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Moodle 4.2
Moodle 4.2 Database Schema
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Developer Documentation
See Release Notes
Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
Moodle 4.2 Database Schema (by Marcus Green)
Top level directory
Function and Method Cross Reference
line 1470
Referenced 855 times:
line 44
line 91
line 123
line 46
line 47
line 49
line 50
line 51
line 52
line 53
line 106
line 107
line 108
line 109
line 110
line 163
line 164
line 40
line 41
line 130
line 35
line 735
line 736
line 737
line 738
line 91
line 130
line 170
line 234
line 295
line 330
line 359
line 394
line 428
line 462
line 496
line 528
line 614
line 615
line 697
line 1075
line 71
line 55
line 84
line 117
line 145
line 3821
line 3859
line 3899
line 3925
line 44
line 45
line 48
line 74
line 97
line 116
line 146
line 175
line 205
line 237
line 296
line 329
line 531
line 532
line 533
line 55
line 82
line 46
line 92
line 131
line 1986
line 2005
line 2024
line 2048
line 5080
line 5167
line 226
line 806
line 878
line 879
line 649
line 56
line 57
line 98
line 99
line 1118
line 865
line 59
line 92
line 208
line 209
line 74
line 75
line 76
line 208
line 209
line 210
line 329
line 248
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line 324
line 72
line 73
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line 76
line 81
line 147
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line 841
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line 984
line 419
line 681
line 682
line 154
line 48
line 466
line 467
line 47
line 59
line 72
line 276
line 590
line 1151
line 183
line 218
line 286
line 513
line 514
line 515
line 549
line 582
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line 681
line 682
line 717
line 51
line 52
line 117
line 93
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line 365
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line 455
line 68
line 173
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line 7208
line 7209
line 91
line 118
line 184
line 104
line 201
line 203
line 51
line 119
line 146
line 147
line 177
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line 223
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line 345
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line 229
line 1065
line 1471
line 274
line 302
line 392
line 645
line 646
line 679
line 680
line 35
line 386
line 77
line 78
line 96
line 97
line 458
line 459
line 52
line 111
line 121
line 122
line 174
line 175
line 229
line 230
line 77
line 78
line 96
line 97
line 118
line 119
line 199
line 200
line 275
line 276
line 44
line 45
line 146
line 211
line 283
line 146
line 208
line 232
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line 55
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line 71
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line 589
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line 708
line 709
line 775
line 859
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line 895
line 921
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line 981
line 1072
line 1239
line 1276
line 1322
line 1366
line 1419
line 1478
line 45
line 71
line 97
line 157
line 184
line 250
line 174
line 322
line 420
line 456
line 497
line 558
line 621
line 690
line 758
line 1343
line 55
line 145
line 204
line 267
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line 384
line 385
line 679
line 730
line 619
line 623
line 488
line 561
line 562
line 46
line 65
line 85
line 480
line 893
line 217
line 287
line 113
line 134
line 3497
line 3534
line 3636
line 4173
line 4215
line 63
line 404
line 116
line 92
line 125
line 315
line 349
line 411
line 54
line 55
line 1203
line 1257
line 1902
line 708
line 739
line 792
line 816
line 847
line 1089
line 1184
line 88
line 48
line 42
line 68
line 75
line 225
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line 91
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line 909
line 910
line 979
line 980
line 47
line 139
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line 74
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line 337
line 73
line 74
line 483
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line 2195
line 2196
line 208
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line 231
line 378
line 447
line 589
line 590
line 244
line 75
line 76
line 201
line 356
line 357
line 48
line 49
line 55
line 381
line 145
line 284
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line 108
line 170
line 235
line 237
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line 338
line 340
line 2749
line 2751
line 119
line 145
line 166
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line 177
line 47
line 115
line 320
line 361
line 85
line 109
line 110
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line 210
line 350
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line 534
line 593
line 115
line 75
line 76
line 97
line 98
line 148
line 149
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line 185
line 55
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line 723
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line 806
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line 908
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line 1052
line 1302
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line 1193
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line 448
line 222
line 266
line 124
line 323
line 46
line 109
line 163
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line 81
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line 71
line 85
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line 186
line 187
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line 1830
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line 1894
line 1930
line 1931
line 1952
line 1953
line 1977
line 1980
line 1983
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line 4563
line 101
line 177
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line 42
line 43
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line 1289
line 1386
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line 1575
line 1956
line 60
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line 188
line 43
line 68
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line 117
line 148
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line 114
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line 65