Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.

Differences Between: [Versions 400 and 401] [Versions 400 and 402] [Versions 400 and 403]

   1  <?php
   2  // This file is part of Moodle -
   3  //
   4  // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   5  // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   7  // (at your option) any later version.
   8  //
   9  // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12  // GNU General Public License for more details.
  13  //
  14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  15  // along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.
  17  /**
  18   * functions used by AICC packages.
  19   *
  20   * @package    mod_scorm
  21   * @copyright 1999 onwards Roberto Pinna
  22   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  23   */
  25  function scorm_add_time($a, $b) {
  26      $aes = explode(':', $a);
  27      $bes = explode(':', $b);
  28      $aseconds = explode('.', $aes[2]);
  29      $bseconds = explode('.', $bes[2]);
  30      $change = 0;
  32      $acents = 0;  // Cents.
  33      if (count($aseconds) > 1) {
  34          $acents = $aseconds[1];
  35      }
  36      $bcents = 0;
  37      if (count($bseconds) > 1) {
  38          $bcents = $bseconds[1];
  39      }
  40      $cents = $acents + $bcents;
  41      $change = floor($cents / 100);
  42      $cents = $cents - ($change * 100);
  43      if (floor($cents) < 10) {
  44          $cents = '0'. $cents;
  45      }
  47      $secs = $aseconds[0] + $bseconds[0] + $change;  // Seconds.
  48      $change = floor($secs / 60);
  49      $secs = $secs - ($change * 60);
  50      if (floor($secs) < 10) {
  51          $secs = '0'. $secs;
  52      }
  54      $mins = $aes[1] + $bes[1] + $change;   // Minutes.
  55      $change = floor($mins / 60);
  56      $mins = $mins - ($change * 60);
  57      if ($mins < 10) {
  58          $mins = '0' .  $mins;
  59      }
  61      $hours = $aes[0] + $bes[0] + $change;  // Hours.
  62      if ($hours < 10) {
  63          $hours = '0' . $hours;
  64      }
  66      if ($cents != '0') {
  67          return $hours . ":" . $mins . ":" . $secs . '.' . $cents;
  68      } else {
  69          return $hours . ":" . $mins . ":" . $secs;
  70      }
  71  }
  73  /**
  74   * Take the header row of an AICC definition file
  75   * and returns sequence of columns and a pointer to
  76   * the sco identifier column.
  77   *
  78   * @param string $row AICC header row
  79   * @param string $mastername AICC sco identifier column
  80   * @return mixed
  81   */
  82  function scorm_get_aicc_columns($row, $mastername='system_id') {
  83      $tok = strtok(strtolower($row), "\",\n\r");
  84      $result = new stdClass();
  85      $result->columns = array();
  86      $result->mastercol = 0;
  87      $i = 0;
  88      while ($tok) {
  89          if ($tok != '') {
  90              $result->columns[] = $tok;
  91              if ($tok == $mastername) {
  92                  $result->mastercol = $i;
  93              }
  94              $i++;
  95          }
  96          $tok = strtok("\",\n\r");
  97      }
  98      return $result;
  99  }
 101  /**
 102   * Given a colums array return a string containing the regular
 103   * expression to match the columns in a text row.
 104   *
 105   * @param array $column The header columns
 106   * @param string $remodule The regular expression module for a single column
 107   * @return string
 108   */
 109  function scorm_forge_cols_regexp($columns, $remodule='(".*")?,') {
 110      $regexp = '/^';
 111      foreach ($columns as $column) {
 112          $regexp .= $remodule;
 113      }
 114      $regexp = substr($regexp, 0, -1) . '/';
 115      return $regexp;
 116  }
 118  /**
 119   * Sets up AICC packages
 120   * Called whenever package changes
 121   * @param object $scorm instance - fields are updated and changes saved into database
 122   * @return bool
 123   */
 124  function scorm_parse_aicc(&$scorm) {
 125      global $DB;
 127      if ($scorm->scormtype == SCORM_TYPE_AICCURL) {
 128          return scorm_aicc_generate_simple_sco($scorm);
 129      }
 130      if (!isset($scorm->cmid)) {
 131          $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('scorm', $scorm->id);
 132          $scorm->cmid = $cm->id;
 133      }
 134      $context = context_module::instance($scorm->cmid);
 136      $fs = get_file_storage();
 138      $files = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'mod_scorm', 'content', 0, 'sortorder, itemid, filepath, filename', false);
 140      $version = 'AICC';
 141      $ids = array();
 142      $courses = array();
 143      $extaiccfiles = array('crs', 'des', 'au', 'cst', 'ort', 'pre', 'cmp');
 145      foreach ($files as $file) {
 146          $filename = $file->get_filename();
 147          $ext = substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '.'));
 148          $extension = strtolower(substr($ext, 1));
 149          if (in_array($extension, $extaiccfiles)) {
 150              $id = strtolower(basename($filename, $ext));
 151              if (!isset($ids[$id])) {
 152                  $ids[$id] = new stdClass();
 153              }
 154              $ids[$id]->$extension = $file;
 155          }
 156      }
 158      foreach ($ids as $courseid => $id) {
 159          if (!isset($courses[$courseid])) {
 160              $courses[$courseid] = new stdClass();
 161          }
 162          if (isset($id->crs)) {
 163              $contents = $id->crs->get_content();
 164              $rows = explode("\r\n", $contents);
 165              if (is_array($rows)) {
 166                  foreach ($rows as $row) {
 167                      if (preg_match("/^(.+)=(.+)$/", $row, $matches)) {
 168                          switch (strtolower(trim($matches[1]))) {
 169                              case 'course_id':
 170                                  $courses[$courseid]->id = trim($matches[2]);
 171                              break;
 172                              case 'course_title':
 173                                  $courses[$courseid]->title = trim($matches[2]);
 174                              break;
 175                              case 'version':
 176                                  $courses[$courseid]->version = 'AICC_'.trim($matches[2]);
 177                              break;
 178                          }
 179                      }
 180                  }
 181              }
 182          }
 183          if (isset($id->des)) {
 184              $contents = $id->des->get_content();
 185              $rows = explode("\r\n", $contents);
 186              $columns = scorm_get_aicc_columns($rows[0]);
 187              $regexp = scorm_forge_cols_regexp($columns->columns);
 188              for ($i = 1; $i < count($rows); $i++) {
 189                  if (preg_match($regexp, $rows[$i], $matches)) {
 190                      for ($j = 0; $j < count($columns->columns); $j++) {
 191                          $column = $columns->columns[$j];
 192                          if (!isset($courses[$courseid]->elements[substr(trim($matches[$columns->mastercol + 1]), 1 , -1)])) {
 193                              $courses[$courseid]->elements[substr(trim($matches[$columns->mastercol + 1]), 1 , -1)] = new stdClass();
 194                          }
 195                          $courses[$courseid]->elements[substr(trim($matches[$columns->mastercol + 1]), 1 , -1)]->$column = substr(trim($matches[$j + 1]), 1, -1);
 196                      }
 197                  }
 198              }
 199          }
 200          if (isset($id->au)) {
 201              $contents = $id->au->get_content();
 202              $rows = explode("\r\n", $contents);
 203              $columns = scorm_get_aicc_columns($rows[0]);
 204              $regexp = scorm_forge_cols_regexp($columns->columns);
 205              for ($i = 1; $i < count($rows); $i++) {
 206                  if (preg_match($regexp, $rows[$i], $matches)) {
 207                      for ($j = 0; $j < count($columns->columns); $j++) {
 208                          $column = $columns->columns[$j];
 209                          $courses[$courseid]->elements[substr(trim($matches[$columns->mastercol + 1]), 1, -1)]->$column = substr(trim($matches[$j + 1]), 1, -1);
 210                      }
 211                  }
 212              }
 213          }
 214          if (isset($id->cst)) {
 215              $contents = $id->cst->get_content();
 216              $rows = explode("\r\n", $contents);
 217              $columns = scorm_get_aicc_columns($rows[0], 'block');
 218              $regexp = scorm_forge_cols_regexp($columns->columns, '(.+)?,');
 219              for ($i = 1; $i < count($rows); $i++) {
 220                  if (preg_match($regexp, $rows[$i], $matches)) {
 221                      for ($j = 0; $j < count($columns->columns); $j++) {
 222                          if ($j != $columns->mastercol) {
 223                              $element = substr(trim($matches[$j + 1]), 1 , -1);
 224                              if (!empty($element)) {
 225                                  $courses[$courseid]->elements[$element]->parent = substr(trim($matches[$columns->mastercol + 1]), 1, -1);
 226                              }
 227                          }
 228                      }
 229                  }
 230              }
 231          }
 232          if (isset($id->ort)) {
 233              $contents = $id->ort->get_content();
 234              $rows = explode("\r\n", $contents);
 235              $columns = scorm_get_aicc_columns($rows[0], 'course_element');
 236              $regexp = scorm_forge_cols_regexp($columns->columns, '(.+)?,');
 237              for ($i = 1; $i < count($rows); $i++) {
 238                  if (preg_match($regexp, $rows[$i], $matches)) {
 239                      for ($j = 0; $j < count($matches) - 1; $j++) {
 240                          if ($j != $columns->mastercol) {
 241                              $courses[$courseid]->elements[substr(trim($matches[$j + 1]), 1, -1)]->parent = substr(trim($matches[$columns->mastercol + 1]), 1, -1);
 242                          }
 243                      }
 244                  }
 245              }
 246          }
 247          if (isset($id->pre)) {
 248              $contents = $id->pre->get_content();
 249              $rows = explode("\r\n", $contents);
 250              $columns = scorm_get_aicc_columns($rows[0], 'structure_element');
 251              $regexp = scorm_forge_cols_regexp($columns->columns, '(.+),');
 252              for ($i = 1; $i < count($rows); $i++) {
 253                  if (preg_match($regexp, $rows[$i], $matches)) {
 254                      $elementid = trim($matches[$columns->mastercol + 1]);
 255                      $elementid = trim(trim($elementid, '"'), "'"); // Remove any quotes.
 257                      $prereq = trim($matches[2 - $columns->mastercol]);
 258                      $prereq = trim(trim($prereq, '"'), "'"); // Remove any quotes.
 260                      $courses[$courseid]->elements[$elementid]->prerequisites = $prereq;
 261                  }
 262              }
 263          }
 264          if (isset($id->cmp)) {
 265              $contents = $id->cmp->get_content();
 266              $rows = explode("\r\n", $contents);
 267          }
 268      }
 270      $oldscoes = $DB->get_records('scorm_scoes', array('scorm' => $scorm->id));
 271      $sortorder = 0;
 272      $launch = 0;
 273      if (isset($courses)) {
 274          foreach ($courses as $course) {
 275              $sortorder++;
 276              $sco = new stdClass();
 277              $sco->identifier = $course->id;
 278              $sco->scorm = $scorm->id;
 279              $sco->organization = '';
 280              $sco->title = $course->title;
 281              $sco->parent = '/';
 282              $sco->launch = '';
 283              $sco->scormtype = '';
 284              $sco->sortorder = $sortorder;
 286              if ($ss = $DB->get_record('scorm_scoes', array('scorm' => $scorm->id,
 287                                                             'identifier' => $sco->identifier))) {
 288                  $id = $ss->id;
 289                  $sco->id = $id;
 290                  $DB->update_record('scorm_scoes', $sco);
 291                  unset($oldscoes[$id]);
 292              } else {
 293                  $id = $DB->insert_record('scorm_scoes', $sco);
 294              }
 296              if ($launch == 0) {
 297                  $launch = $id;
 298              }
 299              if (isset($course->elements)) {
 300                  foreach ($course->elements as $element) {
 301                      unset($sco);
 302                      $sco = new stdClass();
 303                      $sco->identifier = $element->system_id;
 304                      $sco->scorm = $scorm->id;
 305                      $sco->organization = $course->id;
 306                      $sco->title = $element->title;
 308                      if (!isset($element->parent)) {
 309                          $sco->parent = '/';
 310                      } else if (strtolower($element->parent) == 'root') {
 311                          $sco->parent = $course->id;
 312                      } else {
 313                          $sco->parent = $element->parent;
 314                      }
 315                      $sco->launch = '';
 316                      $sco->scormtype = '';
 317                      $sco->previous = 0;
 318                      $sco->next = 0;
 319                      $id = null;
 320                      // Is it an Assignable Unit (AU)?
 321                      if (isset($element->file_name)) {
 322                          $sco->launch = $element->file_name;
 323                          $sco->scormtype = 'sco';
 324                      }
 325                      if ($oldscoid = scorm_array_search('identifier', $sco->identifier, $oldscoes)) {
 326                          $sco->id = $oldscoid;
 327                          $DB->update_record('scorm_scoes', $sco);
 328                          $id = $oldscoid;
 329                          $DB->delete_records('scorm_scoes_data', array('scoid' => $oldscoid));
 330                          unset($oldscoes[$oldscoid]);
 331                      } else {
 332                          $id = $DB->insert_record('scorm_scoes', $sco);
 333                      }
 334                      if (!empty($id)) {
 335                          $scodata = new stdClass();
 336                          $scodata->scoid = $id;
 337                          if (isset($element->web_launch)) {
 338                              $scodata->name = 'parameters';
 339                              $scodata->value = $element->web_launch;
 340                              $dataid = $DB->insert_record('scorm_scoes_data', $scodata);
 341                          }
 342                          if (isset($element->prerequisites)) {
 343                              $scodata->name = 'prerequisites';
 344                              $scodata->value = $element->prerequisites;
 345                              $dataid = $DB->insert_record('scorm_scoes_data', $scodata);
 346                          }
 347                          if (isset($element->max_time_allowed)) {
 348                              $scodata->name = 'max_time_allowed';
 349                              $scodata->value = $element->max_time_allowed;
 350                              $dataid = $DB->insert_record('scorm_scoes_data', $scodata);
 351                          }
 352                          if (isset($element->time_limit_action)) {
 353                              $scodata->name = 'time_limit_action';
 354                              $scodata->value = $element->time_limit_action;
 355                              $dataid = $DB->insert_record('scorm_scoes_data', $scodata);
 356                          }
 357                          if (isset($element->mastery_score)) {
 358                              $scodata->name = 'mastery_score';
 359                              $scodata->value = $element->mastery_score;
 360                              $dataid = $DB->insert_record('scorm_scoes_data', $scodata);
 361                          }
 362                          if (isset($element->core_vendor)) {
 363                              $scodata->name = 'datafromlms';
 364                              $scodata->value = preg_replace('/<cr>/i', "\r\n", $element->core_vendor);
 365                              $dataid = $DB->insert_record('scorm_scoes_data', $scodata);
 366                          }
 367                      }
 368                      if ($launch == 0) {
 369                          $launch = $id;
 370                      }
 371                  }
 372              }
 373          }
 374      }
 375      if (!empty($oldscoes)) {
 376          foreach ($oldscoes as $oldsco) {
 377              $DB->delete_records('scorm_scoes', array('id' => $oldsco->id));
 378              $DB->delete_records('scorm_scoes_track', array('scoid' => $oldsco->id));
 379          }
 380      }
 382      // Find first launchable object.
 383      $sqlselect = 'scorm = ? AND '.$DB->sql_isnotempty('scorm_scoes', 'launch', false, true);
 384      // We use get_records here as we need to pass a limit in the query that works cross db.
 385      $scoes = $DB->get_records_select('scorm_scoes', $sqlselect, array($scorm->id), 'sortorder', 'id', 0, 1);
 386      if (!empty($scoes)) {
 387          $sco = reset($scoes); // We only care about the first record - the above query only returns one.
 388          $scorm->launch = $sco->id;
 389      } else {
 390          $scorm->launch = $launch;
 391      }
 393      $scorm->version = 'AICC';
 395      return true;
 396  }
 398  /**
 399   * Given a scormid creates an AICC Session record to allow HACP
 400   *
 401   * @param int $scormid - id from scorm table
 402   * @return string hacpsession
 403   */
 404  function scorm_aicc_get_hacp_session($scormid) {
 405      global $USER, $DB, $SESSION;
 406      $cfgscorm = get_config('scorm');
 407      if (empty($cfgscorm->allowaicchacp)) {
 408          return false;
 409      }
 410      $now = time();
 412      $hacpsession = $SESSION->scorm;
 413      $hacpsession->scormid = $scormid;
 414      $hacpsession->hacpsession = random_string(20);
 415      $hacpsession->userid      = $USER->id;
 416      $hacpsession->timecreated = $now;
 417      $hacpsession->timemodified = $now;
 418      $DB->insert_record('scorm_aicc_session', $hacpsession);
 420      return $hacpsession->hacpsession;
 421  }
 423  /**
 424   * Check the hacp_session for whether it is valid.
 425   *
 426   * @param string $hacpsession The hacpsession value to check (optional). Normally leave this blank
 427   *      and this function will do required_param('sesskey', ...).
 428   * @return mixed - false if invalid, otherwise returns record from scorm_aicc_session table.
 429   */
 430  function scorm_aicc_confirm_hacp_session($hacpsession) {
 431      global $DB;
 432      $cfgscorm = get_config('scorm');
 433      if (empty($cfgscorm->allowaicchacp)) {
 434          return false;
 435      }
 436      $time = time() - ($cfgscorm->aicchacptimeout * 60);
 437      $sql = "hacpsession = ? AND timemodified > ?";
 438      $hacpsession = $DB->get_record_select('scorm_aicc_session', $sql, array($hacpsession, $time));
 439      if (!empty($hacpsession)) { // Update timemodified as this is still an active session - resets the timeout.
 440          $hacpsession->timemodified = time();
 441          $DB->update_record('scorm_aicc_session', $hacpsession);
 442      }
 443      return $hacpsession;
 444  }
 446  /**
 447   * generate a simple single activity AICC object
 448   * structure to wrap around and externally linked
 449   * AICC package URL
 450   *
 451   * @param object $scorm package record
 452   */
 453  function scorm_aicc_generate_simple_sco($scorm) {
 454      global $DB;
 455      // Find the oldest one.
 456      $scos = $DB->get_records('scorm_scoes', array('scorm' => $scorm->id), 'id');
 457      if (!empty($scos)) {
 458          $sco = array_shift($scos);
 459      } else {
 460          $sco = new stdClass();
 461      }
 462      // Get rid of old ones.
 463      foreach ($scos as $oldsco) {
 464          $DB->delete_records('scorm_scoes', array('id' => $oldsco->id));
 465          $DB->delete_records('scorm_scoes_track', array('scoid' => $oldsco->id));
 466      }
 468      $sco->identifier = 'A1';
 469      $sco->scorm = $scorm->id;
 470      $sco->organization = '';
 471      $sco->title = $scorm->name;
 472      $sco->parent = '/';
 473      // Add the HACP signal to the activity launcher.
 474      if (preg_match('/\?/', $scorm->reference)) {
 475          $sco->launch = $scorm->reference.'&CMI=HACP';
 476      } else {
 477          $sco->launch = $scorm->reference.'?CMI=HACP';
 478      }
 479      $sco->scormtype = 'sco';
 480      if (isset($sco->id)) {
 481          $DB->update_record('scorm_scoes', $sco);
 482          $id = $sco->id;
 483      } else {
 484          $id = $DB->insert_record('scorm_scoes', $sco);
 485      }
 486      return $id;
 487  }
 489  /**
 490   * Sets up $userdata array and default values for AICC package.
 491   *
 492   * @param stdClass $userdata an empty stdClass variable that should be set up with user values
 493   * @param object $scorm package record
 494   * @param string $scoid SCO Id
 495   * @param string $attempt attempt number for the user
 496   * @param string $mode scorm display mode type
 497   * @return array The default values that should be used for AICC package
 498   */
 499  function get_scorm_default (&$userdata, $scorm, $scoid, $attempt, $mode) {
 500      global $USER;
 501      $aiccuserid = get_config('scorm', 'aiccuserid');
 502      if (!empty($aiccuserid)) {
 503          $userdata->student_id = $USER->id;
 504      } else {
 505          $userdata->student_id = $USER->username;
 506      }
 507      $userdata->student_name = $USER->lastname .', '. $USER->firstname;
 509      if ($usertrack = scorm_get_tracks($scoid, $USER->id, $attempt)) {
 510          foreach ($usertrack as $key => $value) {
 511              $userdata->$key = $value;
 512          }
 513      } else {
 514          $userdata->status = '';
 515          $userdata->score_raw = '';
 516      }
 518      if ($scodatas = scorm_get_sco($scoid, SCO_DATA)) {
 519          foreach ($scodatas as $key => $value) {
 520              $userdata->$key = $value;
 521          }
 522      } else {
 523          print_error('cannotfindsco', 'scorm');
 524      }
 525      if (!$sco = scorm_get_sco($scoid)) {
 526          print_error('cannotfindsco', 'scorm');
 527      }
 529      $userdata->mode = 'normal';
 530      if (!empty($mode)) {
 531          $userdata->mode = $mode;
 532      }
 533      if ($userdata->mode == 'normal') {
 534          $userdata->credit = 'credit';
 535      } else {
 536          $userdata->credit = 'no-credit';
 537      }
 539      if (isset($userdata->status)) {
 540          if ($userdata->status == '') {
 541              $userdata->entry = 'ab-initio';
 542          } else {
 543              if (isset($userdata->{'cmi.core.exit'}) && ($userdata->{'cmi.core.exit'} == 'suspend')) {
 544                  $userdata->entry = 'resume';
 545              } else {
 546                  $userdata->entry = '';
 547              }
 548          }
 549      }
 551      $def = array();
 552      $def['cmi.core.student_id'] = $userdata->student_id;
 553      $def['cmi.core.student_name'] = $userdata->student_name;
 554      $def[''] = $userdata->credit;
 555      $def['cmi.core.entry'] = $userdata->entry;
 556      $def['cmi.launch_data'] = scorm_isset($userdata, 'datafromlms');
 557      $def['cmi.core.lesson_mode'] = $userdata->mode;
 558      $def['cmi.student_data.attempt_number'] = scorm_isset($userdata, 'cmi.student_data.attempt_number');
 559      $def['cmi.student_data.mastery_score'] = scorm_isset($userdata, 'mastery_score');
 560      $def['cmi.student_data.max_time_allowed'] = scorm_isset($userdata, 'max_time_allowed');
 561      $def['cmi.student_data.time_limit_action'] = scorm_isset($userdata, 'time_limit_action');
 562      $def['cmi.student_data.tries_during_lesson'] = scorm_isset($userdata, 'cmi.student_data.tries_during_lesson');
 564      $def['cmi.core.lesson_location'] = scorm_isset($userdata, 'cmi.core.lesson_location');
 565      $def['cmi.core.lesson_status'] = scorm_isset($userdata, 'cmi.core.lesson_status');
 566      $def['cmi.core.exit'] = scorm_isset($userdata, 'cmi.core.exit');
 567      $def['cmi.core.score.raw'] = scorm_isset($userdata, 'cmi.core.score.raw');
 568      $def['cmi.core.score.max'] = scorm_isset($userdata, 'cmi.core.score.max');
 569      $def['cmi.core.score.min'] = scorm_isset($userdata, 'cmi.core.score.min');
 570      $def['cmi.core.total_time'] = scorm_isset($userdata, 'cmi.core.total_time', '00:00:00');
 571      $def['cmi.suspend_data'] = scorm_isset($userdata, 'cmi.suspend_data');
 572      $def['cmi.comments'] = scorm_isset($userdata, 'cmi.comments');
 574      return $def;
 575  }