Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.
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Fileaccesslib_has_capability_test.php            [source] [700 lines]   A collection of tests for accesslib::has_capability().
Fileaccesslib_test.php                           [source] [4885 lines]  Full functional accesslib test.
Fileadminlib_test.php                            [source] [129 lines]   
Fileadmintree_test.php                           [source] [457 lines]   
Fileajaxlib_test.php                             [source] [130 lines]   
Fileanalysers_test.php                           [source] [272 lines]   
Fileantivirus_test.php                           [source] [305 lines]   
Fileauthlib_test.php                             [source] [473 lines]   
Filebehat_lib_test.php                           [source] [96 lines]    Unit tests for parts of /lib/behat/lib.php.
Fileblocklib_test.php                            [source] [865 lines]   
Filecheck_test.php                               [source] [56 lines]    
Fileclient_test.php                              [source] [125 lines]   
Filecollator_test.php                            [source] [337 lines]   Unit tests for our utf-8 aware collator which is used for sorting.
Filecompletionlib_test.php                       [source] [1976 lines]  
Filecomponent_test.php                           [source] [861 lines]   core_component related tests.
Filecomponentlib_test.php                        [source] [199 lines]   Unit tests for /lib/componentlib.class.php.
Fileconfigonlylib_test.php                       [source] [218 lines]   
Filecontent_test.php                             [source] [119 lines]   Unit tests for core\content class.
Filecontext_block_test.php                       [source] [108 lines]   
Filecore_media_player_native_test.php            [source] [158 lines]   
Filecore_renderer_template_exploit_test.php      [source] [443 lines]   
Filecoverage.php                                 [source] [119 lines]   Coverage information for the core subsystem.
Filecronlib_test.php                             [source] [187 lines]   
Filecsslib_test.php                              [source] [51 lines]    
Filecsvclass_test.php                            [source] [152 lines]   
Filecurl_security_helper_test.php                [source] [296 lines]   
Filecustomcontext_test.php                       [source] [153 lines]   Code quality unit tests that are fast enough to run each time.
Filedataformat_test.php                          [source] [115 lines]   Tests for the dataformat plugins
Filedatalib_test.php                             [source] [1098 lines]  
Filedatalib_update_with_unique_index_test.php    [source] [120 lines]   
Filedate_legacy_test.php                         [source] [339 lines]   
Filedate_test.php                                [source] [617 lines]   Tests core_date class.
Fileeditorlib_test.php                           [source] [57 lines]    
Fileencryption_test.php                          [source] [265 lines]   Test encryption.
Fileenvironment_test.php                         [source] [232 lines]   
Fileevent_course_module_instance_list_viewed.php [source] [76 lines]    Tests for base course module instance list viewed event.
Fileevent_course_module_viewed.php               [source] [95 lines]    Tests for base course module viewed event.
Fileexporter_test.php                            [source] [283 lines]   Exporter testcase.
Fileexternallib_test.php                         [source] [696 lines]   
Filefilelib_test.php                             [source] [1976 lines]  Unit tests for /lib/filelib.php.
Filefilestorage_zip_archive_test.php             [source] [82 lines]    
Filefiletypes_test.php                           [source] [249 lines]   
Filefilter_manager_test.php                      [source] [80 lines]    
Filefilterlib_test.php                           [source] [905 lines]   
Fileformslib_test.php                            [source] [1016 lines]  Unit tests for /lib/formslib.php.
Filegdlib_test.php                               [source] [147 lines]   
Filegooglelib_test.php                           [source] [45 lines]    
Filegradelib_test.php                            [source] [305 lines]   
Filegrades_external_test.php                     [source] [355 lines]   
Filegrading_external_test.php                    [source] [647 lines]   
Filegrouplib_test.php                            [source] [1912 lines]  
Fileh5p_clean_orphaned_records_task_test.php     [source] [85 lines]    
Filehtml2text_test.php                           [source] [188 lines]   
Filehtml_writer_test.php                         [source] [318 lines]   Unit tests for the html_writer class.
Filehtmlpurifier_test.php                        [source] [503 lines]   
Fileip_utils_test.php                            [source] [403 lines]   
Filejquery_test.php                              [source] [49 lines]    
Fileldaplib_test.php                             [source] [475 lines]   
Filelicenselib_test.php                          [source] [345 lines]   licenselib tests.
Filelock_config_test.php                         [source] [92 lines]    
Filelock_test.php                                [source] [133 lines]   
Filemarkdown_test.php                            [source] [64 lines]    
Filemathslib_test.php                            [source] [320 lines]   
Filemedialib_test.php                            [source] [489 lines]   
Filemessage_test.php                             [source] [260 lines]   
Filemessageinbound_test.php                      [source] [175 lines]   Test script for message class. Test classes for \core\message\inbound.
Filemessagelib_test.php                          [source] [1275 lines]  
Fileminify_test.php                              [source] [122 lines]   
Filemodinfolib_test.php                          [source] [1144 lines]  
Filemoodle_page_test.php                         [source] [834 lines]   Tests for the moodle_page class.
Filemoodle_url_test.php                          [source] [402 lines]   
Filemoodlelib_test.php                           [source] [5432 lines]  
Filemyprofilelib_test.php                        [source] [263 lines]   
Filenavigationlib_test.php                       [source] [807 lines]   
Filenotification_test.php                        [source] [121 lines]   
Fileoauth2_test.php                              [source] [445 lines]   
Fileoutputcomponents_test.php                    [source] [704 lines]   
Fileoutputfactories_test.php                     [source] [153 lines]   
Fileoutputrequirementslib_test.php               [source] [138 lines]   
Filepdflib_test.php                              [source] [39 lines]    
Filepersistent_test.php                          [source] [768 lines]   Persistent class tests.
Fileplugin_manager_test.php                      [source] [620 lines]   
Fileportfoliolib_test.php                        [source] [170 lines]   Portfolio lib tests.
Fileprogress_display_test.php                    [source] [104 lines]   
Fileprogress_test.php                            [source] [425 lines]   
Fileqrcode_test.php                              [source] [47 lines]    
Filequestionlib_test.php                         [source] [2259 lines]  
Fileregex_test.php                               [source] [38 lines]    
Filereport_helper_test.php                       [source] [116 lines]   Tests for report_helper.
Filerequirejs_test.php                           [source] [88 lines]    
Filersslib_test.php                              [source] [158 lines]   
Filertlcss_test.php                              [source] [1266 lines]  Tests for the core_rtlcss class. The core_rtlcss class extends \MoodleHQ\RTLCSS\RTLCSS library which depends on sabberworm/php-css-parser library. This test verifies that css parsing works as expected should any of the above change.
Filescss_test.php                                [source] [147 lines]   
Filesession_manager_test.php                     [source] [905 lines]   
Filesession_redis_test.php                       [source] [332 lines]   
Filesessionlib_test.php                          [source] [309 lines]   
Filesetuplib_test.php                            [source] [523 lines]   
Filestatslib_test.php                            [source] [770 lines]   
Filestring_manager_standard_test.php             [source] [249 lines]   Unit tests for localization support in lib/moodlelib.php
Filetablelib_test.php                            [source] [787 lines]   
Filetext_test.php                                [source] [572 lines]   core_text unit tests.
Filetheme_config_test.php                        [source] [234 lines]   Tests the theme config class.
Fileupdate_api_test.php                          [source] [146 lines]   
Fileupdate_checker_test.php                      [source] [289 lines]   
Fileupdate_code_manager_test.php                 [source] [188 lines]   
Fileupdate_validator_test.php                    [source] [370 lines]   
Fileupgrade_util_test.php                        [source] [161 lines]   
Fileupgradelib_test.php                          [source] [1697 lines]  Unit tests for the lib/upgradelib.php library.
Fileuser_menu_test.php                           [source] [111 lines]   
Fileuser_test.php                                [source] [816 lines]   
Fileuseragent_test.php                           [source] [2039 lines]  
Fileweblib_format_text_test.php                  [source] [271 lines]   
Fileweblib_test.php                              [source] [958 lines]   
Filexhprof_test.php                              [source] [79 lines]    
Filexhtml_container_stack_test.php               [source] [131 lines]   
Filexmlize_test.php                              [source] [66 lines]