'grades'), $CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/edit/outcome/course.php?id='.$courseid, $returnurl); echo $OUTPUT->footer(); die(); } $mform->display(); echo $OUTPUT->footer();