Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.

namespace IMSGlobal\LTI\ToolProvider\DataConnector;

use IMSGlobal\LTI\ToolProvider;
use IMSGlobal\LTI\ToolProvider\ConsumerNonce;
use IMSGlobal\LTI\ToolProvider\Context;
use IMSGlobal\LTI\ToolProvider\ResourceLink;
use IMSGlobal\LTI\ToolProvider\ResourceLinkShareKey;
use IMSGlobal\LTI\ToolProvider\ToolConsumer;
use IMSGlobal\LTI\ToolProvider\User;

 * Class to represent an LTI Data Connector for MySQL
 * @author  Stephen P Vickers <>
 * @copyright  IMS Global Learning Consortium Inc
 * @date  2016
 * @version 3.0.0
 * @license Apache License, Version 2.0

#    NB This class assumes that a MySQL connection has already been opened to the appropriate schema

> #[\AllowDynamicProperties]
class DataConnector_mysql extends DataConnector { ### ### ToolConsumer methods ### /** * Load tool consumer object. * * @param ToolConsumer $consumer ToolConsumer object * * @return boolean True if the tool consumer object was successfully loaded */ public function loadToolConsumer($consumer) { $ok = false; if (!empty($consumer->getRecordId())) { $sql = sprintf('SELECT consumer_pk, name, consumer_key256, consumer_key, secret, lti_version, ' . 'consumer_name, consumer_version, consumer_guid, ' . 'profile, tool_proxy, settings, protected, enabled, ' . 'enable_from, enable_until, last_access, created, updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONSUMER_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . "WHERE consumer_pk = %d", $consumer->getRecordId()); } else { $key256 = DataConnector::getConsumerKey($consumer->getKey()); $sql = sprintf('SELECT consumer_pk, name, consumer_key256, consumer_key, secret, lti_version, ' . 'consumer_name, consumer_version, consumer_guid, ' . 'profile, tool_proxy, settings, protected, enabled, ' . 'enable_from, enable_until, last_access, created, updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONSUMER_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . "WHERE consumer_key256 = %s", DataConnector::quoted($key256)); } $rsConsumer = mysql_query($sql); if ($rsConsumer) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($rsConsumer)) { if (empty($key256) || empty($row->consumer_key) || ($consumer->getKey() === $row->consumer_key)) { $consumer->setRecordId(intval($row->consumer_pk)); $consumer->name = $row->name; $consumer->setkey(empty($row->consumer_key) ? $row->consumer_key256 : $row->consumer_key); $consumer->secret = $row->secret; $consumer->ltiVersion = $row->lti_version; $consumer->consumerName = $row->consumer_name; $consumer->consumerVersion = $row->consumer_version; $consumer->consumerGuid = $row->consumer_guid; $consumer->profile = json_decode($row->profile); $consumer->toolProxy = $row->tool_proxy; $settings = unserialize($row->settings); if (!is_array($settings)) { $settings = array(); } $consumer->setSettings($settings); $consumer->protected = (intval($row->protected) === 1); $consumer->enabled = (intval($row->enabled) === 1); $consumer->enableFrom = null; if (!is_null($row->enable_from)) { $consumer->enableFrom = strtotime($row->enable_from); } $consumer->enableUntil = null; if (!is_null($row->enable_until)) { $consumer->enableUntil = strtotime($row->enable_until); } $consumer->lastAccess = null; if (!is_null($row->last_access)) { $consumer->lastAccess = strtotime($row->last_access); } $consumer->created = strtotime($row->created); $consumer->updated = strtotime($row->updated); $ok = true; break; } } mysql_free_result($rsConsumer); } return $ok; } /** * Save tool consumer object. * * @param ToolConsumer $consumer Consumer object * * @return boolean True if the tool consumer object was successfully saved */ public function saveToolConsumer($consumer) { $id = $consumer->getRecordId(); $key = $consumer->getKey(); $key256 = DataConnector::getConsumerKey($key); if ($key === $key256) { $key = null; } $protected = ($consumer->protected) ? 1 : 0; $enabled = ($consumer->enabled)? 1 : 0; $profile = (!empty($consumer->profile)) ? json_encode($consumer->profile) : null; $settingsValue = serialize($consumer->getSettings()); $time = time(); $now = date("{$this->dateFormat} {$this->timeFormat}", $time); $from = null; if (!is_null($consumer->enableFrom)) { $from = date("{$this->dateFormat} {$this->timeFormat}", $consumer->enableFrom); } $until = null; if (!is_null($consumer->enableUntil)) { $until = date("{$this->dateFormat} {$this->timeFormat}", $consumer->enableUntil); } $last = null; if (!is_null($consumer->lastAccess)) { $last = date($this->dateFormat, $consumer->lastAccess); } if (empty($id)) { $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONSUMER_TABLE_NAME . ' (consumer_key256, consumer_key, name, ' . 'secret, lti_version, consumer_name, consumer_version, consumer_guid, profile, tool_proxy, settings, protected, enabled, ' . 'enable_from, enable_until, last_access, created, updated) ' . 'VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %d, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)', DataConnector::quoted($key256), DataConnector::quoted($key), DataConnector::quoted($consumer->name), DataConnector::quoted($consumer->secret), DataConnector::quoted($consumer->ltiVersion), DataConnector::quoted($consumer->consumerName), DataConnector::quoted($consumer->consumerVersion), DataConnector::quoted($consumer->consumerGuid), DataConnector::quoted($profile), DataConnector::quoted($consumer->toolProxy), DataConnector::quoted($settingsValue), $protected, $enabled, DataConnector::quoted($from), DataConnector::quoted($until), DataConnector::quoted($last), DataConnector::quoted($now), DataConnector::quoted($now)); } else { $sql = sprintf("UPDATE {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONSUMER_TABLE_NAME . ' SET ' . 'consumer_key256 = %s, consumer_key = %s, ' . 'name = %s, secret= %s, lti_version = %s, consumer_name = %s, consumer_version = %s, consumer_guid = %s, ' . 'profile = %s, tool_proxy = %s, settings = %s, ' . 'protected = %d, enabled = %d, enable_from = %s, enable_until = %s, last_access = %s, updated = %s ' . 'WHERE consumer_pk = %d', DataConnector::quoted($key256), DataConnector::quoted($key), DataConnector::quoted($consumer->name), DataConnector::quoted($consumer->secret), DataConnector::quoted($consumer->ltiVersion), DataConnector::quoted($consumer->consumerName), DataConnector::quoted($consumer->consumerVersion), DataConnector::quoted($consumer->consumerGuid), DataConnector::quoted($profile), DataConnector::quoted($consumer->toolProxy), DataConnector::quoted($settingsValue), $protected, $enabled, DataConnector::quoted($from), DataConnector::quoted($until), DataConnector::quoted($last), DataConnector::quoted($now), $consumer->getRecordId()); } $ok = mysql_query($sql); if ($ok) { if (empty($id)) { $consumer->setRecordId(mysql_insert_id()); $consumer->created = $time; } $consumer->updated = $time; } return $ok; } /** * Delete tool consumer object. * * @param ToolConsumer $consumer Consumer object * * @return boolean True if the tool consumer object was successfully deleted */ public function deleteToolConsumer($consumer) { // Delete any nonce values for this consumer $sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::NONCE_TABLE_NAME . ' WHERE consumer_pk = %d', $consumer->getRecordId()); mysql_query($sql); // Delete any outstanding share keys for resource links for this consumer $sql = sprintf('DELETE sk ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_SHARE_KEY_TABLE_NAME . ' sk ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON sk.resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . 'WHERE rl.consumer_pk = %d', $consumer->getRecordId()); mysql_query($sql); // Delete any outstanding share keys for resource links for contexts in this consumer $sql = sprintf('DELETE sk ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_SHARE_KEY_TABLE_NAME . ' sk ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON sk.resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' c ON rl.context_pk = c.context_pk ' . 'WHERE c.consumer_pk = %d', $consumer->getRecordId()); mysql_query($sql); // Delete any users in resource links for this consumer $sql = sprintf('DELETE u ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' u ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON u.resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . 'WHERE rl.consumer_pk = %d', $consumer->getRecordId()); mysql_query($sql); // Delete any users in resource links for contexts in this consumer $sql = sprintf('DELETE u ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' u ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON u.resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' c ON rl.context_pk = c.context_pk ' . 'WHERE c.consumer_pk = %d', $consumer->getRecordId()); mysql_query($sql); // Update any resource links for which this consumer is acting as a primary resource link $sql = sprintf("UPDATE {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' prl ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON prl.primary_resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . 'SET prl.primary_resource_link_pk = NULL, prl.share_approved = NULL ' . 'WHERE rl.consumer_pk = %d', $consumer->getRecordId()); $ok = mysql_query($sql); // Update any resource links for contexts in which this consumer is acting as a primary resource link $sql = sprintf("UPDATE {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' prl ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON prl.primary_resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' c ON rl.context_pk = c.context_pk ' . 'SET prl.primary_resource_link_pk = NULL, prl.share_approved = NULL ' . 'WHERE c.consumer_pk = %d', $consumer->getRecordId()); $ok = mysql_query($sql); // Delete any resource links for this consumer $sql = sprintf('DELETE rl ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ' . 'WHERE rl.consumer_pk = %d', $consumer->getRecordId()); mysql_query($sql); // Delete any resource links for contexts in this consumer $sql = sprintf('DELETE rl ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' c ON rl.context_pk = c.context_pk ' . 'WHERE c.consumer_pk = %d', $consumer->getRecordId()); mysql_query($sql); // Delete any contexts for this consumer $sql = sprintf('DELETE c ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' c ' . 'WHERE c.consumer_pk = %d', $consumer->getRecordId()); mysql_query($sql); // Delete consumer $sql = sprintf('DELETE c ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONSUMER_TABLE_NAME . ' c ' . 'WHERE c.consumer_pk = %d', $consumer->getRecordId()); $ok = mysql_query($sql); if ($ok) { $consumer->initialize(); } return $ok; } ### # Load all tool consumers from the database ### public function getToolConsumers() { $consumers = array(); $sql = 'SELECT consumer_pk, consumer_key, consumer_key, name, secret, lti_version, consumer_name, consumer_version, consumer_guid, ' . 'profile, tool_proxy, settings, ' . 'protected, enabled, enable_from, enable_until, last_access, created, updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONSUMER_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'ORDER BY name'; $rsConsumers = mysql_query($sql); if ($rsConsumers) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($rsConsumers)) { $consumer = new ToolProvider\ToolConsumer($row->consumer_key, $this); $consumer->setRecordId(intval($row->consumer_pk)); $consumer->name = $row->name; $consumer->secret = $row->secret; $consumer->ltiVersion = $row->lti_version; $consumer->consumerName = $row->consumer_name; $consumer->consumerVersion = $row->consumer_version; $consumer->consumerGuid = $row->consumer_guid; $consumer->profile = json_decode($row->profile); $consumer->toolProxy = $row->tool_proxy; $settings = unserialize($row->settings); if (!is_array($settings)) { $settings = array(); } $consumer->setSettings($settings); $consumer->protected = (intval($row->protected) === 1); $consumer->enabled = (intval($row->enabled) === 1); $consumer->enableFrom = null; if (!is_null($row->enable_from)) { $consumer->enableFrom = strtotime($row->enable_from); } $consumer->enableUntil = null; if (!is_null($row->enable_until)) { $consumer->enableUntil = strtotime($row->enable_until); } $consumer->lastAccess = null; if (!is_null($row->last_access)) { $consumer->lastAccess = strtotime($row->last_access); } $consumer->created = strtotime($row->created); $consumer->updated = strtotime($row->updated); $consumers[] = $consumer; } mysql_free_result($rsConsumers); } return $consumers; } ### ### ToolProxy methods ### ### # Load the tool proxy from the database ### public function loadToolProxy($toolProxy) { return false; } ### # Save the tool proxy to the database ### public function saveToolProxy($toolProxy) { return false; } ### # Delete the tool proxy from the database ### public function deleteToolProxy($toolProxy) { return false; } ### ### Context methods ### /** * Load context object. * * @param Context $context Context object * * @return boolean True if the context object was successfully loaded */ public function loadContext($context) { $ok = false; if (!empty($context->getRecordId())) { $sql = sprintf('SELECT context_pk, consumer_pk, lti_context_id, type, settings, created, updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (context_pk = %d)', $context->getRecordId()); } else { $sql = sprintf('SELECT context_pk, consumer_pk, lti_context_id, type, settings, created, updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (consumer_pk = %d) AND (lti_context_id = %s)', $context->getConsumer()->getRecordId(), DataConnector::quoted($context->ltiContextId)); } $rs_context = mysql_query($sql); if ($rs_context) { $row = mysql_fetch_object($rs_context); if ($row) { $context->setRecordId(intval($row->context_pk)); $context->setConsumerId(intval($row->consumer_pk)); $context->ltiContextId = $row->lti_context_id; $context->type = $row->type; $settings = unserialize($row->settings); if (!is_array($settings)) { $settings = array(); } $context->setSettings($settings); $context->created = strtotime($row->created); $context->updated = strtotime($row->updated); $ok = true; } } return $ok; } /** * Save context object. * * @param Context $context Context object * * @return boolean True if the context object was successfully saved */ public function saveContext($context) { $time = time(); $now = date("{$this->dateFormat} {$this->timeFormat}", $time); $settingsValue = serialize($context->getSettings()); $id = $context->getRecordId(); $consumer_pk = $context->getConsumer()->getRecordId(); if (empty($id)) { $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' (consumer_pk, lti_context_id, ' . 'type, settings, created, updated) ' . 'VALUES (%d, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)', $consumer_pk, DataConnector::quoted($context->ltiContextId), DataConnector::quoted($context->type), DataConnector::quoted($settingsValue), DataConnector::quoted($now), DataConnector::quoted($now)); } else { $sql = sprintf("UPDATE {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' SET ' . 'lti_context_id = %s, type = %s, settings = %s, '. 'updated = %s' . 'WHERE (consumer_pk = %d) AND (context_pk = %d)', DataConnector::quoted($context->ltiContextId), DataConnector::quoted($context->type), DataConnector::quoted($settingsValue), DataConnector::quoted($now), $consumer_pk, $id); } $ok = mysql_query($sql); if ($ok) { if (empty($id)) { $context->setRecordId(mysql_insert_id()); $context->created = $time; } $context->updated = $time; } return $ok; } /** * Delete context object. * * @param Context $context Context object * * @return boolean True if the Context object was successfully deleted */ public function deleteContext($context) { // Delete any outstanding share keys for resource links for this context $sql = sprintf('DELETE sk ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_SHARE_KEY_TABLE_NAME . ' sk ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON sk.resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . 'WHERE rl.context_pk = %d', $context->getRecordId()); mysql_query($sql); // Delete any users in resource links for this context $sql = sprintf('DELETE u ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' u ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON u.resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . 'WHERE rl.context_pk = %d', $context->getRecordId()); mysql_query($sql); // Update any resource links for which this consumer is acting as a primary resource link $sql = sprintf("UPDATE {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' prl ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ON prl.primary_resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . 'SET prl.primary_resource_link_pk = null, prl.share_approved = null ' . 'WHERE rl.context_pk = %d', $context->getRecordId()); $ok = mysql_query($sql); // Delete any resource links for this consumer $sql = sprintf('DELETE rl ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' rl ' . 'WHERE rl.context_pk = %d', $context->getRecordId()); mysql_query($sql); // Delete context $sql = sprintf('DELETE c ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' c ', 'WHERE c.context_pk = %d', $context->getRecordId()); $ok = mysql_query($sql); if ($ok) { $context->initialize(); } return $ok; } ### ### ResourceLink methods ### /** * Load resource link object. * * @param ResourceLink $resourceLink Resource_Link object * * @return boolean True if the resource link object was successfully loaded */ public function loadResourceLink($resourceLink) { $ok = false; if (!empty($resourceLink->getRecordId())) { $sql = sprintf('SELECT resource_link_pk, context_pk, consumer_pk, lti_resource_link_id, settings, primary_resource_link_pk, share_approved, created, updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (resource_link_pk = %d)', $resourceLink->getRecordId()); } else if (!empty($resourceLink->getContext())) { $sql = sprintf('SELECT resource_link_pk, context_pk, consumer_pk, lti_resource_link_id, settings, primary_resource_link_pk, share_approved, created, updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (context_pk = %d) AND (lti_resource_link_id = %s)', $resourceLink->getContext()->getRecordId(), DataConnector::quoted($resourceLink->getId())); } else { $sql = sprintf('SELECT r.resource_link_pk, r.context_pk, r.consumer_pk, r.lti_resource_link_id, r.settings, r.primary_resource_link_pk, r.share_approved, r.created, r.updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' r LEFT OUTER JOIN ' . $this->dbTableNamePrefix . DataConnector::CONTEXT_TABLE_NAME . ' c ON r.context_pk = c.context_pk ' . ' WHERE ((r.consumer_pk = %d) OR (c.consumer_pk = %d)) AND (lti_resource_link_id = %s)', $resourceLink->getConsumer()->getRecordId(), $resourceLink->getConsumer()->getRecordId(), DataConnector::quoted($resourceLink->getId())); } $rsContext = mysql_query($sql); if ($rsContext) { $row = mysql_fetch_object($rsContext); if ($row) { $resourceLink->setRecordId(intval($row->resource_link_pk)); if (!is_null($row->context_pk)) { $resourceLink->setContextId(intval($row->context_pk)); } else { $resourceLink->setContextId(null); } if (!is_null($row->consumer_pk)) { $resourceLink->setConsumerId(intval($row->consumer_pk)); } else { $resourceLink->setConsumerId(null); } $resourceLink->ltiResourceLinkId = $row->lti_resource_link_id; $settings = unserialize($row->settings); if (!is_array($settings)) { $settings = array(); } $resourceLink->setSettings($settings); if (!is_null($row->primary_resource_link_pk)) { $resourceLink->primaryResourceLinkId = intval($row->primary_resource_link_pk); } else { $resourceLink->primaryResourceLinkId = null; } $resourceLink->shareApproved = (is_null($row->share_approved)) ? null : (intval($row->share_approved) === 1); $resourceLink->created = strtotime($row->created); $resourceLink->updated = strtotime($row->updated); $ok = true; } } return $ok; } /** * Save resource link object. * * @param ResourceLink $resourceLink Resource_Link object * * @return boolean True if the resource link object was successfully saved */ public function saveResourceLink($resourceLink) { if (is_null($resourceLink->shareApproved)) { $approved = 'NULL'; } else if ($resourceLink->shareApproved) { $approved = '1'; } else { $approved = '0'; } if (empty($resourceLink->primaryResourceLinkId)) { $primaryResourceLinkId = 'NULL'; } else { $primaryResourceLinkId = strval($resourceLink->primaryResourceLinkId); } $time = time(); $now = date("{$this->dateFormat} {$this->timeFormat}", $time); $settingsValue = serialize($resourceLink->getSettings()); if (!empty($resourceLink->getContext())) { $consumerId = 'NULL'; $contextId = strval($resourceLink->getContext()->getRecordId()); } else if (!empty($resourceLink->getContextId())) { $consumerId = 'NULL'; $contextId = strval($resourceLink->getContextId()); } else { $consumerId = strval($resourceLink->getConsumer()->getRecordId()); $contextId = 'NULL'; } $id = $resourceLink->getRecordId(); if (empty($id)) { $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' (consumer_pk, context_pk, ' . 'lti_resource_link_id, settings, primary_resource_link_pk, share_approved, created, updated) ' . 'VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)', $consumerId, $contextId, DataConnector::quoted($resourceLink->getId()), DataConnector::quoted($settingsValue), $primaryResourceLinkId, $approved, DataConnector::quoted($now), DataConnector::quoted($now)); } else if ($contextId !== 'NULL') { $sql = sprintf("UPDATE {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' SET ' . 'consumer_pk = %s, lti_resource_link_id = %s, settings = %s, '. 'primary_resource_link_pk = %s, share_approved = %s, updated = %s ' . 'WHERE (context_pk = %s) AND (resource_link_pk = %d)', $consumerId, DataConnector::quoted($resourceLink->getId()), DataConnector::quoted($settingsValue), $primaryResourceLinkId, $approved, DataConnector::quoted($now), $contextId, $id); } else { $sql = sprintf("UPDATE {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' SET ' . 'context_pk = %s, lti_resource_link_id = %s, settings = %s, '. 'primary_resource_link_pk = %s, share_approved = %s, updated = %s ' . 'WHERE (consumer_pk = %s) AND (resource_link_pk = %d)', $contextId, DataConnector::quoted($resourceLink->getId()), DataConnector::quoted($settingsValue), $primaryResourceLinkId, $approved, DataConnector::quoted($now), $consumerId, $id); } $ok = mysql_query($sql); if ($ok) { if (empty($id)) { $resourceLink->setRecordId(mysql_insert_id()); $resourceLink->created = $time; } $resourceLink->updated = $time; } return $ok; } /** * Delete resource link object. * * @param ResourceLink $resourceLink Resource_Link object * * @return boolean True if the resource link object was successfully deleted */ public function deleteResourceLink($resourceLink) { // Delete any outstanding share keys for resource links for this consumer $sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_SHARE_KEY_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (resource_link_pk = %d)', $resourceLink->getRecordId()); $ok = mysql_query($sql); // Delete users if ($ok) { $sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (resource_link_pk = %d)', $resourceLink->getRecordId()); $ok = mysql_query($sql); } // Update any resource links for which this is the primary resource link if ($ok) { $sql = sprintf("UPDATE {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'SET primary_resource_link_pk = NULL ' . 'WHERE (primary_resource_link_pk = %d)', $resourceLink->getRecordId()); $ok = mysql_query($sql); } // Delete resource link if ($ok) { $sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (resource_link_pk = %s)', $resourceLink->getRecordId()); $ok = mysql_query($sql); } if ($ok) { $resourceLink->initialize(); } return $ok; } /** * Get array of user objects. * * Obtain an array of User objects for users with a result sourcedId. The array may include users from other * resource links which are sharing this resource link. It may also be optionally indexed by the user ID of a specified scope. * * @param ResourceLink $resourceLink Resource link object * @param boolean $localOnly True if only users within the resource link are to be returned (excluding users sharing this resource link) * @param int $idScope Scope value to use for user IDs * * @return array Array of User objects */ public function getUserResultSourcedIDsResourceLink($resourceLink, $localOnly, $idScope) { $users = array(); if ($localOnly) { $sql = sprintf('SELECT u.user_pk, u.lti_result_sourcedid, u.lti_user_id, u.created, u.updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' AS u ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' AS rl ' . 'ON u.resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . "WHERE (rl.resource_link_pk = %d) AND (rl.primary_resource_link_pk IS NULL)", $resourceLink->getRecordId()); } else { $sql = sprintf('SELECT u.user_pk, u.lti_result_sourcedid, u.lti_user_id, u.created, u.updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' AS u ' . "INNER JOIN {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' AS rl ' . 'ON u.resource_link_pk = rl.resource_link_pk ' . 'WHERE ((rl.resource_link_pk = %d) AND (rl.primary_resource_link_pk IS NULL)) OR ' . '((rl.primary_resource_link_pk = %d) AND (share_approved = 1))', $resourceLink->getRecordId(), $resourceLink->getRecordId()); } $rsUser = mysql_query($sql); if ($rsUser) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($rsUser)) { $user = ToolProvider\User::fromResourceLink($resourceLink, $row->lti_user_id); $user->setRecordId(intval($row->user_pk)); $user->ltiResultSourcedId = $row->lti_result_sourcedid; $user->created = strtotime($row->created); $user->updated = strtotime($row->updated); if (is_null($idScope)) { $users[] = $user; } else { $users[$user->getId($idScope)] = $user; } } } return $users; } /** * Get array of shares defined for this resource link. * * @param ResourceLink $resourceLink Resource_Link object * * @return array Array of ResourceLinkShare objects */ public function getSharesResourceLink($resourceLink) { $shares = array(); $sql = sprintf('SELECT consumer_pk, resource_link_pk, share_approved ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (primary_resource_link_pk = %d) ' . 'ORDER BY consumer_pk', $resourceLink->getRecordId()); $rsShare = mysql_query($sql); if ($rsShare) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($rsShare)) { $share = new ToolProvider\ResourceLinkShare(); $share->resourceLinkId = intval($row->resource_link_pk); $share->approved = (intval($row->share_approved) === 1); $shares[] = $share; } } return $shares; } ### ### ConsumerNonce methods ### /** * Load nonce object. * * @param ConsumerNonce $nonce Nonce object * * @return boolean True if the nonce object was successfully loaded */ public function loadConsumerNonce($nonce) { $ok = true; // Delete any expired nonce values $now = date("{$this->dateFormat} {$this->timeFormat}", time()); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::NONCE_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE expires <= '{$now}'"; mysql_query($sql); // Load the nonce $sql = sprintf("SELECT value AS T FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::NONCE_TABLE_NAME . ' WHERE (consumer_pk = %d) AND (value = %s)', $nonce->getConsumer()->getRecordId(), DataConnector::quoted($nonce->getValue())); $rs_nonce = mysql_query($sql); if ($rs_nonce) { $row = mysql_fetch_object($rs_nonce); if ($row === false) { $ok = false; } } return $ok; } /** * Save nonce object. * * @param ConsumerNonce $nonce Nonce object * * @return boolean True if the nonce object was successfully saved */ public function saveConsumerNonce($nonce) { $expires = date("{$this->dateFormat} {$this->timeFormat}", $nonce->expires); $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::NONCE_TABLE_NAME . " (consumer_pk, value, expires) VALUES (%d, %s, %s)", $nonce->getConsumer()->getRecordId(), DataConnector::quoted($nonce->getValue()), DataConnector::quoted($expires)); $ok = mysql_query($sql); return $ok; } ### ### ResourceLinkShareKey methods ### /** * Load resource link share key object. * * @param ResourceLinkShareKey $shareKey Resource_Link share key object * * @return boolean True if the resource link share key object was successfully loaded */ public function loadResourceLinkShareKey($shareKey) { $ok = false; // Clear expired share keys $now = date("{$this->dateFormat} {$this->timeFormat}", time()); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_SHARE_KEY_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE expires <= '{$now}'"; mysql_query($sql); // Load share key $id = mysql_real_escape_string($shareKey->getId()); $sql = 'SELECT resource_link_pk, auto_approve, expires ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_SHARE_KEY_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . "WHERE share_key_id = '{$id}'"; $rsShareKey = mysql_query($sql); if ($rsShareKey) { $row = mysql_fetch_object($rsShareKey); if ($row && (intval($row->resource_link_pk) === $shareKey->resourceLinkId)) { $shareKey->autoApprove = (intval($row->auto_approve) === 1); $shareKey->expires = strtotime($row->expires); $ok = true; } } return $ok; } /** * Save resource link share key object. * * @param ResourceLinkShareKey $shareKey Resource link share key object * * @return boolean True if the resource link share key object was successfully saved */ public function saveResourceLinkShareKey($shareKey) { if ($shareKey->autoApprove) { $approve = 1; } else { $approve = 0; } $expires = date("{$this->dateFormat} {$this->timeFormat}", $shareKey->expires); $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_SHARE_KEY_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . '(share_key_id, resource_link_pk, auto_approve, expires) ' . "VALUES (%s, %d, {$approve}, '{$expires}')", DataConnector::quoted($shareKey->getId()), $shareKey->resourceLinkId); $ok = mysql_query($sql); return $ok; } /** * Delete resource link share key object. * * @param ResourceLinkShareKey $shareKey Resource link share key object * * @return boolean True if the resource link share key object was successfully deleted */ public function deleteResourceLinkShareKey($shareKey) { $sql = "DELETE FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::RESOURCE_LINK_SHARE_KEY_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE share_key_id = '{$shareKey->getId()}'"; $ok = mysql_query($sql); if ($ok) { $shareKey->initialize(); } return $ok; } ### ### User methods ### /** * Load user object. * * @param User $user User object * * @return boolean True if the user object was successfully loaded */ public function loadUser($user) { $ok = false; if (!empty($user->getRecordId())) { $sql = sprintf('SELECT user_pk, resource_link_pk, lti_user_id, lti_result_sourcedid, created, updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (user_pk = %d)', $user->getRecordId()); } else { $sql = sprintf('SELECT user_pk, resource_link_pk, lti_user_id, lti_result_sourcedid, created, updated ' . "FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (resource_link_pk = %d) AND (lti_user_id = %s)', $user->getResourceLink()->getRecordId(), DataConnector::quoted($user->getId(ToolProvider\ToolProvider::ID_SCOPE_ID_ONLY))); } $rsUser = mysql_query($sql); if ($rsUser) { $row = mysql_fetch_object($rsUser); if ($row) { $user->setRecordId(intval($row->user_pk)); $user->setResourceLinkId(intval($row->resource_link_pk)); $user->ltiUserId = $row->lti_user_id; $user->ltiResultSourcedId = $row->lti_result_sourcedid; $user->created = strtotime($row->created); $user->updated = strtotime($row->updated); $ok = true; } } return $ok; } /** * Save user object. * * @param User $user User object * * @return boolean True if the user object was successfully saved */ public function saveUser($user) { $time = time(); $now = date("{$this->dateFormat} {$this->timeFormat}", $time); if (is_null($user->created)) { $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' (resource_link_pk, ' . 'lti_user_id, lti_result_sourcedid, created, updated) ' . 'VALUES (%d, %s, %s, %s, %s)', $user->getResourceLink()->getRecordId(), DataConnector::quoted($user->getId(ToolProvider\ToolProvider::ID_SCOPE_ID_ONLY)), DataConnector::quoted($user->ltiResultSourcedId), DataConnector::quoted($now), DataConnector::quoted($now)); } else { $sql = sprintf("UPDATE {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'SET lti_result_sourcedid = %s, updated = %s ' . 'WHERE (user_pk = %d)', DataConnector::quoted($user->ltiResultSourcedId), DataConnector::quoted($now), $user->getRecordId()); } $ok = mysql_query($sql); if ($ok) { if (is_null($user->created)) { $user->setRecordId(mysql_insert_id()); $user->created = $time; } $user->updated = $time; } return $ok; } /** * Delete user object. * * @param User $user User object * * @return boolean True if the user object was successfully deleted */ public function deleteUser($user) { $sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM {$this->dbTableNamePrefix}" . DataConnector::USER_RESULT_TABLE_NAME . ' ' . 'WHERE (user_pk = %d)', $user->getRecordId()); $ok = mysql_query($sql); if ($ok) { $user->initialize(); } return $ok; } }