Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.
/mod/assign/ -> lib.php (source)

Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 400] [Versions 311 and 400] [Versions 39 and 400] [Versions 400 and 401] [Versions 400 and 402] [Versions 400 and 403]

This file contains the moodle hooks for the assign module. It delegates most functions to the assignment class.

Copyright: 2012 NetSpot {@link}
License: GNU GPL v3 or later
File Size: 1836 lines (66 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 2 times
Includes or requires: 1 file

Defines 46 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

assign_add_instance(stdClass $data, mod_assign_mod_form $form = null)   X-Ref
Adds an assignment instance

This is done by calling the add_instance() method of the assignment type class
return: int The instance id of the new assignment
param: stdClass $data
param: mod_assign_mod_form $form

assign_delete_instance($id)   X-Ref
delete an assignment instance

return: bool
param: int $id

assign_reset_userdata($data)   X-Ref
This function is used by the reset_course_userdata function in moodlelib.
This function will remove all assignment submissions and feedbacks in the database
and clean up any related data.

return: array
param: stdClass $data the data submitted from the reset course.

assign_refresh_events($courseid = 0, $instance = null, $cm = null)   X-Ref
This standard function will check all instances of this module
and make sure there are up-to-date events created for each of them.
If courseid = 0, then every assignment event in the site is checked, else
only assignment events belonging to the course specified are checked.

return: bool
param: int $courseid
param: int|stdClass $instance Assign module instance or ID.
param: int|stdClass $cm Course module object or ID (not used in this module).

assign_prepare_update_events($assign, $course = null, $cm = null)   X-Ref
This actually updates the normal and completion calendar events.

param: stdClass $assign Assignment object (from DB).
param: stdClass $course Course object.
param: stdClass $cm Course module object.

assign_reset_gradebook($courseid, $type='')   X-Ref
Removes all grades from gradebook

param: int $courseid The ID of the course to reset
param: string $type Optional type of assignment to limit the reset to a particular assignment type

assign_reset_course_form_definition(&$mform)   X-Ref
Implementation of the function for printing the form elements that control
whether the course reset functionality affects the assignment.

param: moodleform $mform form passed by reference

assign_reset_course_form_defaults($course)   X-Ref
Course reset form defaults.

return: array
param: object $course

assign_update_instance(stdClass $data, $form)   X-Ref
Update an assignment instance

This is done by calling the update_instance() method of the assignment type class
return: object
param: stdClass $data
param: stdClass $form - unused

assign_update_events($assign, $override = null)   X-Ref
This function updates the events associated to the assign.
If $override is non-zero, then it updates only the events
associated with the specified override.

param: assign $assign the assign object.
param: object $override (optional) limit to a specific override

assign_supports($feature)   X-Ref
Return the list if Moodle features this module supports

return: mixed True if module supports feature, false if not, null if doesn't know or string for the module purpose.
param: string $feature FEATURE_xx constant for requested feature

assign_extend_settings_navigation(settings_navigation $settings, navigation_node $navref)   X-Ref
extend an assigment navigation settings

return: void
param: settings_navigation $settings
param: navigation_node $navref

assign_get_coursemodule_info($coursemodule)   X-Ref
Add a get_coursemodule_info function in case any assignment type wants to add 'extra' information
for the course (see resource).

Given a course_module object, this function returns any "extra" information that may be needed
when printing this activity in a course listing.  See get_array_of_activities() in course/lib.php.

return: cached_cm_info An object on information that the courses
param: stdClass $coursemodule The coursemodule object (record).

mod_assign_cm_info_dynamic(cm_info $cm)   X-Ref
Sets dynamic information about a course module

This function is called from cm_info when displaying the module

param: cm_info $cm

mod_assign_get_completion_active_rule_descriptions($cm)   X-Ref
Callback which returns human-readable strings describing the active completion custom rules for the module instance.

return: array $descriptions the array of descriptions for the custom rules.
param: cm_info|stdClass $cm object with fields ->completion and ->customdata['customcompletionrules']

assign_page_type_list($pagetype, $parentcontext, $currentcontext)   X-Ref
Return a list of page types

param: string $pagetype current page type
param: stdClass $parentcontext Block's parent context
param: stdClass $currentcontext Current context of block

assign_print_overview()   X-Ref

assign_get_mysubmission_details_for_print_overview()   X-Ref

assign_get_grade_details_for_print_overview()   X-Ref

assign_print_recent_activity($course, $viewfullnames, $timestart)   X-Ref
Print recent activity from all assignments in a given course

This is used by the recent activity block
return: bool true if activity was printed, false otherwise.
param: mixed $course the course to print activity for
param: bool $viewfullnames boolean to determine whether to show full names or not
param: int $timestart the time the rendering started

assign_get_recent_mod_activity(&$activities,&$index,$timestart,$courseid,$cmid,$userid=0,$groupid=0)   X-Ref
Returns all assignments since a given time.

return: void
param: array $activities The activity information is returned in this array
param: int $index The current index in the activities array
param: int $timestart The earliest activity to show
param: int $courseid Limit the search to this course
param: int $cmid The course module id
param: int $userid Optional user id
param: int $groupid Optional group id

assign_print_recent_mod_activity($activity, $courseid, $detail, $modnames)   X-Ref
Print recent activity from all assignments in a given course

This is used by course/recent.php
param: stdClass $activity
param: int $courseid
param: bool $detail
param: array $modnames

assign_scale_used()   X-Ref

assign_scale_used_anywhere($scaleid)   X-Ref
Checks if scale is being used by any instance of assignment

This is used to find out if scale used anywhere
return: boolean True if the scale is used by any assignment
param: int $scaleid

assign_get_view_actions()   X-Ref
List the actions that correspond to a view of this module.
This is used by the participation report.

Note: This is not used by new logging system. Event with
crud = 'r' and edulevel = LEVEL_PARTICIPATING will
be considered as view action.

return: array

assign_get_post_actions()   X-Ref
List the actions that correspond to a post of this module.
This is used by the participation report.

Note: This is not used by new logging system. Event with
crud = ('c' || 'u' || 'd') and edulevel = LEVEL_PARTICIPATING
will be considered as post action.

return: array

assign_get_extra_capabilities()   X-Ref
Returns all other capabilities used by this module.

return: array Array of capability strings

assign_grade_item_update($assign, $grades=null)   X-Ref
Create grade item for given assignment.

return: int 0 if ok, error code otherwise
param: stdClass $assign record with extra cmidnumber
param: array $grades optional array/object of grade(s); 'reset' means reset grades in gradebook

assign_get_user_grades($assign, $userid=0)   X-Ref
Return grade for given user or all users.

return: array array of grades, false if none
param: stdClass $assign record of assign with an additional cmidnumber
param: int $userid optional user id, 0 means all users

assign_update_grades($assign, $userid=0, $nullifnone=true)   X-Ref
Update activity grades.

param: stdClass $assign database record
param: int $userid specific user only, 0 means all
param: bool $nullifnone - not used

assign_get_file_areas($course, $cm, $context)   X-Ref
List the file areas that can be browsed.

return: array
param: stdClass $course
param: stdClass $cm
param: stdClass $context

assign_get_file_info($browser,$areas,$course,$cm,$context,$filearea,$itemid,$filepath,$filename)   X-Ref
File browsing support for assign module.

return: object file_info instance or null if not found
param: file_browser $browser
param: object $areas
param: object $course
param: object $cm
param: object $context
param: string $filearea
param: int $itemid
param: string $filepath
param: string $filename

assign_user_complete($course, $user, $coursemodule, $assign)   X-Ref
Prints the complete info about a user's interaction with an assignment.

param: stdClass $course
param: stdClass $user
param: stdClass $coursemodule
param: stdClass $assign the database assign record

assign_rescale_activity_grades($course, $cm, $oldmin, $oldmax, $newmin, $newmax)   X-Ref
Rescale all grades for this activity and push the new grades to the gradebook.

param: stdClass $course Course db record
param: stdClass $cm Course module db record
param: float $oldmin
param: float $oldmax
param: float $newmin
param: float $newmax

assign_user_outline($course, $user, $coursemodule, $assignment)   X-Ref
Print the grade information for the assignment for this user.

param: stdClass $course
param: stdClass $user
param: stdClass $coursemodule
param: stdClass $assignment

assign_pluginfile($course,$cm,context $context,$filearea,$args,$forcedownload,array $options=array()   X-Ref
Serves intro attachment files.

return: bool false if file not found, does not return if found - just send the file
param: mixed $course course or id of the course
param: mixed $cm course module or id of the course module
param: context $context
param: string $filearea
param: array $args
param: bool $forcedownload
param: array $options additional options affecting the file serving

mod_assign_output_fragment_gradingpanel($args)   X-Ref
Serve the grading panel as a fragment.

return: string
param: array $args List of named arguments for the fragment loader.

assign_check_updates_since(cm_info $cm, $from, $filter = array()   X-Ref
Check if the module has any update that affects the current user since a given time.

return: stdClass an object with the different type of areas indicating if they were updated or not
param: cm_info $cm course module data
param: int $from the time to check updates from
param: array $filter  if we need to check only specific updates

mod_assign_core_calendar_is_event_visible(calendar_event $event, $userid = 0)   X-Ref
Is the event visible?

This is used to determine global visibility of an event in all places throughout Moodle. For example,
the ASSIGN_EVENT_TYPE_GRADINGDUE event will not be shown to students on their calendar.

return: bool Returns true if the event is visible to the current user, false otherwise.
param: calendar_event $event
param: int $userid User id to use for all capability checks, etc. Set to 0 for current user (default).

mod_assign_core_calendar_provide_event_action(calendar_event $event,\core_calendar\action_factory $factory,$userid = 0)   X-Ref
This function receives a calendar event and returns the action associated with it, or null if there is none.

This is used by block_myoverview in order to display the event appropriately. If null is returned then the event
is not displayed on the block.

return: \core_calendar\local\event\entities\action_interface|null
param: calendar_event $event
param: \core_calendar\action_factory $factory
param: int $userid User id to use for all capability checks, etc. Set to 0 for current user (default).

mod_assign_core_calendar_event_action_shows_item_count(calendar_event $event, $itemcount = 0)   X-Ref
Callback function that determines whether an action event should be showing its item count
based on the event type and the item count.

return: bool
param: calendar_event $event The calendar event.
param: int $itemcount The item count associated with the action event.

mod_assign_core_calendar_get_valid_event_timestart_range(\calendar_event $event, \stdClass $instance)   X-Ref
This function calculates the minimum and maximum cutoff values for the timestart of
the given event.

It will return an array with two values, the first being the minimum cutoff value and
the second being the maximum cutoff value. Either or both values can be null, which
indicates there is no minimum or maximum, respectively.

If a cutoff is required then the function must return an array containing the cutoff
timestamp and error string to display to the user if the cutoff value is violated.

A minimum and maximum cutoff return value will look like:
[1505704373, 'The due date must be after the sbumission start date'],
[1506741172, 'The due date must be before the cutoff date']

If the event does not have a valid timestart range then [false, false] will
be returned.

return: array
param: calendar_event $event The calendar event to get the time range for
param: stdClass $instance The module instance to get the range from

mod_assign_core_calendar_event_timestart_updated(\calendar_event $event, \stdClass $instance)   X-Ref
This function will update the assign module according to the
event that has been modified.

param: \calendar_event $event
param: stdClass $instance The module instance to get the range from

mod_assign_user_preferences()   X-Ref
Return a list of all the user preferences used by mod_assign.

return: array

mod_assign_get_path_from_pluginfile(string $filearea, array $args)   X-Ref
Given an array with a file path, it returns the itemid and the filepath for the defined filearea.

return: array The itemid and the filepath inside the $args path, for the defined filearea.
param: string $filearea The filearea.
param: array  $args The path (the part after the filearea and before the filename).

mod_assign_core_calendar_get_event_action_string(string $eventtype)   X-Ref
Callback to fetch the activity event type lang string.

return: lang_string The event type lang string.
param: string $eventtype The event type.