Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.

namespace Sabberworm\CSS\Property;

< * Class representing a single CSS selector. Selectors have to be split by the comma prior to being passed into this class.
> * Class representing a single CSS selector. Selectors have to be split by the comma prior to being passed into this > * class. > */ > class Selector > { > /** > * regexp for specificity calculations > * > * @var string
< class Selector { < < //Regexes for specificity calculations
const NON_ID_ATTRIBUTES_AND_PSEUDO_CLASSES_RX = '/ (\.[\w]+) # classes | \[(\w+) # attributes | (\:( # pseudo classes link|visited|active |hover|focus |lang |target |enabled|disabled|checked|indeterminate |root |nth-child|nth-last-child|nth-of-type|nth-last-of-type |first-child|last-child|first-of-type|last-of-type |only-child|only-of-type |empty|contains )) /ix';
> /** const ELEMENTS_AND_PSEUDO_ELEMENTS_RX = '/ > * regexp for specificity calculations ((^|[\s\+\>\~]+)[\w]+ # elements > * | > * @var string \:{1,2}( # pseudo-elements > */
after|before|first-letter|first-line|selection )) /ix';
> /** private $sSelector; > * regexp for specificity calculations private $iSpecificity; > * > * @var string public function __construct($sSelector, $bCalculateSpecificity = false) { > */ $this->setSelector($sSelector); > const SELECTOR_VALIDATION_RX = '/ if ($bCalculateSpecificity) { > ^( $this->getSpecificity(); > (?: } > [a-zA-Z0-9\x{00A0}-\x{FFFF}_^$|*="\'~\[\]()\-\s\.:#+>]* # any sequence of valid unescaped characters } > (?:\\\\.)? # a single escaped character > (?:([\'"]).*?(?<!\\\\)\2)? # a quoted text like [id="example"] public function getSelector() { > )* return $this->sSelector; > )$ } > /ux'; > public function setSelector($sSelector) { > /** $this->sSelector = trim($sSelector); > * @var string $this->iSpecificity = null; > */
> > /** public function __toString() { > * @var int|null return $this->getSelector(); > */
< public function __construct($sSelector, $bCalculateSpecificity = false) {
> /** > * @param string $sSelector > * > * @return bool > */ > public static function isValid($sSelector) > { > return preg_match(static::SELECTOR_VALIDATION_RX, $sSelector); > } > > /** > * @param string $sSelector > * @param bool $bCalculateSpecificity > */ > public function __construct($sSelector, $bCalculateSpecificity = false) > {
< public function getSelector() {
> /** > * @return string > */ > public function getSelector() > {
< public function setSelector($sSelector) {
> /** > * @param string $sSelector > * > * @return void > */ > public function setSelector($sSelector) > {
< public function __toString() {
> /** > * @return string > */ > public function __toString() > {
< public function getSpecificity() {
> /** > * @return int > */ > public function getSpecificity() > {
/// @todo should exclude \# as well as "#" $aMatches = null; $b = substr_count($this->sSelector, '#'); $c = preg_match_all(self::NON_ID_ATTRIBUTES_AND_PSEUDO_CLASSES_RX, $this->sSelector, $aMatches); $d = preg_match_all(self::ELEMENTS_AND_PSEUDO_ELEMENTS_RX, $this->sSelector, $aMatches); $this->iSpecificity = ($a * 1000) + ($b * 100) + ($c * 10) + $d; } return $this->iSpecificity; }