Differences Between: [Versions 39 and 402]
1 <?php 2 // This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ 3 // 4 // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 5 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 6 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 7 // (at your option) any later version. 8 // 9 // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 11 // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 12 // GNU General Public License for more details. 13 // 14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 15 // along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. 16 17 /** 18 * Strings for component 'enrol_ldap', language 'en'. 19 * 20 * @package enrol_ldap 21 * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} 22 * @copyright 2010 IƱaki Arenaza <iarenaza@eps.mondragon.edu> 23 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later 24 */ 25 26 $string['assignrole'] = "Assigning role '{\$a->role_shortname}' to user '{\$a->user_username}' into course '{\$a->course_shortname}' (id {\$a->course_id})"; 27 $string['assignrolefailed'] = "Failed to assign role '{\$a->role_shortname}' to user '{\$a->user_username}' into course '{\$a->course_shortname}' (id {\$a->course_id})\n"; 28 $string['autocreate'] = '<p>Courses can be created automatically if there are enrolments to a course that doesn\'t yet exist in Moodle</p><p>If you are using automatic course creation, it is recommended that you remove the following capabilities: moodle/course:changeidnumber, moodle/course:changeshortname, moodle/course:changefullname and moodle/course:changesummary, from the relevant roles to prevent modifications of the four course fields specified above (ID number, shortname, fullname and summary).</p>'; 29 $string['autocreate_key'] = 'Auto create'; 30 $string['autocreation_settings'] = 'Automatic course creation settings'; 31 $string['autoupdate_settings'] = 'Automatic course update settings'; 32 $string['autoupdate_settings_desc'] = '<p>Select fields to update when the \'Synchronise LDAP enrolments\' scheduled task is running.</p><p>When at least one field is selected an update will occur.</p>'; 33 $string['bind_dn'] = 'If you want to use a bind user to search users, specify it here. Someting like \'cn=ldapuser,ou=public,o=org\''; 34 $string['bind_dn_key'] = 'Bind user distinguished name'; 35 $string['bind_pw'] = 'Password for the bind user'; 36 $string['bind_pw_key'] = 'Password'; 37 $string['bind_settings'] = 'Bind settings'; 38 $string['cannotcreatecourse'] = 'Cannot create course: missing required data from the LDAP record!'; 39 $string['cannotupdatecourse'] = "Cannot update course: missing required data from the LDAP record! Course idnumber: '{\$a->idnumber}'"; 40 $string['cannotupdatecourse_duplicateshortname'] = "Cannot update course: Duplicate short name. Skipping course with idnumber '{\$a->idnumber}'..."; 41 $string['courseupdated'] = "Course with idnumber '{\$a->idnumber}' was successfully updated."; 42 $string['courseupdateskipped'] = "Course with idnumber '{\$a->idnumber}' does not require updating. Skipping..."; 43 $string['category'] = 'The category for auto-created courses'; 44 $string['category_key'] = 'Category'; 45 $string['contexts'] = 'LDAP contexts'; 46 $string['couldnotfinduser'] = "Could not find user '{\$a}', skipping\n"; 47 $string['coursenotexistskip'] = "Course '{\$a}' does not exist and autocreation disabled, skipping\n"; 48 $string['course_fullname'] = 'Optional: LDAP attribute to get the full name from'; 49 $string['course_fullname_key'] = 'Full name'; 50 $string['course_fullname_updateonsync'] = 'Update full name during synchronisation script'; 51 $string['course_fullname_updateonsync_key'] = 'Update full name'; 52 $string['course_idnumber'] = 'LDAP attribute to get the course ID number from. Usually \'cn\' or \'uid\'.'; 53 $string['course_idnumber_key'] = 'ID number'; 54 $string['course_search_sub'] = 'Search group memberships from subcontexts'; 55 $string['course_search_sub_key'] = 'Search subcontexts'; 56 $string['course_settings'] = 'Course enrolment settings'; 57 $string['course_shortname'] = 'Optional: LDAP attribute to get the shortname from'; 58 $string['course_shortname_key'] = 'Short name'; 59 $string['course_shortname_updateonsync'] = 'Update short name during synchronisation script'; 60 $string['course_shortname_updateonsync_key'] = 'Update short name'; 61 $string['course_summary'] = 'Optional: LDAP attribute to get the summary from'; 62 $string['course_summary_key'] = 'Summary'; 63 $string['course_summary_updateonsync'] = 'Update summary during synchronisation script'; 64 $string['course_summary_updateonsync_key'] = 'Update summary'; 65 $string['createcourseextid'] = 'CREATE User enrolled to a non-existing course \'{$a->courseextid}\''; 66 $string['createnotcourseextid'] = 'User enrolled to a non-existing course \'{$a->courseextid}\''; 67 $string['creatingcourse'] = 'Creating course \'{$a}\'...'; 68 $string['duplicateshortname'] = "Course creation failed. Duplicate short name. Skipping course with idnumber '{\$a->idnumber}'..."; 69 $string['editlock'] = 'Lock value'; 70 $string['emptyenrolment'] = "Empty enrolment for role '{\$a->role_shortname}' in course '{\$a->course_shortname}'\n"; 71 $string['enrolname'] = 'LDAP'; 72 $string['enroluser'] = "Enrol user '{\$a->user_username}' into course '{\$a->course_shortname}' (id {\$a->course_id})"; 73 $string['enroluserenable'] = "Enabled enrolment for user '{\$a->user_username}' in course '{\$a->course_shortname}' (id {\$a->course_id})"; 74 $string['explodegroupusertypenotsupported'] = "ldap_explode_group() does not support selected user type: {\$a}\n"; 75 $string['extcourseidinvalid'] = 'The course external id is invalid!'; 76 $string['extremovedsuspend'] = "Disabled enrolment for user '{\$a->user_username}' in course '{\$a->course_shortname}' (id {\$a->course_id})"; 77 $string['extremovedsuspendnoroles'] = "Disabled enrolment and removed roles for user '{\$a->user_username}' in course '{\$a->course_shortname}' (id {\$a->course_id})"; 78 $string['extremovedunenrol'] = "Unenrol user '{\$a->user_username}' from course '{\$a->course_shortname}' (id {\$a->course_id})"; 79 $string['failed'] = "Failed!\n"; 80 $string['general_options'] = 'General options'; 81 $string['group_memberofattribute'] = 'Name of the attribute that specifies which groups a given user or group belongs to (e.g., memberOf, groupMembership, etc.)'; 82 $string['group_memberofattribute_key'] = '\'Member of\' attribute'; 83 $string['host_url'] = 'Specify LDAP host in URL-form like \'ldap://ldap.myorg.com/\' or \'ldaps://ldap.myorg.com/\''; 84 $string['host_url_key'] = 'Host URL'; 85 $string['idnumber_attribute'] = 'If the group membership contains distinguished names, specify the same attribute you have used for the user \'ID Number\' mapping in the LDAP authentication settings.'; 86 $string['idnumber_attribute_key'] = 'ID number attribute'; 87 $string['ldap_encoding'] = 'Specify encoding used by LDAP server. Most probably utf-8, MS AD v2 uses default platform encoding such as cp1252, cp1250, etc.'; 88 $string['ldap_encoding_key'] = 'LDAP encoding'; 89 $string['ldap:manage'] = 'Manage LDAP enrol instances'; 90 $string['memberattribute'] = 'LDAP member attribute'; 91 $string['memberattribute_isdn'] = 'If the group membership contains distinguished names, you need to specify them here. If so, you also need to configure the remaining settings in this section.'; 92 $string['memberattribute_isdn_key'] = 'Member attribute uses dn'; 93 $string['nested_groups'] = 'Do you want to use nested groups (groups of groups) for enrolment?'; 94 $string['nested_groups_key'] = 'Nested groups'; 95 $string['nested_groups_settings'] = 'Nested groups settings'; 96 $string['nosuchrole'] = "No such role: '{\$a}'\n"; 97 $string['objectclass'] = 'objectClass used to search courses. Usually \'group\' or \'posixGroup\''; 98 $string['objectclass_key'] = 'Object class'; 99 $string['ok'] = "OK!\n"; 100 $string['opt_deref'] = 'If the group membership contains distinguished names, specify how aliases are handled during a search. Select one of the following values: \'No\' (LDAP_DEREF_NEVER) or \'Yes\' (LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS).'; 101 $string['opt_deref_key'] = 'Dereference aliases'; 102 $string['phpldap_noextension'] = 'The PHP LDAP module does not seem to be present. Please ensure it is installed and enabled if you want to use this enrolment plugin.'; 103 $string['pluginname'] = 'LDAP enrolments'; 104 $string['pluginname_desc'] = '<p>You can use an LDAP server to control your enrolments. It is assumed your LDAP tree contains groups that map to the courses, and that each of those groups/courses will have membership entries to map to students.</p><p>It is assumed that courses are defined as groups in LDAP, with each group having multiple membership fields (<em>member</em> or <em>memberUid</em>) that contain a uniqueidentification of the user.</p><p>To use LDAP enrolment, your users <strong>must</strong> to have a valid idnumber field. The LDAP groups must have that idnumber in the member fields for a user to be enrolled in the course. This will usually work well if you are already using LDAP Authentication.</p><p>Enrolments will be updated when the user logs in. You can also run a script to keep enrolments in synch. Look in <em>enrol/ldap/cli/sync.php</em>.</p><p>This plugin can also be set to automatically create new courses when new groups appear in LDAP.</p>'; 105 $string['pluginnotenabled'] = 'Plugin not enabled!'; 106 $string['role_mapping'] = '<p>For each role, you need to specify all LDAP contexts where the groups that represent the courses are located. Separate different contexts with a semicolon (;).</p><p>You also need to specify the attribute your LDAP server uses to hold the members of a group. This is usually \'member\' or \'memberUid\'.</p>'; 107 $string['role_mapping_attribute'] = 'LDAP member attribute for {$a}'; 108 $string['role_mapping_context'] = 'LDAP contexts for {$a}'; 109 $string['role_mapping_key'] = 'Map roles from LDAP '; 110 $string['roles'] = 'Role mapping'; 111 $string['server_settings'] = 'LDAP server settings'; 112 $string['syncenrolmentstask'] = 'Synchronise LDAP enrolments task'; 113 $string['synccourserole'] = "== Synching course '{\$a->idnumber}' for role '{\$a->role_shortname}'\n"; 114 $string['template'] = 'Optional: auto-created courses can copy their settings from a template course'; 115 $string['template_key'] = 'Template'; 116 $string['unassignrole'] = "Unassigning role '{\$a->role_shortname}' to user '{\$a->user_username}' from course '{\$a->course_shortname}' (id {\$a->course_id})\n"; 117 $string['unassignroleid'] = "Unassigning role id '{\$a->role_id}' to user id '{\$a->user_id}'\n"; 118 $string['unassignrolefailed'] = "Failed to unassign role '{\$a->role_shortname}' to user '{\$a->user_username}' from course '{\$a->course_shortname}' (id {\$a->course_id})\n"; 119 $string['updatelocal'] = 'Update local data'; 120 $string['user_attribute'] = 'If the group membership contains distinguished names, specify the attribute used to name/search for users. If you are using LDAP authentication, this value should match the attribute specified in the \'ID Number\' mapping in the LDAP authentication plugin.'; 121 $string['user_attribute_key'] = 'ID number attribute'; 122 $string['user_contexts'] = 'If the group membership contains distinguished names, specify the list of contexts where users are located. Separate different contexts with a semi-colon (;). For example: \'ou=users,o=org; ou=others,o=org\'.'; 123 $string['user_contexts_key'] = 'Contexts'; 124 $string['user_search_sub'] = 'If the group membership contains distinguished names, specify if the search for users is done in sub-contexts too.'; 125 $string['user_search_sub_key'] = 'Search subcontexts'; 126 $string['user_settings'] = 'User lookup settings'; 127 $string['user_type'] = 'If the group membership contains distinguished names, specify how users are stored in LDAP'; 128 $string['user_type_key'] = 'User type'; 129 $string['version'] = 'The version of the LDAP protocol your server is using'; 130 $string['version_key'] = 'Version'; 131 $string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The LDAP enrolments plugin does not store any personal data.';