Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

namespace mod_bigbluebuttonbn;

use cm_info;
use context;
use context_course;
use context_module;
use mod_bigbluebuttonbn\local\config;
use mod_bigbluebuttonbn\local\helpers\files;
use mod_bigbluebuttonbn\local\helpers\roles;
use mod_bigbluebuttonbn\local\proxy\bigbluebutton_proxy;
use moodle_url;
use stdClass;

 * Instance record for mod_bigbluebuttonbn.
 * @package   mod_bigbluebuttonbn
 * @copyright 2021 Andrew Lyons <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class instance {

    /** @var int Defines an instance type that includes room and recordings */
    public const TYPE_ALL = 0;

    /** @var int Defines an instance type that includes only room */
    public const TYPE_ROOM_ONLY = 1;

    /** @var int Defines an instance type that includes only recordings */
    public const TYPE_RECORDING_ONLY = 2;

    /** @var cm_info The cm_info object relating to the instance */
    protected $cm;

    /** @var stdClass The course that the instance is in */
    protected $course;

    /** @var stdClass The instance data for the instance */
    protected $instancedata;

    /** @var context The current context */
    protected $context;

    /** @var array The list of participants */
    protected $participantlist;

    /** @var int The current groupid if set */
    protected $groupid;

     * instance constructor.
     * @param cm_info $cm
     * @param stdClass $course
     * @param stdClass $instancedata
     * @param int|null $groupid
    public function __construct(cm_info $cm, stdClass $course, stdClass $instancedata, ?int $groupid = null) {
        $this->cm = $cm;
        $this->course = $course;
        $this->instancedata = $instancedata;
        $this->groupid = $groupid;

     * Get a group instance of the specified instance.
     * @param self $originalinstance
     * @param int $groupid
     * @return null|self
    public static function get_group_instance_from_instance(self $originalinstance, int $groupid): ?self {
        return new self(

     * Get the instance information from an instance id.
     * @param int $instanceid The id from the bigbluebuttonbn table
     * @return null|self
    public static function get_from_instanceid(int $instanceid): ?self {
        global $DB;

        $coursetable = new \core\dml\table('course', 'c', 'c');
        $courseselect = $coursetable->get_field_select();
        $coursefrom = $coursetable->get_from_sql();

        $cmtable = new \core\dml\table('course_modules', 'cm', 'cm');
        $cmfrom = $cmtable->get_from_sql();

        $bbbtable = new \core\dml\table('bigbluebuttonbn', 'bbb', 'b');
        $bbbselect = $bbbtable->get_field_select();
        $bbbfrom = $bbbtable->get_from_sql();

        $sql = <<<EOF
    SELECT {$courseselect}, {$bbbselect}
      FROM {$cmfrom}
INNER JOIN {$coursefrom} ON = cm.course
INNER JOIN {modules} m ON = cm.module AND = :modname
INNER JOIN {$bbbfrom} ON cm.instance =
     WHERE = :instanceid

        $result = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, [
            'modname' => 'bigbluebuttonbn',
            'instanceid' => $instanceid,

        if (empty($result)) {
            return null;

        $course = $coursetable->extract_from_result($result);
        $instancedata = $bbbtable->extract_from_result($result);
        $cm = get_fast_modinfo($course)->instances['bigbluebuttonbn'][$instancedata->id];

        return new self($cm, $course, $instancedata);

     * Get the instance information from a cmid.
     * @param int $cmid
     * @return null|self
    public static function get_from_cmid(int $cmid): ?self {
        global $DB;

        $coursetable = new \core\dml\table('course', 'c', 'c');
        $courseselect = $coursetable->get_field_select();
        $coursefrom = $coursetable->get_from_sql();

        $cmtable = new \core\dml\table('course_modules', 'cm', 'cm');
        $cmfrom = $cmtable->get_from_sql();

        $bbbtable = new \core\dml\table('bigbluebuttonbn', 'bbb', 'b');
        $bbbselect = $bbbtable->get_field_select();
        $bbbfrom = $bbbtable->get_from_sql();

        $sql = <<<EOF
    SELECT {$courseselect}, {$bbbselect}
      FROM {$cmfrom}
INNER JOIN {$coursefrom} ON = cm.course
INNER JOIN {modules} m ON = cm.module AND = :modname
INNER JOIN {$bbbfrom} ON cm.instance =
     WHERE = :cmid

        $result = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, [
            'modname' => 'bigbluebuttonbn',
            'cmid' => $cmid,

        if (empty($result)) {
            return null;

        $course = $coursetable->extract_from_result($result);
        $instancedata = $bbbtable->extract_from_result($result);
        $cm = get_fast_modinfo($course)->get_cm($cmid);

        return new self($cm, $course, $instancedata);

     * Get the instance information from a meetingid.
     * If a group is specified in the meetingid then this will also be set.
     * @param string $meetingid
     * @return null|self
    public static function get_from_meetingid(string $meetingid): ?self {
        $matches = self::parse_meetingid($meetingid);

        $instance = self::get_from_instanceid($matches['instanceid']);

        if ($instance && array_key_exists('groupid', $matches)) {

        return $instance;

     * Parse a meetingID for key data.
     * @param string $meetingid
     * @return array
     * @throws \moodle_exception
    public static function parse_meetingid(string $meetingid): array {
        $result = preg_match(

        if ($result !== 1) {
            throw new \moodle_exception("The supplied meeting id '{$meetingid}' is invalid found.");

        return $matches;

     * Get all instances in the specified course.
     * @param int $courseid
     * @return self[]
    public static function get_all_instances_in_course(int $courseid): array {
        global $DB;

        $coursetable = new \core\dml\table('course', 'c', 'c');
        $courseselect = $coursetable->get_field_select();
        $coursefrom = $coursetable->get_from_sql();

        $cmtable = new \core\dml\table('course_modules', 'cm', 'cm');
        $cmfrom = $cmtable->get_from_sql();

        $bbbtable = new \core\dml\table('bigbluebuttonbn', 'bbb', 'b');
        $bbbselect = $bbbtable->get_field_select();
        $bbbfrom = $bbbtable->get_from_sql();

        $sql = <<<EOF
    SELECT as cmid, {$courseselect}, {$bbbselect}
      FROM {$cmfrom}
INNER JOIN {$coursefrom} ON = cm.course
INNER JOIN {modules} m ON = cm.module AND = :modname
INNER JOIN {$bbbfrom} ON cm.instance =
     WHERE cm.course = :courseid

        $results = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, [
            'modname' => 'bigbluebuttonbn',
            'courseid' => $courseid,

        $instances = [];
        foreach ($results as $result) {
            $course = $coursetable->extract_from_result($result);
            $instancedata = $bbbtable->extract_from_result($result);
            $cm = get_fast_modinfo($course)->get_cm($result->cmid);
            $instances[$cm->id] = new self($cm, $course, $instancedata);

        return $instances;

     * Set the current group id of the activity.
     * @param int $groupid
    public function set_group_id(int $groupid): void {
        $this->groupid = $groupid;

     * Get the current groupid if set.
     * @return int
    public function get_group_id(): int {
        return empty($this->groupid) ? 0 : $this->groupid;

     * Check whether this instance is configured to use a group.
     * @return bool
    public function uses_groups(): bool {
        $groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($this->get_cm());
        return $groupmode != NOGROUPS;

     * Get the group name for the current group, if a group has been set.
     * @return null|string
    public function get_group_name(): ?string {
        $groupid = $this->get_group_id();

        if (!$this->uses_groups()) {
            return null;

        if ($groupid == 0) {
            return get_string('allparticipants');

        return format_string(groups_get_group_name($groupid), true, ['context' => $this->get_context()]);

     * Get the course object for the instance.
     * @return stdClass
    public function get_course(): stdClass {
        return $this->course;

     * Get the course id of the course that the instance is in.
     * @return int
    public function get_course_id(): int {
        return $this->course->id;

     * Get the cm_info object for the instance.
     * @return cm_info
    public function get_cm(): cm_info {
        return $this->cm;

     * Get the id of the course module.
     * @return int
    public function get_cm_id(): int {
        return $this->get_cm()->id;

     * Get the context.
     * @return context_module
    public function get_context(): context_module {
        if ($this->context === null) {
            $this->context = context_module::instance($this->get_cm()->id);

        return $this->context;

     * Get the context ID of the module context.
     * @return int
    public function get_context_id(): int {
        return $this->get_context()->id;

     * Get the course context.
     * @return context_course
    public function get_course_context(): context_course {
        return $this->get_context()->get_course_context();

     * Get the big blue button instance data.
     * @return stdClass
    public function get_instance_data(): stdClass {
        return $this->instancedata;

     * Get the instance id.
     * @return int
    public function get_instance_id(): int {
        return $this->instancedata->id;

     * Helper to get an instance var.
     * @param string $name
     * @return mixed|null
    public function get_instance_var(string $name) {
        $instance = $this->get_instance_data();
        if (property_exists($instance, $name)) {
            return $instance->{$name};

        return null;

     * Get the meeting id for this meeting.
     * @param null|int $groupid
     * @return string
    public function get_meeting_id(?int $groupid = null): string {
        $baseid = sprintf(

        if ($groupid === null) {
            $groupid = $this->get_group_id();

        return sprintf('%s[%s]', $baseid, $groupid);

     * Get the name of the meeting, considering any group if set.
     * @return string
    public function get_meeting_name(): string {
        $meetingname = $this->get_instance_var('name');

        $groupname = $this->get_group_name();
        if ($groupname !== null) {
            $meetingname .= " ({$groupname})";

        return $meetingname;

     * Get the meeting description with the pluginfile URLs optionally rewritten.
     * @param bool $rewritepluginfileurls
     * @return string
    public function get_meeting_description(bool $rewritepluginfileurls = false): string {
        $description = $this->get_instance_var('intro');

        if ($rewritepluginfileurls) {
            $description = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls(

        return $description;

     * Get the meeting type if set.
     * @return null|string
    public function get_type(): ?string {
        return $this->get_instance_var('type');

     * Whether this instance is includes both a room, and recordings.
     * @return bool
    public function is_type_room_and_recordings(): bool {
        return $this->get_type() == self::TYPE_ALL;

     * Whether this instance is one that only includes a room.
     * @return bool
    public function is_type_room_only(): bool {
        return $this->get_type() == self::TYPE_ROOM_ONLY;

     * Whether this instance is one that only includes recordings.
     * @return bool
    public function is_type_recordings_only(): bool {
        return $this->get_type() == self::TYPE_RECORDING_ONLY;

     * Get the participant list for the session.
     * @return array
    public function get_participant_list(): array {
        if ($this->participantlist === null) {
            $this->participantlist = roles::get_participant_list(

        return $this->participantlist;

     * Get the user.
     * @return stdClass
    public function get_user(): stdClass {
        global $USER;
return $USER; } /** * Get the id of the user. * * @return int */ public function get_user_id(): int { $user = $this->get_user();
< < return $user->id;
> return $user->id ?? 0;
} /** * Get the fullname of the current user. * * @return string */ public function get_user_fullname(): string { $user = $this->get_user();
return fullname($user); } /** * Whether the current user is an administrator. * * @return bool */ public function is_admin(): bool { global $USER; return is_siteadmin($USER->id); } /** * Whether the user is a session moderator. * * @return bool */ public function is_moderator(): bool { return roles::is_moderator( $this->get_context(), $this->get_participant_list() ); } /** * Whether this user can join the conference. * * This checks the user right for access against capabilities and group membership * * @return bool */ public function can_join(): bool { $groupid = $this->get_group_id(); $context = $this->get_context(); $inrightgroup = groups_group_visible($groupid, $this->get_course(), $this->get_cm()); $hascapability = has_capability('moodle/category:manage', $context) || (has_capability('mod/bigbluebuttonbn:join', $context) && $inrightgroup); $canjoin = $this->get_type() != self::TYPE_RECORDING_ONLY && $hascapability; // Recording only cannot be joined ever. return $canjoin; } /** * Whether this user can manage recordings. * * @return bool */ public function can_manage_recordings(): bool { // Note: This will include site administrators. // The has_capability() function returns truthy for admins unless otherwise directed. return has_capability('mod/bigbluebuttonbn:managerecordings', $this->get_context()); } /** * Whether this user can publish/unpublish/protect/unprotect/delete recordings. * * @param string $action * @return bool */ public function can_perform_on_recordings($action): bool { // Note: This will include site administrators. // The has_capability() function returns truthy for admins unless otherwise directed. return has_capability("mod/bigbluebuttonbn:{$action}recordings", $this->get_context()); } /** * Get the configured user limit. * * @return int */ public function get_user_limit(): int { if ((boolean) config::get('userlimit_editable')) { return intval($this->get_instance_var('userlimit')); } return intval((int) config::get('userlimit_default')); } /** * Check whether the user limit has been reached. * * @param int $currentusercount The user count to check * @return bool */ public function has_user_limit_been_reached(int $currentusercount): bool { $userlimit = $this->get_user_limit(); if (empty($userlimit)) { return false; } return $currentusercount >= $userlimit; } /** * Check whether the current user counts towards the user limit. * * @return bool */ public function does_current_user_count_towards_user_limit(): bool { if ($this->is_admin()) { return false; } if ($this->is_moderator()) { return false; } return true; } /** * Get the voice bridge details. * * @return null|int */ public function get_voice_bridge(): ?int { $voicebridge = (int) $this->get_instance_var('voicebridge'); if ($voicebridge > 0) { return 70000 + $voicebridge; } return null; } /** * Whether participants are muted on entry. * * @return bool */ public function get_mute_on_start(): bool { return $this->get_instance_var('muteonstart'); } /** * Get the moderator password. * * @return string */ public function get_moderator_password(): string { return $this->get_instance_var('moderatorpass'); } /** * Get the viewer password. * * @return string */ public function get_viewer_password(): string { return $this->get_instance_var('viewerpass'); } /** * Get the appropriate password for the current user. * * @return string */ public function get_current_user_password(): string { if ($this->is_admin() || $this->is_moderator()) { return $this->get_moderator_password(); } return $this->get_viewer_password(); } /** * Get the appropriate designated role for the current user. * * @return string */ public function get_current_user_role(): string { if ($this->is_admin() || $this->is_moderator()) { return 'MODERATOR'; } return 'VIEWER'; } /** * Whether to show the recording button * * @return bool */ public function should_show_recording_button(): bool { global $CFG; if (!empty($CFG->bigbluebuttonbn_recording_hide_button_editable)) { $recordhidebutton = (bool) $this->get_instance_var('recordhidebutton'); $recordallfromstart = (bool) $this->get_instance_var('recordallfromstart'); return !($recordhidebutton || $recordallfromstart); } return !$CFG->bigbluebuttonbn_recording_hide_button_default; } /** * Whether this instance is recorded. * * @return bool */ public function is_recorded(): bool { return (bool) $this->get_instance_var('record'); } /**
> * Moderator approval required ? * Whether this instance can import recordings from another instance. > * * > * By default we leave it as false as "ALWAYS_ACCEPT" is the default value for * @return bool > * the guestPolicy create parameter ( */ > * @return bool public function can_import_recordings(): bool { > */ if (!config::get('importrecordings_enabled')) { > public function is_moderator_approval_required(): bool { return false; > return $this->get_instance_var('mustapproveuser') ?? false; } > } if ($this->can_manage_recordings()) { > /**
< if ($this->can_manage_recordings()) { < return true;
> if (!$this->can_manage_recordings()) { > return false;
return $this->is_feature_enabled('importrecordings'); } /** * Get recordings_imported from instancedata. * * @return bool */ public function get_recordings_imported(): bool { if (config::get('recordings_imported_editable')) { return (bool) $this->get_instance_var('recordings_imported'); } return config::get('recordings_imported_default'); } /** * Whether this instance is recorded from the start. * * @return bool */ public function should_record_from_start(): bool { if (!$this->is_recorded()) { // This meeting is not recorded. return false; } return (bool) $this->get_instance_var('recordallfromstart'); } /** * Whether recording can be started and stopped. * * @return bool */ public function allow_recording_start_stop(): bool { if (!$this->is_recorded()) { // If the meeting is not configured for recordings, do not allow it to be recorded. return false; } return $this->should_show_recording_button(); } /** * Get the welcome message to display. * * @return string */ public function get_welcome_message(): string { $welcomestring = $this->get_instance_var('welcome'); if (!config::get('welcome_editable') || empty($welcomestring)) { $welcomestring = config::get('welcome_default'); } if (empty($welcomestring)) { $welcomestring = get_string('mod_form_field_welcome_default', 'bigbluebuttonbn'); } $welcome = [$welcomestring]; if ($this->is_recorded()) { if ($this->should_record_from_start()) { $welcome[] = get_string('bbbrecordallfromstartwarning', 'bigbluebuttonbn'); } else { $welcome[] = get_string('bbbrecordwarning', 'bigbluebuttonbn'); } } return implode('<br><br>', $welcome); } /** * Get the presentation data for internal use. * * The URL returned for the presentation will be accessible through moodle with checks about user being logged in. * * @return array|null */ public function get_presentation(): ?array { return $this->do_get_presentation_with_nonce(false); } /** * Get the presentation data for external API url. * * The URL returned for the presentation will be accessible publicly but once and with a specific URL. * * @return array|null */ public function get_presentation_for_bigbluebutton_upload(): ?array { return $this->do_get_presentation_with_nonce(true); } /** * Generate Presentation URL. * * @param bool $withnonce The generated url will have a nonce included * @return array|null */ protected function do_get_presentation_with_nonce(bool $withnonce): ?array { if ($this->has_ended()) { return files::get_presentation( $this->get_context(), $this->get_instance_var('presentation'), null, $withnonce ); } else if ($this->is_currently_open()) { return files::get_presentation( $this->get_context(), $this->get_instance_var('presentation'), $this->get_instance_id(), $withnonce ); } else { return []; } } /** * Whether the current time is before the scheduled start time. * * @return bool */ public function before_start_time(): bool { $openingtime = $this->get_instance_var('openingtime'); if (empty($openingtime)) { return false; } return $openingtime >= time(); } /** * Whether the meeting time has passed. * * @return bool */ public function has_ended(): bool { $closingtime = $this->get_instance_var('closingtime'); if (empty($closingtime)) { return false; } return $closingtime < time(); } /** * Whether this session is currently open. * * @return bool */ public function is_currently_open(): bool { if ($this->before_start_time()) { return false; } if ($this->has_ended()) { return false; } return true; } /** * Whether the user must wait to join the session. * * @return bool */ public function user_must_wait_to_join(): bool { if ($this->is_admin() || $this->is_moderator()) { return false; } return (bool) $this->get_instance_var('wait'); } /** * Whether the user can force join in all cases * * @return bool */ public function user_can_force_join(): bool { return $this->is_admin() || $this->is_moderator(); } /** * Whether the user can end a meeting * * @return bool */ public function user_can_end_meeting(): bool { return $this->is_admin() || $this->is_moderator(); } /** * Get information about the origin. * * @return stdClass */ public function get_origin_data(): stdClass { global $CFG; $parsedurl = parse_url($CFG->wwwroot); return (object) [ 'origin' => 'Moodle', 'originVersion' => $CFG->release, 'originServerName' => $parsedurl['host'], 'originServerUrl' => $CFG->wwwroot, 'originServerCommonName' => '', 'originTag' => sprintf('moodle-mod_bigbluebuttonbn (%s)', get_config('mod_bigbluebuttonbn', 'version')), ]; } /** * Whether this is a server belonging to blindside networks. * * @return bool */ public function is_blindside_network_server(): bool { return bigbluebutton_proxy::is_bn_server(); } /** * Get the URL used to access the course that the instance is in. * * @return moodle_url */ public function get_course_url(): moodle_url { return new moodle_url('/course/view.php', ['id' => $this->get_course_id()]); } /** * Get the URL used to view the instance as a user. * * @return moodle_url */ public function get_view_url(): moodle_url { return new moodle_url('/mod/bigbluebuttonbn/view.php', [ 'id' => $this->cm->id, ]); } /** * Get the logout URL used to log out of the meeting. * * @return moodle_url */ public function get_logout_url(): moodle_url { return new moodle_url('/mod/bigbluebuttonbn/bbb_view.php', [ 'action' => 'logout', 'id' => $this->cm->id,
> 'courseid' => $this->cm->course // Used to find the course if ever the activity is deleted ]); > // while the meeting is running.
} /** * Get the URL that the remote server will use to notify that the recording is ready. * * @return moodle_url */ public function get_record_ready_url(): moodle_url { return new moodle_url('/mod/bigbluebuttonbn/bbb_broker.php', [ 'action' => 'recording_ready', 'bigbluebuttonbn' => $this->instancedata->id, ]); } /** * Get the URL that the remote server will use to notify of meeting events. * * @return moodle_url */ public function get_meeting_event_notification_url(): moodle_url { return new moodle_url('/mod/bigbluebuttonbn/bbb_broker.php', [ 'action' => 'meeting_events', 'bigbluebuttonbn' => $this->instancedata->id, ]); } /** * Get the URL used to join a meeting. * * @return moodle_url */ public function get_join_url(): moodle_url { return new moodle_url('/mod/bigbluebuttonbn/bbb_view.php', [ 'action' => 'join', 'id' => $this->cm->id, 'bn' => $this->instancedata->id, ]); } /** * Get the URL used for the import page. * * @return moodle_url */ public function get_import_url(): moodle_url { return new moodle_url('/mod/bigbluebuttonbn/import_view.php', [ 'destbn' => $this->instancedata->id, ]); } /** * Get the list of enabled features for this instance. * * @return array */ public function get_enabled_features(): array { return config::get_enabled_features( bigbluebutton_proxy::get_instance_type_profiles(), $this->get_instance_var('type') ?? null ); } /** * Check whetherthe named features is enabled. * * @param string $feature * @return bool */ public function is_feature_enabled(string $feature): bool { $features = $this->get_enabled_features(); return !empty($features[$feature]); } /** * Check if meeting is recorded. * * @return bool */ public function should_record() { return (boolean) config::recordings_enabled() && $this->is_recorded(); } /** * Get recordings for this instance * * @param string[] $excludedid * @param bool $viewdeleted view deleted recordings ? * @return recording[] */ public function get_recordings(array $excludedid = [], bool $viewdeleted = false): array { // Fetch the list of recordings depending on the status of the instance. // show room is enabled for TYPE_ALL and TYPE_ROOM_ONLY. if ($this->is_feature_enabled('showroom')) { // Not in the import page. return recording::get_recordings_for_instance( $this, $this->is_feature_enabled('importrecordings'), $this->get_instance_var('recordings_imported'), ); } // We show all recording from this course as this is TYPE_RECORDING. return recording::get_recordings_for_course( $this->get_course_id(), $excludedid, $this->is_feature_enabled('importrecordings'), false, $viewdeleted ); } /** * Check if this is a valid group for this user/instance, * * * @param stdClass $user * @param int $groupid * @return bool */ public function user_has_group_access($user, $groupid) { $cm = $this->get_cm(); $context = $this->get_context(); // Then validate group. $groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm); if ($groupmode && $groupid) { $accessallgroups = has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context); if ($accessallgroups || $groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS) { $allowedgroups = groups_get_all_groups($cm->course, 0, $cm->groupingid); } else { $allowedgroups = groups_get_all_groups($cm->course, $user->id, $cm->groupingid); } if (!array_key_exists($groupid, $allowedgroups)) { return false; } if (!groups_group_visible($groupid, $this->get_course(), $this->get_cm())) { return false; } } return true;
> } } > } > /** > * Get current guest link url > * > * @return moodle_url > */ > public function get_guest_access_url(): moodle_url { > $guestlinkuid = $this->get_instance_var('guestlinkuid'); > if (empty($guestlinkuid)) { > $this->generate_guest_credentials(); > $guestlinkuid = $this->get_instance_var('guestlinkuid'); > } > return new moodle_url('/mod/bigbluebuttonbn/guest.php', ['uid' => $guestlinkuid]); > } > > /** > * Is guest access allowed in this instance. > * > * @return bool > */ > public function is_guest_allowed(): bool { > return !$this->is_type_recordings_only() && > config::get('guestaccess_enabled') && $this->get_instance_var('guestallowed'); > } > > /** > * Get current meeting password > * > * @return string > */ > public function get_guest_access_password() : string { > $guestpassword = $this->get_instance_var('guestpassword'); > if (empty($guestpassword)) { > $this->generate_guest_credentials(); > $guestpassword = $this->get_instance_var('guestpassword'); > } > return $guestpassword; > } > > /** > * Generate credentials for this instance and persist the value in the database > * > * @return void > */ > private function generate_guest_credentials():void { > global $DB; > [$this->instancedata->guestlinkuid, $this->instancedata->guestpassword] = > \mod_bigbluebuttonbn\plugin::generate_guest_meeting_credentials(); > $DB->update_record('bigbluebuttonbn', $this->instancedata); > } > > /** > * Is this meeting configured to display avatars of the users ? > * > * Note: this is for now a global setting. > * > * @return bool > */ > public function is_profile_picture_enabled(): bool { > return (bool) config::get('profile_picture_enabled');