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advcheckbox.php [source] [150 lines] | Advanced checkbox type form element Contains HTML class for an advcheckbox type form element | |
autocomplete.php [source] [257 lines] | autocomplete type form element Contains HTML class for a autocomplete type element | |
button.php [source] [92 lines] | Button form element Contains HTML class for a button type element | |
cancel.php [source] [114 lines] | Button form element Contains HTML class for a button type element | |
checkbox.php [source] [153 lines] | checkbox form element Contains HTML class for a checkbox type element | |
cohort.php [source] [151 lines] | Course selector field. Allows auto-complete ajax searching for cohort. | |
course.php [source] [167 lines] | Course selector field. Allows auto-complete ajax searching for courses and can restrict by enrolment, permissions, viewhidden... | |
dateselector.php [source] [305 lines] | Group of date input element Contains class for a group of elements used to input a date. | |
datetimeselector.php [source] [337 lines] | Group of date and time input element Contains class for a group of elements used to input a date and time. | |
defaultcustom.php [source] [279 lines] | Creates an element with a dropdown Default/Custom and an input for the value (text or date_selector) | |
duration.php [source] [306 lines] | Duration form element Contains class to create length of time for element. | |
editor.php [source] [521 lines] | Editor input element Contains class to create preffered editor form element | |
filemanager.php [source] [484 lines] | FileManager form element Contains HTML class for a filemanager form element | |
filepicker.php [source] [282 lines] | Filepicker form element Contains HTML class for a single filepicker form element | |
filetypes.php [source] [254 lines] | Provides the {@link MoodleQuickForm_filetypes} class. | |
float.php [source] [193 lines] | Float type form element Contains HTML class for a float type element | |
grading.php [source] [173 lines] | Advance grading form element Element-container for advanced grading custom input | |
group.php [source] [278 lines] | Form element group Contains HTML class for group form element | |
header.php [source] [83 lines] | Header form element Contains a pseudo-element used for adding headers to form | |
hidden.php [source] [81 lines] | Hidden type form element Contains HTML class for a hidden type element | |
listing.php [source] [161 lines] | Listing form element. Contains HTML class for a listing form element. | |
modgrade.php [source] [551 lines] | Drop down form element to select the grade Contains HTML class for a drop down element to select the grade for an activity, used in mod update form | |
modvisible.php [source] [156 lines] | Drop down form element to select visibility in an activity mod update form Contains HTML class for a drop down element to select visibility in an activity mod update form | |
password.php [source] [94 lines] | Password type form element Contains HTML class for a password type element | |
passwordunmask.php [source] [100 lines] | Password type form element with unmask option Contains HTML class for a password type element with unmask option | |
questioncategory.php [source] [77 lines] | Drop down for question categories. Contains HTML class for a drop down element to select a question category. | |
radio.php [source] [118 lines] | radio type form element Contains HTML class for a radio type element | |
recaptcha.php [source] [129 lines] | recaptcha type form element Contains HTML class for a recaptcha type element | |
searchableselector.php [source] [65 lines] | Searchable selector field (alias for autocomplete). Allows auto-complete selector. | |
select.php [source] [231 lines] | select type form element Contains HTML class for a select type element | |
selectgroups.php [source] [570 lines] | select type form element Class to dynamically create an HTML SELECT with all options grouped in optgroups | |
selectwithlink.php [source] [275 lines] | select type form element Contains HTML class for a select type element with options containing link | |
selectyesno.php [source] [88 lines] | Yes/No drop down type form element Contains HTML class for a simple yes/ no drop down element | |
static.php [source] [97 lines] | Text type form element Contains HTML class for a text type element | |
submit.php [source] [156 lines] | submit type form element Contains HTML class for a submit type element | |
tags.php [source] [274 lines] | Tag autocomplete field. Contains HTML class for editing tags, both standard and not. | |
templatable_form_element.php [source] [95 lines] | Adds export_for_template behaviour to an mform element in a consistent and predictable way. | |
text.php [source] [168 lines] | Text type form element Contains HTML class for a text type element | |
textarea.php [source] [178 lines] | Textarea type form element Contains HTML class for a textarea type element | |
url.php [source] [223 lines] | url type form element Contains HTML class for a url type element | |
warning.php [source] [113 lines] | static warning element Contains class for static warning type element |