Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.

Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 400] [Versions 39 and 400] [Versions 400 and 401] [Versions 400 and 402] [Versions 400 and 403]

Library code for manipulating PDFs

Copyright: 2012 Davo Smith
License: GNU GPL v3 or later
File Size: 855 lines (32 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

Class: pdf  - X-Ref

Library code for manipulating PDFs

get_export_font_name()   X-Ref
Get the name of the font to use in generated PDF files.
If $CFG->pdfexportfont is set - use it, otherwise use "freesans" as this
open licensed font has wide support for different language charsets.

return: string

combine_pdfs($pdflist, $outfilename)   X-Ref
Combine the given PDF files into a single PDF. Optionally add a coversheet and coversheet fields.

return: int the number of pages in the combined PDF
param: string[] $pdflist  the filenames of the files to combine
param: string $outfilename the filename to write to

current_page()   X-Ref
The number of the current page in the PDF being processed

return: int

page_count()   X-Ref
The total number of pages in the PDF being processed

return: int

load_pdf($filename)   X-Ref
Load the specified PDF and set the initial output configuration
Used when processing comments and outputting a new PDF

return: int the number of pages in the PDF
param: string $filename the path to the PDF to load

set_pdf($filename, $pagecount = 0)   X-Ref
Sets the name of the PDF to process, but only loads the file if the
pagecount is zero (in order to count the number of pages)
Used when generating page images (but not a new PDF)

return: int the number of pages in the PDF
param: string $filename the path to the PDF to process
param: int $pagecount optional the number of pages in the PDF, if known

copy_page()   X-Ref
Copy the next page from the source file and set it as the current page

return: bool true if successful

create_page_from_source($pageno)   X-Ref
Create a page from a source PDF.

param: int $pageno

copy_remaining_pages()   X-Ref
Copy all the remaining pages in the file

append_comments($allcomments)   X-Ref
Append all comments to the end of the document.

return: array|bool An array of links to comments, or false.
param: array $allcomments All comments, indexed by page number (starting at 0).

add_comment_marker($pageno, $index, $x, $y, $link, $colour = 'yellow')   X-Ref
Add a comment marker to the specified page.

return: bool Success status.
param: int $pageno The page number to add markers to (starting at 0).
param: int $index The comment index.
param: int $x The x-coordinate of the marker (in pixels).
param: int $y The y-coordinate of the marker (in pixels).
param: int $link The link identifier pointing to the full comment text.
param: string $colour The fill colour of the marker (red, yellow, green, blue, white, clear).

add_comment($text, $x, $y, $width, $colour = 'yellow')   X-Ref
Add a comment to the current page

return: bool true if successful (always)
param: string $text the text of the comment
param: int $x the x-coordinate of the comment (in pixels)
param: int $y the y-coordinate of the comment (in pixels)
param: int $width the width of the comment (in pixels)
param: string $colour optional the background colour of the comment (red, yellow, green, blue, white, clear)

add_annotation($sx, $sy, $ex, $ey, $colour, $type, $path, $imagefolder)   X-Ref
Add an annotation to the current page

return: bool true if successful (always)
param: int $sx starting x-coordinate (in pixels)
param: int $sy starting y-coordinate (in pixels)
param: int $ex ending x-coordinate (in pixels)
param: int $ey ending y-coordinate (in pixels)
param: string $colour optional the colour of the annotation (red, yellow, green, blue, white, black)
param: string $type optional the type of annotation (line, oval, rectangle, highlight, pen, stamp)
param: int[]|string $path optional for 'pen' annotations this is an array of x and y coordinates for
param: string $imagefolder - Folder containing stamp images.

save_pdf($filename)   X-Ref
Save the completed PDF to the given file

param: string $filename the filename for the PDF (including the full path)

set_image_folder($folder)   X-Ref
Set the path to the folder in which to generate page image files

param: string $folder

get_image($pageno)   X-Ref
Generate an image of the specified page in the PDF

return: string the filename of the generated image
param: int $pageno the page to generate the image of

get_command_for_image(int $pageno, string $imagefile)   X-Ref
Gets the command to use to extract as image the given $pageno page number
from a PDF document into the $imagefile file.

return: string The command to use to extract a page as PNG image.
param: int $pageno Page number to extract from document.
param: string $imagefile Target filename for the PNG image as absolute path.

get_pdftoppm_command_for_image(int $pageno, string $imagefile)   X-Ref
Gets the pdftoppm command to use to extract as image the given $pageno page number
from a PDF document into the $imagefile file.

return: string The pdftoppm command to use to extract a page as PNG image.
param: int $pageno Page number to extract from document.
param: string $imagefile Target filename for the PNG image as absolute path.

get_gs_command_for_image(int $pageno, string $imagefile)   X-Ref
Gets the ghostscript (gs) command to use to extract as image the given $pageno page number
from a PDF document into the $imagefile file.

return: string The ghostscript (gs) command to use to extract a page as PNG image.
param: int $pageno Page number to extract from document.
param: string $imagefile Target filename for the PNG image as absolute path.

ensure_pdf_compatible(\stored_file $file)   X-Ref
Check to see if PDF is version 1.4 (or below); if not: use ghostscript to convert it

return: string path to copy or converted pdf (false == fail)
param: stored_file $file

ensure_pdf_file_compatible($tempsrc)   X-Ref
Check to see if PDF is version 1.4 (or below); if not: use ghostscript to convert it

return: string path to copy or converted pdf (false == fail)
param: string $tempsrc The path to the file on disk.

get_error_image($errorimagefolder, $pageno)   X-Ref
Generate an localised error image for the given pagenumber.

return: string File name
param: string $errorimagefolder path of the folder where error image needs to be created.
param: int $pageno page number for which error image needs to be created.

test_gs_path($generateimage = true)   X-Ref
Test that the configured path to ghostscript is correct and working.

return: \stdClass
param: bool $generateimage - If true - a test image will be generated to verify the install.

send_test_image()   X-Ref
If the test image has been generated correctly - send it direct to the browser.

add_image_page($imagestoredfile)   X-Ref
This function add an image file to PDF page.

param: \stored_file $imagestoredfile Image file to be added