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See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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namespace quiz_statistics;

use question_attempt;
use question_bank;
use question_finder;
use quiz_statistics_report;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/tests/attempt_walkthrough_from_csv_test.php');
< require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/default.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/statistics/report.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/reportlib.php'); /** * Quiz attempt walk through using data from csv file. * * The quiz stats below and the question stats found in qstats00.csv were calculated independently in a spreadsheet which is * available in open document or excel format here : * * * Similarly the question variant's stats in qstats00.csv are calculated in stats_for_variant_1.xls and stats_for_variant_8.xls * The calculations in the spreadsheets are the same as for the other question stats but applied just to the attempts where the * variants appeared. * * @package quiz_statistics * @category test * @copyright 2013 The Open University * @author Jamie Pratt <> * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class stats_from_steps_walkthrough_test extends \mod_quiz\attempt_walkthrough_from_csv_test { /** * @var quiz_statistics_report object to do stats calculations. */ protected $report; protected function get_full_path_of_csv_file(string $setname, string $test): string { // Overridden here so that __DIR__ points to the path of this file. return __DIR__."/fixtures/{$setname}{$test}.csv"; }
< protected $files = array('questions', 'steps', 'results', 'qstats', 'responsecounts');
> /** > * @var string[] names of the files which contain the test data. > */ > protected $files = ['questions', 'steps', 'results', 'qstats', 'responsecounts'];
/** * Create a quiz add questions to it, walk through quiz attempts and then check results. * * @param array $csvdata data read from csv file "questionsXX.csv", "stepsXX.csv" and "resultsXX.csv". * @dataProvider get_data_for_walkthrough */ public function test_walkthrough_from_csv($quizsettings, $csvdata) { $this->create_quiz_simulate_attempts_and_check_results($quizsettings, $csvdata); $whichattempts = QUIZ_GRADEAVERAGE; // All attempts. $whichtries = question_attempt::ALL_TRIES; $groupstudentsjoins = new \core\dml\sql_join(); list($questions, $quizstats, $questionstats, $qubaids) = $this->check_stats_calculations_and_response_analysis($csvdata, $whichattempts, $whichtries, $groupstudentsjoins); if ($quizsettings['testnumber'] === '00') { $this->check_variants_count_for_quiz_00($questions, $questionstats, $whichtries, $qubaids); $this->check_quiz_stats_for_quiz_00($quizstats); } } /** * Check actual question stats are the same as that found in csv file. * * @param $qstats array data from csv file. * @param $questionstats \core_question\statistics\questions\all_calculated_for_qubaid_condition Calculated stats. */ protected function check_question_stats($qstats, $questionstats) { foreach ($qstats as $slotqstats) { foreach ($slotqstats as $statname => $slotqstat) {
< if (!in_array($statname, array('slot', 'subqname')) && $slotqstat !== '') {
> if (!in_array($statname, ['slot', 'subqname']) && $slotqstat !== '') {
$this->assert_stat_equals($slotqstat, $questionstats, $slotqstats['slot'], $slotqstats['subqname'], $slotqstats['variant'], $statname); } } // Check that sub-question boolean field is correctly set. $this->assert_stat_equals(!empty($slotqstats['subqname']), $questionstats, $slotqstats['slot'], $slotqstats['subqname'], $slotqstats['variant'], 'subquestion'); } } /** * Check that the stat is as expected within a reasonable tolerance. * * @param float|string|bool $expected expected value of stat. * @param \core_question\statistics\questions\all_calculated_for_qubaid_condition $questionstats * @param int $slot * @param string $subqname if empty string then not an item stat. * @param int|string $variant if empty string then not a variantstat. * @param string $statname */ protected function assert_stat_equals($expected, $questionstats, $slot, $subqname, $variant, $statname) { if ($variant === '' && $subqname === '') { $actual = $questionstats->for_slot($slot)->{$statname}; } else if ($subqname !== '') { $actual = $questionstats->for_subq($this->randqids[$slot][$subqname])->{$statname}; } else { $actual = $questionstats->for_slot($slot, $variant)->{$statname}; } $message = "$statname for slot $slot"; if ($expected === '**NULL**') { $this->assertEquals(null, $actual, $message); } else if (is_bool($expected)) { $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual, $message); } else if (is_numeric($expected)) { switch ($statname) { case 'covariance' : case 'discriminationindex' : case 'discriminativeefficiency' : case 'effectiveweight' : $precision = 1e-5; break; default : $precision = 1e-6; } $delta = abs($expected) * $precision; $this->assertEqualsWithDelta((float)$expected, $actual, $delta, $message); } else { $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual, $message); } } protected function assert_response_count_equals($question, $qubaids, $expected, $whichtries) { $responesstats = new \core_question\statistics\responses\analyser($question); $analysis = $responesstats->load_cached($qubaids, $whichtries); if (!isset($expected['subpart'])) { $subpart = 1; } else { $subpart = $expected['subpart']; } list($subpartid, $responseclassid) = $this->get_response_subpart_and_class_id($question, $subpart, $expected['modelresponse']); $subpartanalysis = $analysis->get_analysis_for_subpart($expected['variant'], $subpartid); $responseclassanalysis = $subpartanalysis->get_response_class($responseclassid); $actualresponsecounts = $responseclassanalysis->data_for_question_response_table('', ''); foreach ($actualresponsecounts as $actualresponsecount) { if ($actualresponsecount->response == $expected['actualresponse'] || count($actualresponsecounts) == 1) { $i = 1; $partofanalysis = " slot {$expected['slot']}, rand q '{$expected['randq']}', variant {$expected['variant']}, ". "for expected model response {$expected['modelresponse']}, ". "actual response {$expected['actualresponse']}"; while (isset($expected['count'.$i])) { if ($expected['count'.$i] != 0) { $this->assertTrue(isset($actualresponsecount->trycount[$i]), "There is no count at all for try $i on ".$partofanalysis); $this->assertEquals($expected['count'.$i], $actualresponsecount->trycount[$i], "Count for try $i on ".$partofanalysis); } $i++; } if (isset($expected['totalcount'])) { $this->assertEquals($expected['totalcount'], $actualresponsecount->totalcount, "Total count on ".$partofanalysis); } return; } } throw new \coding_exception("Expected response '{$expected['actualresponse']}' not found."); } protected function get_response_subpart_and_class_id($question, $subpart, $modelresponse) { $qtypeobj = question_bank::get_qtype($question->qtype, false); $possibleresponses = $qtypeobj->get_possible_responses($question); $possibleresponsesubpartids = array_keys($possibleresponses); if (!isset($possibleresponsesubpartids[$subpart - 1])) { throw new \coding_exception("Subpart '{$subpart}' not found."); } $subpartid = $possibleresponsesubpartids[$subpart - 1]; if ($modelresponse == '[NO RESPONSE]') {
< return array($subpartid, null);
> return [$subpartid, null];
} else if ($modelresponse == '[NO MATCH]') {
< return array($subpartid, 0);
> return [$subpartid, 0];
< $modelresponses = array();
> $modelresponses = [];
foreach ($possibleresponses[$subpartid] as $responseclassid => $subpartpossibleresponse) { $modelresponses[$responseclassid] = $subpartpossibleresponse->responseclass; } $this->assertContains($modelresponse, $modelresponses); $responseclassid = array_search($modelresponse, $modelresponses);
< return array($subpartid, $responseclassid);
> return [$subpartid, $responseclassid];
} /** * @param $responsecounts * @param $qubaids * @param $questions * @param $whichtries */ protected function check_response_counts($responsecounts, $qubaids, $questions, $whichtries) { foreach ($responsecounts as $expected) {
< $defaultsforexpected = array('randq' => '', 'variant' => '1', 'subpart' => '1');
> $defaultsforexpected = ['randq' => '', 'variant' => '1', 'subpart' => '1'];
foreach ($defaultsforexpected as $key => $expecteddefault) { if (!isset($expected[$key])) { $expected[$key] = $expecteddefault; } } if ($expected['randq'] == '') { $question = $questions[$expected['slot']]; } else { $qid = $this->randqids[$expected['slot']][$expected['randq']]; $question = question_finder::get_instance()->load_question_data($qid); } $this->assert_response_count_equals($question, $qubaids, $expected, $whichtries); } } /** * @param $questions * @param $questionstats * @param $whichtries * @param $qubaids */ protected function check_variants_count_for_quiz_00($questions, $questionstats, $whichtries, $qubaids) {
< $expectedvariantcounts = array(2 => array(1 => 6,
> $expectedvariantcounts = [2 => [1 => 6,
4 => 4, 5 => 3, 6 => 4, 7 => 2, 8 => 5,
< 10 => 1));
> 10 => 1]];
foreach ($questions as $slot => $question) { if (!question_bank::get_qtype($question->qtype, false)->can_analyse_responses()) { continue; } $responesstats = new \core_question\statistics\responses\analyser($question); $this->assertTimeCurrent($responesstats->get_last_analysed_time($qubaids, $whichtries)); $analysis = $responesstats->load_cached($qubaids, $whichtries); $variantsnos = $analysis->get_variant_nos(); if (isset($expectedvariantcounts[$slot])) { // Compare contents, ignore ordering of array, using canonicalize parameter of assertEquals. $this->assertEqualsCanonicalizing(array_keys($expectedvariantcounts[$slot]), $variantsnos); } else {
< $this->assertEquals(array(1), $variantsnos);
> $this->assertEquals([1], $variantsnos);
< $totalspervariantno = array();
> $totalspervariantno = [];
foreach ($variantsnos as $variantno) { $subpartids = $analysis->get_subpart_ids($variantno); foreach ($subpartids as $subpartid) { if (!isset($totalspervariantno[$subpartid])) {
< $totalspervariantno[$subpartid] = array();
> $totalspervariantno[$subpartid] = [];
} $totalspervariantno[$subpartid][$variantno] = 0; $subpartanalysis = $analysis->get_analysis_for_subpart($variantno, $subpartid); $classids = $subpartanalysis->get_response_class_ids(); foreach ($classids as $classid) { $classanalysis = $subpartanalysis->get_response_class($classid); $actualresponsecounts = $classanalysis->data_for_question_response_table('', ''); foreach ($actualresponsecounts as $actualresponsecount) { $totalspervariantno[$subpartid][$variantno] += $actualresponsecount->totalcount; } } } } // Count all counted responses for each part of question and confirm that counted responses, for most question types // are the number of attempts at the question for each question part. if ($slot != 5) { // Slot 5 holds a multi-choice multiple question. // Multi-choice multiple is slightly strange. Actual answer counts given for each sub part do not add up to the // total attempt count. // This is because each option is counted as a sub part and each option can be off or on in each attempt. Off is // not counted in response analysis for this question type. foreach ($totalspervariantno as $totalpervariantno) { if (isset($expectedvariantcounts[$slot])) { // If we know how many attempts there are at each variant we can check // that we have counted the correct amount of responses for each variant. $this->assertEqualsCanonicalizing($expectedvariantcounts[$slot], $totalpervariantno, "Totals responses do not add up in response analysis for slot {$slot}."); } else { $this->assertEquals(25, array_sum($totalpervariantno), "Totals responses do not add up in response analysis for slot {$slot}."); } } } } foreach ($expectedvariantcounts as $slot => $expectedvariantcount) { foreach ($expectedvariantcount as $variantno => $s) { $this->assertEquals($s, $questionstats->for_slot($slot, $variantno)->s); } } } /** * @param $quizstats */ protected function check_quiz_stats_for_quiz_00($quizstats) {
< $quizstatsexpected = array(
> $quizstatsexpected = [
'median' => 4.5, 'firstattemptsavg' => 4.617333332, 'allattemptsavg' => 4.617333332, 'firstattemptscount' => 25, 'allattemptscount' => 25, 'standarddeviation' => 0.8117265554, 'skewness' => -0.092502502, 'kurtosis' => -0.7073968557, 'cic' => -87.2230935542, 'errorratio' => 136.8294900795, 'standarderror' => 1.1106813066
< );
> ];
foreach ($quizstatsexpected as $statname => $statvalue) { $this->assertEqualsWithDelta($statvalue, $quizstats->$statname, abs($statvalue) * 1.5e-5, $quizstats->$statname); } } /** * Check the question stats and the response counts used in the statistics report. If the appropriate files exist in fixtures/. * * @param array $csvdata Data loaded from csv files for this test. * @param string $whichattempts * @param string $whichtries * @param \core\dml\sql_join $groupstudentsjoins * @return array with contents 0 => $questions, 1 => $quizstats, 2=> $questionstats, 3=> $qubaids Might be needed for further * testing. */ protected function check_stats_calculations_and_response_analysis($csvdata, $whichattempts, $whichtries, \core\dml\sql_join $groupstudentsjoins) { $this->report = new quiz_statistics_report(); $questions = $this->report->load_and_initialise_questions_for_calculations($this->quiz); list($quizstats, $questionstats) = $this->report->get_all_stats_and_analysis($this->quiz, $whichattempts, $whichtries, $groupstudentsjoins, $questions); $qubaids = quiz_statistics_qubaids_condition($this->quiz->id, $groupstudentsjoins, $whichattempts); // We will create some quiz and question stat calculator instances and some response analyser instances, just in order // to check the last analysed time then returned. $quizcalc = new calculator(); // Should not be a delay of more than one second between the calculation of stats above and here. $this->assertTimeCurrent($quizcalc->get_last_calculated_time($qubaids)); $qcalc = new \core_question\statistics\questions\calculator($questions); $this->assertTimeCurrent($qcalc->get_last_calculated_time($qubaids)); if (isset($csvdata['responsecounts'])) { $this->check_response_counts($csvdata['responsecounts'], $qubaids, $questions, $whichtries); } if (isset($csvdata['qstats'])) { $this->check_question_stats($csvdata['qstats'], $questionstats);
< return array($questions, $quizstats, $questionstats, $qubaids);
> return [$questions, $quizstats, $questionstats, $qubaids];
< return array($questions, $quizstats, $questionstats, $qubaids);
> return [$questions, $quizstats, $questionstats, $qubaids];
} }