Developer Documentation

See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.1.x will end 13 November 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.1.x will end 10 November 2025 (36 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.4.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.0. PHP 8.0.x is supported too.

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Defines 1 class

Variance:: (1 method):

Class: Variance  - X-Ref

In probability theory and statistics, variance is the expectation of the squared deviation of a random variable from its mean.
Informally, it measures how far a set of (random) numbers are spread out from their average value

population(array $population)   X-Ref
Population variance
Use when all possible observations of the system are present.
If used with a subset of data (sample variance), it will be a biased variance.

∑⟮xᵢ - μ⟯²
σ² = ----------