Differences Between: [Versions 400 and 402] [Versions 400 and 403]
External grading API
Copyright: | 2013 Paul Charsley |
License: | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later |
File Size: | 583 lines (25 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
core_grading_external:: (16 methods):
Class: core_grading_external - X-Ref
core grading functionsget_definitions_parameters() X-Ref |
Describes the parameters for get_definitions return: external_function_parameters |
get_definitions($cmids, $areaname, $activeonly = false) X-Ref |
Returns the definitions for the requested course module ids return: array of areas with definitions for each requested course module id param: array of ints $cmids param: string $areaname param: boolean $activeonly default is false, if true, only the active method is returned |
format_text($items, $contextid, $componentname, $itemid) X-Ref |
Recursively processes all elements in an array and runs external_format_text()on all elements which have a text field and associated format field with a key name that ends with the text 'format'. The modified array is returned. return: array the input array with all fields formatted param: array $items the array to be processed param: int $contextid param: string $componentname param: int $itemid |
grading_area() X-Ref |
Creates a grading area return: external_single_structure |
definition() X-Ref |
creates a grading form definition return: external_single_structure |
get_definitions_returns() X-Ref |
Describes the get_definitions return value return: external_single_structure |
get_grading_methods() X-Ref |
return: array of available grading methods |
get_gradingform_instances_parameters() X-Ref |
Describes the parameters for get_gradingform_instances return: external_function_parameters |
get_gradingform_instances($definitionid, $since = 0) X-Ref |
Returns the instances and fillings for the requested definition id return: array of grading instances with fillings for the definition id param: int $definitionid param: int $since only return instances with timemodified >= since |
grading_instance() X-Ref |
Creates a grading instance return: external_single_structure |
get_gradingform_instances_returns() X-Ref |
Describes the get_gradingform_instances return value return: external_single_structure |
save_definitions_parameters() X-Ref |
Describes the parameters for save_definitions return: external_function_parameters |
save_definitions($areas) X-Ref |
Saves the areas and definitions return: null param: array $areas array of areas containing definitions to be saved |
save_definitions_returns() X-Ref |
Describes the return value for save_definitions return: external_single_structure |
create_definition_object($definition) X-Ref |
Creates a definition stdClass object using the values from the definition array that is passed in as a parameter return: stdClass definition object param: array $definition |
set_new_ids($arraytoset, $startnumber) X-Ref |
Recursively iterates through arrays. Any array without an id key-value combination is assumed to be an array of values to be inserted and an id key-value is added with the value matching the regex '/^NEWID\d+$/' that is expected by each grading form implementation. return: array with missing id keys added for all arrays param: array $arraytoset the array to be processed param: int $startnumber the starting number for the new id numbers |