Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 400] [Versions 311 and 400] [Versions 39 and 400] [Versions 400 and 401] [Versions 400 and 402] [Versions 400 and 403]
Functions for generating the HTML that Moodle should output. Please see http://docs.moodle.org/en/Developement:How_Moodle_outputs_HTML for an overview.
Copyright: | 2009 Tim Hunt |
License: | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later |
File Size: | 2736 lines (99 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 1 time |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
theme_config:: (55 methods):
xhtml_container_stack:: (7 methods):
Class: theme_config - X-Ref
This class represents the configuration variables of a Moodle theme.load($themename) X-Ref |
Load the config.php file for a particular theme, and return an instance of this class. (That is, this is a factory method.) return: theme_config an instance of this class. param: string $themename the name of the theme. |
diagnose($themename) X-Ref |
Theme diagnostic code. It is very problematic to send debug output to the actual CSS file, instead this functions is supposed to diagnose given theme and highlights all potential problems. This information should be available from the theme selection page or some other debug page for theme designers. return: array description of problems param: string $themename |
__construct($config) X-Ref |
Private constructor, can be called only from the factory method. param: stdClass $config |
init_page(moodle_page $page) X-Ref |
Let the theme initialise the page object (usually $PAGE). This may be used for example to request jQuery in add-ons. param: moodle_page $page |
check_theme_arrows() X-Ref |
Checks if arrows $THEME->rarrow, $THEME->larrow, $THEME->uarrow, $THEME->darrow have been set (theme/-/config.php). If not it applies sensible defaults. Accessibility: right and left arrow Unicode characters for breadcrumb, calendar, search forum block, etc. Important: these are 'silent' in a screen-reader (unlike > »), and must be accompanied by text. |
renderer_prefixes() X-Ref |
Returns output renderer prefixes, these are used when looking for the overridden renderers in themes. return: array |
editor_css_url($encoded=true) X-Ref |
Returns the stylesheet URL of this editor content return: moodle_url param: bool $encoded false means use & and true use & in URLs |
editor_css_files() X-Ref |
Returns the content of the CSS to be used in editor content return: array |
editor_scss_to_css() X-Ref |
Compiles and returns the content of the SCSS to be used in editor content return: string Compiled CSS from the editor SCSS |
css_urls(moodle_page $page) X-Ref |
Get the stylesheet URL of this theme. return: moodle_url[] param: moodle_page $page Not used... deprecated? |
get_css_content() X-Ref |
Get the whole css stylesheet for production mode. NOTE: this method is not expected to be used from any addons. return: string CSS markup compressed |
set_css_content_cache($csscontent) X-Ref |
Set post processed CSS content cache. return: bool True if the content was successfully cached. param: string $csscontent The post processed CSS content. |
has_css_cached_content() X-Ref |
Return whether the post processed CSS content has been cached. return: bool Whether the post-processed CSS is available in the cache. |
get_css_cached_content() X-Ref |
Return cached post processed CSS content. return: bool|string The cached css content or false if not found. |
get_css_cache_key() X-Ref |
Generate the css content cache key. return: string The post processed css cache key. |
get_css_content_debug($type, $subtype, $sheet) X-Ref |
Get the theme designer css markup, the parameters are coming from css_urls(). NOTE: this method is not expected to be used from any addons. return: string CSS markup param: string $type param: string $subtype param: string $sheet |
get_css_content_editor() X-Ref |
Get the whole css stylesheet for editor iframe. NOTE: this method is not expected to be used from any addons. return: string CSS markup |
get_css_files($themedesigner) X-Ref |
Returns an array of organised CSS files required for this output. return: array nested array of file paths param: bool $themedesigner |
get_css_content_from_scss($themedesigner) X-Ref |
Return the CSS content generated from the SCSS file. return: bool|string Return false when the compilation failed. Else the compiled string. param: bool $themedesigner True if theme designer is enabled. |
get_precompiled_css_content() X-Ref |
Return the precompiled CSS if the precompiledcsscallback exists. return: string Return compiled css. |
get_icon_system() X-Ref |
Get the icon system to use. return: string |
get_extra_scss_code() X-Ref |
Return extra SCSS code to add when compiling. This is intended to be used by themes to inject some SCSS code before it gets compiled. If you want to inject variables you should use {@link self::get_scss_variables()}. return: string The SCSS code to inject. |
get_pre_scss_code() X-Ref |
SCSS code to prepend when compiling. This is intended to be used by themes to inject SCSS code before it gets compiled. return: string The SCSS code to inject. |
get_scss_property() X-Ref |
Get the SCSS property. This resolves whether a SCSS file (or content) has to be used when generating the stylesheet for the theme. It will look at parents themes and check the SCSS properties there. return: False when SCSS is not used. |
javascript_url($inhead) X-Ref |
Generate a URL to the file that serves theme JavaScript files. If we determine that the theme has no relevant files, then we return early with a null value. return: moodle_url|null param: bool $inhead true means head url, false means footer |
javascript_files($type) X-Ref |
Get the URL's for the JavaScript files used by this theme. They won't be served directly, instead they'll be mediated through theme/javascript.php. return: array param: string $type Either javascripts_footer, or javascripts |
resolve_excludes($variable, $default = null) X-Ref |
Resolves an exclude setting to the themes setting is applicable or the setting of its closest parent. return: mixed param: string $variable The name of the setting the exclude setting to resolve param: string $default |
javascript_content($type) X-Ref |
Returns the content of the one huge javascript file merged from all theme javascript files. return: string param: bool $type |
post_process($css) X-Ref |
Post processes CSS. This method post processes all of the CSS before it is served for this theme. This is done so that things such as image URL's can be swapped in and to run any specific CSS post process method the theme has requested. This allows themes to use CSS settings. return: string The processed CSS. param: string $css The CSS to process. |
rtlize($csstree) X-Ref |
Flip a stylesheet to RTL. return: void param: Object $csstree The parsed CSS tree structure to flip. |
pix_url($imagename, $component) X-Ref |
Return the direct URL for an image from the pix folder. Use this function sparingly and never for icons. For icons use pix_icon or the pix helper in a mustache template. return: moodle_url param: string $imagename the name of the icon. param: string $component specification of one plugin like in get_string() |
image_url($imagename, $component) X-Ref |
Return the direct URL for an image from the pix folder. Use this function sparingly and never for icons. For icons use pix_icon or the pix helper in a mustache template. return: moodle_url param: string $imagename the name of the icon. param: string $component specification of one plugin like in get_string() |
font_url($font, $component) X-Ref |
Return the URL for a font return: moodle_url param: string $font the name of the font (including extension). param: string $component specification of one plugin like in get_string() |
setting_file_url($setting, $filearea) X-Ref |
Returns URL to the stored file via pluginfile.php. Note the theme must also implement pluginfile.php handler, theme revision is used instead of the itemid. return: string protocol relative URL or null if not present param: string $setting param: string $filearea |
setting_file_serve($filearea, $args, $forcedownload, $options) X-Ref |
Serve the theme setting file. return: bool may terminate if file not found or donotdie not specified param: string $filearea param: array $args param: bool $forcedownload param: array $options |
resolve_image_location($image, $component, $svg = false) X-Ref |
Resolves the real image location. $svg was introduced as an arg in 2.4. It is important because not all supported browsers support the use of SVG and we need a way in which to turn it off. By default SVG won't be used unless asked for. This is done for two reasons: 1. It ensures that we don't serve svg images unless we really want to. The admin has selected to force them, of the users browser supports SVG. 2. We only serve SVG images from locations we trust. This must NOT include any areas where the image may have been uploaded by the user due to security concerns. return: string full file path param: string $image name of image, may contain relative path param: string $component param: bool $svg|null Should SVG images also be looked for? If null, resorts to $CFG->svgicons if that is set; falls back to |
resolve_font_location($font, $component) X-Ref |
Resolves the real font location. return: string full file path param: string $font name of font file param: string $component |
use_svg_icons() X-Ref |
Return true if we should look for SVG images as well. return: bool |
force_svg_use($setting) X-Ref |
Forces the usesvg setting to either true or false, avoiding any decision making. This function should only ever be used when absolutely required, and before any generation of image URL's has occurred. DO NOT ABUSE THIS FUNCTION... not that you'd want to right ;) param: bool $setting True to force the use of svg when available, null otherwise. |
set_rtl_mode($inrtl = true) X-Ref |
Set to be in RTL mode. This will likely be used when post processing the CSS before serving it. param: bool $inrtl True when in RTL mode. |
supports_source_maps($themedesigner) X-Ref |
Checks if source maps are supported return: boolean True if source maps are supported. param: bool $themedesigner True if theme designer is enabled. |
get_rtl_mode() X-Ref |
Whether the theme is being served in RTL mode. return: bool True when in RTL mode. |
image_exists($filepath, $svg = false) X-Ref |
Checks if file with any image extension exists. The order to these images was adjusted prior to the release of 2.4 At that point the were the following image counts in Moodle core: - png = 667 in pix dirs (1499 total) - gif = 385 in pix dirs (606 total) - jpg = 62 in pix dirs (74 total) - jpeg = 0 in pix dirs (1 total) There is work in progress to move towards SVG presently hence that has been prioritiesed. return: string image name with extension param: string $filepath param: bool $svg If set to true SVG images will also be looked for. |
find_theme_config($themename, $settings, $parentscheck = true) X-Ref |
Loads the theme config from config.php file. return: stdClass The theme configuration param: string $themename param: stdClass $settings from config_plugins table param: boolean $parentscheck true to also check the parents. . |
find_theme_location($themename) X-Ref |
Finds the theme location and verifies the theme has all needed files and is not obsoleted. return: string full dir path or null if not found param: string $themename |
get_renderer(moodle_page $page, $component, $subtype = null, $target = null) X-Ref |
Get the renderer for a part of Moodle for this theme. return: renderer_base the requested renderer. param: moodle_page $page the page we are rendering param: string $component the name of part of moodle. E.g. 'core', 'quiz', 'qtype_multichoice'. param: string $subtype optional subtype such as 'news' resulting to 'mod_forum_news' param: string $target one of rendering target constants |
layout_info_for_page($pagelayout) X-Ref |
Get the information from {@link $layouts} for this type of page. return: array the appropriate part of {@link $layouts}. param: string $pagelayout the the page layout name. |
layout_file($pagelayout) X-Ref |
Given the settings of this theme, and the page pagelayout, return the full path of the page layout file to use. Used by {@link core_renderer::header()}. return: string Full path to the lyout file to use param: string $pagelayout the the page layout name. |
pagelayout_options($pagelayout) X-Ref |
Returns auxiliary page layout options specified in layout configuration array. return: array param: string $pagelayout |
setup_blocks($pagelayout, $blockmanager) X-Ref |
Inform a block_manager about the block regions this theme wants on this page layout. param: string $pagelayout the general type of the page. param: block_manager $blockmanager the block_manger to set up. |
get_region_name($region, $theme) X-Ref |
Gets the visible name for the requested block region. return: string param: string $region The region name to get param: string $theme The theme the region belongs to (may come from the parent theme) |
get_all_block_regions() X-Ref |
Get the list of all block regions known to this theme in all templates. return: array internal region name => human readable name. |
get_theme_name() X-Ref |
Returns the human readable name of the theme return: string |
get_block_render_method() X-Ref |
Returns the block render method. It is set by the theme via: $THEME->blockrendermethod = '...'; It can be one of two values, blocks or blocks_for_region. It should be set to the method being used by the theme layouts. return: string |
get_css_tree_post_processor() X-Ref |
Get the callable for CSS tree post processing. return: string|null |
Class: xhtml_container_stack - X-Ref
This class keeps track of which HTML tags are currently open.__construct() X-Ref |
Constructor |
push($type, $closehtml) X-Ref |
Push the close HTML for a recently opened container onto the stack. param: string $type The type of container. This is checked when {@link pop()} param: string $closehtml The HTML required to close the container. |
pop($type) X-Ref |
Pop the HTML for the next closing container from the stack. The $type must match the type passed when the container was opened, otherwise a warning will be output. return: string the HTML required to close the container. param: string $type The type of container. |
pop_all_but_last($shouldbenone = false) X-Ref |
Close all but the last open container. This is useful in places like error handling, where you want to close all the open containers (apart from <body>) before outputting the error message. return: string the HTML required to close any open containers inside <body>. param: bool $shouldbenone assert that the stack should be empty now - causes a |
discard() X-Ref |
You can call this function if you want to throw away an instance of this class without properly emptying the stack (for example, in a unit test). Calling this method stops the destruct method from outputting a developer debug warning. After calling this method, the instance can no longer be used. |
log($action, $type) X-Ref |
Adds an entry to the log. param: string $action The name of the action param: string $type The type of action |
output_log() X-Ref |
Outputs the log's contents as a HTML list. return: string HTML list of the log |
theme_get_revision() X-Ref |
Returns current theme revision number. return: int |
theme_get_sub_revision_for_theme($themename) X-Ref |
Returns current theme sub revision number. This is the revision for this theme exclusively, not the global theme revision. return: int param: string $themename The non-frankenstyle name of the theme |
theme_get_next_revision() X-Ref |
Calculates and returns the next theme revision number. return: int |
theme_get_next_sub_revision_for_theme($themename) X-Ref |
Calculates and returns the next theme revision number. return: int param: string $themename The non-frankenstyle name of the theme |
theme_set_revision($revision) X-Ref |
Sets the current theme revision number. param: int $revision The new theme revision number |
theme_set_sub_revision_for_theme($themename, $revision) X-Ref |
Sets the current theme revision number for a specific theme. This does not affect the global themerev value. param: string $themename The non-frankenstyle name of the theme param: int $revision The new theme revision number |
theme_get_config_file_path($themename) X-Ref |
Get the path to a theme config.php file. param: string $themename The non-frankenstyle name of the theme to check |
theme_get_css_filename($themename, $globalrevision, $themerevision, $direction) X-Ref |
Get the path to the local cached CSS file. param: string $themename The non-frankenstyle theme name. param: int $globalrevision The global theme revision. param: int $themerevision The theme specific revision. param: string $direction Either 'ltr' or 'rtl' (case sensitive). |
theme_build_css_for_themes($themeconfigs = [], $directions = ['rtl', 'ltr'],$cache = true, $mtraceprogress = false) X-Ref |
Generates and saves the CSS files for the given theme configs. return: array The built theme content in a multi-dimensional array of name => direction => content param: theme_config[] $themeconfigs An array of theme_config instances. param: array $directions Must be a subset of ['rtl', 'ltr']. param: bool $cache Should the generated files be stored in local cache. |
theme_reset_all_caches() X-Ref |
Invalidate all server and client side caches. This method deletes the physical directory that is used to cache the theme files used for serving. Because it deletes the main theme cache directory all themes are reset by this function. |
theme_reset_static_caches() X-Ref |
Reset static caches. This method indicates that all running cron processes should exit at the next opportunity. |
theme_set_designer_mod($state) X-Ref |
Enable or disable theme designer mode. param: bool $state |
theme_is_device_locked($device) X-Ref |
Checks if the given device has a theme defined in config.php. return: bool |
theme_get_locked_theme_for_device($device) X-Ref |
Returns the theme named defined in config.php for the given device. return: string or null |