Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.
   1  <?php
   2  // This file is part of Moodle -
   3  //
   4  // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   5  // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   7  // (at your option) any later version.
   8  //
   9  // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12  // GNU General Public License for more details.
  13  //
  14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  15  // along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.
  17  /**
  18   * New messaging class.
  19   *
  20   * @package   core_message
  21   * @since     Moodle 2.9
  22   * @copyright 2015 onwards Ankit Agarwal
  23   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  24   */
  26  namespace core\message;
  28  defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
  30  /**
  31   * New messaging class.
  32   *
  33   * Required parameters of the $eventdata object:
  34   *  component string Component name. must exist in message_providers
  35   *  name string Message type name. must exist in message_providers
  36   *  userfrom object|int The user sending the message
  37   *  userto object|int The message recipient. This is mandatory for NOTIFICACIONS and 1:1 personal messages.
  38   *  subject string The message subject
  39   *  fullmessage string The full message in a given format
  40   *  fullmessageformat int The format if the full message (FORMAT_MOODLE, FORMAT_HTML, ..)
  41   *  fullmessagehtml string The full version (the message processor will choose with one to use)
  42   *  smallmessage string The small version of the message
  43   *
  44   * Required parameters of the $eventdata object for PERSONAL MESSAGES:
  45   *  convid int The conversation identifier where this message will be sent
  46   *
  47   * Optional parameters of the $eventdata object:
  48   *  notification bool Should the message be considered as a notification rather than a personal message
  49   *  contexturl string If this is a notification then you can specify a url to view the event.
  50   *                    For example the forum post the user is being notified of.
  51   *  contexturlname string The display text for contexturl.
  52   *  replyto string An email address which can be used to send an reply.
  53   *  attachment stored_file File instance that needs to be sent as attachment.
  54   *  attachname string Name of the attachment.
  55   *  customdata mixed Custom data to be passed to the message processor. Must be serialisable using json_encode().
  56   *
  57   * @package   core_message
  58   * @since     Moodle 2.9
  59   * @copyright 2015 onwards Ankit Agarwal
  60   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  61   */
  62  class message {
  63      /** @var int Course id. */
  64      private $courseid;
  66      /** @var string Module name. */
  67      private $modulename;
  69      /** @var string Component name. */
  70      private $component;
  72      /** @var string Name. */
  73      private $name;
  75      /** @var object|int The user who is sending this message. */
  76      private $userfrom;
  78      /** @var int The conversation id where userfrom is sending this message. */
  79      private $convid;
  81      /** @var int The conversation type, eg. \core_message\api::MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_INDIVIDUAL */
  82      private $conversationtype;
  84      /** @var object|int The user who is receiving from which is sending this message. */
  85      private $userto;
  87      /** @var string Subject of the message. */
  88      private $subject;
  90      /** @var string Complete message. */
  91      private $fullmessage;
  93      /** @var int Message format. */
  94      private $fullmessageformat;
  96      /** @var string Complete message in html format. */
  97      private $fullmessagehtml;
  99      /** @var  string Smaller version of the message. */
 100      private $smallmessage;
 102      /** @var  int Is it a notification? */
 103      private $notification;
 105      /** @var  string context url. */
 106      private $contexturl;
 108      /** @var  string context name. */
 109      private $contexturlname;
 111      /** @var  string An email address which can be used to send an reply. */
 112      private $replyto;
 114      /** @var  string A name which can be used with replyto. */
 115      private $replytoname;
 117      /** @var  int Used internally to store the id of the row representing this message in DB. */
 118      private $savedmessageid;
 120      /** @var  \stored_file  File to be attached to the message. Note:- not all processors support this.*/
 121      private $attachment;
 123      /** @var  string Name of the attachment. Note:- not all processors support this.*/
 124      private $attachname;
 126      /** @var  int The time the message was created.*/
 127      private $timecreated;
 129      /** @var boolean Mark trust content. */
 130      private $fullmessagetrust;
 132      /** @var  mixed Custom data to be passed to the message processor. Must be serialisable using json_encode(). */
 133      private $customdata;
 135      /** @var boolean If message is anonymous. */
 136      private $anonymous;
 138      /** @var array a list of properties that is allowed for each message. */
 139      private $properties = array(
 140          'courseid',
 141          'modulename',
 142          'component',
 143          'name',
 144          'userfrom',
 145          'convid',
 146          'conversationtype',
 147          'userto',
 148          'subject',
 149          'fullmessage',
 150          'fullmessageformat',
 151          'fullmessagehtml',
 152          'smallmessage',
 153          'notification',
 154          'contexturl',
 155          'contexturlname',
 156          'replyto',
 157          'replytoname',
 158          'savedmessageid',
 159          'attachment',
 160          'attachname',
 161          'timecreated',
 162          'fullmessagetrust',
 163          'customdata',
 164          'anonymous',
 165      );
 167      /** @var array property to store any additional message processor specific content */
 168      private $additionalcontent = array();
 170      /**
 171       * Fullmessagehtml content including any processor specific content.
 172       *
 173       * @param string $processorname Name of the processor.
 174       *
 175       * @return mixed|string
 176       */
 177      protected function get_fullmessagehtml($processorname = '') {
 178          if (!empty($processorname) && isset($this->additionalcontent[$processorname])) {
 179              return $this->get_message_with_additional_content($processorname, 'fullmessagehtml');
 180          } else {
 181              return $this->fullmessagehtml;
 182          }
 183      }
 185      /**
 186       * Fullmessage content including any processor specific content.
 187       *
 188       * @param string $processorname Name of the processor.
 189       *
 190       * @return mixed|string
 191       */
 192      protected function get_fullmessage($processorname = '') {
 193          if (!empty($processorname) && isset($this->additionalcontent[$processorname])) {
 194              return $this->get_message_with_additional_content($processorname, 'fullmessage');
 195          } else {
 196              return $this->fullmessage;
 197          }
 198      }
 200      /**
 201       * Smallmessage content including any processor specific content.
 202       *
 203       * @param string $processorname Name of the processor.
 204       *
 205       * @return mixed|string
 206       */
 207      protected function get_smallmessage($processorname = '') {
 208          if (!empty($processorname) && isset($this->additionalcontent[$processorname])) {
 209              return $this->get_message_with_additional_content($processorname, 'smallmessage');
 210          } else {
 211              return $this->smallmessage;
 212          }
 213      }
 215      /**
 216       * Always JSON encode customdata.
 217       *
 218       * @param mixed $customdata a data structure that must be serialisable using json_encode().
 219       */
 220      protected function set_customdata($customdata) {
 221          // Always include the courseid (because is not stored in the notifications or messages table).
 222          if (!empty($this->courseid) && (is_object($customdata) || is_array($customdata))) {
 223              $customdata = (array) $customdata;
 224              $customdata['courseid'] = $this->courseid;
 225          }
 226          $this->customdata = json_encode($customdata);
 227      }
 229      /**
 230       * Helper method used to get message content added with processor specific content.
 231       *
 232       * @param string $processorname Name of the processor.
 233       * @param string $messagetype one of 'fullmessagehtml', 'fullmessage', 'smallmessage'.
 234       *
 235       * @return mixed|string
 236       */
 237      protected function get_message_with_additional_content($processorname, $messagetype) {
 238          $message = $this->$messagetype;
 239          if (isset($this->additionalcontent[$processorname]['*'])) {
 240              // Content that needs to be added to all format.
 241              $pattern = $this->additionalcontent[$processorname]['*'];
 242              $message = empty($pattern['header']) ? $message : $pattern['header'] . $message;
 243              $message = empty($pattern['footer']) ? $message : $message . $pattern['footer'];
 244          }
 246          if (isset($this->additionalcontent[$processorname][$messagetype])) {
 247              // Content that needs to be added to the specific given format.
 248              $pattern = $this->additionalcontent[$processorname][$messagetype];
 249              $message = empty($pattern['header']) ? $message : $pattern['header'] . $message;
 250              $message = empty($pattern['footer']) ? $message : $message . $pattern['footer'];
 251          }
 253          return $message;
 254      }
 256      /**
 257       * Magic getter method.
 258       *
 259       * @param string $prop name of property to get.
 260       *
 261       * @return mixed
 262       * @throws \coding_exception
 263       */
 264      public function __get($prop) {
 265          if (in_array($prop, $this->properties)) {
 266              return $this->$prop;
 267          }
 268          throw new \coding_exception("Invalid property $prop specified");
 269      }
 271      /**
 272       * Magic setter method.
 273       *
 274       * @param string $prop name of property to set.
 275       * @param mixed $value value to assign to the property.
 276       *
 277       * @return mixed
 278       * @throws \coding_exception
 279       */
 280      public function __set($prop, $value) {
 282          // Custom data must be JSON encoded always.
 283          if ($prop == 'customdata') {
 284              return $this->set_customdata($value);
 285          }
 287          if (in_array($prop, $this->properties)) {
 288              return $this->$prop = $value;
 289          }
 290          throw new \coding_exception("Invalid property $prop specified");
 291      }
 293      /**
 294       * Magic method to check if property is set.
 295       *
 296       * @param string $prop name of property to check.
 297       * @return bool
 298       * @throws \coding_exception
 299       */
 300      public function __isset($prop) {
 301          if (in_array($prop, $this->properties)) {
 302              return isset($this->$prop);
 303          }
 304          throw new \coding_exception("Invalid property $prop specified");
 305      }
 307      /**
 308       * This method lets you define content that would be added to the message only for specific message processors.
 309       *
 310       * Example of $content:-
 311       * array('fullmessagehtml' => array('header' => 'header content', 'footer' => 'footer content'),
 312       *       'smallmessage' => array('header' => 'header content for small message', 'footer' => 'footer content'),
 313       *       '*' => array('header' => 'header content for all types', 'footer' => 'footer content')
 314       * )
 315       *
 316       * @param string $processorname name of the processor.
 317       * @param array $content content to add in the above defined format.
 318       */
 319      public function set_additional_content($processorname, $content) {
 320          $this->additionalcontent[$processorname] = $content;
 321      }
 323      /**
 324       * Get a event object for a specific processor in stdClass format.
 325       *
 326       * @param string $processorname Name of the processor.
 327       *
 328       * @return \stdClass event object in stdClass format.
 329       */
 330      public function get_eventobject_for_processor($processorname) {
 331          // This is done for Backwards compatibility. We should consider throwing notices here in future versions and requesting
 332          // them to use proper api.
 334          $eventdata = new \stdClass();
 335          foreach ($this->properties as $prop) {
 336              $func = "get_$prop";
 337              $eventdata->$prop = method_exists($this, $func) ? $this->$func($processorname) : $this->$prop;
 338          }
 339          return $eventdata;
 340      }
 341  }