Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.
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// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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 * External question API
 * @package    core_question
 * @category   external
 * @copyright  2016 Pau Ferrer <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/engine/lib.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/engine/datalib.php');
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/questionlib.php');

 * Question external functions
 * @package    core_question
 * @category   external
 * @copyright  2016 Pau Ferrer <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
 * @since Moodle 3.1
class core_question_external extends external_api {

     * Returns description of method parameters
     * @return external_function_parameters
     * @since Moodle 3.1
    public static function update_flag_parameters() {
        return new external_function_parameters(
                'qubaid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'the question usage id.'),
                'questionid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'the question id'),
                'qaid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'the question_attempt id'),
                'slot' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'the slot number within the usage'),
                'checksum' => new external_value(PARAM_ALPHANUM, 'computed checksum with the last three arguments and
                             the users username'),
                'newstate' => new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'the new state of the flag. true = flagged')

     * Update the flag state of a question attempt.
     * @param int $qubaid the question usage id.
     * @param int $questionid the question id.
     * @param int $qaid the question_attempt id.
     * @param int $slot the slot number within the usage.
     * @param string $checksum checksum, as computed by {@link get_toggle_checksum()}
     *      corresponding to the last three arguments and the users username.
     * @param bool $newstate the new state of the flag. true = flagged.
     * @return array (success infos and fail infos)
     * @since Moodle 3.1
    public static function update_flag($qubaid, $questionid, $qaid, $slot, $checksum, $newstate) {
        global $CFG, $DB;

        $params = self::validate_parameters(self::update_flag_parameters(),
                'qubaid' => $qubaid,
                'questionid' => $questionid,
                'qaid' => $qaid,
                'slot' => $slot,
                'checksum' => $checksum,
                'newstate' => $newstate

        $warnings = array();

        // The checksum will be checked to provide security flagging other users questions.
        question_flags::update_flag($params['qubaid'], $params['questionid'], $params['qaid'], $params['slot'], $params['checksum'],

        $result = array();
        $result['status'] = true;
        $result['warnings'] = $warnings;
        return $result;

     * Returns description of method result value
     * @return external_description
     * @since Moodle 3.1
    public static function update_flag_returns() {
        return new external_single_structure(
                'status' => new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'status: true if success'),
                'warnings' => new external_warnings()

     * Returns description of method parameters.
     * @return external_function_parameters.
     * @deprecated since Moodle 4.0
     * @see \qbank_tagquestion\external\qbank_tagquestion_external
     * @todo Final deprecation on Moodle 4.4 MDL-72438
    public static function submit_tags_form_parameters() {
        return new external_function_parameters([
                'questionid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The question id'),
                'contextid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The editing context id'),
                'formdata' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The data from the tag form'),

     * Handles the tags form submission.
     * @param int $questionid The question id.
     * @param int $contextid The editing context id.
     * @param string $formdata The question tag form data in a URI encoded param string
     * @return array The created or modified question tag
     * @deprecated since Moodle 4.0
     * @see \qbank_tagquestion\external\qbank_tagquestion_external
     * @todo Final deprecation on Moodle 4.4 MDL-72438
    public static function submit_tags_form($questionid, $contextid, $formdata) {
        global $DB, $CFG;

        $data = [];
        $result = ['status' => false];

        // Parameter validation.
        $params = self::validate_parameters(self::submit_tags_form_parameters(), [
            'questionid' => $questionid,
            'contextid' => $contextid,
            'formdata' => $formdata

        $editingcontext = \context::instance_by_id($contextid);
        parse_str($params['formdata'], $data);

        if (!$question = $DB->get_record_sql('
                SELECT q.*, qc.contextid
                FROM {question} q
                JOIN {question_categories} qc ON = q.category
                WHERE = ?', [$questionid])) {
< print_error('questiondoesnotexist', 'question');
> throw new \moodle_exception('questiondoesnotexist', 'question');
} require_once($CFG->libdir . '/questionlib.php'); $cantag = question_has_capability_on($question, 'tag'); $questioncontext = \context::instance_by_id($question->contextid); $contexts = new \core_question\local\bank\question_edit_contexts($editingcontext); $formoptions = [ 'editingcontext' => $editingcontext, 'questioncontext' => $questioncontext, 'contexts' => $contexts->all() ]; $mform = new \qbank_tagquestion\form\tags_form(null, $formoptions, 'post', '', null, $cantag, $data); if ($validateddata = $mform->get_data()) { if ($cantag) { if (isset($validateddata->tags)) { // Due to a mform bug, if there's no tags set on the tag element, it submits the name as the value. // The only way to discover is checking if the tag element is an array. $tags = is_array($validateddata->tags) ? $validateddata->tags : []; core_tag_tag::set_item_tags('core_question', 'question', $validateddata->id, $questioncontext, $tags); $result['status'] = true; } if (isset($validateddata->coursetags)) { $coursetags = is_array($validateddata->coursetags) ? $validateddata->coursetags : []; core_tag_tag::set_item_tags('core_question', 'question', $validateddata->id, $editingcontext->get_course_context(false), $coursetags); $result['status'] = true; } } } return $result; } /** * Returns description of method result value. * * @deprecated since Moodle 4.0 * @see \qbank_tagquestion\external\qbank_tagquestion_external * @todo Final deprecation on Moodle 4.4 MDL-72438 */ public static function submit_tags_form_returns() { return new external_single_structure([ 'status' => new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'status: true if success') ]); } /** * Marking the method as deprecated. * * @return bool * @todo Final deprecation on Moodle 4.4 MDL-72438 */ public static function submit_tags_form_is_deprecated() { return true; } /** * Returns description of method parameters. * * @return external_function_parameters. */ public static function get_random_question_summaries_parameters() { return new external_function_parameters([ 'categoryid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Category id to find random questions'), 'includesubcategories' => new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'Include the subcategories in the search'), 'tagids' => new external_multiple_structure( new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Tag id') ), 'contextid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Context id that the questions will be rendered in (used for exporting)'), 'limit' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Maximum number of results to return', VALUE_DEFAULT, 0), 'offset' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Number of items to skip from the begging of the result set', VALUE_DEFAULT, 0) ]); } /** * Gets the list of random questions for the given criteria. The questions * will be exported in a summaries format and won't include all of the * question data. * * @param int $categoryid Category id to find random questions * @param bool $includesubcategories Include the subcategories in the search * @param int[] $tagids Only include questions with these tags * @param int $contextid The context id where the questions will be rendered * @param int $limit Maximum number of results to return * @param int $offset Number of items to skip from the beginning of the result set. * @return array The list of questions and total question count. */ public static function get_random_question_summaries( $categoryid, $includesubcategories, $tagids, $contextid, $limit = 0, $offset = 0 ) { global $DB, $PAGE; // Parameter validation. $params = self::validate_parameters( self::get_random_question_summaries_parameters(), [ 'categoryid' => $categoryid, 'includesubcategories' => $includesubcategories, 'tagids' => $tagids, 'contextid' => $contextid, 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset ] ); $categoryid = $params['categoryid']; $includesubcategories = $params['includesubcategories']; $tagids = $params['tagids']; $contextid = $params['contextid']; $limit = $params['limit']; $offset = $params['offset']; $context = \context::instance_by_id($contextid); self::validate_context($context); $categorycontextid = $DB->get_field('question_categories', 'contextid', ['id' => $categoryid], MUST_EXIST); $categorycontext = \context::instance_by_id($categorycontextid); $editcontexts = new \core_question\local\bank\question_edit_contexts($categorycontext); // The user must be able to view all questions in the category that they are requesting. $editcontexts->require_cap('moodle/question:viewall'); $loader = new \core_question\local\bank\random_question_loader(new qubaid_list([])); // Only load the properties we require from the DB. $properties = \core_question\external\question_summary_exporter::get_mandatory_properties(); $questions = $loader->get_questions($categoryid, $includesubcategories, $tagids, $limit, $offset, $properties); $totalcount = $loader->count_questions($categoryid, $includesubcategories, $tagids); $renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); $formattedquestions = array_map(function($question) use ($context, $renderer) { $exporter = new \core_question\external\question_summary_exporter($question, ['context' => $context]); return $exporter->export($renderer); }, $questions); return [ 'totalcount' => $totalcount, 'questions' => $formattedquestions ]; } /** * Returns description of method result value. */ public static function get_random_question_summaries_returns() { return new external_single_structure([ 'totalcount' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'total number of questions in result set'), 'questions' => new external_multiple_structure( \core_question\external\question_summary_exporter::get_read_structure() ) ]); } }