Developer Documentation

See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.1.x will end 13 November 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.1.x will end 10 November 2025 (36 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.4.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.0. PHP 8.0.x is supported too.

Differences Between: [Versions 401 and 402] [Versions 401 and 403]

   1  <?php
   3  namespace PhpXmlRpc\Helper;
   5  use PhpXmlRpc\PhpXmlRpc;
   7  /**
   8   * @todo implement an interface
   9   */
  10  class Charset
  11  {
  12      // tables used for transcoding different charsets into us-ascii xml
  13      protected $xml_iso88591_Entities = array("in" => array(), "out" => array());
  15      //protected $xml_cp1252_Entities = array('in' => array(), out' => array());
  17      protected $charset_supersets = array(
  18          'US-ASCII' => array('ISO-8859-1', 'ISO-8859-2', 'ISO-8859-3', 'ISO-8859-4',
  19              'ISO-8859-5', 'ISO-8859-6', 'ISO-8859-7', 'ISO-8859-8',
  20              'ISO-8859-9', 'ISO-8859-10', 'ISO-8859-11', 'ISO-8859-12',
  21              'ISO-8859-13', 'ISO-8859-14', 'ISO-8859-15', 'UTF-8',
  22              'EUC-JP', 'EUC-', 'EUC-KR', 'EUC-CN',),
  23      );
  25      /** @var Charset $instance */
  26      protected static $instance = null;
  28      /**
  29       * This class is singleton for performance reasons.
  30       * @todo should we just make $xml_iso88591_Entities a static variable instead ?
  31       *
  32       * @return Charset
  33       */
  34      public static function instance()
  35      {
  36          if (self::$instance === null) {
  37              self::$instance = new static();
  38          }
  40          return self::$instance;
  41      }
  43      /**
  44       * Force usage as singleton
  45       */
  46      protected function __construct()
  47      {
  48      }
  50      /**
  51       * @param string $tableName
  52       * @throws \Exception for unsupported $tableName
  53       * @todo add support for cp1252 as well as latin-2 .. latin-10
  54       *       Optimization creep: instead of building all those tables on load, keep them ready-made php files
  55       *       which are not even included until needed
  56       * @todo should we add to the latin-1 table the characters from cp_1252 range, i.e. 128 to 159 ?
  57       *       Those will NOT be present in true ISO-8859-1, but will save the unwary windows user from sending junk
  58       *       (though no luck when receiving them...)
  59       *       Note also that, apparently, while 'ISO/IEC 8859-1' has no characters defined for bytes 128 to 159,
  60       *       IANA ISO-8859-1 does have well-defined 'C1' control codes for those - wikipedia's page on latin-1 says:
  61       *       "ISO-8859-1 is the IANA preferred name for this standard when supplemented with the C0 and C1 control codes from ISO/IEC 6429."
  62       *       Check what mbstring/iconv do by default with those?
  63       */
  64      protected function buildConversionTable($tableName)
  65      {
  66          switch($tableName) {
  67              case 'xml_iso88591_Entities':
  68                  if (count($this->xml_iso88591_Entities['in'])) {
  69                      return;
  70                  }
  71                  for ($i = 0; $i < 32; $i++) {
  72                      $this->xml_iso88591_Entities["in"][] = chr($i);
  73                      $this->xml_iso88591_Entities["out"][] = "&#{$i};";
  74                  }
  76                  /// @todo to be 'print safe', should we encode as well character 127 (DEL) ?
  78                  for ($i = 160; $i < 256; $i++) {
  79                      $this->xml_iso88591_Entities["in"][] = chr($i);
  80                      $this->xml_iso88591_Entities["out"][] = "&#{$i};";
  81                  }
  82                  break;
  84              /*case 'xml_cp1252_Entities':
  85                  if (count($this->xml_cp1252_Entities['in'])) {
  86                      return;
  87                  }
  88                  for ($i = 128; $i < 160; $i++)
  89                  {
  90                      $this->xml_cp1252_Entities['in'][] = chr($i);
  91                  }
  92                  $this->xml_cp1252_Entities['out'] = array(
  93                      '&#x20AC;', '?',        '&#x201A;', '&#x0192;',
  94                      '&#x201E;', '&#x2026;', '&#x2020;', '&#x2021;',
  95                      '&#x02C6;', '&#x2030;', '&#x0160;', '&#x2039;',
  96                      '&#x0152;', '?',        '&#x017D;', '?',
  97                      '?',        '&#x2018;', '&#x2019;', '&#x201C;',
  98                      '&#x201D;', '&#x2022;', '&#x2013;', '&#x2014;',
  99                      '&#x02DC;', '&#x2122;', '&#x0161;', '&#x203A;',
 100                      '&#x0153;', '?',        '&#x017E;', '&#x0178;'
 101                  );
 102                  $this->buildConversionTable('xml_iso88591_Entities');
 103                  break;*/
 105              default:
 106                  throw new \Exception('Unsupported table: ' . $tableName);
 107          }
 108      }
 110      /**
 111       * Convert a string to the correct XML representation in a target charset.
 112       * This involves:
 113       * - character transformation for all characters which have a different representation in source and dest charsets
 114       * - using 'charset entity' representation for all characters which are outside of the target charset
 115       *
 116       * To help correct communication of non-ascii chars inside strings, regardless of the charset used when sending
 117       * requests, parsing them, sending responses and parsing responses, an option is to convert all non-ascii chars
 118       * present in the message into their equivalent 'charset entity'. Charset entities enumerated this way are
 119       * independent of the charset encoding used to transmit them, and all XML parsers are bound to understand them.
 120       *
 121       * Note that when not sending a charset encoding mime type along with http headers, we are bound by RFC 3023 to emit
 122       * strict us-ascii for 'text/xml' payloads (but we should review RFC 7303, which seems to have changed the rules...)
 123       *
 124       * @todo do a bit of basic benchmarking (strtr vs. str_replace)
 125       * @todo make usage of iconv() or mb_string() where available
 126       * @todo support aliases for charset names, eg ASCII, LATIN1, ISO-88591 (see f.e. polyfill-iconv for a list),
 127       *       but then take those into account as well in other methods, ie.isValidCharset)
 128       * @todo when converting to ASCII, allow to choose whether to escape the range 0-31,127 (non-print chars) or not
 129       * @todo allow picking different strategies to deal w. invalid chars? eg. source in latin-1 and chars 128-159
 130       * @todo add support for escaping using CDATA sections? (add cdata start and end tokens, replace only ']]>' with ']]]]><![CDATA[>')
 131       *
 132       * @param string $data
 133       * @param string $srcEncoding
 134       * @param string $destEncoding
 135       *
 136       * @return string
 137       */
 138      public function encodeEntities($data, $srcEncoding = '', $destEncoding = '')
 139      {
 140          if ($srcEncoding == '') {
 141              // lame, but we know no better...
 142              $srcEncoding = PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpc_internalencoding;
 143          }
 145          if ($destEncoding == '') {
 146              $destEncoding = 'US-ASCII';
 147          }
 149          $conversion = strtoupper($srcEncoding . '_' . $destEncoding);
 151          // list ordered with (expected) most common scenarios first
 152          switch ($conversion) {
 153              case 'UTF-8_UTF-8':
 154              case 'ISO-8859-1_ISO-8859-1':
 155              case 'US-ASCII_UTF-8':
 156              case 'US-ASCII_US-ASCII':
 157              case 'US-ASCII_ISO-8859-1':
 158              //case 'CP1252_CP1252':
 159                  $escapedData = str_replace(array('&', '"', "'", '<', '>'), array('&amp;', '&quot;', '&apos;', '&lt;', '&gt;'), $data);
 160                  break;
 162              case 'UTF-8_US-ASCII':
 163              case 'UTF-8_ISO-8859-1':
 164                  // NB: this will choke on invalid UTF-8, going most likely beyond EOF
 165                  $escapedData = '';
 166                  // be kind to users creating string xmlrpc values out of different php types
 167                  $data = (string)$data;
 168                  $ns = strlen($data);
 169                  for ($nn = 0; $nn < $ns; $nn++) {
 170                      $ch = $data[$nn];
 171                      $ii = ord($ch);
 172                      // 7 bits in 1 byte: 0bbbbbbb (127)
 173                      if ($ii < 32) {
 174                          if ($conversion == 'UTF-8_US-ASCII') {
 175                              $escapedData .= sprintf('&#%d;', $ii);
 176                          } else {
 177                              $escapedData .= $ch;
 178                          }
 179                      }
 180                      else if ($ii < 128) {
 181                          /// @todo shall we replace this with a (supposedly) faster str_replace?
 182                          /// @todo to be 'print safe', should we encode as well character 127 (DEL) ?
 183                          switch ($ii) {
 184                              case 34:
 185                                  $escapedData .= '&quot;';
 186                                  break;
 187                              case 38:
 188                                  $escapedData .= '&amp;';
 189                                  break;
 190                              case 39:
 191                                  $escapedData .= '&apos;';
 192                                  break;
 193                              case 60:
 194                                  $escapedData .= '&lt;';
 195                                  break;
 196                              case 62:
 197                                  $escapedData .= '&gt;';
 198                                  break;
 199                              default:
 200                                  $escapedData .= $ch;
 201                          } // switch
 202                      } // 11 bits in 2 bytes: 110bbbbb 10bbbbbb (2047)
 203                      elseif ($ii >> 5 == 6) {
 204                          $b1 = ($ii & 31);
 205                          $b2 = (ord($data[$nn + 1]) & 63);
 206                          $ii = ($b1 * 64) + $b2;
 207                          $escapedData .= sprintf('&#%d;', $ii);
 208                          $nn += 1;
 209                      } // 16 bits in 3 bytes: 1110bbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb
 210                      elseif ($ii >> 4 == 14) {
 211                          $b1 = ($ii & 15);
 212                          $b2 = (ord($data[$nn + 1]) & 63);
 213                          $b3 = (ord($data[$nn + 2]) & 63);
 214                          $ii = ((($b1 * 64) + $b2) * 64) + $b3;
 215                          $escapedData .= sprintf('&#%d;', $ii);
 216                          $nn += 2;
 217                      } // 21 bits in 4 bytes: 11110bbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb
 218                      elseif ($ii >> 3 == 30) {
 219                          $b1 = ($ii & 7);
 220                          $b2 = (ord($data[$nn + 1]) & 63);
 221                          $b3 = (ord($data[$nn + 2]) & 63);
 222                          $b4 = (ord($data[$nn + 3]) & 63);
 223                          $ii = ((((($b1 * 64) + $b2) * 64) + $b3) * 64) + $b4;
 224                          $escapedData .= sprintf('&#%d;', $ii);
 225                          $nn += 3;
 226                      }
 227                  }
 229                  // when converting to latin-1, do not be so eager with using entities for characters 160-255
 230                  if ($conversion == 'UTF-8_ISO-8859-1') {
 231                      $this->buildConversionTable('xml_iso88591_Entities');
 232                      $escapedData = str_replace(array_slice($this->xml_iso88591_Entities['out'], 32), array_slice($this->xml_iso88591_Entities['in'], 32), $escapedData);
 233                  }
 234                  break;
 236              case 'ISO-8859-1_UTF-8':
 237                  $escapedData = str_replace(array('&', '"', "'", '<', '>'), array('&amp;', '&quot;', '&apos;', '&lt;', '&gt;'), $data);
 238                  $escapedData = utf8_encode($escapedData);
 239                  break;
 241              case 'ISO-8859-1_US-ASCII':
 242                  $this->buildConversionTable('xml_iso88591_Entities');
 243                  $escapedData = str_replace(array('&', '"', "'", '<', '>'), array('&amp;', '&quot;', '&apos;', '&lt;', '&gt;'), $data);
 244                  $escapedData = str_replace($this->xml_iso88591_Entities['in'], $this->xml_iso88591_Entities['out'], $escapedData);
 245                  break;
 247              /*
 248              case 'CP1252_US-ASCII':
 249                  $this->buildConversionTable('xml_cp1252_Entities');
 250                  $escapedData = str_replace(array('&', '"', "'", '<', '>'), array('&amp;', '&quot;', '&apos;', '&lt;', '&gt;'), $data);
 251                  $escapedData = str_replace($this->xml_iso88591_Entities']['in'], $this->xml_iso88591_Entities['out'], $escapedData);
 252                  $escapedData = str_replace($this->xml_cp1252_Entities['in'], $this->xml_cp1252_Entities['out'], $escapedData);
 253                  break;
 254              case 'CP1252_UTF-8':
 255                  $this->buildConversionTable('xml_cp1252_Entities');
 256                  $escapedData = str_replace(array('&', '"', "'", '<', '>'), array('&amp;', '&quot;', '&apos;', '&lt;', '&gt;'), $data);
 257                  /// @todo we could use real UTF8 chars here instead of xml entities... (note that utf_8 encode all alone will NOT convert them)
 258                  $escapedData = str_replace($this->xml_cp1252_Entities['in'], $this->xml_cp1252_Entities['out'], $escapedData);
 259                  $escapedData = utf8_encode($escapedData);
 260                  break;
 261              case 'CP1252_ISO-8859-1':
 262                  $this->buildConversionTable('xml_cp1252_Entities');
 263                  $escapedData = str_replace(array('&', '"', "'", '<', '>'), array('&amp;', '&quot;', '&apos;', '&lt;', '&gt;'), $data);
 264                  // we might as well replace all funky chars with a '?' here, but we are kind and leave it to the receiving application layer to decide what to do with these weird entities...
 265                  $escapedData = str_replace($this->xml_cp1252_Entities['in'], $this->xml_cp1252_Entities['out'], $escapedData);
 266                  break;
 267              */
 269              default:
 270                  $escapedData = '';
 271                  Logger::instance()->errorLog('XML-RPC: ' . __METHOD__ . ": Converting from $srcEncoding to $destEncoding: not supported...");
 272          }
 274          return $escapedData;
 275      }
 277      /**
 278       * Checks if a given charset encoding is present in a list of encodings or if it is a valid subset of any encoding
 279       * in the list.
 280       *
 281       * @param string $encoding charset to be tested
 282       * @param string|array $validList comma separated list of valid charsets (or array of charsets)
 283       *
 284       * @return bool
 285       */
 286      public function isValidCharset($encoding, $validList)
 287      {
 288          if (is_string($validList)) {
 289              $validList = explode(',', $validList);
 290          }
 291          if (@in_array(strtoupper($encoding), $validList)) {
 292              return true;
 293          } else {
 294              if (array_key_exists($encoding, $this->charset_supersets)) {
 295                  foreach ($validList as $allowed) {
 296                      if (in_array($allowed, $this->charset_supersets[$encoding])) {
 297                          return true;
 298                      }
 299                  }
 300              }
 302              return false;
 303          }
 304      }
 306      /**
 307       * Used only for backwards compatibility
 308       * @deprecated
 309       *
 310       * @param string $charset
 311       *
 312       * @return array
 313       *
 314       * @throws \Exception for unknown/unsupported charsets
 315       */
 316      public function getEntities($charset)
 317      {
 318          //trigger_error('Method ' . __METHOD__ . ' is deprecated', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
 320          switch ($charset)
 321          {
 322              case 'iso88591':
 323                  return $this->xml_iso88591_Entities;
 324              default:
 325                  throw new \Exception('Unsupported charset: ' . $charset);
 326          }
 327      }
 328  }