Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.

Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 400] [Versions 39 and 400]

Unit tests for core_grades\component_gradeitems;

Copyright: 2019 Andrew Nicols <>
License: GNU Public License
File Size: 653 lines (25 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 4 classes

component_gradeitems_test:: (42 methods):

gradeitems:: (5 methods):

gradeitems:: (5 methods):

gradeitems:: (5 methods):

Class: component_gradeitems_test  - X-Ref

Unit tests for core_grades\component_gradeitems;

test_get_itemname_mapping_for_component_does_not_exist()   X-Ref
Ensure that a component which does not implement the mapping class excepts.

test_get_itemname_mapping_for_valid_component_invalid_mapping()   X-Ref
Ensure that a component which does not implement the mapping class correctly excepts.

test_get_itemname_mapping_for_valid_component_valid_mapping()   X-Ref
Ensure that a component which implements the mapping class correctly eets the correct set of mappings.

is_valid_itemname_provider()   X-Ref
Data provider for is_valid_itemname tests.

return: array

test_is_valid_itemname(string $itemname, bool $isadvanced)   X-Ref
Ensure that a component implementing advanced grading returns the correct areas.

param: string $itemname
param: bool $isadvanced

test_defines_advancedgrading_itemnames_for_component_does_not_exist()   X-Ref
Ensure that a component which does not implement the advancedgrading interface returns this.

test_defines_advancedgrading_itemnames_for_component_no_interfaces()   X-Ref
Ensure that a component which does not implement the advancedgrading interface returns this.

test_defines_advancedgrading_itemnames_for_component_grading_no_interface()   X-Ref
Ensure that a component which implements the item mapping but not implement the advancedgrading interface returns this.

test_defines_advancedgrading_itemnames_for_component_grading_has_interface()   X-Ref
Ensure that a component which implements the item mapping but not implement the advancedgrading interface returns this.

test_get_advancedgrading_itemnames_for_component_does_not_exist()   X-Ref
Ensure that a component which does not implement the advancedgrading interface returns this.

test_get_advancedgrading_itemnames_for_component_no_interfaces()   X-Ref
Ensure that a component which does not implement the advancedgrading interface returns this.

test_get_advancedgrading_itemnames_for_component_grading_no_interface()   X-Ref
Ensure that a component which implements the item mapping but not implement the advancedgrading interface returns this.

test_get_advancedgrading_itemnames_for_component()   X-Ref
Ensure that a component implementing advanced grading returns the correct areas.

is_advancedgrading_itemname_provider()   X-Ref
Data provider for is_advancedgrading_itemname tests.

return: array

test_is_advancedgrading_itemname(string $itemname, bool $isadvanced)   X-Ref
Ensure that a component implementing advanced grading returns the correct areas.

param: string $itemname
param: bool $isadvanced

get_field_name_for_itemnumber_provider()   X-Ref
Data provider for get_field_name_for_itemnumber.

return: array

test_get_field_name_for_itemnumber(int $itemnumber, string $fieldname, string $expected)   X-Ref
Ensure that valid field names are correctly mapped for a valid component.

param: int $itemnumber The item itemnumber to test
param: string $fieldname The field name being translated
param: string $expected The expected value

test_get_field_name_for_itemnumber_invalid_itemnumber()   X-Ref
Ensure that an invalid itemnumber does not provide any field name.

test_get_field_name_for_itemnumber_component_not_defining_mapping_itemnumber_zero()   X-Ref
Ensure that a component which does not define a mapping can still get a mapping for itemnumber 0.

test_get_field_name_for_itemnumber_component_not_defining_mapping_itemnumber_nonzero()   X-Ref
Ensure that a component which does not define a mapping cannot get a mapping for itemnumber 1+.

test_get_field_name_for_itemnumber_component_invalid_mapping_itemnumber_nonzero()   X-Ref
Ensure that a component which incorrectly defines a mapping cannot get a mapping for itemnumber 1+.

get_field_name_for_itemname_provider()   X-Ref
Data provider for get_field_name_for_itemname.

return: array

test_get_field_name_for_itemname(string $itemname, string $fieldname, string $expected)   X-Ref
Ensure that valid field names are correctly mapped for a valid component.

param: string $itemname The item itemname to test
param: string $fieldname The field name being translated
param: string $expected The expected value

test_get_field_name_for_itemname_invalid_itemname()   X-Ref
Ensure that an invalid itemname does not provide any field name.

test_get_field_name_for_itemname_not_defining_mapping_empty_name()   X-Ref
Ensure that an empty itemname provides a matching fieldname regardless of whether the component exists or

test_get_field_name_for_itemname_not_defining_mapping_with_name()   X-Ref
Ensure that an valid component with some itemname excepts.

test_get_field_name_for_itemname_invalid_mapping_empty_name()   X-Ref
Ensure that an empty itemname provides a matching fieldname even if the mapping is invalid.

test_get_field_name_for_itemname_invalid_mapping_with_name()   X-Ref
Ensure that an invalid mapping with some itemname excepts.

get_itemname_from_itemnumber_provider()   X-Ref
Data provider for get_itemname_from_itemnumber.

return: array

test_get_itemname_from_itemnumber(int $itemnumber, string $expected)   X-Ref
Ensure that item names are correctly mapped for a valid component.

param: int $itemnumber The item itemnumber to test
param: string $expected The expected value

test_get_itemname_from_itemnumber_outcome_itemnumber()   X-Ref
Ensure that an itemnumber over 1000 is treated as itemnumber 0 for the purpose of outcomes.

test_get_itemname_from_itemnumber_invalid_itemnumber()   X-Ref
Ensure that an invalid itemnumber does not provide any field name.

test_get_itemname_from_itemnumber_component_not_defining_mapping_itemnumber_zero()   X-Ref
Ensure that a component which does not define a mapping can still get a mapping for itemnumber 0.

test_get_itemname_from_itemnumber_component_not_defining_mapping_itemnumber_nonzero()   X-Ref
Ensure that a component which does not define a mapping cannot get a mapping for itemnumber 1+.

test_get_itemname_from_itemnumber_component_invalid_mapping_itemnumber_nonzero()   X-Ref
Ensure that a component which incorrectly defines a mapping cannot get a mapping for itemnumber 1+.

get_itemnumber_from_itemname_provider()   X-Ref
Data provider for get_itemname_from_itemnumber.

return: array

test_get_itemnumber_from_itemname(string $itemname, int $expected)   X-Ref
Ensure that valid item names are correctly mapped for a valid component.

param: string $itemname The item itemname to test
param: int $expected The expected value

test_get_itemnumber_from_itemname_invalid_itemname()   X-Ref
Ensure that an invalid itemname excepts.

test_get_itemnumber_from_itemname_not_defining_mapping_empty_name()   X-Ref
Ensure that an empty itemname provides a correct itemnumber regardless of whether the component exists or

test_get_itemnumber_from_itemname_not_defining_mapping_with_name()   X-Ref
Ensure that an valid component with some itemname excepts.

test_get_itemnumber_from_itemname_invalid_mapping_empty_name()   X-Ref
Ensure that an empty itemname provides a matching fieldname even if the mapping is invalid.

test_get_itemnumber_from_itemname_invalid_mapping_with_name()   X-Ref
Ensure that an invalid mapping with some itemname excepts.

Class: gradeitems  - X-Ref

Valid class for testing mappings.

get_itemname_mapping_for_component()   X-Ref
Get the grade item mapping of item number to item name.

return: array

get_itemname_mapping_for_component()   X-Ref
Get the grade item mapping of item number to item name.

return: array

get_advancedgrading_itemnames()   X-Ref
Get the list of items which define advanced grading.

return: array

get_itemname_mapping_for_component()   X-Ref
Get the grade item mapping of item number to item name.

return: array

get_advancedgrading_itemnames()   X-Ref
Get the list of items which define advanced grading.

return: array

Class: gradeitems  - X-Ref

Valid class for testing mappings.

get_itemname_mapping_for_component()   X-Ref
Get the grade item mapping of item number to item name.

return: array

get_itemname_mapping_for_component()   X-Ref
Get the grade item mapping of item number to item name.

return: array

get_advancedgrading_itemnames()   X-Ref
Get the list of items which define advanced grading.

return: array

get_itemname_mapping_for_component()   X-Ref
Get the grade item mapping of item number to item name.

return: array

get_advancedgrading_itemnames()   X-Ref
Get the list of items which define advanced grading.

return: array

Class: gradeitems  - X-Ref

Invalid class for testing mappings.

get_itemname_mapping_for_component()   X-Ref
Get the grade item mapping of item number to item name.

return: array

get_itemname_mapping_for_component()   X-Ref
Get the grade item mapping of item number to item name.

return: array

get_advancedgrading_itemnames()   X-Ref
Get the list of items which define advanced grading.

return: array

get_itemname_mapping_for_component()   X-Ref
Get the grade item mapping of item number to item name.

return: array

get_advancedgrading_itemnames()   X-Ref
Get the list of items which define advanced grading.

return: array