Defines classes used for updates.
Copyright: | 2011 David Mudrak <> |
License: | GNU GPL v3 or later |
File Size: | 845 lines (31 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
checker:: (19 methods):
but:: (10 methods):
__construct() X-Ref |
Direct initiation not allowed, use the factory method {@link self::instance()} |
__clone() X-Ref |
Sorry, this is singleton |
instance() X-Ref |
Factory method for this class return: \core\update\checker the singleton instance |
reset_caches($phpunitreset = false) X-Ref |
Reset any caches param: bool $phpunitreset |
enabled() X-Ref |
Is checking for available updates enabled? The feature is enabled unless it is prohibited via config.php. If enabled, the button for manual checking for available updates is displayed at admin screens. To perform scheduled checks for updates automatically, the admin setting $CFG->updateautocheck has to be enabled. return: bool |
get_last_timefetched() X-Ref |
Returns the timestamp of the last execution of {@link fetch()} return: int|null null if it has never been executed or we don't known |
fetch() X-Ref |
Fetches the available update status from the remote site |
get_update_info($component, array $options = array() X-Ref |
Returns the available update information for the given component This method returns null if the most recent response does not contain any information about it. The returned structure is an array of available updates for the given component. Each update info is an object with at least one property called 'version'. Other possible properties are 'release', 'maturity', 'url' and 'downloadurl'. For the 'core' component, the method returns real updates only (those with higher version). For all other components, the list of all known remote updates is returned and the caller (usually the {@link core_plugin_manager}) is supposed to make the actual comparison of versions. return: null|array null or array of \core\update\info objects param: string $component frankenstyle param: array $options with supported keys 'minmaturity' and/or 'notifybuilds' |
cron() X-Ref |
The method being run via cron.php |
get_response() X-Ref |
Makes cURL request to get data from the remote site return: string raw request result |
validate_response($response) X-Ref |
Makes sure the response is valid, has correct API format etc. param: string $response raw response as returned by the {@link self::get_response()} |
decode_response($response) X-Ref |
Decodes the raw string response from the update notifications provider return: array decoded response structure param: string $response as returned by {@link self::get_response()} |
store_response($response) X-Ref |
Stores the valid fetched response for later usage This implementation uses the config_plugins table as the permanent storage. param: string $response raw valid data returned by {@link self::get_response()} |
restore_response($forcereload = false) X-Ref |
Loads the most recent raw response record we have fetched After this method is called, $this->recentresponse is set to an array. If the array is empty, then either no data have been fetched yet or the fetched data do not have expected format (and thence they are ignored and a debugging message is displayed). This implementation uses the config_plugins table as the permanent storage. param: bool $forcereload reload even if it was already loaded |
compare_responses(array $old, array $new) X-Ref |
Compares two raw {@link $recentresponse} records and returns the list of changed updates This method is used to populate potential update info to be sent to site admins. return: array parts of $new['updates'] that have changed param: array $old param: array $new |
prepare_request_url() X-Ref |
Returns the URL to send update requests to During the development or testing, you can set $CFG->alternativeupdateproviderurl to a custom URL that will be used. Otherwise the standard URL will be returned. return: string URL |
load_current_environment($forcereload=false) X-Ref |
Sets the properties currentversion, currentrelease, currentbranch and currentplugins param: bool $forcereload |
prepare_request_params() X-Ref |
Returns the list of HTTP params to be sent to the updates provider URL return: array of (string)param => (string)value |
prepare_request_options() X-Ref |
Returns the list of cURL options to use when fetching available updates data return: array of (string)param => (string)value |
cron_current_timestamp() X-Ref |
Returns the current timestamp return: int the timestamp |
cron_mtrace($msg, $eol = PHP_EOL) X-Ref |
Output cron debugging info param: string $msg output message param: string $eol end of line |
cron_autocheck_enabled() X-Ref |
Decide if the autocheck feature is disabled in the server setting return: bool true if autocheck enabled, false if disabled |
cron_has_fresh_fetch($now) X-Ref |
Decide if the recently fetched data are still fresh enough return: bool true if no need to re-fetch, false otherwise param: int $now current timestamp |
cron_has_outdated_fetch($now) X-Ref |
Decide if the fetch is outadated or even missing return: bool false if no need to re-fetch, true otherwise param: int $now current timestamp |
cron_execution_offset() X-Ref |
Returns the cron execution offset for this site The main {@link self::cron()} is supposed to run every night in some random time between 01:00 and 06:00 AM (local time). The exact moment is defined by so called execution offset, that is the amount of time after 01:00 AM. The offset value is initially generated randomly and then used consistently at the site. This way, the regular checks against the server are spread in time. return: int the offset number of seconds from range 1 sec to 5 hours |
cron_execute() X-Ref |
Fetch available updates info and eventually send notification to site admins |
cron_notifications(array $changes) X-Ref |
Given the list of changes in available updates, pick those to send to site admins return: array of \core\update\info objects to send to site admins param: array $changes as returned by {@link self::compare_responses()} |
cron_notify(array $notifications) X-Ref |
Sends the given notifications to site admins via messaging API param: array $notifications array of \core\update\info objects to send |
is_same_release($remote, $local=null) X-Ref |
Compare two release labels and decide if they are the same return: boolean true if the releases declare the same minor+major version param: string $remote release info of the available update param: null|string $local release info of the local code, defaults to $release defined in version.php |