Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.
/lib/ -> enrollib.php (source)

Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 400] [Versions 311 and 400] [Versions 39 and 400] [Versions 400 and 401] [Versions 400 and 402] [Versions 400 and 403]

This library includes the basic parts of enrol api. It is available on each page.

Copyright: 2010 Petr Skoda {@link}
License: GNU GPL v3 or later
File Size: 3347 lines (124 kb)
Included or required: 3 times
Referenced: 3 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

enrol_plugin:: (64 methods):

Defines 64 functions

Class: enrol_plugin  - X-Ref

Enrolment plugins abstract class.

All enrol plugins should be based on this class,
this is also the main source of documentation.

get_name()   X-Ref
Returns name of this enrol plugin

return: string

get_instance_name($instance)   X-Ref
Returns localised name of enrol instance

return: string
param: object $instance (null is accepted too)

get_info_icons(array $instances)   X-Ref
Returns optional enrolment information icons.

This is used in course list for quick overview of enrolment options.

We are not using single instance parameter because sometimes
we might want to prevent icon repetition when multiple instances
of one type exist. One instance may also produce several icons.

return: array of pix_icon
param: array $instances all enrol instances of this type in one course

get_description_text($instance)   X-Ref
Returns optional enrolment instance description text.

This is used in detailed course information.

return: string short html text
param: object $instance

load_config()   X-Ref
Makes sure config is loaded and cached.

return: void

get_config($name, $default = NULL)   X-Ref
Returns plugin config value

return: string value or default
param: string $name
param: string $default value if config does not exist yet

set_config($name, $value)   X-Ref
Sets plugin config value

return: string value
param: string $name name of config
param: string $value string config value, null means delete

roles_protected()   X-Ref
Does this plugin assign protected roles are can they be manually removed?

return: bool - false means anybody may tweak roles, it does not use itemid and component when assigning roles

allow_enrol(stdClass $instance)   X-Ref
Does this plugin allow manual enrolments?

return: bool - true means user with 'enrol/xxx:enrol' may enrol others freely, false means nobody may add more enrolments manually
param: stdClass $instance course enrol instance

allow_unenrol(stdClass $instance)   X-Ref
Does this plugin allow manual unenrolment of all users?
All plugins allowing this must implement 'enrol/xxx:unenrol' capability

return: bool - true means user with 'enrol/xxx:unenrol' may unenrol others freely, false means nobody may touch user_enrolments
param: stdClass $instance course enrol instance

allow_unenrol_user(stdClass $instance, stdClass $ue)   X-Ref
Does this plugin allow manual unenrolment of a specific user?
All plugins allowing this must implement 'enrol/xxx:unenrol' capability

This is useful especially for synchronisation plugins that
do suspend instead of full unenrolment.

return: bool - true means user with 'enrol/xxx:unenrol' may unenrol this user, false means nobody may touch this user enrolment
param: stdClass $instance course enrol instance
param: stdClass $ue record from user_enrolments table, specifies user

allow_manage(stdClass $instance)   X-Ref
Does this plugin allow manual changes in user_enrolments table?

All plugins allowing this must implement 'enrol/xxx:manage' capability

return: bool - true means it is possible to change enrol period and status in user_enrolments table
param: stdClass $instance course enrol instance

show_enrolme_link(stdClass $instance)   X-Ref
Does this plugin support some way to user to self enrol?

return: bool - true means show "Enrol me in this course" link in course UI
param: stdClass $instance course enrol instance

is_self_enrol_available(stdClass $instance)   X-Ref
Does this plugin support some way to self enrol?
This function doesn't check user capabilities. Use can_self_enrol to check capabilities.

return: bool - true means "Enrol me in this course" link could be available.
param: stdClass $instance enrolment instance

try_autoenrol(stdClass $instance)   X-Ref
Attempt to automatically enrol current user in course without any interaction,
calling code has to make sure the plugin and instance are active.

This should return either a timestamp in the future or false.

return: bool|int false means not enrolled, integer means timeend
param: stdClass $instance course enrol instance

try_guestaccess(stdClass $instance)   X-Ref
Attempt to automatically gain temporary guest access to course,
calling code has to make sure the plugin and instance are active.

This should return either a timestamp in the future or false.

return: bool|int false means no guest access, integer means timeend
param: stdClass $instance course enrol instance

enrol_user(stdClass $instance, $userid, $roleid = null, $timestart = 0, $timeend = 0, $status = null, $recovergrades = null)   X-Ref
Enrol user into course via enrol instance.

return: void
param: stdClass $instance
param: int $userid
param: int $roleid optional role id
param: int $timestart 0 means unknown
param: int $timeend 0 means forever
param: int $status default to ENROL_USER_ACTIVE for new enrolments, no change by default in updates
param: bool $recovergrades restore grade history

update_user_enrol(stdClass $instance, $userid, $status = NULL, $timestart = NULL, $timeend = NULL)   X-Ref
Store user_enrolments changes and trigger event.

return: void
param: stdClass $instance
param: int $userid
param: int $status
param: int $timestart
param: int $timeend

unenrol_user(stdClass $instance, $userid)   X-Ref
Unenrol user from course,
the last unenrolment removes all remaining roles.

return: void
param: stdClass $instance
param: int $userid

sync_user_enrolments($user)   X-Ref
Forces synchronisation of user enrolments.

This is important especially for external enrol plugins,
this function is called for all enabled enrol plugins
right after every user login.

return: void
param: object $user user record

use_standard_editing_ui()   X-Ref
This returns false for backwards compatibility, but it is really recommended.

return: boolean

can_add_instance($courseid)   X-Ref
Return whether or not, given the current state, it is possible to add a new instance
of this enrolment plugin to the course.

Default implementation is just for backwards compatibility.

return: boolean
param: int $courseid

can_edit_instance($instance)   X-Ref
Return whether or not, given the current state, it is possible to edit an instance
of this enrolment plugin in the course. Used by the standard editing UI
to generate a link to the edit instance form if editing is allowed.

return: boolean
param: stdClass $instance

get_newinstance_link($courseid)   X-Ref
Returns link to page which may be used to add new instance of enrolment plugin in course.

return: moodle_url page url
param: int $courseid

instance_deleteable($instance)   X-Ref

can_delete_instance($instance)   X-Ref
Is it possible to delete enrol instance via standard UI?

return: bool
param: stdClass  $instance

can_hide_show_instance($instance)   X-Ref
Is it possible to hide/show enrol instance via standard UI?

return: bool
param: stdClass $instance

get_manual_enrol_link($instance)   X-Ref
Returns link to manual enrol UI if exists.
Does the access control tests automatically.

return: moodle_url
param: object $instance

get_unenrolself_link($instance)   X-Ref
Returns list of unenrol links for all enrol instances in course.

return: moodle_url or NULL if self unenrolment not supported
param: int $instance

course_edit_form($instance, MoodleQuickForm $mform, $data, $context)   X-Ref
Adds enrol instance UI to course edit form

return: void
param: object $instance enrol instance or null if does not exist yet
param: MoodleQuickForm $mform
param: object $data
param: object $context context of existing course or parent category if course does not exist

edit_instance_form($instance, MoodleQuickForm $mform, $context)   X-Ref
Adds form elements to add/edit instance form.

return: void
param: object $instance enrol instance or null if does not exist yet
param: MoodleQuickForm $mform
param: context $context

edit_instance_validation($data, $files, $instance, $context)   X-Ref
Perform custom validation of the data used to edit the instance.

return: array of "element_name"=>"error_description" if there are errors,
param: array $data array of ("fieldname"=>value) of submitted data
param: array $files array of uploaded files "element_name"=>tmp_file_path
param: object $instance The instance data loaded from the DB.
param: context $context The context of the instance we are editing

course_edit_validation($instance, array $data, $context)   X-Ref
Validates course edit form data

return: array errors array
param: object $instance enrol instance or null if does not exist yet
param: array $data
param: object $context context of existing course or parent category if course does not exist

course_updated($inserted, $course, $data)   X-Ref
Called after updating/inserting course.

return: void
param: bool $inserted true if course just inserted
param: object $course
param: object $data form data

add_instance($course, array $fields = NULL)   X-Ref
Add new instance of enrol plugin.

return: int id of new instance, null if can not be created
param: object $course
param: array instance fields

update_instance($instance, $data)   X-Ref
Update instance of enrol plugin.

return: boolean
param: stdClass $instance
param: stdClass $data modified instance fields

add_default_instance($course)   X-Ref
Add new instance of enrol plugin with default settings,
called when adding new instance manually or when adding new course.

Not all plugins support this.

return: int id of new instance or null if no default supported
param: object $course

update_status($instance, $newstatus)   X-Ref
Update instance status

Override when plugin needs to do some action when enabled or disabled.

return: void
param: stdClass $instance

delete_instance($instance)   X-Ref
Delete course enrol plugin instance, unenrol all users.

return: void
param: object $instance

enrol_page_hook(stdClass $instance)   X-Ref
Creates course enrol form, checks if form submitted
and enrols user if necessary. It can also redirect.

return: string html text, usually a form in a text box
param: stdClass $instance

can_self_enrol(stdClass $instance, $checkuserenrolment = true)   X-Ref
Checks if user can self enrol.

return: bool|string true if successful, else error message or false
param: stdClass $instance enrolment instance
param: bool $checkuserenrolment if true will check if user enrolment is inactive.

get_enrol_info(stdClass $instance)   X-Ref
Return information for enrolment instance containing list of parameters required
for enrolment, name of enrolment plugin etc.

return: array instance info.
param: stdClass $instance enrolment instance

add_course_navigation($instancesnode, stdClass $instance)   X-Ref
Adds navigation links into course admin block.

By defaults looks for manage links only.

return: void
param: navigation_node $instancesnode
param: stdClass $instance

get_action_icons(stdClass $instance)   X-Ref
Returns edit icons for the page with list of instances

return: array
param: stdClass $instance

is_cron_required()   X-Ref
Reads version.php and determines if it is necessary
to execute the cron job now.

return: bool

cron()   X-Ref
Called for all enabled enrol plugins that returned true from is_cron_required().

return: void

user_delete($user)   X-Ref
Called when user is about to be deleted

return: void
param: object $user

get_manual_enrol_button(course_enrolment_manager $manager)   X-Ref
Returns an enrol_user_button that takes the user to a page where they are able to
enrol users into the managers course through this plugin.

Optional: If the plugin supports manual enrolments it can choose to override this
otherwise it shouldn't

return: enrol_user_button|false
param: course_enrolment_manager $manager

get_user_enrolment_actions(course_enrolment_manager $manager, $ue)   X-Ref
Gets an array of the user enrolment actions

return: array An array of user_enrolment_actions
param: course_enrolment_manager $manager
param: stdClass $ue

has_bulk_operations(course_enrolment_manager $manager)   X-Ref
Returns true if the plugin has one or more bulk operations that can be performed on
user enrolments.

return: bool
param: course_enrolment_manager $manager

get_bulk_operations(course_enrolment_manager $manager)   X-Ref
Return an array of enrol_bulk_enrolment_operation objects that define
the bulk actions that can be performed on user enrolments by the plugin.

return: array
param: course_enrolment_manager $manager

process_expirations(progress_trace $trace, $courseid = null)   X-Ref
Do any enrolments need expiration processing.

Plugins that want to call this functionality must implement 'expiredaction' config setting.

return: bool true if any data processed, false if not
param: progress_trace $trace
param: int $courseid one course, empty mean all

send_expiry_notifications($trace)   X-Ref
Send expiry notifications.

Plugin that wants to have expiry notification MUST implement following:
- expirynotifyhour plugin setting,
- configuration options in instance edit form (expirynotify, notifyall and expirythreshold),
- notification strings (expirymessageenrollersubject, expirymessageenrollerbody,
expirymessageenrolledsubject and expirymessageenrolledbody),
- expiry_notification provider in db/messages.php,
- upgrade code that sets default thresholds for existing courses (should be 1 day),
- something that calls this method, such as cron.

param: progress_trace $trace (accepts bool for backwards compatibility only)

get_enroller($instanceid)   X-Ref
Returns the user who is responsible for enrolments for given instance.

Override if plugin knows anybody better than admin.

return: stdClass user record
param: int $instanceid enrolment instance id

notify_expiry_enrolled($user, $ue, progress_trace $trace)   X-Ref
Notify user about incoming expiration of their enrolment,
it is called only if notification of enrolled users (aka students) is enabled in course.

This is executed only once for each expiring enrolment right
at the start of the expiration threshold.

param: stdClass $user
param: stdClass $ue
param: progress_trace $trace

notify_expiry_enroller($eid, $users, progress_trace $trace)   X-Ref
Notify person responsible for enrolments that some user enrolments will be expired soon,
it is called only if notification of enrollers (aka teachers) is enabled in course.

This is called repeatedly every day for each course if there are any pending expiration
in the expiration threshold.

param: int $eid
param: array $users
param: progress_trace $trace

backup_annotate_custom_fields(backup_enrolments_execution_step $step, stdClass $enrol)   X-Ref
Backup execution step hook to annotate custom fields.

param: backup_enrolments_execution_step $step
param: stdClass $enrol

restore_sync_course($course)   X-Ref
Automatic enrol sync executed during restore.
Useful for automatic sync by course->idnumber or course category.

param: stdClass $course course record

restore_instance(restore_enrolments_structure_step $step, stdClass $data, $course, $oldid)   X-Ref
Restore instance and map settings.

param: restore_enrolments_structure_step $step
param: stdClass $data
param: stdClass $course
param: int $oldid

restore_user_enrolment(restore_enrolments_structure_step $step, $data, $instance, $userid, $oldinstancestatus)   X-Ref
Restore user enrolment.

param: restore_enrolments_structure_step $step
param: stdClass $data
param: stdClass $instance
param: int $oldinstancestatus
param: int $userid

restore_role_assignment($instance, $roleid, $userid, $contextid)   X-Ref
Restore role assignment.

param: stdClass $instance
param: int $roleid
param: int $userid
param: int $contextid

restore_group_member($instance, $groupid, $userid)   X-Ref
Restore user group membership.

param: stdClass $instance
param: int $groupid
param: int $userid

get_instance_defaults()   X-Ref
Returns defaults for new instances.

return: array

validate_param_types($data, $rules)   X-Ref
Validate a list of parameter names and types.

return: array of "element_name"=>"error_description" if there are errors,
param: array $data array of ("fieldname"=>value) of submitted data
param: array $rules array of ("fieldname"=>PARAM_X types - or "fieldname"=>array( list of valid options )

Functions that are not part of a class:

enrol_get_plugins($enabled)   X-Ref
Returns instances of enrol plugins

return: array of enrol plugins name=>instance
param: bool $enabled return enabled only

enrol_get_plugin($name)   X-Ref
Returns instance of enrol plugin

return: enrol_plugin
param: string $name name of enrol plugin ('manual', 'guest', ...)

enrol_get_instances($courseid, $enabled)   X-Ref
Returns enrolment instances in given course.

return: array of enrol instances
param: int $courseid
param: bool $enabled

enrol_is_enabled($enrol)   X-Ref
Checks if a given plugin is in the list of enabled enrolment plugins.

return: boolean Whether the plugin is enabled
param: string $enrol Enrolment plugin name

enrol_check_plugins($user)   X-Ref
Check all the login enrolment information for the given user object
by querying the enrolment plugins

This function may be very slow, use only once after log-in or login-as.

return: void
param: stdClass $user

enrol_sharing_course($user1, $user2)   X-Ref
Do these two students share any course?

The courses has to be visible and enrolments has to be active,
timestart and timeend restrictions are ignored.

This function calls {@see enrol_get_shared_courses()} setting checkexistsonly
to true.

return: bool
param: stdClass|int $user1
param: stdClass|int $user2

enrol_get_shared_courses($user1, $user2, $preloadcontexts = false, $checkexistsonly = false)   X-Ref
Returns any courses shared by the two users

The courses has to be visible and enrolments has to be active,
timestart and timeend restrictions are ignored.

return: array|bool An array of courses that both users are enrolled in OR if
param: stdClass|int $user1
param: stdClass|int $user2
param: bool $preloadcontexts If set to true contexts for the returned courses
param: bool $checkexistsonly If set to true then this function will return true

enrol_course_edit_form(MoodleQuickForm $mform, $data, $context)   X-Ref
This function adds necessary enrol plugins UI into the course edit form.

return: void
param: MoodleQuickForm $mform
param: object $data course edit form data
param: object $context context of existing course or parent category if course does not exist

enrol_course_edit_validation(array $data, $context)   X-Ref
Validate course edit form data

return: array errors array
param: array $data raw form data
param: object $context context of existing course or parent category if course does not exist

enrol_course_updated($inserted, $course, $data)   X-Ref
Update enrol instances after course edit form submission

return: void
param: bool $inserted true means new course added, false course already existed
param: object $course
param: object $data form data

enrol_add_course_navigation(navigation_node $coursenode, $course)   X-Ref
Add navigation nodes

return: void
param: navigation_node $coursenode
param: object $course

enrol_get_my_courses($fields = null, $sort = null, $limit = 0, $courseids = [], $allaccessible = false,$offset = 0, $excludecourses = [])   X-Ref
Returns list of courses current $USER is enrolled in and can access

The $fields param is a list of field names to ADD so name just the fields you really need,
which will be added and uniq'd.

If $allaccessible is true, this will additionally return courses that the current user is not
enrolled in, but can access because they are open to the user for other reasons (course view
permission, currently viewing course as a guest, or course allows guest access without

return: array
param: string|array $fields Extra fields to be returned (array or comma-separated list).
param: string|null $sort Comma separated list of fields to sort by, defaults to respecting navsortmycoursessort.
param: int $limit max number of courses
param: array $courseids the list of course ids to filter by
param: bool $allaccessible Include courses user is not enrolled in, but can access
param: int $offset Offset the result set by this number
param: array $excludecourses IDs of hidden courses to exclude from search

enrol_get_course_info_icons($course, array $instances = NULL)   X-Ref
Returns course enrolment information icons.

return: array of pix_icon
param: object $course
param: array $instances enrol instances of this course, improves performance

enrol_get_courses_sortingsql($sort = null)   X-Ref
Returns SQL ORDER arguments which reflect the admin settings to sort my courses.

return: string SQL ORDER arguments.
param: string|null $sort SQL ORDER arguments which were originally requested (optionally).

enrol_get_course_description_texts($course)   X-Ref
Returns course enrolment detailed information.

return: array of html fragments - can be used to construct lists
param: object $course

enrol_get_users_courses($userid, $onlyactive = false, $fields = null, $sort = null)   X-Ref
Returns list of courses user is enrolled into.

Note: Use {@link enrol_get_all_users_courses()} if you need the list without any capability checks.

The $fields param is a list of field names to ADD so name just the fields you really need,
which will be added and uniq'd.

return: array
param: int $userid User whose courses are returned, defaults to the current user.
param: bool $onlyactive Return only active enrolments in courses user may see.
param: string|array $fields Extra fields to be returned (array or comma-separated list).
param: string|null $sort Comma separated list of fields to sort by, defaults to respecting navsortmycoursessort.

enrol_get_course_users_roles(int $courseid)   X-Ref
Returns list of roles per users into course.

return: array Array[$userid][$roleid] = role_assignment.
param: int $courseid Course id.

enrol_user_sees_own_courses($user = null)   X-Ref
Can user access at least one enrolled course?

Cheat if necessary, but find out as fast as possible!

return: bool
param: int|stdClass $user null means use current user

enrol_get_all_users_courses($userid, $onlyactive = false, $fields = null, $sort = null)   X-Ref
Returns list of courses user is enrolled into without performing any capability checks.

The $fields param is a list of field names to ADD so name just the fields you really need,
which will be added and uniq'd.

return: array
param: int $userid User whose courses are returned, defaults to the current user.
param: bool $onlyactive Return only active enrolments in courses user may see.
param: string|array $fields Extra fields to be returned (array or comma-separated list).
param: string|null $sort Comma separated list of fields to sort by, defaults to respecting navsortmycoursessort.

enrol_user_delete($user)   X-Ref
Called when user is about to be deleted.

return: void
param: object $user

enrol_course_delete($course, $userid = null)   X-Ref
Called when course is about to be deleted.
If a user id is passed, only enrolments that the user has permission to un-enrol will be removed,
otherwise all enrolments in the course will be removed.

return: void
param: stdClass $course
param: int|null $userid

enrol_try_internal_enrol($courseid, $userid, $roleid = null, $timestart = 0, $timeend = 0)   X-Ref
Try to enrol user via default internal auth plugin.

For now this is always using the manual enrol plugin...

return: bool success
param: $courseid
param: $userid
param: $roleid
param: $timestart
param: $timeend

enrol_selfenrol_available($courseid)   X-Ref
Is there a chance users might self enrol

return: bool
param: int $courseid

enrol_get_enrolment_end($courseid, $userid)   X-Ref
This function returns the end of current active user enrolment.

It deals correctly with multiple overlapping user enrolments.

return: int|bool timestamp when active enrolment ends, false means no active enrolment now, 0 means never
param: int $courseid
param: int $userid

enrol_accessing_via_instance(stdClass $instance)   X-Ref
Is current user accessing course via this enrolment method?

This is intended for operations that are going to affect enrol instances.

return: bool
param: stdClass $instance enrol instance

is_enrolled(context $context, $user = null, $withcapability = '', $onlyactive = false)   X-Ref
Returns true if user is enrolled (is participating) in course
this is intended for students and teachers.

Since 2.2 the result for active enrolments and current user are cached.

return: bool
param: context $context
param: int|stdClass $user if null $USER is used, otherwise user object or id expected
param: string $withcapability extra capability name
param: bool $onlyactive consider only active enrolments in enabled plugins and time restrictions

get_enrolled_with_capabilities_join(context $context, $prefix = '', $capability = '', $group = 0,$onlyactive = false, $onlysuspended = false, $enrolid = 0)   X-Ref
Returns an array of joins, wheres and params that will limit the group of
users to only those enrolled and with given capability (if specified).

Note this join will return duplicate rows for users who have been enrolled
several times (e.g. as manual enrolment, and as self enrolment). You may
need to use a SELECT DISTINCT in your query (see get_enrolled_sql for example).

In case is guaranteed some of the joins never match any rows, the resulting
join_sql->cannotmatchanyrows will be true. This happens when the capability
is prohibited.

return: \core\dml\sql_join Contains joins, wheres, params and cannotmatchanyrows
param: context $context
param: string $prefix optional, a prefix to the user id column
param: string|array $capability optional, may include a capability name, or array of names.
param: int $group optional, 0 indicates no current group and USERSWITHOUTGROUP users without any group; otherwise the group id
param: bool $onlyactive consider only active enrolments in enabled plugins and time restrictions
param: bool $onlysuspended inverse of onlyactive, consider only suspended enrolments
param: int $enrolid The enrolment ID. If not 0, only users enrolled using this enrolment method will be returned.

get_enrolled_sql(context $context, $withcapability = '', $groupid = 0, $onlyactive = false, $onlysuspended = false,$enrolid = 0)   X-Ref
Returns array with sql code and parameters returning all ids
of users enrolled into course.

This function is using 'eu[0-9]+_' prefix for table names and parameters.

return: array list($sql, $params)
param: context $context
param: string $withcapability
param: int $groupid 0 means ignore groups, USERSWITHOUTGROUP without any group and any other value limits the result by group id
param: bool $onlyactive consider only active enrolments in enabled plugins and time restrictions
param: bool $onlysuspended inverse of onlyactive, consider only suspended enrolments
param: int $enrolid The enrolment ID. If not 0, only users enrolled using this enrolment method will be returned.

get_enrolled_join(context $context, $useridcolumn, $onlyactive = false, $onlysuspended = false, $enrolid = 0)   X-Ref
Returns array with sql joins and parameters returning all ids
of users enrolled into course.

This function is using 'ej[0-9]+_' prefix for table names and parameters.

return: \core\dml\sql_join Contains joins, wheres, params
param: context $context
param: string $useridcolumn User id column used the calling query, e.g.
param: bool $onlyactive consider only active enrolments in enabled plugins and time restrictions
param: bool $onlysuspended inverse of onlyactive, consider only suspended enrolments
param: int $enrolid The enrolment ID. If not 0, only users enrolled using this enrolment method will be returned.

get_enrolled_users(context $context, $withcapability = '', $groupid = 0, $userfields = 'u.*', $orderby = null,$limitfrom = 0, $limitnum = 0, $onlyactive = false)   X-Ref
Returns list of users enrolled into course.

return: array of user records
param: context $context
param: string $withcapability
param: int $groupid 0 means ignore groups, USERSWITHOUTGROUP without any group and any other value limits the result by group id
param: string $userfields requested user record fields
param: string $orderby
param: int $limitfrom return a subset of records, starting at this point (optional, required if $limitnum is set).
param: int $limitnum return a subset comprising this many records (optional, required if $limitfrom is set).
param: bool $onlyactive consider only active enrolments in enabled plugins and time restrictions

count_enrolled_users(context $context, $withcapability = '', $groupid = 0, $onlyactive = false)   X-Ref
Counts list of users enrolled into course (as per above function)

return: int number of users enrolled into course
param: context $context
param: string $withcapability
param: int $groupid 0 means ignore groups, any other value limits the result by group id
param: bool $onlyactive consider only active enrolments in enabled plugins and time restrictions

enrol_send_welcome_email_options()   X-Ref
Send welcome email "from" options.

return: array list of from options

enrol_output_fragment_user_enrolment_form($args)   X-Ref
Serve the user enrolment form as a fragment.

return: string
param: array $args List of named arguments for the fragment loader.

enrol_get_course_by_user_enrolment_id($ueid)   X-Ref
Returns the course where a user enrolment belong to.

return: stdClass
param: int $ueid user_enrolments id

enrol_get_course_users($courseid = false, $onlyactive = false, $usersfilter = [], $uefilter = [],$usergroups = [])   X-Ref
Return all users enrolled in a course.

return: stdClass[]
param: int $courseid Course id or false if using $uefilter (user enrolment ids may belong to different courses)
param: bool $onlyactive consider only active enrolments in enabled plugins and time restrictions
param: array $usersfilter Limit the results obtained to this list of user ids. $uefilter compatibility not guaranteed.
param: array $uefilter Limit the results obtained to this list of user enrolment ids. $usersfilter compatibility not guaranteed.
param: array $usergroups Limit the results of users to the ones that belong to one of the submitted group ids.

enrol_get_period_list()   X-Ref
Get the list of options for the enrolment period dropdown

return: array List of options for the enrolment period dropdown

enrol_calculate_duration($timestart, $timeend)   X-Ref
Calculate duration base on start time and end time

return: float|int Calculated duration
param: int $timestart Time start
param: int $timeend Time end