Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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 * Entity model representing quiz settings for the seb plugin.
 * @package    quizaccess_seb
 * @author     Andrew Madden <>
 * @copyright  2019 Catalyst IT
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

namespace quizaccess_seb;

use CFPropertyList\CFArray;
use CFPropertyList\CFBoolean;
use CFPropertyList\CFDictionary;
use CFPropertyList\CFNumber;
use CFPropertyList\CFString;
use core\persistent;
use lang_string;
use moodle_exception;
use moodle_url;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

 * Entity model representing quiz settings for the seb plugin.
 * @copyright  2020 Catalyst IT
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class quiz_settings extends persistent {

    /** Table name for the persistent. */
    const TABLE = 'quizaccess_seb_quizsettings';

    /** @var property_list $plist The SEB config represented as a Property List object. */
    private $plist;

    /** @var string $config The SEB config represented as a string. */
    private $config;

    /** @var string $configkey The SEB config key represented as a string. */
    private $configkey;

     * Return the definition of the properties of this model.
     * @return array
    protected static function define_properties() : array {
        return [
            'quizid' => [
                'type' => PARAM_INT,
            'cmid' => [
                'type' => PARAM_INT,
            'templateid' => [
                'type' => PARAM_INT,
                'default' => 0,
            'requiresafeexambrowser' => [
                'type' => PARAM_INT,
                'default' => 0,
            'showsebtaskbar' => [
                'type' => PARAM_INT,
                'default' => 1,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED,
            'showwificontrol' => [
                'type' => PARAM_INT,
                'default' => 0,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED,
            'showreloadbutton' => [
                'type' => PARAM_INT,
                'default' => 1,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED,
            'showtime' => [
                'type' => PARAM_INT,
                'default' => 1,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED,
            'showkeyboardlayout' => [
                'type' => PARAM_INT,
                'default' => 1,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED,
            'allowuserquitseb' => [
                'type' => PARAM_INT,
                'default' => 1,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED,
            'quitpassword' => [
                'type' => PARAM_TEXT,
                'default' => '',
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED,
            'linkquitseb' => [
                'type' => PARAM_URL,
                'default' => '',
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED,
            'userconfirmquit' => [
                'type' => PARAM_INT,
                'default' => 1,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED,
            'enableaudiocontrol' => [
                'type' => PARAM_INT,
                'default' => 0,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED,
            'muteonstartup' => [
                'type' => PARAM_INT,
                'default' => 0,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED,
            'allowspellchecking' => [
                'type' => PARAM_INT,
                'default' => 0,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED,
            'allowreloadinexam' => [
                'type' => PARAM_INT,
                'default' => 1,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED,
            'activateurlfiltering' => [
                'type' => PARAM_INT,
                'default' => 0,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED,
            'filterembeddedcontent' => [
                'type' => PARAM_INT,
                'default' => 0,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED,
            'expressionsallowed' => [
                'type' => PARAM_TEXT,
                'default' => '',
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED,
            'regexallowed' => [
                'type' => PARAM_TEXT,
                'default' => '',
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED,
            'expressionsblocked' => [
                'type' => PARAM_TEXT,
                'default' => '',
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED,
            'regexblocked' => [
                'type' => PARAM_TEXT,
                'default' => '',
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED,
            'showsebdownloadlink' => [
                'type' => PARAM_INT,
                'default' => 1,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED,
            'allowedbrowserexamkeys' => [
                'type' => PARAM_TEXT,
                'default' => '',
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED,

     * Return an instance by quiz id.
     * This method gets data from cache before doing any DB calls.
     * @param int $quizid Quiz id.
     * @return false|\quizaccess_seb\quiz_settings
    public static function get_by_quiz_id(int $quizid) {
        if ($data = self::get_quiz_settings_cache()->get($quizid)) {
            return new static(0, $data);

        return self::get_record(['quizid' => $quizid]);

     * Return cached SEB config represented as a string by quiz ID.
     * @param int $quizid Quiz id.
     * @return string|null
    public static function get_config_by_quiz_id(int $quizid) : ?string {
        $config = self::get_config_cache()->get($quizid);

        if ($config !== false) {
            return $config;

        $config = null;
        if ($settings = self::get_by_quiz_id($quizid)) {
            $config = $settings->get_config();
            self::get_config_cache()->set($quizid, $config);

        return $config;

     * Return cached SEB config key by quiz ID.
     * @param int $quizid Quiz id.
     * @return string|null
    public static function get_config_key_by_quiz_id(int $quizid) : ?string {
        $configkey = self::get_config_key_cache()->get($quizid);

        if ($configkey !== false) {
            return $configkey;

        $configkey = null;
        if ($settings = self::get_by_quiz_id($quizid)) {
            $configkey = $settings->get_config_key();
            self::get_config_key_cache()->set($quizid, $configkey);

        return $configkey;

     * Return SEB config key cache instance.
     * @return \cache_application
    private static function get_config_key_cache() : \cache_application {
        return \cache::make('quizaccess_seb', 'configkey');

     * Return SEB config cache instance.
     * @return \cache_application
    private static function get_config_cache() : \cache_application {
        return \cache::make('quizaccess_seb', 'config');

     * Return quiz settings cache object,
     * @return \cache_application
    private static function get_quiz_settings_cache() : \cache_application {
        return \cache::make('quizaccess_seb', 'quizsettings');

     * Adds the new record to the cache.
    protected function after_create() {

     * Updates the cache record.
     * @param bool $result
    protected function after_update($result) {

     * Helper method to execute common stuff after create and update.
    private function after_save() {
        self::get_quiz_settings_cache()->set($this->get('quizid'), $this->to_record());
        self::get_config_cache()->set($this->get('quizid'), $this->config);
        self::get_config_key_cache()->set($this->get('quizid'), $this->configkey);

     * Removes unnecessary stuff from db.
    protected function before_delete() {
        $key = $this->get('quizid');

     * Validate the browser exam keys string.
     * @param string $keys Newline separated browser exam keys.
     * @return true|lang_string If there is an error, an error string is returned.
    protected function validate_allowedbrowserexamkeys($keys) {
        $keys = $this->split_keys($keys);
        foreach ($keys as $i => $key) {
            if (!preg_match('~^[a-f0-9]{64}$~', $key)) {
                return new lang_string('allowedbrowserkeyssyntax', 'quizaccess_seb');
        if (count($keys) != count(array_unique($keys))) {
            return new lang_string('allowedbrowserkeysdistinct', 'quizaccess_seb');
        return true;

     * Get the browser exam keys as a pre-split array instead of just as a string.
     * @return array
    protected function get_allowedbrowserexamkeys() : array {
        $keysstring = $this->raw_get('allowedbrowserexamkeys');
        $keysstring = empty($keysstring) ? '' : $keysstring;
        return $this->split_keys($keysstring);

     * Hook to execute before an update.
     * Please note that at this stage the data has already been validated and therefore
     * any new data being set will not be validated before it is sent to the database.
    protected function before_update() {

     * Hook to execute before a create.
     * Please note that at this stage the data has already been validated and therefore
     * any new data being set will not be validated before it is sent to the database.
    protected function before_create() {

     * As there is no hook for before both create and update, this function is called by both hooks.
    private function before_save() {
        // Set template to 0 if using anything different to template.
        if ($this->get('requiresafeexambrowser') != settings_provider::USE_SEB_TEMPLATE) {
            $this->set('templateid', 0);

        // Process configs to make sure that all data is set correctly.

     * Before validate hook.
    protected function before_validate() {
        // Template can't be null.
< if (is_null($this->get('templateid'))) {
> if (is_null($this->raw_get('templateid'))) {
$this->set('templateid', 0); } } /** * Create or update the config string based on the current quiz settings. */ private function process_configs() { switch ($this->get('requiresafeexambrowser')) { case settings_provider::USE_SEB_NO: $this->process_seb_config_no(); break; case settings_provider::USE_SEB_CONFIG_MANUALLY: $this->process_seb_config_manually(); break; case settings_provider::USE_SEB_TEMPLATE: $this->process_seb_template(); break; case settings_provider::USE_SEB_UPLOAD_CONFIG: $this->process_seb_upload_config(); break; default: // Also settings_provider::USE_SEB_CLIENT_CONFIG. $this->process_seb_client_config(); } // Generate config key based on given SEB config. if (!empty($this->config)) { $this->configkey = config_key::generate($this->config)->get_hash(); } else { $this->configkey = null; } } /** * Return SEB config key. * * @return string|null */ public function get_config_key() : ?string { $this->process_configs(); return $this->configkey; } /** * Return string representation of the config. * * @return string|null */ public function get_config() : ?string { $this->process_configs(); return $this->config; } /** * Case for USE_SEB_NO. */ private function process_seb_config_no() { $this->config = null; } /** * Case for USE_SEB_CONFIG_MANUALLY. This creates a plist and applies all settings from the posted form, along with * some defaults. */ private function process_seb_config_manually() { // If at any point a configuration file has been uploaded and parsed, clear the settings. $this->plist = new property_list(); $this->process_bool_settings(); $this->process_quit_password_settings(); $this->process_quit_url_from_settings(); $this->process_url_filters(); $this->process_required_enforced_settings(); // One of the requirements for USE_SEB_CONFIG_MANUALLY is setting examSessionClearCookiesOnStart to false. $this->plist->set_or_update_value('examSessionClearCookiesOnStart', new CFBoolean(false)); $this->plist->set_or_update_value('allowPreferencesWindow', new CFBoolean(false)); $this->config = $this->plist->to_xml(); } /** * Case for USE_SEB_TEMPLATE. This creates a plist from the template uploaded, then applies the quit password * setting and some defaults. */ private function process_seb_template() { $template = template::get_record(['id' => $this->get('templateid')]); $this->plist = new property_list($template->get('content')); $this->process_bool_setting('allowuserquitseb'); $this->process_quit_password_settings(); $this->process_quit_url_from_template_or_config(); $this->process_required_enforced_settings(); $this->config = $this->plist->to_xml(); } /** * Case for USE_SEB_UPLOAD_CONFIG. This creates a plist from an uploaded configuration file, then applies the quiz * password settings and some defaults. */ private function process_seb_upload_config() { $file = settings_provider::get_module_context_sebconfig_file($this->get('cmid')); // If there was no file, create an empty plist so the rest of this wont explode. if (empty($file)) { throw new moodle_exception('noconfigfilefound', 'quizaccess_seb', '', $this->get('cmid')); } else { $this->plist = new property_list($file->get_content()); } $this->process_quit_url_from_template_or_config(); $this->process_required_enforced_settings(); $this->config = $this->plist->to_xml(); } /** * Case for USE_SEB_CLIENT_CONFIG. This creates an empty plist to remove the config stored. */ private function process_seb_client_config() { $this->config = null; } /** * Sets or updates some sensible default settings, these are the items 'startURL' and 'sendBrowserExamKey'. */ private function process_required_enforced_settings() { global $CFG; $quizurl = new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot . "/mod/quiz/view.php", ['id' => $this->get('cmid')]); $this->plist->set_or_update_value('startURL', new CFString($quizurl->out(true))); $this->plist->set_or_update_value('sendBrowserExamKey', new CFBoolean(true));
> } > // Use the modern WebView and JS API if the SEB version supports it. > // Documentation: . /** > // "Set the key browserWindowWebView to the policy "Prefer Modern" (value 3)". * Use the boolean map to add Moodle boolean setting to config PList. > $this->plist->set_or_update_value('browserWindowWebView', new CFNumber(3));
*/ private function process_bool_settings() { $settings = $this->to_record(); $map = $this->get_bool_seb_setting_map(); foreach ($settings as $setting => $value) { if (isset($map[$setting])) { $this->process_bool_setting($setting); } } } /** * Process provided single bool setting. * * @param string $name Setting name matching one from self::get_bool_seb_setting_map. */ private function process_bool_setting(string $name) { $map = $this->get_bool_seb_setting_map(); if (!isset($map[$name])) { throw new \coding_exception('Provided setting name can not be found in known bool settings'); } $enabled = $this->raw_get($name) == 1 ? true : false; $this->plist->set_or_update_value($map[$name], new CFBoolean($enabled)); } /** * Turn hashed quit password and quit link into PList strings and add to config PList. */ private function process_quit_password_settings() { $settings = $this->to_record(); if (!empty($settings->quitpassword) && is_string($settings->quitpassword)) { // Hash quit password. $hashedpassword = hash('SHA256', $settings->quitpassword); $this->plist->add_element_to_root('hashedQuitPassword', new CFString($hashedpassword)); } else if (!is_null($this->plist->get_element_value('hashedQuitPassword'))) { $this->plist->delete_element('hashedQuitPassword'); } } /** * Sets the quitURL if found in the quiz_settings. */ private function process_quit_url_from_settings() { $settings = $this->to_record(); if (!empty($settings->linkquitseb) && is_string($settings->linkquitseb)) { $this->plist->set_or_update_value('quitURL', new CFString($settings->linkquitseb)); } } /** * Sets the quiz_setting's linkquitseb if a quitURL value was found in a template or uploaded config. */ private function process_quit_url_from_template_or_config() { // Does the plist (template or config file) have an existing quitURL? $quiturl = $this->plist->get_element_value('quitURL'); if (!empty($quiturl)) { $this->set('linkquitseb', $quiturl); } } /** * Turn return separated strings for URL filters into a PList array and add to config PList. */ private function process_url_filters() { $settings = $this->to_record(); // Create rules to each expression provided and add to config. $urlfilterrules = []; // Get all rules separated by newlines and remove empty rules. $expallowed = array_filter(explode(PHP_EOL, $settings->expressionsallowed)); $expblocked = array_filter(explode(PHP_EOL, $settings->expressionsblocked)); $regallowed = array_filter(explode(PHP_EOL, $settings->regexallowed)); $regblocked = array_filter(explode(PHP_EOL, $settings->regexblocked)); foreach ($expallowed as $rulestring) { $urlfilterrules[] = $this->create_filter_rule($rulestring, true, false); } foreach ($expblocked as $rulestring) { $urlfilterrules[] = $this->create_filter_rule($rulestring, false, false); } foreach ($regallowed as $rulestring) { $urlfilterrules[] = $this->create_filter_rule($rulestring, true, true); } foreach ($regblocked as $rulestring) { $urlfilterrules[] = $this->create_filter_rule($rulestring, false, true); } $this->plist->add_element_to_root('URLFilterRules', new CFArray($urlfilterrules)); } /** * Create a CFDictionary represeting a URL filter rule. * * @param string $rulestring The expression to filter with. * @param bool $allowed Allowed or blocked. * @param bool $isregex Regex or simple. * @return CFDictionary A PList dictionary. */ private function create_filter_rule(string $rulestring, bool $allowed, bool $isregex) : CFDictionary { $action = $allowed ? 1 : 0; return new CFDictionary([ 'action' => new CFNumber($action), 'active' => new CFBoolean(true), 'expression' => new CFString(trim($rulestring)), 'regex' => new CFBoolean($isregex), ]); } /** * Map the settings that are booleans to the Safe Exam Browser config keys. * * @return array Moodle setting as key, SEB setting as value. */ private function get_bool_seb_setting_map() : array { return [ 'activateurlfiltering' => 'URLFilterEnable', 'allowspellchecking' => 'allowSpellCheck', 'allowreloadinexam' => 'browserWindowAllowReload', 'allowuserquitseb' => 'allowQuit', 'enableaudiocontrol' => 'audioControlEnabled', 'filterembeddedcontent' => 'URLFilterEnableContentFilter', 'muteonstartup' => 'audioMute', 'showkeyboardlayout' => 'showInputLanguage', 'showreloadbutton' => 'showReloadButton', 'showsebtaskbar' => 'showTaskBar', 'showtime' => 'showTime', 'showwificontrol' => 'allowWlan', 'userconfirmquit' => 'quitURLConfirm', ]; } /** * This helper method takes list of browser exam keys in a string and splits it into an array of separate keys. * * @param string|null $keys the allowed keys. * @return array of string, the separate keys. */ private function split_keys($keys) : array { $keys = preg_split('~[ \t\n\r,;]+~', $keys, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach ($keys as $i => $key) { $keys[$i] = strtolower($key); } return $keys; } }