Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.

Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 400] [Versions 311 and 400] [Versions 39 and 400] [Versions 400 and 401] [Versions 400 and 402] [Versions 400 and 403]

deprecatedlib.php - Old functions retained only for backward compatibility Old functions retained only for backward compatibility.  New code should not use any of these functions.

Copyright: 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link}
License: GNU GPL v3 or later
File Size: 3746 lines (123 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 11 classes

core_courseformat:: (24 methods):

core_course_category:: (14 methods):

tabtree:: (38 methods):

tabtree:: (38 methods):

and:: (14 methods):

instead:: (167 methods):

instead:: (167 methods):

instead:: (167 methods):

instead:: (167 methods):

instead:: (167 methods):

instead:: (167 methods):

Defines 167 functions


Class: tabtree  - X-Ref

Class: tabtree  - X-Ref

Class: instead  - X-Ref

get_timezone_offset()   X-Ref

get_list_of_timezones()   X-Ref

update_timezone_records()   X-Ref

calculate_user_dst_table()   X-Ref

dst_changes_for_year()   X-Ref

get_timezone_record()   X-Ref

get_referer()   X-Ref

is_web_crawler()   X-Ref

completion_cron()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_tags()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_all_tags()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_jscript()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_jscript_links()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_records()   X-Ref

coursetag_store_keywords()   X-Ref

coursetag_delete_keyword()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_tagged_courses()   X-Ref

coursetag_delete_course_tags()   X-Ref

tag_type_set()   X-Ref

tag_description_set()   X-Ref

tag_get_tags()   X-Ref

tag_get_tags_array()   X-Ref

tag_get_tags_csv()   X-Ref

tag_get_tags_ids()   X-Ref

tag_get_id()   X-Ref

tag_rename()   X-Ref

tag_delete_instance()   X-Ref

tag_find_records()   X-Ref

tag_add()   X-Ref

tag_assign()   X-Ref

tag_record_count()   X-Ref

tag_record_tagged_with()   X-Ref

tag_set_flag()   X-Ref

tag_unset_flag()   X-Ref

tag_print_cloud()   X-Ref

tag_autocomplete()   X-Ref

tag_print_description_box()   X-Ref

tag_print_management_box()   X-Ref

tag_print_search_box()   X-Ref

tag_print_search_results()   X-Ref

tag_print_tagged_users_table()   X-Ref

tag_print_user_box()   X-Ref

tag_print_user_list()   X-Ref

tag_display_name()   X-Ref

tag_normalize()   X-Ref

tag_get_related_tags_csv()   X-Ref

tag_set()   X-Ref

tag_set_add()   X-Ref

tag_set_delete()   X-Ref

tag_get()   X-Ref

tag_get_related_tags()   X-Ref

tag_delete()   X-Ref

tag_delete_instances()   X-Ref

tag_cleanup()   X-Ref

tag_bulk_delete_instances()   X-Ref

tag_compute_correlations()   X-Ref

tag_process_computed_correlation()   X-Ref

tag_cron()   X-Ref

tag_find_tags()   X-Ref

tag_get_name()   X-Ref

tag_get_correlated()   X-Ref

tag_cloud_sort()   X-Ref

events_load_def()   X-Ref

events_queue_handler()   X-Ref

events_dispatch()   X-Ref

events_process_queued_handler()   X-Ref

events_update_definition()   X-Ref

events_cron()   X-Ref

events_trigger_legacy()   X-Ref

events_is_registered()   X-Ref

events_pending_count()   X-Ref

clam_message_admins()   X-Ref

get_clam_error_code()   X-Ref

course_get_cm_rename_action()   X-Ref

course_scale_used()   X-Ref

site_scale_used()   X-Ref

external_function_info()   X-Ref

get_records_csv()   X-Ref

put_records_csv()   X-Ref

css_is_colour()   X-Ref

css_is_width()   X-Ref

css_sort_by_count()   X-Ref

message_get_course_contexts()   X-Ref

message_remove_url_params()   X-Ref

message_count_messages()   X-Ref

message_count_blocked_users()   X-Ref

message_contact_link()   X-Ref

message_get_recent_notifications()   X-Ref

message_history_link()   X-Ref

message_search()   X-Ref

message_shorten_message()   X-Ref

message_get_fragment()   X-Ref

message_get_history()   X-Ref

message_get_contact_add_remove_link()   X-Ref

message_get_contact_block_link()   X-Ref

message_mark_messages_read()   X-Ref

message_can_post_message()   X-Ref

message_is_user_non_contact_blocked()   X-Ref

message_is_user_blocked()   X-Ref

print_log()   X-Ref

print_mnet_log()   X-Ref

print_log_csv()   X-Ref

print_log_xls()   X-Ref

print_log_ods()   X-Ref

build_logs_array()   X-Ref

get_logs_usercourse()   X-Ref

get_logs_userday()   X-Ref

get_logs()   X-Ref

prevent_form_autofill_password()   X-Ref

message_get_recent_conversations($userorid, $limitfrom = 0, $limitto = 100)   X-Ref

calendar_preferences_button()   X-Ref

calendar_wday_name()   X-Ref

calendar_get_block_upcoming()   X-Ref

calendar_print_month_selector()   X-Ref

calendar_cron()   X-Ref

load_course_context()   X-Ref

load_role_access_by_context()   X-Ref

dedupe_user_access()   X-Ref

get_user_access_sitewide()   X-Ref

calendar_get_mini()   X-Ref

calendar_get_upcoming()   X-Ref

allow_override()   X-Ref

allow_assign()   X-Ref

allow_switch()   X-Ref

question_add_tops()   X-Ref

question_is_only_toplevel_category_in_context()   X-Ref

message_move_userfrom_unread2read()   X-Ref

message_get_blocked_users()   X-Ref

message_get_contacts()   X-Ref

message_mark_message_read()   X-Ref

message_can_delete_message()   X-Ref

message_delete_message()   X-Ref

calendar_get_all_allowed_types()   X-Ref

groups_get_all_groups_for_courses()   X-Ref

events_get_cached()   X-Ref

events_uninstall()   X-Ref

events_cleanup()   X-Ref

events_dequeue()   X-Ref

events_get_handlers()   X-Ref

get_roles_on_exact_context()   X-Ref

get_roles_with_assignment_on_context()   X-Ref

message_add_contact()   X-Ref

message_remove_contact()   X-Ref

message_unblock_contact()   X-Ref

message_block_contact()   X-Ref

message_get_contact()   X-Ref

get_courses_page()   X-Ref

report_insights_context_insights(\context $context)   X-Ref

get_module_metadata($course, $modnames, $sectionreturn = null)   X-Ref
Retrieve all metadata for the requested modules

return: array A list of stdClass objects containing metadata about each
param: object $course The Course
param: array $modnames An array containing the list of modules and their
param: int $sectionreturn The section to return to

cron_run_single_task(\core\task\scheduled_task $task)   X-Ref
Runs a single cron task. This function assumes it is displaying output in pseudo-CLI mode.

The function will fail if the task is disabled.

Warning: Because this function closes the browser session, it may not be safe to continue
with other processing (other than displaying the rest of the page) after using this function!

return: bool True if cron run successful
param: \core\task\scheduled_task $task Task to run

cron_execute_plugin_type($plugintype, $description = null)   X-Ref
Executes cron functions for a specific type of plugin.

param: string $plugintype Plugin type (e.g. 'report')
param: string $description If specified, will display 'Starting (whatever)'

cron_bc_hack_plugin_functions($plugintype, $plugins)   X-Ref
Used to add in old-style cron functions within plugins that have not been converted to the
new standard API. (The standard API is frankenstyle_name_cron() in lib.php; some types used
cron.php and some used a different name.)

return: array Revised version of $plugins that adds in any extra plugin functions found by
param: string $plugintype Plugin type e.g. 'report'
param: array $plugins Array from plugin name (e.g. 'report_frog') to function name (e.g.

user_get_participants_sql($courseid, $groupid = 0, $accesssince = 0, $roleid = 0, $enrolid = 0, $statusid = -1,$search = '', $additionalwhere = '', $additionalparams = array()   X-Ref
Returns the SQL used by the participants table.

return: array
param: int $courseid The course id
param: int $groupid The groupid, 0 means all groups and USERSWITHOUTGROUP no group
param: int $accesssince The time since last access, 0 means any time
param: int $roleid The role id, 0 means all roles and -1 no roles
param: int $enrolid The enrolment id, 0 means all enrolment methods will be returned.
param: int $statusid The user enrolment status, -1 means all enrolments regardless of the status will be returned, if allowed.
param: string|array $search The search that was performed, empty means perform no search
param: string $additionalwhere Any additional SQL to add to where
param: array $additionalparams The additional params

user_get_total_participants($courseid, $groupid = 0, $accesssince = 0, $roleid = 0, $enrolid = 0, $statusid = -1,$search = '', $additionalwhere = '', $additionalparams = array()   X-Ref
Returns the total number of participants for a given course.

return: int
param: int $courseid The course id
param: int $groupid The groupid, 0 means all groups and USERSWITHOUTGROUP no group
param: int $accesssince The time since last access, 0 means any time
param: int $roleid The role id, 0 means all roles
param: int $enrolid The applied filter for the user enrolment ID.
param: int $status The applied filter for the user's enrolment status.
param: string|array $search The search that was performed, empty means perform no search
param: string $additionalwhere Any additional SQL to add to where
param: array $additionalparams The additional params

user_get_participants($courseid, $groupid, $accesssince, $roleid, $enrolid, $statusid, $search,$additionalwhere = '', $additionalparams = array()   X-Ref
Returns the participants for a given course.

return: moodle_recordset
param: int $courseid The course id
param: int $groupid The groupid, 0 means all groups and USERSWITHOUTGROUP no group
param: int $accesssince The time since last access
param: int $roleid The role id
param: int $enrolid The applied filter for the user enrolment ID.
param: int $status The applied filter for the user's enrolment status.
param: string $search The search that was performed
param: string $additionalwhere Any additional SQL to add to where
param: array $additionalparams The additional params
param: string $sort The SQL sort
param: int $limitfrom return a subset of records, starting at this point (optional).
param: int $limitnum return a subset comprising this many records (optional, required if $limitfrom is set).

make_categories_options()   X-Ref
Returns the list of full course categories to be used in html_writer::select()

Calls {@see core_course_category::make_categories_list()} to build the list.

return: array array mapping course category id to the display name

get_extra_user_fields($context, $already = array()   X-Ref
Checks if current user is shown any extra fields when listing users.

Does not include any custom profile fields.

return: array Array of field names from user table, not including anything
param: object $context Context
param: array $already Array of fields that we're going to show anyway

get_extra_user_fields_sql($context, $alias='', $prefix='', $already = array()   X-Ref
If the current user is to be shown extra user fields when listing or
selecting users, returns a string suitable for including in an SQL select
clause to retrieve those fields.

Does not include any custom profile fields.

return: string Partial SQL select clause, beginning with comma, for example ',u.idnumber,u.department' unless it is blank
param: context $context Context
param: string $alias Alias of user table, e.g. 'u' (default none)
param: string $prefix Prefix for field names using AS, e.g. 'u_' (default none)
param: array $already Array of fields that we're going to include anyway so don't list them (default none)

get_user_field_name($field)   X-Ref
Returns the display name of a field in the user table. Works for most fields that are commonly displayed to users.

Also works for custom fields.

return: string Text description taken from language file, e.g. 'Phone number'
param: string $field Field name, e.g. 'phone1'

get_all_user_name_fields($returnsql = false, $tableprefix = null, $prefix = null, $fieldprefix = null, $order = false)   X-Ref
A centralised location for the all name fields. Returns an array / sql string snippet.

return: array|string All name fields.
param: bool $returnsql True for an sql select field snippet.
param: string $tableprefix table query prefix to use in front of each field.
param: string $prefix prefix added to the name fields e.g. authorfirstname.
param: string $fieldprefix sql field prefix e.g. id AS userid.
param: bool $order moves firstname and lastname to the top of the array / start of the string.

calendar_process_subscription_row($subscriptionid, $pollinterval, $action)   X-Ref
Update a subscription from the form data in one of the rows in the existing subscriptions table.

return: string A log of the import progress, including errors
param: int $subscriptionid The ID of the subscription we are acting upon.
param: int $pollinterval The poll interval to use.
param: int $action The action to be performed. One of update or remove.

calendar_import_icalendar_events($ical, $unused = null, $subscriptionid = null)   X-Ref
Import events from an iCalendar object into a course calendar.

return: string A log of the import progress, including errors.
param: iCalendar $ical The iCalendar object.
param: int $unused Deprecated
param: int $subscriptionid The subscription ID.

grade_print_tabs($active_type, $active_plugin, $plugin_info, $return=false)   X-Ref
Print grading plugin selection tab-based navigation.

return: nothing or string if $return true
param: string  $active_type type of plugin on current page - import, export, report or edit
param: string  $active_plugin active plugin type - grader, user, cvs, ...
param: array   $plugin_info Array of plugins
param: boolean $return return as string

print_grade_plugin_selector($plugin_info, $active_type, $active_plugin, $return=false)   X-Ref
Print grading plugin selection popup form.

return: nothing or string if $return true
param: array   $plugin_info An array of plugins containing information for the selector
param: boolean $return return as string

course_purge_section_cache(object $sectioninfo)   X-Ref
Purge the cache of a course section.

$sectioninfo must have following attributes:
- course: course id
- section: section number

return: void
param: object $sectioninfo section info

course_purge_module_cache($cm)   X-Ref
Purge the cache of a course module.

$cm must have following attributes:
- id: cmid
- course: course id

return: void
param: cm_info|stdClass $cm course module

get_array_of_activities(int $courseid, bool $usecache = false)   X-Ref
For a given course, returns an array of course activity objects
Each item in the array contains he following properties:

return: array list of activities
param: int $courseid course id
param: bool $usecache get activities from cache if modinfo exists when $usecache is true

Class: instead  - X-Ref

get_timezone_offset()   X-Ref

get_list_of_timezones()   X-Ref

update_timezone_records()   X-Ref

calculate_user_dst_table()   X-Ref

dst_changes_for_year()   X-Ref

get_timezone_record()   X-Ref

get_referer()   X-Ref

is_web_crawler()   X-Ref

completion_cron()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_tags()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_all_tags()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_jscript()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_jscript_links()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_records()   X-Ref

coursetag_store_keywords()   X-Ref

coursetag_delete_keyword()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_tagged_courses()   X-Ref

coursetag_delete_course_tags()   X-Ref

tag_type_set()   X-Ref

tag_description_set()   X-Ref

tag_get_tags()   X-Ref

tag_get_tags_array()   X-Ref

tag_get_tags_csv()   X-Ref

tag_get_tags_ids()   X-Ref

tag_get_id()   X-Ref

tag_rename()   X-Ref

tag_delete_instance()   X-Ref

tag_find_records()   X-Ref

tag_add()   X-Ref

tag_assign()   X-Ref

tag_record_count()   X-Ref

tag_record_tagged_with()   X-Ref

tag_set_flag()   X-Ref

tag_unset_flag()   X-Ref

tag_print_cloud()   X-Ref

tag_autocomplete()   X-Ref

tag_print_description_box()   X-Ref

tag_print_management_box()   X-Ref

tag_print_search_box()   X-Ref

tag_print_search_results()   X-Ref

tag_print_tagged_users_table()   X-Ref

tag_print_user_box()   X-Ref

tag_print_user_list()   X-Ref

tag_display_name()   X-Ref

tag_normalize()   X-Ref

tag_get_related_tags_csv()   X-Ref

tag_set()   X-Ref

tag_set_add()   X-Ref

tag_set_delete()   X-Ref

tag_get()   X-Ref

tag_get_related_tags()   X-Ref

tag_delete()   X-Ref

tag_delete_instances()   X-Ref

tag_cleanup()   X-Ref

tag_bulk_delete_instances()   X-Ref

tag_compute_correlations()   X-Ref

tag_process_computed_correlation()   X-Ref

tag_cron()   X-Ref

tag_find_tags()   X-Ref

tag_get_name()   X-Ref

tag_get_correlated()   X-Ref

tag_cloud_sort()   X-Ref

events_load_def()   X-Ref

events_queue_handler()   X-Ref

events_dispatch()   X-Ref

events_process_queued_handler()   X-Ref

events_update_definition()   X-Ref

events_cron()   X-Ref

events_trigger_legacy()   X-Ref

events_is_registered()   X-Ref

events_pending_count()   X-Ref

clam_message_admins()   X-Ref

get_clam_error_code()   X-Ref

course_get_cm_rename_action()   X-Ref

course_scale_used()   X-Ref

site_scale_used()   X-Ref

external_function_info()   X-Ref

get_records_csv()   X-Ref

put_records_csv()   X-Ref

css_is_colour()   X-Ref

css_is_width()   X-Ref

css_sort_by_count()   X-Ref

message_get_course_contexts()   X-Ref

message_remove_url_params()   X-Ref

message_count_messages()   X-Ref

message_count_blocked_users()   X-Ref

message_contact_link()   X-Ref

message_get_recent_notifications()   X-Ref

message_history_link()   X-Ref

message_search()   X-Ref

message_shorten_message()   X-Ref

message_get_fragment()   X-Ref

message_get_history()   X-Ref

message_get_contact_add_remove_link()   X-Ref

message_get_contact_block_link()   X-Ref

message_mark_messages_read()   X-Ref

message_can_post_message()   X-Ref

message_is_user_non_contact_blocked()   X-Ref

message_is_user_blocked()   X-Ref

print_log()   X-Ref

print_mnet_log()   X-Ref

print_log_csv()   X-Ref

print_log_xls()   X-Ref

print_log_ods()   X-Ref

build_logs_array()   X-Ref

get_logs_usercourse()   X-Ref

get_logs_userday()   X-Ref

get_logs()   X-Ref

prevent_form_autofill_password()   X-Ref

message_get_recent_conversations($userorid, $limitfrom = 0, $limitto = 100)   X-Ref

calendar_preferences_button()   X-Ref

calendar_wday_name()   X-Ref

calendar_get_block_upcoming()   X-Ref

calendar_print_month_selector()   X-Ref

calendar_cron()   X-Ref

load_course_context()   X-Ref

load_role_access_by_context()   X-Ref

dedupe_user_access()   X-Ref

get_user_access_sitewide()   X-Ref

calendar_get_mini()   X-Ref

calendar_get_upcoming()   X-Ref

allow_override()   X-Ref

allow_assign()   X-Ref

allow_switch()   X-Ref

question_add_tops()   X-Ref

question_is_only_toplevel_category_in_context()   X-Ref

message_move_userfrom_unread2read()   X-Ref

message_get_blocked_users()   X-Ref

message_get_contacts()   X-Ref

message_mark_message_read()   X-Ref

message_can_delete_message()   X-Ref

message_delete_message()   X-Ref

calendar_get_all_allowed_types()   X-Ref

groups_get_all_groups_for_courses()   X-Ref

events_get_cached()   X-Ref

events_uninstall()   X-Ref

events_cleanup()   X-Ref

events_dequeue()   X-Ref

events_get_handlers()   X-Ref

get_roles_on_exact_context()   X-Ref

get_roles_with_assignment_on_context()   X-Ref

message_add_contact()   X-Ref

message_remove_contact()   X-Ref

message_unblock_contact()   X-Ref

message_block_contact()   X-Ref

message_get_contact()   X-Ref

get_courses_page()   X-Ref

report_insights_context_insights(\context $context)   X-Ref

get_module_metadata($course, $modnames, $sectionreturn = null)   X-Ref
Retrieve all metadata for the requested modules

return: array A list of stdClass objects containing metadata about each
param: object $course The Course
param: array $modnames An array containing the list of modules and their
param: int $sectionreturn The section to return to

cron_run_single_task(\core\task\scheduled_task $task)   X-Ref
Runs a single cron task. This function assumes it is displaying output in pseudo-CLI mode.

The function will fail if the task is disabled.

Warning: Because this function closes the browser session, it may not be safe to continue
with other processing (other than displaying the rest of the page) after using this function!

return: bool True if cron run successful
param: \core\task\scheduled_task $task Task to run

cron_execute_plugin_type($plugintype, $description = null)   X-Ref
Executes cron functions for a specific type of plugin.

param: string $plugintype Plugin type (e.g. 'report')
param: string $description If specified, will display 'Starting (whatever)'

cron_bc_hack_plugin_functions($plugintype, $plugins)   X-Ref
Used to add in old-style cron functions within plugins that have not been converted to the
new standard API. (The standard API is frankenstyle_name_cron() in lib.php; some types used
cron.php and some used a different name.)

return: array Revised version of $plugins that adds in any extra plugin functions found by
param: string $plugintype Plugin type e.g. 'report'
param: array $plugins Array from plugin name (e.g. 'report_frog') to function name (e.g.

user_get_participants_sql($courseid, $groupid = 0, $accesssince = 0, $roleid = 0, $enrolid = 0, $statusid = -1,$search = '', $additionalwhere = '', $additionalparams = array()   X-Ref
Returns the SQL used by the participants table.

return: array
param: int $courseid The course id
param: int $groupid The groupid, 0 means all groups and USERSWITHOUTGROUP no group
param: int $accesssince The time since last access, 0 means any time
param: int $roleid The role id, 0 means all roles and -1 no roles
param: int $enrolid The enrolment id, 0 means all enrolment methods will be returned.
param: int $statusid The user enrolment status, -1 means all enrolments regardless of the status will be returned, if allowed.
param: string|array $search The search that was performed, empty means perform no search
param: string $additionalwhere Any additional SQL to add to where
param: array $additionalparams The additional params

user_get_total_participants($courseid, $groupid = 0, $accesssince = 0, $roleid = 0, $enrolid = 0, $statusid = -1,$search = '', $additionalwhere = '', $additionalparams = array()   X-Ref
Returns the total number of participants for a given course.

return: int
param: int $courseid The course id
param: int $groupid The groupid, 0 means all groups and USERSWITHOUTGROUP no group
param: int $accesssince The time since last access, 0 means any time
param: int $roleid The role id, 0 means all roles
param: int $enrolid The applied filter for the user enrolment ID.
param: int $status The applied filter for the user's enrolment status.
param: string|array $search The search that was performed, empty means perform no search
param: string $additionalwhere Any additional SQL to add to where
param: array $additionalparams The additional params

user_get_participants($courseid, $groupid, $accesssince, $roleid, $enrolid, $statusid, $search,$additionalwhere = '', $additionalparams = array()   X-Ref
Returns the participants for a given course.

return: moodle_recordset
param: int $courseid The course id
param: int $groupid The groupid, 0 means all groups and USERSWITHOUTGROUP no group
param: int $accesssince The time since last access
param: int $roleid The role id
param: int $enrolid The applied filter for the user enrolment ID.
param: int $status The applied filter for the user's enrolment status.
param: string $search The search that was performed
param: string $additionalwhere Any additional SQL to add to where
param: array $additionalparams The additional params
param: string $sort The SQL sort
param: int $limitfrom return a subset of records, starting at this point (optional).
param: int $limitnum return a subset comprising this many records (optional, required if $limitfrom is set).

make_categories_options()   X-Ref
Returns the list of full course categories to be used in html_writer::select()

Calls {@see core_course_category::make_categories_list()} to build the list.

return: array array mapping course category id to the display name

get_extra_user_fields($context, $already = array()   X-Ref
Checks if current user is shown any extra fields when listing users.

Does not include any custom profile fields.

return: array Array of field names from user table, not including anything
param: object $context Context
param: array $already Array of fields that we're going to show anyway

get_extra_user_fields_sql($context, $alias='', $prefix='', $already = array()   X-Ref
If the current user is to be shown extra user fields when listing or
selecting users, returns a string suitable for including in an SQL select
clause to retrieve those fields.

Does not include any custom profile fields.

return: string Partial SQL select clause, beginning with comma, for example ',u.idnumber,u.department' unless it is blank
param: context $context Context
param: string $alias Alias of user table, e.g. 'u' (default none)
param: string $prefix Prefix for field names using AS, e.g. 'u_' (default none)
param: array $already Array of fields that we're going to include anyway so don't list them (default none)

get_user_field_name($field)   X-Ref
Returns the display name of a field in the user table. Works for most fields that are commonly displayed to users.

Also works for custom fields.

return: string Text description taken from language file, e.g. 'Phone number'
param: string $field Field name, e.g. 'phone1'

get_all_user_name_fields($returnsql = false, $tableprefix = null, $prefix = null, $fieldprefix = null, $order = false)   X-Ref
A centralised location for the all name fields. Returns an array / sql string snippet.

return: array|string All name fields.
param: bool $returnsql True for an sql select field snippet.
param: string $tableprefix table query prefix to use in front of each field.
param: string $prefix prefix added to the name fields e.g. authorfirstname.
param: string $fieldprefix sql field prefix e.g. id AS userid.
param: bool $order moves firstname and lastname to the top of the array / start of the string.

calendar_process_subscription_row($subscriptionid, $pollinterval, $action)   X-Ref
Update a subscription from the form data in one of the rows in the existing subscriptions table.

return: string A log of the import progress, including errors
param: int $subscriptionid The ID of the subscription we are acting upon.
param: int $pollinterval The poll interval to use.
param: int $action The action to be performed. One of update or remove.

calendar_import_icalendar_events($ical, $unused = null, $subscriptionid = null)   X-Ref
Import events from an iCalendar object into a course calendar.

return: string A log of the import progress, including errors.
param: iCalendar $ical The iCalendar object.
param: int $unused Deprecated
param: int $subscriptionid The subscription ID.

grade_print_tabs($active_type, $active_plugin, $plugin_info, $return=false)   X-Ref
Print grading plugin selection tab-based navigation.

return: nothing or string if $return true
param: string  $active_type type of plugin on current page - import, export, report or edit
param: string  $active_plugin active plugin type - grader, user, cvs, ...
param: array   $plugin_info Array of plugins
param: boolean $return return as string

print_grade_plugin_selector($plugin_info, $active_type, $active_plugin, $return=false)   X-Ref
Print grading plugin selection popup form.

return: nothing or string if $return true
param: array   $plugin_info An array of plugins containing information for the selector
param: boolean $return return as string

course_purge_section_cache(object $sectioninfo)   X-Ref
Purge the cache of a course section.

$sectioninfo must have following attributes:
- course: course id
- section: section number

return: void
param: object $sectioninfo section info

course_purge_module_cache($cm)   X-Ref
Purge the cache of a course module.

$cm must have following attributes:
- id: cmid
- course: course id

return: void
param: cm_info|stdClass $cm course module

get_array_of_activities(int $courseid, bool $usecache = false)   X-Ref
For a given course, returns an array of course activity objects
Each item in the array contains he following properties:

return: array list of activities
param: int $courseid course id
param: bool $usecache get activities from cache if modinfo exists when $usecache is true

Class: instead  - X-Ref

get_timezone_offset()   X-Ref

get_list_of_timezones()   X-Ref

update_timezone_records()   X-Ref

calculate_user_dst_table()   X-Ref

dst_changes_for_year()   X-Ref

get_timezone_record()   X-Ref

get_referer()   X-Ref

is_web_crawler()   X-Ref

completion_cron()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_tags()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_all_tags()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_jscript()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_jscript_links()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_records()   X-Ref

coursetag_store_keywords()   X-Ref

coursetag_delete_keyword()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_tagged_courses()   X-Ref

coursetag_delete_course_tags()   X-Ref

tag_type_set()   X-Ref

tag_description_set()   X-Ref

tag_get_tags()   X-Ref

tag_get_tags_array()   X-Ref

tag_get_tags_csv()   X-Ref

tag_get_tags_ids()   X-Ref

tag_get_id()   X-Ref

tag_rename()   X-Ref

tag_delete_instance()   X-Ref

tag_find_records()   X-Ref

tag_add()   X-Ref

tag_assign()   X-Ref

tag_record_count()   X-Ref

tag_record_tagged_with()   X-Ref

tag_set_flag()   X-Ref

tag_unset_flag()   X-Ref

tag_print_cloud()   X-Ref

tag_autocomplete()   X-Ref

tag_print_description_box()   X-Ref

tag_print_management_box()   X-Ref

tag_print_search_box()   X-Ref

tag_print_search_results()   X-Ref

tag_print_tagged_users_table()   X-Ref

tag_print_user_box()   X-Ref

tag_print_user_list()   X-Ref

tag_display_name()   X-Ref

tag_normalize()   X-Ref

tag_get_related_tags_csv()   X-Ref

tag_set()   X-Ref

tag_set_add()   X-Ref

tag_set_delete()   X-Ref

tag_get()   X-Ref

tag_get_related_tags()   X-Ref

tag_delete()   X-Ref

tag_delete_instances()   X-Ref

tag_cleanup()   X-Ref

tag_bulk_delete_instances()   X-Ref

tag_compute_correlations()   X-Ref

tag_process_computed_correlation()   X-Ref

tag_cron()   X-Ref

tag_find_tags()   X-Ref

tag_get_name()   X-Ref

tag_get_correlated()   X-Ref

tag_cloud_sort()   X-Ref

events_load_def()   X-Ref

events_queue_handler()   X-Ref

events_dispatch()   X-Ref

events_process_queued_handler()   X-Ref

events_update_definition()   X-Ref

events_cron()   X-Ref

events_trigger_legacy()   X-Ref

events_is_registered()   X-Ref

events_pending_count()   X-Ref

clam_message_admins()   X-Ref

get_clam_error_code()   X-Ref

course_get_cm_rename_action()   X-Ref

course_scale_used()   X-Ref

site_scale_used()   X-Ref

external_function_info()   X-Ref

get_records_csv()   X-Ref

put_records_csv()   X-Ref

css_is_colour()   X-Ref

css_is_width()   X-Ref

css_sort_by_count()   X-Ref

message_get_course_contexts()   X-Ref

message_remove_url_params()   X-Ref

message_count_messages()   X-Ref

message_count_blocked_users()   X-Ref

message_contact_link()   X-Ref

message_get_recent_notifications()   X-Ref

message_history_link()   X-Ref

message_search()   X-Ref

message_shorten_message()   X-Ref

message_get_fragment()   X-Ref

message_get_history()   X-Ref

message_get_contact_add_remove_link()   X-Ref

message_get_contact_block_link()   X-Ref

message_mark_messages_read()   X-Ref

message_can_post_message()   X-Ref

message_is_user_non_contact_blocked()   X-Ref

message_is_user_blocked()   X-Ref

print_log()   X-Ref

print_mnet_log()   X-Ref

print_log_csv()   X-Ref

print_log_xls()   X-Ref

print_log_ods()   X-Ref

build_logs_array()   X-Ref

get_logs_usercourse()   X-Ref

get_logs_userday()   X-Ref

get_logs()   X-Ref

prevent_form_autofill_password()   X-Ref

message_get_recent_conversations($userorid, $limitfrom = 0, $limitto = 100)   X-Ref

calendar_preferences_button()   X-Ref

calendar_wday_name()   X-Ref

calendar_get_block_upcoming()   X-Ref

calendar_print_month_selector()   X-Ref

calendar_cron()   X-Ref

load_course_context()   X-Ref

load_role_access_by_context()   X-Ref

dedupe_user_access()   X-Ref

get_user_access_sitewide()   X-Ref

calendar_get_mini()   X-Ref

calendar_get_upcoming()   X-Ref

allow_override()   X-Ref

allow_assign()   X-Ref

allow_switch()   X-Ref

question_add_tops()   X-Ref

question_is_only_toplevel_category_in_context()   X-Ref

message_move_userfrom_unread2read()   X-Ref

message_get_blocked_users()   X-Ref

message_get_contacts()   X-Ref

message_mark_message_read()   X-Ref

message_can_delete_message()   X-Ref

message_delete_message()   X-Ref

calendar_get_all_allowed_types()   X-Ref

groups_get_all_groups_for_courses()   X-Ref

events_get_cached()   X-Ref

events_uninstall()   X-Ref

events_cleanup()   X-Ref

events_dequeue()   X-Ref

events_get_handlers()   X-Ref

get_roles_on_exact_context()   X-Ref

get_roles_with_assignment_on_context()   X-Ref

message_add_contact()   X-Ref

message_remove_contact()   X-Ref

message_unblock_contact()   X-Ref

message_block_contact()   X-Ref

message_get_contact()   X-Ref

get_courses_page()   X-Ref

report_insights_context_insights(\context $context)   X-Ref

get_module_metadata($course, $modnames, $sectionreturn = null)   X-Ref
Retrieve all metadata for the requested modules

return: array A list of stdClass objects containing metadata about each
param: object $course The Course
param: array $modnames An array containing the list of modules and their
param: int $sectionreturn The section to return to

cron_run_single_task(\core\task\scheduled_task $task)   X-Ref
Runs a single cron task. This function assumes it is displaying output in pseudo-CLI mode.

The function will fail if the task is disabled.

Warning: Because this function closes the browser session, it may not be safe to continue
with other processing (other than displaying the rest of the page) after using this function!

return: bool True if cron run successful
param: \core\task\scheduled_task $task Task to run

cron_execute_plugin_type($plugintype, $description = null)   X-Ref
Executes cron functions for a specific type of plugin.

param: string $plugintype Plugin type (e.g. 'report')
param: string $description If specified, will display 'Starting (whatever)'

cron_bc_hack_plugin_functions($plugintype, $plugins)   X-Ref
Used to add in old-style cron functions within plugins that have not been converted to the
new standard API. (The standard API is frankenstyle_name_cron() in lib.php; some types used
cron.php and some used a different name.)

return: array Revised version of $plugins that adds in any extra plugin functions found by
param: string $plugintype Plugin type e.g. 'report'
param: array $plugins Array from plugin name (e.g. 'report_frog') to function name (e.g.

user_get_participants_sql($courseid, $groupid = 0, $accesssince = 0, $roleid = 0, $enrolid = 0, $statusid = -1,$search = '', $additionalwhere = '', $additionalparams = array()   X-Ref
Returns the SQL used by the participants table.

return: array
param: int $courseid The course id
param: int $groupid The groupid, 0 means all groups and USERSWITHOUTGROUP no group
param: int $accesssince The time since last access, 0 means any time
param: int $roleid The role id, 0 means all roles and -1 no roles
param: int $enrolid The enrolment id, 0 means all enrolment methods will be returned.
param: int $statusid The user enrolment status, -1 means all enrolments regardless of the status will be returned, if allowed.
param: string|array $search The search that was performed, empty means perform no search
param: string $additionalwhere Any additional SQL to add to where
param: array $additionalparams The additional params

user_get_total_participants($courseid, $groupid = 0, $accesssince = 0, $roleid = 0, $enrolid = 0, $statusid = -1,$search = '', $additionalwhere = '', $additionalparams = array()   X-Ref
Returns the total number of participants for a given course.

return: int
param: int $courseid The course id
param: int $groupid The groupid, 0 means all groups and USERSWITHOUTGROUP no group
param: int $accesssince The time since last access, 0 means any time
param: int $roleid The role id, 0 means all roles
param: int $enrolid The applied filter for the user enrolment ID.
param: int $status The applied filter for the user's enrolment status.
param: string|array $search The search that was performed, empty means perform no search
param: string $additionalwhere Any additional SQL to add to where
param: array $additionalparams The additional params

user_get_participants($courseid, $groupid, $accesssince, $roleid, $enrolid, $statusid, $search,$additionalwhere = '', $additionalparams = array()   X-Ref
Returns the participants for a given course.

return: moodle_recordset
param: int $courseid The course id
param: int $groupid The groupid, 0 means all groups and USERSWITHOUTGROUP no group
param: int $accesssince The time since last access
param: int $roleid The role id
param: int $enrolid The applied filter for the user enrolment ID.
param: int $status The applied filter for the user's enrolment status.
param: string $search The search that was performed
param: string $additionalwhere Any additional SQL to add to where
param: array $additionalparams The additional params
param: string $sort The SQL sort
param: int $limitfrom return a subset of records, starting at this point (optional).
param: int $limitnum return a subset comprising this many records (optional, required if $limitfrom is set).

make_categories_options()   X-Ref
Returns the list of full course categories to be used in html_writer::select()

Calls {@see core_course_category::make_categories_list()} to build the list.

return: array array mapping course category id to the display name

get_extra_user_fields($context, $already = array()   X-Ref
Checks if current user is shown any extra fields when listing users.

Does not include any custom profile fields.

return: array Array of field names from user table, not including anything
param: object $context Context
param: array $already Array of fields that we're going to show anyway

get_extra_user_fields_sql($context, $alias='', $prefix='', $already = array()   X-Ref
If the current user is to be shown extra user fields when listing or
selecting users, returns a string suitable for including in an SQL select
clause to retrieve those fields.

Does not include any custom profile fields.

return: string Partial SQL select clause, beginning with comma, for example ',u.idnumber,u.department' unless it is blank
param: context $context Context
param: string $alias Alias of user table, e.g. 'u' (default none)
param: string $prefix Prefix for field names using AS, e.g. 'u_' (default none)
param: array $already Array of fields that we're going to include anyway so don't list them (default none)

get_user_field_name($field)   X-Ref
Returns the display name of a field in the user table. Works for most fields that are commonly displayed to users.

Also works for custom fields.

return: string Text description taken from language file, e.g. 'Phone number'
param: string $field Field name, e.g. 'phone1'

get_all_user_name_fields($returnsql = false, $tableprefix = null, $prefix = null, $fieldprefix = null, $order = false)   X-Ref
A centralised location for the all name fields. Returns an array / sql string snippet.

return: array|string All name fields.
param: bool $returnsql True for an sql select field snippet.
param: string $tableprefix table query prefix to use in front of each field.
param: string $prefix prefix added to the name fields e.g. authorfirstname.
param: string $fieldprefix sql field prefix e.g. id AS userid.
param: bool $order moves firstname and lastname to the top of the array / start of the string.

calendar_process_subscription_row($subscriptionid, $pollinterval, $action)   X-Ref
Update a subscription from the form data in one of the rows in the existing subscriptions table.

return: string A log of the import progress, including errors
param: int $subscriptionid The ID of the subscription we are acting upon.
param: int $pollinterval The poll interval to use.
param: int $action The action to be performed. One of update or remove.

calendar_import_icalendar_events($ical, $unused = null, $subscriptionid = null)   X-Ref
Import events from an iCalendar object into a course calendar.

return: string A log of the import progress, including errors.
param: iCalendar $ical The iCalendar object.
param: int $unused Deprecated
param: int $subscriptionid The subscription ID.

grade_print_tabs($active_type, $active_plugin, $plugin_info, $return=false)   X-Ref
Print grading plugin selection tab-based navigation.

return: nothing or string if $return true
param: string  $active_type type of plugin on current page - import, export, report or edit
param: string  $active_plugin active plugin type - grader, user, cvs, ...
param: array   $plugin_info Array of plugins
param: boolean $return return as string

print_grade_plugin_selector($plugin_info, $active_type, $active_plugin, $return=false)   X-Ref
Print grading plugin selection popup form.

return: nothing or string if $return true
param: array   $plugin_info An array of plugins containing information for the selector
param: boolean $return return as string

course_purge_section_cache(object $sectioninfo)   X-Ref
Purge the cache of a course section.

$sectioninfo must have following attributes:
- course: course id
- section: section number

return: void
param: object $sectioninfo section info

course_purge_module_cache($cm)   X-Ref
Purge the cache of a course module.

$cm must have following attributes:
- id: cmid
- course: course id

return: void
param: cm_info|stdClass $cm course module

get_array_of_activities(int $courseid, bool $usecache = false)   X-Ref
For a given course, returns an array of course activity objects
Each item in the array contains he following properties:

return: array list of activities
param: int $courseid course id
param: bool $usecache get activities from cache if modinfo exists when $usecache is true

Class: instead  - X-Ref

get_timezone_offset()   X-Ref

get_list_of_timezones()   X-Ref

update_timezone_records()   X-Ref

calculate_user_dst_table()   X-Ref

dst_changes_for_year()   X-Ref

get_timezone_record()   X-Ref

get_referer()   X-Ref

is_web_crawler()   X-Ref

completion_cron()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_tags()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_all_tags()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_jscript()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_jscript_links()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_records()   X-Ref

coursetag_store_keywords()   X-Ref

coursetag_delete_keyword()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_tagged_courses()   X-Ref

coursetag_delete_course_tags()   X-Ref

tag_type_set()   X-Ref

tag_description_set()   X-Ref

tag_get_tags()   X-Ref

tag_get_tags_array()   X-Ref

tag_get_tags_csv()   X-Ref

tag_get_tags_ids()   X-Ref

tag_get_id()   X-Ref

tag_rename()   X-Ref

tag_delete_instance()   X-Ref

tag_find_records()   X-Ref

tag_add()   X-Ref

tag_assign()   X-Ref

tag_record_count()   X-Ref

tag_record_tagged_with()   X-Ref

tag_set_flag()   X-Ref

tag_unset_flag()   X-Ref

tag_print_cloud()   X-Ref

tag_autocomplete()   X-Ref

tag_print_description_box()   X-Ref

tag_print_management_box()   X-Ref

tag_print_search_box()   X-Ref

tag_print_search_results()   X-Ref

tag_print_tagged_users_table()   X-Ref

tag_print_user_box()   X-Ref

tag_print_user_list()   X-Ref

tag_display_name()   X-Ref

tag_normalize()   X-Ref

tag_get_related_tags_csv()   X-Ref

tag_set()   X-Ref

tag_set_add()   X-Ref

tag_set_delete()   X-Ref

tag_get()   X-Ref

tag_get_related_tags()   X-Ref

tag_delete()   X-Ref

tag_delete_instances()   X-Ref

tag_cleanup()   X-Ref

tag_bulk_delete_instances()   X-Ref

tag_compute_correlations()   X-Ref

tag_process_computed_correlation()   X-Ref

tag_cron()   X-Ref

tag_find_tags()   X-Ref

tag_get_name()   X-Ref

tag_get_correlated()   X-Ref

tag_cloud_sort()   X-Ref

events_load_def()   X-Ref

events_queue_handler()   X-Ref

events_dispatch()   X-Ref

events_process_queued_handler()   X-Ref

events_update_definition()   X-Ref

events_cron()   X-Ref

events_trigger_legacy()   X-Ref

events_is_registered()   X-Ref

events_pending_count()   X-Ref

clam_message_admins()   X-Ref

get_clam_error_code()   X-Ref

course_get_cm_rename_action()   X-Ref

course_scale_used()   X-Ref

site_scale_used()   X-Ref

external_function_info()   X-Ref

get_records_csv()   X-Ref

put_records_csv()   X-Ref

css_is_colour()   X-Ref

css_is_width()   X-Ref

css_sort_by_count()   X-Ref

message_get_course_contexts()   X-Ref

message_remove_url_params()   X-Ref

message_count_messages()   X-Ref

message_count_blocked_users()   X-Ref

message_contact_link()   X-Ref

message_get_recent_notifications()   X-Ref

message_history_link()   X-Ref

message_search()   X-Ref

message_shorten_message()   X-Ref

message_get_fragment()   X-Ref

message_get_history()   X-Ref

message_get_contact_add_remove_link()   X-Ref

message_get_contact_block_link()   X-Ref

message_mark_messages_read()   X-Ref

message_can_post_message()   X-Ref

message_is_user_non_contact_blocked()   X-Ref

message_is_user_blocked()   X-Ref

print_log()   X-Ref

print_mnet_log()   X-Ref

print_log_csv()   X-Ref

print_log_xls()   X-Ref

print_log_ods()   X-Ref

build_logs_array()   X-Ref

get_logs_usercourse()   X-Ref

get_logs_userday()   X-Ref

get_logs()   X-Ref

prevent_form_autofill_password()   X-Ref

message_get_recent_conversations($userorid, $limitfrom = 0, $limitto = 100)   X-Ref

calendar_preferences_button()   X-Ref

calendar_wday_name()   X-Ref

calendar_get_block_upcoming()   X-Ref

calendar_print_month_selector()   X-Ref

calendar_cron()   X-Ref

load_course_context()   X-Ref

load_role_access_by_context()   X-Ref

dedupe_user_access()   X-Ref

get_user_access_sitewide()   X-Ref

calendar_get_mini()   X-Ref

calendar_get_upcoming()   X-Ref

allow_override()   X-Ref

allow_assign()   X-Ref

allow_switch()   X-Ref

question_add_tops()   X-Ref

question_is_only_toplevel_category_in_context()   X-Ref

message_move_userfrom_unread2read()   X-Ref

message_get_blocked_users()   X-Ref

message_get_contacts()   X-Ref

message_mark_message_read()   X-Ref

message_can_delete_message()   X-Ref

message_delete_message()   X-Ref

calendar_get_all_allowed_types()   X-Ref

groups_get_all_groups_for_courses()   X-Ref

events_get_cached()   X-Ref

events_uninstall()   X-Ref

events_cleanup()   X-Ref

events_dequeue()   X-Ref

events_get_handlers()   X-Ref

get_roles_on_exact_context()   X-Ref

get_roles_with_assignment_on_context()   X-Ref

message_add_contact()   X-Ref

message_remove_contact()   X-Ref

message_unblock_contact()   X-Ref

message_block_contact()   X-Ref

message_get_contact()   X-Ref

get_courses_page()   X-Ref

report_insights_context_insights(\context $context)   X-Ref

get_module_metadata($course, $modnames, $sectionreturn = null)   X-Ref
Retrieve all metadata for the requested modules

return: array A list of stdClass objects containing metadata about each
param: object $course The Course
param: array $modnames An array containing the list of modules and their
param: int $sectionreturn The section to return to

cron_run_single_task(\core\task\scheduled_task $task)   X-Ref
Runs a single cron task. This function assumes it is displaying output in pseudo-CLI mode.

The function will fail if the task is disabled.

Warning: Because this function closes the browser session, it may not be safe to continue
with other processing (other than displaying the rest of the page) after using this function!

return: bool True if cron run successful
param: \core\task\scheduled_task $task Task to run

cron_execute_plugin_type($plugintype, $description = null)   X-Ref
Executes cron functions for a specific type of plugin.

param: string $plugintype Plugin type (e.g. 'report')
param: string $description If specified, will display 'Starting (whatever)'

cron_bc_hack_plugin_functions($plugintype, $plugins)   X-Ref
Used to add in old-style cron functions within plugins that have not been converted to the
new standard API. (The standard API is frankenstyle_name_cron() in lib.php; some types used
cron.php and some used a different name.)

return: array Revised version of $plugins that adds in any extra plugin functions found by
param: string $plugintype Plugin type e.g. 'report'
param: array $plugins Array from plugin name (e.g. 'report_frog') to function name (e.g.

user_get_participants_sql($courseid, $groupid = 0, $accesssince = 0, $roleid = 0, $enrolid = 0, $statusid = -1,$search = '', $additionalwhere = '', $additionalparams = array()   X-Ref
Returns the SQL used by the participants table.

return: array
param: int $courseid The course id
param: int $groupid The groupid, 0 means all groups and USERSWITHOUTGROUP no group
param: int $accesssince The time since last access, 0 means any time
param: int $roleid The role id, 0 means all roles and -1 no roles
param: int $enrolid The enrolment id, 0 means all enrolment methods will be returned.
param: int $statusid The user enrolment status, -1 means all enrolments regardless of the status will be returned, if allowed.
param: string|array $search The search that was performed, empty means perform no search
param: string $additionalwhere Any additional SQL to add to where
param: array $additionalparams The additional params

user_get_total_participants($courseid, $groupid = 0, $accesssince = 0, $roleid = 0, $enrolid = 0, $statusid = -1,$search = '', $additionalwhere = '', $additionalparams = array()   X-Ref
Returns the total number of participants for a given course.

return: int
param: int $courseid The course id
param: int $groupid The groupid, 0 means all groups and USERSWITHOUTGROUP no group
param: int $accesssince The time since last access, 0 means any time
param: int $roleid The role id, 0 means all roles
param: int $enrolid The applied filter for the user enrolment ID.
param: int $status The applied filter for the user's enrolment status.
param: string|array $search The search that was performed, empty means perform no search
param: string $additionalwhere Any additional SQL to add to where
param: array $additionalparams The additional params

user_get_participants($courseid, $groupid, $accesssince, $roleid, $enrolid, $statusid, $search,$additionalwhere = '', $additionalparams = array()   X-Ref
Returns the participants for a given course.

return: moodle_recordset
param: int $courseid The course id
param: int $groupid The groupid, 0 means all groups and USERSWITHOUTGROUP no group
param: int $accesssince The time since last access
param: int $roleid The role id
param: int $enrolid The applied filter for the user enrolment ID.
param: int $status The applied filter for the user's enrolment status.
param: string $search The search that was performed
param: string $additionalwhere Any additional SQL to add to where
param: array $additionalparams The additional params
param: string $sort The SQL sort
param: int $limitfrom return a subset of records, starting at this point (optional).
param: int $limitnum return a subset comprising this many records (optional, required if $limitfrom is set).

make_categories_options()   X-Ref
Returns the list of full course categories to be used in html_writer::select()

Calls {@see core_course_category::make_categories_list()} to build the list.

return: array array mapping course category id to the display name

get_extra_user_fields($context, $already = array()   X-Ref
Checks if current user is shown any extra fields when listing users.

Does not include any custom profile fields.

return: array Array of field names from user table, not including anything
param: object $context Context
param: array $already Array of fields that we're going to show anyway

get_extra_user_fields_sql($context, $alias='', $prefix='', $already = array()   X-Ref
If the current user is to be shown extra user fields when listing or
selecting users, returns a string suitable for including in an SQL select
clause to retrieve those fields.

Does not include any custom profile fields.

return: string Partial SQL select clause, beginning with comma, for example ',u.idnumber,u.department' unless it is blank
param: context $context Context
param: string $alias Alias of user table, e.g. 'u' (default none)
param: string $prefix Prefix for field names using AS, e.g. 'u_' (default none)
param: array $already Array of fields that we're going to include anyway so don't list them (default none)

get_user_field_name($field)   X-Ref
Returns the display name of a field in the user table. Works for most fields that are commonly displayed to users.

Also works for custom fields.

return: string Text description taken from language file, e.g. 'Phone number'
param: string $field Field name, e.g. 'phone1'

get_all_user_name_fields($returnsql = false, $tableprefix = null, $prefix = null, $fieldprefix = null, $order = false)   X-Ref
A centralised location for the all name fields. Returns an array / sql string snippet.

return: array|string All name fields.
param: bool $returnsql True for an sql select field snippet.
param: string $tableprefix table query prefix to use in front of each field.
param: string $prefix prefix added to the name fields e.g. authorfirstname.
param: string $fieldprefix sql field prefix e.g. id AS userid.
param: bool $order moves firstname and lastname to the top of the array / start of the string.

calendar_process_subscription_row($subscriptionid, $pollinterval, $action)   X-Ref
Update a subscription from the form data in one of the rows in the existing subscriptions table.

return: string A log of the import progress, including errors
param: int $subscriptionid The ID of the subscription we are acting upon.
param: int $pollinterval The poll interval to use.
param: int $action The action to be performed. One of update or remove.

calendar_import_icalendar_events($ical, $unused = null, $subscriptionid = null)   X-Ref
Import events from an iCalendar object into a course calendar.

return: string A log of the import progress, including errors.
param: iCalendar $ical The iCalendar object.
param: int $unused Deprecated
param: int $subscriptionid The subscription ID.

grade_print_tabs($active_type, $active_plugin, $plugin_info, $return=false)   X-Ref
Print grading plugin selection tab-based navigation.

return: nothing or string if $return true
param: string  $active_type type of plugin on current page - import, export, report or edit
param: string  $active_plugin active plugin type - grader, user, cvs, ...
param: array   $plugin_info Array of plugins
param: boolean $return return as string

print_grade_plugin_selector($plugin_info, $active_type, $active_plugin, $return=false)   X-Ref
Print grading plugin selection popup form.

return: nothing or string if $return true
param: array   $plugin_info An array of plugins containing information for the selector
param: boolean $return return as string

course_purge_section_cache(object $sectioninfo)   X-Ref
Purge the cache of a course section.

$sectioninfo must have following attributes:
- course: course id
- section: section number

return: void
param: object $sectioninfo section info

course_purge_module_cache($cm)   X-Ref
Purge the cache of a course module.

$cm must have following attributes:
- id: cmid
- course: course id

return: void
param: cm_info|stdClass $cm course module

get_array_of_activities(int $courseid, bool $usecache = false)   X-Ref
For a given course, returns an array of course activity objects
Each item in the array contains he following properties:

return: array list of activities
param: int $courseid course id
param: bool $usecache get activities from cache if modinfo exists when $usecache is true

Class: instead  - X-Ref

get_timezone_offset()   X-Ref

get_list_of_timezones()   X-Ref

update_timezone_records()   X-Ref

calculate_user_dst_table()   X-Ref

dst_changes_for_year()   X-Ref

get_timezone_record()   X-Ref

get_referer()   X-Ref

is_web_crawler()   X-Ref

completion_cron()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_tags()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_all_tags()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_jscript()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_jscript_links()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_records()   X-Ref

coursetag_store_keywords()   X-Ref

coursetag_delete_keyword()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_tagged_courses()   X-Ref

coursetag_delete_course_tags()   X-Ref

tag_type_set()   X-Ref

tag_description_set()   X-Ref

tag_get_tags()   X-Ref

tag_get_tags_array()   X-Ref

tag_get_tags_csv()   X-Ref

tag_get_tags_ids()   X-Ref

tag_get_id()   X-Ref

tag_rename()   X-Ref

tag_delete_instance()   X-Ref

tag_find_records()   X-Ref

tag_add()   X-Ref

tag_assign()   X-Ref

tag_record_count()   X-Ref

tag_record_tagged_with()   X-Ref

tag_set_flag()   X-Ref

tag_unset_flag()   X-Ref

tag_print_cloud()   X-Ref

tag_autocomplete()   X-Ref

tag_print_description_box()   X-Ref

tag_print_management_box()   X-Ref

tag_print_search_box()   X-Ref

tag_print_search_results()   X-Ref

tag_print_tagged_users_table()   X-Ref

tag_print_user_box()   X-Ref

tag_print_user_list()   X-Ref

tag_display_name()   X-Ref

tag_normalize()   X-Ref

tag_get_related_tags_csv()   X-Ref

tag_set()   X-Ref

tag_set_add()   X-Ref

tag_set_delete()   X-Ref

tag_get()   X-Ref

tag_get_related_tags()   X-Ref

tag_delete()   X-Ref

tag_delete_instances()   X-Ref

tag_cleanup()   X-Ref

tag_bulk_delete_instances()   X-Ref

tag_compute_correlations()   X-Ref

tag_process_computed_correlation()   X-Ref

tag_cron()   X-Ref

tag_find_tags()   X-Ref

tag_get_name()   X-Ref

tag_get_correlated()   X-Ref

tag_cloud_sort()   X-Ref

events_load_def()   X-Ref

events_queue_handler()   X-Ref

events_dispatch()   X-Ref

events_process_queued_handler()   X-Ref

events_update_definition()   X-Ref

events_cron()   X-Ref

events_trigger_legacy()   X-Ref

events_is_registered()   X-Ref

events_pending_count()   X-Ref

clam_message_admins()   X-Ref

get_clam_error_code()   X-Ref

course_get_cm_rename_action()   X-Ref

course_scale_used()   X-Ref

site_scale_used()   X-Ref

external_function_info()   X-Ref

get_records_csv()   X-Ref

put_records_csv()   X-Ref

css_is_colour()   X-Ref

css_is_width()   X-Ref

css_sort_by_count()   X-Ref

message_get_course_contexts()   X-Ref

message_remove_url_params()   X-Ref

message_count_messages()   X-Ref

message_count_blocked_users()   X-Ref

message_contact_link()   X-Ref

message_get_recent_notifications()   X-Ref

message_history_link()   X-Ref

message_search()   X-Ref

message_shorten_message()   X-Ref

message_get_fragment()   X-Ref

message_get_history()   X-Ref

message_get_contact_add_remove_link()   X-Ref

message_get_contact_block_link()   X-Ref

message_mark_messages_read()   X-Ref

message_can_post_message()   X-Ref

message_is_user_non_contact_blocked()   X-Ref

message_is_user_blocked()   X-Ref

print_log()   X-Ref

print_mnet_log()   X-Ref

print_log_csv()   X-Ref

print_log_xls()   X-Ref

print_log_ods()   X-Ref

build_logs_array()   X-Ref

get_logs_usercourse()   X-Ref

get_logs_userday()   X-Ref

get_logs()   X-Ref

prevent_form_autofill_password()   X-Ref

message_get_recent_conversations($userorid, $limitfrom = 0, $limitto = 100)   X-Ref

calendar_preferences_button()   X-Ref

calendar_wday_name()   X-Ref

calendar_get_block_upcoming()   X-Ref

calendar_print_month_selector()   X-Ref

calendar_cron()   X-Ref

load_course_context()   X-Ref

load_role_access_by_context()   X-Ref

dedupe_user_access()   X-Ref

get_user_access_sitewide()   X-Ref

calendar_get_mini()   X-Ref

calendar_get_upcoming()   X-Ref

allow_override()   X-Ref

allow_assign()   X-Ref

allow_switch()   X-Ref

question_add_tops()   X-Ref

question_is_only_toplevel_category_in_context()   X-Ref

message_move_userfrom_unread2read()   X-Ref

message_get_blocked_users()   X-Ref

message_get_contacts()   X-Ref

message_mark_message_read()   X-Ref

message_can_delete_message()   X-Ref

message_delete_message()   X-Ref

calendar_get_all_allowed_types()   X-Ref

groups_get_all_groups_for_courses()   X-Ref

events_get_cached()   X-Ref

events_uninstall()   X-Ref

events_cleanup()   X-Ref

events_dequeue()   X-Ref

events_get_handlers()   X-Ref

get_roles_on_exact_context()   X-Ref

get_roles_with_assignment_on_context()   X-Ref

message_add_contact()   X-Ref

message_remove_contact()   X-Ref

message_unblock_contact()   X-Ref

message_block_contact()   X-Ref

message_get_contact()   X-Ref

get_courses_page()   X-Ref

report_insights_context_insights(\context $context)   X-Ref

get_module_metadata($course, $modnames, $sectionreturn = null)   X-Ref
Retrieve all metadata for the requested modules

return: array A list of stdClass objects containing metadata about each
param: object $course The Course
param: array $modnames An array containing the list of modules and their
param: int $sectionreturn The section to return to

cron_run_single_task(\core\task\scheduled_task $task)   X-Ref
Runs a single cron task. This function assumes it is displaying output in pseudo-CLI mode.

The function will fail if the task is disabled.

Warning: Because this function closes the browser session, it may not be safe to continue
with other processing (other than displaying the rest of the page) after using this function!

return: bool True if cron run successful
param: \core\task\scheduled_task $task Task to run

cron_execute_plugin_type($plugintype, $description = null)   X-Ref
Executes cron functions for a specific type of plugin.

param: string $plugintype Plugin type (e.g. 'report')
param: string $description If specified, will display 'Starting (whatever)'

cron_bc_hack_plugin_functions($plugintype, $plugins)   X-Ref
Used to add in old-style cron functions within plugins that have not been converted to the
new standard API. (The standard API is frankenstyle_name_cron() in lib.php; some types used
cron.php and some used a different name.)

return: array Revised version of $plugins that adds in any extra plugin functions found by
param: string $plugintype Plugin type e.g. 'report'
param: array $plugins Array from plugin name (e.g. 'report_frog') to function name (e.g.

user_get_participants_sql($courseid, $groupid = 0, $accesssince = 0, $roleid = 0, $enrolid = 0, $statusid = -1,$search = '', $additionalwhere = '', $additionalparams = array()   X-Ref
Returns the SQL used by the participants table.

return: array
param: int $courseid The course id
param: int $groupid The groupid, 0 means all groups and USERSWITHOUTGROUP no group
param: int $accesssince The time since last access, 0 means any time
param: int $roleid The role id, 0 means all roles and -1 no roles
param: int $enrolid The enrolment id, 0 means all enrolment methods will be returned.
param: int $statusid The user enrolment status, -1 means all enrolments regardless of the status will be returned, if allowed.
param: string|array $search The search that was performed, empty means perform no search
param: string $additionalwhere Any additional SQL to add to where
param: array $additionalparams The additional params

user_get_total_participants($courseid, $groupid = 0, $accesssince = 0, $roleid = 0, $enrolid = 0, $statusid = -1,$search = '', $additionalwhere = '', $additionalparams = array()   X-Ref
Returns the total number of participants for a given course.

return: int
param: int $courseid The course id
param: int $groupid The groupid, 0 means all groups and USERSWITHOUTGROUP no group
param: int $accesssince The time since last access, 0 means any time
param: int $roleid The role id, 0 means all roles
param: int $enrolid The applied filter for the user enrolment ID.
param: int $status The applied filter for the user's enrolment status.
param: string|array $search The search that was performed, empty means perform no search
param: string $additionalwhere Any additional SQL to add to where
param: array $additionalparams The additional params

user_get_participants($courseid, $groupid, $accesssince, $roleid, $enrolid, $statusid, $search,$additionalwhere = '', $additionalparams = array()   X-Ref
Returns the participants for a given course.

return: moodle_recordset
param: int $courseid The course id
param: int $groupid The groupid, 0 means all groups and USERSWITHOUTGROUP no group
param: int $accesssince The time since last access
param: int $roleid The role id
param: int $enrolid The applied filter for the user enrolment ID.
param: int $status The applied filter for the user's enrolment status.
param: string $search The search that was performed
param: string $additionalwhere Any additional SQL to add to where
param: array $additionalparams The additional params
param: string $sort The SQL sort
param: int $limitfrom return a subset of records, starting at this point (optional).
param: int $limitnum return a subset comprising this many records (optional, required if $limitfrom is set).

make_categories_options()   X-Ref
Returns the list of full course categories to be used in html_writer::select()

Calls {@see core_course_category::make_categories_list()} to build the list.

return: array array mapping course category id to the display name

get_extra_user_fields($context, $already = array()   X-Ref
Checks if current user is shown any extra fields when listing users.

Does not include any custom profile fields.

return: array Array of field names from user table, not including anything
param: object $context Context
param: array $already Array of fields that we're going to show anyway

get_extra_user_fields_sql($context, $alias='', $prefix='', $already = array()   X-Ref
If the current user is to be shown extra user fields when listing or
selecting users, returns a string suitable for including in an SQL select
clause to retrieve those fields.

Does not include any custom profile fields.

return: string Partial SQL select clause, beginning with comma, for example ',u.idnumber,u.department' unless it is blank
param: context $context Context
param: string $alias Alias of user table, e.g. 'u' (default none)
param: string $prefix Prefix for field names using AS, e.g. 'u_' (default none)
param: array $already Array of fields that we're going to include anyway so don't list them (default none)

get_user_field_name($field)   X-Ref
Returns the display name of a field in the user table. Works for most fields that are commonly displayed to users.

Also works for custom fields.

return: string Text description taken from language file, e.g. 'Phone number'
param: string $field Field name, e.g. 'phone1'

get_all_user_name_fields($returnsql = false, $tableprefix = null, $prefix = null, $fieldprefix = null, $order = false)   X-Ref
A centralised location for the all name fields. Returns an array / sql string snippet.

return: array|string All name fields.
param: bool $returnsql True for an sql select field snippet.
param: string $tableprefix table query prefix to use in front of each field.
param: string $prefix prefix added to the name fields e.g. authorfirstname.
param: string $fieldprefix sql field prefix e.g. id AS userid.
param: bool $order moves firstname and lastname to the top of the array / start of the string.

calendar_process_subscription_row($subscriptionid, $pollinterval, $action)   X-Ref
Update a subscription from the form data in one of the rows in the existing subscriptions table.

return: string A log of the import progress, including errors
param: int $subscriptionid The ID of the subscription we are acting upon.
param: int $pollinterval The poll interval to use.
param: int $action The action to be performed. One of update or remove.

calendar_import_icalendar_events($ical, $unused = null, $subscriptionid = null)   X-Ref
Import events from an iCalendar object into a course calendar.

return: string A log of the import progress, including errors.
param: iCalendar $ical The iCalendar object.
param: int $unused Deprecated
param: int $subscriptionid The subscription ID.

grade_print_tabs($active_type, $active_plugin, $plugin_info, $return=false)   X-Ref
Print grading plugin selection tab-based navigation.

return: nothing or string if $return true
param: string  $active_type type of plugin on current page - import, export, report or edit
param: string  $active_plugin active plugin type - grader, user, cvs, ...
param: array   $plugin_info Array of plugins
param: boolean $return return as string

print_grade_plugin_selector($plugin_info, $active_type, $active_plugin, $return=false)   X-Ref
Print grading plugin selection popup form.

return: nothing or string if $return true
param: array   $plugin_info An array of plugins containing information for the selector
param: boolean $return return as string

course_purge_section_cache(object $sectioninfo)   X-Ref
Purge the cache of a course section.

$sectioninfo must have following attributes:
- course: course id
- section: section number

return: void
param: object $sectioninfo section info

course_purge_module_cache($cm)   X-Ref
Purge the cache of a course module.

$cm must have following attributes:
- id: cmid
- course: course id

return: void
param: cm_info|stdClass $cm course module

get_array_of_activities(int $courseid, bool $usecache = false)   X-Ref
For a given course, returns an array of course activity objects
Each item in the array contains he following properties:

return: array list of activities
param: int $courseid course id
param: bool $usecache get activities from cache if modinfo exists when $usecache is true

Class: instead  - X-Ref

get_timezone_offset()   X-Ref

get_list_of_timezones()   X-Ref

update_timezone_records()   X-Ref

calculate_user_dst_table()   X-Ref

dst_changes_for_year()   X-Ref

get_timezone_record()   X-Ref

get_referer()   X-Ref

is_web_crawler()   X-Ref

completion_cron()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_tags()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_all_tags()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_jscript()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_jscript_links()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_records()   X-Ref

coursetag_store_keywords()   X-Ref

coursetag_delete_keyword()   X-Ref

coursetag_get_tagged_courses()   X-Ref

coursetag_delete_course_tags()   X-Ref

tag_type_set()   X-Ref

tag_description_set()   X-Ref

tag_get_tags()   X-Ref

tag_get_tags_array()   X-Ref

tag_get_tags_csv()   X-Ref

tag_get_tags_ids()   X-Ref

tag_get_id()   X-Ref

tag_rename()   X-Ref

tag_delete_instance()   X-Ref

tag_find_records()   X-Ref

tag_add()   X-Ref

tag_assign()   X-Ref

tag_record_count()   X-Ref

tag_record_tagged_with()   X-Ref

tag_set_flag()   X-Ref

tag_unset_flag()   X-Ref

tag_print_cloud()   X-Ref

tag_autocomplete()   X-Ref

tag_print_description_box()   X-Ref

tag_print_management_box()   X-Ref

tag_print_search_box()   X-Ref

tag_print_search_results()   X-Ref

tag_print_tagged_users_table()   X-Ref

tag_print_user_box()   X-Ref

tag_print_user_list()   X-Ref

tag_display_name()   X-Ref

tag_normalize()   X-Ref

tag_get_related_tags_csv()   X-Ref

tag_set()   X-Ref

tag_set_add()   X-Ref

tag_set_delete()   X-Ref

tag_get()   X-Ref

tag_get_related_tags()   X-Ref

tag_delete()   X-Ref

tag_delete_instances()   X-Ref

tag_cleanup()   X-Ref

tag_bulk_delete_instances()   X-Ref

tag_compute_correlations()   X-Ref

tag_process_computed_correlation()   X-Ref

tag_cron()   X-Ref

tag_find_tags()   X-Ref

tag_get_name()   X-Ref

tag_get_correlated()   X-Ref

tag_cloud_sort()   X-Ref

events_load_def()   X-Ref

events_queue_handler()   X-Ref

events_dispatch()   X-Ref

events_process_queued_handler()   X-Ref

events_update_definition()   X-Ref

events_cron()   X-Ref

events_trigger_legacy()   X-Ref

events_is_registered()   X-Ref

events_pending_count()   X-Ref

clam_message_admins()   X-Ref

get_clam_error_code()   X-Ref

course_get_cm_rename_action()   X-Ref

course_scale_used()   X-Ref

site_scale_used()   X-Ref

external_function_info()   X-Ref

get_records_csv()   X-Ref

put_records_csv()   X-Ref

css_is_colour()   X-Ref

css_is_width()   X-Ref

css_sort_by_count()   X-Ref

message_get_course_contexts()   X-Ref

message_remove_url_params()   X-Ref

message_count_messages()   X-Ref

message_count_blocked_users()   X-Ref

message_contact_link()   X-Ref

message_get_recent_notifications()   X-Ref

message_history_link()   X-Ref

message_search()   X-Ref

message_shorten_message()   X-Ref

message_get_fragment()   X-Ref

message_get_history()   X-Ref

message_get_contact_add_remove_link()   X-Ref

message_get_contact_block_link()   X-Ref

message_mark_messages_read()   X-Ref

message_can_post_message()   X-Ref

message_is_user_non_contact_blocked()   X-Ref

message_is_user_blocked()   X-Ref

print_log()   X-Ref

print_mnet_log()   X-Ref

print_log_csv()   X-Ref

print_log_xls()   X-Ref

print_log_ods()   X-Ref

build_logs_array()   X-Ref

get_logs_usercourse()   X-Ref

get_logs_userday()   X-Ref

get_logs()   X-Ref

prevent_form_autofill_password()   X-Ref

message_get_recent_conversations($userorid, $limitfrom = 0, $limitto = 100)   X-Ref

calendar_preferences_button()   X-Ref

calendar_wday_name()   X-Ref

calendar_get_block_upcoming()   X-Ref

calendar_print_month_selector()   X-Ref

calendar_cron()   X-Ref

load_course_context()   X-Ref

load_role_access_by_context()   X-Ref

dedupe_user_access()   X-Ref

get_user_access_sitewide()   X-Ref

calendar_get_mini()   X-Ref

calendar_get_upcoming()   X-Ref

allow_override()   X-Ref

allow_assign()   X-Ref

allow_switch()   X-Ref

question_add_tops()   X-Ref

question_is_only_toplevel_category_in_context()   X-Ref

message_move_userfrom_unread2read()   X-Ref

message_get_blocked_users()   X-Ref

message_get_contacts()   X-Ref

message_mark_message_read()   X-Ref

message_can_delete_message()   X-Ref

message_delete_message()   X-Ref

calendar_get_all_allowed_types()   X-Ref

groups_get_all_groups_for_courses()   X-Ref

events_get_cached()   X-Ref

events_uninstall()   X-Ref

events_cleanup()   X-Ref

events_dequeue()   X-Ref

events_get_handlers()   X-Ref

get_roles_on_exact_context()   X-Ref

get_roles_with_assignment_on_context()   X-Ref

message_add_contact()   X-Ref

message_remove_contact()   X-Ref

message_unblock_contact()   X-Ref

message_block_contact()   X-Ref

message_get_contact()   X-Ref

get_courses_page()   X-Ref

report_insights_context_insights(\context $context)   X-Ref

get_module_metadata($course, $modnames, $sectionreturn = null)   X-Ref
Retrieve all metadata for the requested modules

return: array A list of stdClass objects containing metadata about each
param: object $course The Course
param: array $modnames An array containing the list of modules and their
param: int $sectionreturn The section to return to

cron_run_single_task(\core\task\scheduled_task $task)   X-Ref
Runs a single cron task. This function assumes it is displaying output in pseudo-CLI mode.

The function will fail if the task is disabled.

Warning: Because this function closes the browser session, it may not be safe to continue
with other processing (other than displaying the rest of the page) after using this function!

return: bool True if cron run successful
param: \core\task\scheduled_task $task Task to run

cron_execute_plugin_type($plugintype, $description = null)   X-Ref
Executes cron functions for a specific type of plugin.

param: string $plugintype Plugin type (e.g. 'report')
param: string $description If specified, will display 'Starting (whatever)'

cron_bc_hack_plugin_functions($plugintype, $plugins)   X-Ref
Used to add in old-style cron functions within plugins that have not been converted to the
new standard API. (The standard API is frankenstyle_name_cron() in lib.php; some types used
cron.php and some used a different name.)

return: array Revised version of $plugins that adds in any extra plugin functions found by
param: string $plugintype Plugin type e.g. 'report'
param: array $plugins Array from plugin name (e.g. 'report_frog') to function name (e.g.

user_get_participants_sql($courseid, $groupid = 0, $accesssince = 0, $roleid = 0, $enrolid = 0, $statusid = -1,$search = '', $additionalwhere = '', $additionalparams = array()   X-Ref
Returns the SQL used by the participants table.

return: array
param: int $courseid The course id
param: int $groupid The groupid, 0 means all groups and USERSWITHOUTGROUP no group
param: int $accesssince The time since last access, 0 means any time
param: int $roleid The role id, 0 means all roles and -1 no roles
param: int $enrolid The enrolment id, 0 means all enrolment methods will be returned.
param: int $statusid The user enrolment status, -1 means all enrolments regardless of the status will be returned, if allowed.
param: string|array $search The search that was performed, empty means perform no search
param: string $additionalwhere Any additional SQL to add to where
param: array $additionalparams The additional params

user_get_total_participants($courseid, $groupid = 0, $accesssince = 0, $roleid = 0, $enrolid = 0, $statusid = -1,$search = '', $additionalwhere = '', $additionalparams = array()   X-Ref
Returns the total number of participants for a given course.

return: int
param: int $courseid The course id
param: int $groupid The groupid, 0 means all groups and USERSWITHOUTGROUP no group
param: int $accesssince The time since last access, 0 means any time
param: int $roleid The role id, 0 means all roles
param: int $enrolid The applied filter for the user enrolment ID.
param: int $status The applied filter for the user's enrolment status.
param: string|array $search The search that was performed, empty means perform no search
param: string $additionalwhere Any additional SQL to add to where
param: array $additionalparams The additional params

user_get_participants($courseid, $groupid, $accesssince, $roleid, $enrolid, $statusid, $search,$additionalwhere = '', $additionalparams = array()   X-Ref
Returns the participants for a given course.

return: moodle_recordset
param: int $courseid The course id
param: int $groupid The groupid, 0 means all groups and USERSWITHOUTGROUP no group
param: int $accesssince The time since last access
param: int $roleid The role id
param: int $enrolid The applied filter for the user enrolment ID.
param: int $status The applied filter for the user's enrolment status.
param: string $search The search that was performed
param: string $additionalwhere Any additional SQL to add to where
param: array $additionalparams The additional params
param: string $sort The SQL sort
param: int $limitfrom return a subset of records, starting at this point (optional).
param: int $limitnum return a subset comprising this many records (optional, required if $limitfrom is set).

make_categories_options()   X-Ref
Returns the list of full course categories to be used in html_writer::select()

Calls {@see core_course_category::make_categories_list()} to build the list.

return: array array mapping course category id to the display name

get_extra_user_fields($context, $already = array()   X-Ref
Checks if current user is shown any extra fields when listing users.

Does not include any custom profile fields.

return: array Array of field names from user table, not including anything
param: object $context Context
param: array $already Array of fields that we're going to show anyway

get_extra_user_fields_sql($context, $alias='', $prefix='', $already = array()   X-Ref
If the current user is to be shown extra user fields when listing or
selecting users, returns a string suitable for including in an SQL select
clause to retrieve those fields.

Does not include any custom profile fields.

return: string Partial SQL select clause, beginning with comma, for example ',u.idnumber,u.department' unless it is blank
param: context $context Context
param: string $alias Alias of user table, e.g. 'u' (default none)
param: string $prefix Prefix for field names using AS, e.g. 'u_' (default none)
param: array $already Array of fields that we're going to include anyway so don't list them (default none)

get_user_field_name($field)   X-Ref
Returns the display name of a field in the user table. Works for most fields that are commonly displayed to users.

Also works for custom fields.

return: string Text description taken from language file, e.g. 'Phone number'
param: string $field Field name, e.g. 'phone1'

get_all_user_name_fields($returnsql = false, $tableprefix = null, $prefix = null, $fieldprefix = null, $order = false)   X-Ref
A centralised location for the all name fields. Returns an array / sql string snippet.

return: array|string All name fields.
param: bool $returnsql True for an sql select field snippet.
param: string $tableprefix table query prefix to use in front of each field.
param: string $prefix prefix added to the name fields e.g. authorfirstname.
param: string $fieldprefix sql field prefix e.g. id AS userid.
param: bool $order moves firstname and lastname to the top of the array / start of the string.

calendar_process_subscription_row($subscriptionid, $pollinterval, $action)   X-Ref
Update a subscription from the form data in one of the rows in the existing subscriptions table.

return: string A log of the import progress, including errors
param: int $subscriptionid The ID of the subscription we are acting upon.
param: int $pollinterval The poll interval to use.
param: int $action The action to be performed. One of update or remove.

calendar_import_icalendar_events($ical, $unused = null, $subscriptionid = null)   X-Ref
Import events from an iCalendar object into a course calendar.

return: string A log of the import progress, including errors.
param: iCalendar $ical The iCalendar object.
param: int $unused Deprecated
param: int $subscriptionid The subscription ID.

grade_print_tabs($active_type, $active_plugin, $plugin_info, $return=false)   X-Ref
Print grading plugin selection tab-based navigation.

return: nothing or string if $return true
param: string  $active_type type of plugin on current page - import, export, report or edit
param: string  $active_plugin active plugin type - grader, user, cvs, ...
param: array   $plugin_info Array of plugins
param: boolean $return return as string

print_grade_plugin_selector($plugin_info, $active_type, $active_plugin, $return=false)   X-Ref
Print grading plugin selection popup form.

return: nothing or string if $return true
param: array   $plugin_info An array of plugins containing information for the selector
param: boolean $return return as string

course_purge_section_cache(object $sectioninfo)   X-Ref
Purge the cache of a course section.

$sectioninfo must have following attributes:
- course: course id
- section: section number

return: void
param: object $sectioninfo section info

course_purge_module_cache($cm)   X-Ref
Purge the cache of a course module.

$cm must have following attributes:
- id: cmid
- course: course id

return: void
param: cm_info|stdClass $cm course module

get_array_of_activities(int $courseid, bool $usecache = false)   X-Ref
For a given course, returns an array of course activity objects
Each item in the array contains he following properties:

return: array list of activities
param: int $courseid course id
param: bool $usecache get activities from cache if modinfo exists when $usecache is true

Functions that are not part of a class:

add_to_log()   X-Ref

events_trigger()   X-Ref

get_core_subsystems($fullpaths = false)   X-Ref
List all core subsystems and their location

This is a list of components that are part of the core and their
language strings are defined in /lang/en/<<subsystem>>.php. If a given
plugin is not listed here and it does not have proper plugintype prefix,
then it is considered as course activity module.

The location is optionally dirroot relative path. NULL means there is no special
directory for this subsystem. If the location is set, the subsystem's
renderer.php is expected to be there.

return: array of (string)name => (string|null)location
param: bool $fullpaths false means relative paths from dirroot, use true for performance reasons

get_plugin_types($fullpaths = true)   X-Ref
Lists all plugin types.

return: array Array of strings - name=>location
param: bool $fullpaths false means relative paths from dirroot

get_plugin_list($plugintype)   X-Ref
Use when listing real plugins of one type.

return: array name=>fulllocation pairs of plugins of given type
param: string $plugintype type of plugin

get_plugin_list_with_class($plugintype, $class, $file)   X-Ref
Get a list of all the plugins of a given type that define a certain class
in a certain file. The plugin component names and class names are returned.

return: array with frankenstyle plugin names as keys (e.g. 'report_courselist', 'mod_forum')
param: string $plugintype the type of plugin, e.g. 'mod' or 'report'.
param: string $class the part of the name of the class after the
param: string $file the name of file within the plugin that defines the class.

get_plugin_directory($plugintype, $name)   X-Ref
Returns the exact absolute path to plugin directory.

return: string full path to plugin directory; NULL if not found
param: string $plugintype type of plugin
param: string $name name of the plugin

normalize_component($component)   X-Ref
Normalize the component name using the "frankenstyle" names.

return: array two-items list of [(string)type, (string|null)name]
param: string $component

get_component_directory($component)   X-Ref
Return exact absolute path to a plugin directory.

return: string full path to component directory; NULL if not found
param: string $component name such as 'moodle', 'mod_forum'

get_context_instance($contextlevel, $instance = 0, $strictness = IGNORE_MISSING)   X-Ref
Get the context instance as an object. This function will create the
context instance if it does not exist yet.

return: context The context object.
param: integer $contextlevel The context level, for example CONTEXT_COURSE, or CONTEXT_MODULE.
param: integer $instance The instance id. For $level = CONTEXT_COURSE, this would be $course->id,
param: int $strictness IGNORE_MISSING means compatible mode, false returned if record not found, debug message if more found;

clam_log_upload()   X-Ref

clam_log_infected()   X-Ref

clam_change_log()   X-Ref

clam_replace_infected_file()   X-Ref

clam_handle_infected_file()   X-Ref

clam_scan_moodle_file()   X-Ref

password_compat_not_supported()   X-Ref

session_get_instance()   X-Ref

session_is_legacy()   X-Ref

session_kill_all()   X-Ref

session_touch()   X-Ref

session_kill()   X-Ref

session_kill_user()   X-Ref

session_set_user()   X-Ref

session_is_loggedinas()   X-Ref

session_get_realuser()   X-Ref

session_loginas()   X-Ref

js_minify()   X-Ref

css_minify_css()   X-Ref

check_gd_version()   X-Ref

update_login_count()   X-Ref

reset_login_count()   X-Ref

update_log_display_entry()   X-Ref

filter_text()   X-Ref

httpsrequired()   X-Ref

get_file_url()   X-Ref

get_course_participants()   X-Ref

is_course_participant()   X-Ref

get_recent_enrolments()   X-Ref

detect_munged_arguments()   X-Ref

unzip_file($zipfile, $destination = '', $showstatus_ignored = true)   X-Ref
Unzip one zip file to a destination dir
Both parameters must be FULL paths
If destination isn't specified, it will be the
SAME directory where the zip file resides.

param: string $zipfile The zip file to unzip
param: string $destination The location to unzip to
param: bool $showstatus_ignored Unused

zip_files($originalfiles, $destination)   X-Ref
Zip an array of files/dirs to a destination zip file
Both parameters must be FULL paths to the files/dirs

return: bool Outcome
param: array $originalfiles Files to zip
param: string $destination The destination path

mygroupid()   X-Ref

groupmode()   X-Ref

set_current_group()   X-Ref

get_current_group()   X-Ref

groups_filter_users_by_course_module_visible()   X-Ref

groups_course_module_visible()   X-Ref

error()   X-Ref

current_theme()   X-Ref

formerr()   X-Ref

skip_main_destination()   X-Ref

print_container()   X-Ref

print_container_start()   X-Ref

print_container_end()   X-Ref

notify()   X-Ref

print_continue()   X-Ref

print_header()   X-Ref

print_header_simple()   X-Ref

print_side_block()   X-Ref

print_textarea()   X-Ref

print_arrow($direction='up', $strsort=null, $return=false)   X-Ref
Returns an image of an up or down arrow, used for column sorting. To avoid unnecessary DB accesses, please
provide this function with the language strings for sortasc and sortdesc.

return: string|void depending on $return
param: string $direction 'up' or 'down'
param: string $strsort The language string used for the alt attribute of this image
param: bool $return Whether to print directly or return the html string

choose_from_menu()   X-Ref

print_scale_menu_helpbutton()   X-Ref

print_checkbox()   X-Ref

update_module_button()   X-Ref

print_navigation()   X-Ref

build_navigation()   X-Ref

navmenu()   X-Ref

add_event()   X-Ref

update_event()   X-Ref

delete_event()   X-Ref

hide_event()   X-Ref

show_event()   X-Ref

textlib_get_instance()   X-Ref

get_generic_section_name()   X-Ref