Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
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 * Communicate with backpacks.
 * @copyright  2020 Tung Thai based on Totara Learning Solutions Ltd {@link} dode
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
 * @author     Tung Thai <>

namespace core_badges;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

require_once($CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php');

use cache;
use coding_exception;
use context_system;
use moodle_url;
use core_badges\backpack_api2p1_mapping;
use core_badges\oauth2\client;
use curl;
use stdClass;
> use core\oauth2\issuer; > use core\oauth2\endpoint; /** > use core\oauth2\discovery\imsbadgeconnect;
* To process badges with backpack and control api request and this class using for Open Badge API v2.1 methods. * * @package core_badges * @copyright 2020 Tung Thai * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class backpack_api2p1 { /** @var object is the external backpack. */ private $externalbackpack; /** @var array define api mapping. */ private $mappings = []; /** @var false|null|stdClass|\core_badges\backpack_api2p1 to */ private $tokendata; /** @var null clienid. */ private $clientid = null; /** @var null version api of the backpack. */ protected $backpackapiversion;
< /** @var null api URL of the backpack. */ < protected $backpackapiurl = '';
> /** @var issuer The OAuth2 Issuer for this backpack */ > protected issuer $issuer; > > /** @var endpoint The apiBase endpoint */ > protected endpoint $apibase;
/** * backpack_api2p1 constructor. * * @param object $externalbackpack object * @throws coding_exception error message */ public function __construct($externalbackpack) { if (!empty($externalbackpack)) { $this->externalbackpack = $externalbackpack; $this->backpackapiversion = $externalbackpack->apiversion;
< $this->backpackapiurl = $externalbackpack->backpackapiurl; < $this->get_clientid = $this->get_clientid($externalbackpack->oauth2_issuerid);
> $this->get_clientid($externalbackpack->oauth2_issuerid);
if (!($this->tokendata = $this->get_stored_token($externalbackpack->id)) && $this->backpackapiversion != OPEN_BADGES_V2P1) { throw new coding_exception('Backpack incorrect'); } } $this->define_mappings(); }
> /** > * Initialises or returns the OAuth2 issuer associated to this backpack. /** > * * Define the mappings supported by this usage and api version. > * @return issuer */ > */ private function define_mappings() { > protected function get_issuer(): issuer { if ($this->backpackapiversion == OPEN_BADGES_V2P1) { > if (!isset($this->issuer)) { > $this->issuer = new \core\oauth2\issuer($this->externalbackpack->oauth2_issuerid); $mapping = []; > } $mapping[] = [ > return $this->issuer; 'post.assertions', // Action. > } '[URL]/assertions', // URL > '[PARAM]', // Post params. > /** false, // Multiple. > * Gets the apiBase url associated to this backpack. 'post', // Method. > * true, // JSON Encoded. > * @return string true // Auth required. > */ ]; > protected function get_api_base_url(): string { > if (!isset($this->apibase)) { $mapping[] = [ > $apibase = endpoint::get_record([ 'get.assertions', // Action. > 'issuerid' => $this->externalbackpack->oauth2_issuerid, '[URL]/assertions', // URL > 'name' => 'apiBase', '[PARAM]', // Post params. > ]); false, // Multiple. > 'get', // Method. > if (empty($apibase)) { true, // JSON Encoded. > imsbadgeconnect::create_endpoints($this->get_issuer()); true // Auth required. > $apibase = endpoint::get_record([ ]; > 'issuerid' => $this->externalbackpack->oauth2_issuerid, > 'name' => 'apiBase', foreach ($mapping as $map) { > ]); $map[] = false; // Site api function. > } $map[] = OPEN_BADGES_V2P1; // V2 function. > $this->mappings[] = new backpack_api2p1_mapping(...$map); > $this->apibase = $apibase; } > } > } > return $this->apibase->get('url'); } > } >
/** * Disconnect the backpack from this user. * * @param object $backpack to disconnect. * @return bool * @throws \dml_exception */ public function disconnect_backpack($backpack) { global $USER, $DB; if ($backpack) { $DB->delete_records_select('badge_external', 'backpackid = :backpack', ['backpack' => $backpack->id]); $DB->delete_records('badge_backpack', ['id' => $backpack->id]); $DB->delete_records('badge_backpack_oauth2', ['externalbackpackid' => $this->externalbackpack->id, 'userid' => $USER->id]); return true; } return false; } /** * Make an api request. * * @param string $action The api function. * @param string $postdata The body of the api request. * @return mixed */ public function curl_request($action, $postdata = null) { $tokenkey = $this->tokendata->token; foreach ($this->mappings as $mapping) { if ($mapping->is_match($action)) { return $mapping->request(
< $this->backpackapiurl,
> $this->get_api_base_url(),
$tokenkey, $postdata ); } } throw new coding_exception('Unknown request'); } /** * Get token. * * @param int $externalbackpackid ID of external backpack. * @return oauth2\badge_backpack_oauth2|false|stdClass|null */ protected function get_stored_token($externalbackpackid) { global $USER; $token = \core_badges\oauth2\badge_backpack_oauth2::get_record( ['externalbackpackid' => $externalbackpackid, 'userid' => $USER->id]); if ($token !== false) { $token = $token->to_record(); return $token; } return null; } /** * Get client id. * * @param int $issuerid id of Oauth2 service. * @throws coding_exception */ private function get_clientid($issuerid) { $issuer = \core\oauth2\api::get_issuer($issuerid); if (!empty($issuer)) {
> $this->issuer = $issuer;
$this->clientid = $issuer->get('clientid'); } } /** * Export a badge to the backpack site. * * @param string $hash of badge issued. * @return array * @throws \moodle_exception * @throws coding_exception */ public function put_assertions($hash) { $data = []; if (!$hash) { return false; }
< $issuer = new \core\oauth2\issuer($this->externalbackpack->oauth2_issuerid);
> $issuer = $this->get_issuer();
$client = new client($issuer, new moodle_url('/badges/mybadges.php'), '', $this->externalbackpack); if (!$client->is_logged_in()) { $redirecturl = new moodle_url('/badges/mybadges.php', ['error' => 'backpackexporterror']); redirect($redirecturl); } $this->tokendata = $this->get_stored_token($this->externalbackpack->id); $assertion = new \core_badges_assertion($hash, OPEN_BADGES_V2); $data['assertion'] = $assertion->get_badge_assertion(); $response = $this->curl_request('post.assertions', $data); if ($response && isset($response->status->statusCode) && $response->status->statusCode == 200) { $msg['status'] = \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS; $msg['message'] = get_string('addedtobackpack', 'badges'); } else {
> if ($response) { $msg['status'] = \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_ERROR; > // Although the specification defines that status error is a string, some providers, like Badgr, are wrongly $msg['message'] = get_string('backpackexporterror', 'badges', $data['assertion']['badge']['name']); > // returning an array. It has been reported, but adding these extra checks doesn't hurt, just in case. } > if ( return $msg; > property_exists($response, 'status') && } > is_object($response->status) && } > property_exists($response->status, 'error') > ) { > $statuserror = $response->status->error; > if (is_array($statuserror)) { > $statuserror = implode($statuserror); > } > } else if (property_exists($response, 'error')) { > $statuserror = $response->error; > if (property_exists($response, 'message')) { > $statuserror .= '. Message: ' . $response->message; > } > } > } else { > $statuserror = 'Empty response'; > } > $data = [ > 'badgename' => $data['assertion']['badge']['name'], > 'error' => $statuserror, > ]; >
< $msg['message'] = get_string('backpackexporterror', 'badges', $data['assertion']['badge']['name']);
> $msg['message'] = get_string('backpackexporterrorwithinfo', 'badges', $data);