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  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
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 * Class test_css_text_has_contrast test
 * @package    tool_brickfield
 * @copyright  2020 onward: Brickfield Education Labs,
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

namespace tool_brickfield\local\htmlchecker\common\checks;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();


 * Class test_css_text_has_contrast_test
class css_text_has_contrast_test extends all_checks {
    /** @var string The check type. */
    protected $checktype = 'css_text_has_contrast';

    /** @var string HTML that should get flagged. */
    private $htmlfail1 = <<<EOD
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN""">
    <html lang="en">
    <title>OAC Testfile - Check #6 - Positive</title>
    <p style="color:#333333; background-color:#000000; font-weight: bold;">This is not contrasty enough.</p>

    /** @var string HTML that should get flagged. */
    private $htmlfail2 = <<<EOD
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN""">
    <html lang="en">
    <title>OAC Testfile - Check #6 - Positive</title>
    <p style="color:#333333; background-color:#000000; font-size: 18px;">This is not contrasty enough.</p>

    /** @var string HTML that should get flagged. */
    private $htmlfail3 = <<<EOD
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN""">
    <html lang="en">
    <title>OAC Testfile - Check #6 - Positive</title>
    <p style="color:#333333; background-color:#000000; font-size: 18%;">This is not contrasty enough.</p>

    /** @var string HTML that should get flagged. */
    private $htmlfail4 = <<<EOD
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN""">
    <html lang="en">
    <title>OAC Testfile - Check #6 - Positive</title>
    <p style="color:#333333; background-color:#000000; font-size: 18em;">This is not contrasty enough.</p>

    /** @var string HTML that should get flagged. */
    private $htmlfail5 = <<<EOD
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN""">
    <html lang="en">
    <title>OAC Testfile - Check #6 - Positive</title>
    <p style="color:#333333; background-color:#000000; font-size: 18ex;">This is not contrasty enough.</p>

    /** @var string HTML that should get flagged. */
    private $htmlfail6 = <<<EOD
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN""">
    <html lang="en">
    <title>OAC Testfile - Check #6 - Positive</title>
    <p style="color:#333333; background-color:#000000;">This is not contrasty enough.</p>

    /** @var string HTML that should not get flagged. */
    private $htmlpass = <<<EOD
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN""">
    <html lang="en">
    <title>OAC Testfile - Check #6 - Positive</title>
    <p style="color:#333333; background-color:#ffffff;">This is contrasty enough.</p>

    /** @var string HTML that should get flagged. */
    private $namecolours = <<<EOD
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN""">
    <html lang="en">
    <title>OAC Testfile - Check #6 - Positive</title>
    <p style="color: red; background-color: blue;">This is not contrasty enough.</p>

    /** @var string HTML with invalid colour names. */
    private $invalidcolours = <<<EOD
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN""">
    <html lang="en">
    <title>OAC Testfile - Check #6 - Positive</title>
    <p style="color: grog; background-color: numpi;">This is not contrasty enough.</p>

    /** @var string HTML with invalid colour numeric values. */
    private $invalidvalue = <<<EOD
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN""">
    <html lang="en">
    <title>OAC Testfile - Check #6 - Positive</title>
    <p style="color: 10000500; background-color: -10234;">This is not contrasty enough.</p>

    /** @var string HTML with empty colour values. */
    private $emptyvalue = <<<EOD
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN""">
    <html lang="en">
    <title>OAC Testfile - Check #6 - Positive</title>
    <p style="color:; background-color:;">This is not contrasty enough.</p>

> /** @var string HTML with px18 fail colour values. */ /** > private $px18 = <<<EOD * Test for the area assign intro > <body><p style="color:#EF0000; background-color:white; font-size: 18px"> */ > This is not contrasty enough.</p></body> public function test_check() { > EOD; $results = $this->get_checker_results($this->htmlfail1); > $this->assertTrue($results[0]->element->tagName == 'p'); > /** @var string HTML with px19bold pass colour values. */ > private $px19bold = <<<EOD $results = $this->get_checker_results($this->htmlfail2); > <body><p style="color:#EF0000; background-color:white; font-size: 19px; font-weight: bold;"> $this->assertTrue($results[0]->element->tagName == 'p'); > This is contrasty enough.</p></body> > EOD; $results = $this->get_checker_results($this->htmlfail3); > $this->assertTrue($results[0]->element->tagName == 'p'); > /** @var string HTML with px18 pass colour values. */ > private $px18pass = <<<EOD $results = $this->get_checker_results($this->htmlfail4); > <body><p style="color:#E60000; background-color:white; font-size: 18px"> $this->assertTrue($results[0]->element->tagName == 'p'); > This is contrasty enough.</p></body> > EOD; $results = $this->get_checker_results($this->htmlfail5); > $this->assertTrue($results[0]->element->tagName == 'p'); > /** @var string HTML with medium size colour values. */ > private $mediumfail = <<<EOD $results = $this->get_checker_results($this->htmlfail6); > <body><p style="color:#EF0000; background-color:white; font-size: medium"> $this->assertTrue($results[0]->element->tagName == 'p'); > This is not contrasty enough.</p></body> > EOD; $results = $this->get_checker_results($this->htmlpass); > $this->assertEmpty($results); > /** @var string HTML with px18 colour values. */ } > private $mediumpass = <<<EOD > <body><p style="color:#E60000; background-color:white; font-size: medium"> /** > This is contrasty enough.</p></body> * Test with valid colour names. > EOD; */ > public function test_check_for_namedcolours() { > /** @var string HTML with larger fail colour values. */ $results = $this->get_checker_results($this->namecolours); > private $largerfail = <<<EOD $this->assertTrue($results[0]->element->tagName == 'p'); > <body><p style="color:#FF6161; background-color:white; font-size: larger"> } > This is not contrasty enough.</p></body> > EOD; /** > * Test with invalid colour names. > /** @var string HTML with px18 colour values. */ */ > private $largerpass = <<<EOD public function test_check_for_invalidcolours() { > <body><p style="color:#FF5C5C; background-color:white; font-size: larger;"> $results = $this->get_checker_results($this->invalidcolours); > This is contrasty enough.</p></body> $this->assertTrue($results[0]->element->tagName == 'p'); > EOD; } > > /** @var string HTML with px18 colour values. */ /** > private $largerboldpass = <<<EOD * Test with invalid colour numeric values. > <body><p style="color:#FF5C5C; background-color:white; font-size: larger; font-weight: bold;"> */ > This is contrasty enough.</p></body> public function test_check_for_invalidvalues() { > EOD; $results = $this->get_checker_results($this->invalidvalue); >
$this->assertTrue($results[0]->element->tagName == 'p'); } /** * Test with empty colour values. */ public function test_check_for_emptyvalues() { $results = $this->get_checker_results($this->emptyvalue);
> $this->assertEmpty($results); $this->assertEmpty($results); > } } > } > /** > * Test for text px18 with insufficient contrast of 4.49. > */ > public function test_check_for_px18_fail() { > $results = $this->get_checker_results($this->px18); > $this->assertTrue($results[0]->element->tagName == 'p'); > } > > /** > * Test for text px19 bold with sufficient contrast of 4.49. > */ > public function test_check_for_px19bold_pass() { > $results = $this->get_checker_results($this->px19bold); > $this->assertEmpty($results); > } > > /** > * Test for text px18 with sufficient contrast of 4.81. > */ > public function test_check_for_px18_pass() { > $results = $this->get_checker_results($this->px18pass); > $this->assertEmpty($results); > } > > /** > * Test for medium (12pt) text with insufficient contrast of 4.49. > */ > public function test_check_for_medium_fail() { > $results = $this->get_checker_results($this->mediumfail); > $this->assertTrue($results[0]->element->tagName == 'p'); > } > > /** > * Test for medium (12pt) text with sufficient contrast of 4.81. > */ > public function test_check_for_medium_pass() { > $results = $this->get_checker_results($this->mediumpass); > $this->assertEmpty($results); > } > > /** > * Test for larger (14pt) text with insufficient contrast of 2.94. > */ > public function test_check_for_larger_fail() { > $results = $this->get_checker_results($this->largerfail); > $this->assertTrue($results[0]->element->tagName == 'p'); > } > > /** > * Test for larger (14pt) text with insufficient contrast of 3.02. > */ > public function test_check_for_larger_pass() { > $results = $this->get_checker_results($this->largerpass); > $this->assertTrue($results[0]->element->tagName == 'p'); > } > > /** > * Test for larger (14pt) bold text with sufficient contrast of 3.02. > */ > public function test_check_for_largerbold_pass() { > $results = $this->get_checker_results($this->largerboldpass);