Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.
FolderUp one level  
Filedeprecatedlib.php  [source] [514 lines]   
Filediscuss.php        [source] [355 lines]   Displays a post, and all the posts below it. If no post is given, displays all posts in a discussion
Fileexport.php         [source] [202 lines]   Page to export forum discussions.
Fileexternallib.php    [source] [2543 lines]  External forum API
Fileindex.php          [source] [521 lines]   
Filelib.php            [source] [7040 lines]  
Filelocallib.php       [source] [756 lines]   Library of functions for forum outside of the core api
Filemaildigest.php     [source] [78 lines]    Set the mail digest option in a specific forum for a user.
Filemarkposts.php      [source] [99 lines]    Set tracking option for the forum.
Filemod_form.php       [source] [527 lines]   
Filepost.php           [source] [1176 lines]  Edit and save a new post to a discussion
Filerenderer.php       [source] [286 lines]   This file contains a custom renderer class used by the forum module.
Filersslib.php         [source] [420 lines]   This file adds support to rss feeds generation
Filesearch.php         [source] [400 lines]   
Filesettings.php       [source] [142 lines]   
Filesettracking.php    [source] [80 lines]    Set tracking option for the forum.
Filesubscribe.php      [source] [279 lines]   Subscribe to or unsubscribe from a forum or manage forum subscription mode
Filesubscribers.php    [source] [159 lines]   This file is used to display and organise forum subscribers
Fileunsubscribeall.php [source] [86 lines]    
Fileuser.php           [source] [354 lines]   Display user activity reports for a course
Fileversion.php        [source] [29 lines]    Version information
Fileview.php           [source] [262 lines]   Displays the list of discussions in a forum.