Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

< /** < * @package core_backup < * @category phpunit < * @copyright 2010 onwards Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) {@link} < * @license GNU GPL v3 or later < */
> namespace core_backup; > > use backup; > use backup_attribute; > use backup_controller_dbops; > use backup_final_element; > use backup_nested_element; > use backup_optigroup; > use backup_optigroup_element; > use backup_processor_exception; > use backup_structure_processor; > use base_element_struct_exception; > use base_optigroup_exception; > use base_processor; > use memory_xml_output; > use xml_writer;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
< // Include all the needed stuff
> // Include all the needed stuff.
require_once(__DIR__.'/fixtures/structure_fixtures.php'); global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/xml/output/memory_xml_output.class.php');
/** * Unit test case the all the backup structure classes. Note: Uses database
> * */ > * @package core_backup class backup_structure_testcase extends advanced_testcase { > * @category test > * @copyright 2010 onwards Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) {@link} /** @var int Store the inserted forum->id for use in test functions */ > * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
< class backup_structure_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
> class structure_test extends \advanced_testcase {
/** @var int Store the inserted discussion1->id for use in test functions */ protected $discussionid1; /** @var int Store the inserted discussion2->id for use in test functions */ protected $discussionid2; /** @var int Store the inserted post1->id for use in test functions */ protected $postid1; /** @var int Store the inserted post2->id for use in test functions */ protected $postid2; /** @var int Store the inserted post3->id for use in test functions */ protected $postid3; /** @var int Store the inserted post4->id for use in test functions */ protected $postid4; /** @var int Official contextid for these tests */ protected $contextid; protected function setUp(): void { parent::setUp(); $this->resetAfterTest(true); $this->contextid = 666; // Let's assume this is the context for the forum $this->fill_records(); // Add common stuff needed by various test methods } private function fill_records() { global $DB; // Create one forum $forum_data = (object)array('course' => 1, 'name' => 'Test forum', 'intro' => 'Intro forum'); $this->forumid = $DB->insert_record('forum', $forum_data); // With two related file $f1_forum_data = (object)array( 'contenthash' => 'testf1', 'contextid' => $this->contextid, 'component'=>'mod_forum', 'filearea' => 'intro', 'filename' => 'tf1', 'itemid' => 0, 'filesize' => 123, 'timecreated' => 0, 'timemodified' => 0, 'pathnamehash' => 'testf1' ); $DB->insert_record('files', $f1_forum_data); $f2_forum_data = (object)array( 'contenthash' => 'tesft2', 'contextid' => $this->contextid, 'component'=>'mod_forum', 'filearea' => 'intro', 'filename' => 'tf2', 'itemid' => 0, 'filesize' => 123, 'timecreated' => 0, 'timemodified' => 0, 'pathnamehash' => 'testf2' ); $DB->insert_record('files', $f2_forum_data); // Create two discussions $discussion1 = (object)array('course' => 1, 'forum' => $this->forumid, 'name' => 'd1', 'userid' => 100, 'groupid' => 200); $this->discussionid1 = $DB->insert_record('forum_discussions', $discussion1); $discussion2 = (object)array('course' => 1, 'forum' => $this->forumid, 'name' => 'd2', 'userid' => 101, 'groupid' => 201); $this->discussionid2 = $DB->insert_record('forum_discussions', $discussion2); // Create four posts $post1 = (object)array('discussion' => $this->discussionid1, 'userid' => 100, 'subject' => 'p1', 'message' => 'm1'); $this->postid1 = $DB->insert_record('forum_posts', $post1); $post2 = (object)array('discussion' => $this->discussionid1, 'parent' => $this->postid1, 'userid' => 102, 'subject' => 'p2', 'message' => 'm2'); $this->postid2 = $DB->insert_record('forum_posts', $post2); $post3 = (object)array('discussion' => $this->discussionid1, 'parent' => $this->postid2, 'userid' => 103, 'subject' => 'p3', 'message' => 'm3'); $this->postid3 = $DB->insert_record('forum_posts', $post3); $post4 = (object)array('discussion' => $this->discussionid2, 'userid' => 101, 'subject' => 'p4', 'message' => 'm4'); $this->postid4 = $DB->insert_record('forum_posts', $post4); // With two related file $f1_post1 = (object)array( 'contenthash' => 'testp1', 'contextid' => $this->contextid, 'component'=>'mod_forum', 'filearea' => 'post', 'filename' => 'tp1', 'itemid' => $this->postid1, 'filesize' => 123, 'timecreated' => 0, 'timemodified' => 0, 'pathnamehash' => 'testp1' ); $DB->insert_record('files', $f1_post1); $f1_post2 = (object)array( 'contenthash' => 'testp2', 'contextid' => $this->contextid, 'component'=>'mod_forum', 'filearea' => 'attachment', 'filename' => 'tp2', 'itemid' => $this->postid2, 'filesize' => 123, 'timecreated' => 0, 'timemodified' => 0, 'pathnamehash' => 'testp2' ); $DB->insert_record('files', $f1_post2); // Create two ratings $rating1 = (object)array( 'contextid' => $this->contextid, 'userid' => 104, 'itemid' => $this->postid1, 'rating' => 2, 'scaleid' => -1, 'timecreated' => time(), 'timemodified' => time()); $r1id = $DB->insert_record('rating', $rating1); $rating2 = (object)array( 'contextid' => $this->contextid, 'userid' => 105, 'itemid' => $this->postid1, 'rating' => 3, 'scaleid' => -1, 'timecreated' => time(), 'timemodified' => time()); $r2id = $DB->insert_record('rating', $rating2); // Create 1 reads $read1 = (object)array('userid' => 102, 'forumid' => $this->forumid, 'discussionid' => $this->discussionid2, 'postid' => $this->postid4); $DB->insert_record('forum_read', $read1); } /** * Backup structures tests (construction, definition and execution) */ function test_backup_structure_construct() { global $DB; $backupid = 'Testing Backup ID'; // Official backupid for these tests // Create all the elements that will conform the tree $forum = new backup_nested_element('forum', array('id'), array( 'type', 'name', 'intro', 'introformat', 'assessed', 'assesstimestart', 'assesstimefinish', 'scale', 'maxbytes', 'maxattachments', 'forcesubscribe', 'trackingtype', 'rsstype', 'rssarticles', 'timemodified', 'warnafter', 'blockafter', new backup_final_element('blockperiod'),
< new mock_skip_final_element('completiondiscussions'), < new mock_modify_final_element('completionreplies'), < new mock_final_element_interceptor('completionposts'))
> new \mock_skip_final_element('completiondiscussions'), > new \mock_modify_final_element('completionreplies'), > new \mock_final_element_interceptor('completionposts'))
); $discussions = new backup_nested_element('discussions'); $discussion = new backup_nested_element('discussion', array('id'), array( 'forum', 'name', 'firstpost', 'userid', 'groupid', 'assessed', 'timemodified', 'usermodified', 'timestart', 'timeend') ); $posts = new backup_nested_element('posts'); $post = new backup_nested_element('post', array('id'), array( 'discussion', 'parent', 'userid', 'created', 'modified', 'mailed', 'subject', 'message', 'messageformat', 'messagetrust', 'attachment', 'totalscore', 'mailnow') ); $ratings = new backup_nested_element('ratings'); $rating = new backup_nested_element('rating', array('id'), array('userid', 'itemid', 'time', 'post_rating') ); $reads = new backup_nested_element('readposts'); $read = new backup_nested_element('read', array('id'), array( 'userid', 'discussionid', 'postid', 'firstread', 'lastread') ); $inventeds = new backup_nested_element('invented_elements', array('reason', 'version') ); $invented = new backup_nested_element('invented', null, array('one', 'two', 'three') ); $one = $invented->get_final_element('one'); $one->add_attributes(array('attr1', 'attr2')); // Build the tree $forum->add_child($discussions); $discussions->add_child($discussion); $discussion->add_child($posts); $posts->add_child($post); $post->add_child($ratings); $ratings->add_child($rating); $forum->add_child($reads); $reads->add_child($read); $forum->add_child($inventeds); $inventeds->add_child($invented); // Let's add 1 optigroup with 4 elements $alternative1 = new backup_optigroup_element('alternative1', array('name', 'value'), '../../id', $this->postid1); $alternative2 = new backup_optigroup_element('alternative2', array('name', 'value'), backup::VAR_PARENTID, $this->postid2); $alternative3 = new backup_optigroup_element('alternative3', array('name', 'value'), '/forum/discussions/discussion/posts/post/id', $this->postid3); $alternative4 = new backup_optigroup_element('alternative4', array('forumtype', 'forumname')); // Alternative without conditions // Create the optigroup, adding one element $optigroup = new backup_optigroup('alternatives', $alternative1, false); // Add second opti element $optigroup->add_child($alternative2); // Add optigroup to post element $post->add_optigroup($optigroup); // Add third opti element, on purpose after the add_optigroup() line above to check param evaluation works ok $optigroup->add_child($alternative3); // Add 4th opti element (the one without conditions, so will be present always) $optigroup->add_child($alternative4); /// Create some new nested elements, both named 'dupetest1', and add them to alternative1 and alternative2 /// (not problem as far as the optigroup in not unique) $dupetest1 = new backup_nested_element('dupetest1', null, array('field1', 'field2')); $dupetest2 = new backup_nested_element('dupetest2', null, array('field1', 'field2')); $dupetest3 = new backup_nested_element('dupetest3', null, array('field1', 'field2')); $dupetest4 = new backup_nested_element('dupetest1', null, array('field1', 'field2')); $dupetest1->add_child($dupetest3); $dupetest2->add_child($dupetest4); $alternative1->add_child($dupetest1); $alternative2->add_child($dupetest2); // Define sources $forum->set_source_table('forum', array('id' => backup::VAR_ACTIVITYID)); $discussion->set_source_sql('SELECT * FROM {forum_discussions} WHERE forum = ?', array('/forum/id') ); $post->set_source_table('forum_posts', array('discussion' => '/forum/discussions/discussion/id')); $rating->set_source_sql('SELECT * FROM {rating} WHERE itemid = ?', array(backup::VAR_PARENTID) ); $read->set_source_table('forum_read', array('forumid' => '../../id')); $inventeds->set_source_array(array((object)array('reason' => 'I love Moodle', 'version' => '1.0'), (object)array('reason' => 'I love Moodle', 'version' => '2.0'))); // 2 object array $invented->set_source_array(array((object)array('one' => 1, 'two' => 2, 'three' => 3), (object)array('one' => 11, 'two' => 22, 'three' => 33))); // 2 object array // Set optigroup_element sources $alternative1->set_source_array(array((object)array('name' => 'alternative1', 'value' => 1))); // 1 object array // Skip alternative2 source definition on purpose (will be tested) // $alternative2->set_source_array(array((object)array('name' => 'alternative2', 'value' => 2))); // 1 object array $alternative3->set_source_array(array((object)array('name' => 'alternative3', 'value' => 3))); // 1 object array // Alternative 4 source is the forum type and name, so we'll get that in ALL posts (no conditions) that // have not another alternative (post4 in our testing data in the only not matching any other alternative) $alternative4->set_source_sql('SELECT type AS forumtype, name AS forumname FROM {forum} WHERE id = ?', array('/forum/id') ); // Set children of optigroup_element source $dupetest1->set_source_array(array((object)array('field1' => '1', 'field2' => 1))); // 1 object array $dupetest2->set_source_array(array((object)array('field1' => '2', 'field2' => 2))); // 1 object array $dupetest3->set_source_array(array((object)array('field1' => '3', 'field2' => 3))); // 1 object array $dupetest4->set_source_array(array((object)array('field1' => '4', 'field2' => 4))); // 1 object array // Define some aliases $rating->set_source_alias('rating', 'post_rating'); // Map the 'rating' value from DB to 'post_rating' final element // Mark to detect files of type 'forum_intro' in forum (and not item id) $forum->annotate_files('mod_forum', 'intro', null); // Mark to detect file of type 'forum_post' and 'forum_attachment' in post (with itemid being post->id) $post->annotate_files('mod_forum', 'post', 'id'); $post->annotate_files('mod_forum', 'attachment', 'id'); // Mark various elements to be annotated $discussion->annotate_ids('user1', 'userid'); $post->annotate_ids('forum_post', 'id'); $rating->annotate_ids('user2', 'userid'); $rating->annotate_ids('forum_post', 'itemid'); // Create the backup_ids_temp table backup_controller_dbops::create_backup_ids_temp_table($backupid); // Instantiate in memory xml output $xo = new memory_xml_output(); // Instantiate xml_writer and start it $xw = new xml_writer($xo); $xw->start(); // Instantiate the backup processor $processor = new backup_structure_processor($xw); // Set some variables $processor->set_var(backup::VAR_ACTIVITYID, $this->forumid); $processor->set_var(backup::VAR_BACKUPID, $backupid); $processor->set_var(backup::VAR_CONTEXTID,$this->contextid); // Process the backup structure with the backup processor $forum->process($processor); // Stop the xml_writer $xw->stop(); // Check various counters $this->assertEquals($forum->get_counter(), $DB->count_records('forum')); $this->assertEquals($discussion->get_counter(), $DB->count_records('forum_discussions')); $this->assertEquals($rating->get_counter(), $DB->count_records('rating')); $this->assertEquals($read->get_counter(), $DB->count_records('forum_read')); $this->assertEquals($inventeds->get_counter(), 2); // Array // Perform some validations with the generated XML
< $dom = new DomDocument();
> $dom = new \DomDocument();
< $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
> $xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom);
// Some more counters $query = '/forum/discussions/discussion/posts/post'; $posts = $xpath->query($query); $this->assertEquals($posts->length, $DB->count_records('forum_posts')); $query = '/forum/invented_elements/invented'; $inventeds = $xpath->query($query); $this->assertEquals($inventeds->length, 2*2); // Check ratings information against DB $ratings = $dom->getElementsByTagName('rating'); $this->assertEquals($ratings->length, $DB->count_records('rating')); foreach ($ratings as $rating) { $ratarr = array(); $ratarr['id'] = $rating->getAttribute('id'); foreach ($rating->childNodes as $node) { if ($node->nodeType != XML_TEXT_NODE) { $ratarr[$node->nodeName] = $node->nodeValue; } } $this->assertEquals($DB->get_field('rating', 'userid', array('id' => $ratarr['id'])), $ratarr['userid']); $this->assertEquals($DB->get_field('rating', 'itemid', array('id' => $ratarr['id'])), $ratarr['itemid']); $this->assertEquals($DB->get_field('rating', 'rating', array('id' => $ratarr['id'])), $ratarr['post_rating']); } // Check forum has "blockeperiod" with value 0 (was declared by object instead of name) $query = '/forum[blockperiod="0"]'; $result = $xpath->query($query); $this->assertEquals(1, $result->length); // Check forum is missing "completiondiscussions" (as we are using mock_skip_final_element) $query = '/forum/completiondiscussions'; $result = $xpath->query($query); $this->assertEquals(0, $result->length); // Check forum has "completionreplies" with value "original was 0, now changed" (because of mock_modify_final_element) $query = '/forum[completionreplies="original was 0, now changed"]'; $result = $xpath->query($query); $this->assertEquals(1, $result->length); // Check forum has "completionposts" with value "intercepted!" (because of mock_final_element_interceptor) $query = '/forum[completionposts="intercepted!"]'; $result = $xpath->query($query); $this->assertEquals(1, $result->length); // Check there isn't any alternative2 tag, as far as it hasn't source defined $query = '//alternative2'; $result = $xpath->query($query); $this->assertEquals(0, $result->length); // Check there are 4 "field1" elements $query = '/forum/discussions/discussion/posts/post//field1'; $result = $xpath->query($query); $this->assertEquals(4, $result->length); // Check first post has one name element with value "alternative1" $query = '/forum/discussions/discussion/posts/post[@id="'.$this->postid1.'"][name="alternative1"]'; $result = $xpath->query($query); $this->assertEquals(1, $result->length); // Check there are two "dupetest1" elements $query = '/forum/discussions/discussion/posts/post//dupetest1'; $result = $xpath->query($query); $this->assertEquals(2, $result->length); // Check second post has one name element with value "dupetest2" $query = '/forum/discussions/discussion/posts/post[@id="'.$this->postid2.'"]/dupetest2'; $result = $xpath->query($query); $this->assertEquals(1, $result->length); // Check element "dupetest2" of second post has one field1 element with value "2" $query = '/forum/discussions/discussion/posts/post[@id="'.$this->postid2.'"]/dupetest2[field1="2"]'; $result = $xpath->query($query); $this->assertEquals(1, $result->length); // Check forth post has no name element $query = '/forum/discussions/discussion/posts/post[@id="'.$this->postid4.'"]/name'; $result = $xpath->query($query); $this->assertEquals(0, $result->length); // Check 1st, 2nd and 3rd posts have no forumtype element $query = '/forum/discussions/discussion/posts/post[@id="'.$this->postid1.'"]/forumtype'; $result = $xpath->query($query); $this->assertEquals(0, $result->length); $query = '/forum/discussions/discussion/posts/post[@id="'.$this->postid2.'"]/forumtype'; $result = $xpath->query($query); $this->assertEquals(0, $result->length); $query = '/forum/discussions/discussion/posts/post[@id="'.$this->postid3.'"]/forumtype'; $result = $xpath->query($query); $this->assertEquals(0, $result->length); // Check 4th post has one forumtype element with value "general" // (because it doesn't matches alternatives 1, 2, 3, then alternative 4, // the one without conditions is being applied) $query = '/forum/discussions/discussion/posts/post[@id="'.$this->postid4.'"][forumtype="general"]'; $result = $xpath->query($query); $this->assertEquals(1, $result->length); // Check annotations information against DB // Count records in original tables $c_postsid = $DB->count_records_sql('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id) FROM {forum_posts}'); $c_dissuserid = $DB->count_records_sql('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT userid) FROM {forum_discussions}'); $c_ratuserid = $DB->count_records_sql('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT userid) FROM {rating}'); // Count records in backup_ids_table $f_forumpost = $DB->count_records('backup_ids_temp', array('backupid' => $backupid, 'itemname' => 'forum_post')); $f_user1 = $DB->count_records('backup_ids_temp', array('backupid' => $backupid, 'itemname' => 'user1')); $f_user2 = $DB->count_records('backup_ids_temp', array('backupid' => $backupid, 'itemname' => 'user2')); $c_notbackupid = $DB->count_records_select('backup_ids_temp', 'backupid != ?', array($backupid)); // Peform tests by comparing counts $this->assertEquals($c_notbackupid, 0); // there isn't any record with incorrect backupid $this->assertEquals($c_postsid, $f_forumpost); // All posts have been registered $this->assertEquals($c_dissuserid, $f_user1); // All users coming from discussions have been registered $this->assertEquals($c_ratuserid, $f_user2); // All users coming from ratings have been registered // Check file annotations against DB $fannotations = $DB->get_records('backup_ids_temp', array('backupid' => $backupid, 'itemname' => 'file')); $ffiles = $DB->get_records('files', array('contextid' => $this->contextid)); $this->assertEquals(count($fannotations), count($ffiles)); // Same number of recs in both (all files have been annotated) foreach ($fannotations as $annotation) { // Check ids annotated $this->assertTrue($DB->record_exists('files', array('id' => $annotation->itemid))); } // Drop the backup_ids_temp table backup_controller_dbops::drop_backup_ids_temp_table('testingid'); } /** * Backup structures wrong tests (trying to do things the wrong way) */ function test_backup_structure_wrong() { // Instantiate the backup processor $processor = new backup_structure_processor(new xml_writer(new memory_xml_output())); $this->assertTrue($processor instanceof base_processor); // Set one var twice $processor->set_var('onenewvariable', 999); try { $processor->set_var('onenewvariable', 999); $this->assertTrue(false, 'backup_processor_exception expected');
< } catch (exception $e) {
> } catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof backup_processor_exception); $this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'processorvariablealreadyset'); $this->assertEquals($e->a, 'onenewvariable'); } // Get non-existing var try { $var = $processor->get_var('nonexistingvar'); $this->assertTrue(false, 'backup_processor_exception expected');
< } catch (exception $e) {
> } catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof backup_processor_exception); $this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'processorvariablenotfound'); $this->assertEquals($e->a, 'nonexistingvar'); } // Create nested element and try ro get its parent id (doesn't exisit => exception) $ne = new backup_nested_element('test', 'one', 'two', 'three'); try { $ne->set_source_table('forum', array('id' => backup::VAR_PARENTID)); $ne->process($processor); $this->assertTrue(false, 'base_element_struct_exception expected');
< } catch (exception $e) {
> } catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof base_element_struct_exception); $this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'cannotfindparentidforelement'); } // Try to process one nested/final/attribute elements without processor $ne = new backup_nested_element('test', 'one', 'two', 'three'); try {
< $ne->process(new stdclass());
> $ne->process(new \stdClass());
$this->assertTrue(false, 'base_element_struct_exception expected');
< } catch (exception $e) {
> } catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof base_element_struct_exception); $this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'incorrect_processor'); } $fe = new backup_final_element('test'); try {
< $fe->process(new stdclass());
> $fe->process(new \stdClass());
$this->assertTrue(false, 'base_element_struct_exception expected');
< } catch (exception $e) {
> } catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof base_element_struct_exception); $this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'incorrect_processor'); } $at = new backup_attribute('test'); try {
< $at->process(new stdclass());
> $at->process(new \stdClass());
$this->assertTrue(false, 'base_element_struct_exception expected');
< } catch (exception $e) {
> } catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof base_element_struct_exception); $this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'incorrect_processor'); } // Try to put an incorrect alias $ne = new backup_nested_element('test', 'one', 'two', 'three'); try { $ne->set_source_alias('last', 'nonexisting'); $this->assertTrue(false, 'base_element_struct_exception expected');
< } catch (exception $e) {
> } catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof base_element_struct_exception); $this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'incorrectaliasfinalnamenotfound'); $this->assertEquals($e->a, 'nonexisting'); } // Try various incorrect paths specifying source $ne = new backup_nested_element('test', 'one', 'two', 'three'); try { $ne->set_source_table('forum', array('/test/subtest')); $this->assertTrue(false, 'base_element_struct_exception expected');
< } catch (exception $e) {
> } catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof base_element_struct_exception); $this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'baseelementincorrectfinalorattribute'); $this->assertEquals($e->a, 'subtest'); } try { $ne->set_source_table('forum', array('/wrongtest')); $this->assertTrue(false, 'base_element_struct_exception expected');
< } catch (exception $e) {
> } catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof base_element_struct_exception); $this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'baseelementincorrectgrandparent'); $this->assertEquals($e->a, 'wrongtest'); } try { $ne->set_source_table('forum', array('../nonexisting')); $this->assertTrue(false, 'base_element_struct_exception expected');
< } catch (exception $e) {
> } catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof base_element_struct_exception); $this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'baseelementincorrectparent'); $this->assertEquals($e->a, '..'); } // Try various incorrect file annotations $ne = new backup_nested_element('test', 'one', 'two', 'three'); $ne->annotate_files('test', 'filearea', null); try { $ne->annotate_files('test', 'filearea', null); // Try to add annotations twice $this->assertTrue(false, 'base_element_struct_exception expected');
< } catch (exception $e) {
> } catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof base_element_struct_exception); $this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'annotate_files_duplicate_annotation'); $this->assertEquals($e->a, 'test/filearea/'); } $ne = new backup_nested_element('test', 'one', 'two', 'three'); try { $ne->annotate_files('test', 'filearea', 'four'); // Incorrect element $this->assertTrue(false, 'base_element_struct_exception expected');
< } catch (exception $e) {
> } catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof base_element_struct_exception); $this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'baseelementincorrectfinalorattribute'); $this->assertEquals($e->a, 'four'); } // Try to add incorrect element to backup_optigroup $bog = new backup_optigroup('test'); try { $bog->add_child(new backup_nested_element('test2')); $this->assertTrue(false, 'base_optigroup_exception expected');
< } catch (exception $e) {
> } catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof base_optigroup_exception); $this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'optigroup_element_incorrect'); $this->assertEquals($e->a, 'backup_nested_element'); } $bog = new backup_optigroup('test'); try { $bog->add_child('test2'); $this->assertTrue(false, 'base_optigroup_exception expected');
< } catch (exception $e) {
> } catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof base_optigroup_exception); $this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'optigroup_element_incorrect'); $this->assertEquals($e->a, 'non object'); } try {
< $bog = new backup_optigroup('test', new stdclass());
> $bog = new backup_optigroup('test', new \stdClass());
$this->assertTrue(false, 'base_optigroup_exception expected');
< } catch (exception $e) {
> } catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof base_optigroup_exception); $this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'optigroup_elements_incorrect'); } // Try a wrong processor with backup_optigroup $bog = new backup_optigroup('test'); try {
< $bog->process(new stdclass());
> $bog->process(new \stdClass());
$this->assertTrue(false, 'base_element_struct_exception expected');
< } catch (exception $e) {
> } catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof base_element_struct_exception); $this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'incorrect_processor'); } // Try duplicating used elements with backup_optigroup // Adding top->down $bog = new backup_optigroup('test', null, true); $boge1 = new backup_optigroup_element('boge1'); $boge2 = new backup_optigroup_element('boge2'); $ne1 = new backup_nested_element('ne1'); $ne2 = new backup_nested_element('ne1'); $bog->add_child($boge1); $bog->add_child($boge2); $boge1->add_child($ne1); try { $boge2->add_child($ne2); $this->assertTrue(false, 'base_optigroup_exception expected');
< } catch (exception $e) {
> } catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof base_optigroup_exception); $this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'multiple_optigroup_duplicate_element'); $this->assertEquals($e->a, 'ne1'); } // Adding down->top $bog = new backup_optigroup('test', null, true); $boge1 = new backup_optigroup_element('boge1'); $boge2 = new backup_optigroup_element('boge2'); $ne1 = new backup_nested_element('ne1'); $ne2 = new backup_nested_element('ne1'); $boge1->add_child($ne1); $boge2->add_child($ne2); $bog->add_child($boge1); try { $bog->add_child($boge2); $this->assertTrue(false, 'base_element_struct_exception expected');
< } catch (exception $e) {
> } catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof base_element_struct_exception); $this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'baseelementexisting'); $this->assertEquals($e->a, 'ne1'); } } }