Developer Documentation

See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.1.x will end 13 November 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.1.x will end 10 November 2025 (36 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.4.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.0. PHP 8.0.x is supported too.

Differences Between: [Versions 400 and 401]

   1  <?php
   3  namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\MathTrig;
   5  use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
   6  use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
   7  use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
   9  class Lcm
  10  {
  11      //
  12      //    Private method to return an array of the factors of the input value
  13      //
  14      private static function factors(float $value): array
  15      {
  16          $startVal = floor(sqrt($value));
  18          $factorArray = [];
  19          for ($i = $startVal; $i > 1; --$i) {
  20              if (($value % $i) == 0) {
  21                  $factorArray = array_merge($factorArray, self::factors($value / $i));
  22                  $factorArray = array_merge($factorArray, self::factors($i));
  23                  if ($i <= sqrt($value)) {
  24                      break;
  25                  }
  26              }
  27          }
  28          if (!empty($factorArray)) {
  29              rsort($factorArray);
  31              return $factorArray;
  32          }
  34          return [(int) $value];
  35      }
  37      /**
  38       * LCM.
  39       *
  40       * Returns the lowest common multiplier of a series of numbers
  41       * The least common multiple is the smallest positive integer that is a multiple
  42       * of all integer arguments number1, number2, and so on. Use LCM to add fractions
  43       * with different denominators.
  44       *
  45       * Excel Function:
  46       *        LCM(number1[,number2[, ...]])
  47       *
  48       * @param mixed ...$args Data values
  49       *
  50       * @return int|string Lowest Common Multiplier, or a string containing an error
  51       */
  52      public static function evaluate(...$args)
  53      {
  54          try {
  55              $arrayArgs = [];
  56              $anyZeros = 0;
  57              $anyNonNulls = 0;
  58              foreach (Functions::flattenArray($args) as $value1) {
  59                  $anyNonNulls += (int) ($value1 !== null);
  60                  $value = Helpers::validateNumericNullSubstitution($value1, 1);
  61                  Helpers::validateNotNegative($value);
  62                  $arrayArgs[] = (int) $value;
  63                  $anyZeros += (int) !((bool) $value);
  64              }
  65              self::testNonNulls($anyNonNulls);
  66              if ($anyZeros) {
  67                  return 0;
  68              }
  69          } catch (Exception $e) {
  70              return $e->getMessage();
  71          }
  73          $returnValue = 1;
  74          $allPoweredFactors = [];
  75          // Loop through arguments
  76          foreach ($arrayArgs as $value) {
  77              $myFactors = self::factors(floor($value));
  78              $myCountedFactors = array_count_values($myFactors);
  79              $myPoweredFactors = [];
  80              foreach ($myCountedFactors as $myCountedFactor => $myCountedPower) {
  81                  $myPoweredFactors[$myCountedFactor] = $myCountedFactor ** $myCountedPower;
  82              }
  83              self::processPoweredFactors($allPoweredFactors, $myPoweredFactors);
  84          }
  85          foreach ($allPoweredFactors as $allPoweredFactor) {
  86              $returnValue *= (int) $allPoweredFactor;
  87          }
  89          return $returnValue;
  90      }
  92      private static function processPoweredFactors(array &$allPoweredFactors, array &$myPoweredFactors): void
  93      {
  94          foreach ($myPoweredFactors as $myPoweredValue => $myPoweredFactor) {
  95              if (isset($allPoweredFactors[$myPoweredValue])) {
  96                  if ($allPoweredFactors[$myPoweredValue] < $myPoweredFactor) {
  97                      $allPoweredFactors[$myPoweredValue] = $myPoweredFactor;
  98                  }
  99              } else {
 100                  $allPoweredFactors[$myPoweredValue] = $myPoweredFactor;
 101              }
 102          }
 103      }
 105      private static function testNonNulls(int $anyNonNulls): void
 106      {
 107          if (!$anyNonNulls) {
 108              throw new Exception(ExcelError::VALUE());
 109          }
 110      }
 111  }