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Moodle 4.2 XRef and Diffs
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Moodle 4.2
Moodle 4.2 Database Schema
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Developer Documentation
See Release Notes
Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
Moodle 4.2 Database Schema (by Marcus Green)
Top level directory
Function and Method Cross Reference
line 506
Referenced 565 times:
line 51
line 242
line 243
line 450
line 451
line 1107
line 1108
line 56
line 57
line 58
line 484
line 485
line 44
line 45
line 56
line 58
line 188
line 189
line 95
line 134
line 396
line 397
line 732
line 733
line 56
line 57
line 115
line 116
line 142
line 143
line 439
line 440
line 176
line 317
line 598
line 2329
line 2402
line 2476
line 2550
line 3103
line 3169
line 188
line 189
line 264
line 295
line 328
line 362
line 363
line 436
line 437
line 438
line 563
line 564
line 691
line 692
line 693
line 833
line 834
line 962
line 1021
line 71
line 96
line 1655
line 2886
line 2888
line 2937
line 2984
line 2989
line 2995
line 3001
line 232
line 235
line 327
line 330
line 508
line 511
line 592
line 595
line 889
line 890
line 891
line 892
line 907
line 992
line 1014
line 1085
line 235
line 283
line 591
line 623
line 913
line 945
line 289
line 219
line 320
line 321
line 82
line 703
line 710
line 718
line 118
line 249
line 447
line 305
line 796
line 797
line 1528
line 1529
line 1610
line 1611
line 1676
line 1677
line 1916
line 1917
line 2104
line 2105
line 2272
line 2273
line 2441
line 2640
line 2641
line 70
line 72
line 74
line 329
line 143
line 143
line 595
line 596
line 722
line 723
line 735
line 736
line 1002
line 1003
line 4258
line 4307
line 4954
line 5865
line 127
line 128
line 225
line 888
line 889
line 153
line 154
line 51
line 52
line 74
line 148
line 475
line 597
line 75
line 150
line 243
line 227
line 229
line 105
line 106
line 122
line 123
line 1123
line 1124
line 210
line 211
line 53
line 291
line 292
line 293
line 683
line 685
line 183
line 473
line 474
line 475
line 476
line 477
line 564
line 1023
line 1024
line 1025
line 1026
line 157
line 283
line 284
line 652
line 653
line 681
line 682
line 715
line 737
line 760
line 802
line 803
line 805
line 806
line 808
line 809
line 302
line 344
line 345
line 361
line 362
line 545
line 546
line 83
line 143
line 533
line 1019
line 66
line 1059
line 1060
line 44
line 45
line 46
line 69
line 94
line 132
line 161
line 254
line 296
line 297
line 335
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line 362
line 363
line 364
line 392
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line 423
line 447
line 448
line 449
line 468
line 478
line 488
line 507
line 508
line 545
line 546
line 611
line 654
line 701
line 746
line 1731
line 1749
line 5241
line 5956
line 5957
line 6236
line 793
line 794
line 1615
line 1616
line 1812
line 1813
line 2374
line 2375
line 2469
line 2470
line 2471
line 2589
line 2773
line 2774
line 2898
line 1583
line 1838
line 1884
line 2925
line 2926
line 666
line 667
line 795
line 816
line 817
line 58
line 90
line 120
line 67
line 68
line 74
line 75
line 76
line 77
line 115
line 116
line 117
line 118
line 119
line 162
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line 165
line 225
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line 227
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line 324
line 325
line 326
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line 424
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line 429
line 528
line 529
line 530
line 531
line 532
line 533
line 663
line 664
line 693
line 694
line 695
line 696
line 697
line 698
line 738
line 739
line 775
line 776
line 777
line 778
line 821
line 822
line 823
line 824
line 885
line 886
line 887
line 888
line 889
line 890
line 986
line 987
line 988
line 989
line 990
line 991
line 1056
line 1057
line 1058
line 1059
line 702
line 742
line 743
line 347
line 431
line 51
line 62
line 76
line 96
line 99
line 188
line 224
line 225
line 275
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line 277
line 380
line 415
line 448
line 479
line 480
line 524
line 533
line 538
line 564
line 567
line 588
line 645
line 646
line 647
line 648
line 759
line 760
line 761
line 762
line 1012
line 1013
line 1077
line 1078
line 1121
line 1122
line 1123
line 1130
line 1188
line 1189
line 1190
line 1319
line 1320
line 1321
line 1322
line 1781
line 1782
line 1783
line 1866
line 1867
line 1868
line 1946
line 1947
line 1948
line 1949
line 2198
line 2319
line 2320
line 2321
line 2326
line 2331
line 2332
line 117
line 119
line 120
line 249
line 52
line 53
line 382
line 383
line 467
line 57
line 58
line 572
line 623
line 625
line 1515
line 1516
line 2697
line 2898
line 168
line 172
line 49
line 76
line 81
line 117
line 322
line 363
line 160
line 161
line 237
line 457
line 1253
line 1254
line 1255
line 447
line 449
line 453
line 687
line 688
line 689
line 57
line 228
line 229
line 416
line 997
line 1164
line 1165
line 1188
line 1191
line 1224
line 1227
line 1263
line 1267
line 1292
line 1426
line 1427
line 1459
line 1460
line 1889
line 1978
line 2032
line 2170
line 2176
line 2198
line 2242
line 2293
line 2299
line 2305
line 3344
line 3349
line 3382
line 3387
line 3465
line 3470
line 3518
line 3523
line 3649
line 3650
line 3861
line 3912
line 529
line 183
line 188
line 213
line 218
line 1428
line 140
line 45
line 1971
line 2295
line 3002
line 65
line 66
line 657
line 658
line 659
line 116
line 117
line 195
line 196
line 343
line 344
line 346
line 605
line 606
line 1151
line 1152
line 107
line 112
line 113
line 142
line 143
line 413
line 414
line 82
line 83
line 143
line 144
line 48
line 49
line 58
line 59
line 95
line 96
line 178
line 179
line 215
line 216
line 257
line 258
line 54
line 92
line 149
line 198
line 199
line 283
line 284
line 365
line 1062
line 1063
line 73
line 62
line 94
line 136
line 176
line 226
line 276