Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.
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 * Definition class for embedded element in question text question.
 * Used by gap-select, drag and drop and possibly others.
 * @package    qtype_gapselect
 * @copyright  2011 The Open University
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/type/questionbase.php');

 * Represents embedded element in question text question.
 * Parent of drag and drop and select from drop down list and others.
 * @copyright  2011 The Open University
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
abstract class qtype_gapselect_question_base extends question_graded_automatically_with_countback {
    /** @var boolean Whether the question stems should be shuffled. */
    public $shufflechoices;

    /** @var string Feedback for any correct response. */
    public $correctfeedback;
    /** @var int format of $correctfeedback. */
    public $correctfeedbackformat;
    /** @var string Feedback for any partially correct response. */
    public $partiallycorrectfeedback;
    /** @var int format of $partiallycorrectfeedback. */
    public $partiallycorrectfeedbackformat;
    /** @var string Feedback for any incorrect response. */
    public $incorrectfeedback;
    /** @var int format of $incorrectfeedback. */
    public $incorrectfeedbackformat;

     * @var array of arrays. The outer keys are the choice group numbers.
     * The inner keys for most question types number sequentialy from 1. However
     * for ddimageortext questions it is strange (and difficult to change now).
     * the first item in each group gets numbered 1, and the other items get numbered
     * $choice->no. Be careful!
     * The values are arrays of qtype_gapselect_choice objects (or a subclass).
    public $choices;

     * @var array place number => group number of the places in the question
     * text where choices can be put. Places are numbered from 1.
    public $places;

     * @var array of strings, one longer than $places, which is achieved by
     * indexing from 0. The bits of question text that go between the placeholders.
    public $textfragments;

    /** @var array index of the right choice for each stem. */
    public $rightchoices;

    /** @var array shuffled choice indexes. */
    protected $choiceorder;

    public function start_attempt(question_attempt_step $step, $variant) {
        foreach ($this->choices as $group => $choices) {
            $choiceorder = array_keys($choices);
            if ($this->shufflechoices) {
            $step->set_qt_var('_choiceorder' . $group, implode(',', $choiceorder));
            $this->set_choiceorder($group, $choiceorder);

    public function apply_attempt_state(question_attempt_step $step) {
        foreach ($this->choices as $group => $choices) {
            $this->set_choiceorder($group, explode(',',
                    $step->get_qt_var('_choiceorder' . $group)));

     * Helper method used by both {@link start_attempt()} and
     * {@link apply_attempt_state()}.
     * @param int $group the group number.
     * @param array $choiceorder the choices, in order.
    protected function set_choiceorder($group, $choiceorder) {
        foreach ($choiceorder as $key => $value) {
            $this->choiceorder[$group][$key + 1] = $value;

> public function validate_can_regrade_with_other_version(question_definition $otherversion): ?string { public function get_question_summary() { > $basemessage = parent::validate_can_regrade_with_other_version($otherversion); $question = $this->html_to_text($this->questiontext, $this->questiontextformat); > if ($basemessage) { $groups = array(); > return $basemessage; foreach ($this->choices as $group => $choices) { > } $cs = array(); > foreach ($choices as $choice) { > if (count($this->choices) != count($otherversion->choices)) { $cs[] = html_to_text($choice->text, 0, false); > return get_string('regradeissuenumgroupsschanged', 'qtype_gapselect'); } > } $groups[] = '[[' . $group . ']] -> {' . implode(' / ', $cs) . '}'; > } > foreach ($this->choices as $group => $choices) { return $question . '; ' . implode('; ', $groups); > if (count($this->choices[$group]) != count($otherversion->choices[$group])) { } > return get_string('regradeissuenumchoiceschanged', 'qtype_gapselect', $group); > } protected function get_selected_choice($group, $shuffledchoicenumber) { > } $choiceno = $this->choiceorder[$group][$shuffledchoicenumber]; > return isset($this->choices[$group][$choiceno]) ? $this->choices[$group][$choiceno] : null; > return null; } > } >
public function summarise_response(array $response) { $matches = array(); $allblank = true; foreach ($this->places as $place => $group) { if (array_key_exists($this->field($place), $response) && $response[$this->field($place)]) { $choices[] = '{' . $this->summarise_choice( $this->get_selected_choice($group, $response[$this->field($place)])) . '}'; $allblank = false; } else { $choices[] = '{}'; } } if ($allblank) { return null; } return implode(' ', $choices); } /** * Convert a choice to plain text. * @param qtype_gapselect_choice $choice one of the choices for a place. * @return a plain text summary of the choice. */ public function summarise_choice($choice) { return $this->html_to_text($choice->text, FORMAT_PLAIN); } public function get_random_guess_score() { $accum = 0; foreach ($this->places as $placegroup) { $accum += 1 / count($this->choices[$placegroup]); } return $accum / count($this->places); } public function clear_wrong_from_response(array $response) { foreach ($this->places as $place => $notused) { if (array_key_exists($this->field($place), $response) && $response[$this->field($place)] != $this->get_right_choice_for($place)) { $response[$this->field($place)] = '0'; } } return $response; } public function get_num_parts_right(array $response) { $numright = 0; foreach ($this->places as $place => $notused) { if (!array_key_exists($this->field($place), $response)) { continue; } if ($response[$this->field($place)] == $this->get_right_choice_for($place)) { $numright += 1; } } return array($numright, count($this->places)); } /** * Get the field name corresponding to a given place. * @param int $place stem number * @return string the question-type variable name. */ public function field($place) { return 'p' . $place; } public function get_expected_data() { $vars = array(); foreach ($this->places as $place => $notused) { $vars[$this->field($place)] = PARAM_INTEGER; } return $vars; } public function get_correct_response() { $response = array(); foreach ($this->places as $place => $notused) { $response[$this->field($place)] = $this->get_right_choice_for($place); } return $response; } public function get_right_choice_for($place) { $group = $this->places[$place]; foreach ($this->choiceorder[$group] as $choicekey => $choiceid) { if ($this->rightchoices[$place] == $choiceid) { return $choicekey; } } } public function get_ordered_choices($group) { $choices = array(); foreach ($this->choiceorder[$group] as $choicekey => $choiceid) { $choices[$choicekey] = $this->choices[$group][$choiceid]; } return $choices; } public function is_complete_response(array $response) { $complete = true; foreach ($this->places as $place => $notused) { $complete = $complete && !empty($response[$this->field($place)]); } return $complete; } public function is_gradable_response(array $response) { foreach ($this->places as $place => $notused) { if (!empty($response[$this->field($place)])) { return true; } } return false; } public function is_same_response(array $prevresponse, array $newresponse) { foreach ($this->places as $place => $notused) { $fieldname = $this->field($place); if (!question_utils::arrays_same_at_key_integer( $prevresponse, $newresponse, $fieldname)) { return false; } } return true; } public function get_validation_error(array $response) { if ($this->is_complete_response($response)) { return ''; } return get_string('pleaseputananswerineachbox', 'qtype_gapselect'); } public function grade_response(array $response) { list($right, $total) = $this->get_num_parts_right($response); $fraction = $right / $total; return array($fraction, question_state::graded_state_for_fraction($fraction)); } public function compute_final_grade($responses, $totaltries) { $totalscore = 0; foreach ($this->places as $place => $notused) { $fieldname = $this->field($place); $lastwrongindex = -1; $finallyright = false; foreach ($responses as $i => $response) { if (!array_key_exists($fieldname, $response) || $response[$fieldname] != $this->get_right_choice_for($place)) { $lastwrongindex = $i; $finallyright = false; } else { $finallyright = true; } } if ($finallyright) { $totalscore += max(0, 1 - ($lastwrongindex + 1) * $this->penalty); } } return $totalscore / count($this->places); } public function classify_response(array $response) { $parts = array(); foreach ($this->places as $place => $group) { if (!array_key_exists($this->field($place), $response) || !$response[$this->field($place)]) { $parts[$place] = question_classified_response::no_response(); continue; } $fieldname = $this->field($place); $choiceno = $this->choiceorder[$group][$response[$fieldname]]; $choice = $this->choices[$group][$choiceno]; $parts[$place] = new question_classified_response( $choiceno, html_to_text($choice->text, 0, false), ($this->get_right_choice_for($place) == $response[$fieldname]) / count($this->places)); } return $parts; } public function check_file_access($qa, $options, $component, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload) { if ($component == 'question' && in_array($filearea, array('correctfeedback', 'partiallycorrectfeedback', 'incorrectfeedback'))) { return $this->check_combined_feedback_file_access($qa, $options, $filearea, $args); } else if ($component == 'question' && $filearea == 'hint') { return $this->check_hint_file_access($qa, $options, $args); } else { return parent::check_file_access($qa, $options, $component, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload); } } /** * Return the question settings that define this question as structured data. * * @param question_attempt $qa the current attempt for which we are exporting the settings. * @param question_display_options $options the question display options which say which aspects of the question * should be visible. * @return mixed structure representing the question settings. In web services, this will be JSON-encoded. */ public function get_question_definition_for_external_rendering(question_attempt $qa, question_display_options $options) { // This is a partial implementation, returning only the most relevant question settings for now, // ideally, we should return as much as settings as possible (depending on the state and display options). return [ 'shufflechoices' => $this->shufflechoices, ]; } }