Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
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 * PHP lang parser test.
 * @package    tool_customlang
 * @copyright  2015 Damyon Wiese
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

namespace tool_customlang\local\mlang;

use advanced_testcase;
use moodle_exception;

 * PHP lang parser test class.
 * @package    tool_customlang
 * @copyright  2015 Damyon Wiese
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
< class phpparser_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
> class phpparser_test extends advanced_testcase {
/** * Test get instance static method. * */ public function test_get_instance(): void { $instance = phpparser::get_instance(); $this->assertInstanceOf('tool_customlang\local\mlang\phpparser', $instance); $this->assertEquals($instance, phpparser::get_instance()); } /** * Test get instance parse method. * * @dataProvider parse_provider * @param string $phpcode PHP code to test * @param array $expected Expected result * @param bool $exception if an exception is expected */ public function test_parse(string $phpcode, array $expected, bool $exception): void { $instance = phpparser::get_instance(); if ($exception) { $this->expectException(moodle_exception::class); } $strings = $instance->parse($phpcode); $this->assertEquals(count($expected), count($strings)); foreach ($strings as $key => $langstring) { $this->assertEquals($expected[$key][0], $langstring->id); $this->assertEquals($expected[$key][1], $langstring->text); } } /** * Data provider for the test_parse. * * @return array */ public function parse_provider() : array { return [ 'Invalid PHP code' => [ 'No PHP code', [], false ], 'No PHP open tag' => [ "\$string['example'] = 'text';\n", [], false ], 'One string code' => [ "<?php \$string['example'] = 'text';\n", [['example', 'text']], false ], 'Extra spaces' => [ "<?php \$string['example'] = 'text';\n", [['example', 'text']], false ], 'Extra tabs' => [ "<?php \$string['example']\t=\t'text';\n", [['example', 'text']], false ], 'Double quote string' => [ "<?php \$string['example'] = \"text\"; \$string[\"example2\"] = 'text2'; \$string[\"example3\"] = \"text3\"; ", [ ['example', 'text'], ['example2', 'text2'], ['example3', 'text3'], ], false ], 'Multiple lines strings' => [ "<?php \$string['example'] = 'First line\nsecondline'; \$string['example2'] = \"First line\nsecondline2\"; ", [ ['example', "First line\nsecondline"], ['example2', "First line\nsecondline2"], ], false ], 'Two strings code' => [ "<?php \$string['example'] = 'text'; \$string['example2'] = 'text2'; ", [ ['example', 'text'], ['example2', 'text2'], ], false ], 'Scaped characters' => [ "<?php \$string['example'] = 'Thos are \\' quotes \" 1'; \$string['example2'] = \"Thos are ' quotes \\\" 2\"; ", [ ['example', "Thos are ' quotes \" 1"], ['example2', "Thos are ' quotes \" 2"], ], false ], 'PHP with single line comments' => [ "<?php // This is a comment. \$string['example'] = 'text'; // This is another commment. ", [ ['example', 'text'], ], false ], 'PHP with block comments' => [ "<?php /* This is a block comment. */ \$string['example'] = 'text'; /* This is another block comment. */ ", [ ['example', 'text'], ], false ], 'Wrong variable name' => [ "<?php \$stringwrong['example'] = 'text'; \$wringstring['example'] = 'text'; ", [], false ], 'Single line commented valid line' => [ "<?php // \$string['example'] = 'text'; ", [], false ], 'Block commented valid line' => [ "<?php /* \$string['example'] = 'text'; */ ", [], false ], 'Syntax error 1 (double assignation)' => [ "<?php \$string['example'] = 'text' = 'wrong'; ", [], true ], 'Syntax error 2 (no closing string)' => [ "<?php \$string['example'] = 'wrong; ", [], true ], 'Syntax error 3 (Array without key)' => [ "<?php \$string[] = 'wrong'; ", [], true ], 'Syntax error 4 (Array not open)' => [ "<?php \$string'example'] = 'wrong'; ", [], true ], 'Syntax error 5 (Array not closed)' => [ "<?php \$string['example' = 'wrong'; ", [], true ], 'Syntax error 6 (Missing assignment)' => [ "<?php \$string['example'] 'wrong'; ", [], true ], ]; } }