Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.
FolderUp one level  
Filecontinue.php       [source] [130 lines]   Action for processing page answers by users
Filedeprecatedlib.php  [source] [73 lines]    List of deprecated mod_lesson functions.
Fileedit.php           [source] [85 lines]    Provides the interface for overall authoring of lessons
Fileeditpage.php       [source] [189 lines]   Action for adding a question page. Prints an HTML form.
Fileeditpage_form.php  [source] [59 lines]    Generic forms used for page selection
Fileessay.php          [source] [496 lines]   Provides the interface for grading essay questions
Fileessay_form.php     [source] [70 lines]    Essay grading form
Fileformat.php         [source] [821 lines]   format.php - Default format class for file imports/exports. Doesn't do everything on it's own -- it needs to be extended. Included by
Filegrade.php          [source] [46 lines]    Redirects the user to either a lesson or to the lesson statistics
Fileimport.php         [source] [112 lines]   Imports lesson pages
Fileimport_form.php    [source] [96 lines]    Form used to select a file and file format for the import
Fileindex.php          [source] [122 lines]   This page lists all the instances of lesson in a particular course
Filelesson.php         [source] [142 lines]   Handles lesson actions
Filelib.php            [source] [1742 lines]  Standard library of functions and constants for lesson
Filelocallib.php       [source] [5376 lines]  Local library file for Lesson. These are non-standard functions that are used only by Lesson.
Filemediafile.php      [source] [98 lines]    This file plays the mediafile set in lesson settings.
Filemod_form.php       [source] [457 lines]   Form to define a new instance of lesson or edit an instance. It is used from /course/modedit.php.
Fileoverride_form.php  [source] [304 lines]   Settings form for overrides in the lesson module.
Fileoverridedelete.php [source] [106 lines]   This page handles deleting lesson overrides
Fileoverrideedit.php   [source] [247 lines]   This page handles editing and creation of lesson overrides
Fileoverrides.php      [source] [353 lines]   This page handles listing of lesson overrides
Filerenderer.php       [source] [688 lines]   Moodle renderer used to display special elements of the lesson module
Filereport.php         [source] [373 lines]   Displays the lesson statistics.
Filesettings.php       [source] [181 lines]   Settings used by the lesson module, were moved from mod_edit
Filetabs.php           [source] [90 lines]    Sets up the tabs used by the lesson pages for teachers.
Fileversion.php        [source] [30 lines]    Version information
Fileview.php           [source] [274 lines]   This page prints a particular instance of lesson
Fileview_form.php      [source] [71 lines]    Lesson page without answers