* This file is part of FPDI
* @package setasign\Fpdi
< * @copyright Copyright (c) 2019 Setasign - Jan Slabon (https://www.setasign.com)
> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2020 Setasign GmbH & Co. KG (https://www.setasign.com)
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license The MIT License
namespace setasign\Fpdi\Tfpdf;
use setasign\Fpdi\FpdfTplTrait;
* Class FpdfTpl
* We need to change some access levels and implement the setPageFormat() method to bring back compatibility to tFPDF.
< *
< * @package setasign\Fpdi\Tfpdf
class FpdfTpl extends \tFPDF
< use FpdfTplTrait {
< _putimages as _protectedPutimages;
< _putxobjectdict as _protectedPutxobjectdict;
< }
< /**
< * Make the method public as in tFPDF.
< */
< public function _putimages()
< {
< $this->_protectedPutimages();
< }
< /**
< * Make the method public as in tFPDF.
< */
< public function _putxobjectdict()
< {
< $this->_protectedPutxobjectdict();
< }
< /**
< * Set the page format of the current page.
< *
< * @param array $size An array with two values defining the size.
< * @param string $orientation "L" for landscape, "P" for portrait.
< * @throws \BadMethodCallException
< */
< public function setPageFormat($size, $orientation)
< {
< if ($this->currentTemplateId !== null) {
< throw new \BadMethodCallException('The page format cannot be changed when writing to a template.');
< }
< if (!\in_array($orientation, ['P', 'L'], true)) {
< throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf(
< 'Invalid page orientation "%s"! Only "P" and "L" are allowed!',
< $orientation
< ));
< }
< $size = $this->_getpagesize($size);
< if ($orientation != $this->CurOrientation
< || $size[0] != $this->CurPageSize[0]
< || $size[1] != $this->CurPageSize[1]
< ) {
< // New size or orientation
< if ($orientation === 'P') {
< $this->w = $size[0];
< $this->h = $size[1];
< } else {
< $this->w = $size[1];
< $this->h = $size[0];
< }
< $this->wPt = $this->w * $this->k;
< $this->hPt = $this->h * $this->k;
< $this->PageBreakTrigger = $this->h - $this->bMargin;
< $this->CurOrientation = $orientation;
< $this->CurPageSize = $size;
< $this->PageSizes[$this->page] = array($this->wPt, $this->hPt);
< }
< }
< /**
< * @inheritdoc
< */
< protected function _put($s, $newLine = true)
< {
< if ($newLine) {
< $this->buffer .= $s . "\n";
< } else {
< $this->buffer .= $s;
< }
< }
> use FpdfTplTrait;