Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.

Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 400] [Versions 39 and 400]

LICENSE This file is part of CFPropertyList.

Author: Rodney Rehm <>
Author: Christian Kruse <>
Copyright: Copyright © 2018 Teclib
License: MIT
File Size: 1231 lines (41 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

Class: CFBinaryPropertyList  - X-Ref

Facility for reading and writing binary PropertyLists. Ported from {@link CFBinaryPList.c}.

readBinaryNullType($length)   X-Ref
Read a „null type” (filler byte, true, false, 0 byte)

return: the byte value (e.g. CFBoolean(true), CFBoolean(false), 0 or 15)
param: $length The byte itself

make64Int($hi, $lo)   X-Ref
Create an 64 bit integer using bcmath or gmp

return: mixed The integer (as int if possible, as string if not possible)
param: int $hi The higher word
param: int $lo The lower word

readBinaryInt($length)   X-Ref
Read an integer value

return: CFNumber The integer value
param: integer $length The length (in bytes) of the integer value, coded as „set bit $length to 1”

readBinaryReal($length)   X-Ref
Read a real value

return: CFNumber The real value
param: integer $length The length (in bytes) of the integer value, coded as „set bit $length to 1”

readBinaryDate($length)   X-Ref
Read a date value

return: CFDate The date value
param: integer $length The length (in bytes) of the integer value, coded as „set bit $length to 1”

readBinaryData($length)   X-Ref
Read a data value

return: CFData The data value
param: integer $length The length (in bytes) of the integer value, coded as „set bit $length to 1”

readBinaryString($length)   X-Ref
Read a string value, usually coded as utf8

return: CFString The string value, utf8 encoded
param: integer $length The length (in bytes) of the string value

convertCharset($string, $fromCharset, $toCharset = 'UTF-8')   X-Ref
Convert the given string from one charset to another.
Trying to use MBString, Iconv, Recode - in that particular order.

return: string the converted string
param: string $string the string to convert
param: string $fromCharset the charset the given string is currently encoded in
param: string $toCharset the charset to convert to, defaults to UTF-8

charsetStrlen($string, $charset = "UTF-8")   X-Ref
Count characters considering character set
Trying to use MBString, Iconv - in that particular order.

return: integer The number of characters in that string
param: string $string the string to convert
param: string $charset the charset the given string is currently encoded in

readBinaryUnicodeString($length)   X-Ref
Read a unicode string value, coded as UTF-16BE

return: CFString The string value, utf8 encoded
param: integer $length The length (in bytes) of the string value

readBinaryArray($length)   X-Ref
Read an array value, including contained objects

return: CFArray The array value, including the objects
param: integer $length The number of contained objects

readBinaryDict($length)   X-Ref
Read a dictionary value, including contained objects

return: CFDictionary The dictionary value, including the objects
param: integer $length The number of contained objects

readBinaryObject()   X-Ref
Read an object type byte, decode it and delegate to the correct reader function

return: mixed The value of the delegate reader, so any of the CFType subclasses

readBinaryObjectAt($pos)   X-Ref
Read an object type byte at position $pos, decode it and delegate to the correct reader function

return: mixed The value of the delegate reader, so any of the CFType subclasses
param: integer $pos The table position in the offsets table

parseBinaryString()   X-Ref
Parse a binary plist string

return: void

readBinaryStream($stream)   X-Ref
Read a binary plist stream

return: void
param: resource $stream The stream to read

parseBinary($content = null)   X-Ref
parse a binary plist string

return: void
param: string $content The stream to read, defaults to {@link $this->content}

readBinary($file)   X-Ref
Read a binary plist file

return: void
param: string $file The file to read

bytesSizeInt($int)   X-Ref
calculate the bytes needed for a size integer value

return: integer The number of bytes needed
param: integer $int The integer value to calculate

bytesInt($int)   X-Ref
Calculate the byte needed for a „normal” integer value

return: integer The number of bytes needed + 1 (because of the „marker byte”)
param: integer $int The integer value

packItWithSize($nbytes, $int)   X-Ref
„pack” a value (i.e. write the binary representation as big endian to a string) with the specified size

return: string The packed value as string
param: integer $nbytes The number of bytes to pack
param: integer $int The integer value to pack

unpackWithSize($nbytes, $buff)   X-Ref
„unpack” multiple values of the specified size (i.e. get the integers from their binary representation) from a string

return: array The unpacked integers
param: integer $nbytes The number of bytes of each value to unpack
param: integer $buff The string packed with integer values

bytesNeeded($count_objects)   X-Ref
Calculate the bytes needed to save the number of objects

return: integer The number of bytes
param: integer $count_objects The number of objects

intBytes($int)   X-Ref
Code an integer to byte representation

return: string The packed byte value
param: integer $int The integer value

typeBytes($type, $type_len)   X-Ref
Code an type byte, consisting of the type marker and the length of the type

return: string The packed type byte value
param: string $type The type byte value (i.e. "d" for dictionaries)
param: integer $type_len The length of the type

uniqueAndCountValues($value)   X-Ref
Count number of objects and create a unique table for strings

return: void
param: $value The value to count and unique

toBinary()   X-Ref
Convert CFPropertyList to binary format; since we have to count our objects we simply unique CFDictionary and CFArray

return: string The binary plist content

binaryStrlen($val)   X-Ref
Counts the number of bytes the string will have when coded; utf-16be if non-ascii characters are present.

return: integer The length of the coded string in bytes
param: string $val The string value

stringToBinary($val)   X-Ref
Uniques and transforms a string value to binary format and adds it to the object table

return: integer The position in the object table
param: string $val The string value

intToBinary($value)   X-Ref
Codes an integer to binary format

return: string the coded integer
param: integer $value The integer value

realToBinary($val)   X-Ref
Codes a real value to binary format

return: string The coded real
param: float $val The real value

uidToBinary($value)   X-Ref
No description

numToBinary($value)   X-Ref
Converts a numeric value to binary and adds it to the object table

return: integer The position in the object table
param: numeric $value The numeric value

dateToBinary($val)   X-Ref
Convert date value (apple format) to binary and adds it to the object table

return: integer The position of the coded value in the object table
param: integer $value The date value

boolToBinary($val)   X-Ref
Convert a bool value to binary and add it to the object table

return: integer The position in the object table
param: bool $val The boolean value

dataToBinary($val)   X-Ref
Convert data value to binary format and add it to the object table

return: integer The position in the object table
param: string $val The data value

arrayToBinary($val)   X-Ref
Convert array to binary format and add it to the object table

return: integer The position in the object table
param: CFArray $val The array to convert

dictToBinary($val)   X-Ref
Convert dictionary to binary format and add it to the object table

return: integer The position in the object table
param: CFDictionary $val The dict to convert