Developer Documentation

See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.1.x will end 13 November 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.1.x will end 10 November 2025 (36 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.4.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.0. PHP 8.0.x is supported too.

Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 401] [Versions 311 and 401] [Versions 39 and 401] [Versions 400 and 401] [Versions 401 and 402] [Versions 401 and 403]

   1  <?php
   2  // This file is part of Moodle -
   3  //
   4  // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   5  // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   7  // (at your option) any later version.
   8  //
   9  // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12  // GNU General Public License for more details.
  13  //
  14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  15  // along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.
  17  /**
  18   * Library of internal classes and functions for module workshop
  19   *
  20   * All the workshop specific functions, needed to implement the module
  21   * logic, should go to here. Instead of having bunch of function named
  22   * workshop_something() taking the workshop instance as the first
  23   * parameter, we use a class workshop that provides all methods.
  24   *
  25   * @package    mod_workshop
  26   * @copyright  2009 David Mudrak <>
  27   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  28   */
  30  defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
  32  require_once (__DIR__.'/lib.php');     // we extend this library here
  33  require_once($CFG->libdir . '/gradelib.php');   // we use some rounding and comparing routines here
  34  require_once($CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php');
  36  /**
  37   * Full-featured workshop API
  38   *
  39   * This wraps the workshop database record with a set of methods that are called
  40   * from the module itself. The class should be initialized right after you get
  41   * $workshop, $cm and $course records at the begining of the script.
  42   */
  43  class workshop {
  45      /** error status of the {@link self::add_allocation()} */
  46      const ALLOCATION_EXISTS             = -9999;
  48      /** the internal code of the workshop phases as are stored in the database */
  49      const PHASE_SETUP                   = 10;
  50      const PHASE_SUBMISSION              = 20;
  51      const PHASE_ASSESSMENT              = 30;
  52      const PHASE_EVALUATION              = 40;
  53      const PHASE_CLOSED                  = 50;
  55      /** the internal code of the examples modes as are stored in the database */
  56      const EXAMPLES_VOLUNTARY            = 0;
  57      const EXAMPLES_BEFORE_SUBMISSION    = 1;
  58      const EXAMPLES_BEFORE_ASSESSMENT    = 2;
  60      /** @var stdclass workshop record from database */
  61      public $dbrecord;
  63      /** @var cm_info course module record */
  64      public $cm;
  66      /** @var stdclass course record */
  67      public $course;
  69      /** @var stdclass context object */
  70      public $context;
  72      /** @var int workshop instance identifier */
  73      public $id;
  75      /** @var string workshop activity name */
  76      public $name;
  78      /** @var string introduction or description of the activity */
  79      public $intro;
  81      /** @var int format of the {@link $intro} */
  82      public $introformat;
  84      /** @var string instructions for the submission phase */
  85      public $instructauthors;
  87      /** @var int format of the {@link $instructauthors} */
  88      public $instructauthorsformat;
  90      /** @var string instructions for the assessment phase */
  91      public $instructreviewers;
  93      /** @var int format of the {@link $instructreviewers} */
  94      public $instructreviewersformat;
  96      /** @var int timestamp of when the module was modified */
  97      public $timemodified;
  99      /** @var int current phase of workshop, for example {@link workshop::PHASE_SETUP} */
 100      public $phase;
 102      /** @var bool optional feature: students practise evaluating on example submissions from teacher */
 103      public $useexamples;
 105      /** @var bool optional feature: students perform peer assessment of others' work (deprecated, consider always enabled) */
 106      public $usepeerassessment;
 108      /** @var bool optional feature: students perform self assessment of their own work */
 109      public $useselfassessment;
 111      /** @var float number (10, 5) unsigned, the maximum grade for submission */
 112      public $grade;
 114      /** @var float number (10, 5) unsigned, the maximum grade for assessment */
 115      public $gradinggrade;
 117      /** @var string type of the current grading strategy used in this workshop, for example 'accumulative' */
 118      public $strategy;
 120      /** @var string the name of the evaluation plugin to use for grading grades calculation */
 121      public $evaluation;
 123      /** @var int number of digits that should be shown after the decimal point when displaying grades */
 124      public $gradedecimals;
 126      /** @var int number of allowed submission attachments and the files embedded into submission */
 127      public $nattachments;
 129       /** @var string list of allowed file types that are allowed to be embedded into submission */
 130      public $submissionfiletypes = null;
 132      /** @var bool allow submitting the work after the deadline */
 133      public $latesubmissions;
 135      /** @var int maximum size of the one attached file in bytes */
 136      public $maxbytes;
 138      /** @var int mode of example submissions support, for example {@link workshop::EXAMPLES_VOLUNTARY} */
 139      public $examplesmode;
 141      /** @var int if greater than 0 then the submission is not allowed before this timestamp */
 142      public $submissionstart;
 144      /** @var int if greater than 0 then the submission is not allowed after this timestamp */
 145      public $submissionend;
 147      /** @var int if greater than 0 then the peer assessment is not allowed before this timestamp */
 148      public $assessmentstart;
 150      /** @var int if greater than 0 then the peer assessment is not allowed after this timestamp */
 151      public $assessmentend;
 153      /** @var bool automatically switch to the assessment phase after the submissions deadline */
 154      public $phaseswitchassessment;
 156      /** @var string conclusion text to be displayed at the end of the activity */
 157      public $conclusion;
 159      /** @var int format of the conclusion text */
 160      public $conclusionformat;
 162      /** @var int the mode of the overall feedback */
 163      public $overallfeedbackmode;
 165      /** @var int maximum number of overall feedback attachments */
 166      public $overallfeedbackfiles;
 168      /** @var string list of allowed file types that can be attached to the overall feedback */
 169      public $overallfeedbackfiletypes = null;
 171      /** @var int maximum size of one file attached to the overall feedback */
 172      public $overallfeedbackmaxbytes;
 174      /** @var int Should the submission form show the text field? */
 175      public $submissiontypetext;
 177      /** @var int Should the submission form show the file attachment field? */
 178      public $submissiontypefile;
 180      /**
 181       * @var workshop_strategy grading strategy instance
 182       * Do not use directly, get the instance using {@link workshop::grading_strategy_instance()}
 183       */
 184      protected $strategyinstance = null;
 186      /**
 187       * @var workshop_evaluation grading evaluation instance
 188       * Do not use directly, get the instance using {@link workshop::grading_evaluation_instance()}
 189       */
 190      protected $evaluationinstance = null;
 192      /**
 193       * @var array It gets initialised in init_initial_bar, and may have keys 'i_first' and 'i_last' depending on what is selected.
 194       */
 195      protected $initialbarprefs = [];
 197      /**
 198       * Initializes the workshop API instance using the data from DB
 199       *
 200       * Makes deep copy of all passed records properties.
 201       *
 202       * For unit testing only, $cm and $course may be set to null. This is so that
 203       * you can test without having any real database objects if you like. Not all
 204       * functions will work in this situation.
 205       *
 206       * @param stdClass $dbrecord Workshop instance data from {workshop} table
 207       * @param stdClass|cm_info $cm Course module record
 208       * @param stdClass $course Course record from {course} table
 209       * @param stdClass $context The context of the workshop instance
 210       */
 211      public function __construct(stdclass $dbrecord, $cm, $course, stdclass $context=null) {
 212          $this->dbrecord = $dbrecord;
 213          foreach ($this->dbrecord as $field => $value) {
 214              if (property_exists('workshop', $field)) {
 215                  $this->{$field} = $value;
 216              }
 217          }
 218          if (is_null($cm) || is_null($course)) {
 219              throw new coding_exception('Must specify $cm and $course');
 220          }
 221          $this->course = $course;
 222          if ($cm instanceof cm_info) {
 223              $this->cm = $cm;
 224          } else {
 225              $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course);
 226              $this->cm = $modinfo->get_cm($cm->id);
 227          }
 228          if (is_null($context)) {
 229              $this->context = context_module::instance($this->cm->id);
 230          } else {
 231              $this->context = $context;
 232          }
 233      }
 235      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 236      // Static methods                                                             //
 237      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 239      /**
 240       * Return list of available allocation methods
 241       *
 242       * @return array Array ['string' => 'string'] of localized allocation method names
 243       */
 244      public static function installed_allocators() {
 245          $installed = core_component::get_plugin_list('workshopallocation');
 246          $forms = array();
 247          foreach ($installed as $allocation => $allocationpath) {
 248              if (file_exists($allocationpath . '/lib.php')) {
 249                  $forms[$allocation] = get_string('pluginname', 'workshopallocation_' . $allocation);
 250              }
 251          }
 252          // usability - make sure that manual allocation appears the first
 253          if (isset($forms['manual'])) {
 254              $m = array('manual' => $forms['manual']);
 255              unset($forms['manual']);
 256              $forms = array_merge($m, $forms);
 257          }
 258          return $forms;
 259      }
 261      /**
 262       * Returns an array of options for the editors that are used for submitting and assessing instructions
 263       *
 264       * @param stdClass $context
 265       * @uses EDITOR_UNLIMITED_FILES hard-coded value for the 'maxfiles' option
 266       * @return array
 267       */
 268      public static function instruction_editors_options(stdclass $context) {
 269          return array('subdirs' => 1, 'maxbytes' => 0, 'maxfiles' => -1,
 270                       'changeformat' => 1, 'context' => $context, 'noclean' => 1, 'trusttext' => 0);
 271      }
 273      /**
 274       * Given the percent and the total, returns the number
 275       *
 276       * @param float $percent from 0 to 100
 277       * @param float $total   the 100% value
 278       * @return float
 279       */
 280      public static function percent_to_value($percent, $total) {
 281          if ($percent < 0 or $percent > 100) {
 282              throw new coding_exception('The percent can not be less than 0 or higher than 100');
 283          }
 285          return $total * $percent / 100;
 286      }
 288      /**
 289       * Returns an array of numeric values that can be used as maximum grades
 290       *
 291       * @return array Array of integers
 292       */
 293      public static function available_maxgrades_list() {
 294          $grades = array();
 295          for ($i=100; $i>=0; $i--) {
 296              $grades[$i] = $i;
 297          }
 298          return $grades;
 299      }
 301      /**
 302       * Returns the localized list of supported examples modes
 303       *
 304       * @return array
 305       */
 306      public static function available_example_modes_list() {
 307          $options = array();
 308          $options[self::EXAMPLES_VOLUNTARY]         = get_string('examplesvoluntary', 'workshop');
 309          $options[self::EXAMPLES_BEFORE_SUBMISSION] = get_string('examplesbeforesubmission', 'workshop');
 310          $options[self::EXAMPLES_BEFORE_ASSESSMENT] = get_string('examplesbeforeassessment', 'workshop');
 311          return $options;
 312      }
 314      /**
 315       * Returns the list of available grading strategy methods
 316       *
 317       * @return array ['string' => 'string']
 318       */
 319      public static function available_strategies_list() {
 320          $installed = core_component::get_plugin_list('workshopform');
 321          $forms = array();
 322          foreach ($installed as $strategy => $strategypath) {
 323              if (file_exists($strategypath . '/lib.php')) {
 324                  $forms[$strategy] = get_string('pluginname', 'workshopform_' . $strategy);
 325              }
 326          }
 327          return $forms;
 328      }
 330      /**
 331       * Returns the list of available grading evaluation methods
 332       *
 333       * @return array of (string)name => (string)localized title
 334       */
 335      public static function available_evaluators_list() {
 336          $evals = array();
 337          foreach (core_component::get_plugin_list_with_file('workshopeval', 'lib.php', false) as $eval => $evalpath) {
 338              $evals[$eval] = get_string('pluginname', 'workshopeval_' . $eval);
 339          }
 340          return $evals;
 341      }
 343      /**
 344       * Return an array of possible values of assessment dimension weight
 345       *
 346       * @return array of integers 0, 1, 2, ..., 16
 347       */
 348      public static function available_dimension_weights_list() {
 349          $weights = array();
 350          for ($i=16; $i>=0; $i--) {
 351              $weights[$i] = $i;
 352          }
 353          return $weights;
 354      }
 356      /**
 357       * Return an array of possible values of assessment weight
 358       *
 359       * Note there is no real reason why the maximum value here is 16. It used to be 10 in
 360       * workshop 1.x and I just decided to use the same number as in the maximum weight of
 361       * a single assessment dimension.
 362       * The value looks reasonable, though. Teachers who would want to assign themselves
 363       * higher weight probably do not want peer assessment really...
 364       *
 365       * @return array of integers 0, 1, 2, ..., 16
 366       */
 367      public static function available_assessment_weights_list() {
 368          $weights = array();
 369          for ($i=16; $i>=0; $i--) {
 370              $weights[$i] = $i;
 371          }
 372          return $weights;
 373      }
 375      /**
 376       * Helper function returning the greatest common divisor
 377       *
 378       * @param int $a
 379       * @param int $b
 380       * @return int
 381       */
 382      public static function gcd($a, $b) {
 383          return ($b == 0) ? ($a):(self::gcd($b, $a % $b));
 384      }
 386      /**
 387       * Helper function returning the least common multiple
 388       *
 389       * @param int $a
 390       * @param int $b
 391       * @return int
 392       */
 393      public static function lcm($a, $b) {
 394          return ($a / self::gcd($a,$b)) * $b;
 395      }
 397      /**
 398       * Returns an object suitable for strings containing dates/times
 399       *
 400       * The returned object contains properties date, datefullshort, datetime, ... containing the given
 401       * timestamp formatted using strftimedate, strftimedatefullshort, strftimedatetime, ... from the
 402       * current lang's langconfig.php
 403       * This allows translators and administrators customize the date/time format.
 404       *
 405       * @param int $timestamp the timestamp in UTC
 406       * @return stdclass
 407       */
 408      public static function timestamp_formats($timestamp) {
 409          $formats = array('date', 'datefullshort', 'dateshort', 'datetime',
 410                  'datetimeshort', 'daydate', 'daydatetime', 'dayshort', 'daytime',
 411                  'monthyear', 'recent', 'recentfull', 'time');
 412          $a = new stdclass();
 413          foreach ($formats as $format) {
 414              $a->{$format} = userdate($timestamp, get_string('strftime'.$format, 'langconfig'));
 415          }
 416          $day = userdate($timestamp, '%Y%m%d', 99, false);
 417          $today = userdate(time(), '%Y%m%d', 99, false);
 418          $tomorrow = userdate(time() + DAYSECS, '%Y%m%d', 99, false);
 419          $yesterday = userdate(time() - DAYSECS, '%Y%m%d', 99, false);
 420          $distance = (int)round(abs(time() - $timestamp) / DAYSECS);
 421          if ($day == $today) {
 422              $a->distanceday = get_string('daystoday', 'workshop');
 423          } elseif ($day == $yesterday) {
 424              $a->distanceday = get_string('daysyesterday', 'workshop');
 425          } elseif ($day < $today) {
 426              $a->distanceday = get_string('daysago', 'workshop', $distance);
 427          } elseif ($day == $tomorrow) {
 428              $a->distanceday = get_string('daystomorrow', 'workshop');
 429          } elseif ($day > $today) {
 430              $a->distanceday = get_string('daysleft', 'workshop', $distance);
 431          }
 432          return $a;
 433      }
 435      /**
 436       * Converts the argument into an array (list) of file extensions.
 437       *
 438       * The list can be separated by whitespace, end of lines, commas colons and semicolons.
 439       * Empty values are not returned. Values are converted to lowercase.
 440       * Duplicates are removed. Glob evaluation is not supported.
 441       *
 442       * @deprecated since Moodle 3.4 MDL-56486 - please use the {@link core_form\filetypes_util}
 443       * @param string|array $extensions list of file extensions
 444       * @return array of strings
 445       */
 446      public static function normalize_file_extensions($extensions) {
 448          debugging('The method workshop::normalize_file_extensions() is deprecated.
 449              Please use the methods provided by the \core_form\filetypes_util class.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
 451          if ($extensions === '') {
 452              return array();
 453          }
 455          if (!is_array($extensions)) {
 456              $extensions = preg_split('/[\s,;:"\']+/', $extensions, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
 457          }
 459          foreach ($extensions as $i => $extension) {
 460              $extension = str_replace('*.', '', $extension);
 461              $extension = strtolower($extension);
 462              $extension = ltrim($extension, '.');
 463              $extension = trim($extension);
 464              $extensions[$i] = $extension;
 465          }
 467          foreach ($extensions as $i => $extension) {
 468              if (strpos($extension, '*') !== false or strpos($extension, '?') !== false) {
 469                  unset($extensions[$i]);
 470              }
 471          }
 473          $extensions = array_filter($extensions, 'strlen');
 474          $extensions = array_keys(array_flip($extensions));
 476          foreach ($extensions as $i => $extension) {
 477              $extensions[$i] = '.'.$extension;
 478          }
 480          return $extensions;
 481      }
 483      /**
 484       * Cleans the user provided list of file extensions.
 485       *
 486       * @deprecated since Moodle 3.4 MDL-56486 - please use the {@link core_form\filetypes_util}
 487       * @param string $extensions
 488       * @return string
 489       */
 490      public static function clean_file_extensions($extensions) {
 492          debugging('The method workshop::clean_file_extensions() is deprecated.
 493              Please use the methods provided by the \core_form\filetypes_util class.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
 495          $extensions = self::normalize_file_extensions($extensions);
 497          foreach ($extensions as $i => $extension) {
 498              $extensions[$i] = ltrim($extension, '.');
 499          }
 501          return implode(', ', $extensions);
 502      }
 504      /**
 505       * Check given file types and return invalid/unknown ones.
 506       *
 507       * Empty allowlist is interpretted as "any extension is valid".
 508       *
 509       * @deprecated since Moodle 3.4 MDL-56486 - please use the {@link core_form\filetypes_util}
 510       * @param string|array $extensions list of file extensions
 511       * @param string|array $allowlist list of valid extensions
 512       * @return array list of invalid extensions not found in the allowlist
 513       */
 514      public static function invalid_file_extensions($extensions, $allowlist) {
 516          debugging('The method workshop::invalid_file_extensions() is deprecated.
 517              Please use the methods provided by the \core_form\filetypes_util class.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
 519          $extensions = self::normalize_file_extensions($extensions);
 520          $allowlist = self::normalize_file_extensions($allowlist);
 522          if (empty($extensions) or empty($allowlist)) {
 523              return array();
 524          }
 526          // Return those items from $extensions that are not present in $allowlist.
 527          return array_keys(array_diff_key(array_flip($extensions), array_flip($allowlist)));
 528      }
 530      /**
 531       * Is the file have allowed to be uploaded to the workshop?
 532       *
 533       * Empty allowlist is interpretted as "any file type is allowed" rather
 534       * than "no file can be uploaded".
 535       *
 536       * @deprecated since Moodle 3.4 MDL-56486 - please use the {@link core_form\filetypes_util}
 537       * @param string $filename the file name
 538       * @param string|array $allowlist list of allowed file extensions
 539       * @return false
 540       */
 541      public static function is_allowed_file_type($filename, $allowlist) {
 543          debugging('The method workshop::is_allowed_file_type() is deprecated.
 544              Please use the methods provided by the \core_form\filetypes_util class.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
 546          $allowlist = self::normalize_file_extensions($allowlist);
 548          if (empty($allowlist)) {
 549              return true;
 550          }
 552          $haystack = strrev(trim(strtolower($filename)));
 554          foreach ($allowlist as $extension) {
 555              if (strpos($haystack, strrev($extension)) === 0) {
 556                  // The file name ends with the extension.
 557                  return true;
 558              }
 559          }
 561          return false;
 562      }
 564      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 565      // Workshop API                                                               //
 566      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 568      /**
 569       * Fetches all enrolled users with the capability mod/workshop:submit in the current workshop
 570       *
 571       * The returned objects contain properties required by user_picture and are ordered by lastname, firstname.
 572       * Only users with the active enrolment are returned.
 573       *
 574       * @param bool $musthavesubmission if true, return only users who have already submitted
 575       * @param int $groupid 0 means ignore groups, any other value limits the result by group id
 576       * @param int $limitfrom return a subset of records, starting at this point (optional, required if $limitnum is set)
 577       * @param int $limitnum return a subset containing this number of records (optional, required if $limitfrom is set)
 578       * @return array array[userid] => stdClass
 579       */
 580      public function get_potential_authors($musthavesubmission=true, $groupid=0, $limitfrom=0, $limitnum=0) {
 581          global $DB;
 583          list($sql, $params) = $this->get_users_with_capability_sql('mod/workshop:submit', $musthavesubmission, $groupid);
 585          if (empty($sql)) {
 586              return array();
 587          }
 589          list($sort, $sortparams) = users_order_by_sql('tmp');
 590          $sql = "SELECT *
 591                    FROM ($sql) tmp
 592                ORDER BY $sort";
 594          return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array_merge($params, $sortparams), $limitfrom, $limitnum);
 595      }
 597      /**
 598       * Returns the total number of users that would be fetched by {@link self::get_potential_authors()}
 599       *
 600       * @param bool $musthavesubmission if true, count only users who have already submitted
 601       * @param int $groupid 0 means ignore groups, any other value limits the result by group id
 602       * @return int
 603       */
 604      public function count_potential_authors($musthavesubmission=true, $groupid=0) {
 605          global $DB;
 607          list($sql, $params) = $this->get_users_with_capability_sql('mod/workshop:submit', $musthavesubmission, $groupid);
 609          if (empty($sql)) {
 610              return 0;
 611          }
 613          $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*)
 614                    FROM ($sql) tmp";
 616          return $DB->count_records_sql($sql, $params);
 617      }
 619      /**
 620       * Fetches all enrolled users with the capability mod/workshop:peerassess in the current workshop
 621       *
 622       * The returned objects contain properties required by user_picture and are ordered by lastname, firstname.
 623       * Only users with the active enrolment are returned.
 624       *
 625       * @param bool $musthavesubmission if true, return only users who have already submitted
 626       * @param int $groupid 0 means ignore groups, any other value limits the result by group id
 627       * @param int $limitfrom return a subset of records, starting at this point (optional, required if $limitnum is set)
 628       * @param int $limitnum return a subset containing this number of records (optional, required if $limitfrom is set)
 629       * @return array array[userid] => stdClass
 630       */
 631      public function get_potential_reviewers($musthavesubmission=false, $groupid=0, $limitfrom=0, $limitnum=0) {
 632          global $DB;
 634          list($sql, $params) = $this->get_users_with_capability_sql('mod/workshop:peerassess', $musthavesubmission, $groupid);
 636          if (empty($sql)) {
 637              return array();
 638          }
 640          list($sort, $sortparams) = users_order_by_sql('tmp');
 641          $sql = "SELECT *
 642                    FROM ($sql) tmp
 643                ORDER BY $sort";
 645          return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array_merge($params, $sortparams), $limitfrom, $limitnum);
 646      }
 648      /**
 649       * Returns the total number of users that would be fetched by {@link self::get_potential_reviewers()}
 650       *
 651       * @param bool $musthavesubmission if true, count only users who have already submitted
 652       * @param int $groupid 0 means ignore groups, any other value limits the result by group id
 653       * @return int
 654       */
 655      public function count_potential_reviewers($musthavesubmission=false, $groupid=0) {
 656          global $DB;
 658          list($sql, $params) = $this->get_users_with_capability_sql('mod/workshop:peerassess', $musthavesubmission, $groupid);
 660          if (empty($sql)) {
 661              return 0;
 662          }
 664          $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*)
 665                    FROM ($sql) tmp";
 667          return $DB->count_records_sql($sql, $params);
 668      }
 670      /**
 671       * Fetches all enrolled users that are authors or reviewers (or both) in the current workshop
 672       *
 673       * The returned objects contain properties required by user_picture and are ordered by lastname, firstname.
 674       * Only users with the active enrolment are returned.
 675       *
 676       * @see self::get_potential_authors()
 677       * @see self::get_potential_reviewers()
 678       * @param bool $musthavesubmission if true, return only users who have already submitted
 679       * @param int $groupid 0 means ignore groups, any other value limits the result by group id
 680       * @param int $limitfrom return a subset of records, starting at this point (optional, required if $limitnum is set)
 681       * @param int $limitnum return a subset containing this number of records (optional, required if $limitfrom is set)
 682       * @return array array[userid] => stdClass
 683       */
 684      public function get_participants($musthavesubmission=false, $groupid=0, $limitfrom=0, $limitnum=0) {
 685          global $DB;
 687          list($sql, $params) = $this->get_participants_sql($musthavesubmission, $groupid);
 688          list($filteringsql, $filteringparams) = $this->get_users_with_initial_filtering_sql_where();
 689          $wheresql = "";
 691          if ($filteringsql) {
 692              $wheresql .= $filteringsql;
 693              $params = array_merge($params, $filteringparams);
 694          }
 695          if (empty($sql)) {
 696              return array();
 697          }
 699          list($sort, $sortparams) = users_order_by_sql('tmp');
 700          $sql = "SELECT * FROM ($sql) tmp";
 702          if ($wheresql) {
 703              $sql .= " WHERE $wheresql";
 704          }
 705          $sql .= " ORDER BY $sort";
 707          return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array_merge($params, $sortparams), $limitfrom, $limitnum);
 708      }
 710      /**
 711       * Returns the total number of records that would be returned by {@link self::get_participants()}
 712       *
 713       * @param bool $musthavesubmission if true, return only users who have already submitted
 714       * @param int $groupid 0 means ignore groups, any other value limits the result by group id
 715       * @return int
 716       */
 717      public function count_participants($musthavesubmission=false, $groupid=0) {
 718          global $DB;
 720          list($sql, $params) = $this->get_participants_sql($musthavesubmission, $groupid);
 722          if (empty($sql)) {
 723              return 0;
 724          }
 726          $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*)
 727                    FROM ($sql) tmp";
 729          return $DB->count_records_sql($sql, $params);
 730      }
 732      /**
 733       * Checks if the given user is an actively enrolled participant in the workshop
 734       *
 735       * @param int $userid, defaults to the current $USER
 736       * @return boolean
 737       */
 738      public function is_participant($userid=null) {
 739          global $USER, $DB;
 741          if (is_null($userid)) {
 742              $userid = $USER->id;
 743          }
 745          list($sql, $params) = $this->get_participants_sql();
 747          if (empty($sql)) {
 748              return false;
 749          }
 751          $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*)
 752                    FROM {user} uxx
 753                    JOIN ({$sql}) pxx ON =
 754                   WHERE = :uxxid";
 755          $params['uxxid'] = $userid;
 757          if ($DB->count_records_sql($sql, $params)) {
 758              return true;
 759          }
 761          return false;
 762      }
 764      /**
 765       * Groups the given users by the group membership
 766       *
 767       * This takes the module grouping settings into account. If a grouping is
 768       * set, returns only groups withing the course module grouping. Always
 769       * returns group [0] with all the given users.
 770       *
 771       * @param array $users array[userid] => stdclass{->id ->lastname ->firstname}
 772       * @return array array[groupid][userid] => stdclass{->id ->lastname ->firstname}
 773       */
 774      public function get_grouped($users) {
 775          global $DB;
 776          global $CFG;
 778          $grouped = array();  // grouped users to be returned
 779          if (empty($users)) {
 780              return $grouped;
 781          }
 782          if ($this->cm->groupingid) {
 783              // Group workshop set to specified grouping - only consider groups
 784              // within this grouping, and leave out users who aren't members of
 785              // this grouping.
 786              $groupingid = $this->cm->groupingid;
 787              // All users that are members of at least one group will be
 788              // added into a virtual group id 0
 789              $grouped[0] = array();
 790          } else {
 791              $groupingid = 0;
 792              // there is no need to be member of a group so $grouped[0] will contain
 793              // all users
 794              $grouped[0] = $users;
 795          }
 796          $gmemberships = groups_get_all_groups($this->cm->course, array_keys($users), $groupingid,
 797                              ',gm.groupid,gm.userid');
 798          foreach ($gmemberships as $gmembership) {
 799              if (!isset($grouped[$gmembership->groupid])) {
 800                  $grouped[$gmembership->groupid] = array();
 801              }
 802              $grouped[$gmembership->groupid][$gmembership->userid] = $users[$gmembership->userid];
 803              $grouped[0][$gmembership->userid] = $users[$gmembership->userid];
 804          }
 805          return $grouped;
 806      }
 808      /**
 809       * Returns the list of all allocations (i.e. assigned assessments) in the workshop
 810       *
 811       * Assessments of example submissions are ignored
 812       *
 813       * @return array
 814       */
 815      public function get_allocations() {
 816          global $DB;
 818          $sql = 'SELECT, a.submissionid, a.reviewerid, s.authorid
 819                    FROM {workshop_assessments} a
 820              INNER JOIN {workshop_submissions} s ON (a.submissionid =
 821                   WHERE s.example = 0 AND s.workshopid = :workshopid';
 822          $params = array('workshopid' => $this->id);
 824          return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
 825      }
 827      /**
 828       * Returns the total number of records that would be returned by {@link self::get_submissions()}
 829       *
 830       * @param mixed $authorid int|array|'all' If set to [array of] integer, return submission[s] of the given user[s] only
 831       * @param int $groupid If non-zero, return only submissions by authors in the specified group
 832       * @return int number of records
 833       */
 834      public function count_submissions($authorid='all', $groupid=0) {
 835          global $DB;
 837          $params = array('workshopid' => $this->id);
 838          $sql = "SELECT COUNT(
 839                    FROM {workshop_submissions} s
 840                    JOIN {user} u ON (s.authorid =";
 841          if ($groupid) {
 842              $sql .= " JOIN {groups_members} gm ON (gm.userid = AND gm.groupid = :groupid)";
 843              $params['groupid'] = $groupid;
 844          }
 845          $sql .= " WHERE s.example = 0 AND s.workshopid = :workshopid";
 847          if ('all' === $authorid) {
 848              // no additional conditions
 849          } elseif (!empty($authorid)) {
 850              list($usql, $uparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($authorid, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
 851              $sql .= " AND authorid $usql";
 852              $params = array_merge($params, $uparams);
 853          } else {
 854              // $authorid is empty
 855              return 0;
 856          }
 858          return $DB->count_records_sql($sql, $params);
 859      }
 862      /**
 863       * Returns submissions from this workshop
 864       *
 865       * Fetches data from {workshop_submissions} and adds some useful information from other
 866       * tables. Does not return textual fields to prevent possible memory lack issues.
 867       *
 868       * @see self::count_submissions()
 869       * @param mixed $authorid int|array|'all' If set to [array of] integer, return submission[s] of the given user[s] only
 870       * @param int $groupid If non-zero, return only submissions by authors in the specified group
 871       * @param int $limitfrom Return a subset of records, starting at this point (optional)
 872       * @param int $limitnum Return a subset containing this many records in total (optional, required if $limitfrom is set)
 873       * @return array of records or an empty array
 874       */
 875      public function get_submissions($authorid='all', $groupid=0, $limitfrom=0, $limitnum=0) {
 876          global $DB;
 878          $userfieldsapi = \core_user\fields::for_userpic();
 879          $authorfields = $userfieldsapi->get_sql('u', false, 'author', 'authoridx', false)->selects;
 880          $gradeoverbyfields = $userfieldsapi->get_sql('t', false, 'over', 'gradeoverbyx', false)->selects;
 881          $params            = array('workshopid' => $this->id);
 882          $sql = "SELECT, s.workshopid, s.example, s.authorid, s.timecreated, s.timemodified,
 883                         s.title, s.grade, s.gradeover, s.gradeoverby, s.published,
 884                         $authorfields, $gradeoverbyfields
 885                    FROM {workshop_submissions} s
 886                    JOIN {user} u ON (s.authorid =";
 887          if ($groupid) {
 888              $sql .= " JOIN {groups_members} gm ON (gm.userid = AND gm.groupid = :groupid)";
 889              $params['groupid'] = $groupid;
 890          }
 891          $sql .= " LEFT JOIN {user} t ON (s.gradeoverby =
 892                   WHERE s.example = 0 AND s.workshopid = :workshopid";
 894          if ('all' === $authorid) {
 895              // no additional conditions
 896          } elseif (!empty($authorid)) {
 897              list($usql, $uparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($authorid, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
 898              $sql .= " AND authorid $usql";
 899              $params = array_merge($params, $uparams);
 900          } else {
 901              // $authorid is empty
 902              return array();
 903          }
 904          list($sort, $sortparams) = users_order_by_sql('u');
 905          $sql .= " ORDER BY $sort";
 907          return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array_merge($params, $sortparams), $limitfrom, $limitnum);
 908      }
 910      /**
 911       * Returns submissions from this workshop that are viewable by the current user (except example submissions).
 912       *
 913       * @param mixed $authorid int|array If set to [array of] integer, return submission[s] of the given user[s] only
 914       * @param int $groupid If non-zero, return only submissions by authors in the specified group. 0 for all groups.
 915       * @param int $limitfrom Return a subset of records, starting at this point (optional)
 916       * @param int $limitnum Return a subset containing this many records in total (optional, required if $limitfrom is set)
 917       * @return array of records and the total submissions count
 918       * @since  Moodle 3.4
 919       */
 920      public function get_visible_submissions($authorid = 0, $groupid = 0, $limitfrom = 0, $limitnum = 0) {
 921          global $DB, $USER;
 923          $submissions = array();
 924          $select = "SELECT s.*";
 925          $selectcount = "SELECT COUNT(";
 926          $from = " FROM {workshop_submissions} s";
 927          $params = array('workshopid' => $this->id);
 929          // Check if the passed group (or all groups when groupid is 0) is visible by the current user.
 930          if (!groups_group_visible($groupid, $this->course, $this->cm)) {
 931              return array($submissions, 0);
 932          }
 934          if ($groupid) {
 935              $from .= " JOIN {groups_members} gm ON (gm.userid = s.authorid AND gm.groupid = :groupid)";
 936              $params['groupid'] = $groupid;
 937          }
 938          $where = " WHERE s.workshopid = :workshopid AND s.example = 0";
 940          if (!has_capability('mod/workshop:viewallsubmissions', $this->context)) {
 941              // Check published submissions.
 942              $workshopclosed = $this->phase == self::PHASE_CLOSED;
 943              $canviewpublished = has_capability('mod/workshop:viewpublishedsubmissions', $this->context);
 944              if ($workshopclosed && $canviewpublished) {
 945                  $published = " OR s.published = 1";
 946              } else {
 947                  $published = '';
 948              }
 950              // Always get submissions I did or I provided feedback to.
 951              $where .= " AND (s.authorid = :authorid OR s.gradeoverby = :graderid $published)";
 952              $params['authorid'] = $USER->id;
 953              $params['graderid'] = $USER->id;
 954          }
 956          // Now, user filtering.
 957          if (!empty($authorid)) {
 958              list($usql, $uparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($authorid, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
 959              $where .= " AND s.authorid $usql";
 960              $params = array_merge($params, $uparams);
 961          }
 963          $order = " ORDER BY s.timecreated";
 965          $totalcount = $DB->count_records_sql($selectcount.$from.$where, $params);
 966          if ($totalcount) {
 967              $submissions = $DB->get_records_sql($select.$from.$where.$order, $params, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
 968          }
 969          return array($submissions, $totalcount);
 970      }
 973      /**
 974       * Returns a submission record with the author's data
 975       *
 976       * @param int $id submission id
 977       * @return stdclass
 978       */
 979      public function get_submission_by_id($id) {
 980          global $DB;
 982          // we intentionally check the workshopid here, too, so the workshop can't touch submissions
 983          // from other instances
 984          $userfieldsapi = \core_user\fields::for_userpic();
 985          $authorfields = $userfieldsapi->get_sql('u', false, 'author', 'authoridx', false)->selects;
 986          $gradeoverbyfields = $userfieldsapi->get_sql('g', false, 'gradeoverby', 'gradeoverbyx', false)->selects;
 987          $sql = "SELECT s.*, $authorfields, $gradeoverbyfields
 988                    FROM {workshop_submissions} s
 989              INNER JOIN {user} u ON (s.authorid =
 990               LEFT JOIN {user} g ON (s.gradeoverby =
 991                   WHERE s.example = 0 AND s.workshopid = :workshopid AND = :id";
 992          $params = array('workshopid' => $this->id, 'id' => $id);
 993          return $DB->get_record_sql($sql, $params, MUST_EXIST);
 994      }
 996      /**
 997       * Returns a submission submitted by the given author
 998       *
 999       * @param int $id author id
1000       * @return stdclass|false
1001       */
1002      public function get_submission_by_author($authorid) {
1003          global $DB;
1005          if (empty($authorid)) {
1006              return false;
1007          }
1008          $userfieldsapi = \core_user\fields::for_userpic();
1009          $authorfields = $userfieldsapi->get_sql('u', false, 'author', 'authoridx', false)->selects;
1010          $gradeoverbyfields = $userfieldsapi->get_sql('g', false, 'gradeoverby', 'gradeoverbyx', false)->selects;
1011          $sql = "SELECT s.*, $authorfields, $gradeoverbyfields
1012                    FROM {workshop_submissions} s
1013              INNER JOIN {user} u ON (s.authorid =
1014               LEFT JOIN {user} g ON (s.gradeoverby =
1015                   WHERE s.example = 0 AND s.workshopid = :workshopid AND s.authorid = :authorid";
1016          $params = array('workshopid' => $this->id, 'authorid' => $authorid);
1017          return $DB->get_record_sql($sql, $params);
1018      }
1020      /**
1021       * Returns published submissions with their authors data
1022       *
1023       * @return array of stdclass
1024       */
1025      public function get_published_submissions($orderby='finalgrade DESC') {
1026          global $DB;
1028          $userfieldsapi = \core_user\fields::for_userpic();
1029          $authorfields = $userfieldsapi->get_sql('u', false, 'author', 'authoridx', false)->selects;
1030          $sql = "SELECT, s.authorid, s.timecreated, s.timemodified,
1031                         s.title, s.grade, s.gradeover, COALESCE(s.gradeover,s.grade) AS finalgrade,
1032                         $authorfields
1033                    FROM {workshop_submissions} s
1034              INNER JOIN {user} u ON (s.authorid =
1035                   WHERE s.example = 0 AND s.workshopid = :workshopid AND s.published = 1
1036                ORDER BY $orderby";
1037          $params = array('workshopid' => $this->id);
1038          return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
1039      }
1041      /**
1042       * Returns full record of the given example submission
1043       *
1044       * @param int $id example submission od
1045       * @return object
1046       */
1047      public function get_example_by_id($id) {
1048          global $DB;
1049          return $DB->get_record('workshop_submissions',
1050                  array('id' => $id, 'workshopid' => $this->id, 'example' => 1), '*', MUST_EXIST);
1051      }
1053      /**
1054       * Returns the list of example submissions in this workshop with reference assessments attached
1055       *
1056       * @return array of objects or an empty array
1057       * @see workshop::prepare_example_summary()
1058       */
1059      public function get_examples_for_manager() {
1060          global $DB;
1062          $sql = 'SELECT, s.title,
1063                AS assessmentid, a.grade, a.gradinggrade
1064                    FROM {workshop_submissions} s
1065               LEFT JOIN {workshop_assessments} a ON (a.submissionid = AND a.weight = 1)
1066                   WHERE s.example = 1 AND s.workshopid = :workshopid
1067                ORDER BY s.title';
1068          return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array('workshopid' => $this->id));
1069      }
1071      /**
1072       * Returns the list of all example submissions in this workshop with the information of assessments done by the given user
1073       *
1074       * @param int $reviewerid user id
1075       * @return array of objects, indexed by example submission id
1076       * @see workshop::prepare_example_summary()
1077       */
1078      public function get_examples_for_reviewer($reviewerid) {
1079          global $DB;
1081          if (empty($reviewerid)) {
1082              return false;
1083          }
1084          $sql = 'SELECT, s.title,
1085                AS assessmentid, a.grade, a.gradinggrade
1086                    FROM {workshop_submissions} s
1087               LEFT JOIN {workshop_assessments} a ON (a.submissionid = AND a.reviewerid = :reviewerid AND a.weight = 0)
1088                   WHERE s.example = 1 AND s.workshopid = :workshopid
1089                ORDER BY s.title';
1090          return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array('workshopid' => $this->id, 'reviewerid' => $reviewerid));
1091      }
1093      /**
1094       * Prepares renderable submission component
1095       *
1096       * @param stdClass $record required by {@see workshop_submission}
1097       * @param bool $showauthor show the author-related information
1098       * @return workshop_submission
1099       */
1100      public function prepare_submission(stdClass $record, $showauthor = false) {
1102          $submission         = new workshop_submission($this, $record, $showauthor);
1103          $submission->url    = $this->submission_url($record->id);
1105          return $submission;
1106      }
1108      /**
1109       * Prepares renderable submission summary component
1110       *
1111       * @param stdClass $record required by {@see workshop_submission_summary}
1112       * @param bool $showauthor show the author-related information
1113       * @return workshop_submission_summary
1114       */
1115      public function prepare_submission_summary(stdClass $record, $showauthor = false) {
1117          $summary        = new workshop_submission_summary($this, $record, $showauthor);
1118          $summary->url   = $this->submission_url($record->id);
1120          return $summary;
1121      }
1123      /**
1124       * Prepares renderable example submission component
1125       *
1126       * @param stdClass $record required by {@see workshop_example_submission}
1127       * @return workshop_example_submission
1128       */
1129      public function prepare_example_submission(stdClass $record) {
1131          $example = new workshop_example_submission($this, $record);
1133          return $example;
1134      }
1136      /**
1137       * Prepares renderable example submission summary component
1138       *
1139       * If the example is editable, the caller must set the 'editable' flag explicitly.
1140       *
1141       * @param stdClass $example as returned by {@link workshop::get_examples_for_manager()} or {@link workshop::get_examples_for_reviewer()}
1142       * @return workshop_example_submission_summary to be rendered
1143       */
1144      public function prepare_example_summary(stdClass $example) {
1146          $summary = new workshop_example_submission_summary($this, $example);
1148          if (is_null($example->grade)) {
1149              $summary->status = 'notgraded';
1150              $summary->assesslabel = get_string('assess', 'workshop');
1151          } else {
1152              $summary->status = 'graded';
1153              $summary->assesslabel = get_string('reassess', 'workshop');
1154          }
1156          $summary->gradeinfo           = new stdclass();
1157          $summary->gradeinfo->received = $this->real_grade($example->grade);
1158          $summary->gradeinfo->max      = $this->real_grade(100);
1160          $summary->url       = new moodle_url($this->exsubmission_url($example->id));
1161          $summary->editurl   = new moodle_url($this->exsubmission_url($example->id), array('edit' => 'on'));
1162          $summary->assessurl = new moodle_url($this->exsubmission_url($example->id), array('assess' => 'on', 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
1164          return $summary;
1165      }
1167      /**
1168       * Prepares renderable assessment component
1169       *
1170       * The $options array supports the following keys:
1171       * showauthor - should the author user info be available for the renderer
1172       * showreviewer - should the reviewer user info be available for the renderer
1173       * showform - show the assessment form if it is available
1174       * showweight - should the assessment weight be available for the renderer
1175       *
1176       * @param stdClass $record as returned by eg {@link self::get_assessment_by_id()}
1177       * @param workshop_assessment_form|null $form as returned by {@link workshop_strategy::get_assessment_form()}
1178       * @param array $options
1179       * @return workshop_assessment
1180       */
1181      public function prepare_assessment(stdClass $record, $form, array $options = array()) {
1183          $assessment             = new workshop_assessment($this, $record, $options);
1184          $assessment->url        = $this->assess_url($record->id);
1185          $assessment->maxgrade   = $this->real_grade(100);
1187          if (!empty($options['showform']) and !($form instanceof workshop_assessment_form)) {
1188              debugging('Not a valid instance of workshop_assessment_form supplied', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
1189          }
1191          if (!empty($options['showform']) and ($form instanceof workshop_assessment_form)) {
1192              $assessment->form = $form;
1193          }
1195          if (empty($options['showweight'])) {
1196              $assessment->weight = null;
1197          }
1199          if (!is_null($record->grade)) {
1200              $assessment->realgrade = $this->real_grade($record->grade);
1201          }
1203          return $assessment;
1204      }
1206      /**
1207       * Prepares renderable example submission's assessment component
1208       *
1209       * The $options array supports the following keys:
1210       * showauthor - should the author user info be available for the renderer
1211       * showreviewer - should the reviewer user info be available for the renderer
1212       * showform - show the assessment form if it is available
1213       *
1214       * @param stdClass $record as returned by eg {@link self::get_assessment_by_id()}
1215       * @param workshop_assessment_form|null $form as returned by {@link workshop_strategy::get_assessment_form()}
1216       * @param array $options
1217       * @return workshop_example_assessment
1218       */
1219      public function prepare_example_assessment(stdClass $record, $form = null, array $options = array()) {
1221          $assessment             = new workshop_example_assessment($this, $record, $options);
1222          $assessment->url        = $this->exassess_url($record->id);
1223          $assessment->maxgrade   = $this->real_grade(100);
1225          if (!empty($options['showform']) and !($form instanceof workshop_assessment_form)) {
1226              debugging('Not a valid instance of workshop_assessment_form supplied', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
1227          }
1229          if (!empty($options['showform']) and ($form instanceof workshop_assessment_form)) {
1230              $assessment->form = $form;
1231          }
1233          if (!is_null($record->grade)) {
1234              $assessment->realgrade = $this->real_grade($record->grade);
1235          }
1237          $assessment->weight = null;
1239          return $assessment;
1240      }
1242      /**
1243       * Prepares renderable example submission's reference assessment component
1244       *
1245       * The $options array supports the following keys:
1246       * showauthor - should the author user info be available for the renderer
1247       * showreviewer - should the reviewer user info be available for the renderer
1248       * showform - show the assessment form if it is available
1249       *
1250       * @param stdClass $record as returned by eg {@link self::get_assessment_by_id()}
1251       * @param workshop_assessment_form|null $form as returned by {@link workshop_strategy::get_assessment_form()}
1252       * @param array $options
1253       * @return workshop_example_reference_assessment
1254       */
1255      public function prepare_example_reference_assessment(stdClass $record, $form = null, array $options = array()) {
1257          $assessment             = new workshop_example_reference_assessment($this, $record, $options);
1258          $assessment->maxgrade   = $this->real_grade(100);
1260          if (!empty($options['showform']) and !($form instanceof workshop_assessment_form)) {
1261              debugging('Not a valid instance of workshop_assessment_form supplied', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
1262          }
1264          if (!empty($options['showform']) and ($form instanceof workshop_assessment_form)) {
1265              $assessment->form = $form;
1266          }
1268          if (!is_null($record->grade)) {
1269              $assessment->realgrade = $this->real_grade($record->grade);
1270          }
1272          $assessment->weight = null;
1274          return $assessment;
1275      }
1277      /**
1278       * Removes the submission and all relevant data
1279       *
1280       * @param stdClass $submission record to delete
1281       * @return void
1282       */
1283      public function delete_submission(stdclass $submission) {
1284          global $DB;
1286          $assessments = $DB->get_records('workshop_assessments', array('submissionid' => $submission->id), '', 'id');
1287          $this->delete_assessment(array_keys($assessments));
1289          $fs = get_file_storage();
1290          $fs->delete_area_files($this->context->id, 'mod_workshop', 'submission_content', $submission->id);
1291          $fs->delete_area_files($this->context->id, 'mod_workshop', 'submission_attachment', $submission->id);
1293          $DB->delete_records('workshop_submissions', array('id' => $submission->id));
1295          // Event information.
1296          $params = array(
1297              'context' => $this->context,
1298              'courseid' => $this->course->id,
1299              'relateduserid' => $submission->authorid,
1300              'other' => array(
1301                  'submissiontitle' => $submission->title
1302              )
1303          );
1304          $params['objectid'] = $submission->id;
1305          $event = \mod_workshop\event\submission_deleted::create($params);
1306          $event->add_record_snapshot('workshop', $this->dbrecord);
1307          $event->trigger();
1308      }
1310      /**
1311       * Returns the list of all assessments in the workshop with some data added
1312       *
1313       * Fetches data from {workshop_assessments} and adds some useful information from other
1314       * tables. The returned object does not contain textual fields (i.e. comments) to prevent memory
1315       * lack issues.
1316       *
1317       * @return array [assessmentid] => assessment stdclass
1318       */
1319      public function get_all_assessments() {
1320          global $DB;
1322          $userfieldsapi = \core_user\fields::for_userpic();
1323          $reviewerfields = $userfieldsapi->get_sql('reviewer', false, '', 'revieweridx', false)->selects;
1324          $authorfields = $userfieldsapi->get_sql('author', false, 'author', 'authorid', false)->selects;
1325          $overbyfields = $userfieldsapi->get_sql('overby', false, 'overby', 'gradinggradeoverbyx', false)->selects;
1326          list($sort, $params) = users_order_by_sql('reviewer');
1327          $sql = "SELECT, a.submissionid, a.reviewerid, a.timecreated, a.timemodified,
1328                         a.grade, a.gradinggrade, a.gradinggradeover, a.gradinggradeoverby,
1329                         $reviewerfields, $authorfields, $overbyfields,
1330                         s.title
1331                    FROM {workshop_assessments} a
1332              INNER JOIN {user} reviewer ON (a.reviewerid =
1333              INNER JOIN {workshop_submissions} s ON (a.submissionid =
1334              INNER JOIN {user} author ON (s.authorid =
1335               LEFT JOIN {user} overby ON (a.gradinggradeoverby =
1336                   WHERE s.workshopid = :workshopid AND s.example = 0
1337                ORDER BY $sort";
1338          $params['workshopid'] = $this->id;
1340          return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
1341      }
1343      /**
1344       * Get the complete information about the given assessment
1345       *
1346       * @param int $id Assessment ID
1347       * @return stdclass
1348       */
1349      public function get_assessment_by_id($id) {
1350          global $DB;
1352          $userfieldsapi = \core_user\fields::for_userpic();
1353          $reviewerfields = $userfieldsapi->get_sql('reviewer', false, 'reviewer', 'revieweridx', false)->selects;
1354          $authorfields = $userfieldsapi->get_sql('author', false, 'author', 'authorid', false)->selects;
1355          $overbyfields = $userfieldsapi->get_sql('overby', false, 'overby', 'gradinggradeoverbyx', false)->selects;
1356          $sql = "SELECT a.*, s.title, $reviewerfields, $authorfields, $overbyfields
1357                    FROM {workshop_assessments} a
1358              INNER JOIN {user} reviewer ON (a.reviewerid =
1359              INNER JOIN {workshop_submissions} s ON (a.submissionid =
1360              INNER JOIN {user} author ON (s.authorid =
1361               LEFT JOIN {user} overby ON (a.gradinggradeoverby =
1362                   WHERE = :id AND s.workshopid = :workshopid";
1363          $params = array('id' => $id, 'workshopid' => $this->id);
1365          return $DB->get_record_sql($sql, $params, MUST_EXIST);
1366      }
1368      /**
1369       * Get the complete information about the user's assessment of the given submission
1370       *
1371       * @param int $sid submission ID
1372       * @param int $uid user ID of the reviewer
1373       * @return false|stdclass false if not found, stdclass otherwise
1374       */
1375      public function get_assessment_of_submission_by_user($submissionid, $reviewerid) {
1376          global $DB;
1378          $userfieldsapi = \core_user\fields::for_userpic();
1379          $reviewerfields = $userfieldsapi->get_sql('reviewer', false, 'reviewer', 'revieweridx', false)->selects;
1380          $authorfields = $userfieldsapi->get_sql('author', false, 'author', 'authorid', false)->selects;
1381          $overbyfields = $userfieldsapi->get_sql('overby', false, 'overby', 'gradinggradeoverbyx', false)->selects;
1382          $sql = "SELECT a.*, s.title, $reviewerfields, $authorfields, $overbyfields
1383                    FROM {workshop_assessments} a
1384              INNER JOIN {user} reviewer ON (a.reviewerid =
1385              INNER JOIN {workshop_submissions} s ON (a.submissionid = AND s.example = 0)
1386              INNER JOIN {user} author ON (s.authorid =
1387               LEFT JOIN {user} overby ON (a.gradinggradeoverby =
1388                   WHERE = :sid AND = :rid AND s.workshopid = :workshopid";
1389          $params = array('sid' => $submissionid, 'rid' => $reviewerid, 'workshopid' => $this->id);
1391          return $DB->get_record_sql($sql, $params, IGNORE_MISSING);
1392      }
1394      /**
1395       * Get the complete information about all assessments of the given submission
1396       *
1397       * @param int $submissionid
1398       * @return array
1399       */
1400      public function get_assessments_of_submission($submissionid) {
1401          global $DB;
1403          $userfieldsapi = \core_user\fields::for_userpic();
1404          $reviewerfields = $userfieldsapi->get_sql('reviewer', false, 'reviewer', 'revieweridx', false)->selects;
1405          $overbyfields = $userfieldsapi->get_sql('overby', false, 'overby', 'gradinggradeoverbyx', false)->selects;
1406          list($sort, $params) = users_order_by_sql('reviewer');
1407          $sql = "SELECT a.*, s.title, $reviewerfields, $overbyfields
1408                    FROM {workshop_assessments} a
1409              INNER JOIN {user} reviewer ON (a.reviewerid =
1410              INNER JOIN {workshop_submissions} s ON (a.submissionid =
1411               LEFT JOIN {user} overby ON (a.gradinggradeoverby =
1412                   WHERE s.example = 0 AND = :submissionid AND s.workshopid = :workshopid
1413                ORDER BY $sort";
1414          $params['submissionid'] = $submissionid;
1415          $params['workshopid']   = $this->id;
1417          return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
1418      }
1420      /**
1421       * Get the complete information about all assessments allocated to the given reviewer
1422       *
1423       * @param int $reviewerid
1424       * @return array
1425       */
1426      public function get_assessments_by_reviewer($reviewerid) {
1427          global $DB;
1429          $userfieldsapi = \core_user\fields::for_userpic();
1430          $reviewerfields = $userfieldsapi->get_sql('reviewer', false, 'reviewer', 'revieweridx', false)->selects;
1431          $authorfields = $userfieldsapi->get_sql('author', false, 'author', 'authorid', false)->selects;
1432          $overbyfields = $userfieldsapi->get_sql('overby', false, 'overby', 'gradinggradeoverbyx', false)->selects;
1433          $sql = "SELECT a.*, $reviewerfields, $authorfields, $overbyfields,
1434                AS submissionid, s.title AS submissiontitle, s.timecreated AS submissioncreated,
1435                         s.timemodified AS submissionmodified
1436                    FROM {workshop_assessments} a
1437              INNER JOIN {user} reviewer ON (a.reviewerid =
1438              INNER JOIN {workshop_submissions} s ON (a.submissionid =
1439              INNER JOIN {user} author ON (s.authorid =
1440               LEFT JOIN {user} overby ON (a.gradinggradeoverby =
1441                   WHERE s.example = 0 AND = :reviewerid AND s.workshopid = :workshopid";
1442          $params = array('reviewerid' => $reviewerid, 'workshopid' => $this->id);
1444          return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
1445      }
1447      /**
1448       * Get allocated assessments not graded yet by the given reviewer
1449       *
1450       * @see self::get_assessments_by_reviewer()
1451       * @param int $reviewerid the reviewer id
1452       * @param null|int|array $exclude optional assessment id (or list of them) to be excluded
1453       * @return array
1454       */
1455      public function get_pending_assessments_by_reviewer($reviewerid, $exclude = null) {
1457          $assessments = $this->get_assessments_by_reviewer($reviewerid);
1459          foreach ($assessments as $id => $assessment) {
1460              if (!is_null($assessment->grade)) {
1461                  unset($assessments[$id]);
1462                  continue;
1463              }
1464              if (!empty($exclude)) {
1465                  if (is_array($exclude) and in_array($id, $exclude)) {
1466                      unset($assessments[$id]);
1467                      continue;
1468                  } else if ($id == $exclude) {
1469                      unset($assessments[$id]);
1470                      continue;
1471                  }
1472              }
1473          }
1475          return $assessments;
1476      }
1478      /**
1479       * Allocate a submission to a user for review
1480       *
1481       * @param stdClass $submission Submission object with at least id property
1482       * @param int $reviewerid User ID
1483       * @param int $weight of the new assessment, from 0 to 16
1484       * @param bool $bulk repeated inserts into DB expected
1485       * @return int ID of the new assessment or an error code {@link self::ALLOCATION_EXISTS} if the allocation already exists
1486       */
1487      public function add_allocation(stdclass $submission, $reviewerid, $weight=1, $bulk=false) {
1488          global $DB;
1490          if ($DB->record_exists('workshop_assessments', array('submissionid' => $submission->id, 'reviewerid' => $reviewerid))) {
1491              return self::ALLOCATION_EXISTS;
1492          }
1494          $weight = (int)$weight;
1495          if ($weight < 0) {
1496              $weight = 0;
1497          }
1498          if ($weight > 16) {
1499              $weight = 16;
1500          }
1502          $now = time();
1503          $assessment = new stdclass();
1504          $assessment->submissionid           = $submission->id;
1505          $assessment->reviewerid             = $reviewerid;
1506          $assessment->timecreated            = $now;         // do not set timemodified here
1507          $assessment->weight                 = $weight;
1508          $assessment->feedbackauthorformat   = editors_get_preferred_format();
1509          $assessment->feedbackreviewerformat = editors_get_preferred_format();
1511          return $DB->insert_record('workshop_assessments', $assessment, true, $bulk);
1512      }
1514      /**
1515       * Delete assessment record or records.
1516       *
1517       * Removes associated records from the workshop_grades table, too.
1518       *
1519       * @param int|array $id assessment id or array of assessments ids
1520       * @todo Give grading strategy plugins a chance to clean up their data, too.
1521       * @return bool true
1522       */
1523      public function delete_assessment($id) {
1524          global $DB;
1526          if (empty($id)) {
1527              return true;
1528          }
1530          $fs = get_file_storage();
1532          if (is_array($id)) {
1533              $DB->delete_records_list('workshop_grades', 'assessmentid', $id);
1534              foreach ($id as $itemid) {
1535                  $fs->delete_area_files($this->context->id, 'mod_workshop', 'overallfeedback_content', $itemid);
1536                  $fs->delete_area_files($this->context->id, 'mod_workshop', 'overallfeedback_attachment', $itemid);
1537              }
1538              $DB->delete_records_list('workshop_assessments', 'id', $id);
1540          } else {
1541              $DB->delete_records('workshop_grades', array('assessmentid' => $id));
1542              $fs->delete_area_files($this->context->id, 'mod_workshop', 'overallfeedback_content', $id);
1543              $fs->delete_area_files($this->context->id, 'mod_workshop', 'overallfeedback_attachment', $id);
1544              $DB->delete_records('workshop_assessments', array('id' => $id));
1545          }
1547          return true;
1548      }
1550      /**
1551       * Returns instance of grading strategy class
1552       *
1553       * @return stdclass Instance of a grading strategy
1554       */
1555      public function grading_strategy_instance() {
1556          global $CFG;    // because we require other libs here
1558          if (is_null($this->strategyinstance)) {
1559              $strategylib = __DIR__ . '/form/' . $this->strategy . '/lib.php';
1560              if (is_readable($strategylib)) {
1561                  require_once($strategylib);
1562              } else {
1563                  throw new coding_exception('the grading forms subplugin must contain library ' . $strategylib);
1564              }
1565              $classname = 'workshop_' . $this->strategy . '_strategy';
1566              $this->strategyinstance = new $classname($this);
1567              if (!in_array('workshop_strategy', class_implements($this->strategyinstance))) {
1568                  throw new coding_exception($classname . ' does not implement workshop_strategy interface');
1569              }
1570          }
1571          return $this->strategyinstance;
1572      }
1574      /**
1575       * Sets the current evaluation method to the given plugin.
1576       *
1577       * @param string $method the name of the workshopeval subplugin
1578       * @return bool true if successfully set
1579       * @throws coding_exception if attempting to set a non-installed evaluation method
1580       */
1581      public function set_grading_evaluation_method($method) {
1582          global $DB;
1584          $evaluationlib = __DIR__ . '/eval/' . $method . '/lib.php';
1586          if (is_readable($evaluationlib)) {
1587              $this->evaluationinstance = null;
1588              $this->evaluation = $method;
1589              $DB->set_field('workshop', 'evaluation', $method, array('id' => $this->id));
1590              return true;
1591          }
1593          throw new coding_exception('Attempt to set a non-existing evaluation method.');
1594      }
1596      /**
1597       * Returns instance of grading evaluation class
1598       *
1599       * @return stdclass Instance of a grading evaluation
1600       */
1601      public function grading_evaluation_instance() {
1602          global $CFG;    // because we require other libs here
1604          if (is_null($this->evaluationinstance)) {
1605              if (empty($this->evaluation)) {
1606                  $this->evaluation = 'best';
1607              }
1608              $evaluationlib = __DIR__ . '/eval/' . $this->evaluation . '/lib.php';
1609              if (is_readable($evaluationlib)) {
1610                  require_once($evaluationlib);
1611              } else {
1612                  // Fall back in case the subplugin is not available.
1613                  $this->evaluation = 'best';
1614                  $evaluationlib = __DIR__ . '/eval/' . $this->evaluation . '/lib.php';
1615                  if (is_readable($evaluationlib)) {
1616                      require_once($evaluationlib);
1617                  } else {
1618                      // Fall back in case the subplugin is not available any more.
1619                      throw new coding_exception('Missing default grading evaluation library ' . $evaluationlib);
1620                  }
1621              }
1622              $classname = 'workshop_' . $this->evaluation . '_evaluation';
1623              $this->evaluationinstance = new $classname($this);
1624              if (!in_array('workshop_evaluation', class_parents($this->evaluationinstance))) {
1625                  throw new coding_exception($classname . ' does not extend workshop_evaluation class');
1626              }
1627          }
1628          return $this->evaluationinstance;
1629      }
1631      /**
1632       * Returns instance of submissions allocator
1633       *
1634       * @param string $method The name of the allocation method, must be PARAM_ALPHA
1635       * @return stdclass Instance of submissions allocator
1636       */
1637      public function allocator_instance($method) {
1638          global $CFG;    // because we require other libs here
1640          $allocationlib = __DIR__ . '/allocation/' . $method . '/lib.php';
1641          if (is_readable($allocationlib)) {
1642              require_once($allocationlib);
1643          } else {
1644              throw new coding_exception('Unable to find the allocation library ' . $allocationlib);
1645          }
1646          $classname = 'workshop_' . $method . '_allocator';
1647          return new $classname($this);
1648      }
1650      /**
1651       * @return moodle_url of this workshop's view page
1652       */
1653      public function view_url() {
1654          global $CFG;
1655          return new moodle_url('/mod/workshop/view.php', array('id' => $this->cm->id));
1656      }
1658      /**
1659       * @return moodle_url of the page for editing this workshop's grading form
1660       */
1661      public function editform_url() {
1662          global $CFG;
1663          return new moodle_url('/mod/workshop/editform.php', array('cmid' => $this->cm->id));
1664      }
1666      /**
1667       * @return moodle_url of the page for previewing this workshop's grading form
1668       */
1669      public function previewform_url() {
1670          global $CFG;
1671          return new moodle_url('/mod/workshop/editformpreview.php', array('cmid' => $this->cm->id));
1672      }
1674      /**
1675       * @param int $assessmentid The ID of assessment record
1676       * @return moodle_url of the assessment page
1677       */
1678      public function assess_url($assessmentid) {
1679          global $CFG;
1680          $assessmentid = clean_param($assessmentid, PARAM_INT);
1681          return new moodle_url('/mod/workshop/assessment.php', array('asid' => $assessmentid));
1682      }
1684      /**
1685       * @param int $assessmentid The ID of assessment record
1686       * @return moodle_url of the example assessment page
1687       */
1688      public function exassess_url($assessmentid) {
1689          global $CFG;
1690          $assessmentid = clean_param($assessmentid, PARAM_INT);
1691          return new moodle_url('/mod/workshop/exassessment.php', array('asid' => $assessmentid));
1692      }
1694      /**
1695       * @return moodle_url of the page to view a submission, defaults to the own one
1696       */
1697      public function submission_url($id=null) {
1698          global $CFG;
1699          return new moodle_url('/mod/workshop/submission.php', array('cmid' => $this->cm->id, 'id' => $id));
1700      }
1702      /**
1703       * @param int $id example submission id
1704       * @return moodle_url of the page to view an example submission
1705       */
1706      public function exsubmission_url($id) {
1707          global $CFG;
1708          return new moodle_url('/mod/workshop/exsubmission.php', array('cmid' => $this->cm->id, 'id' => $id));
1709      }
1711      /**
1712       * @param int $sid submission id
1713       * @param array $aid of int assessment ids
1714       * @return moodle_url of the page to compare assessments of the given submission
1715       */
1716      public function compare_url($sid, array $aids) {
1717          global $CFG;
1719          $url = new moodle_url('/mod/workshop/compare.php', array('cmid' => $this->cm->id, 'sid' => $sid));
1720          $i = 0;
1721          foreach ($aids as $aid) {
1722              $url->param("aid{$i}", $aid);
1723              $i++;
1724          }
1725          return $url;
1726      }
1728      /**
1729       * @param int $sid submission id
1730       * @param int $aid assessment id
1731       * @return moodle_url of the page to compare the reference assessments of the given example submission
1732       */
1733      public function excompare_url($sid, $aid) {
1734          global $CFG;
1735          return new moodle_url('/mod/workshop/excompare.php', array('cmid' => $this->cm->id, 'sid' => $sid, 'aid' => $aid));
1736      }
1738      /**
1739       * @return moodle_url of the mod_edit form
1740       */
1741      public function updatemod_url() {
1742          global $CFG;
1743          return new moodle_url('/course/modedit.php', array('update' => $this->cm->id, 'return' => 1));
1744      }
1746      /**
1747       * @param string $method allocation method
1748       * @return moodle_url to the allocation page
1749       */
1750      public function allocation_url($method=null) {
1751          global $CFG;
1752          $params = array('cmid' => $this->cm->id);
1753          if (!empty($method)) {
1754              $params['method'] = $method;
1755          }
1756          return new moodle_url('/mod/workshop/allocation.php', $params);
1757      }
1759      /**
1760       * @param int $phasecode The internal phase code
1761       * @return moodle_url of the script to change the current phase to $phasecode
1762       */
1763      public function switchphase_url($phasecode) {
1764          global $CFG;
1765          $phasecode = clean_param($phasecode, PARAM_INT);
1766          return new moodle_url('/mod/workshop/switchphase.php', array('cmid' => $this->cm->id, 'phase' => $phasecode));
1767      }
1769      /**
1770       * @return moodle_url to the aggregation page
1771       */
1772      public function aggregate_url() {
1773          global $CFG;
1774          return new moodle_url('/mod/workshop/aggregate.php', array('cmid' => $this->cm->id));
1775      }
1777      /**
1778       * @return moodle_url of this workshop's toolbox page
1779       */
1780      public function toolbox_url($tool) {
1781          global $CFG;
1782          return new moodle_url('/mod/workshop/toolbox.php', array('id' => $this->cm->id, 'tool' => $tool));
1783      }
1785      /**
1786       * Workshop wrapper around {@see add_to_log()}
1787       * @deprecated since 2.7 Please use the provided event classes for logging actions.
1788       *
1789       * @param string $action to be logged
1790       * @param moodle_url $url absolute url as returned by {@see workshop::submission_url()} and friends
1791       * @param mixed $info additional info, usually id in a table
1792       * @param bool $return true to return the arguments for add_to_log.
1793       * @return void|array array of arguments for add_to_log if $return is true
1794       */
1795      public function log($action, moodle_url $url = null, $info = null, $return = false) {
1796          debugging('The log method is now deprecated, please use event classes instead', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
1798          if (is_null($url)) {
1799              $url = $this->view_url();
1800          }
1802          if (is_null($info)) {
1803              $info = $this->id;
1804          }
1806          $logurl = $this->log_convert_url($url);
1807          $args = array($this->course->id, 'workshop', $action, $logurl, $info, $this->cm->id);
1808          if ($return) {
1809              return $args;
1810          }
1811          call_user_func_array('add_to_log', $args);
1812      }
1814      /**
1815       * Is the given user allowed to create their submission?
1816       *
1817       * @param int $userid
1818       * @return bool
1819       */
1820      public function creating_submission_allowed($userid) {
1822          $now = time();
1823          $ignoredeadlines = has_capability('mod/workshop:ignoredeadlines', $this->context, $userid);
1825          if ($this->latesubmissions) {
1826              if ($this->phase != self::PHASE_SUBMISSION and $this->phase != self::PHASE_ASSESSMENT) {
1827                  // late submissions are allowed in the submission and assessment phase only
1828                  return false;
1829              }
1830              if (!$ignoredeadlines and !empty($this->submissionstart) and $this->submissionstart > $now) {
1831                  // late submissions are not allowed before the submission start
1832                  return false;
1833              }
1834              return true;
1836          } else {
1837              if ($this->phase != self::PHASE_SUBMISSION) {
1838                  // submissions are allowed during the submission phase only
1839                  return false;
1840              }
1841              if (!$ignoredeadlines and !empty($this->submissionstart) and $this->submissionstart > $now) {
1842                  // if enabled, submitting is not allowed before the date/time defined in the mod_form
1843                  return false;
1844              }
1845              if (!$ignoredeadlines and !empty($this->submissionend) and $now > $this->submissionend ) {
1846                  // if enabled, submitting is not allowed after the date/time defined in the mod_form unless late submission is allowed
1847                  return false;
1848              }
1849              return true;
1850          }
1851      }
1853      /**
1854       * Is the given user allowed to modify their existing submission?
1855       *
1856       * @param int $userid
1857       * @return bool
1858       */
1859      public function modifying_submission_allowed($userid) {
1861          $now = time();
1862          $ignoredeadlines = has_capability('mod/workshop:ignoredeadlines', $this->context, $userid);
1864          if ($this->phase != self::PHASE_SUBMISSION) {
1865              // submissions can be edited during the submission phase only
1866              return false;
1867          }
1868          if (!$ignoredeadlines and !empty($this->submissionstart) and $this->submissionstart > $now) {
1869              // if enabled, re-submitting is not allowed before the date/time defined in the mod_form
1870              return false;
1871          }
1872          if (!$ignoredeadlines and !empty($this->submissionend) and $now > $this->submissionend) {
1873              // if enabled, re-submitting is not allowed after the date/time defined in the mod_form even if late submission is allowed
1874              return false;
1875          }
1876          return true;
1877      }
1879      /**
1880       * Is the given reviewer allowed to create/edit their assessments?
1881       *
1882       * @param int $userid
1883       * @return bool
1884       */
1885      public function assessing_allowed($userid) {
1887          if ($this->phase != self::PHASE_ASSESSMENT) {
1888              // assessing is allowed in the assessment phase only, unless the user is a teacher
1889              // providing additional assessment during the evaluation phase
1890              if ($this->phase != self::PHASE_EVALUATION or !has_capability('mod/workshop:overridegrades', $this->context, $userid)) {
1891                  return false;
1892              }
1893          }
1895          $now = time();
1896          $ignoredeadlines = has_capability('mod/workshop:ignoredeadlines', $this->context, $userid);
1898          if (!$ignoredeadlines and !empty($this->assessmentstart) and $this->assessmentstart > $now) {
1899              // if enabled, assessing is not allowed before the date/time defined in the mod_form
1900              return false;
1901          }
1902          if (!$ignoredeadlines and !empty($this->assessmentend) and $now > $this->assessmentend) {
1903              // if enabled, assessing is not allowed after the date/time defined in the mod_form
1904              return false;
1905          }
1906          // here we go, assessing is allowed
1907          return true;
1908      }
1910      /**
1911       * Are reviewers allowed to create/edit their assessments of the example submissions?
1912       *
1913       * Returns null if example submissions are not enabled in this workshop. Otherwise returns
1914       * true or false. Note this does not check other conditions like the number of already
1915       * assessed examples, examples mode etc.
1916       *
1917       * @return null|bool
1918       */
1919      public function assessing_examples_allowed() {
1920          if (empty($this->useexamples)) {
1921              return null;
1922          }
1923          if (self::EXAMPLES_VOLUNTARY == $this->examplesmode) {
1924              return true;
1925          }
1926          if (self::EXAMPLES_BEFORE_SUBMISSION == $this->examplesmode and self::PHASE_SUBMISSION == $this->phase) {
1927              return true;
1928          }
1929          if (self::EXAMPLES_BEFORE_ASSESSMENT == $this->examplesmode and self::PHASE_ASSESSMENT == $this->phase) {
1930              return true;
1931          }
1932          return false;
1933      }
1935      /**
1936       * Are the peer-reviews available to the authors?
1937       *
1938       * @return bool
1939       */
1940      public function assessments_available() {
1941          return $this->phase == self::PHASE_CLOSED;
1942      }
1944      /**
1945       * Switch to a new workshop phase
1946       *
1947       * Modifies the underlying database record. You should terminate the script shortly after calling this.
1948       *
1949       * @param int $newphase new phase code
1950       * @return bool true if success, false otherwise
1951       */
1952      public function switch_phase($newphase) {
1953          global $DB;
1955          $known = $this->available_phases_list();
1956          if (!isset($known[$newphase])) {
1957              return false;
1958          }
1960          if (self::PHASE_CLOSED == $newphase) {
1961              // push the grades into the gradebook
1962              $workshop = new stdclass();
1963              foreach ($this as $property => $value) {
1964                  $workshop->{$property} = $value;
1965              }
1966              $workshop->course     = $this->course->id;
1967              $workshop->cmidnumber = $this->cm->id;
1968              $workshop->modname    = 'workshop';
1969              workshop_update_grades($workshop);
1970          }
1972          $DB->set_field('workshop', 'phase', $newphase, array('id' => $this->id));
1973          $this->phase = $newphase;
1974          $eventdata = array(
1975              'objectid' => $this->id,
1976              'context' => $this->context,
1977              'other' => array(
1978                  'workshopphase' => $this->phase
1979              )
1980          );
1981          $event = \mod_workshop\event\phase_switched::create($eventdata);
1982          $event->trigger();
1983          return true;
1984      }
1986      /**
1987       * Saves a raw grade for submission as calculated from the assessment form fields
1988       *
1989       * @param array $assessmentid assessment record id, must exists
1990       * @param mixed $grade        raw percentual grade from 0.00000 to 100.00000
1991       * @return false|float        the saved grade
1992       */
1993      public function set_peer_grade($assessmentid, $grade) {
1994          global $DB;
1996          if (is_null($grade)) {
1997              return false;
1998          }
1999          $data = new stdclass();
2000          $data->id = $assessmentid;
2001          $data->grade = $grade;
2002          $data->timemodified = time();
2003          $DB->update_record('workshop_assessments', $data);
2004          return $grade;
2005      }
2007      /**
2008       * Prepares data object with all workshop grades to be rendered
2009       *
2010       * @param int $userid the user we are preparing the report for
2011       * @param int $groupid if non-zero, prepare the report for the given group only
2012       * @param int $page the current page (for the pagination)
2013       * @param int $perpage participants per page (for the pagination)
2014       * @param string $sortby lastname|firstname|submissiontitle|submissiongrade|gradinggrade
2015       * @param string $sorthow ASC|DESC
2016       * @return stdclass data for the renderer
2017       */
2018      public function prepare_grading_report_data($userid, $groupid, $page, $perpage, $sortby, $sorthow) {
2019          global $DB;
2021          $canviewall     = has_capability('mod/workshop:viewallassessments', $this->context, $userid);
2022          $isparticipant  = $this->is_participant($userid);
2024          if (!$canviewall and !$isparticipant) {
2025              // who the hell is this?
2026              return array();
2027          }
2029          if (!in_array($sortby, array('lastname', 'firstname', 'submissiontitle', 'submissionmodified',
2030                  'submissiongrade', 'gradinggrade'))) {
2031              $sortby = 'lastname';
2032          }
2034          if (!($sorthow === 'ASC' or $sorthow === 'DESC')) {
2035              $sorthow = 'ASC';
2036          }
2038          // get the list of user ids to be displayed
2039          if ($canviewall) {
2040              $participants = $this->get_participants(false, $groupid);
2041          } else {
2042              // this is an ordinary workshop participant (aka student) - display the report just for him/her
2043              $participants = array($userid => (object)array('id' => $userid));
2044          }
2046          // we will need to know the number of all records later for the pagination purposes
2047          $numofparticipants = count($participants);
2049          if ($numofparticipants > 0) {
2050              // load all fields which can be used for sorting and paginate the records
2051              list($participantids, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($participants), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
2052              $params['workshopid1'] = $this->id;
2053              $params['workshopid2'] = $this->id;
2054              $sqlsort = array();
2055              $sqlsortfields = array($sortby => $sorthow) + array('lastname' => 'ASC', 'firstname' => 'ASC', '' => 'ASC');
2056              foreach ($sqlsortfields as $sqlsortfieldname => $sqlsortfieldhow) {
2057                  $sqlsort[] = $sqlsortfieldname . ' ' . $sqlsortfieldhow;
2058              }
2059              $sqlsort = implode(',', $sqlsort);
2060              $userfieldsapi = \core_user\fields::for_userpic();
2061              $picturefields = $userfieldsapi->get_sql('u', false, '', 'userid', false)->selects;
2062              $sql = "SELECT $picturefields, s.title AS submissiontitle, s.timemodified AS submissionmodified,
2063                             s.grade AS submissiongrade, ag.gradinggrade
2064                        FROM {user} u
2065                   LEFT JOIN {workshop_submissions} s ON (s.authorid = AND s.workshopid = :workshopid1 AND s.example = 0)
2066                   LEFT JOIN {workshop_aggregations} ag ON (ag.userid = AND ag.workshopid = :workshopid2)
2067                       WHERE $participantids
2068                    ORDER BY $sqlsort";
2069              $participants = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params, $page * $perpage, $perpage);
2070          } else {
2071              $participants = array();
2072          }
2074          // this will hold the information needed to display user names and pictures
2075          $userinfo = array();
2077          // get the user details for all participants to display
2078          $additionalnames = \core_user\fields::get_name_fields();
2079          foreach ($participants as $participant) {
2080              if (!isset($userinfo[$participant->userid])) {
2081                  $userinfo[$participant->userid]            = new stdclass();
2082                  $userinfo[$participant->userid]->id        = $participant->userid;
2083                  $userinfo[$participant->userid]->picture   = $participant->picture;
2084                  $userinfo[$participant->userid]->imagealt  = $participant->imagealt;
2085                  $userinfo[$participant->userid]->email     = $participant->email;
2086                  foreach ($additionalnames as $addname) {
2087                      $userinfo[$participant->userid]->$addname = $participant->$addname;
2088                  }
2089              }
2090          }
2092          // load the submissions details
2093          $submissions = $this->get_submissions(array_keys($participants));
2095          // get the user details for all moderators (teachers) that have overridden a submission grade
2096          foreach ($submissions as $submission) {
2097              if (!isset($userinfo[$submission->gradeoverby])) {
2098                  $userinfo[$submission->gradeoverby]            = new stdclass();
2099                  $userinfo[$submission->gradeoverby]->id        = $submission->gradeoverby;
2100                  $userinfo[$submission->gradeoverby]->picture   = $submission->overpicture;
2101                  $userinfo[$submission->gradeoverby]->imagealt  = $submission->overimagealt;
2102                  $userinfo[$submission->gradeoverby]->email     = $submission->overemail;
2103                  foreach ($additionalnames as $addname) {
2104                      $temp = 'over' . $addname;
2105                      $userinfo[$submission->gradeoverby]->$addname = $submission->$temp;
2106                  }
2107              }
2108          }
2110          // get the user details for all reviewers of the displayed participants
2111          $reviewers = array();
2113          if ($submissions) {
2114              list($submissionids, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($submissions), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
2115              list($sort, $sortparams) = users_order_by_sql('r');
2116              $userfieldsapi = \core_user\fields::for_userpic();
2117              $picturefields = $userfieldsapi->get_sql('r', false, '', 'reviewerid', false)->selects;
2118              $sql = "SELECT AS assessmentid, a.submissionid, a.grade, a.gradinggrade, a.gradinggradeover, a.weight,
2119                             $picturefields, AS submissionid, s.authorid
2120                        FROM {workshop_assessments} a
2121                        JOIN {user} r ON (a.reviewerid =
2122                        JOIN {workshop_submissions} s ON (a.submissionid = AND s.example = 0)
2123                       WHERE a.submissionid $submissionids
2124                    ORDER BY a.weight DESC, $sort";
2125              $reviewers = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array_merge($params, $sortparams));
2126              foreach ($reviewers as $reviewer) {
2127                  if (!isset($userinfo[$reviewer->reviewerid])) {
2128                      $userinfo[$reviewer->reviewerid]            = new stdclass();
2129                      $userinfo[$reviewer->reviewerid]->id        = $reviewer->reviewerid;
2130                      $userinfo[$reviewer->reviewerid]->picture   = $reviewer->picture;
2131                      $userinfo[$reviewer->reviewerid]->imagealt  = $reviewer->imagealt;
2132                      $userinfo[$reviewer->reviewerid]->email     = $reviewer->email;
2133                      foreach ($additionalnames as $addname) {
2134                          $userinfo[$reviewer->reviewerid]->$addname = $reviewer->$addname;
2135                      }
2136                  }
2137              }
2138          }
2140          // get the user details for all reviewees of the displayed participants
2141          $reviewees = array();
2142          if ($participants) {
2143              list($participantids, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($participants), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
2144              list($sort, $sortparams) = users_order_by_sql('e');
2145              $params['workshopid'] = $this->id;
2146              $userfieldsapi = \core_user\fields::for_userpic();
2147              $picturefields = $userfieldsapi->get_sql('e', false, '', 'authorid', false)->selects;
2148              $sql = "SELECT AS assessmentid, a.submissionid, a.grade, a.gradinggrade, a.gradinggradeover, a.reviewerid, a.weight,
2149                    AS submissionid, $picturefields
2150                        FROM {user} u
2151                        JOIN {workshop_assessments} a ON (a.reviewerid =
2152                        JOIN {workshop_submissions} s ON (a.submissionid = AND s.example = 0)
2153                        JOIN {user} e ON (s.authorid =
2154                       WHERE $participantids AND s.workshopid = :workshopid
2155                    ORDER BY a.weight DESC, $sort";
2156              $reviewees = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array_merge($params, $sortparams));
2157              foreach ($reviewees as $reviewee) {
2158                  if (!isset($userinfo[$reviewee->authorid])) {
2159                      $userinfo[$reviewee->authorid]            = new stdclass();
2160                      $userinfo[$reviewee->authorid]->id        = $reviewee->authorid;
2161                      $userinfo[$reviewee->authorid]->picture   = $reviewee->picture;
2162                      $userinfo[$reviewee->authorid]->imagealt  = $reviewee->imagealt;
2163                      $userinfo[$reviewee->authorid]->email     = $reviewee->email;
2164                      foreach ($additionalnames as $addname) {
2165                          $userinfo[$reviewee->authorid]->$addname = $reviewee->$addname;
2166                      }
2167                  }
2168              }
2169          }
2171          // finally populate the object to be rendered
2172          $grades = $participants;
2174          foreach ($participants as $participant) {
2175              // set up default (null) values
2176              $grades[$participant->userid]->submissionid = null;
2177              $grades[$participant->userid]->submissiontitle = null;
2178              $grades[$participant->userid]->submissiongrade = null;
2179              $grades[$participant->userid]->submissiongradeover = null;
2180              $grades[$participant->userid]->submissiongradeoverby = null;
2181              $grades[$participant->userid]->submissionpublished = null;
2182              $grades[$participant->userid]->reviewedby = array();
2183              $grades[$participant->userid]->reviewerof = array();
2184          }
2185          unset($participants);
2186          unset($participant);
2188          foreach ($submissions as $submission) {
2189              $grades[$submission->authorid]->submissionid = $submission->id;
2190              $grades[$submission->authorid]->submissiontitle = $submission->title;
2191              $grades[$submission->authorid]->submissiongrade = $this->real_grade($submission->grade);
2192              $grades[$submission->authorid]->submissiongradeover = $this->real_grade($submission->gradeover);
2193              $grades[$submission->authorid]->submissiongradeoverby = $submission->gradeoverby;
2194              $grades[$submission->authorid]->submissionpublished = $submission->published;
2195          }
2196          unset($submissions);
2197          unset($submission);
2199          foreach($reviewers as $reviewer) {
2200              $info = new stdclass();
2201              $info->userid = $reviewer->reviewerid;
2202              $info->assessmentid = $reviewer->assessmentid;
2203              $info->submissionid = $reviewer->submissionid;
2204              $info->grade = $this->real_grade($reviewer->grade);
2205              $info->gradinggrade = $this->real_grading_grade($reviewer->gradinggrade);
2206              $info->gradinggradeover = $this->real_grading_grade($reviewer->gradinggradeover);
2207              $info->weight = $reviewer->weight;
2208              $grades[$reviewer->authorid]->reviewedby[$reviewer->reviewerid] = $info;
2209          }
2210          unset($reviewers);
2211          unset($reviewer);
2213          foreach($reviewees as $reviewee) {
2214              $info = new stdclass();
2215              $info->userid = $reviewee->authorid;
2216              $info->assessmentid = $reviewee->assessmentid;
2217              $info->submissionid = $reviewee->submissionid;
2218              $info->grade = $this->real_grade($reviewee->grade);
2219              $info->gradinggrade = $this->real_grading_grade($reviewee->gradinggrade);
2220              $info->gradinggradeover = $this->real_grading_grade($reviewee->gradinggradeover);
2221              $info->weight = $reviewee->weight;
2222              $grades[$reviewee->reviewerid]->reviewerof[$reviewee->authorid] = $info;
2223          }
2224          unset($reviewees);
2225          unset($reviewee);
2227          foreach ($grades as $grade) {
2228              $grade->gradinggrade = $this->real_grading_grade($grade->gradinggrade);
2229          }
2231          $data = new stdclass();
2232          $data->grades = $grades;
2233          $data->userinfo = $userinfo;
2234          $data->totalcount = $numofparticipants;
2235          $data->maxgrade = $this->real_grade(100);
2236          $data->maxgradinggrade = $this->real_grading_grade(100);
2237          return $data;
2238      }
2240      /**
2241       * Calculates the real value of a grade
2242       *
2243       * @param float $value percentual value from 0 to 100
2244       * @param float $max   the maximal grade
2245       * @return string
2246       */
2247      public function real_grade_value($value, $max) {
2248          $localized = true;
2249          if (is_null($value) or $value === '') {
2250              return null;
2251          } elseif ($max == 0) {
2252              return 0;
2253          } else {
2254              return format_float($max * $value / 100, $this->gradedecimals, $localized);
2255          }
2256      }
2258      /**
2259       * Calculates the raw (percentual) value from a real grade
2260       *
2261       * This is used in cases when a user wants to give a grade such as 12 of 20 and we need to save
2262       * this value in a raw percentual form into DB
2263       * @param float $value given grade
2264       * @param float $max   the maximal grade
2265       * @return float       suitable to be stored as numeric(10,5)
2266       */
2267      public function raw_grade_value($value, $max) {
2268          if (is_null($value) or $value === '') {
2269              return null;
2270          }
2271          if ($max == 0 or $value < 0) {
2272              return 0;
2273          }
2274          $p = $value / $max * 100;
2275          if ($p > 100) {
2276              return $max;
2277          }
2278          return grade_floatval($p);
2279      }
2281      /**
2282       * Calculates the real value of grade for submission
2283       *
2284       * @param float $value percentual value from 0 to 100
2285       * @return string
2286       */
2287      public function real_grade($value) {
2288          return $this->real_grade_value($value, $this->grade);
2289      }
2291      /**
2292       * Calculates the real value of grade for assessment
2293       *
2294       * @param float $value percentual value from 0 to 100
2295       * @return string
2296       */
2297      public function real_grading_grade($value) {
2298          return $this->real_grade_value($value, $this->gradinggrade);
2299      }
2301      /**
2302       * Sets the given grades and received grading grades to null
2303       *
2304       * This does not clear the information about how the peers filled the assessment forms, but
2305       * clears the calculated grades in workshop_assessments. Therefore reviewers have to re-assess
2306       * the allocated submissions.
2307       *
2308       * @return void
2309       */
2310      public function clear_assessments() {
2311          global $DB;
2313          $submissions = $this->get_submissions();
2314          if (empty($submissions)) {
2315              // no money, no love
2316              return;
2317          }
2318          $submissions = array_keys($submissions);
2319          list($sql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($submissions, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
2320          $sql = "submissionid $sql";
2321          $DB->set_field_select('workshop_assessments', 'grade', null, $sql, $params);
2322          $DB->set_field_select('workshop_assessments', 'gradinggrade', null, $sql, $params);
2323      }
2325      /**
2326       * Sets the grades for submission to null
2327       *
2328       * @param null|int|array $restrict If null, update all authors, otherwise update just grades for the given author(s)
2329       * @return void
2330       */
2331      public function clear_submission_grades($restrict=null) {
2332          global $DB;
2334          $sql = "workshopid = :workshopid AND example = 0";
2335          $params = array('workshopid' => $this->id);
2337          if (is_null($restrict)) {
2338              // update all users - no more conditions
2339          } elseif (!empty($restrict)) {
2340              list($usql, $uparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($restrict, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
2341              $sql .= " AND authorid $usql";
2342              $params = array_merge($params, $uparams);
2343          } else {
2344              throw new coding_exception('Empty value is not a valid parameter here');
2345          }
2347          $DB->set_field_select('workshop_submissions', 'grade', null, $sql, $params);
2348      }
2350      /**
2351       * Calculates grades for submission for the given participant(s) and updates it in the database
2352       *
2353       * @param null|int|array $restrict If null, update all authors, otherwise update just grades for the given author(s)
2354       * @return void
2355       */
2356      public function aggregate_submission_grades($restrict=null) {
2357          global $DB;
2359          // fetch a recordset with all assessments to process
2360          $sql = 'SELECT AS submissionid, s.grade AS submissiongrade,
2361                         a.weight, a.grade
2362                    FROM {workshop_submissions} s
2363               LEFT JOIN {workshop_assessments} a ON (a.submissionid =
2364                   WHERE s.example=0 AND s.workshopid=:workshopid'; // to be cont.
2365          $params = array('workshopid' => $this->id);
2367          if (is_null($restrict)) {
2368              // update all users - no more conditions
2369          } elseif (!empty($restrict)) {
2370              list($usql, $uparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($restrict, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
2371              $sql .= " AND s.authorid $usql";
2372              $params = array_merge($params, $uparams);
2373          } else {
2374              throw new coding_exception('Empty value is not a valid parameter here');
2375          }
2377          $sql .= ' ORDER BY'; // this is important for bulk processing
2379          $rs         = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
2380          $batch      = array();    // will contain a set of all assessments of a single submission
2381          $previous   = null;       // a previous record in the recordset
2383          foreach ($rs as $current) {
2384              if (is_null($previous)) {
2385                  // we are processing the very first record in the recordset
2386                  $previous   = $current;
2387              }
2388              if ($current->submissionid == $previous->submissionid) {
2389                  // we are still processing the current submission
2390                  $batch[] = $current;
2391              } else {
2392                  // process all the assessments of a sigle submission
2393                  $this->aggregate_submission_grades_process($batch);
2394                  // and then start to process another submission
2395                  $batch      = array($current);
2396                  $previous   = $current;
2397              }
2398          }
2399          // do not forget to process the last batch!
2400          $this->aggregate_submission_grades_process($batch);
2401          $rs->close();
2402      }
2404      /**
2405       * Sets the aggregated grades for assessment to null
2406       *
2407       * @param null|int|array $restrict If null, update all reviewers, otherwise update just grades for the given reviewer(s)
2408       * @return void
2409       */
2410      public function clear_grading_grades($restrict=null) {
2411          global $DB;
2413          $sql = "workshopid = :workshopid";
2414          $params = array('workshopid' => $this->id);
2416          if (is_null($restrict)) {
2417              // update all users - no more conditions
2418          } elseif (!empty($restrict)) {
2419              list($usql, $uparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($restrict, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
2420              $sql .= " AND userid $usql";
2421              $params = array_merge($params, $uparams);
2422          } else {
2423              throw new coding_exception('Empty value is not a valid parameter here');
2424          }
2426          $DB->set_field_select('workshop_aggregations', 'gradinggrade', null, $sql, $params);
2427      }
2429      /**
2430       * Calculates grades for assessment for the given participant(s)
2431       *
2432       * Grade for assessment is calculated as a simple mean of all grading grades calculated by the grading evaluator.
2433       * The assessment weight is not taken into account here.
2434       *
2435       * @param null|int|array $restrict If null, update all reviewers, otherwise update just grades for the given reviewer(s)
2436       * @return void
2437       */
2438      public function aggregate_grading_grades($restrict=null) {
2439          global $DB;
2441          // fetch a recordset with all assessments to process
2442          $sql = 'SELECT a.reviewerid, a.gradinggrade, a.gradinggradeover,
2443                AS aggregationid, ag.gradinggrade AS aggregatedgrade
2444                    FROM {workshop_assessments} a
2445              INNER JOIN {workshop_submissions} s ON (a.submissionid =
2446               LEFT JOIN {workshop_aggregations} ag ON (ag.userid = a.reviewerid AND ag.workshopid = s.workshopid)
2447                   WHERE s.example=0 AND s.workshopid=:workshopid'; // to be cont.
2448          $params = array('workshopid' => $this->id);
2450          if (is_null($restrict)) {
2451              // update all users - no more conditions
2452          } elseif (!empty($restrict)) {
2453              list($usql, $uparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($restrict, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
2454              $sql .= " AND a.reviewerid $usql";
2455              $params = array_merge($params, $uparams);
2456          } else {
2457              throw new coding_exception('Empty value is not a valid parameter here');
2458          }
2460          $sql .= ' ORDER BY a.reviewerid'; // this is important for bulk processing
2462          $rs         = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
2463          $batch      = array();    // will contain a set of all assessments of a single submission
2464          $previous   = null;       // a previous record in the recordset
2466          foreach ($rs as $current) {
2467              if (is_null($previous)) {
2468                  // we are processing the very first record in the recordset
2469                  $previous   = $current;
2470              }
2471              if ($current->reviewerid == $previous->reviewerid) {
2472                  // we are still processing the current reviewer
2473                  $batch[] = $current;
2474              } else {
2475                  // process all the assessments of a sigle submission
2476                  $this->aggregate_grading_grades_process($batch);
2477                  // and then start to process another reviewer
2478                  $batch      = array($current);
2479                  $previous   = $current;
2480              }
2481          }
2482          // do not forget to process the last batch!
2483          $this->aggregate_grading_grades_process($batch);
2484          $rs->close();
2485      }
2487      /**
2488       * Returns the mform the teachers use to put a feedback for the reviewer
2489       *
2490       * @param mixed moodle_url|null $actionurl
2491       * @param stdClass $assessment
2492       * @param array $options editable, editableweight, overridablegradinggrade
2493       * @return workshop_feedbackreviewer_form
2494       */
2495      public function get_feedbackreviewer_form($actionurl, stdclass $assessment, $options=array()) {
2496          global $CFG;
2497          require_once (__DIR__ . '/feedbackreviewer_form.php');
2499          $current = new stdclass();
2500          $current->asid                      = $assessment->id;
2501          $current->weight                    = $assessment->weight;
2502          $current->gradinggrade              = $this->real_grading_grade($assessment->gradinggrade);
2503          $current->gradinggradeover          = $this->real_grading_grade($assessment->gradinggradeover);
2504          $current->feedbackreviewer          = $assessment->feedbackreviewer;
2505          $current->feedbackreviewerformat    = $assessment->feedbackreviewerformat;
2506          if (is_null($current->gradinggrade)) {
2507              $current->gradinggrade = get_string('nullgrade', 'workshop');
2508          }
2509          if (!isset($options['editable'])) {
2510              $editable = true;   // by default
2511          } else {
2512              $editable = (bool)$options['editable'];
2513          }
2515          // prepare wysiwyg editor
2516          $current = file_prepare_standard_editor($current, 'feedbackreviewer', array());
2518          return new workshop_feedbackreviewer_form($actionurl,
2519                  array('workshop' => $this, 'current' => $current, 'editoropts' => array(), 'options' => $options),
2520                  'post', '', null, $editable);
2521      }
2523      /**
2524       * Returns the mform the teachers use to put a feedback for the author on their submission
2525       *
2526       * @mixed moodle_url|null $actionurl
2527       * @param stdClass $submission
2528       * @param array $options editable
2529       * @return workshop_feedbackauthor_form
2530       */
2531      public function get_feedbackauthor_form($actionurl, stdclass $submission, $options=array()) {
2532          global $CFG;
2533          require_once (__DIR__ . '/feedbackauthor_form.php');
2535          $current = new stdclass();
2536          $current->submissionid          = $submission->id;
2537          $current->published             = $submission->published;
2538          $current->grade                 = $this->real_grade($submission->grade);
2539          $current->gradeover             = $this->real_grade($submission->gradeover);
2540          $current->feedbackauthor        = $submission->feedbackauthor;
2541          $current->feedbackauthorformat  = $submission->feedbackauthorformat;
2542          if (is_null($current->grade)) {
2543              $current->grade = get_string('nullgrade', 'workshop');
2544          }
2545          if (!isset($options['editable'])) {
2546              $editable = true;   // by default
2547          } else {
2548              $editable = (bool)$options['editable'];
2549          }
2551          // prepare wysiwyg editor
2552          $current = file_prepare_standard_editor($current, 'feedbackauthor', array());
2554          return new workshop_feedbackauthor_form($actionurl,
2555                  array('workshop' => $this, 'current' => $current, 'editoropts' => array(), 'options' => $options),
2556                  'post', '', null, $editable);
2557      }
2559      /**
2560       * Returns the information about the user's grades as they are stored in the gradebook
2561       *
2562       * The submission grade is returned for users with the capability mod/workshop:submit and the
2563       * assessment grade is returned for users with the capability mod/workshop:peerassess. Unless the
2564       * user has the capability to view hidden grades, grades must be visible to be returned. Null
2565       * grades are not returned. If none grade is to be returned, this method returns false.
2566       *
2567       * @param int $userid the user's id
2568       * @return workshop_final_grades|false
2569       */
2570      public function get_gradebook_grades($userid) {
2571          global $CFG;
2572          require_once($CFG->libdir.'/gradelib.php');
2574          if (empty($userid)) {
2575              throw new coding_exception('User id expected, empty value given.');
2576          }
2578          // Read data via the Gradebook API
2579          $gradebook = grade_get_grades($this->course->id, 'mod', 'workshop', $this->id, $userid);
2581          $grades = new workshop_final_grades();
2583          if (has_capability('mod/workshop:submit', $this->context, $userid)) {
2584              if (!empty($gradebook->items[0]->grades)) {
2585                  $submissiongrade = reset($gradebook->items[0]->grades);
2586                  if (!is_null($submissiongrade->grade)) {
2587                      if (!$submissiongrade->hidden or has_capability('moodle/grade:viewhidden', $this->context, $userid)) {
2588                          $grades->submissiongrade = $submissiongrade;
2589                      }
2590                  }
2591              }
2592          }
2594          if (has_capability('mod/workshop:peerassess', $this->context, $userid)) {
2595              if (!empty($gradebook->items[1]->grades)) {
2596                  $assessmentgrade = reset($gradebook->items[1]->grades);
2597                  if (!is_null($assessmentgrade->grade)) {
2598                      if (!$assessmentgrade->hidden or has_capability('moodle/grade:viewhidden', $this->context, $userid)) {
2599                          $grades->assessmentgrade = $assessmentgrade;
2600                      }
2601                  }
2602              }
2603          }
2605          if (!is_null($grades->submissiongrade) or !is_null($grades->assessmentgrade)) {
2606              return $grades;
2607          }
2609          return false;
2610      }
2612      /**
2613       * Return the editor options for the submission content field.
2614       *
2615       * @return array
2616       */
2617      public function submission_content_options() {
2618          global $CFG;
2619          require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/repository/lib.php');
2621          return array(
2622              'trusttext' => true,
2623              'subdirs' => false,
2624              'maxfiles' => $this->nattachments,
2625              'maxbytes' => $this->maxbytes,
2626              'context' => $this->context,
2627              'return_types' => FILE_INTERNAL | FILE_EXTERNAL,
2628            );
2629      }
2631      /**
2632       * Return the filemanager options for the submission attachments field.
2633       *
2634       * @return array
2635       */
2636      public function submission_attachment_options() {
2637          global $CFG;
2638          require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/repository/lib.php');
2640          $options = array(
2641              'subdirs' => true,
2642              'maxfiles' => $this->nattachments,
2643              'maxbytes' => $this->maxbytes,
2644              'return_types' => FILE_INTERNAL | FILE_CONTROLLED_LINK,
2645          );
2647          $filetypesutil = new \core_form\filetypes_util();
2648          $options['accepted_types'] = $filetypesutil->normalize_file_types($this->submissionfiletypes);
2650          return $options;
2651      }
2653      /**
2654       * Return the editor options for the overall feedback for the author.
2655       *
2656       * @return array
2657       */
2658      public function overall_feedback_content_options() {
2659          global $CFG;
2660          require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/repository/lib.php');
2662          return array(
2663              'subdirs' => 0,
2664              'maxbytes' => $this->overallfeedbackmaxbytes,
2665              'maxfiles' => $this->overallfeedbackfiles,
2666              'changeformat' => 1,
2667              'context' => $this->context,
2668              'return_types' => FILE_INTERNAL,
2669          );
2670      }
2672      /**
2673       * Return the filemanager options for the overall feedback for the author.
2674       *
2675       * @return array
2676       */
2677      public function overall_feedback_attachment_options() {
2678          global $CFG;
2679          require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/repository/lib.php');
2681          $options = array(
2682              'subdirs' => 1,
2683              'maxbytes' => $this->overallfeedbackmaxbytes,
2684              'maxfiles' => $this->overallfeedbackfiles,
2685              'return_types' => FILE_INTERNAL | FILE_CONTROLLED_LINK,
2686          );
2688          $filetypesutil = new \core_form\filetypes_util();
2689          $options['accepted_types'] = $filetypesutil->normalize_file_types($this->overallfeedbackfiletypes);
2691          return $options;
2692      }
2694      /**
2695       * Performs the reset of this workshop instance.
2696       *
2697       * @param stdClass $data The actual course reset settings.
2698       * @return array List of results, each being array[(string)component, (string)item, (string)error]
2699       */
2700      public function reset_userdata(stdClass $data) {
2702          $componentstr = get_string('pluginname', 'workshop').': '.format_string($this->name);
2703          $status = array();
2705          if (!empty($data->reset_workshop_assessments) or !empty($data->reset_workshop_submissions)) {
2706              // Reset all data related to assessments, including assessments of
2707              // example submissions.
2708              $result = $this->reset_userdata_assessments($data);
2709              if ($result === true) {
2710                  $status[] = array(
2711                      'component' => $componentstr,
2712                      'item' => get_string('resetassessments', 'mod_workshop'),
2713                      'error' => false,
2714                  );
2715              } else {
2716                  $status[] = array(
2717                      'component' => $componentstr,
2718                      'item' => get_string('resetassessments', 'mod_workshop'),
2719                      'error' => $result,
2720                  );
2721              }
2722          }
2724          if (!empty($data->reset_workshop_submissions)) {
2725              // Reset all remaining data related to submissions.
2726              $result = $this->reset_userdata_submissions($data);
2727              if ($result === true) {
2728                  $status[] = array(
2729                      'component' => $componentstr,
2730                      'item' => get_string('resetsubmissions', 'mod_workshop'),
2731                      'error' => false,
2732                  );
2733              } else {
2734                  $status[] = array(
2735                      'component' => $componentstr,
2736                      'item' => get_string('resetsubmissions', 'mod_workshop'),
2737                      'error' => $result,
2738                  );
2739              }
2740          }
2742          if (!empty($data->reset_workshop_phase)) {
2743              // Do not use the {@link workshop::switch_phase()} here, we do not
2744              // want to trigger events.
2745              $this->reset_phase();
2746              $status[] = array(
2747                  'component' => $componentstr,
2748                  'item' => get_string('resetsubmissions', 'mod_workshop'),
2749                  'error' => false,
2750              );
2751          }
2753          return $status;
2754      }
2756      /**
2757       * Check if the current user can access the other user's group.
2758       *
2759       * This is typically used for teacher roles that have permissions like
2760       * 'view all submissions'. Even with such a permission granted, we have to
2761       * check the workshop activity group mode.
2762       *
2763       * If the workshop is not in a group mode, or if it is in the visible group
2764       * mode, this method returns true. This is consistent with how the
2765       * {@link groups_get_activity_allowed_groups()} behaves.
2766       *
2767       * If the workshop is in a separate group mode, the current user has to
2768       * have the 'access all groups' permission, or share at least one
2769       * accessible group with the other user.
2770       *
2771       * @param int $otheruserid The ID of the other user, e.g. the author of a submission.
2772       * @return bool False if the current user cannot access the other user's group.
2773       */
2774      public function check_group_membership($otheruserid) {
2775          global $USER;
2777          if (groups_get_activity_groupmode($this->cm) != SEPARATEGROUPS) {
2778              // The workshop is not in a group mode, or it is in a visible group mode.
2779              return true;
2781          } else if (has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $this->context)) {
2782              // The current user can access all groups.
2783              return true;
2785          } else {
2786              $thisusersgroups = groups_get_all_groups($this->course->id, $USER->id, $this->cm->groupingid, '');
2787              $otherusersgroups = groups_get_all_groups($this->course->id, $otheruserid, $this->cm->groupingid, '');
2788              $commongroups = array_intersect_key($thisusersgroups, $otherusersgroups);
2790              if (empty($commongroups)) {
2791                  // The current user has no group common with the other user.
2792                  return false;
2794              } else {
2795                  // The current user has a group common with the other user.
2796                  return true;
2797              }
2798          }
2799      }
2801      /**
2802       * Check whether the given user has assessed all his required examples before submission.
2803       *
2804       * @param  int $userid the user to check
2805       * @return bool        false if there are examples missing assessment, true otherwise.
2806       * @since  Moodle 3.4
2807       */
2808      public function check_examples_assessed_before_submission($userid) {
2810          if ($this->useexamples and $this->examplesmode == self::EXAMPLES_BEFORE_SUBMISSION
2811              and !has_capability('mod/workshop:manageexamples', $this->context)) {
2813              // Check that all required examples have been assessed by the user.
2814              $examples = $this->get_examples_for_reviewer($userid);
2815              foreach ($examples as $exampleid => $example) {
2816                  if (is_null($example->assessmentid)) {
2817                      $examples[$exampleid]->assessmentid = $this->add_allocation($example, $userid, 0);
2818                  }
2819                  if (is_null($example->grade)) {
2820                      return false;
2821                  }
2822              }
2823          }
2824          return true;
2825      }
2827      /**
2828       * Check that all required examples have been assessed by the given user.
2829       *
2830       * @param  stdClass $userid     the user (reviewer) to check
2831       * @return mixed bool|state     false and notice code if there are examples missing assessment, true otherwise.
2832       * @since  Moodle 3.4
2833       */
2834      public function check_examples_assessed_before_assessment($userid) {
2836          if ($this->useexamples and $this->examplesmode == self::EXAMPLES_BEFORE_ASSESSMENT
2837                  and !has_capability('mod/workshop:manageexamples', $this->context)) {
2839              // The reviewer must have submitted their own submission.
2840              $reviewersubmission = $this->get_submission_by_author($userid);
2841              if (!$reviewersubmission) {
2842                  // No money, no love.
2843                  return array(false, 'exampleneedsubmission');
2844              } else {
2845                  $examples = $this->get_examples_for_reviewer($userid);
2846                  foreach ($examples as $exampleid => $example) {
2847                      if (is_null($example->grade)) {
2848                          return array(false, 'exampleneedassessed');
2849                      }
2850                  }
2851              }
2852          }
2853          return array(true, null);
2854      }
2856      /**
2857       * Trigger module viewed event and set the module viewed for completion.
2858       *
2859       * @since  Moodle 3.4
2860       */
2861      public function set_module_viewed() {
2862          global $CFG;
2863          require_once($CFG->libdir . '/completionlib.php');
2865          // Mark viewed.
2866          $completion = new completion_info($this->course);
2867          $completion->set_module_viewed($this->cm);
2869          $eventdata = array();
2870          $eventdata['objectid'] = $this->id;
2871          $eventdata['context'] = $this->context;
2873          // Trigger module viewed event.
2874          $event = \mod_workshop\event\course_module_viewed::create($eventdata);
2875          $event->add_record_snapshot('course', $this->course);
2876          $event->add_record_snapshot('workshop', $this->dbrecord);
2877          $event->add_record_snapshot('course_modules', $this->cm);
2878          $event->trigger();
2879      }
2881      /**
2882       * Validates the submission form or WS data.
2883       *
2884       * @param  array $data the data to be validated
2885       * @return array       the validation errors (if any)
2886       * @since  Moodle 3.4
2887       */
2888      public function validate_submission_data($data) {
2889          global $DB, $USER;
2891          $errors = array();
2892          if (empty($data['id']) and empty($data['example'])) {
2893              // Make sure there is no submission saved meanwhile from another browser window.
2894              $sql = "SELECT COUNT(
2895                        FROM {workshop_submissions} s
2896                        JOIN {workshop} w ON (s.workshopid =
2897                        JOIN {course_modules} cm ON ( = cm.instance)
2898                        JOIN {modules} m ON ( = 'workshop' AND = cm.module)
2899                       WHERE = ? AND s.authorid = ? AND s.example = 0";
2901              if ($DB->count_records_sql($sql, array($data['cmid'], $USER->id))) {
2902                  $errors['title'] = get_string('err_multiplesubmissions', 'mod_workshop');
2903              }
2904          }
2905          // Get the workshop record by id or cmid, depending on whether we're creating or editing a submission.
2906          if (empty($data['workshopid'])) {
2907              $workshop = $DB->get_record_select('workshop', 'id = (SELECT instance FROM {course_modules} WHERE id = ?)',
2908                      [$data['cmid']]);
2909          } else {
2910              $workshop = $DB->get_record('workshop', ['id' => $data['workshopid']]);
2911          }
2913          if (isset($data['attachment_filemanager'])) {
2914              $getfiles = file_get_drafarea_files($data['attachment_filemanager']);
2915              $attachments = $getfiles->list;
2916          } else {
2917              $attachments = array();
2918          }
2920          if ($workshop->submissiontypefile == WORKSHOP_SUBMISSION_TYPE_REQUIRED) {
2921              if (empty($attachments)) {
2922                  $errors['attachment_filemanager'] = get_string('err_required', 'form');
2923              }
2924          } else if ($workshop->submissiontypefile == WORKSHOP_SUBMISSION_TYPE_DISABLED && !empty($data['attachment_filemanager'])) {
2925              $errors['attachment_filemanager'] = get_string('submissiontypedisabled', 'mod_workshop');
2926          }
2928          if ($workshop->submissiontypetext == WORKSHOP_SUBMISSION_TYPE_REQUIRED && html_is_blank($data['content_editor']['text'])) {
2929              $errors['content_editor'] = get_string('err_required', 'form');
2930          } else if ($workshop->submissiontypetext == WORKSHOP_SUBMISSION_TYPE_DISABLED && !empty($data['content_editor']['text'])) {
2931              $errors['content_editor'] = get_string('submissiontypedisabled', 'mod_workshop');
2932          }
2934          // If neither type is explicitly required, one or the other must be submitted.
2935          if ($workshop->submissiontypetext != WORKSHOP_SUBMISSION_TYPE_REQUIRED
2936                  && $workshop->submissiontypefile != WORKSHOP_SUBMISSION_TYPE_REQUIRED
2937                  && empty($attachments) && html_is_blank($data['content_editor']['text'])) {
2938              $errors['content_editor'] = get_string('submissionrequiredcontent', 'mod_workshop');
2939              $errors['attachment_filemanager'] = get_string('submissionrequiredfile', 'mod_workshop');
2940          }
2942          return $errors;
2943      }
2945      /**
2946       * Adds or updates a submission.
2947       *
2948       * @param stdClass $submission The submissin data (via form or via WS).
2949       * @return the new or updated submission id.
2950       * @since  Moodle 3.4
2951       */
2952      public function edit_submission($submission) {
2953          global $USER, $DB;
2955          if ($submission->example == 0) {
2956              // This was used just for validation, it must be set to zero when dealing with normal submissions.
2957              unset($submission->example);
2958          } else {
2959              throw new coding_exception('Invalid submission form data value: example');
2960          }
2961          $timenow = time();
2962          if (is_null($submission->id)) {
2963              $submission->workshopid     = $this->id;
2964              $submission->example        = 0;
2965              $submission->authorid       = $USER->id;
2966              $submission->timecreated    = $timenow;
2967              $submission->feedbackauthorformat = editors_get_preferred_format();
2968          }
2969          $submission->timemodified       = $timenow;
2970          $submission->title              = trim($submission->title);
2971          $submission->content            = '';          // Updated later.
2972          $submission->contentformat      = FORMAT_HTML; // Updated later.
2973          $submission->contenttrust       = 0;           // Updated later.
2974          $submission->late               = 0x0;         // Bit mask.
2975          if (!empty($this->submissionend) and ($this->submissionend < time())) {
2976              $submission->late = $submission->late | 0x1;
2977          }
2978          if ($this->phase == self::PHASE_ASSESSMENT) {
2979              $submission->late = $submission->late | 0x2;
2980          }
2982          // Event information.
2983          $params = array(
2984              'context' => $this->context,
2985              'courseid' => $this->course->id,
2986              'other' => array(
2987                  'submissiontitle' => $submission->title
2988              )
2989          );
2990          $logdata = null;
2991          if (is_null($submission->id)) {
2992              $submission->id = $DB->insert_record('workshop_submissions', $submission);
2993              $params['objectid'] = $submission->id;
2994              $event = \mod_workshop\event\submission_created::create($params);
2995              $event->trigger();
2996          } else {
2997              if (empty($submission->id) or empty($submission->id) or ($submission->id != $submission->id)) {
2998                  throw new moodle_exception('err_submissionid', 'workshop');
2999              }
3000          }
3001          $params['objectid'] = $submission->id;
3003          // Save and relink embedded images and save attachments.
3004          if ($this->submissiontypetext != WORKSHOP_SUBMISSION_TYPE_DISABLED) {
3005              $submission = file_postupdate_standard_editor($submission, 'content', $this->submission_content_options(),
3006                      $this->context, 'mod_workshop', 'submission_content', $submission->id);
3007          }
3009          $submission = file_postupdate_standard_filemanager($submission, 'attachment', $this->submission_attachment_options(),
3010              $this->context, 'mod_workshop', 'submission_attachment', $submission->id);
3012          if (empty($submission->attachment)) {
3013              // Explicit cast to zero integer.
3014              $submission->attachment = 0;
3015          }
3016          // Store the updated values or re-save the new submission (re-saving needed because URLs are now rewritten).
3017          $DB->update_record('workshop_submissions', $submission);
3018          $event = \mod_workshop\event\submission_updated::create($params);
3019          $event->add_record_snapshot('workshop', $this->dbrecord);
3020          $event->trigger();
3022          // Send submitted content for plagiarism detection.
3023          $fs = get_file_storage();
3024          $files = $fs->get_area_files($this->context->id, 'mod_workshop', 'submission_attachment', $submission->id);
3026          $params['other']['content'] = $submission->content;
3027          $params['other']['pathnamehashes'] = array_keys($files);
3029          $event = \mod_workshop\event\assessable_uploaded::create($params);
3030          $event->set_legacy_logdata($logdata);
3031          $event->trigger();
3033          return $submission->id;
3034      }
3036      /**
3037       * Helper method for validating if the current user can view the given assessment.
3038       *
3039       * @param  stdClass   $assessment assessment object
3040       * @param  stdClass   $submission submission object
3041       * @return void
3042       * @throws moodle_exception
3043       * @since  Moodle 3.4
3044       */
3045      public function check_view_assessment($assessment, $submission) {
3046          global $USER;
3048          $isauthor = $submission->authorid == $USER->id;
3049          $isreviewer = $assessment->reviewerid == $USER->id;
3050          $canviewallassessments  = has_capability('mod/workshop:viewallassessments', $this->context);
3051          $canviewallsubmissions  = has_capability('mod/workshop:viewallsubmissions', $this->context);
3053          $canviewallsubmissions = $canviewallsubmissions && $this->check_group_membership($submission->authorid);
3055          if (!$isreviewer and !$isauthor and !($canviewallassessments and $canviewallsubmissions)) {
3056              throw new \moodle_exception('nopermissions', 'error', $this->view_url(), 'view this assessment');
3057          }
3059          if ($isauthor and !$isreviewer and !$canviewallassessments and $this->phase != self::PHASE_CLOSED) {
3060              // Authors can see assessments of their work at the end of workshop only.
3061              throw new \moodle_exception('nopermissions', 'error', $this->view_url(),
3062                  'view assessment of own work before workshop is closed');
3063          }
3064      }
3066      /**
3067       * Helper method for validating if the current user can edit the given assessment.
3068       *
3069       * @param  stdClass   $assessment assessment object
3070       * @param  stdClass   $submission submission object
3071       * @return void
3072       * @throws moodle_exception
3073       * @since  Moodle 3.4
3074       */
3075      public function check_edit_assessment($assessment, $submission) {
3076          global $USER;
3078          $this->check_view_assessment($assessment, $submission);
3079          // Further checks.
3080          $isreviewer = ($USER->id == $assessment->reviewerid);
3082          $assessmenteditable = $isreviewer && $this->assessing_allowed($USER->id);
3083          if (!$assessmenteditable) {
3084              throw new moodle_exception('nopermissions', 'error', '', 'edit assessments');
3085          }
3087          list($assessed, $notice) = $this->check_examples_assessed_before_assessment($assessment->reviewerid);
3088          if (!$assessed) {
3089              throw new moodle_exception($notice, 'mod_workshop');
3090          }
3091      }
3093      /**
3094       * Adds information to an allocated assessment (function used the first time a review is done or when updating an existing one).
3095       *
3096       * @param  stdClass $assessment the assessment
3097       * @param  stdClass $submission the submission
3098       * @param  stdClass $data       the assessment data to be added or Updated
3099       * @param  stdClass $strategy   the strategy instance
3100       * @return float|null           Raw percentual grade (0.00000 to 100.00000) for submission
3101       * @since  Moodle 3.4
3102       */
3103      public function edit_assessment($assessment, $submission, $data, $strategy) {
3104          global $DB;
3106          $cansetassessmentweight = has_capability('mod/workshop:allocate', $this->context);
3108          // Let the grading strategy subplugin save its data.
3109          $rawgrade = $strategy->save_assessment($assessment, $data);
3111          // Store the data managed by the workshop core.
3112          $coredata = (object)array('id' => $assessment->id);
3113          if (isset($data->feedbackauthor_editor)) {
3114              $coredata->feedbackauthor_editor = $data->feedbackauthor_editor;
3115              $coredata = file_postupdate_standard_editor($coredata, 'feedbackauthor', $this->overall_feedback_content_options(),
3116                  $this->context, 'mod_workshop', 'overallfeedback_content', $assessment->id);
3117              unset($coredata->feedbackauthor_editor);
3118          }
3119          if (isset($data->feedbackauthorattachment_filemanager)) {
3120              $coredata->feedbackauthorattachment_filemanager = $data->feedbackauthorattachment_filemanager;
3121              $coredata = file_postupdate_standard_filemanager($coredata, 'feedbackauthorattachment',
3122                  $this->overall_feedback_attachment_options(), $this->context, 'mod_workshop', 'overallfeedback_attachment',
3123                  $assessment->id);
3124              unset($coredata->feedbackauthorattachment_filemanager);
3125              if (empty($coredata->feedbackauthorattachment)) {
3126                  $coredata->feedbackauthorattachment = 0;
3127              }
3128          }
3129          if (isset($data->weight) and $cansetassessmentweight) {
3130              $coredata->weight = $data->weight;
3131          }
3132          // Update the assessment data if there is something other than just the 'id'.
3133          if (count((array)$coredata) > 1 ) {
3134              $DB->update_record('workshop_assessments', $coredata);
3135              $params = array(
3136                  'relateduserid' => $submission->authorid,
3137                  'objectid' => $assessment->id,
3138                  'context' => $this->context,
3139                  'other' => array(
3140                      'workshopid' => $this->id,
3141                      'submissionid' => $assessment->submissionid
3142                  )
3143              );
3145              if (is_null($assessment->grade)) {
3146                  // All workshop_assessments are created when allocations are made. The create event is of more use located here.
3147                  $event = \mod_workshop\event\submission_assessed::create($params);
3148                  $event->trigger();
3149              } else {
3150                  $params['other']['grade'] = $assessment->grade;
3151                  $event = \mod_workshop\event\submission_reassessed::create($params);
3152                  $event->trigger();
3153              }
3154          }
3155          return $rawgrade;
3156      }
3158      /**
3159       * Evaluates an assessment.
3160       *
3161       * @param  stdClass $assessment the assessment
3162       * @param  stdClass $data       the assessment data to be updated
3163       * @param  bool $cansetassessmentweight   whether the user can change the assessment weight
3164       * @param  bool $canoverridegrades   whether the user can override the assessment grades
3165       * @return void
3166       * @since  Moodle 3.4
3167       */
3168      public function evaluate_assessment($assessment, $data, $cansetassessmentweight, $canoverridegrades) {
3169          global $DB, $USER;
3171          $data = file_postupdate_standard_editor($data, 'feedbackreviewer', array(), $this->context);
3172          $record = new stdclass();
3173          $record->id = $assessment->id;
3174          if ($cansetassessmentweight) {
3175              $record->weight = $data->weight;
3176          }
3177          if ($canoverridegrades) {
3178              $record->gradinggradeover = $this->raw_grade_value($data->gradinggradeover, $this->gradinggrade);
3179              $record->gradinggradeoverby = $USER->id;
3180              $record->feedbackreviewer = $data->feedbackreviewer;
3181              $record->feedbackreviewerformat = $data->feedbackreviewerformat;
3182          }
3183          $DB->update_record('workshop_assessments', $record);
3184      }
3186      /**
3187       * Trigger submission viewed event.
3188       *
3189       * @param stdClass $submission submission object
3190       * @since  Moodle 3.4
3191       */
3192      public function set_submission_viewed($submission) {
3193          $params = array(
3194              'objectid' => $submission->id,
3195              'context' => $this->context,
3196              'courseid' => $this->course->id,
3197              'relateduserid' => $submission->authorid,
3198              'other' => array(
3199                  'workshopid' => $this->id
3200              )
3201          );
3203          $event = \mod_workshop\event\submission_viewed::create($params);
3204          $event->trigger();
3205      }
3207      /**
3208       * Evaluates a submission.
3209       *
3210       * @param  stdClass $submission the submission
3211       * @param  stdClass $data       the submission data to be updated
3212       * @param  bool $canpublish     whether the user can publish the submission
3213       * @param  bool $canoverride    whether the user can override the submission grade
3214       * @return void
3215       * @since  Moodle 3.4
3216       */
3217      public function evaluate_submission($submission, $data, $canpublish, $canoverride) {
3218          global $DB, $USER;
3220          $data = file_postupdate_standard_editor($data, 'feedbackauthor', array(), $this->context);
3221          $record = new stdclass();
3222          $record->id = $submission->id;
3223          if ($canoverride) {
3224              $record->gradeover = $this->raw_grade_value($data->gradeover, $this->grade);
3225              $record->gradeoverby = $USER->id;
3226              $record->feedbackauthor = $data->feedbackauthor;
3227              $record->feedbackauthorformat = $data->feedbackauthorformat;
3228          }
3229          if ($canpublish) {
3230              $record->published = !empty($data->published);
3231          }
3232          $DB->update_record('workshop_submissions', $record);
3233      }
3235      /**
3236       * Get the initial first name.
3237       *
3238       * @return string|null initial of first name we are currently filtering by.
3239       */
3240      public function get_initial_first(): ?string {
3241          if (empty($this->initialbarprefs['i_first'])) {
3242              return null;
3243          }
3245          return $this->initialbarprefs['i_first'];
3246      }
3248      /**
3249       * Get the initial last name.
3250       *
3251       * @return string|null initial of last name we are currently filtering by.
3252       */
3253      public function get_initial_last(): ?string {
3254          if (empty($this->initialbarprefs['i_last'])) {
3255              return null;
3256          }
3258          return $this->initialbarprefs['i_last'];
3259      }
3261      /**
3262       * Init method for initial bars.
3263       * @return void
3264       */
3265      public function init_initial_bar(): void {
3266          global $SESSION;
3267          if ($this->phase === self::PHASE_SETUP) {
3268              return;
3269          }
3271          $ifirst = optional_param('ifirst', null, PARAM_NOTAGS);
3272          $ilast = optional_param('ilast', null, PARAM_NOTAGS);
3274          if (empty($SESSION->mod_workshop->initialbarprefs['id-'.$this->context->id])) {
3275              $SESSION->mod_workshop = new stdClass();
3276              $SESSION->mod_workshop->initialbarprefs['id-'.$this->context->id] = [];
3277          }
3278          if (!empty($SESSION->mod_workshop->initialbarprefs['id-'.$this->context->id]['i_first'])) {
3279              $this->initialbarprefs['i_first'] = $SESSION->mod_workshop->initialbarprefs['id-'.$this->context->id]['i_first'];
3280          }
3281          if (!empty($SESSION->mod_workshop->initialbarprefs['id-'.$this->context->id]['i_last'])) {
3282              $this->initialbarprefs['i_last'] = $SESSION->mod_workshop->initialbarprefs['id-'.$this->context->id]['i_last'];
3283          }
3284          if (!is_null($ifirst)) {
3285              $this->initialbarprefs['i_first'] = $ifirst;
3286              $SESSION->mod_workshop->initialbarprefs['id-'.$this->context->id]['i_first'] = $ifirst;
3287          }
3289          if (!is_null($ilast)) {
3290              $this->initialbarprefs['i_last'] = $ilast;
3291              $SESSION->mod_workshop->initialbarprefs['id-'.$this->context->id]['i_last'] = $ilast;
3292          }
3293      }
3295      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3296      // Internal methods (implementation details)                                  //
3297      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3299      /**
3300       * Given an array of all assessments of a single submission, calculates the final grade for this submission
3301       *
3302       * This calculates the weighted mean of the passed assessment grades. If, however, the submission grade
3303       * was overridden by a teacher, the gradeover value is returned and the rest of grades are ignored.
3304       *
3305       * @param array $assessments of stdclass(->submissionid ->submissiongrade ->gradeover ->weight ->grade)
3306       * @return void
3307       */
3308      protected function aggregate_submission_grades_process(array $assessments) {
3309          global $DB;
3311          $submissionid   = null; // the id of the submission being processed
3312          $current        = null; // the grade currently saved in database
3313          $finalgrade     = null; // the new grade to be calculated
3314          $sumgrades      = 0;
3315          $sumweights     = 0;
3317          foreach ($assessments as $assessment) {
3318              if (is_null($submissionid)) {
3319                  // the id is the same in all records, fetch it during the first loop cycle
3320                  $submissionid = $assessment->submissionid;
3321              }
3322              if (is_null($current)) {
3323                  // the currently saved grade is the same in all records, fetch it during the first loop cycle
3324                  $current = $assessment->submissiongrade;
3325              }
3326              if (is_null($assessment->grade)) {
3327                  // this was not assessed yet
3328                  continue;
3329              }
3330              if ($assessment->weight == 0) {
3331                  // this does not influence the calculation
3332                  continue;
3333              }
3334              $sumgrades  += $assessment->grade * $assessment->weight;
3335              $sumweights += $assessment->weight;
3336          }
3337          if ($sumweights > 0 and is_null($finalgrade)) {
3338              $finalgrade = grade_floatval($sumgrades / $sumweights);
3339          }
3340          // check if the new final grade differs from the one stored in the database
3341          if (grade_floats_different($finalgrade, $current)) {
3342              // we need to save new calculation into the database
3343              $record = new stdclass();
3344              $record->id = $submissionid;
3345              $record->grade = $finalgrade;
3346              $record->timegraded = time();
3347              $DB->update_record('workshop_submissions', $record);
3348          }
3349      }
3351      /**
3352       * Given an array of all assessments done by a single reviewer, calculates the final grading grade
3353       *
3354       * This calculates the simple mean of the passed grading grades. If, however, the grading grade
3355       * was overridden by a teacher, the gradinggradeover value is returned and the rest of grades are ignored.
3356       *
3357       * @param array $assessments of stdclass(->reviewerid ->gradinggrade ->gradinggradeover ->aggregationid ->aggregatedgrade)
3358       * @param null|int $timegraded explicit timestamp of the aggregation, defaults to the current time
3359       * @return void
3360       */
3361      protected function aggregate_grading_grades_process(array $assessments, $timegraded = null) {
3362          global $DB;
3364          $reviewerid = null; // the id of the reviewer being processed
3365          $current    = null; // the gradinggrade currently saved in database
3366          $finalgrade = null; // the new grade to be calculated
3367          $agid       = null; // aggregation id
3368          $sumgrades  = 0;
3369          $count      = 0;
3371          if (is_null($timegraded)) {
3372              $timegraded = time();
3373          }
3375          foreach ($assessments as $assessment) {
3376              if (is_null($reviewerid)) {
3377                  // the id is the same in all records, fetch it during the first loop cycle
3378                  $reviewerid = $assessment->reviewerid;
3379              }
3380              if (is_null($agid)) {
3381                  // the id is the same in all records, fetch it during the first loop cycle
3382                  $agid = $assessment->aggregationid;
3383              }
3384              if (is_null($current)) {
3385                  // the currently saved grade is the same in all records, fetch it during the first loop cycle
3386                  $current = $assessment->aggregatedgrade;
3387              }
3388              if (!is_null($assessment->gradinggradeover)) {
3389                  // the grading grade for this assessment is overridden by a teacher
3390                  $sumgrades += $assessment->gradinggradeover;
3391                  $count++;
3392              } else {
3393                  if (!is_null($assessment->gradinggrade)) {
3394                      $sumgrades += $assessment->gradinggrade;
3395                      $count++;
3396                  }
3397              }
3398          }
3399          if ($count > 0) {
3400              $finalgrade = grade_floatval($sumgrades / $count);
3401          }
3403          // Event information.
3404          $params = array(
3405              'context' => $this->context,
3406              'courseid' => $this->course->id,
3407              'relateduserid' => $reviewerid
3408          );
3410          // check if the new final grade differs from the one stored in the database
3411          if (grade_floats_different($finalgrade, $current)) {
3412              $params['other'] = array(
3413                  'currentgrade' => $current,
3414                  'finalgrade' => $finalgrade
3415              );
3417              // we need to save new calculation into the database
3418              if (is_null($agid)) {
3419                  // no aggregation record yet
3420                  $record = new stdclass();
3421                  $record->workshopid = $this->id;
3422                  $record->userid = $reviewerid;
3423                  $record->gradinggrade = $finalgrade;
3424                  $record->timegraded = $timegraded;
3425                  $record->id = $DB->insert_record('workshop_aggregations', $record);
3426                  $params['objectid'] = $record->id;
3427                  $event = \mod_workshop\event\assessment_evaluated::create($params);
3428                  $event->trigger();
3429              } else {
3430                  $record = new stdclass();
3431                  $record->id = $agid;
3432                  $record->gradinggrade = $finalgrade;
3433                  $record->timegraded = $timegraded;
3434                  $DB->update_record('workshop_aggregations', $record);
3435                  $params['objectid'] = $agid;
3436                  $event = \mod_workshop\event\assessment_reevaluated::create($params);
3437                  $event->trigger();
3438              }
3439          }
3440      }
3442      /**
3443       * Returns SQL to fetch all enrolled users with the given capability in the current workshop
3444       *
3445       * The returned array consists of string $sql and the $params array. Note that the $sql can be
3446       * empty if a grouping is selected and it has no groups.
3447       *
3448       * The list is automatically restricted according to any availability restrictions
3449       * that apply to user lists (e.g. group, grouping restrictions).
3450       *
3451       * @param string $capability the name of the capability
3452       * @param bool $musthavesubmission ff true, return only users who have already submitted
3453       * @param int $groupid 0 means ignore groups, any other value limits the result by group id
3454       * @return array of (string)sql, (array)params
3455       */
3456      protected function get_users_with_capability_sql($capability, $musthavesubmission, $groupid) {
3457          global $CFG;
3458          /** @var int static counter used to generate unique parameter holders */
3459          static $inc = 0;
3460          $inc++;
3462          // If the caller requests all groups and we are using a selected grouping,
3463          // recursively call this function for each group in the grouping (this is
3464          // needed because get_enrolled_sql only supports a single group).
3465          if (empty($groupid) and $this->cm->groupingid) {
3466              $groupingid = $this->cm->groupingid;
3467              $groupinggroupids = array_keys(groups_get_all_groups($this->cm->course, 0, $this->cm->groupingid, ''));
3468              $sql = array();
3469              $params = array();
3470              foreach ($groupinggroupids as $groupinggroupid) {
3471                  if ($groupinggroupid > 0) { // just in case in order not to fall into the endless loop
3472                      list($gsql, $gparams) = $this->get_users_with_capability_sql($capability, $musthavesubmission, $groupinggroupid);
3473                      $sql[] = $gsql;
3474                      $params = array_merge($params, $gparams);
3475                  }
3476              }
3477              $sql = implode(PHP_EOL." UNION ".PHP_EOL, $sql);
3478              return array($sql, $params);
3479          }
3481          list($esql, $params) = get_enrolled_sql($this->context, $capability, $groupid, true);
3483          $userfieldsapi = \core_user\fields::for_userpic();
3484          $userfields = $userfieldsapi->get_sql('u', false, '', '', false)->selects;
3486          $sql = "SELECT $userfields
3487                    FROM {user} u
3488                    JOIN ($esql) je ON ( = AND u.deleted = 0) ";
3490          if ($musthavesubmission) {
3491              $sql .= " JOIN {workshop_submissions} ws ON (ws.authorid = AND ws.example = 0 AND ws.workshopid = :workshopid{$inc}) ";
3492              $params['workshopid'.$inc] = $this->id;
3493          }
3495          // If the activity is restricted so that only certain users should appear
3496          // in user lists, integrate this into the same SQL.
3497          $info = new \core_availability\info_module($this->cm);
3498          list ($listsql, $listparams) = $info->get_user_list_sql(false);
3499          if ($listsql) {
3500              $sql .= " JOIN ($listsql) restricted ON = ";
3501              $params = array_merge($params, $listparams);
3502          }
3504          return array($sql, $params);
3505      }
3507      /**
3508       * Returns SQL to fetch all enrolled users with the first name or last name.
3509       *
3510       * @return array
3511       */
3512      protected function get_users_with_initial_filtering_sql_where(): array {
3513          global $DB;
3514          $conditions = [];
3515          $params = [];
3516          $ifirst = $this->get_initial_first();
3517          $ilast = $this->get_initial_last();
3518          if ($ifirst) {
3519              $conditions[] = $DB->sql_like('LOWER(tmp.firstname)', ':i_first' , false, false);
3520              $params['i_first'] = $DB->sql_like_escape($ifirst) . '%';
3521          }
3522          if ($ilast) {
3523              $conditions[] = $DB->sql_like('LOWER(tmp.lastname)', ':i_last' , false, false);
3524              $params['i_last'] = $DB->sql_like_escape($ilast) . '%';
3525          }
3526          return [implode(" AND ", $conditions), $params];
3527      }
3529      /**
3530       * Returns SQL statement that can be used to fetch all actively enrolled participants in the workshop
3531       *
3532       * @param bool $musthavesubmission if true, return only users who have already submitted
3533       * @param int $groupid 0 means ignore groups, any other value limits the result by group id
3534       * @return array of (string)sql, (array)params
3535       */
3536      protected function get_participants_sql($musthavesubmission=false, $groupid=0) {
3538          list($sql1, $params1) = $this->get_users_with_capability_sql('mod/workshop:submit', $musthavesubmission, $groupid);
3539          list($sql2, $params2) = $this->get_users_with_capability_sql('mod/workshop:peerassess', $musthavesubmission, $groupid);
3541          if (empty($sql1) or empty($sql2)) {
3542              if (empty($sql1) and empty($sql2)) {
3543                  return array('', array());
3544              } else if (empty($sql1)) {
3545                  $sql = $sql2;
3546                  $params = $params2;
3547              } else {
3548                  $sql = $sql1;
3549                  $params = $params1;
3550              }
3551          } else {
3552              $sql = $sql1.PHP_EOL." UNION ".PHP_EOL.$sql2;
3553              $params = array_merge($params1, $params2);
3554          }
3556          return array($sql, $params);
3557      }
3559      /**
3560       * @return array of available workshop phases
3561       */
3562      protected function available_phases_list() {
3563          return array(
3564              self::PHASE_SETUP       => true,
3565              self::PHASE_SUBMISSION  => true,
3566              self::PHASE_ASSESSMENT  => true,
3567              self::PHASE_EVALUATION  => true,
3568              self::PHASE_CLOSED      => true,
3569          );
3570      }
3572      /**
3573       * Converts absolute URL to relative URL needed by {@see add_to_log()}
3574       *
3575       * @param moodle_url $url absolute URL
3576       * @return string
3577       */
3578      protected function log_convert_url(moodle_url $fullurl) {
3579          static $baseurl;
3581          if (!isset($baseurl)) {
3582              $baseurl = new moodle_url('/mod/workshop/');
3583              $baseurl = $baseurl->out();
3584          }
3586          return substr($fullurl->out(), strlen($baseurl));
3587      }
3589      /**
3590       * Removes all user data related to assessments (including allocations).
3591       *
3592       * This includes assessments of example submissions as long as they are not
3593       * referential assessments.
3594       *
3595       * @param stdClass $data The actual course reset settings.
3596       * @return bool|string True on success, error message otherwise.
3597       */
3598      protected function reset_userdata_assessments(stdClass $data) {
3599          global $DB;
3601          $sql = "SELECT
3602                    FROM {workshop_assessments} a
3603                    JOIN {workshop_submissions} s ON (a.submissionid =
3604                   WHERE s.workshopid = :workshopid
3605                         AND (s.example = 0 OR (s.example = 1 AND a.weight = 0))";
3607          $assessments = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array('workshopid' => $this->id));
3608          $this->delete_assessment(array_keys($assessments));
3610          $DB->delete_records('workshop_aggregations', array('workshopid' => $this->id));
3612          return true;
3613      }
3615      /**
3616       * Removes all user data related to participants' submissions.
3617       *
3618       * @param stdClass $data The actual course reset settings.
3619       * @return bool|string True on success, error message otherwise.
3620       */
3621      protected function reset_userdata_submissions(stdClass $data) {
3622          global $DB;
3624          $submissions = $this->get_submissions();
3625          foreach ($submissions as $submission) {
3626              $this->delete_submission($submission);
3627          }
3629          return true;
3630      }
3632      /**
3633       * Hard set the workshop phase to the setup one.
3634       */
3635      protected function reset_phase() {
3636          global $DB;
3638          $DB->set_field('workshop', 'phase', self::PHASE_SETUP, array('id' => $this->id));
3639          $this->phase = self::PHASE_SETUP;
3640      }
3641  }
3643  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3644  // Renderable components
3645  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3647  /**
3648   * Represents the user planner tool
3649   *
3650   * Planner contains list of phases. Each phase contains list of tasks. Task is a simple object with
3651   * title, link and completed (true/false/null logic).
3652   */
3653  class workshop_user_plan implements renderable {
3655      /** @var int id of the user this plan is for */
3656      public $userid;
3657      /** @var workshop */
3658      public $workshop;
3659      /** @var array of (stdclass)tasks */
3660      public $phases = array();
3661      /** @var null|array of example submissions to be assessed by the planner owner */
3662      protected $examples = null;
3664      /**
3665       * Prepare an individual workshop plan for the given user.
3666       *
3667       * @param workshop $workshop instance
3668       * @param int $userid whom the plan is prepared for
3669       */
3670      public function __construct(workshop $workshop, $userid) {
3671          global $DB;
3673          $this->workshop = $workshop;
3674          $this->userid   = $userid;
3676          //---------------------------------------------------------
3677          // * SETUP | submission | assessment | evaluation | closed
3678          //---------------------------------------------------------
3679          $phase = new stdclass();
3680          $phase->title = get_string('phasesetup', 'workshop');
3681          $phase->tasks = array();
3682          if (has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $workshop->context, $userid)) {
3683              $task = new stdclass();
3684              $task->title = get_string('taskintro', 'workshop');
3685              $task->link = $workshop->updatemod_url();
3686              $task->completed = !(trim($workshop->intro) == '');
3687              $phase->tasks['intro'] = $task;
3688          }
3689          if (has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $workshop->context, $userid)) {
3690              $task = new stdclass();
3691              $task->title = get_string('taskinstructauthors', 'workshop');
3692              $task->link = $workshop->updatemod_url();
3693              $task->completed = !(trim($workshop->instructauthors) == '');
3694              $phase->tasks['instructauthors'] = $task;
3695          }
3696          if (has_capability('mod/workshop:editdimensions', $workshop->context, $userid)) {
3697              $task = new stdclass();
3698              $task->title = get_string('editassessmentform', 'workshop');
3699              $task->link = $workshop->editform_url();
3700              if ($workshop->grading_strategy_instance()->form_ready()) {
3701                  $task->completed = true;
3702              } elseif ($workshop->phase > workshop::PHASE_SETUP) {
3703                  $task->completed = false;
3704              }
3705              $phase->tasks['editform'] = $task;
3706          }
3707          if ($workshop->useexamples and has_capability('mod/workshop:manageexamples', $workshop->context, $userid)) {
3708              $task = new stdclass();
3709              $task->title = get_string('prepareexamples', 'workshop');
3710              if ($DB->count_records('workshop_submissions', array('example' => 1, 'workshopid' => $workshop->id)) > 0) {
3711                  $task->completed = true;
3712              } elseif ($workshop->phase > workshop::PHASE_SETUP) {
3713                  $task->completed = false;
3714              }
3715              $phase->tasks['prepareexamples'] = $task;
3716          }
3717          if (empty($phase->tasks) and $workshop->phase == workshop::PHASE_SETUP) {
3718              // if we are in the setup phase and there is no task (typical for students), let us
3719              // display some explanation what is going on
3720              $task = new stdclass();
3721              $task->title = get_string('undersetup', 'workshop');
3722              $task->completed = 'info';
3723              $phase->tasks['setupinfo'] = $task;
3724          }
3725          $this->phases[workshop::PHASE_SETUP] = $phase;
3727          //---------------------------------------------------------
3728          // setup | * SUBMISSION | assessment | evaluation | closed
3729          //---------------------------------------------------------
3730          $phase = new stdclass();
3731          $phase->title = get_string('phasesubmission', 'workshop');
3732          $phase->tasks = array();
3733          if (has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $workshop->context, $userid)) {
3734              $task = new stdclass();
3735              $task->title = get_string('taskinstructreviewers', 'workshop');
3736              $task->link = $workshop->updatemod_url();
3737              if (trim($workshop->instructreviewers)) {
3738                  $task->completed = true;
3739              } elseif ($workshop->phase >= workshop::PHASE_ASSESSMENT) {
3740                  $task->completed = false;
3741              }
3742              $phase->tasks['instructreviewers'] = $task;
3743          }
3744          if ($workshop->useexamples and $workshop->examplesmode == workshop::EXAMPLES_BEFORE_SUBMISSION
3745                  and has_capability('mod/workshop:submit', $workshop->context, $userid, false)
3746                      and !has_capability('mod/workshop:manageexamples', $workshop->context, $userid)) {
3747              $task = new stdclass();
3748              $task->title = get_string('exampleassesstask', 'workshop');
3749              $examples = $this->get_examples();
3750              $a = new stdclass();
3751              $a->expected = count($examples);
3752              $a->assessed = 0;
3753              foreach ($examples as $exampleid => $example) {
3754                  if (!is_null($example->grade)) {
3755                      $a->assessed++;
3756                  }
3757              }
3758              $task->details = get_string('exampleassesstaskdetails', 'workshop', $a);
3759              if ($a->assessed == $a->expected) {
3760                  $task->completed = true;
3761              } elseif ($workshop->phase >= workshop::PHASE_ASSESSMENT) {
3762                  $task->completed = false;
3763              }
3764              $phase->tasks['examples'] = $task;
3765          }
3766          if (has_capability('mod/workshop:submit', $workshop->context, $userid, false)) {
3767              $task = new stdclass();
3768              $task->title = get_string('tasksubmit', 'workshop');
3769              $task->link = $workshop->submission_url();
3770              if ($DB->record_exists('workshop_submissions', array('workshopid'=>$workshop->id, 'example'=>0, 'authorid'=>$userid))) {
3771                  $task->completed = true;
3772              } elseif ($workshop->phase >= workshop::PHASE_ASSESSMENT) {
3773                  $task->completed = false;
3774              } else {
3775                  $task->completed = null;    // still has a chance to submit
3776              }
3777              $phase->tasks['submit'] = $task;
3778          }
3779          if (has_capability('mod/workshop:allocate', $workshop->context, $userid)) {
3780              if ($workshop->phaseswitchassessment) {
3781                  $task = new stdClass();
3782                  $allocator = $DB->get_record('workshopallocation_scheduled', array('workshopid' => $workshop->id));
3783                  if (empty($allocator)) {
3784                      $task->completed = false;
3785                  } else if ($allocator->enabled and is_null($allocator->resultstatus)) {
3786                      $task->completed = true;
3787                  } else if ($workshop->submissionend > time()) {
3788                      $task->completed = null;
3789                  } else {
3790                      $task->completed = false;
3791                  }
3792                  $task->title = get_string('setup', 'workshopallocation_scheduled');
3793                  $task->link = $workshop->allocation_url('scheduled');
3794                  $phase->tasks['allocatescheduled'] = $task;
3795              }
3796              $task = new stdclass();
3797              $task->title = get_string('allocate', 'workshop');
3798              $task->link = $workshop->allocation_url();
3799              $numofauthors = $workshop->count_potential_authors(false);
3800              $numofsubmissions = $DB->count_records('workshop_submissions', array('workshopid'=>$workshop->id, 'example'=>0));
3801              $sql = 'SELECT COUNT( AS nonallocated
3802                        FROM {workshop_submissions} s
3803                   LEFT JOIN {workshop_assessments} a ON (
3804                       WHERE s.workshopid = :workshopid AND s.example=0 AND a.submissionid IS NULL';
3805              $params['workshopid'] = $workshop->id;
3806              $numnonallocated = $DB->count_records_sql($sql, $params);
3807              if ($numofsubmissions == 0) {
3808                  $task->completed = null;
3809              } elseif ($numnonallocated == 0) {
3810                  $task->completed = true;
3811              } elseif ($workshop->phase > workshop::PHASE_SUBMISSION) {
3812                  $task->completed = false;
3813              } else {
3814                  $task->completed = null;    // still has a chance to allocate
3815              }
3816              $a = new stdclass();
3817              $a->expected    = $numofauthors;
3818              $a->submitted   = $numofsubmissions;
3819              $a->allocate    = $numnonallocated;
3820              $task->details  = get_string('allocatedetails', 'workshop', $a);
3821              unset($a);
3822              $phase->tasks['allocate'] = $task;
3824              if ($numofsubmissions < $numofauthors and $workshop->phase >= workshop::PHASE_SUBMISSION) {
3825                  $task = new stdclass();
3826                  $task->title = get_string('someuserswosubmission', 'workshop');
3827                  $task->completed = 'info';
3828                  $phase->tasks['allocateinfo'] = $task;
3829              }
3831          }
3832          if ($workshop->submissionstart) {
3833              $task = new stdclass();
3834              $task->title = get_string('submissionstartdatetime', 'workshop', workshop::timestamp_formats($workshop->submissionstart));
3835              $task->completed = 'info';
3836              $phase->tasks['submissionstartdatetime'] = $task;
3837          }
3838          if ($workshop->submissionend) {
3839              $task = new stdclass();
3840              $task->title = get_string('submissionenddatetime', 'workshop', workshop::timestamp_formats($workshop->submissionend));
3841              $task->completed = 'info';
3842              $phase->tasks['submissionenddatetime'] = $task;
3843          }
3844          if (($workshop->submissionstart < time()) and $workshop->latesubmissions) {
3845              // If submission deadline has passed and late submissions are allowed, only display 'latesubmissionsallowed' text to
3846              // users (students) who have not submitted and users(teachers, admins)  who can switch pahase..
3847              if (has_capability('mod/workshop:switchphase', $workshop->context, $userid) ||
3848                      (!$workshop->get_submission_by_author($userid) && $workshop->submissionend < time())) {
3849                  $task = new stdclass();
3850                  $task->title = get_string('latesubmissionsallowed', 'workshop');
3851                  $task->completed = 'info';
3852                  $phase->tasks['latesubmissionsallowed'] = $task;
3853              }
3854          }
3855          if (isset($phase->tasks['submissionstartdatetime']) or isset($phase->tasks['submissionenddatetime'])) {
3856              if (has_capability('mod/workshop:ignoredeadlines', $workshop->context, $userid)) {
3857                  $task = new stdclass();
3858                  $task->title = get_string('deadlinesignored', 'workshop');
3859                  $task->completed = 'info';
3860                  $phase->tasks['deadlinesignored'] = $task;
3861              }
3862          }
3863          $this->phases[workshop::PHASE_SUBMISSION] = $phase;
3865          //---------------------------------------------------------
3866          // setup | submission | * ASSESSMENT | evaluation | closed
3867          //---------------------------------------------------------
3868          $phase = new stdclass();
3869          $phase->title = get_string('phaseassessment', 'workshop');
3870          $phase->tasks = array();
3871          $phase->isreviewer = has_capability('mod/workshop:peerassess', $workshop->context, $userid);
3872          if ($workshop->phase == workshop::PHASE_SUBMISSION and $workshop->phaseswitchassessment
3873                  and has_capability('mod/workshop:switchphase', $workshop->context, $userid)) {
3874              $task = new stdClass();
3875              $task->title = get_string('switchphase30auto', 'mod_workshop', workshop::timestamp_formats($workshop->submissionend));
3876              $task->completed = 'info';
3877              $phase->tasks['autoswitchinfo'] = $task;
3878          }
3879          if ($workshop->useexamples and $workshop->examplesmode == workshop::EXAMPLES_BEFORE_ASSESSMENT
3880                  and $phase->isreviewer and !has_capability('mod/workshop:manageexamples', $workshop->context, $userid)) {
3881              $task = new stdclass();
3882              $task->title = get_string('exampleassesstask', 'workshop');
3883              $examples = $workshop->get_examples_for_reviewer($userid);
3884              $a = new stdclass();
3885              $a->expected = count($examples);
3886              $a->assessed = 0;
3887              foreach ($examples as $exampleid => $example) {
3888                  if (!is_null($example->grade)) {
3889                      $a->assessed++;
3890                  }
3891              }
3892              $task->details = get_string('exampleassesstaskdetails', 'workshop', $a);
3893              if ($a->assessed == $a->expected) {
3894                  $task->completed = true;
3895              } elseif ($workshop->phase > workshop::PHASE_ASSESSMENT) {
3896                  $task->completed = false;
3897              }
3898              $phase->tasks['examples'] = $task;
3899          }
3900          if (empty($phase->tasks['examples']) or !empty($phase->tasks['examples']->completed)) {
3901              $phase->assessments = $workshop->get_assessments_by_reviewer($userid);
3902              $numofpeers     = 0;    // number of allocated peer-assessments
3903              $numofpeerstodo = 0;    // number of peer-assessments to do
3904              $numofself      = 0;    // number of allocated self-assessments - should be 0 or 1
3905              $numofselftodo  = 0;    // number of self-assessments to do - should be 0 or 1
3906              foreach ($phase->assessments as $a) {
3907                  if ($a->authorid == $userid) {
3908                      $numofself++;
3909                      if (is_null($a->grade)) {
3910                          $numofselftodo++;
3911                      }
3912                  } else {
3913                      $numofpeers++;
3914                      if (is_null($a->grade)) {
3915                          $numofpeerstodo++;
3916                      }
3917                  }
3918              }
3919              unset($a);
3920              if ($numofpeers) {
3921                  $task = new stdclass();
3922                  if ($numofpeerstodo == 0) {
3923                      $task->completed = true;
3924                  } elseif ($workshop->phase > workshop::PHASE_ASSESSMENT) {
3925                      $task->completed = false;
3926                  }
3927                  $a = new stdclass();
3928                  $a->total = $numofpeers;
3929                  $a->todo  = $numofpeerstodo;
3930                  $task->title = get_string('taskassesspeers', 'workshop');
3931                  $task->details = get_string('taskassesspeersdetails', 'workshop', $a);
3932                  unset($a);
3933                  $phase->tasks['assesspeers'] = $task;
3934              }
3935              if ($workshop->useselfassessment and $numofself) {
3936                  $task = new stdclass();
3937                  if ($numofselftodo == 0) {
3938                      $task->completed = true;
3939                  } elseif ($workshop->phase > workshop::PHASE_ASSESSMENT) {
3940                      $task->completed = false;
3941                  }
3942                  $task->title = get_string('taskassessself', 'workshop');
3943                  $phase->tasks['assessself'] = $task;
3944              }
3945          }
3946          if ($workshop->assessmentstart) {
3947              $task = new stdclass();
3948              $task->title = get_string('assessmentstartdatetime', 'workshop', workshop::timestamp_formats($workshop->assessmentstart));
3949              $task->completed = 'info';
3950              $phase->tasks['assessmentstartdatetime'] = $task;
3951          }
3952          if ($workshop->assessmentend) {
3953              $task = new stdclass();
3954              $task->title = get_string('assessmentenddatetime', 'workshop', workshop::timestamp_formats($workshop->assessmentend));
3955              $task->completed = 'info';
3956              $phase->tasks['assessmentenddatetime'] = $task;
3957          }
3958          if (isset($phase->tasks['assessmentstartdatetime']) or isset($phase->tasks['assessmentenddatetime'])) {
3959              if (has_capability('mod/workshop:ignoredeadlines', $workshop->context, $userid)) {
3960                  $task = new stdclass();
3961                  $task->title = get_string('deadlinesignored', 'workshop');
3962                  $task->completed = 'info';
3963                  $phase->tasks['deadlinesignored'] = $task;
3964              }
3965          }
3966          $this->phases[workshop::PHASE_ASSESSMENT] = $phase;
3968          //---------------------------------------------------------
3969          // setup | submission | assessment | * EVALUATION | closed
3970          //---------------------------------------------------------
3971          $phase = new stdclass();
3972          $phase->title = get_string('phaseevaluation', 'workshop');
3973          $phase->tasks = array();
3974          if (has_capability('mod/workshop:overridegrades', $workshop->context)) {
3975              $expected = $workshop->count_potential_authors(false);
3976              $calculated = $DB->count_records_select('workshop_submissions',
3977                      'workshopid = ? AND (grade IS NOT NULL OR gradeover IS NOT NULL)', array($workshop->id));
3978              $task = new stdclass();
3979              $task->title = get_string('calculatesubmissiongrades', 'workshop');
3980              $a = new stdclass();
3981              $a->expected    = $expected;
3982              $a->calculated  = $calculated;
3983              $task->details  = get_string('calculatesubmissiongradesdetails', 'workshop', $a);
3984              if ($calculated >= $expected) {
3985                  $task->completed = true;
3986              } elseif ($workshop->phase > workshop::PHASE_EVALUATION) {
3987                  $task->completed = false;
3988              }
3989              $phase->tasks['calculatesubmissiongrade'] = $task;
3991              $expected = $workshop->count_potential_reviewers(false);
3992              $calculated = $DB->count_records_select('workshop_aggregations',
3993                      'workshopid = ? AND gradinggrade IS NOT NULL', array($workshop->id));
3994              $task = new stdclass();
3995              $task->title = get_string('calculategradinggrades', 'workshop');
3996              $a = new stdclass();
3997              $a->expected    = $expected;
3998              $a->calculated  = $calculated;
3999              $task->details  = get_string('calculategradinggradesdetails', 'workshop', $a);
4000              if ($calculated >= $expected) {
4001                  $task->completed = true;
4002              } elseif ($workshop->phase > workshop::PHASE_EVALUATION) {
4003                  $task->completed = false;
4004              }
4005              $phase->tasks['calculategradinggrade'] = $task;
4007          } elseif ($workshop->phase == workshop::PHASE_EVALUATION) {
4008              $task = new stdclass();
4009              $task->title = get_string('evaluategradeswait', 'workshop');
4010              $task->completed = 'info';
4011              $phase->tasks['evaluateinfo'] = $task;
4012          }
4014          if (has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $workshop->context, $userid)) {
4015              $task = new stdclass();
4016              $task->title = get_string('taskconclusion', 'workshop');
4017              $task->link = $workshop->updatemod_url();
4018              if (trim($workshop->conclusion)) {
4019                  $task->completed = true;
4020              } elseif ($workshop->phase >= workshop::PHASE_EVALUATION) {
4021                  $task->completed = false;
4022              }
4023              $phase->tasks['conclusion'] = $task;
4024          }
4026          $this->phases[workshop::PHASE_EVALUATION] = $phase;
4028          //---------------------------------------------------------
4029          // setup | submission | assessment | evaluation | * CLOSED
4030          //---------------------------------------------------------
4031          $phase = new stdclass();
4032          $phase->title = get_string('phaseclosed', 'workshop');
4033          $phase->tasks = array();
4034          $this->phases[workshop::PHASE_CLOSED] = $phase;
4036          // Polish data, set default values if not done explicitly
4037          foreach ($this->phases as $phasecode => $phase) {
4038              $phase->title       = isset($phase->title)      ? $phase->title     : '';
4039              $phase->tasks       = isset($phase->tasks)      ? $phase->tasks     : array();
4040              if ($phasecode == $workshop->phase) {
4041                  $phase->active = true;
4042              } else {
4043                  $phase->active = false;
4044              }
4045              if (!isset($phase->actions)) {
4046                  $phase->actions = array();
4047              }
4049              foreach ($phase->tasks as $taskcode => $task) {
4050                  $task->title        = isset($task->title)       ? $task->title      : '';
4051                  $task->link         = isset($task->link)        ? $task->link       : null;
4052                  $task->details      = isset($task->details)     ? $task->details    : '';
4053                  $task->completed    = isset($task->completed)   ? $task->completed  : null;
4054              }
4055          }
4057          // Add phase switching actions.
4058          if (has_capability('mod/workshop:switchphase', $workshop->context, $userid)) {
4059              $nextphases = array(
4060                  workshop::PHASE_SETUP => workshop::PHASE_SUBMISSION,
4061                  workshop::PHASE_SUBMISSION => workshop::PHASE_ASSESSMENT,
4062                  workshop::PHASE_ASSESSMENT => workshop::PHASE_EVALUATION,
4063                  workshop::PHASE_EVALUATION => workshop::PHASE_CLOSED,
4064              );
4065              foreach ($this->phases as $phasecode => $phase) {
4066                  if ($phase->active) {
4067                      if (isset($nextphases[$workshop->phase])) {
4068                          $task = new stdClass();
4069                          $task->title = get_string('switchphasenext', 'mod_workshop');
4070                          $task->link = $workshop->switchphase_url($nextphases[$workshop->phase]);
4071                          $task->details = '';
4072                          $task->completed = null;
4073                          $phase->tasks['switchtonextphase'] = $task;
4074                      }
4076                  } else {
4077                      $action = new stdclass();
4078                      $action->type = 'switchphase';
4079                      $action->url  = $workshop->switchphase_url($phasecode);
4080                      $phase->actions[] = $action;
4081                  }
4082              }
4083          }
4084      }
4086      /**
4087       * Returns example submissions to be assessed by the owner of the planner
4088       *
4089       * This is here to cache the DB query because the same list is needed later in view.php
4090       *
4091       * @see workshop::get_examples_for_reviewer() for the format of returned value
4092       * @return array
4093       */
4094      public function get_examples() {
4095          if (is_null($this->examples)) {
4096              $this->examples = $this->workshop->get_examples_for_reviewer($this->userid);
4097          }
4098          return $this->examples;
4099      }
4100  }
4102  /**
4103   * Common base class for submissions and example submissions rendering
4104   *
4105   * Subclasses of this class convert raw submission record from
4106   * workshop_submissions table (as returned by {@see workshop::get_submission_by_id()}
4107   * for example) into renderable objects.
4108   */
4109  abstract class workshop_submission_base {
4111      /** @var bool is the submission anonymous (i.e. contains author information) */
4112      protected $anonymous;
4114      /* @var array of columns from workshop_submissions that are assigned as properties */
4115      protected $fields = array();
4117      /** @var workshop */
4118      protected $workshop;
4120      /**
4121       * Copies the properties of the given database record into properties of $this instance
4122       *
4123       * @param workshop $workshop
4124       * @param stdClass $submission full record
4125       * @param bool $showauthor show the author-related information
4126       * @param array $options additional properties
4127       */
4128      public function __construct(workshop $workshop, stdClass $submission, $showauthor = false) {
4130          $this->workshop = $workshop;
4132          foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
4133              if (!property_exists($submission, $field)) {
4134                  throw new coding_exception('Submission record must provide public property ' . $field);
4135              }
4136              if (!property_exists($this, $field)) {
4137                  throw new coding_exception('Renderable component must accept public property ' . $field);
4138              }
4139              $this->{$field} = $submission->{$field};
4140          }
4142          if ($showauthor) {
4143              $this->anonymous = false;
4144          } else {
4145              $this->anonymize();
4146          }
4147      }
4149      /**
4150       * Unsets all author-related properties so that the renderer does not have access to them
4151       *
4152       * Usually this is called by the contructor but can be called explicitely, too.
4153       */
4154      public function anonymize() {
4155          $authorfields = explode(',', implode(',', \core_user\fields::get_picture_fields()));
4156          foreach ($authorfields as $field) {
4157              $prefixedusernamefield = 'author' . $field;
4158              unset($this->{$prefixedusernamefield});
4159          }
4160          $this->anonymous = true;
4161      }
4163      /**
4164       * Does the submission object contain author-related information?
4165       *
4166       * @return null|boolean
4167       */
4168      public function is_anonymous() {
4169          return $this->anonymous;
4170      }
4171  }
4173  /**
4174   * Renderable object containing a basic set of information needed to display the submission summary
4175   *
4176   * @see workshop_renderer::render_workshop_submission_summary
4177   */
4178  class workshop_submission_summary extends workshop_submission_base implements renderable {
4180      /** @var int */
4181      public $id;
4182      /** @var string */
4183      public $title;
4184      /** @var string graded|notgraded */
4185      public $status;
4186      /** @var int */
4187      public $timecreated;
4188      /** @var int */
4189      public $timemodified;
4190      /** @var int */
4191      public $authorid;
4192      /** @var string */
4193      public $authorfirstname;
4194      /** @var string */
4195      public $authorlastname;
4196      /** @var string */
4197      public $authorfirstnamephonetic;
4198      /** @var string */
4199      public $authorlastnamephonetic;
4200      /** @var string */
4201      public $authormiddlename;
4202      /** @var string */
4203      public $authoralternatename;
4204      /** @var int */
4205      public $authorpicture;
4206      /** @var string */
4207      public $authorimagealt;
4208      /** @var string */
4209      public $authoremail;
4210      /** @var moodle_url to display submission */
4211      public $url;
4213      /**
4214       * @var array of columns from workshop_submissions that are assigned as properties
4215       * of instances of this class
4216       */
4217      protected $fields = array(
4218          'id', 'title', 'timecreated', 'timemodified',
4219          'authorid', 'authorfirstname', 'authorlastname', 'authorfirstnamephonetic', 'authorlastnamephonetic',
4220          'authormiddlename', 'authoralternatename', 'authorpicture',
4221          'authorimagealt', 'authoremail');
4222  }
4224  /**
4225   * Renderable object containing all the information needed to display the submission
4226   *
4227   * @see workshop_renderer::render_workshop_submission()
4228   */
4229  class workshop_submission extends workshop_submission_summary implements renderable {
4231      /** @var string */
4232      public $content;
4233      /** @var int */
4234      public $contentformat;
4235      /** @var bool */
4236      public $contenttrust;
4237      /** @var array */
4238      public $attachment;
4240      /**
4241       * @var array of columns from workshop_submissions that are assigned as properties
4242       * of instances of this class
4243       */
4244      protected $fields = array(
4245          'id', 'title', 'timecreated', 'timemodified', 'content', 'contentformat', 'contenttrust',
4246          'attachment', 'authorid', 'authorfirstname', 'authorlastname', 'authorfirstnamephonetic', 'authorlastnamephonetic',
4247          'authormiddlename', 'authoralternatename', 'authorpicture', 'authorimagealt', 'authoremail');
4248  }
4250  /**
4251   * Renderable object containing a basic set of information needed to display the example submission summary
4252   *
4253   * @see workshop::prepare_example_summary()
4254   * @see workshop_renderer::render_workshop_example_submission_summary()
4255   */
4256  class workshop_example_submission_summary extends workshop_submission_base implements renderable {
4258      /** @var int */
4259      public $id;
4260      /** @var string */
4261      public $title;
4262      /** @var string graded|notgraded */
4263      public $status;
4264      /** @var stdClass */
4265      public $gradeinfo;
4266      /** @var moodle_url */
4267      public $url;
4268      /** @var moodle_url */
4269      public $editurl;
4270      /** @var string */
4271      public $assesslabel;
4272      /** @var moodle_url */
4273      public $assessurl;
4274      /** @var bool must be set explicitly by the caller */
4275      public $editable = false;
4277      /**
4278       * @var array of columns from workshop_submissions that are assigned as properties
4279       * of instances of this class
4280       */
4281      protected $fields = array('id', 'title');
4283      /**
4284       * Example submissions are always anonymous
4285       *
4286       * @return true
4287       */
4288      public function is_anonymous() {
4289          return true;
4290      }
4291  }
4293  /**
4294   * Renderable object containing all the information needed to display the example submission
4295   *
4296   * @see workshop_renderer::render_workshop_example_submission()
4297   */
4298  class workshop_example_submission extends workshop_example_submission_summary implements renderable {
4300      /** @var string */
4301      public $content;
4302      /** @var int */
4303      public $contentformat;
4304      /** @var bool */
4305      public $contenttrust;
4306      /** @var array */
4307      public $attachment;
4309      /**
4310       * @var array of columns from workshop_submissions that are assigned as properties
4311       * of instances of this class
4312       */
4313      protected $fields = array('id', 'title', 'content', 'contentformat', 'contenttrust', 'attachment');
4314  }
4317  /**
4318   * Common base class for assessments rendering
4319   *
4320   * Subclasses of this class convert raw assessment record from
4321   * workshop_assessments table (as returned by {@see workshop::get_assessment_by_id()}
4322   * for example) into renderable objects.
4323   */
4324  abstract class workshop_assessment_base {
4326      /** @var string the optional title of the assessment */
4327      public $title = '';
4329      /** @var workshop_assessment_form $form as returned by {@link workshop_strategy::get_assessment_form()} */
4330      public $form;
4332      /** @var moodle_url */
4333      public $url;
4335      /** @var float|null the real received grade */
4336      public $realgrade = null;
4338      /** @var float the real maximum grade */
4339      public $maxgrade;
4341      /** @var stdClass|null reviewer user info */
4342      public $reviewer = null;
4344      /** @var stdClass|null assessed submission's author user info */
4345      public $author = null;
4347      /** @var array of actions */
4348      public $actions = array();
4350      /* @var array of columns that are assigned as properties */
4351      protected $fields = array();
4353      /** @var workshop */
4354      public $workshop;
4356      /**
4357       * Copies the properties of the given database record into properties of $this instance
4358       *
4359       * The $options keys are: showreviewer, showauthor
4360       * @param workshop $workshop
4361       * @param stdClass $assessment full record
4362       * @param array $options additional properties
4363       */
4364      public function __construct(workshop $workshop, stdClass $record, array $options = array()) {
4366          $this->workshop = $workshop;
4367          $this->validate_raw_record($record);
4369          foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
4370              if (!property_exists($record, $field)) {
4371                  throw new coding_exception('Assessment record must provide public property ' . $field);
4372              }
4373              if (!property_exists($this, $field)) {
4374                  throw new coding_exception('Renderable component must accept public property ' . $field);
4375              }
4376              $this->{$field} = $record->{$field};
4377          }
4379          if (!empty($options['showreviewer'])) {
4380              $this->reviewer = user_picture::unalias($record, null, 'revieweridx', 'reviewer');
4381          }
4383          if (!empty($options['showauthor'])) {
4384              $this->author = user_picture::unalias($record, null, 'authorid', 'author');
4385          }
4386      }
4388      /**
4389       * Adds a new action
4390       *
4391       * @param moodle_url $url action URL
4392       * @param string $label action label
4393       * @param string $method get|post
4394       */
4395      public function add_action(moodle_url $url, $label, $method = 'get') {
4397          $action = new stdClass();
4398          $action->url = $url;
4399          $action->label = $label;
4400          $action->method = $method;
4402          $this->actions[] = $action;
4403      }
4405      /**
4406       * Makes sure that we can cook the renderable component from the passed raw database record
4407       *
4408       * @param stdClass $assessment full assessment record
4409       * @throws coding_exception if the caller passed unexpected data
4410       */
4411      protected function validate_raw_record(stdClass $record) {
4412          // nothing to do here
4413      }
4414  }
4417  /**
4418   * Represents a rendarable full assessment
4419   */
4420  class workshop_assessment extends workshop_assessment_base implements renderable {
4422      /** @var int */
4423      public $id;
4425      /** @var int */
4426      public $submissionid;
4428      /** @var int */
4429      public $weight;
4431      /** @var int */
4432      public $timecreated;
4434      /** @var int */
4435      public $timemodified;
4437      /** @var float */
4438      public $grade;
4440      /** @var float */
4441      public $gradinggrade;
4443      /** @var float */
4444      public $gradinggradeover;
4446      /** @var string */
4447      public $feedbackauthor;
4449      /** @var int */
4450      public $feedbackauthorformat;
4452      /** @var int */
4453      public $feedbackauthorattachment;
4455      /** @var array */
4456      protected $fields = array('id', 'submissionid', 'weight', 'timecreated',
4457          'timemodified', 'grade', 'gradinggrade', 'gradinggradeover', 'feedbackauthor',
4458          'feedbackauthorformat', 'feedbackauthorattachment');
4460      /**
4461       * Format the overall feedback text content
4462       *
4463       * False is returned if the overall feedback feature is disabled. Null is returned
4464       * if the overall feedback content has not been found. Otherwise, string with
4465       * formatted feedback text is returned.
4466       *
4467       * @return string|bool|null
4468       */
4469      public function get_overall_feedback_content() {
4471          if ($this->workshop->overallfeedbackmode == 0) {
4472              return false;
4473          }
4475          if (trim($this->feedbackauthor) === '') {
4476              return null;
4477          }
4479          $content = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($this->feedbackauthor, 'pluginfile.php', $this->workshop->context->id,
4480              'mod_workshop', 'overallfeedback_content', $this->id);
4481          $content = format_text($content, $this->feedbackauthorformat,
4482              array('overflowdiv' => true, 'context' => $this->workshop->context));
4484          return $content;
4485      }
4487      /**
4488       * Prepares the list of overall feedback attachments
4489       *
4490       * Returns false if overall feedback attachments are not allowed. Otherwise returns
4491       * list of attachments (may be empty).
4492       *
4493       * @return bool|array of stdClass
4494       */
4495      public function get_overall_feedback_attachments() {
4497          if ($this->workshop->overallfeedbackmode == 0) {
4498              return false;
4499          }
4501          if ($this->workshop->overallfeedbackfiles == 0) {
4502              return false;
4503          }
4505          if (empty($this->feedbackauthorattachment)) {
4506              return array();
4507          }
4509          $attachments = array();
4510          $fs = get_file_storage();
4511          $files = $fs->get_area_files($this->workshop->context->id, 'mod_workshop', 'overallfeedback_attachment', $this->id);
4512          foreach ($files as $file) {
4513              if ($file->is_directory()) {
4514                  continue;
4515              }
4516              $filepath = $file->get_filepath();
4517              $filename = $file->get_filename();
4518              $fileurl = moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url($this->workshop->context->id, 'mod_workshop',
4519                  'overallfeedback_attachment', $this->id, $filepath, $filename, true);
4520              $previewurl = new moodle_url(moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url($this->workshop->context->id, 'mod_workshop',
4521                  'overallfeedback_attachment', $this->id, $filepath, $filename, false), array('preview' => 'bigthumb'));
4522              $attachments[] = (object)array(
4523                  'filepath' => $filepath,
4524                  'filename' => $filename,
4525                  'fileurl' => $fileurl,
4526                  'previewurl' => $previewurl,
4527                  'mimetype' => $file->get_mimetype(),
4529              );
4530          }
4532          return $attachments;
4533      }
4534  }
4537  /**
4538   * Represents a renderable training assessment of an example submission
4539   */
4540  class workshop_example_assessment extends workshop_assessment implements renderable {
4542      /**
4543       * @see parent::validate_raw_record()
4544       */
4545      protected function validate_raw_record(stdClass $record) {
4546          if ($record->weight != 0) {
4547              throw new coding_exception('Invalid weight of example submission assessment');
4548          }
4549          parent::validate_raw_record($record);
4550      }
4551  }
4554  /**
4555   * Represents a renderable reference assessment of an example submission
4556   */
4557  class workshop_example_reference_assessment extends workshop_assessment implements renderable {
4559      /**
4560       * @see parent::validate_raw_record()
4561       */
4562      protected function validate_raw_record(stdClass $record) {
4563          if ($record->weight != 1) {
4564              throw new coding_exception('Invalid weight of the reference example submission assessment');
4565          }
4566          parent::validate_raw_record($record);
4567      }
4568  }
4571  /**
4572   * Renderable message to be displayed to the user
4573   *
4574   * Message can contain an optional action link with a label that is supposed to be rendered
4575   * as a button or a link.
4576   *
4577   * @see workshop::renderer::render_workshop_message()
4578   */
4579  class workshop_message implements renderable {
4581      const TYPE_INFO     = 10;
4582      const TYPE_OK       = 20;
4583      const TYPE_ERROR    = 30;
4585      /** @var string */
4586      protected $text = '';
4587      /** @var int */
4588      protected $type = self::TYPE_INFO;
4589      /** @var moodle_url */
4590      protected $actionurl = null;
4591      /** @var string */
4592      protected $actionlabel = '';
4594      /**
4595       * @param string $text short text to be displayed
4596       * @param string $type optional message type info|ok|error
4597       */
4598      public function __construct($text = null, $type = self::TYPE_INFO) {
4599          $this->set_text($text);
4600          $this->set_type($type);
4601      }
4603      /**
4604       * Sets the message text
4605       *
4606       * @param string $text short text to be displayed
4607       */
4608      public function set_text($text) {
4609          $this->text = $text;
4610      }
4612      /**
4613       * Sets the message type
4614       *
4615       * @param int $type
4616       */
4617      public function set_type($type = self::TYPE_INFO) {
4618          if (in_array($type, array(self::TYPE_OK, self::TYPE_ERROR, self::TYPE_INFO))) {
4619              $this->type = $type;
4620          } else {
4621              throw new coding_exception('Unknown message type.');
4622          }
4623      }
4625      /**
4626       * Sets the optional message action
4627       *
4628       * @param moodle_url $url to follow on action
4629       * @param string $label action label
4630       */
4631      public function set_action(moodle_url $url, $label) {
4632          $this->actionurl    = $url;
4633          $this->actionlabel  = $label;
4634      }
4636      /**
4637       * Returns message text with HTML tags quoted
4638       *
4639       * @return string
4640       */
4641      public function get_message() {
4642          return s($this->text);
4643      }
4645      /**
4646       * Returns message type
4647       *
4648       * @return int
4649       */
4650      public function get_type() {
4651          return $this->type;
4652      }
4654      /**
4655       * Returns action URL
4656       *
4657       * @return moodle_url|null
4658       */
4659      public function get_action_url() {
4660          return $this->actionurl;
4661      }
4663      /**
4664       * Returns action label
4665       *
4666       * @return string
4667       */
4668      public function get_action_label() {
4669          return $this->actionlabel;
4670      }
4671  }
4674  /**
4675   * Renderable component containing all the data needed to display the grading report
4676   */
4677  class workshop_grading_report implements renderable {
4679      /** @var stdClass returned by {@see workshop::prepare_grading_report_data()} */
4680      protected $data;
4681      /** @var stdClass rendering options */
4682      protected $options;
4684      /**
4685       * Grades in $data must be already rounded to the set number of decimals or must be null
4686       * (in which later case, the [mod_workshop,nullgrade] string shall be displayed)
4687       *
4688       * @param stdClass $data prepared by {@link workshop::prepare_grading_report_data()}
4689       * @param stdClass $options display options (showauthornames, showreviewernames, sortby, sorthow, showsubmissiongrade, showgradinggrade)
4690       */
4691      public function __construct(stdClass $data, stdClass $options) {
4692          $this->data     = $data;
4693          $this->options  = $options;
4694      }
4696      /**
4697       * @return stdClass grading report data
4698       */
4699      public function get_data() {
4700          return $this->data;
4701      }
4703      /**
4704       * @return stdClass rendering options
4705       */
4706      public function get_options() {
4707          return $this->options;
4708      }
4710      /**
4711       * Prepare the data to be exported to a external system via Web Services.
4712       *
4713       * This function applies extra capabilities checks.
4714       * @return stdClass the data ready for external systems
4715       */
4716      public function export_data_for_external() {
4717          $data = $this->get_data();
4718          $options = $this->get_options();
4720          foreach ($data->grades as $reportdata) {
4721              // If we are in submission phase ignore the following data.
4722              if ($options->workshopphase == workshop::PHASE_SUBMISSION) {
4723                  unset($reportdata->submissiongrade);
4724                  unset($reportdata->gradinggrade);
4725                  unset($reportdata->submissiongradeover);
4726                  unset($reportdata->submissiongradeoverby);
4727                  unset($reportdata->submissionpublished);
4728                  unset($reportdata->reviewedby);
4729                  unset($reportdata->reviewerof);
4730                  continue;
4731              }
4733              if (!$options->showsubmissiongrade) {
4734                  unset($reportdata->submissiongrade);
4735                  unset($reportdata->submissiongradeover);
4736              }
4738              if (!$options->showgradinggrade and $tr == 0) {
4739                  unset($reportdata->gradinggrade);
4740              }
4742              if (!$options->showreviewernames) {
4743                  foreach ($reportdata->reviewedby as $reviewedby) {
4744                      $reviewedby->userid = 0;
4745                  }
4746              }
4748              if (!$options->showauthornames) {
4749                  foreach ($reportdata->reviewerof as $reviewerof) {
4750                      $reviewerof->userid = 0;
4751                  }
4752              }
4753          }
4755          return $data;
4756      }
4757  }
4760  /**
4761   * Base class for renderable feedback for author and feedback for reviewer
4762   */
4763  abstract class workshop_feedback {
4765      /** @var stdClass the user info */
4766      protected $provider = null;
4768      /** @var string the feedback text */
4769      protected $content = null;
4771      /** @var int format of the feedback text */
4772      protected $format = null;
4774      /**
4775       * @return stdClass the user info
4776       */
4777      public function get_provider() {
4779          if (is_null($this->provider)) {
4780              throw new coding_exception('Feedback provider not set');
4781          }
4783          return $this->provider;
4784      }
4786      /**
4787       * @return string the feedback text
4788       */
4789      public function get_content() {
4791          if (is_null($this->content)) {
4792              throw new coding_exception('Feedback content not set');
4793          }
4795          return $this->content;
4796      }
4798      /**
4799       * @return int format of the feedback text
4800       */
4801      public function get_format() {
4803          if (is_null($this->format)) {
4804              throw new coding_exception('Feedback text format not set');
4805          }
4807          return $this->format;
4808      }
4809  }
4812  /**
4813   * Renderable feedback for the author of submission
4814   */
4815  class workshop_feedback_author extends workshop_feedback implements renderable {
4817      /**
4818       * Extracts feedback from the given submission record
4819       *
4820       * @param stdClass $submission record as returned by {@see self::get_submission_by_id()}
4821       */
4822      public function __construct(stdClass $submission) {
4824          $this->provider = user_picture::unalias($submission, null, 'gradeoverbyx', 'gradeoverby');
4825          $this->content  = $submission->feedbackauthor;
4826          $this->format   = $submission->feedbackauthorformat;
4827      }
4828  }
4831  /**
4832   * Renderable feedback for the reviewer
4833   */
4834  class workshop_feedback_reviewer extends workshop_feedback implements renderable {
4836      /**
4837       * Extracts feedback from the given assessment record
4838       *
4839       * @param stdClass $assessment record as returned by eg {@see self::get_assessment_by_id()}
4840       */
4841      public function __construct(stdClass $assessment) {
4843          $this->provider = user_picture::unalias($assessment, null, 'gradinggradeoverbyx', 'overby');
4844          $this->content  = $assessment->feedbackreviewer;
4845          $this->format   = $assessment->feedbackreviewerformat;
4846      }
4847  }
4850  /**
4851   * Holds the final grades for the activity as are stored in the gradebook
4852   */
4853  class workshop_final_grades implements renderable {
4855      /** @var object the info from the gradebook about the grade for submission */
4856      public $submissiongrade = null;
4858      /** @var object the infor from the gradebook about the grade for assessment */
4859      public $assessmentgrade = null;
4860  }