Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 400] [Versions 311 and 400] [Versions 39 and 400] [Versions 400 and 401] [Versions 400 and 402] [Versions 400 and 403]
1 <?php 2 /** 3 * JavaScript minifier 4 * 5 * Please report bugs on https://github.com/matthiasmullie/minify/issues 6 * 7 * @author Matthias Mullie <minify@mullie.eu> 8 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2012, Matthias Mullie. All rights reserved 9 * @license MIT License 10 */ 11 namespace MatthiasMullie\Minify; 12 13 /** 14 * JavaScript Minifier Class 15 * 16 * Please report bugs on https://github.com/matthiasmullie/minify/issues 17 * 18 * @package Minify 19 * @author Matthias Mullie <minify@mullie.eu> 20 * @author Tijs Verkoyen <minify@verkoyen.eu> 21 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2012, Matthias Mullie. All rights reserved 22 * @license MIT License 23 */ 24 class JS extends Minify 25 { 26 /** 27 * Var-matching regex based on http://stackoverflow.com/a/9337047/802993. 28 * 29 * Note that regular expressions using that bit must have the PCRE_UTF8 30 * pattern modifier (/u) set. 31 * 32 * @var string 33 */ 34 const REGEX_VARIABLE = '\b[$A-Z\_a-z\xaa\xb5\xba\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\x{02c1}\x{02c6}-\x{02d1}\x{02e0}-\x{02e4}\x{02ec}\x{02ee}\x{0370}-\x{0374}\x{0376}\x{0377}\x{037a}-\x{037d}\x{0386}\x{0388}-\x{038a}\x{038c}\x{038e}-\x{03a1}\x{03a3}-\x{03f5}\x{03f7}-\x{0481}\x{048a}-\x{0527}\x{0531}-\x{0556}\x{0559}\x{0561}-\x{0587}\x{05d0}-\x{05ea}\x{05f0}-\x{05f2}\x{0620}-\x{064a}\x{066e}\x{066f}\x{0671}-\x{06d3}\x{06d5}\x{06e5}\x{06e6}\x{06ee}\x{06ef}\x{06fa}-\x{06fc}\x{06ff}\x{0710}\x{0712}-\x{072f}\x{074d}-\x{07a5}\x{07b1}\x{07ca}-\x{07ea}\x{07f4}\x{07f5}\x{07fa}\x{0800}-\x{0815}\x{081a}\x{0824}\x{0828}\x{0840}-\x{0858}\x{08a0}\x{08a2}-\x{08ac}\x{0904}-\x{0939}\x{093d}\x{0950}\x{0958}-\x{0961}\x{0971}-\x{0977}\x{0979}-\x{097f}\x{0985}-\x{098c}\x{098f}\x{0990}\x{0993}-\x{09a8}\x{09aa}-\x{09b0}\x{09b2}\x{09b6}-\x{09b9}\x{09bd}\x{09ce}\x{09dc}\x{09dd}\x{09df}-\x{09e1}\x{09f0}\x{09f1}\x{0a05}-\x{0a0a}\x{0a0f}\x{0a10}\x{0a13}-\x{0a28}\x{0a2a}-\x{0a30}\x{0a32}\x{0a33}\x{0a35}\x{0a36}\x{0a38}\x{0a39}\x{0a59}-\x{0a5c}\x{0a5e}\x{0a72}-\x{0a74}\x{0a85}-\x{0a8d}\x{0a8f}-\x{0a91}\x{0a93}-\x{0aa8}\x{0aaa}-\x{0ab0}\x{0ab2}\x{0ab3}\x{0ab5}-\x{0ab9}\x{0abd}\x{0ad0}\x{0ae0}\x{0ae1}\x{0b05}-\x{0b0c}\x{0b0f}\x{0b10}\x{0b13}-\x{0b28}\x{0b2a}-\x{0b30}\x{0b32}\x{0b33}\x{0b35}-\x{0b39}\x{0b3d}\x{0b5c}\x{0b5d}\x{0b5f}-\x{0b61}\x{0b71}\x{0b83}\x{0b85}-\x{0b8a}\x{0b8e}-\x{0b90}\x{0b92}-\x{0b95}\x{0b99}\x{0b9a}\x{0b9c}\x{0b9e}\x{0b9f}\x{0ba3}\x{0ba4}\x{0ba8}-\x{0baa}\x{0bae}-\x{0bb9}\x{0bd0}\x{0c05}-\x{0c0c}\x{0c0e}-\x{0c10}\x{0c12}-\x{0c28}\x{0c2a}-\x{0c33}\x{0c35}-\x{0c39}\x{0c3d}\x{0c58}\x{0c59}\x{0c60}\x{0c61}\x{0c85}-\x{0c8c}\x{0c8e}-\x{0c90}\x{0c92}-\x{0ca8}\x{0caa}-\x{0cb3}\x{0cb5}-\x{0cb9}\x{0cbd}\x{0cde}\x{0ce0}\x{0ce1}\x{0cf1}\x{0cf2}\x{0d05}-\x{0d0c}\x{0d0e}-\x{0d10}\x{0d12}-\x{0d3a}\x{0d3d}\x{0d4e}\x{0d60}\x{0d61}\x{0d7a}-\x{0d7f}\x{0d85}-\x{0d96}\x{0d9a}-\x{0db1}\x{0db3}-\x{0dbb}\x{0dbd}\x{0dc0}-\x{0dc6}\x{0e01}-\x{0e30}\x{0e32}\x{0e33}\x{0e40}-\x{0e46}\x{0e81}\x{0e82}\x{0e84}\x{0e87}\x{0e88}\x{0e8a}\x{0e8d}\x{0e94}-\x{0e97}\x{0e99}-\x{0e9f}\x{0ea1}-\x{0ea3}\x{0ea5}\x{0ea7}\x{0eaa}\x{0eab}\x{0ead}-\x{0eb0}\x{0eb2}\x{0eb3}\x{0ebd}\x{0ec0}-\x{0ec4}\x{0ec6}\x{0edc}-\x{0edf}\x{0f00}\x{0f40}-\x{0f47}\x{0f49}-\x{0f6c}\x{0f88}-\x{0f8c}\x{1000}-\x{102a}\x{103f}\x{1050}-\x{1055}\x{105a}-\x{105d}\x{1061}\x{1065}\x{1066}\x{106e}-\x{1070}\x{1075}-\x{1081}\x{108e}\x{10a0}-\x{10c5}\x{10c7}\x{10cd}\x{10d0}-\x{10fa}\x{10fc}-\x{1248}\x{124a}-\x{124d}\x{1250}-\x{1256}\x{1258}\x{125a}-\x{125d}\x{1260}-\x{1288}\x{128a}-\x{128d}\x{1290}-\x{12b0}\x{12b2}-\x{12b5}\x{12b8}-\x{12be}\x{12c0}\x{12c2}-\x{12c5}\x{12c8}-\x{12d6}\x{12d8}-\x{1310}\x{1312}-\x{1315}\x{1318}-\x{135a}\x{1380}-\x{138f}\x{13a0}-\x{13f4}\x{1401}-\x{166c}\x{166f}-\x{167f}\x{1681}-\x{169a}\x{16a0}-\x{16ea}\x{16ee}-\x{16f0}\x{1700}-\x{170c}\x{170e}-\x{1711}\x{1720}-\x{1731}\x{1740}-\x{1751}\x{1760}-\x{176c}\x{176e}-\x{1770}\x{1780}-\x{17b3}\x{17d7}\x{17dc}\x{1820}-\x{1877}\x{1880}-\x{18a8}\x{18aa}\x{18b0}-\x{18f5}\x{1900}-\x{191c}\x{1950}-\x{196d}\x{1970}-\x{1974}\x{1980}-\x{19ab}\x{19c1}-\x{19c7}\x{1a00}-\x{1a16}\x{1a20}-\x{1a54}\x{1aa7}\x{1b05}-\x{1b33}\x{1b45}-\x{1b4b}\x{1b83}-\x{1ba0}\x{1bae}\x{1baf}\x{1bba}-\x{1be5}\x{1c00}-\x{1c23}\x{1c4d}-\x{1c4f}\x{1c5a}-\x{1c7d}\x{1ce9}-\x{1cec}\x{1cee}-\x{1cf1}\x{1cf5}\x{1cf6}\x{1d00}-\x{1dbf}\x{1e00}-\x{1f15}\x{1f18}-\x{1f1d}\x{1f20}-\x{1f45}\x{1f48}-\x{1f4d}\x{1f50}-\x{1f57}\x{1f59}\x{1f5b}\x{1f5d}\x{1f5f}-\x{1f7d}\x{1f80}-\x{1fb4}\x{1fb6}-\x{1fbc}\x{1fbe}\x{1fc2}-\x{1fc4}\x{1fc6}-\x{1fcc}\x{1fd0}-\x{1fd3}\x{1fd6}-\x{1fdb}\x{1fe0}-\x{1fec}\x{1ff2}-\x{1ff4}\x{1ff6}-\x{1ffc}\x{2071}\x{207f}\x{2090}-\x{209c}\x{2102}\x{2107}\x{210a}-\x{2113}\x{2115}\x{2119}-\x{211d}\x{2124}\x{2126}\x{2128}\x{212a}-\x{212d}\x{212f}-\x{2139}\x{213c}-\x{213f}\x{2145}-\x{2149}\x{214e}\x{2160}-\x{2188}\x{2c00}-\x{2c2e}\x{2c30}-\x{2c5e}\x{2c60}-\x{2ce4}\x{2ceb}-\x{2cee}\x{2cf2}\x{2cf3}\x{2d00}-\x{2d25}\x{2d27}\x{2d2d}\x{2d30}-\x{2d67}\x{2d6f}\x{2d80}-\x{2d96}\x{2da0}-\x{2da6}\x{2da8}-\x{2dae}\x{2db0}-\x{2db6}\x{2db8}-\x{2dbe}\x{2dc0}-\x{2dc6}\x{2dc8}-\x{2dce}\x{2dd0}-\x{2dd6}\x{2dd8}-\x{2dde}\x{2e2f}\x{3005}-\x{3007}\x{3021}-\x{3029}\x{3031}-\x{3035}\x{3038}-\x{303c}\x{3041}-\x{3096}\x{309d}-\x{309f}\x{30a1}-\x{30fa}\x{30fc}-\x{30ff}\x{3105}-\x{312d}\x{3131}-\x{318e}\x{31a0}-\x{31ba}\x{31f0}-\x{31ff}\x{3400}-\x{4db5}\x{4e00}-\x{9fcc}\x{a000}-\x{a48c}\x{a4d0}-\x{a4fd}\x{a500}-\x{a60c}\x{a610}-\x{a61f}\x{a62a}\x{a62b}\x{a640}-\x{a66e}\x{a67f}-\x{a697}\x{a6a0}-\x{a6ef}\x{a717}-\x{a71f}\x{a722}-\x{a788}\x{a78b}-\x{a78e}\x{a790}-\x{a793}\x{a7a0}-\x{a7aa}\x{a7f8}-\x{a801}\x{a803}-\x{a805}\x{a807}-\x{a80a}\x{a80c}-\x{a822}\x{a840}-\x{a873}\x{a882}-\x{a8b3}\x{a8f2}-\x{a8f7}\x{a8fb}\x{a90a}-\x{a925}\x{a930}-\x{a946}\x{a960}-\x{a97c}\x{a984}-\x{a9b2}\x{a9cf}\x{aa00}-\x{aa28}\x{aa40}-\x{aa42}\x{aa44}-\x{aa4b}\x{aa60}-\x{aa76}\x{aa7a}\x{aa80}-\x{aaaf}\x{aab1}\x{aab5}\x{aab6}\x{aab9}-\x{aabd}\x{aac0}\x{aac2}\x{aadb}-\x{aadd}\x{aae0}-\x{aaea}\x{aaf2}-\x{aaf4}\x{ab01}-\x{ab06}\x{ab09}-\x{ab0e}\x{ab11}-\x{ab16}\x{ab20}-\x{ab26}\x{ab28}-\x{ab2e}\x{abc0}-\x{abe2}\x{ac00}-\x{d7a3}\x{d7b0}-\x{d7c6}\x{d7cb}-\x{d7fb}\x{f900}-\x{fa6d}\x{fa70}-\x{fad9}\x{fb00}-\x{fb06}\x{fb13}-\x{fb17}\x{fb1d}\x{fb1f}-\x{fb28}\x{fb2a}-\x{fb36}\x{fb38}-\x{fb3c}\x{fb3e}\x{fb40}\x{fb41}\x{fb43}\x{fb44}\x{fb46}-\x{fbb1}\x{fbd3}-\x{fd3d}\x{fd50}-\x{fd8f}\x{fd92}-\x{fdc7}\x{fdf0}-\x{fdfb}\x{fe70}-\x{fe74}\x{fe76}-\x{fefc}\x{ff21}-\x{ff3a}\x{ff41}-\x{ff5a}\x{ff66}-\x{ffbe}\x{ffc2}-\x{ffc7}\x{ffca}-\x{ffcf}\x{ffd2}-\x{ffd7}\x{ffda}-\x{ffdc}][$A-Z\_a-z\xaa\xb5\xba\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\x{02c1}\x{02c6}-\x{02d1}\x{02e0}-\x{02e4}\x{02ec}\x{02ee}\x{0370}-\x{0374}\x{0376}\x{0377}\x{037a}-\x{037d}\x{0386}\x{0388}-\x{038a}\x{038c}\x{038e}-\x{03a1}\x{03a3}-\x{03f5}\x{03f7}-\x{0481}\x{048a}-\x{0527}\x{0531}-\x{0556}\x{0559}\x{0561}-\x{0587}\x{05d0}-\x{05ea}\x{05f0}-\x{05f2}\x{0620}-\x{064a}\x{066e}\x{066f}\x{0671}-\x{06d3}\x{06d5}\x{06e5}\x{06e6}\x{06ee}\x{06ef}\x{06fa}-\x{06fc}\x{06ff}\x{0710}\x{0712}-\x{072f}\x{074d}-\x{07a5}\x{07b1}\x{07ca}-\x{07ea}\x{07f4}\x{07f5}\x{07fa}\x{0800}-\x{0815}\x{081a}\x{0824}\x{0828}\x{0840}-\x{0858}\x{08a0}\x{08a2}-\x{08ac}\x{0904}-\x{0939}\x{093d}\x{0950}\x{0958}-\x{0961}\x{0971}-\x{0977}\x{0979}-\x{097f}\x{0985}-\x{098c}\x{098f}\x{0990}\x{0993}-\x{09a8}\x{09aa}-\x{09b0}\x{09b2}\x{09b6}-\x{09b9}\x{09bd}\x{09ce}\x{09dc}\x{09dd}\x{09df}-\x{09e1}\x{09f0}\x{09f1}\x{0a05}-\x{0a0a}\x{0a0f}\x{0a10}\x{0a13}-\x{0a28}\x{0a2a}-\x{0a30}\x{0a32}\x{0a33}\x{0a35}\x{0a36}\x{0a38}\x{0a39}\x{0a59}-\x{0a5c}\x{0a5e}\x{0a72}-\x{0a74}\x{0a85}-\x{0a8d}\x{0a8f}-\x{0a91}\x{0a93}-\x{0aa8}\x{0aaa}-\x{0ab0}\x{0ab2}\x{0ab3}\x{0ab5}-\x{0ab9}\x{0abd}\x{0ad0}\x{0ae0}\x{0ae1}\x{0b05}-\x{0b0c}\x{0b0f}\x{0b10}\x{0b13}-\x{0b28}\x{0b2a}-\x{0b30}\x{0b32}\x{0b33}\x{0b35}-\x{0b39}\x{0b3d}\x{0b5c}\x{0b5d}\x{0b5f}-\x{0b61}\x{0b71}\x{0b83}\x{0b85}-\x{0b8a}\x{0b8e}-\x{0b90}\x{0b92}-\x{0b95}\x{0b99}\x{0b9a}\x{0b9c}\x{0b9e}\x{0b9f}\x{0ba3}\x{0ba4}\x{0ba8}-\x{0baa}\x{0bae}-\x{0bb9}\x{0bd0}\x{0c05}-\x{0c0c}\x{0c0e}-\x{0c10}\x{0c12}-\x{0c28}\x{0c2a}-\x{0c33}\x{0c35}-\x{0c39}\x{0c3d}\x{0c58}\x{0c59}\x{0c60}\x{0c61}\x{0c85}-\x{0c8c}\x{0c8e}-\x{0c90}\x{0c92}-\x{0ca8}\x{0caa}-\x{0cb3}\x{0cb5}-\x{0cb9}\x{0cbd}\x{0cde}\x{0ce0}\x{0ce1}\x{0cf1}\x{0cf2}\x{0d05}-\x{0d0c}\x{0d0e}-\x{0d10}\x{0d12}-\x{0d3a}\x{0d3d}\x{0d4e}\x{0d60}\x{0d61}\x{0d7a}-\x{0d7f}\x{0d85}-\x{0d96}\x{0d9a}-\x{0db1}\x{0db3}-\x{0dbb}\x{0dbd}\x{0dc0}-\x{0dc6}\x{0e01}-\x{0e30}\x{0e32}\x{0e33}\x{0e40}-\x{0e46}\x{0e81}\x{0e82}\x{0e84}\x{0e87}\x{0e88}\x{0e8a}\x{0e8d}\x{0e94}-\x{0e97}\x{0e99}-\x{0e9f}\x{0ea1}-\x{0ea3}\x{0ea5}\x{0ea7}\x{0eaa}\x{0eab}\x{0ead}-\x{0eb0}\x{0eb2}\x{0eb3}\x{0ebd}\x{0ec0}-\x{0ec4}\x{0ec6}\x{0edc}-\x{0edf}\x{0f00}\x{0f40}-\x{0f47}\x{0f49}-\x{0f6c}\x{0f88}-\x{0f8c}\x{1000}-\x{102a}\x{103f}\x{1050}-\x{1055}\x{105a}-\x{105d}\x{1061}\x{1065}\x{1066}\x{106e}-\x{1070}\x{1075}-\x{1081}\x{108e}\x{10a0}-\x{10c5}\x{10c7}\x{10cd}\x{10d0}-\x{10fa}\x{10fc}-\x{1248}\x{124a}-\x{124d}\x{1250}-\x{1256}\x{1258}\x{125a}-\x{125d}\x{1260}-\x{1288}\x{128a}-\x{128d}\x{1290}-\x{12b0}\x{12b2}-\x{12b5}\x{12b8}-\x{12be}\x{12c0}\x{12c2}-\x{12c5}\x{12c8}-\x{12d6}\x{12d8}-\x{1310}\x{1312}-\x{1315}\x{1318}-\x{135a}\x{1380}-\x{138f}\x{13a0}-\x{13f4}\x{1401}-\x{166c}\x{166f}-\x{167f}\x{1681}-\x{169a}\x{16a0}-\x{16ea}\x{16ee}-\x{16f0}\x{1700}-\x{170c}\x{170e}-\x{1711}\x{1720}-\x{1731}\x{1740}-\x{1751}\x{1760}-\x{176c}\x{176e}-\x{1770}\x{1780}-\x{17b3}\x{17d7}\x{17dc}\x{1820}-\x{1877}\x{1880}-\x{18a8}\x{18aa}\x{18b0}-\x{18f5}\x{1900}-\x{191c}\x{1950}-\x{196d}\x{1970}-\x{1974}\x{1980}-\x{19ab}\x{19c1}-\x{19c7}\x{1a00}-\x{1a16}\x{1a20}-\x{1a54}\x{1aa7}\x{1b05}-\x{1b33}\x{1b45}-\x{1b4b}\x{1b83}-\x{1ba0}\x{1bae}\x{1baf}\x{1bba}-\x{1be5}\x{1c00}-\x{1c23}\x{1c4d}-\x{1c4f}\x{1c5a}-\x{1c7d}\x{1ce9}-\x{1cec}\x{1cee}-\x{1cf1}\x{1cf5}\x{1cf6}\x{1d00}-\x{1dbf}\x{1e00}-\x{1f15}\x{1f18}-\x{1f1d}\x{1f20}-\x{1f45}\x{1f48}-\x{1f4d}\x{1f50}-\x{1f57}\x{1f59}\x{1f5b}\x{1f5d}\x{1f5f}-\x{1f7d}\x{1f80}-\x{1fb4}\x{1fb6}-\x{1fbc}\x{1fbe}\x{1fc2}-\x{1fc4}\x{1fc6}-\x{1fcc}\x{1fd0}-\x{1fd3}\x{1fd6}-\x{1fdb}\x{1fe0}-\x{1fec}\x{1ff2}-\x{1ff4}\x{1ff6}-\x{1ffc}\x{2071}\x{207f}\x{2090}-\x{209c}\x{2102}\x{2107}\x{210a}-\x{2113}\x{2115}\x{2119}-\x{211d}\x{2124}\x{2126}\x{2128}\x{212a}-\x{212d}\x{212f}-\x{2139}\x{213c}-\x{213f}\x{2145}-\x{2149}\x{214e}\x{2160}-\x{2188}\x{2c00}-\x{2c2e}\x{2c30}-\x{2c5e}\x{2c60}-\x{2ce4}\x{2ceb}-\x{2cee}\x{2cf2}\x{2cf3}\x{2d00}-\x{2d25}\x{2d27}\x{2d2d}\x{2d30}-\x{2d67}\x{2d6f}\x{2d80}-\x{2d96}\x{2da0}-\x{2da6}\x{2da8}-\x{2dae}\x{2db0}-\x{2db6}\x{2db8}-\x{2dbe}\x{2dc0}-\x{2dc6}\x{2dc8}-\x{2dce}\x{2dd0}-\x{2dd6}\x{2dd8}-\x{2dde}\x{2e2f}\x{3005}-\x{3007}\x{3021}-\x{3029}\x{3031}-\x{3035}\x{3038}-\x{303c}\x{3041}-\x{3096}\x{309d}-\x{309f}\x{30a1}-\x{30fa}\x{30fc}-\x{30ff}\x{3105}-\x{312d}\x{3131}-\x{318e}\x{31a0}-\x{31ba}\x{31f0}-\x{31ff}\x{3400}-\x{4db5}\x{4e00}-\x{9fcc}\x{a000}-\x{a48c}\x{a4d0}-\x{a4fd}\x{a500}-\x{a60c}\x{a610}-\x{a61f}\x{a62a}\x{a62b}\x{a640}-\x{a66e}\x{a67f}-\x{a697}\x{a6a0}-\x{a6ef}\x{a717}-\x{a71f}\x{a722}-\x{a788}\x{a78b}-\x{a78e}\x{a790}-\x{a793}\x{a7a0}-\x{a7aa}\x{a7f8}-\x{a801}\x{a803}-\x{a805}\x{a807}-\x{a80a}\x{a80c}-\x{a822}\x{a840}-\x{a873}\x{a882}-\x{a8b3}\x{a8f2}-\x{a8f7}\x{a8fb}\x{a90a}-\x{a925}\x{a930}-\x{a946}\x{a960}-\x{a97c}\x{a984}-\x{a9b2}\x{a9cf}\x{aa00}-\x{aa28}\x{aa40}-\x{aa42}\x{aa44}-\x{aa4b}\x{aa60}-\x{aa76}\x{aa7a}\x{aa80}-\x{aaaf}\x{aab1}\x{aab5}\x{aab6}\x{aab9}-\x{aabd}\x{aac0}\x{aac2}\x{aadb}-\x{aadd}\x{aae0}-\x{aaea}\x{aaf2}-\x{aaf4}\x{ab01}-\x{ab06}\x{ab09}-\x{ab0e}\x{ab11}-\x{ab16}\x{ab20}-\x{ab26}\x{ab28}-\x{ab2e}\x{abc0}-\x{abe2}\x{ac00}-\x{d7a3}\x{d7b0}-\x{d7c6}\x{d7cb}-\x{d7fb}\x{f900}-\x{fa6d}\x{fa70}-\x{fad9}\x{fb00}-\x{fb06}\x{fb13}-\x{fb17}\x{fb1d}\x{fb1f}-\x{fb28}\x{fb2a}-\x{fb36}\x{fb38}-\x{fb3c}\x{fb3e}\x{fb40}\x{fb41}\x{fb43}\x{fb44}\x{fb46}-\x{fbb1}\x{fbd3}-\x{fd3d}\x{fd50}-\x{fd8f}\x{fd92}-\x{fdc7}\x{fdf0}-\x{fdfb}\x{fe70}-\x{fe74}\x{fe76}-\x{fefc}\x{ff21}-\x{ff3a}\x{ff41}-\x{ff5a}\x{ff66}-\x{ffbe}\x{ffc2}-\x{ffc7}\x{ffca}-\x{ffcf}\x{ffd2}-\x{ffd7}\x{ffda}-\x{ffdc}0-9\x{0300}-\x{036f}\x{0483}-\x{0487}\x{0591}-\x{05bd}\x{05bf}\x{05c1}\x{05c2}\x{05c4}\x{05c5}\x{05c7}\x{0610}-\x{061a}\x{064b}-\x{0669}\x{0670}\x{06d6}-\x{06dc}\x{06df}-\x{06e4}\x{06e7}\x{06e8}\x{06ea}-\x{06ed}\x{06f0}-\x{06f9}\x{0711}\x{0730}-\x{074a}\x{07a6}-\x{07b0}\x{07c0}-\x{07c9}\x{07eb}-\x{07f3}\x{0816}-\x{0819}\x{081b}-\x{0823}\x{0825}-\x{0827}\x{0829}-\x{082d}\x{0859}-\x{085b}\x{08e4}-\x{08fe}\x{0900}-\x{0903}\x{093a}-\x{093c}\x{093e}-\x{094f}\x{0951}-\x{0957}\x{0962}\x{0963}\x{0966}-\x{096f}\x{0981}-\x{0983}\x{09bc}\x{09be}-\x{09c4}\x{09c7}\x{09c8}\x{09cb}-\x{09cd}\x{09d7}\x{09e2}\x{09e3}\x{09e6}-\x{09ef}\x{0a01}-\x{0a03}\x{0a3c}\x{0a3e}-\x{0a42}\x{0a47}\x{0a48}\x{0a4b}-\x{0a4d}\x{0a51}\x{0a66}-\x{0a71}\x{0a75}\x{0a81}-\x{0a83}\x{0abc}\x{0abe}-\x{0ac5}\x{0ac7}-\x{0ac9}\x{0acb}-\x{0acd}\x{0ae2}\x{0ae3}\x{0ae6}-\x{0aef}\x{0b01}-\x{0b03}\x{0b3c}\x{0b3e}-\x{0b44}\x{0b47}\x{0b48}\x{0b4b}-\x{0b4d}\x{0b56}\x{0b57}\x{0b62}\x{0b63}\x{0b66}-\x{0b6f}\x{0b82}\x{0bbe}-\x{0bc2}\x{0bc6}-\x{0bc8}\x{0bca}-\x{0bcd}\x{0bd7}\x{0be6}-\x{0bef}\x{0c01}-\x{0c03}\x{0c3e}-\x{0c44}\x{0c46}-\x{0c48}\x{0c4a}-\x{0c4d}\x{0c55}\x{0c56}\x{0c62}\x{0c63}\x{0c66}-\x{0c6f}\x{0c82}\x{0c83}\x{0cbc}\x{0cbe}-\x{0cc4}\x{0cc6}-\x{0cc8}\x{0cca}-\x{0ccd}\x{0cd5}\x{0cd6}\x{0ce2}\x{0ce3}\x{0ce6}-\x{0cef}\x{0d02}\x{0d03}\x{0d3e}-\x{0d44}\x{0d46}-\x{0d48}\x{0d4a}-\x{0d4d}\x{0d57}\x{0d62}\x{0d63}\x{0d66}-\x{0d6f}\x{0d82}\x{0d83}\x{0dca}\x{0dcf}-\x{0dd4}\x{0dd6}\x{0dd8}-\x{0ddf}\x{0df2}\x{0df3}\x{0e31}\x{0e34}-\x{0e3a}\x{0e47}-\x{0e4e}\x{0e50}-\x{0e59}\x{0eb1}\x{0eb4}-\x{0eb9}\x{0ebb}\x{0ebc}\x{0ec8}-\x{0ecd}\x{0ed0}-\x{0ed9}\x{0f18}\x{0f19}\x{0f20}-\x{0f29}\x{0f35}\x{0f37}\x{0f39}\x{0f3e}\x{0f3f}\x{0f71}-\x{0f84}\x{0f86}\x{0f87}\x{0f8d}-\x{0f97}\x{0f99}-\x{0fbc}\x{0fc6}\x{102b}-\x{103e}\x{1040}-\x{1049}\x{1056}-\x{1059}\x{105e}-\x{1060}\x{1062}-\x{1064}\x{1067}-\x{106d}\x{1071}-\x{1074}\x{1082}-\x{108d}\x{108f}-\x{109d}\x{135d}-\x{135f}\x{1712}-\x{1714}\x{1732}-\x{1734}\x{1752}\x{1753}\x{1772}\x{1773}\x{17b4}-\x{17d3}\x{17dd}\x{17e0}-\x{17e9}\x{180b}-\x{180d}\x{1810}-\x{1819}\x{18a9}\x{1920}-\x{192b}\x{1930}-\x{193b}\x{1946}-\x{194f}\x{19b0}-\x{19c0}\x{19c8}\x{19c9}\x{19d0}-\x{19d9}\x{1a17}-\x{1a1b}\x{1a55}-\x{1a5e}\x{1a60}-\x{1a7c}\x{1a7f}-\x{1a89}\x{1a90}-\x{1a99}\x{1b00}-\x{1b04}\x{1b34}-\x{1b44}\x{1b50}-\x{1b59}\x{1b6b}-\x{1b73}\x{1b80}-\x{1b82}\x{1ba1}-\x{1bad}\x{1bb0}-\x{1bb9}\x{1be6}-\x{1bf3}\x{1c24}-\x{1c37}\x{1c40}-\x{1c49}\x{1c50}-\x{1c59}\x{1cd0}-\x{1cd2}\x{1cd4}-\x{1ce8}\x{1ced}\x{1cf2}-\x{1cf4}\x{1dc0}-\x{1de6}\x{1dfc}-\x{1dff}\x{200c}\x{200d}\x{203f}\x{2040}\x{2054}\x{20d0}-\x{20dc}\x{20e1}\x{20e5}-\x{20f0}\x{2cef}-\x{2cf1}\x{2d7f}\x{2de0}-\x{2dff}\x{302a}-\x{302f}\x{3099}\x{309a}\x{a620}-\x{a629}\x{a66f}\x{a674}-\x{a67d}\x{a69f}\x{a6f0}\x{a6f1}\x{a802}\x{a806}\x{a80b}\x{a823}-\x{a827}\x{a880}\x{a881}\x{a8b4}-\x{a8c4}\x{a8d0}-\x{a8d9}\x{a8e0}-\x{a8f1}\x{a900}-\x{a909}\x{a926}-\x{a92d}\x{a947}-\x{a953}\x{a980}-\x{a983}\x{a9b3}-\x{a9c0}\x{a9d0}-\x{a9d9}\x{aa29}-\x{aa36}\x{aa43}\x{aa4c}\x{aa4d}\x{aa50}-\x{aa59}\x{aa7b}\x{aab0}\x{aab2}-\x{aab4}\x{aab7}\x{aab8}\x{aabe}\x{aabf}\x{aac1}\x{aaeb}-\x{aaef}\x{aaf5}\x{aaf6}\x{abe3}-\x{abea}\x{abec}\x{abed}\x{abf0}-\x{abf9}\x{fb1e}\x{fe00}-\x{fe0f}\x{fe20}-\x{fe26}\x{fe33}\x{fe34}\x{fe4d}-\x{fe4f}\x{ff10}-\x{ff19}\x{ff3f}]*\b'; 35 36 /** 37 * Full list of JavaScript reserved words. 38 * Will be loaded from /data/js/keywords_reserved.txt. 39 * 40 * @see https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/reserved-keywords 41 * 42 * @var string[] 43 */ 44 protected $keywordsReserved = array(); 45 46 /** 47 * List of JavaScript reserved words that accept a <variable, value, ...> 48 * after them. Some end of lines are not the end of a statement, like with 49 * these keywords. 50 * 51 * E.g.: we shouldn't insert a ; after this else 52 * else 53 * console.log('this is quite fine') 54 * 55 * Will be loaded from /data/js/keywords_before.txt 56 * 57 * @var string[] 58 */ 59 protected $keywordsBefore = array(); 60 61 /** 62 * List of JavaScript reserved words that accept a <variable, value, ...> 63 * before them. Some end of lines are not the end of a statement, like when 64 * continued by one of these keywords on the newline. 65 * 66 * E.g.: we shouldn't insert a ; before this instanceof 67 * variable 68 * instanceof String 69 * 70 * Will be loaded from /data/js/keywords_after.txt 71 * 72 * @var string[] 73 */ 74 protected $keywordsAfter = array(); 75 76 /** 77 * List of all JavaScript operators. 78 * 79 * Will be loaded from /data/js/operators.txt 80 * 81 * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Expressions_and_Operators 82 * 83 * @var string[] 84 */ 85 protected $operators = array(); 86 87 /** 88 * List of JavaScript operators that accept a <variable, value, ...> after 89 * them. Some end of lines are not the end of a statement, like with these 90 * operators. 91 * 92 * Note: Most operators are fine, we've only removed ++ and --. 93 * ++ & -- have to be joined with the value they're in-/decrementing. 94 * 95 * Will be loaded from /data/js/operators_before.txt 96 * 97 * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Expressions_and_Operators 98 * 99 * @var string[] 100 */ 101 protected $operatorsBefore = array(); 102 103 /** 104 * List of JavaScript operators that accept a <variable, value, ...> before 105 * them. Some end of lines are not the end of a statement, like when 106 * continued by one of these operators on the newline. 107 * 108 * Note: Most operators are fine, we've only removed ), ], ++, --, ! and ~. 109 * There can't be a newline separating ! or ~ and whatever it is negating. 110 * ++ & -- have to be joined with the value they're in-/decrementing. 111 * ) & ] are "special" in that they have lots or usecases. () for example 112 * is used for function calls, for grouping, in if () and for (), ... 113 * 114 * Will be loaded from /data/js/operators_after.txt 115 * 116 * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Expressions_and_Operators 117 * 118 * @var string[] 119 */ 120 protected $operatorsAfter = array(); 121 122 /** 123 * {@inheritdoc} 124 */ 125 public function __construct() 126 { 127 call_user_func_array(array('parent', '__construct'), func_get_args()); 128 129 $dataDir = __DIR__.'/../data/js/'; 130 $options = FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES; 131 $this->keywordsReserved = file($dataDir.'keywords_reserved.txt', $options); 132 $this->keywordsBefore = file($dataDir.'keywords_before.txt', $options); 133 $this->keywordsAfter = file($dataDir.'keywords_after.txt', $options); 134 $this->operators = file($dataDir.'operators.txt', $options); 135 $this->operatorsBefore = file($dataDir.'operators_before.txt', $options); 136 $this->operatorsAfter = file($dataDir.'operators_after.txt', $options); 137 } 138 139 /** 140 * Minify the data. 141 * Perform JS optimizations. 142 * 143 * @param string[optional] $path Path to write the data to 144 * 145 * @return string The minified data 146 */ 147 public function execute($path = null) 148 { 149 $content = ''; 150 151 /* 152 * Let's first take out strings, comments and regular expressions. 153 * All of these can contain JS code-like characters, and we should make 154 * sure any further magic ignores anything inside of these. 155 * 156 * Consider this example, where we should not strip any whitespace: 157 * var str = "a test"; 158 * 159 * Comments will be removed altogether, strings and regular expressions 160 * will be replaced by placeholder text, which we'll restore later. 161 */ 162 $this->extractStrings('\'"`'); 163 $this->stripComments(); 164 $this->extractRegex(); 165 166 // loop files 167 foreach ($this->data as $source => $js) { 168 // take out strings, comments & regex (for which we've registered 169 // the regexes just a few lines earlier) 170 $js = $this->replace($js); 171 172 $js = $this->propertyNotation($js); 173 $js = $this->shortenBools($js); 174 $js = $this->stripWhitespace($js); 175 176 // combine js: separating the scripts by a ; 177 $content .= $js.";"; 178 } 179 180 // clean up leftover `;`s from the combination of multiple scripts 181 $content = ltrim($content, ';'); 182 $content = (string) substr($content, 0, -1); 183 184 /* 185 * Earlier, we extracted strings & regular expressions and replaced them 186 * with placeholder text. This will restore them. 187 */ 188 $content = $this->restoreExtractedData($content); 189 190 return $content; 191 } 192 193 /** 194 * Strip comments from source code. 195 */ 196 protected function stripComments() 197 { 198 // PHP only supports $this inside anonymous functions since 5.4 199 $minifier = $this; 200 $callback = function ($match) use ($minifier) { 201 $count = count($minifier->extracted); 202 $placeholder = '/*'.$count.'*/'; 203 $minifier->extracted[$placeholder] = $match[0]; 204 205 return $placeholder; 206 }; 207 // multi-line comments 208 $this->registerPattern('/\n?\/\*(!|.*?@license|.*?@preserve).*?\*\/\n?/s', $callback); 209 $this->registerPattern('/\/\*.*?\*\//s', ''); 210 211 // single-line comments 212 $this->registerPattern('/\/\/.*$/m', ''); 213 } 214 215 /** 216 * JS can have /-delimited regular expressions, like: /ab+c/.match(string). 217 * 218 * The content inside the regex can contain characters that may be confused 219 * for JS code: e.g. it could contain whitespace it needs to match & we 220 * don't want to strip whitespace in there. 221 * 222 * The regex can be pretty simple: we don't have to care about comments, 223 * (which also use slashes) because stripComments() will have stripped those 224 * already. 225 * 226 * This method will replace all string content with simple REGEX# 227 * placeholder text, so we've rid all regular expressions from characters 228 * that may be misinterpreted. Original regex content will be saved in 229 * $this->extracted and after doing all other minifying, we can restore the 230 * original content via restoreRegex() 231 */ 232 protected function extractRegex() 233 { 234 // PHP only supports $this inside anonymous functions since 5.4 235 $minifier = $this; 236 $callback = function ($match) use ($minifier) { 237 $count = count($minifier->extracted); 238 $placeholder = '"'.$count.'"'; 239 $minifier->extracted[$placeholder] = $match[0]; 240 241 return $placeholder; 242 }; 243 244 // match all chars except `/` and `\` 245 // `\` is allowed though, along with whatever char follows (which is the 246 // one being escaped) 247 // this should allow all chars, except for an unescaped `/` (= the one 248 // closing the regex) 249 // then also ignore bare `/` inside `[]`, where they don't need to be 250 // escaped: anything inside `[]` can be ignored safely 251 $pattern = '\\/(?!\*)(?:[^\\[\\/\\\\\n\r]++|(?:\\\\.)++|(?:\\[(?:[^\\]\\\\\n\r]++|(?:\\\\.)++)++\\])++)++\\/[gimuy]*'; 252 253 // a regular expression can only be followed by a few operators or some 254 // of the RegExp methods (a `\` followed by a variable or value is 255 // likely part of a division, not a regex) 256 $keywords = array('do', 'in', 'new', 'else', 'throw', 'yield', 'delete', 'return', 'typeof'); 257 $before = '(^|[=:,;\+\-\*\/\}\(\{\[&\|!]|'.implode('|', $keywords).')\s*'; 258 $propertiesAndMethods = array( 259 // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp#Properties_2 260 'constructor', 261 'flags', 262 'global', 263 'ignoreCase', 264 'multiline', 265 'source', 266 'sticky', 267 'unicode', 268 // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp#Methods_2 269 'compile(', 270 'exec(', 271 'test(', 272 'toSource(', 273 'toString(', 274 ); 275 $delimiters = array_fill(0, count($propertiesAndMethods), '/'); 276 $propertiesAndMethods = array_map('preg_quote', $propertiesAndMethods, $delimiters); 277 $after = '(?=\s*([\.,;\)\}&\|+]|\/\/|$|\.('.implode('|', $propertiesAndMethods).')))'; 278 $this->registerPattern('/'.$before.'\K'.$pattern.$after.'/', $callback); 279 280 // regular expressions following a `)` are rather annoying to detect... 281 // quite often, `/` after `)` is a division operator & if it happens to 282 // be followed by another one (or a comment), it is likely to be 283 // confused for a regular expression 284 // however, it's perfectly possible for a regex to follow a `)`: after 285 // a single-line `if()`, `while()`, ... statement, for example 286 // since, when they occur like that, they're always the start of a 287 // statement, there's only a limited amount of ways they can be useful: 288 // by calling the regex methods directly 289 // if a regex following `)` is not followed by `.<property or method>`, 290 // it's quite likely not a regex 291 $before = '\)\s*'; 292 $after = '(?=\s*\.('.implode('|', $propertiesAndMethods).'))'; 293 $this->registerPattern('/'.$before.'\K'.$pattern.$after.'/', $callback); 294 295 // 1 more edge case: a regex can be followed by a lot more operators or 296 // keywords if there's a newline (ASI) in between, where the operator 297 // actually starts a new statement 298 // (https://github.com/matthiasmullie/minify/issues/56) 299 $operators = $this->getOperatorsForRegex($this->operatorsBefore, '/'); 300 $operators += $this->getOperatorsForRegex($this->keywordsReserved, '/'); 301 $after = '(?=\s*\n\s*('.implode('|', $operators).'))'; 302 $this->registerPattern('/'.$pattern.$after.'/', $callback); 303 } 304 305 /** 306 * Strip whitespace. 307 * 308 * We won't strip *all* whitespace, but as much as possible. The thing that 309 * we'll preserve are newlines we're unsure about. 310 * JavaScript doesn't require statements to be terminated with a semicolon. 311 * It will automatically fix missing semicolons with ASI (automatic semi- 312 * colon insertion) at the end of line causing errors (without semicolon.) 313 * 314 * Because it's sometimes hard to tell if a newline is part of a statement 315 * that should be terminated or not, we'll just leave some of them alone. 316 * 317 * @param string $content The content to strip the whitespace for 318 * 319 * @return string 320 */ 321 protected function stripWhitespace($content) 322 { 323 // uniform line endings, make them all line feed 324 $content = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $content); 325 326 // collapse all non-line feed whitespace into a single space 327 $content = preg_replace('/[^\S\n]+/', ' ', $content); 328 329 // strip leading & trailing whitespace 330 $content = str_replace(array(" \n", "\n "), "\n", $content); 331 332 // collapse consecutive line feeds into just 1 333 $content = preg_replace('/\n+/', "\n", $content); 334 335 $operatorsBefore = $this->getOperatorsForRegex($this->operatorsBefore, '/'); 336 $operatorsAfter = $this->getOperatorsForRegex($this->operatorsAfter, '/'); 337 $operators = $this->getOperatorsForRegex($this->operators, '/'); 338 $keywordsBefore = $this->getKeywordsForRegex($this->keywordsBefore, '/'); 339 $keywordsAfter = $this->getKeywordsForRegex($this->keywordsAfter, '/'); 340 341 // strip whitespace that ends in (or next line begin with) an operator 342 // that allows statements to be broken up over multiple lines 343 unset($operatorsBefore['+'], $operatorsBefore['-'], $operatorsAfter['+'], $operatorsAfter['-']); 344 $content = preg_replace( 345 array( 346 '/('.implode('|', $operatorsBefore).')\s+/', 347 '/\s+('.implode('|', $operatorsAfter).')/', 348 ), 349 '\\1', 350 $content 351 ); 352 353 // make sure + and - can't be mistaken for, or joined into ++ and -- 354 $content = preg_replace( 355 array( 356 '/(?<![\+\-])\s*([\+\-])(?![\+\-])/', 357 '/(?<![\+\-])([\+\-])\s*(?![\+\-])/', 358 ), 359 '\\1', 360 $content 361 ); 362 363 // collapse whitespace around reserved words into single space 364 $content = preg_replace('/(^|[;\}\s])\K('.implode('|', $keywordsBefore).')\s+/', '\\2 ', $content); 365 $content = preg_replace('/\s+('.implode('|', $keywordsAfter).')(?=([;\{\s]|$))/', ' \\1', $content); 366 367 /* 368 * We didn't strip whitespace after a couple of operators because they 369 * could be used in different contexts and we can't be sure it's ok to 370 * strip the newlines. However, we can safely strip any non-line feed 371 * whitespace that follows them. 372 */ 373 $operatorsDiffBefore = array_diff($operators, $operatorsBefore); 374 $operatorsDiffAfter = array_diff($operators, $operatorsAfter); 375 $content = preg_replace('/('.implode('|', $operatorsDiffBefore).')[^\S\n]+/', '\\1', $content); 376 $content = preg_replace('/[^\S\n]+('.implode('|', $operatorsDiffAfter).')/', '\\1', $content); 377 378 /* 379 * Whitespace after `return` can be omitted in a few occasions 380 * (such as when followed by a string or regex) 381 * Same for whitespace in between `)` and `{`, or between `{` and some 382 * keywords. 383 */ 384 $content = preg_replace('/\breturn\s+(["\'\/\+\-])/', 'return$1', $content); 385 $content = preg_replace('/\)\s+\{/', '){', $content); 386 $content = preg_replace('/}\n(else|catch|finally)\b/', '}$1', $content); 387 388 /* 389 * Get rid of double semicolons, except where they can be used like: 390 * "for(v=1,_=b;;)", "for(v=1;;v++)" or "for(;;ja||(ja=true))". 391 * I'll safeguard these double semicolons inside for-loops by 392 * temporarily replacing them with an invalid condition: they won't have 393 * a double semicolon and will be easy to spot to restore afterwards. 394 */ 395 $content = preg_replace('/\bfor\(([^;]*);;([^;]*)\)/', 'for(\\1;-;\\2)', $content); 396 $content = preg_replace('/;+/', ';', $content); 397 $content = preg_replace('/\bfor\(([^;]*);-;([^;]*)\)/', 'for(\\1;;\\2)', $content); 398 399 /* 400 * Next, we'll be removing all semicolons where ASI kicks in. 401 * for-loops however, can have an empty body (ending in only a 402 * semicolon), like: `for(i=1;i<3;i++);`, of `for(i in list);` 403 * Here, nothing happens during the loop; it's just used to keep 404 * increasing `i`. With that ; omitted, the next line would be expected 405 * to be the for-loop's body... Same goes for while loops. 406 * I'm going to double that semicolon (if any) so after the next line, 407 * which strips semicolons here & there, we're still left with this one. 408 */ 409 $content = preg_replace('/(for\([^;\{]*;[^;\{]*;[^;\{]*\));(\}|$)/s', '\\1;;\\2', $content); 410 $content = preg_replace('/(for\([^;\{]+\s+in\s+[^;\{]+\));(\}|$)/s', '\\1;;\\2', $content); 411 /* 412 * Below will also keep `;` after a `do{}while();` along with `while();` 413 * While these could be stripped after do-while, detecting this 414 * distinction is cumbersome, so I'll play it safe and make sure `;` 415 * after any kind of `while` is kept. 416 */ 417 $content = preg_replace('/(while\([^;\{]+\));(\}|$)/s', '\\1;;\\2', $content); 418 419 /* 420 * We also can't strip empty else-statements. Even though they're 421 * useless and probably shouldn't be in the code in the first place, we 422 * shouldn't be stripping the `;` that follows it as it breaks the code. 423 * We can just remove those useless else-statements completely. 424 * 425 * @see https://github.com/matthiasmullie/minify/issues/91 426 */ 427 $content = preg_replace('/else;/s', '', $content); 428 429 /* 430 * We also don't really want to terminate statements followed by closing 431 * curly braces (which we've ignored completely up until now) or end-of- 432 * script: ASI will kick in here & we're all about minifying. 433 * Semicolons at beginning of the file don't make any sense either. 434 */ 435 $content = preg_replace('/;(\}|$)/s', '\\1', $content); 436 $content = ltrim($content, ';'); 437 438 // get rid of remaining whitespace af beginning/end 439 return trim($content); 440 } 441 442 /** 443 * We'll strip whitespace around certain operators with regular expressions. 444 * This will prepare the given array by escaping all characters. 445 * 446 * @param string[] $operators 447 * @param string $delimiter 448 * 449 * @return string[] 450 */ 451 protected function getOperatorsForRegex(array $operators, $delimiter = '/') 452 { 453 // escape operators for use in regex 454 $delimiters = array_fill(0, count($operators), $delimiter); 455 $escaped = array_map('preg_quote', $operators, $delimiters); 456 457 $operators = array_combine($operators, $escaped); 458 459 // ignore + & - for now, they'll get special treatment 460 unset($operators['+'], $operators['-']); 461 462 // dot can not just immediately follow a number; it can be confused for 463 // decimal point, or calling a method on it, e.g. 42 .toString() 464 $operators['.'] = '(?<![0-9]\s)\.'; 465 466 // don't confuse = with other assignment shortcuts (e.g. +=) 467 $chars = preg_quote('+-*\=<>%&|', $delimiter); 468 $operators['='] = '(?<!['.$chars.'])\='; 469 470 return $operators; 471 } 472 473 /** 474 * We'll strip whitespace around certain keywords with regular expressions. 475 * This will prepare the given array by escaping all characters. 476 * 477 * @param string[] $keywords 478 * @param string $delimiter 479 * 480 * @return string[] 481 */ 482 protected function getKeywordsForRegex(array $keywords, $delimiter = '/') 483 { 484 // escape keywords for use in regex 485 $delimiter = array_fill(0, count($keywords), $delimiter); 486 $escaped = array_map('preg_quote', $keywords, $delimiter); 487 488 // add word boundaries 489 array_walk($keywords, function ($value) { 490 return '\b'.$value.'\b'; 491 }); 492 493 $keywords = array_combine($keywords, $escaped); 494 495 return $keywords; 496 } 497 498 /** 499 * Replaces all occurrences of array['key'] by array.key. 500 * 501 * @param string $content 502 * 503 * @return string 504 */ 505 protected function propertyNotation($content) 506 { 507 // PHP only supports $this inside anonymous functions since 5.4 508 $minifier = $this; 509 $keywords = $this->keywordsReserved; 510 $callback = function ($match) use ($minifier, $keywords) { 511 $property = trim($minifier->extracted[$match[1]], '\'"'); 512 513 /* 514 * Check if the property is a reserved keyword. In this context (as 515 * property of an object literal/array) it shouldn't matter, but IE8 516 * freaks out with "Expected identifier". 517 */ 518 if (in_array($property, $keywords)) { 519 return $match[0]; 520 } 521 522 /* 523 * See if the property is in a variable-like format (e.g. 524 * array['key-here'] can't be replaced by array.key-here since '-' 525 * is not a valid character there. 526 */ 527 if (!preg_match('/^'.$minifier::REGEX_VARIABLE.'$/u', $property)) { 528 return $match[0]; 529 } 530 531 return '.'.$property; 532 }; 533 534 /* 535 * Figure out if previous character is a variable name (of the array 536 * we want to use property notation on) - this is to make sure 537 * standalone ['value'] arrays aren't confused for keys-of-an-array. 538 * We can (and only have to) check the last character, because PHP's 539 * regex implementation doesn't allow unfixed-length look-behind 540 * assertions. 541 */ 542 preg_match('/(\[[^\]]+\])[^\]]*$/', static::REGEX_VARIABLE, $previousChar); 543 $previousChar = $previousChar[1]; 544 545 /* 546 * Make sure word preceding the ['value'] is not a keyword, e.g. 547 * return['x']. Because -again- PHP's regex implementation doesn't allow 548 * unfixed-length look-behind assertions, I'm just going to do a lot of 549 * separate look-behind assertions, one for each keyword. 550 */ 551 $keywords = $this->getKeywordsForRegex($keywords); 552 $keywords = '(?<!'.implode(')(?<!', $keywords).')'; 553 554 return preg_replace_callback('/(?<='.$previousChar.'|\])'.$keywords.'\[\s*(([\'"])[0-9]+\\2)\s*\]/u', $callback, $content); 555 } 556 557 /** 558 * Replaces true & false by !0 and !1. 559 * 560 * @param string $content 561 * 562 * @return string 563 */ 564 protected function shortenBools($content) 565 { 566 /* 567 * 'true' or 'false' could be used as property names (which may be 568 * followed by whitespace) - we must not replace those! 569 * Since PHP doesn't allow variable-length (to account for the 570 * whitespace) lookbehind assertions, I need to capture the leading 571 * character and check if it's a `.` 572 */ 573 $callback = function ($match) { 574 if (trim($match[1]) === '.') { 575 return $match[0]; 576 } 577 578 return $match[1].($match[2] === 'true' ? '!0' : '!1'); 579 }; 580 $content = preg_replace_callback('/(^|.\s*)\b(true|false)\b(?!:)/', $callback, $content); 581 582 // for(;;) is exactly the same as while(true), but shorter :) 583 $content = preg_replace('/\bwhile\(!0\){/', 'for(;;){', $content); 584 585 // now make sure we didn't turn any do ... while(true) into do ... for(;;) 586 preg_match_all('/\bdo\b/', $content, $dos, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER); 587 588 // go backward to make sure positional offsets aren't altered when $content changes 589 $dos = array_reverse($dos); 590 foreach ($dos as $do) { 591 $offsetDo = $do[0][1]; 592 593 // find all `while` (now `for`) following `do`: one of those must be 594 // associated with the `do` and be turned back into `while` 595 preg_match_all('/\bfor\(;;\)/', $content, $whiles, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER, $offsetDo); 596 foreach ($whiles as $while) { 597 $offsetWhile = $while[0][1]; 598 599 $open = substr_count($content, '{', $offsetDo, $offsetWhile - $offsetDo); 600 $close = substr_count($content, '}', $offsetDo, $offsetWhile - $offsetDo); 601 if ($open === $close) { 602 // only restore `while` if amount of `{` and `}` are the same; 603 // otherwise, that `for` isn't associated with this `do` 604 $content = substr_replace($content, 'while(!0)', $offsetWhile, strlen('for(;;)')); 605 break; 606 } 607 } 608 } 609 610 return $content; 611 } 612 }