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See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.
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namespace mod_quiz;

use advanced_testcase;
use cm_info;
> use core_completion\cm_completion_details;
use grade_item; use mod_quiz\completion\custom_completion; use question_engine; use quiz; use quiz_attempt; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); global $CFG; require_once($CFG->libdir . '/completionlib.php'); /** * Class for unit testing mod_quiz/custom_completion. * * @package mod_quiz * @copyright 2021 Shamim Rezaie <> * @license GNU GPL v3 or later * @coversDefaultClass \mod_quiz\completion\custom_completion */ class custom_completion_test extends advanced_testcase { /** * Setup function for all tests. * * @param array $completionoptions ['nbstudents'] => int, ['qtype'] => string, ['quizoptions'] => array
< * @return array [$students, $quiz, $cm]
> * @return array [$students, $quiz, $cm, $litecm]
*/ private function setup_quiz_for_testing_completion(array $completionoptions): array { global $CFG, $DB; $this->resetAfterTest(true); // Enable completion before creating modules, otherwise the completion data is not written in DB. $CFG->enablecompletion = true; // Create a course and students. $studentrole = $DB->get_record('role', ['shortname' => 'student']); $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(['enablecompletion' => true]); $students = [];
> $sumgrades = $completionoptions['sumgrades'] ?? 1; for ($i = 0; $i < $completionoptions['nbstudents']; $i++) { > $nbquestions = $completionoptions['nbquestions'] ?? 1;
$students[$i] = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(); $this->assertTrue($this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($students[$i]->id, $course->id, $studentrole->id)); } // Make a quiz. $quizgenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_quiz'); $data = array_merge([ 'course' => $course->id, 'grade' => 100.0, 'questionsperpage' => 0,
< 'sumgrades' => 1,
> 'sumgrades' => $sumgrades,
'completion' => COMPLETION_TRACKING_AUTOMATIC ], $completionoptions['quizoptions']); $quiz = $quizgenerator->create_instance($data);
< $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('quiz', $quiz->cmid); < $cm = cm_info::create($cm);
> $litecm = get_coursemodule_from_id('quiz', $quiz->cmid); > $cm = cm_info::create($litecm);
// Create a question. $questiongenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_question'); $cat = $questiongenerator->create_question_category();
< $question = $questiongenerator->create_question($completionoptions['qtype'], null, ['category' => $cat->id]);
> for ($i = 0; $i < $nbquestions; $i++) { > $overrideparams = ['category' => $cat->id]; > if (isset($completionoptions['questiondefaultmarks'][$i])) { > $overrideparams['defaultmark'] = $completionoptions['questiondefaultmarks'][$i]; > } > $question = $questiongenerator->create_question($completionoptions['qtype'], null, $overrideparams);
quiz_add_quiz_question($question->id, $quiz);
> }
// Set grade to pass. $item = grade_item::fetch(['courseid' => $course->id, 'itemtype' => 'mod', 'itemmodule' => 'quiz', 'iteminstance' => $quiz->id, 'outcomeid' => null]); $item->gradepass = 80; $item->update();
return [ $students, $quiz,
< $cm
> $cm, > $litecm
]; } /** * Helper function for tests. * Starts an attempt, processes responses and finishes the attempt. * * @param array $attemptoptions ['quiz'] => object, ['student'] => object, ['tosubmit'] => array, ['attemptnumber'] => int */ private function do_attempt_quiz(array $attemptoptions) { $quizobj = quiz::create($attemptoptions['quiz']->id); // Start the passing attempt. $quba = question_engine::make_questions_usage_by_activity('mod_quiz', $quizobj->get_context()); $quba->set_preferred_behaviour($quizobj->get_quiz()->preferredbehaviour); $timenow = time(); $attempt = quiz_create_attempt($quizobj, $attemptoptions['attemptnumber'], false, $timenow, false, $attemptoptions['student']->id); quiz_start_new_attempt($quizobj, $quba, $attempt, $attemptoptions['attemptnumber'], $timenow); quiz_attempt_save_started($quizobj, $quba, $attempt); // Process responses from the student. $attemptobj = quiz_attempt::create($attempt->id); $attemptobj->process_submitted_actions($timenow, false, $attemptoptions['tosubmit']); // Finish the attempt. $attemptobj = quiz_attempt::create($attempt->id); $this->assertTrue($attemptobj->has_response_to_at_least_one_graded_question()); $attemptobj->process_finish($timenow, false); } /**
< * Test checking the completion state of a quiz.
> * Test checking the completion state of a quiz base on core's completionpassgrade criteria.
* The quiz requires a passing grade to be completed.
< * < * @covers ::get_state < * @covers ::get_custom_rule_descriptions
*/ public function test_completionpass() { list($students, $quiz, $cm) = $this->setup_quiz_for_testing_completion([ 'nbstudents' => 2, 'qtype' => 'numerical', 'quizoptions' => [ 'completionusegrade' => 1,
< 'completionpass' => 1
> 'completionpassgrade' => 1
] ]); list($passstudent, $failstudent) = $students; // Do a passing attempt. $this->do_attempt_quiz([ 'quiz' => $quiz, 'student' => $passstudent, 'attemptnumber' => 1, 'tosubmit' => [1 => ['answer' => '3.14']] ]);
> $completioninfo = new \completion_info($cm->get_course()); // Check the results. > $completiondetails = new cm_completion_details($completioninfo, $cm, (int) $passstudent->id); $customcompletion = new custom_completion($cm, (int) $passstudent->id); >
< $customcompletion = new custom_completion($cm, (int) $passstudent->id); < $this->assertArrayHasKey('completionpassorattemptsexhausted', $cm->customdata['customcompletionrules']); < $this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_COMPLETE, $customcompletion->get_state('completionpassorattemptsexhausted'));
> $this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_COMPLETE_PASS, $completiondetails->get_details()['completionpassgrade']->status);
< 'Receive a pass grade', < $customcompletion->get_custom_rule_descriptions()['completionpassorattemptsexhausted']
> 'Receive a passing grade', > $completiondetails->get_details()['completionpassgrade']->description
); // Do a failing attempt. $this->do_attempt_quiz([ 'quiz' => $quiz, 'student' => $failstudent, 'attemptnumber' => 1, 'tosubmit' => [1 => ['answer' => '0']] ]);
> $completiondetails = new cm_completion_details($completioninfo, $cm, (int) $failstudent->id); // Check the results. >
< $customcompletion = new custom_completion($cm, (int) $failstudent->id); < $this->assertArrayHasKey('completionpassorattemptsexhausted', $cm->customdata['customcompletionrules']); < $this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE, $customcompletion->get_state('completionpassorattemptsexhausted'));
> $this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_COMPLETE_FAIL, $completiondetails->get_details()['completionpassgrade']->status);
< 'Receive a pass grade', < $customcompletion->get_custom_rule_descriptions()['completionpassorattemptsexhausted']
> 'Receive a passing grade', > $completiondetails->get_details()['completionpassgrade']->description
); } /** * Test checking the completion state of a quiz. * To be completed, this quiz requires either a passing grade or for all attempts to be used up. * * @covers ::get_state * @covers ::get_custom_rule_descriptions */ public function test_completionexhausted() { list($students, $quiz, $cm) = $this->setup_quiz_for_testing_completion([ 'nbstudents' => 2, 'qtype' => 'numerical', 'quizoptions' => [ 'attempts' => 2, 'completionusegrade' => 1,
< 'completionpass' => 1,
> 'completionpassgrade' => 1,
'completionattemptsexhausted' => 1 ] ]); list($passstudent, $exhauststudent) = $students; // Start a passing attempt. $this->do_attempt_quiz([ 'quiz' => $quiz, 'student' => $passstudent, 'attemptnumber' => 1, 'tosubmit' => [1 => ['answer' => '3.14']] ]);
> $completioninfo = new \completion_info($cm->get_course()); // Check the results. Quiz is completed by $passstudent because of passing grade. >
< $customcompletion = new custom_completion($cm, (int) $passstudent->id);
> $studentid = (int) $passstudent->id; > $customcompletion = new custom_completion($cm, $studentid, $completioninfo->get_core_completion_state($cm, $studentid));
$this->assertArrayHasKey('completionpassorattemptsexhausted', $cm->customdata['customcompletionrules']); $this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_COMPLETE, $customcompletion->get_state('completionpassorattemptsexhausted')); $this->assertEquals( 'Receive a pass grade or complete all available attempts', $customcompletion->get_custom_rule_descriptions()['completionpassorattemptsexhausted'] ); // Do a failing attempt. $this->do_attempt_quiz([ 'quiz' => $quiz, 'student' => $exhauststudent, 'attemptnumber' => 1, 'tosubmit' => [1 => ['answer' => '0']] ]); // Check the results. Quiz is not completed by $exhauststudent yet because of failing grade and of remaining attempts.
< $customcompletion = new custom_completion($cm, (int) $exhauststudent->id);
> $studentid = (int) $exhauststudent->id; > $customcompletion = new custom_completion($cm, $studentid, $completioninfo->get_core_completion_state($cm, $studentid));
$this->assertArrayHasKey('completionpassorattemptsexhausted', $cm->customdata['customcompletionrules']); $this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE, $customcompletion->get_state('completionpassorattemptsexhausted')); $this->assertEquals( 'Receive a pass grade or complete all available attempts', $customcompletion->get_custom_rule_descriptions()['completionpassorattemptsexhausted'] ); // Do a second failing attempt. $this->do_attempt_quiz([ 'quiz' => $quiz, 'student' => $exhauststudent, 'attemptnumber' => 2, 'tosubmit' => [1 => ['answer' => '0']] ]); // Check the results. Quiz is completed by $exhauststudent because there are no remaining attempts.
< $customcompletion = new custom_completion($cm, (int) $exhauststudent->id);
> $customcompletion = new custom_completion($cm, $studentid, $completioninfo->get_core_completion_state($cm, $studentid));
$this->assertArrayHasKey('completionpassorattemptsexhausted', $cm->customdata['customcompletionrules']); $this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_COMPLETE, $customcompletion->get_state('completionpassorattemptsexhausted')); $this->assertEquals( 'Receive a pass grade or complete all available attempts', $customcompletion->get_custom_rule_descriptions()['completionpassorattemptsexhausted'] ); } /** * Test checking the completion state of a quiz. * To be completed, this quiz requires a minimum number of attempts. * * @covers ::get_state * @covers ::get_custom_rule_descriptions */ public function test_completionminattempts() { list($students, $quiz, $cm) = $this->setup_quiz_for_testing_completion([ 'nbstudents' => 1, 'qtype' => 'essay', 'quizoptions' => [ 'completionminattemptsenabled' => 1, 'completionminattempts' => 2 ] ]); list($student) = $students; // Do a first attempt. $this->do_attempt_quiz([ 'quiz' => $quiz, 'student' => $student, 'attemptnumber' => 1, 'tosubmit' => [1 => ['answer' => 'Lorem ipsum.', 'answerformat' => '1']] ]); // Check the results. Quiz is not completed yet because only one attempt was done. $customcompletion = new custom_completion($cm, (int) $student->id); $this->assertArrayHasKey('completionminattempts', $cm->customdata['customcompletionrules']); $this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE, $customcompletion->get_state('completionminattempts')); $this->assertEquals( 'Make attempts: 2', $customcompletion->get_custom_rule_descriptions()['completionminattempts'] ); // Do a second attempt. $this->do_attempt_quiz([ 'quiz' => $quiz, 'student' => $student, 'attemptnumber' => 2, 'tosubmit' => [1 => ['answer' => 'Lorem ipsum.', 'answerformat' => '1']] ]); // Check the results. Quiz is completed by $student because two attempts were done. $customcompletion = new custom_completion($cm, (int) $student->id); $this->assertArrayHasKey('completionminattempts', $cm->customdata['customcompletionrules']); $this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_COMPLETE, $customcompletion->get_state('completionminattempts')); $this->assertEquals( 'Make attempts: 2', $customcompletion->get_custom_rule_descriptions()['completionminattempts'] ); } /** * Test for get_defined_custom_rules(). * * @covers ::get_defined_custom_rules */ public function test_get_defined_custom_rules() { $rules = custom_completion::get_defined_custom_rules(); $this->assertCount(2, $rules); $this->assertEquals( ['completionpassorattemptsexhausted', 'completionminattempts'], $rules );
> } } > } > /** > * Test update moduleinfo. > * > * @covers \update_moduleinfo > */ > public function test_update_moduleinfo() { > $this->setAdminUser(); > // We need lite cm object not a full cm because update_moduleinfo is not allow some properties to be updated. > list($students, $quiz, $cm, $litecm) = $this->setup_quiz_for_testing_completion([ > 'nbstudents' => 1, > 'qtype' => 'numerical', > 'nbquestions' => 2, > 'sumgrades' => 100, > 'questiondefaultmarks' => [20, 80], > 'quizoptions' => [ > 'completionusegrade' => 1, > 'completionpassgrade' => 1, > 'completionview' => 0, > ] > ]); > $course = $cm->get_course(); > > list($student) = $students; > // Do a first attempt with a pass marks = 20. > $this->do_attempt_quiz([ > 'quiz' => $quiz, > 'student' => $student, > 'attemptnumber' => 1, > 'tosubmit' => [1 => ['answer' => '3.14']] > ]); > $completioninfo = new \completion_info($course); > $cminfo = \cm_info::create($cm); > $completiondetails = new cm_completion_details($completioninfo, $cminfo, (int) $student->id); > > // Check the results. Completion is fail because gradepass = 80. > $this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_COMPLETE_FAIL, $completiondetails->get_details()['completionpassgrade']->status); > $this->assertEquals( > 'Receive a passing grade', > $completiondetails->get_details()['completionpassgrade']->description > ); > > // Update quiz with passgrade = 20 and use highest grade to calculate. > $moduleinfo = $this->prepare_module_info($cm, $quiz, $course, 20, QUIZ_GRADEHIGHEST); > update_moduleinfo($litecm, $moduleinfo, $course, null); > > $completiondetails = new cm_completion_details($completioninfo, $cminfo, (int) $student->id); > > // Check the results. Completion is pass. > $this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_COMPLETE_PASS, $completiondetails->get_details()['completionpassgrade']->status); > $this->assertEquals( > 'Receive a passing grade', > $completiondetails->get_details()['completionpassgrade']->description > ); > > // Do a second attempt with pass marks = 80. > $this->do_attempt_quiz([ > 'quiz' => $quiz, > 'student' => $student, > 'attemptnumber' => 2, > 'tosubmit' => [2 => ['answer' => '3.14']] > ]); > > // Update quiz with gradepass = 80 and use highest grade to calculate completion. > $moduleinfo = $this->prepare_module_info($cm, $quiz, $course, 80, QUIZ_GRADEHIGHEST); > update_moduleinfo($litecm, $moduleinfo, $course, null); > > $completiondetails = new cm_completion_details($completioninfo, $cminfo, (int) $student->id); > > // Check the results. Completion is pass. > $this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_COMPLETE_PASS, $completiondetails->get_details()['completionpassgrade']->status); > $this->assertEquals( > 'Receive a passing grade', > $completiondetails->get_details()['completionpassgrade']->description > ); > > // Update quiz with gradepass = 80 and use average grade to calculate completion. > $moduleinfo = $this->prepare_module_info($cm, $quiz, $course, 80, QUIZ_GRADEAVERAGE); > update_moduleinfo($litecm, $moduleinfo, $course, null); > > $completiondetails = new cm_completion_details($completioninfo, $cminfo, (int) $student->id); > > // Check the results. Completion is fail because student grade = 50. > $this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_COMPLETE_FAIL, $completiondetails->get_details()['completionpassgrade']->status); > $this->assertEquals( > 'Receive a passing grade', > $completiondetails->get_details()['completionpassgrade']->description > ); > > // Update quiz with gradepass = 50 and use average grade to calculate completion. > $moduleinfo = $this->prepare_module_info($cm, $quiz, $course, 50, QUIZ_GRADEAVERAGE); > update_moduleinfo($litecm, $moduleinfo, $course, null); > > $completiondetails = new cm_completion_details($completioninfo, $cminfo, (int) $student->id); > > // Check the results. Completion is pass. > $this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_COMPLETE_PASS, $completiondetails->get_details()['completionpassgrade']->status); > $this->assertEquals( > 'Receive a passing grade', > $completiondetails->get_details()['completionpassgrade']->description > ); > > // Update quiz with gradepass = 50 and use first attempt grade to calculate completion. > $moduleinfo = $this->prepare_module_info($cm, $quiz, $course, 50, QUIZ_ATTEMPTFIRST); > update_moduleinfo($litecm, $moduleinfo, $course, null); > > $completiondetails = new cm_completion_details($completioninfo, $cminfo, (int) $student->id); > > // Check the results. Completion is fail. > $this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_COMPLETE_FAIL, $completiondetails->get_details()['completionpassgrade']->status); > $this->assertEquals( > 'Receive a passing grade', > $completiondetails->get_details()['completionpassgrade']->description > ); > // Update quiz with gradepass = 50 and use last attempt grade to calculate completion. > $moduleinfo = $this->prepare_module_info($cm, $quiz, $course, 50, QUIZ_ATTEMPTLAST); > update_moduleinfo($litecm, $moduleinfo, $course, null); > > $completiondetails = new cm_completion_details($completioninfo, $cminfo, (int) $student->id); > > // Check the results. Completion is fail. > $this->assertEquals(COMPLETION_COMPLETE_PASS, $completiondetails->get_details()['completionpassgrade']->status); > $this->assertEquals( > 'Receive a passing grade', > $completiondetails->get_details()['completionpassgrade']->description > ); > } > > /** > * Set up moduleinfo object sample data for quiz instance. > * > * @param object $cm course-module instance > * @param object $quiz quiz instance data. > * @param object $course Course related data. > * @param int $gradepass Grade to pass and completed completion. > * @param string $grademethod grade attempt method. > * @return \stdClass > */ > private function prepare_module_info(object $cm, object $quiz, object $course, int $gradepass, string $grademethod): \stdClass { > $grouping = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_grouping(['courseid' => $course->id]); > // Module test values. > $moduleinfo = new \stdClass(); > $moduleinfo->coursemodule = $cm->id; > $moduleinfo->section = 1; > $moduleinfo->course = $course->id; > $moduleinfo->groupingid = $grouping->id; > $draftideditor = 0; > file_prepare_draft_area($draftideditor, null, null, null, null); > $moduleinfo->introeditor = ['text' => 'This is a module', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML, 'itemid' => $draftideditor]; > $moduleinfo->modulename = 'quiz'; > $moduleinfo->quizpassword = ''; > $moduleinfo->cmidnumber = ''; > $moduleinfo->marksopen = 1; > $moduleinfo->visible = 1; > $moduleinfo->visibleoncoursepage = 1; > $moduleinfo->completion = COMPLETION_TRACKING_AUTOMATIC; > $moduleinfo->completionview = COMPLETION_VIEW_NOT_REQUIRED; > $moduleinfo->name = $quiz->name; > $moduleinfo->timeopen = $quiz->timeopen; > $moduleinfo->timeclose = $quiz->timeclose; > $moduleinfo->timelimit = $quiz->timelimit; > $moduleinfo->graceperiod = $quiz->graceperiod; > $moduleinfo->decimalpoints = $quiz->decimalpoints; > $moduleinfo->questiondecimalpoints = $quiz->questiondecimalpoints; > $moduleinfo->gradepass = $gradepass; > $moduleinfo->grademethod = $grademethod; > > return $moduleinfo;