Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
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// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
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// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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namespace core_blog\reportbuilder\datasource;

use lang_string;
use core_reportbuilder\datasource;
use core_reportbuilder\local\entities\{course, user};
use core_blog\reportbuilder\local\entities\blog;
> use core_files\reportbuilder\local\entities\file; use core_tag\reportbuilder\local\entities\tag; > use core_comment\reportbuilder\local\entities\comment;
/** * Blogs datasource * * @package core_blog * @copyright 2022 Paul Holden <> * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class blogs extends datasource { /** * Return user friendly name of the report source * * @return string */ public static function get_name(): string { return get_string('blogs', 'core_blog'); } /** * Initialise report */ protected function initialise(): void { $blogentity = new blog(); $postalias = $blogentity->get_table_alias('post'); $this->set_main_table('post', $postalias); $this->add_base_condition_simple("{$postalias}.module", 'blog'); $this->add_entity($blogentity);
> // Join the files entity. // Join the tag entity. > $fileentity = (new file()) $tagentity = (new tag()) > ->set_entity_title(new lang_string('blogattachment', 'core_blog')); ->set_entity_title(new lang_string('blogtags', 'core_blog')) > $filesalias = $fileentity->get_table_alias('files'); ->set_table_alias('tag', $blogentity->get_table_alias('tag')); > $this->add_entity($fileentity $this->add_entity($tagentity > ->add_join("LEFT JOIN {files} {$filesalias} ->add_joins($blogentity->get_tag_joins())); > ON {$filesalias}.contextid = " . SYSCONTEXTID . " > AND {$filesalias}.component = 'blog' // Join the user entity to represent the blog author. > AND {$filesalias}.filearea = 'attachment' $userentity = new user(); > AND {$filesalias}.itemid = {$postalias}.id $useralias = $userentity->get_table_alias('user'); > AND {$filesalias}.filename != '.'")); $this->add_entity($userentity >
->add_join("LEFT JOIN {user} {$useralias} ON {$useralias}.id = {$postalias}.userid")); // Join the course entity for course blogs. $courseentity = new course(); $coursealias = $courseentity->get_table_alias('course'); $this->add_entity($courseentity ->add_join("LEFT JOIN {course} {$coursealias} ON {$coursealias}.id = {$postalias}.courseid"));
> // Join the comment entity (ensure differing alias from that used by course entity). // Add report elements from each of the entities we added to the report. > $commententity = (new comment()) $this->add_all_from_entity($blogentity->get_entity_name()); > ->set_table_alias('comments', 'bcmt'); > $this->add_entity($commententity // Add specific tag entity elements. > ->add_join("LEFT JOIN {comments} bcmt ON bcmt.component = 'blog' AND bcmt.itemid = {$postalias}.id")); $this->add_columns_from_entity($tagentity->get_entity_name(), ['name', 'namewithlink']); >
< // Add specific tag entity elements.
> // Add specific file/tag entity elements. > $this->add_columns_from_entity($fileentity->get_entity_name(), ['name', 'size', 'type', 'timecreated']); > $this->add_filters_from_entity($fileentity->get_entity_name(), ['name', 'size', 'timecreated']); > $this->add_conditions_from_entity($fileentity->get_entity_name(), ['name', 'size', 'timecreated']); >
$this->add_condition($tagentity->get_condition('name')); $this->add_all_from_entity($userentity->get_entity_name()); $this->add_all_from_entity($courseentity->get_entity_name());
> } > // Add specific comment entity elements. > $this->add_columns_from_entity($commententity->get_entity_name(), ['content', 'timecreated']); /** > $this->add_filter($commententity->get_filter('timecreated')); * Return the columns that will be added to the report upon creation > $this->add_condition($commententity->get_filter('timecreated'));
* * @return string[] */ public function get_default_columns(): array { return [ 'user:fullname', 'course:fullname', 'blog:title', 'blog:timecreated', ]; } /** * Return the filters that will be added to the report upon creation * * @return string[] */ public function get_default_filters(): array { return [ 'user:fullname', 'blog:title', 'blog:timecreated', ]; } /** * Return the conditions that will be added to the report upon creation * * @return string[] */ public function get_default_conditions(): array { return [ 'blog:publishstate', ]; } }