Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.

Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 400] [Versions 39 and 400]

   1  <?php
   2  // This file is part of Moodle -
   3  //
   4  // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   5  // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   7  // (at your option) any later version.
   8  //
   9  // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12  // GNU General Public License for more details.
  13  //
  14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  15  // along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.
  17  /**
  18   * Testing the H5peditorStorage interface implementation.
  19   *
  20   * @package    core_h5p
  21   * @category   test
  22   * @copyright  2020 Victor Deniz <>
  23   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  24   */
  26  namespace core_h5p;
  28  use core_h5p\local\library\autoloader;
  30  /**
  31   *
  32   * Test class covering the H5peditorStorage interface implementation.
  33   *
  34   * @package    core_h5p
  35   * @copyright  2020 Victor Deniz <>
  36   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  37   *
  38   * @runTestsInSeparateProcesses
  39   */
  40  class editor_framework_test extends \advanced_testcase {
  42      /** @var editor_framework H5P editor_framework instance */
  43      protected $editorframework;
  45      /**
  46       * Setup to ensure that fixtures are loaded.
  47       */
  48      public static function setupBeforeClass(): void {
  49          autoloader::register();
  50      }
  52      /**
  53       * Set up function for tests.
  54       */
  55      protected function setUp(): void {
  56          parent::setUp();
  58          $this->editorframework = new editor_framework();
  59      }
  61      /**
  62       * Test that the method getLanguage retrieves the translation of a library in the requested language.
  63       *
  64       * @dataProvider  get_language_provider
  65       *
  66       * @param  array  $datalib        Library data to create
  67       * @param  string $lang           Language to retrieve the translation
  68       * @param  bool   $emptyexpected  True when false value is expected; false, otherwise
  69       * @param  string $machinename    The machine readable name of the library(content type)
  70       * @param  int    $majorversion   Major part of version number
  71       * @param  int    $minorversion   Minor part of version number
  72       */
  73      public function test_get_language(array $datalib, string $lang, ?bool $emptyexpected = false, ?string $machinename = '',
  74              ?int $majorversion = 1, ?int $minorversion = 0): void {
  75          $this->resetAfterTest(true);
  77          // Fetch generator.
  78          $generator = \testing_util::get_data_generator();
  79          $h5pgenerator = $generator->get_plugin_generator('core_h5p');
  81          $h5pfilestorage = new file_storage();
  82          $h5ptempath = $h5pfilestorage->getTmpPath();
  84          $expectedresult = '';
  85          if ($datalib) {
  86              $translations = [];
  87              if (array_key_exists('translation', $datalib)) {
  88                  $translations = $datalib['translation'];
  89              }
  90              // Create DB entry for this library.
  91              $tmplib = $h5pgenerator->create_library_record($datalib['machinename'], $datalib['title'], $datalib['majorversion'],
  92                  $datalib['minorversion']);
  93              // Create the files for this libray.
  94              [$library, $files] = $h5pgenerator->create_library($h5ptempath, $tmplib->id, $datalib['machinename'],
  95                  $datalib['majorversion'], $datalib['minorversion'], $translations);
  96              $h5pfilestorage->saveLibrary($library);
  98              // If machinename, majorversion or minorversion are empty, use the value in datalib.
  99              if (empty($machinename)) {
 100                  $machinename = $datalib['machinename'];
 101              }
 102              if (empty($majorversion)) {
 103                  $majorversion = $datalib['majorversion'];
 104              }
 105              if (empty($minorversion)) {
 106                  $minorversion = $datalib['minorversion'];
 107              }
 108              if (!$emptyexpected && array_key_exists($lang, $translations)) {
 109                  $expectedresult = $translations[$lang];
 110              }
 111          }
 113          // Get Language.
 114          $json = $this->editorframework->getLanguage($machinename, $majorversion, $minorversion, $lang);
 116          if ($emptyexpected) {
 117              $this->assertFalse($json);
 118          } else {
 119              $this->assertEquals($expectedresult, $json);
 120          }
 121      }
 123      /**
 124       * Data provider for test_get_language().
 125       *
 126       * @return array
 127       */
 128      public function get_language_provider(): array {
 129          return [
 130              'No library' => [
 131                  [],
 132                  'en',
 133                  true,
 134                  'Library1',
 135                  1,
 136                  2,
 137              ],
 138              'One library created but getting translation from an unexisting one' => [
 139                  'Library1 1.2' => [
 140                      'machinename' => 'Library1',
 141                      'title' => 'Lib1',
 142                      'majorversion' => 1,
 143                      'minorversion' => 2,
 144                      'translation' => [
 145                          'es' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valor"}}',
 146                          'fr' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valeur"}}',
 147                      ],
 148                  ],
 149                  'es',
 150                  true,
 151                  'AnotherLibrary',
 152              ],
 153              'One library without any translation' => [
 154                  'Library1 1.2' => [
 155                      'machinename' => 'Library1',
 156                      'title' => 'Lib1',
 157                      'majorversion' => 1,
 158                      'minorversion' => 2,
 159                  ],
 160                  'es',
 161                  true,
 162              ],
 163              'One library with 2 translations (es and fr) - es' => [
 164                  'Library1 1.2' => [
 165                      'machinename' => 'Library1',
 166                      'title' => 'Lib1',
 167                      'majorversion' => 1,
 168                      'minorversion' => 2,
 169                      'translation' => [
 170                          'es' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valor"}}',
 171                          'fr' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valeur"}}',
 172                      ],
 173                  ],
 174                  'es',
 175              ],
 176              'One library with 2 translations (es and fr) - fr' => [
 177                  'Library1 1.2' => [
 178                      'machinename' => 'Library1',
 179                      'title' => 'Lib1',
 180                      'majorversion' => 1,
 181                      'minorversion' => 2,
 182                      'translation' => [
 183                          'es' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valor"}}',
 184                          'fr' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valeur"}}',
 185                      ],
 186                  ],
 187                  'fr',
 188              ],
 189              'One library with 2 translations (es and fr) - unexisting translation (de)' => [
 190                  'Library1 1.2' => [
 191                      'machinename' => 'Library1',
 192                      'title' => 'Lib1',
 193                      'majorversion' => 1,
 194                      'minorversion' => 2,
 195                      'translation' => [
 196                          'es' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valor"}}',
 197                          'fr' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valeur"}}',
 198                      ],
 199                  ],
 200                  'de',
 201                  true
 202              ],
 203              'One library with 3 translations (one of them English) - fr' => [
 204                  'Library1 1.2' => [
 205                      'machinename' => 'Library1',
 206                      'title' => 'Lib1',
 207                      'majorversion' => 1,
 208                      'minorversion' => 2,
 209                      'translation' => [
 210                          'en' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "value"}}',
 211                          'es' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valor"}}',
 212                          'fr' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valeur"}}',
 213                      ],
 214                  ],
 215                  'fr',
 216              ],
 217              'One library with 3 translations (one of them English) - en' => [
 218                  'Library1 1.2' => [
 219                      'machinename' => 'Library1',
 220                      'title' => 'Lib1',
 221                      'majorversion' => 1,
 222                      'minorversion' => 2,
 223                      'translation' => [
 224                          'en' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "value"}}',
 225                          'es' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valor"}}',
 226                          'fr' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valeur"}}',
 227                      ],
 228                  ],
 229                  'en',
 230              ],
 231          ];
 232      }
 234      /**
 235       * Test that the method getAvailableLanguages retrieves all the language available of a library.
 236       *
 237       * @dataProvider  get_available_languages_provider
 238       *
 239       * @param  array  $datalib        Library data to create
 240       * @param  array  $expectedlangs  Available languages expected.
 241       * @param  string $machinename    The machine readable name of the library(content type)
 242       * @param  int    $majorversion   Major part of version number
 243       * @param  int    $minorversion   Minor part of version number
 244       */
 245      public function test_get_available_languages(array $datalib, ?array $expectedlangs = null, ?string $machinename = '',
 246              ?int $majorversion = 1, ?int $minorversion = 0): void {
 247          $this->resetAfterTest(true);
 249          // Fetch generator.
 250          $generator = \testing_util::get_data_generator();
 251          $h5pgenerator = $generator->get_plugin_generator('core_h5p');
 253          $h5pfilestorage = new file_storage();
 254          $h5ptempath = $h5pfilestorage->getTmpPath();
 256          $translations = [];
 257          if ($datalib) {
 258              if (array_key_exists('translation', $datalib)) {
 259                  $translations = $datalib['translation'];
 260              }
 261              // Create DB entry for this library.
 262              $tmplib = $h5pgenerator->create_library_record($datalib['machinename'], $datalib['title'], $datalib['majorversion'],
 263                  $datalib['minorversion']);
 264              // Create the files for this libray.
 265              [$library, $files] = $h5pgenerator->create_library($h5ptempath, $tmplib->id, $datalib['machinename'],
 266                  $datalib['majorversion'], $datalib['minorversion'], $translations);
 267              $h5pfilestorage->saveLibrary($library);
 269              if (empty($machinename)) {
 270                  $machinename = $datalib['machinename'];
 271              }
 272              if (empty($majorversion)) {
 273                  $majorversion = $datalib['majorversion'];
 274              }
 275              if (empty($minorversion)) {
 276                  $minorversion = $datalib['minorversion'];
 277              }
 278          }
 280          // Get available languages.
 281          $langs = $this->editorframework->getAvailableLanguages($machinename, $majorversion, $minorversion);
 283          $this->assertCount(count($expectedlangs), $langs);
 284          $this->assertEquals(ksort($expectedlangs), ksort($langs));
 285      }
 287      /**
 288       * Data provider for test_get_available_languages().
 289       *
 290       * @return array
 291       */
 292      public function get_available_languages_provider(): array {
 293          return [
 294              'No library' => [
 295                  [],
 296                  [],
 297                  'Library1',
 298                  1,
 299                  2,
 300              ],
 301              'One library created but getting available from an unexisting one' => [
 302                  'Library1 1.2' => [
 303                      'machinename' => 'Library1',
 304                      'title' => 'Lib1',
 305                      'majorversion' => 1,
 306                      'minorversion' => 2,
 307                      'translation' => [
 308                          'es' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valor"}}',
 309                          'fr' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valeur"}}',
 310                      ],
 311                  ],
 312                  [],
 313                  'Library2',
 314                  1,
 315                  2,
 316              ],
 317              'One library without any translation' => [
 318                  'Library1 1.2' => [
 319                      'machinename' => 'Library1',
 320                      'title' => 'Lib1',
 321                      'majorversion' => 1,
 322                      'minorversion' => 2,
 323                  ],
 324                  ['en'],
 325              ],
 326              'One library with 2 translations (es and fr)' => [
 327                  'Library1 1.2' => [
 328                      'machinename' => 'Library1',
 329                      'title' => 'Lib1',
 330                      'majorversion' => 1,
 331                      'minorversion' => 2,
 332                      'translation' => [
 333                          'es' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valor"}}',
 334                          'fr' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valeur"}}',
 335                      ],
 336                  ],
 337                  ['en', 'es', 'fr'],
 338              ],
 339              'One library with 3 translations (one of them English)' => [
 340                  'Library1 1.2' => [
 341                      'machinename' => 'Library1',
 342                      'title' => 'Lib1',
 343                      'majorversion' => 1,
 344                      'minorversion' => 2,
 345                      'translation' => [
 346                          'en' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "value"}}',
 347                          'es' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valor"}}',
 348                          'fr' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valeur"}}',
 349                      ],
 350                  ],
 351                  ['en', 'es', 'fr'],
 352              ],
 353          ];
 354      }
 356      /**
 357       * Test that the method getLibraries get the specified libraries or all the content types (runnable = 1).
 358       */
 359      public function test_getLibraries(): void {
 360          $this->resetAfterTest(true);
 362          $generator = \testing_util::get_data_generator();
 363          $h5pgenerator = $generator->get_plugin_generator('core_h5p');
 365          // Generate some h5p related data.
 366          $data = $h5pgenerator->generate_h5p_data();
 368          $expectedlibraries = [];
 369          foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
 370              if (isset($value->data) && $value->data->runnable) {
 371                  $value->data->name = $value->data->machinename;
 372                  $value->data->majorVersion = $value->data->majorversion;
 373                  $value->data->minorVersion = $value->data->minorversion;
 374                  $expectedlibraries[$value->data->title] = $value->data;
 375              }
 376          }
 377          ksort($expectedlibraries);
 379          // Get all libraries.
 380          $libraries = $this->editorframework->getLibraries();
 381          foreach ($libraries as $library) {
 382              $actuallibraries[] = $library->title;
 383          }
 384          sort($actuallibraries);
 386          $this->assertEquals(array_keys($expectedlibraries), $actuallibraries);
 388          // Get a subset of libraries.
 389          $librariessubset = array_slice($expectedlibraries, 0, 4);
 391          $actuallibraries = [];
 392          $libraries = $this->editorframework->getLibraries($librariessubset);
 393          foreach ($libraries as $library) {
 394              $actuallibraries[] = $library->title;
 395          }
 397          $this->assertEquals(array_keys($librariessubset), $actuallibraries);
 398      }
 399  }