Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.

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Defines 1 class

Class: application_registration_service  - X-Ref

Class application_registration_service.

__construct(application_registration_repository $appregistrationrepo,deployment_repository $deploymentrepo, resource_link_repository $resourcelinkrepo,context_repository $contextrepo, user_repository $userrepo)   X-Ref
The application_registration_service constructor.

param: application_registration_repository $appregistrationrepo an application registration repository instance.
param: deployment_repository $deploymentrepo a deployment repository instance.
param: resource_link_repository $resourcelinkrepo a resource_link_repository instance.
param: context_repository $contextrepo a context_repository instance.
param: user_repository $userrepo a user_repository instance.

registration_from_dto(\stdClass $dto)   X-Ref
Convert a DTO into a new application_registration domain object.

param: \stdClass $dto the object containing information needed to register an application.
return: application_registration the application_registration object

get_unique_id()   X-Ref
Gets a unique id for the registration, with uniqueness guaranteed with a lookup.

return: string the unique id.

draft_registration_from_dto(\stdClass $dto)   X-Ref
Convert a DTO into a new DRAFT application_registration domain object.

param: \stdClass $dto the object containing information needed to create the draft registration.
return: application_registration the draft application_registration object

create_draft_application_registration(\stdClass $appregdto)   X-Ref
Application service handling the use case "As an admin I can create a draft platform registration".

param: \stdClass $appregdto details of the draft application to create.
return: application_registration the application_registration domain object.

update_application_registration(\stdClass $appregdto)   X-Ref
Application service handling the use case "As an admin I can update the registration of an LTI platform".

param: \stdClass $appregdto details of the registration to update.
return: application_registration the application_registration domain object.

delete_application_registration(int $registrationid)   X-Ref
Application service handling the use case "As an admin I can delete a registration of an LTI platform".

param: int $registrationid id of the registration to delete.