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See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.
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 * Test helpers for the match question type.
 * @package    qtype_match
 * @copyright  2013 The Open University
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/type/match/question.php');

 * Test helper class for the match question type.
 * @copyright  2013 The Open University
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class qtype_match_test_helper extends question_test_helper {
    public function get_test_questions() {
        return array('foursubq', 'trickynums');

     * Makes a match question about completing two blanks in some text.
     * @return object the question definition data, as it might be returned from
     * get_question_options.
    public function get_match_question_data_foursubq() {
        global $USER;
        $q = new stdClass();
        $q->name = 'Matching question';
        $q->qtype = 'match';
        $q->parent = 0;
        $q->questiontext = 'Classify the animals.';
        $q->questiontextformat = FORMAT_HTML;
        $q->generalfeedback = 'General feedback.';
        $q->generalfeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML;
        $q->defaultmark = 1;
        $q->penalty = 0.3333333;
        $q->length = 1;
< $q->hidden = 0;
> $q->status = \core_question\local\bank\question_version_status::QUESTION_STATUS_READY; > $q->versionid = 0; > $q->version = 1; > $q->questionbankentryid = 0;
$q->createdby = $USER->id; $q->modifiedby = $USER->id; $q->options = new stdClass(); $q->options->shuffleanswers = 1; test_question_maker::set_standard_combined_feedback_fields($q->options); $q->options->subquestions = array( 14 => (object) array( 'id' => 14, 'questiontext' => 'frog', 'questiontextformat' => FORMAT_HTML, 'answertext' => 'amphibian'), 15 => (object) array( 'id' => 15, 'questiontext' => 'cat', 'questiontextformat' => FORMAT_HTML, 'answertext' => 'mammal'), 16 => (object) array( 'id' => 16, 'questiontext' => 'newt', 'questiontextformat' => FORMAT_HTML, 'answertext' => 'amphibian'), 17 => (object) array( 'id' => 17, 'questiontext' => '', 'questiontextformat' => FORMAT_HTML, 'answertext' => 'insect'), ); return $q; } /** * Makes a match question about completing two blanks in some text. * @return object the question definition data, as it might be returned from * the question editing form. */ public function get_match_question_form_data_foursubq() { $q = new stdClass(); $q->name = 'Matching question'; $q->questiontext = array('text' => 'Classify the animals.', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML); $q->generalfeedback = array('text' => 'General feedback.', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML); $q->defaultmark = 1; $q->penalty = 0.3333333;
> $q->status = \core_question\local\bank\question_version_status::QUESTION_STATUS_READY; > $q->versionid = 0; $q->shuffleanswers = 1; > $q->version = 1; test_question_maker::set_standard_combined_feedback_form_data($q); > $q->questionbankentryid = 0;
$q->subquestions = array( 0 => array('text' => 'frog', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML), 1 => array('text' => 'cat', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML), 2 => array('text' => 'newt', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML), 3 => array('text' => '', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML)); $q->subanswers = array( 0 => 'amphibian', 1 => 'mammal', 2 => 'amphibian', 3 => 'insect' ); $q->noanswers = 4; return $q; } /** * Makes a matching question to classify 'Dog', 'Frog', 'Toad' and 'Cat' as * 'Mammal', 'Amphibian' or 'Insect'. * defaultmark 1. Stems are shuffled by default. * @return qtype_match_question */ public static function make_match_question_foursubq() { question_bank::load_question_definition_classes('match'); $match = new qtype_match_question(); test_question_maker::initialise_a_question($match); $match->name = 'Matching question'; $match->questiontext = 'Classify the animals.'; $match->generalfeedback = 'Frogs and toads are amphibians, the others are mammals.'; $match->qtype = question_bank::get_qtype('match'); $match->shufflestems = 1; test_question_maker::set_standard_combined_feedback_fields($match); // Using unset to get 1-based arrays. $match->stems = array('', 'Dog', 'Frog', 'Toad', 'Cat'); $match->stemformat = array('', FORMAT_HTML, FORMAT_HTML, FORMAT_HTML, FORMAT_HTML); $match->choices = array('', 'Mammal', 'Amphibian', 'Insect'); $match->right = array('', 1, 2, 2, 1); unset($match->stems[0]); unset($match->stemformat[0]); unset($match->choices[0]); unset($match->right[0]); return $match; } /** * Makes a matching question with choices including '0' and '0.0'. * * @return object the question definition data, as it might be returned from * get_question_options. */ public function get_match_question_data_trickynums() { global $USER; $q = new stdClass(); test_question_maker::initialise_question_data($q); $q->name = 'Java matching'; $q->qtype = 'match'; $q->parent = 0; $q->questiontext = 'What is the output of each of these lines of code?'; $q->questiontextformat = FORMAT_HTML; $q->generalfeedback = 'Java has some advantages over PHP I guess!'; $q->generalfeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML; $q->defaultmark = 1; $q->penalty = 0.3333333; $q->length = 1;
< $q->hidden = 0;
> $q->status = \core_question\local\bank\question_version_status::QUESTION_STATUS_READY; > $q->versionid = 0; > $q->version = 1; > $q->questionbankentryid = 0;
$q->createdby = $USER->id; $q->modifiedby = $USER->id; $q->options = new stdClass(); $q->options->shuffleanswers = 1; test_question_maker::set_standard_combined_feedback_fields($q->options); $q->options->subquestions = array( 14 => (object) array( 'id' => 14, 'questiontext' => 'System.out.println(0);', 'questiontextformat' => FORMAT_HTML, 'answertext' => '0'), 15 => (object) array( 'id' => 15, 'questiontext' => 'System.out.println(0.0);', 'questiontextformat' => FORMAT_HTML, 'answertext' => '0.0'), 16 => (object) array( 'id' => 16, 'questiontext' => '', 'questiontextformat' => FORMAT_HTML, 'answertext' => 'NULL'), ); return $q; } /** * Makes a match question about completing two blanks in some text. * @return object the question definition data, as it might be returned from * the question editing form. */ public function get_match_question_form_data_trickynums() { $q = new stdClass(); $q->name = 'Java matching'; $q->questiontext = ['text' => 'What is the output of each of these lines of code?', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML]; $q->generalfeedback = ['text' => 'Java has some advantages over PHP I guess!', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML]; $q->defaultmark = 1; $q->penalty = 0.3333333;
> $q->status = \core_question\local\bank\question_version_status::QUESTION_STATUS_READY; > $q->versionid = 0; $q->shuffleanswers = 1; > $q->version = 1; test_question_maker::set_standard_combined_feedback_form_data($q); > $q->questionbankentryid = 0;
$q->subquestions = array( 0 => array('text' => 'System.out.println(0);', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML), 1 => array('text' => 'System.out.println(0.0);', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML), 2 => array('text' => '', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML), ); $q->subanswers = array( 0 => '0', 1 => '0.0', 2 => 'NULL', ); $q->noanswers = 3; return $q; } /** * Makes a matching question with choices including '0' and '0.0'. * * @return qtype_match_question */ public static function make_match_question_trickynums() { question_bank::load_question_definition_classes('match'); $match = new qtype_match_question(); test_question_maker::initialise_a_question($match); $match->name = 'Java matching'; $match->questiontext = 'What is the output of each of these lines of code?'; $match->generalfeedback = 'Java has some advantages over PHP I guess!'; $match->qtype = question_bank::get_qtype('match'); $match->shufflestems = 1; test_question_maker::set_standard_combined_feedback_fields($match); // Using unset to get 1-based arrays. $match->stems = array('', 'System.out.println(0);', 'System.out.println(0.0);'); $match->stemformat = array('', FORMAT_HTML, FORMAT_HTML); $match->choices = array('', '0', '0.0', 'NULL'); $match->right = array('', 1, 2); unset($match->stems[0]); unset($match->stemformat[0]); unset($match->choices[0]); unset($match->right[0]); return $match; } }