Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
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 * Bulk activity completion manager class
 * @package     core_completion
 * @category    completion
 * @copyright   2017 Adrian Greeve
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

namespace core_completion;

use stdClass;
use context_course;
use cm_info;
use tabobject;
use lang_string;
use moodle_url;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die;

 * Bulk activity completion manager class
 * @package     core_completion
 * @category    completion
 * @copyright   2017 Adrian Greeve
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class manager {

     * @var int $courseid the course id.
    protected $courseid;

     * manager constructor.
     * @param int $courseid the course id.
    public function __construct($courseid) {
        $this->courseid = $courseid;

     * Gets the data (context) to be used with the bulkactivitycompletion template.
     * @return stdClass data for use with the bulkactivitycompletion template.
    public function get_activities_and_headings() {
        global $OUTPUT;
        $moduleinfo = get_fast_modinfo($this->courseid);
        $sections = $moduleinfo->get_sections();
        $data = new stdClass;
        $data->courseid = $this->courseid;
        $data->sesskey = sesskey();
        $data->helpicon = $OUTPUT->help_icon('bulkcompletiontracking', 'core_completion');
        $data->sections = [];
        foreach ($sections as $sectionnumber => $section) {
            $sectioninfo = $moduleinfo->get_section_info($sectionnumber);

            $sectionobject = new stdClass();
            $sectionobject->sectionnumber = $sectionnumber;
            $sectionobject->name = get_section_name($this->courseid, $sectioninfo);
            $sectionobject->activities = $this->get_activities($section, true);
            $data->sections[] = $sectionobject;
        return $data;

     * Gets the data (context) to be used with the activityinstance template
     * @param array $cmids list of course module ids
     * @param bool $withcompletiondetails include completion details
     * @return array
    public function get_activities($cmids, $withcompletiondetails = false) {
        $moduleinfo = get_fast_modinfo($this->courseid);
        $activities = [];
        foreach ($cmids as $cmid) {
            $mod = $moduleinfo->get_cm($cmid);
            if (!$mod->uservisible) {
            $moduleobject = new stdClass();
            $moduleobject->cmid = $cmid;
            $moduleobject->modname = $mod->get_formatted_name();
            $moduleobject->icon = $mod->get_icon_url()->out();
            $moduleobject->url = $mod->url;
            $moduleobject->canmanage = $withcompletiondetails && self::can_edit_bulk_completion($this->courseid, $mod);

            // Get activity completion information.
            if ($moduleobject->canmanage) {
                $moduleobject->completionstatus = $this->get_completion_detail($mod);
            } else {
                $moduleobject->completionstatus = ['icon' => null, 'string' => null];
            if (self::can_edit_bulk_completion($this->courseid, $mod)) {
                $activities[] = $moduleobject;
        return $activities;

     * Get completion information on the selected module or module type
     * @param cm_info|stdClass $mod either instance of cm_info (with 'customcompletionrules' in customdata) or
     *      object with fields ->completion, ->completionview, ->completionexpected, ->completionusegrade
     *      and ->customdata['customcompletionrules']
     * @return array
    private function get_completion_detail($mod) {
        global $OUTPUT;
        $strings = [];
        switch ($mod->completion) {
                $strings['string'] = get_string('none');

                $strings['string'] = get_string('manual', 'completion');
                $strings['icon'] = $OUTPUT->pix_icon('i/completion-manual-y', get_string('completion_manual', 'completion'));

                $strings['string'] = get_string('withconditions', 'completion');
                $strings['icon'] = $OUTPUT->pix_icon('i/completion-auto-y', get_string('completion_automatic', 'completion'));

                $strings['string'] = get_string('none');

        // Get the descriptions for all the active completion rules for the module.
        if ($ruledescriptions = $this->get_completion_active_rule_descriptions($mod)) {
            foreach ($ruledescriptions as $ruledescription) {
                $strings['string'] .= \html_writer::empty_tag('br') . $ruledescription;
        return $strings;

     * Get the descriptions for all active conditional completion rules for the current module.
     * @param cm_info|stdClass $moduledata either instance of cm_info (with 'customcompletionrules' in customdata) or
     *      object with fields ->completion, ->completionview, ->completionexpected, ->completionusegrade
     *      and ->customdata['customcompletionrules']
     * @return array $activeruledescriptions an array of strings describing the active completion rules.
    protected function get_completion_active_rule_descriptions($moduledata) {
        $activeruledescriptions = [];

        if ($moduledata->completion == COMPLETION_TRACKING_AUTOMATIC) {
            // Generate the description strings for the core conditional completion rules (if set).
            if (!empty($moduledata->completionview)) {
                $activeruledescriptions[] = get_string('completionview_desc', 'completion');
            if ($moduledata instanceof cm_info && !is_null($moduledata->completiongradeitemnumber) ||
                ($moduledata instanceof stdClass && !empty($moduledata->completionusegrade))) {
< $activeruledescriptions[] = get_string('completionusegrade_desc', 'completion');
> > $description = 'completionusegrade_desc'; > if (!empty($moduledata->completionpassgrade)) { > $description = 'completionpassgrade_desc'; > } > > $activeruledescriptions[] = get_string($description, 'completion');
} // Now, ask the module to provide descriptions for its custom conditional completion rules. if ($customruledescriptions = component_callback($moduledata->modname, 'get_completion_active_rule_descriptions', [$moduledata])) { $activeruledescriptions = array_merge($activeruledescriptions, $customruledescriptions); } } if ($moduledata->completion != COMPLETION_TRACKING_NONE) { if (!empty($moduledata->completionexpected)) { $activeruledescriptions[] = get_string('completionexpecteddesc', 'completion', userdate($moduledata->completionexpected)); } } return $activeruledescriptions; } /** * Gets the course modules for the current course. * * @return stdClass $data containing the modules */ public function get_activities_and_resources() { global $DB, $OUTPUT, $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/course/lib.php'); // Get enabled activities and resources. $modules = $DB->get_records('modules', ['visible' => 1], 'name ASC'); $data = new stdClass(); $data->courseid = $this->courseid; $data->sesskey = sesskey(); $data->helpicon = $OUTPUT->help_icon('bulkcompletiontracking', 'core_completion'); // Add icon information. $data->modules = array_values($modules); $coursecontext = context_course::instance($this->courseid); $canmanage = has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $coursecontext); $course = get_course($this->courseid); foreach ($data->modules as $module) {
< $module->icon = $OUTPUT->image_url('icon', $module->name)->out();
> $module->icon = $OUTPUT->image_url('monologo', $module->name)->out();
$module->formattedname = format_string(get_string('modulenameplural', 'mod_' . $module->name), true, ['context' => $coursecontext]); $module->canmanage = $canmanage && course_allowed_module($course, $module->name); $defaults = self::get_default_completion($course, $module, false); $defaults->modname = $module->name; $module->completionstatus = $this->get_completion_detail($defaults); } return $data; } /** * Checks if current user can edit activity completion * * @param int|stdClass $courseorid * @param \cm_info|null $cm if specified capability for a given coursemodule will be check, * if not specified capability to edit at least one activity is checked. */ public static function can_edit_bulk_completion($courseorid, $cm = null) { if ($cm) { return $cm->uservisible && has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $cm->context); } $coursecontext = context_course::instance(is_object($courseorid) ? $courseorid->id : $courseorid); if (has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $coursecontext)) { return true; } $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($courseorid); foreach ($modinfo->cms as $mod) { if ($mod->uservisible && has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $mod->context)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Gets the available completion tabs for the current course and user. *
> * @deprecated since Moodle 4.0
* @param stdClass|int $courseorid the course object or id. * @return tabobject[] */ public static function get_available_completion_tabs($courseorid) {
> debugging('get_available_completion_tabs() has been deprecated. Please use ' . $tabs = []; > 'core_completion\manager::get_available_completion_options() instead.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); >
$courseid = is_object($courseorid) ? $courseorid->id : $courseorid; $coursecontext = context_course::instance($courseid); if (has_capability('moodle/course:update', $coursecontext)) { $tabs[] = new tabobject( 'completion', new moodle_url('/course/completion.php', ['id' => $courseid]), new lang_string('coursecompletion', 'completion') ); } if (has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $coursecontext)) { $tabs[] = new tabobject( 'defaultcompletion', new moodle_url('/course/defaultcompletion.php', ['id' => $courseid]), new lang_string('defaultcompletion', 'completion') ); } if (self::can_edit_bulk_completion($courseorid)) { $tabs[] = new tabobject( 'bulkcompletion', new moodle_url('/course/bulkcompletion.php', ['id' => $courseid]), new lang_string('bulkactivitycompletion', 'completion') ); } return $tabs; } /**
> * Returns an array with the available completion options (url => name) for the current course and user. * Applies completion from the bulk edit form to all selected modules > * * > * @param int $courseid The course id. * @param stdClass $data data received from the core_completion_bulkedit_form > * @return array * @param bool $updateinstances if we need to update the instance tables of the module (i.e. 'assign', 'forum', etc.) - > */ * if no module-specific completion rules were added to the form, update of the module table is not needed. > public static function get_available_completion_options(int $courseid): array { */ > $coursecontext = context_course::instance($courseid); public function apply_completion($data, $updateinstances) { > $options = []; $updated = false; > $needreset = []; > if (has_capability('moodle/course:update', $coursecontext)) { $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($this->courseid); > $completionlink = new moodle_url('/course/completion.php', ['id' => $courseid]); > $options[$completionlink->out(false)] = get_string('coursecompletion', 'completion'); $cmids = $data->cmid; > } > $data = (array)$data; > if (has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $coursecontext)) { unset($data['id']); // This is a course id, we don't want to confuse it with cmid or instance id. > $defaultcompletionlink = new moodle_url('/course/defaultcompletion.php', ['id' => $courseid]); unset($data['cmid']); > $options[$defaultcompletionlink->out(false)] = get_string('defaultcompletion', 'completion'); unset($data['submitbutton']); > } > foreach ($cmids as $cmid) { > if (self::can_edit_bulk_completion($courseid)) { $cm = $modinfo->get_cm($cmid); > $bulkcompletionlink = new moodle_url('/course/bulkcompletion.php', ['id' => $courseid]); if (self::can_edit_bulk_completion($this->courseid, $cm) && $this->apply_completion_cm($cm, $data, $updateinstances)) { > $options[$bulkcompletionlink->out(false)] = get_string('bulkactivitycompletion', 'completion'); $updated = true; > } if ($cm->completion != COMPLETION_TRACKING_MANUAL || $data['completion'] != COMPLETION_TRACKING_MANUAL) { > // If completion was changed we will need to reset it's state. Exception is when completion was and remains as manual. > return $options; $needreset[] = $cm->id; > } } > } > /**
// Update completion calendar events. $completionexpected = ($data['completionexpected']) ? $data['completionexpected'] : null; \core_completion\api::update_completion_date_event($cm->id, $cm->modname, $cm->instance, $completionexpected); } if ($updated) { // Now that modules are fully updated, also update completion data if required. // This will wipe all user completion data and recalculate it. rebuild_course_cache($this->courseid, true); $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($this->courseid); $completion = new \completion_info($modinfo->get_course()); foreach ($needreset as $cmid) { $completion->reset_all_state($modinfo->get_cm($cmid)); } // And notify the user of the result. \core\notification::add(get_string('activitycompletionupdated', 'core_completion'), \core\notification::SUCCESS); } } /** * Applies new completion rules to one course module * * @param \cm_info $cm * @param array $data * @param bool $updateinstance if we need to update the instance table of the module (i.e. 'assign', 'forum', etc.) - * if no module-specific completion rules were added to the form, update of the module table is not needed. * @return bool if module was updated */ protected function apply_completion_cm(\cm_info $cm, $data, $updateinstance) { global $DB;
< $defaults = ['completion' => COMPLETION_DISABLED, 'completionview' => COMPLETION_VIEW_NOT_REQUIRED, < 'completionexpected' => 0, 'completiongradeitemnumber' => null];
> $defaults = [ > 'completion' => COMPLETION_DISABLED, 'completionview' => COMPLETION_VIEW_NOT_REQUIRED, > 'completionexpected' => 0, 'completiongradeitemnumber' => null, > 'completionpassgrade' => 0 > ];
$data += ['completion' => $cm->completion, 'completionexpected' => $cm->completionexpected, 'completionview' => $cm->completionview]; if ($cm->completion == $data['completion'] && $cm->completion == COMPLETION_TRACKING_NONE) { // If old and new completion are both "none" - no changes are needed. return false; } if ($cm->completion == $data['completion'] && $cm->completion == COMPLETION_TRACKING_NONE && $cm->completionexpected == $data['completionexpected']) { // If old and new completion are both "manual" and completion expected date is not changed - no changes are needed. return false; } if (array_key_exists('completionusegrade', $data)) { // Convert the 'use grade' checkbox into a grade-item number: 0 if checked, null if not. $data['completiongradeitemnumber'] = !empty($data['completionusegrade']) ? 0 : null; unset($data['completionusegrade']); } else {
> // Completion grade item number is classified in mod_edit forms as 'use grade'. $data['completiongradeitemnumber'] = $cm->completiongradeitemnumber; > $data['completionusegrade'] = is_null($cm->completiongradeitemnumber) ? 0 : 1;
} // Update module instance table. if ($updateinstance) { $moddata = ['id' => $cm->instance, 'timemodified' => time()] + array_diff_key($data, $defaults); $DB->update_record($cm->modname, $moddata); } // Update course modules table. $cmdata = ['id' => $cm->id, 'timemodified' => time()] + array_intersect_key($data, $defaults); $DB->update_record('course_modules', $cmdata); \core\event\course_module_updated::create_from_cm($cm, $cm->context)->trigger(); // We need to reset completion data for this activity. return true; } /** * Saves default completion from edit form to all selected module types * * @param stdClass $data data received from the core_completion_bulkedit_form * @param bool $updatecustomrules if we need to update the custom rules of the module - * if no module-specific completion rules were added to the form, update of the module table is not needed. */ public function apply_default_completion($data, $updatecustomrules) { global $DB; $courseid = $data->id; // MDL-72375 Unset the id here, it should not be stored in customrules. unset($data->id); $coursecontext = context_course::instance($courseid); if (!$modids = $data->modids) { return; } $defaults = [ 'completion' => COMPLETION_DISABLED, 'completionview' => COMPLETION_VIEW_NOT_REQUIRED, 'completionexpected' => 0,
< 'completionusegrade' => 0
> 'completionusegrade' => 0, > 'completionpassgrade' => 0
]; $data = (array)$data; if ($updatecustomrules) { $customdata = array_diff_key($data, $defaults); $data['customrules'] = $customdata ? json_encode($customdata) : null; $defaults['customrules'] = null; } $data = array_intersect_key($data, $defaults); // Get names of the affected modules. list($modidssql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($modids); $params[] = 1; $modules = $DB->get_records_select_menu('modules', 'id ' . $modidssql . ' and visible = ?', $params, '', 'id, name'); // Get an associative array of [module_id => course_completion_defaults_id]. list($in, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($modids); $params[] = $courseid; $defaultsids = $DB->get_records_select_menu('course_completion_defaults', 'module ' . $in . ' and course = ?', $params, '', 'module, id'); foreach ($modids as $modid) { if (!array_key_exists($modid, $modules)) { continue; } if (isset($defaultsids[$modid])) { $DB->update_record('course_completion_defaults', $data + ['id' => $defaultsids[$modid]]); } else { $defaultsids[$modid] = $DB->insert_record('course_completion_defaults', $data + ['course' => $courseid, 'module' => $modid]); } // Trigger event. \core\event\completion_defaults_updated::create([ 'objectid' => $defaultsids[$modid], 'context' => $coursecontext, 'other' => ['modulename' => $modules[$modid]], ])->trigger(); } // Add notification. \core\notification::add(get_string('defaultcompletionupdated', 'completion'), \core\notification::SUCCESS); } /** * Returns default completion rules for given module type in the given course * * @param stdClass $course * @param stdClass $module * @param bool $flatten if true all module custom completion rules become properties of the same object, * otherwise they can be found as array in ->customdata['customcompletionrules'] * @return stdClass */ public static function get_default_completion($course, $module, $flatten = true) { global $DB, $CFG; if ($data = $DB->get_record('course_completion_defaults', ['course' => $course->id, 'module' => $module->id],
< 'completion, completionview, completionexpected, completionusegrade, customrules')) {
> 'completion, completionview, completionexpected, completionusegrade, completionpassgrade, customrules')) {
if ($data->customrules && ($customrules = @json_decode($data->customrules, true))) { // MDL-72375 This will override activity id for new mods. Skip this field, it is already exposed as courseid. unset($customrules['id']); if ($flatten) { foreach ($customrules as $key => $value) { $data->$key = $value; } } else { $data->customdata['customcompletionrules'] = $customrules; } } unset($data->customrules); } else { $data = new stdClass(); $data->completion = COMPLETION_TRACKING_NONE; if ($CFG->completiondefault) { $completion = new \completion_info(get_fast_modinfo($course->id)->get_course()); if ($completion->is_enabled() && plugin_supports('mod', $module->name, FEATURE_MODEDIT_DEFAULT_COMPLETION, true)) { $data->completion = COMPLETION_TRACKING_MANUAL; $data->completionview = 1; } } } return $data; } }