Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.
// This file is part of Moodle -
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// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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namespace mod_data\form;

use context;
> use core\notification;
use moodle_exception; use moodle_url; use core_form\dynamic_form;
> use mod_data\manager; > use mod_data\preset;
/** * Save database as preset form. * * @package mod_data * @copyright 2021 Mihail Geshoski <> * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class save_as_preset extends dynamic_form { /** * Form definition */ protected function definition() { $this->_form->addElement('hidden', 'd'); $this->_form->setType('d', PARAM_INT);
< $this->_form->addElement('hidden', 'action', 'save2');
> $this->_form->addElement('hidden', 'action', 'save');
$this->_form->setType('action', PARAM_ALPHANUM);
> $this->_form->addElement('hidden', 'oldpresetname', ''); $this->_form->addElement('text', 'name', get_string('name'), ['size' => 60]); > $this->_form->setType('oldpresetname', PARAM_FILE); $this->_form->setType('name', PARAM_FILE); >
$this->_form->addRule('name', null, 'required');
< $this->_form->addElement('checkbox', 'overwrite', '', get_string('overrwritedesc', 'data'));
> > // Overwrite checkbox will be hidden by default. It will only appear if there is an error when saving the preset. > $this->_form->addElement('checkbox', 'overwrite', '', get_string('overrwritedesc', 'data'), ['class' => 'hidden']); > > $this->_form->addElement('textarea', 'description', get_string('description'), ['rows' => 5, 'cols' => 60]); > $this->_form->setType('name', PARAM_TEXT);
} /** * Return form context * * @return context */ protected function get_context_for_dynamic_submission(): context { global $DB; $d = $this->optional_param('d', null, PARAM_INT); $data = $DB->get_record('data', array('id' => $d), '*', MUST_EXIST); $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $data->course), '*', MUST_EXIST); $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('data', $data->id, $course->id, null, MUST_EXIST); return \context_module::instance($cm->id, MUST_EXIST); } /** * Perform some validation. * * @param array $formdata * @param array $files * @return array */ public function validation($formdata, $files): array { $errors = parent::validation($formdata, $files); $context = $this->get_context_for_dynamic_submission();
> $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('', $context->instanceid, 0, false, MUST_EXIST); > $manager = manager::create_from_coursemodule($cm);
if (!empty($formdata['overwrite'])) {
< $presets = data_get_available_presets($context);
> $presets = $manager->get_available_presets();
$selectedpreset = new \stdClass(); foreach ($presets as $preset) { if ($preset->name == $formdata['name']) { $selectedpreset = $preset; break; } }
< if (isset($selectedpreset->name) && !data_user_can_delete_preset($context, $selectedpreset)) {
> if (!$selectedpreset instanceof preset || !$selectedpreset->can_manage()) {
$errors['name'] = get_string('cannotoverwritepreset', 'data'); }
< } else { < // If the preset exists now then we need to throw an error. < $sitepresets = data_get_available_site_presets($context);
> } else if ($formdata['action'] == 'saveaspreset' || $formdata['oldpresetname'] != $formdata['name']) { > > // If the preset exists when a new preset is saved or name has changed, then we need to throw an error. > $sitepresets = $manager->get_available_saved_presets(); > $usercandelete = false;
foreach ($sitepresets as $preset) { if ($formdata['name'] == $preset->name) {
> if ($preset->can_manage()) {
$errors['name'] = get_string('errorpresetexists', 'data');
> $usercandelete = true; } > } else { } > $errors['name'] = get_string('errorpresetexistsbutnotoverwrite', 'data');
> break; > } return $errors; > } } > // If there are some errors, the checkbox should be displayed, to let users overwrite the preset. > if (!empty($errors) && $usercandelete) { /** > $this->_form->getElement('overwrite')->removeAttribute('class');
* Check if current user has access to this form, otherwise throw exception. * * @return void * @throws moodle_exception */ protected function check_access_for_dynamic_submission(): void { global $DB; if (!has_capability('mod/data:managetemplates', $this->get_context_for_dynamic_submission())) { throw new moodle_exception('saveaspresetmissingcapability', 'data'); }
< $d = $this->optional_param('d', null, PARAM_INT); < $hasfields = $DB->record_exists('data_fields', ['dataid' => $d]);
> $action = $this->optional_param('action', '', PARAM_ALPHANUM); > if ($action == 'saveaspreset') { > // For saving it as a new preset, some fields need to be created; otherwise, an exception will be raised. > $instanceid = $this->optional_param('d', null, PARAM_INT); > $hasfields = $DB->record_exists('data_fields', ['dataid' => $instanceid]);
if (!$hasfields) { throw new moodle_exception('nofieldindatabase', 'data'); } }
> }
/** * Process the form submission, used if form was submitted via AJAX. * * @return array */ public function process_dynamic_submission(): array { global $DB, $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/data/lib.php');
> $formdata = $this->get_data();
$result = false; $errors = [];
< $data = $DB->get_record('data', array('id' => $this->get_data()->d), '*', MUST_EXIST);
> $data = $DB->get_record('data', array('id' => $formdata->d), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $data->course), '*', MUST_EXIST); $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('data', $data->id, $course->id, null, MUST_EXIST); $context = \context_module::instance($cm->id, MUST_EXIST); try {
< if (!empty($this->get_data()->overwrite)) { < $presets = data_get_available_presets($context);
> $manager = manager::create_from_instance($data); > if (!empty($formdata->overwrite)) { > $presets = $manager->get_available_presets();
$selectedpreset = new \stdClass(); foreach ($presets as $preset) {
< if ($preset->name == $this->get_data()->name) {
> if ($preset->name == $formdata->name) {
$selectedpreset = $preset; break; } }
< if (isset($selectedpreset->name) && data_user_can_delete_preset($context, $selectedpreset)) { < data_delete_site_preset($this->get_data()->name);
> if ($selectedpreset instanceof preset && $selectedpreset->can_manage()) { > $selectedpreset->delete(); > }
> $presetname = $formdata->name; } > if (!empty($formdata->oldpresetname)) { data_presets_save($course, $cm, $data, $this->get_data()->name); > $presetname = $formdata->oldpresetname; $result = true; > } } catch (\Exception $e) { > $preset = preset::create_from_instance($manager, $presetname, $formdata->description); $errors[] = $e->getMessage(); > if (!empty($formdata->oldpresetname)) { } > // Update the name and the description, to save the new data. > $preset->name = $formdata->name; return [ > $preset->description = $formdata->description; 'result' => $result, > } 'errors' => $errors, > $result = $preset->save(); ]; > } > if ($result) { > // Add notification in the session to be shown when the page is reloaded on the JS side. /** > $previewurl = new moodle_url( * Load in existing data as form defaults. > '/mod/data/preset.php', * > ['id' => $cm->id, 'fullname' => $preset->get_fullname(), 'action' => 'preview'] * @return void > ); */ > notification::success(get_string('savesuccess', 'mod_data', (object)['url' => $previewurl->out()]));
< data_presets_save($course, $cm, $data, $this->get_data()->name); < $result = true; < } catch (\Exception $e) { < $errors[] = $e->getMessage();
> } catch (\Exception $exception) { > $errors[] = $exception->getMessage();
> 'action' => $this->optional_param('action', '', PARAM_ALPHANUM), } > 'oldpresetname' => $this->optional_param('presetname', '', PARAM_FILE), > 'name' => $this->optional_param('presetname', '', PARAM_FILE), /** > 'description' => $this->optional_param('presetdescription', '', PARAM_TEXT),
* Returns url to set in $PAGE->set_url() when form is being rendered or submitted via AJAX * * @return moodle_url */ protected function get_page_url_for_dynamic_submission(): moodle_url { $d = $this->optional_param('d', null, PARAM_INT); return new moodle_url('/user/field.php', ['d' => $d]); } }