Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.
 * Copyright 2002-2017 Horde LLC (
 * See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you
 * did not receive this file, see
 * @category  Horde
 * @copyright 2002-2017 Horde LLC
 * @license LGPL 2.1
 * @package   Mime

 * This class represents the collection of header values for a single mail
 * message part.
 * It supports the base e-mail spec (RFC 5322) and the MIME extensions to that
 * spec (RFC 2045).
 * @author    Michael Slusarz <>
 * @category  Horde
 * @copyright 2002-2017 Horde LLC
 * @license LGPL 2.1
 * @package   Mime
class Horde_Mime_Headers
implements ArrayAccess, IteratorAggregate, Serializable
    /* Serialized version. */
    const VERSION = 3;

     * The default charset to use when parsing text parts with no charset
     * information.
     * @todo Make this a non-static property or pass as parameter to static
     *       methods in Horde 6.
     * @var string
    public static $defaultCharset = 'us-ascii';

     * Cached handler information for Header Element objects.
     * @var array
    protected static $_handlers = array();

     * The internal headers array.
     * @var Horde_Support_CaseInsensitiveArray
    protected $_headers;

     * Constructor.
    public function __construct()
        $this->_headers = new Horde_Support_CaseInsensitiveArray();

    public function __clone()
        $copy = new Horde_Support_CaseInsensitiveArray();
        foreach ($this->_headers as $key => $val) {
            $copy[$key] = clone $val;
        $this->_headers = $copy;

     * Returns the headers in array format.
     * @param array $opts  Optional parameters:
     * <pre>
     *   - broken_rfc2231: (boolean) Attempt to work around non-RFC
     *                     2231-compliant MUAs by generating both a RFC
     *                     2047-like parameter name and also the correct RFC
     *                     2231 parameter
     *                     DEFAULT: false
     *   - canonical: (boolean) Use canonical (RFC 822/2045) CRLF EOLs?
     *                DEFAULT: Uses "\n"
     *   - charset: (string) Encodes the headers using this charset. If empty,
     *              encodes using UTF-8.
     *              DEFAULT: No encoding.
     *   - defserver: (string) The default domain to append to mailboxes.
     *                DEFAULT: No default name.
     *   - lang: (string) The language to use when encoding.
     *           DEFAULT: None specified
     *   - nowrap: (integer) Don't wrap the headers.
     *             DEFAULT: Headers are wrapped.
     * </pre>
     * @return array  The headers in array format. Keys are header names, but
     *                case sensitivity cannot be guaranteed. Values are
     *                header values.
    public function toArray(array $opts = array())
        $charset = array_key_exists('charset', $opts)
            ? (empty($opts['charset']) ? 'UTF-8' : $opts['charset'])
            : null;
        $eol = empty($opts['canonical'])
            ? $this->_eol
            : "\r\n";
        $ret = array();

        foreach ($this->_headers as $ob) {
            $sopts = array(
                'charset' => $charset

            if (($ob instanceof Horde_Mime_Headers_Addresses) ||
                ($ob instanceof Horde_Mime_Headers_AddressesMulti)) {
                if (!empty($opts['defserver'])) {
                    $sopts['defserver'] = $opts['defserver'];
            } elseif ($ob instanceof Horde_Mime_Headers_ContentParam) {
                $sopts['broken_rfc2231'] = !empty($opts['broken_rfc2231']);
                if (!empty($opts['lang'])) {
                    $sopts['lang'] = $opts['lang'];

            $tmp = array();

            foreach ($ob->sendEncode(array_filter($sopts)) as $val) {
                if (empty($opts['nowrap'])) {
                    /* Remove any existing linebreaks and wrap the line. */
                    $htext = $ob->name . ': ';
                    $val = ltrim(
                                $htext . strtr(trim($val), array("\r" => '', "\n" => '')),
                                $eol . ' '

                $tmp[] = $val;

            $ret[$ob->name] = (count($tmp) == 1)
                ? reset($tmp)
                : $tmp;

        return $ret;

     * Returns all headers concatenated into a single string.
     * @param array $opts  See toArray().
     * @return string  The headers in string format.
    public function toString(array $opts = array())
        $eol = empty($opts['canonical'])
            ? $this->_eol
            : "\r\n";
        $text = '';

        foreach ($this->toArray($opts) as $key => $val) {
            foreach ((is_array($val) ? $val : array($val)) as $entry) {
                $text .= $key . ': ' . $entry . $eol;

        return $text . $eol;

     * Add/append/replace a header.
     * @param string $header  The header name.
     * @param string $value   The header value (UTF-8).
     * @param array $opts     DEPRECATED
    public function addHeader($header, $value, array $opts = array())
        /* Existing header? Add to that object. */
        $header = trim($header);
        if ($hdr = $this[$header]) {

        $classname = $this->_getHeaderClassName($header);

        try {
            $ob = new $classname($header, $value);
        } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
            /* Ignore an invalid header. */
        } catch (Horde_Mime_Exception $e) {

        switch ($classname) {
        case 'Horde_Mime_Headers_ContentParam_ContentDisposition':
        case 'Horde_Mime_Headers_ContentParam_ContentType':
            /* BC */
            if (!empty($opts['params'])) {
                foreach ($opts['params'] as $key => $val) {
                    $ob[$key] = $val;

        $this->_headers[$ob->name] = $ob;

     * Add a Horde_Mime_Headers_Element object to the current header list.
     * @since 2.5.0
     * @param Horde_Mime_Headers_Element $ob  Header object to add.
     * @param boolean $check                  Check that the header and object
     *                                        type match?
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
    public function addHeaderOb(Horde_Mime_Headers_Element $ob, $check = false)
        if ($check) {
            $cname = $this->_getHeaderClassName($ob->name);
            if (!($ob instanceof $cname)) {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
                    'Object is not correct class: %s',

        /* Existing header? Add to that object. */
        if ($hdr = $this[$ob->name]) {
        } else {
            $this->_headers[$ob->name] = $ob;

     * Return the header class to use for a header name.
     * @param string $header  The header name.
     * @return string  The Horde_Mime_Headers_* class to use.
    protected function _getHeaderClassName($header)
        if (empty(self::$_handlers)) {
            $search = array(

            foreach ($search as $val) {
                foreach ($val::getHandles() as $hdr) {
                    self::$_handlers[$hdr] = $val;

        $header = Horde_String::lower($header);

        return isset(self::$_handlers[$header])
            ? self::$_handlers[$header]
            : 'Horde_Mime_Headers_Element_Multiple';

     * Get a header from the header array.
     * @param string $header  The header name.
     * @return Horde_Mime_Headers_Element  Element object, or null if not
     *                                     found.
    public function getHeader($header)
        return $this[$header];

     * Remove a header from the header array.
     * @param string $header  The header name.
    public function removeHeader($header)

    /* Static methods. */

     * Builds a Horde_Mime_Headers object from header text.
     * @param mixed $text  A text string (or, as of 2.3.0, a Horde_Stream
     *                     object or stream resource) containing the headers.
     * @return Horde_Mime_Headers  A new Horde_Mime_Headers object.
    public static function parseHeaders($text)
        $curr = null;
        $headers = new Horde_Mime_Headers();
        $hdr_list = array();

        if ($text instanceof Horde_Stream) {
            $stream = $text;
        } else {
            $stream = new Horde_Stream_Temp();
            $stream->add($text, true);

        while (!$stream->eof()) {
            if (!($val = rtrim($stream->getToChar("\n", false), "\r"))) {

            if ($curr && (($val[0] == ' ') || ($val[0] == "\t"))) {
                $curr->text .= ' ' . ltrim($val);
            } else {
                $pos = strpos($val, ':');

                $curr = new stdClass;
                $curr->header = substr($val, 0, $pos);
                $curr->text = ltrim(substr($val, $pos + 1));

                $hdr_list[] = $curr;

        foreach ($hdr_list as $val) {
            /* When parsing, only keep the FIRST header seen for single value
             * text-only headers, since newer headers generally are appended
             * to the top of the message. */
            if (!($ob = $headers[$val->header]) ||
                !($ob instanceof Horde_Mime_Headers_Element_Single) ||
                ($ob instanceof Horde_Mime_Headers_Addresses)) {
                $headers->addHeader($val->header, rtrim($val->text));

        if (!($text instanceof Horde_Stream)) {

        return $headers;

    /* Serializable methods. */

     * Serialization.
     * @return string  Serialized data.
    public function serialize()
< $data = array(
> return serialize($this->__serialize()); > } > > /** > * Serialization. > * > * @return array Serialized data. > */ > public function __serialize(): array > { > return array(
// Serialized data ID. self::VERSION, $this->_headers->getArrayCopy(), // TODO: BC $this->_eol );
> }
< return serialize($data);
> /** > * Unserialization. > * > * @param array $data Serialized data. > * > * @throws Horde_Mime_Exception > */ > public function __unserialize(array $data): void > { > if (!isset($data[0]) || ($data[0] != self::VERSION)) { > throw new Horde_Mime_Exception('Cache version change'); > } > > $this->_headers = new Horde_Support_CaseInsensitiveArray($data[1]); > // TODO: BC > $this->_eol = $data[2];
} /** * Unserialization. * * @param string $data Serialized data. * * @throws Exception */ public function unserialize($data) { $data = @unserialize($data);
< if (!is_array($data) || < !isset($data[0]) || < ($data[0] != self::VERSION)) {
> if (!is_array($data)) {
throw new Horde_Mime_Exception('Cache version change'); }
< < $this->_headers = new Horde_Support_CaseInsensitiveArray($data[1]); < // TODO: BC < $this->_eol = $data[2];
> $this->__unserialize($data);
} /* ArrayAccess methods. */ /** * Does header exist? * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param string $header Header name. * * @return boolean True if header exists. */
> #[ReturnTypeWillChange]
public function offsetExists($offset) { return isset($this->_headers[trim($offset)]); } /** * Return header element object. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param string $header Header name. * * @return Horde_Mime_Headers_Element Element object, or null if not * found. */
> #[ReturnTypeWillChange]
public function offsetGet($offset) { return $this->_headers[trim($offset)]; } /** * Store a header element object. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param string $offset Not used. * @param Horde_Mime_Headers_Element $elt Header element. */
> #[ReturnTypeWillChange]
public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { $this->addHeaderOb($value); } /** * Remove a header element object. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param string $offset Header name. */
> #[ReturnTypeWillChange]
public function offsetUnset($offset) { unset($this->_headers[trim($offset)]); } /* IteratorAggregate function */ /** * @since 2.5.0 */
> #[ReturnTypeWillChange]
public function getIterator() { return new ArrayIterator($this->_headers); } /* Deprecated functions */ /** * Handle deprecated methods. */ public function __call($name, $arguments) { $d = new Horde_Mime_Headers_Deprecated($this); return call_user_func_array(array($d, $name), $arguments); } /** * Handle deprecated static methods. */ public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments) { $d = new Horde_Mime_Headers_Deprecated(); return call_user_func_array(array($d, $name), $arguments); } /** * @deprecated */ protected $_eol = "\n"; /** * @deprecated */ public function setEOL($eol) { $this->_eol = $eol; } /** * @deprecated */ public function getEOL() { return $this->_eol; } /* Constants for getValue(). @deprecated */ const VALUE_STRING = 1; const VALUE_BASE = 2; const VALUE_PARAMS = 3; }