Developer Documentation

See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.1.x will end 13 November 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.1.x will end 10 November 2025 (36 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.4.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.0. PHP 8.0.x is supported too.
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

 * This file contains the definition for the library class for edit PDF renderer.
 * @package   assignfeedback_editpdf
 * @copyright 2012 Davo Smith
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

 * A custom renderer class that extends the plugin_renderer_base and is used by the editpdf feedback plugin.
 * @package assignfeedback_editpdf
 * @copyright 2013 Davo Smith
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class assignfeedback_editpdf_renderer extends plugin_renderer_base {

     * Return the PDF button shortcut.
     * @param string $name the name of a specific button.
     * @return string the specific shortcut.
    private function get_shortcut($name) {

        $shortcuts = array('navigate-previous-button' => 'j',
            'rotateleft' => 'q',
            'rotateright' => 'w',
            'navigate-page-select' => 'k',
            'navigate-next-button' => 'l',
            'searchcomments' => 'h',
            'expcolcomments' => 'g',
            'comment' => 'z',
            'commentcolour' => 'x',
            'select' => 'c',
            'drag' => 'd',
            'pen' => 'y',
            'line' => 'u',
            'rectangle' => 'i',
            'oval' => 'o',
            'highlight' => 'p',
            'annotationcolour' => 'r',
            'stamp' => 'n',
            'currentstamp' => 'm');

        // Return the shortcut.
        return $shortcuts[$name];

     * Render a single colour button.
     * @param string $icon - The key for the icon
     * @param string $tool - The key for the lang string.
     * @param string $accesskey Optional - The access key for the button.
     * @param bool $disabled Optional - Is this button disabled.
     * @return string
    private function render_toolbar_button($icon, $tool, $accesskey = null, $disabled=false) {

        // Build button alt text.
        $alttext = new stdClass();
        $alttext->tool = get_string($tool, 'assignfeedback_editpdf');
        if (!empty($accesskey)) {
            $alttext->shortcut = '(Alt/Shift-Alt/Ctrl-Option + ' . $accesskey . ')';
        } else {
            $alttext->shortcut = '';
        $iconalt = get_string('toolbarbutton', 'assignfeedback_editpdf', $alttext);

        $iconhtml = $this->image_icon($icon, $iconalt, 'assignfeedback_editpdf');
        $iconparams = array('data-tool'=>$tool, 'class'=>$tool . 'button');
        if ($disabled) {
            $iconparams['disabled'] = 'true';
        if (!empty($accesskey)) {
            $iconparams['accesskey'] = $accesskey;

        return html_writer::tag('button', $iconhtml, $iconparams);

     * Render the editpdf widget in the grading form.
     * @param assignfeedback_editpdf_widget $widget - Renderable widget containing assignment, user and attempt number.
     * @return string
    public function render_assignfeedback_editpdf_widget(assignfeedback_editpdf_widget $widget) {
        global $CFG;

        $html = '';

        $html .= html_writer::div(get_string('jsrequired', 'assignfeedback_editpdf'), 'hiddenifjs');
        $linkid = html_writer::random_id();
< if ($widget->readonly) { < $launcheditorlink = html_writer::tag('a', < get_string('viewfeedbackonline', 'assignfeedback_editpdf'), < array('id'=>$linkid, 'class'=>'btn', 'href'=>'#')); < } else { < $launcheditorlink = html_writer::tag('a', < get_string('launcheditor', 'assignfeedback_editpdf'), < array('id'=>$linkid, 'class'=>'btn', 'href'=>'#')); < } < $links = $launcheditorlink;
> > $launcheditorstring = $widget->readonly ? get_string('viewfeedbackonline', 'assignfeedback_editpdf') : > get_string('launcheditor', 'assignfeedback_editpdf'); > $links = html_writer::link('#', $launcheditorstring, ['id' => $linkid, 'class' => 'd-block mt-2']); >
$html .= '<input type="hidden" name="assignfeedback_editpdf_haschanges" value="false"/>'; $html .= html_writer::div($links, 'visibleifjs'); $header = get_string('pluginname', 'assignfeedback_editpdf'); $body = ''; // Create the page navigation. $navigation1 = ''; $navigation2 = ''; $navigation3 = ''; // Pick the correct arrow icons for right to left mode. if (right_to_left()) { $nav_prev = 'nav_next'; $nav_next = 'nav_prev'; } else { $nav_prev = 'nav_prev'; $nav_next = 'nav_next'; } $iconshortcut = $this->get_shortcut('navigate-previous-button'); $iconalt = get_string('navigateprevious', 'assignfeedback_editpdf', $iconshortcut); $iconhtml = $this->image_icon($nav_prev, $iconalt, 'assignfeedback_editpdf'); $navigation1 .= html_writer::tag('button', $iconhtml, array('disabled'=>'true', 'class'=>'navigate-previous-button', 'accesskey' => $this->get_shortcut('navigate-previous-button'))); $navigation1 .= html_writer::tag('select', null, array('disabled'=>'true', 'aria-label' => get_string('gotopage', 'assignfeedback_editpdf'), 'class'=>'navigate-page-select', 'accesskey' => $this->get_shortcut('navigate-page-select'))); $iconshortcut = $this->get_shortcut('navigate-next-button'); $iconalt = get_string('navigatenext', 'assignfeedback_editpdf', $iconshortcut); $iconhtml = $this->image_icon($nav_next, $iconalt, 'assignfeedback_editpdf'); $navigation1 .= html_writer::tag('button', $iconhtml, array('disabled'=>'true', 'class'=>'navigate-next-button', 'accesskey' => $this->get_shortcut('navigate-next-button'))); $navigation1 = html_writer::div($navigation1, 'navigation', array('role'=>'navigation')); $navigation2 .= $this->render_toolbar_button('comment_search', 'searchcomments', $this->get_shortcut('searchcomments')); $navigation2 = html_writer::div($navigation2, 'navigation-search', array('role'=>'navigation')); $navigation3 .= $this->render_toolbar_button('comment_expcol', 'expcolcomments', $this->get_shortcut('expcolcomments')); $navigation3 = html_writer::div($navigation3, 'navigation-expcol', array('role' => 'navigation')); $rotationtools = ''; if (!$widget->readonly) { $rotationtools .= $this->render_toolbar_button('rotate_left', 'rotateleft', $this->get_shortcut('rotateleft')); $rotationtools .= $this->render_toolbar_button('rotate_right', 'rotateright', $this->get_shortcut('rotateright')); $rotationtools = html_writer::div($rotationtools, 'toolbar', array('role' => 'toolbar')); } $toolbargroup = ''; $clearfix = html_writer::div('', 'clearfix'); if (!$widget->readonly) { // Comments. $toolbar1 = ''; $toolbar1 .= $this->render_toolbar_button('comment', 'comment', $this->get_shortcut('comment')); $toolbar1 .= $this->render_toolbar_button('background_colour_clear', 'commentcolour', $this->get_shortcut('commentcolour')); $toolbar1 = html_writer::div($toolbar1, 'toolbar', array('role' => 'toolbar')); // Select Tool. $toolbar2 = ''; $toolbar2 .= $this->render_toolbar_button('drag', 'drag', $this->get_shortcut('drag')); $toolbar2 .= $this->render_toolbar_button('select', 'select', $this->get_shortcut('select')); $toolbar2 = html_writer::div($toolbar2, 'toolbar', array('role' => 'toolbar')); // Other Tools. $toolbar3 = ''; $toolbar3 .= $this->render_toolbar_button('pen', 'pen', $this->get_shortcut('pen')); $toolbar3 .= $this->render_toolbar_button('line', 'line', $this->get_shortcut('line')); $toolbar3 .= $this->render_toolbar_button('rectangle', 'rectangle', $this->get_shortcut('rectangle')); $toolbar3 .= $this->render_toolbar_button('oval', 'oval', $this->get_shortcut('oval')); $toolbar3 .= $this->render_toolbar_button('highlight', 'highlight', $this->get_shortcut('highlight')); $toolbar3 .= $this->render_toolbar_button('background_colour_clear', 'annotationcolour', $this->get_shortcut('annotationcolour')); $toolbar3 = html_writer::div($toolbar3, 'toolbar', array('role' => 'toolbar')); // Stamps. $toolbar4 = ''; $toolbar4 .= $this->render_toolbar_button('stamp', 'stamp', $this->get_shortcut('stamp')); $toolbar4 .= $this->render_toolbar_button('background_colour_clear', 'currentstamp', $this->get_shortcut('currentstamp')); $toolbar4 = html_writer::div($toolbar4, 'toolbar', array('role'=>'toolbar')); // Add toolbars to toolbar_group in order of display, and float the toolbar_group right. $toolbars = $rotationtools . $toolbar1 . $toolbar2 . $toolbar3 . $toolbar4; $toolbargroup = html_writer::div($toolbars, 'toolbar_group', ['role' => 'toolbar']); } $pageheader = html_writer::div($navigation1 . $navigation2 . $navigation3 . $toolbargroup . $clearfix, 'pageheader'); $body = $pageheader; // Loading progress bar. $progressbar = html_writer::div('', 'bar', array('style' => 'width: 0%')); $progressbar = html_writer::div($progressbar, 'progress progress-info progress-striped active', array('title' => get_string('loadingeditor', 'assignfeedback_editpdf'), 'role'=> 'progressbar', 'aria-valuenow' => 0, 'aria-valuemin' => 0, 'aria-valuemax' => 100)); $progressbarlabel = html_writer::div(get_string('generatingpdf', 'assignfeedback_editpdf'), 'progressbarlabel'); $loading = html_writer::div($progressbar . $progressbarlabel, 'loading'); $canvas = html_writer::div($loading, 'drawingcanvas'); $canvas = html_writer::div($canvas, 'drawingregion'); // Place for messages, but no warnings displayed yet. $changesmessage = html_writer::div('', 'warningmessages'); $canvas .= $changesmessage; $infoicon = $this->image_icon('i/info', ''); $infomessage = html_writer::div($infoicon, 'infoicon'); $canvas .= $infomessage; $body .= $canvas; $footer = ''; $editorparams = array( array( 'header' => $header, 'body' => $body, 'footer' => $footer, 'linkid' => $linkid, 'assignmentid' => $widget->assignment, 'userid' => $widget->userid, 'attemptnumber' => $widget->attemptnumber, 'stampfiles' => $widget->stampfiles, 'readonly' => $widget->readonly, ) ); $this->page->requires->yui_module('moodle-assignfeedback_editpdf-editor', 'M.assignfeedback_editpdf.editor.init', $editorparams); $this->page->requires->strings_for_js(array( 'yellow', 'white', 'red', 'blue', 'green', 'black', 'clear', 'colourpicker', 'loadingeditor', 'pagexofy', 'deletecomment', 'addtoquicklist', 'filter', 'searchcomments', 'commentcontextmenu', 'deleteannotation', 'stamp', 'stamppicker', 'cannotopenpdf', 'pagenumber', 'partialwarning', 'draftchangessaved' ), 'assignfeedback_editpdf'); return $html; } }