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Moodle 4.2 XRef and Diffs
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Moodle 4.2
Moodle 4.2 Database Schema
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Moodle 4.2
Moodle 4.1
Moodle 4.0
Moodle 3.11
Moodle 3.10
Moodle 3.9
Search moodle.org's
Developer Documentation
See Release Notes
Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
Moodle 4.2 Database Schema (by Marcus Green)
Top level directory
Function and Method Cross Reference
line 77
line 98
line 145
Referenced 430 times:
line 205
line 247
line 263
line 191
line 226
line 233
line 237
line 252
line 268
line 381
line 222
line 223
line 257
line 264
line 268
line 286
line 49
line 177
line 214
line 222
line 226
line 244
line 210
line 95
line 149
line 161
line 179
line 122
line 129
line 138
line 224
line 229
line 234
line 251
line 260
line 178
line 252
line 354
line 384
line 485
line 498
line 511
line 532
line 154
line 194
line 211
line 175
line 181
line 191
line 243
line 244
line 248
line 302
line 311
line 186
line 195
line 310
line 107
line 112
line 117
line 191
line 228
line 244
line 179
line 216
line 224
line 228
line 246
line 621
line 93
line 499
line 500
line 506
line 534
line 591
line 129
line 132
line 153
line 933
line 1021
line 1110
line 1206
line 1164
line 1636
line 1644
line 187
line 83
line 482
line 263
line 271
line 318
line 334
line 171
line 172
line 203
line 211
line 215
line 232
line 125
line 134
line 261
line 284
line 299
line 320
line 339
line 358
line 375
line 392
line 417
line 437
line 456
line 469
line 124
line 328
line 685
line 698
line 709
line 529
line 534
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line 550
line 555
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line 561
line 681
line 702
line 703
line 714
line 722
line 731
line 248
line 295
line 303
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line 324
line 320
line 382
line 426
line 204
line 160
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line 170
line 286
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line 387
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line 456
line 461
line 529
line 658
line 742
line 746
line 750
line 754
line 228
line 57
line 447
line 264
line 86
line 201
line 242
line 250
line 254
line 271
line 279
line 285
line 323
line 324
line 337
line 340
line 106
line 134
line 141
line 145
line 163
line 47
line 137
line 178
line 415
line 508
line 238
line 496
line 497
line 502
line 507
line 508
line 509
line 553
line 554
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line 561
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line 579
line 580
line 604
line 167
line 775
line 230
line 241
line 252
line 69
line 104
line 100
line 770
line 231
line 207
line 307
line 308
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line 342
line 171
line 476
line 417
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line 445
line 446
line 498
line 503
line 508
line 509
line 519
line 520
line 544
line 202
line 203
line 290
line 164
line 174
line 186
line 194
line 133
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line 201
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line 627
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line 417
line 432
line 340
line 689
line 218
line 231
line 163
line 200
line 218
line 179
line 216
line 224
line 228
line 246
line 247
line 252
line 295
line 1087
line 254
line 188
line 161
line 178
line 160
line 302
line 356
line 280
line 77
line 150
line 155
line 162
line 239
line 252
line 179
line 216
line 224
line 228
line 246
line 292
line 322
line 323
line 324
line 328
line 347
line 144
line 170
line 177
line 182
line 220
line 228
line 232
line 250
line 319
line 1307
line 1348
line 53
line 214
line 364
line 89
line 146
line 96
line 1717
line 1748
line 1797
line 1835
line 1872
line 1914
line 1956
line 1995
line 178
line 498
line 544
line 555
line 565
line 575
line 586
line 596
line 678
line 687
line 696
line 705
line 714
line 717
line 726
line 729
line 153
line 166
line 188
line 202
line 307
line 179
line 216
line 224
line 228
line 246
line 100
line 102
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line 223
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line 238
line 256
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line 390
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line 481
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line 497
line 498
line 509
line 177
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line 422
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line 571
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line 177
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line 171
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line 176
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line 291
line 303
line 315
line 580
line 511
line 191
line 235
line 252
line 271
line 219
line 244
line 257
line 393
line 194
line 143
line 151
line 301
line 469