Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

 * A library of classes used by the grade edit pages
 * @package   core_grades
 * @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

class grade_edit_tree {
    public $columns = array();

     * @var grade_tree $gtree   @see grade/lib.php
    public $gtree;

     * @var grade_plugin_return @see grade/lib.php
    public $gpr;

     * @var string              $moving The eid of the category or item being moved
    public $moving;

    public $deepest_level;

    public $uses_weight = false;

    public $table;

    public $categories = array();

     * Constructor
    public function __construct($gtree, $moving, $gpr) {
        global $USER, $OUTPUT, $COURSE;

        $this->gtree = $gtree;
        $this->moving = $moving;
        $this->gpr = $gpr;
        $this->deepest_level = $this->get_deepest_level($this->gtree->top_element);

        $this->columns = array(grade_edit_tree_column::factory('name', array('deepest_level' => $this->deepest_level)));

        if ($this->uses_weight) {
            $this->columns[] = grade_edit_tree_column::factory('weight', array('adv' => 'weight'));

        $this->columns[] = grade_edit_tree_column::factory('range'); // This is not a setting... How do we deal with it?
        $this->columns[] = grade_edit_tree_column::factory('status');
        $this->columns[] = grade_edit_tree_column::factory('actions');

< if ($this->deepest_level > 1) { < $this->columns[] = grade_edit_tree_column::factory('select'); < } <
$this->table = new html_table(); $this->table->id = "grade_edit_tree_table"; $this->table->attributes['class'] = 'generaltable simple setup-grades'; if ($this->moving) { $this->table->attributes['class'] .= ' moving'; } foreach ($this->columns as $column) { if (!($this->moving && $column->hide_when_moving)) { $this->table->head[] = $column->get_header_cell(); } } $rowcount = 0; $this->table->data = $this->build_html_tree($this->gtree->top_element, true, array(), 0, $rowcount); } /** * Recursive function for building the table holding the grade categories and items, * with CSS indentation and styles. * * @param array $element The current tree element being rendered * @param boolean $totals Whether or not to print category grade items (category totals) * @param array $parents An array of parent categories for the current element (used for indentation and row classes) * * @return string HTML */ public function build_html_tree($element, $totals, $parents, $level, &$row_count) { global $CFG, $COURSE, $PAGE, $OUTPUT; $object = $element['object']; $eid = $element['eid']; $name = $this->gtree->get_element_header($element, true, false, true, false, true); $icon = $this->gtree->get_element_icon($element); $type = $this->gtree->get_element_type_string($element); $strippedname = $this->gtree->get_element_header($element, false, false, false); $is_category_item = false; if ($element['type'] == 'categoryitem' || $element['type'] == 'courseitem') { $is_category_item = true; } $rowclasses = array(); foreach ($parents as $parent_eid) { $rowclasses[] = $parent_eid; } $moveaction = ''; $actions = $this->gtree->get_cell_action_menu($element, 'setup', $this->gpr); if ($element['type'] == 'item' or ($element['type'] == 'category' and $element['depth'] > 1)) { $aurl = new moodle_url('index.php', array('id' => $COURSE->id, 'action' => 'moveselect', 'eid' => $eid, 'sesskey' => sesskey())); $moveaction .= $OUTPUT->action_icon($aurl, new pix_icon('t/move', get_string('move'))); } $returnrows = array(); $root = false; $id = required_param('id', PARAM_INT); /// prepare move target if needed $last = ''; /// print the list items now if ($this->moving == $eid) { // do not diplay children $cell = new html_table_cell(); $cell->colspan = 12; $cell->attributes['class'] = $element['type'] . ' moving column-name level' . ($level + 1) . ' level' . ($level % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd'); $cell->text = $name.' ('.get_string('move').')'; // Create a row that represents the available area to move a grade item or a category into. $movingarea = new html_table_row(); // Obtain all parent category identifiers for this item and add them to its class list. This information // will be used when collapsing or expanding grade categories to properly show or hide this area. $parentcategories = array_merge($rowclasses, [$eid]); $movingarea->attributes = [ 'class' => implode(' ', $parentcategories), 'data-hidden' => 'false' ]; $movingarea->cells[] = $cell; return [$movingarea]; } if ($element['type'] == 'category') { $level++; $this->categories[$object->id] = $strippedname; $category = grade_category::fetch(array('id' => $object->id));
< $item = $category->get_grade_item();
> $category->load_grade_item();
// Add aggregation coef input if not a course item and if parent category has correct aggregation type // Before we print the category's row, we must find out how many rows will appear below it (for the filler cell's rowspan) $aggregation_position = grade_get_setting($COURSE->id, 'aggregationposition', $CFG->grade_aggregationposition); $category_total_data = null; // Used if aggregationposition is set to "last", so we can print it last $html_children = array(); // Take into consideration that a category item always has an empty row (spacer) below. $row_count = 1; foreach($element['children'] as $child_el) { $moveto = null; if (empty($child_el['object']->itemtype)) { $child_el['object']->itemtype = false; } if (($child_el['object']->itemtype == 'course' || $child_el['object']->itemtype == 'category') && !$totals) { continue; } $child_eid = $child_el['eid']; $first = ''; if ($child_el['object']->itemtype == 'course' || $child_el['object']->itemtype == 'category') { $first = array('first' => 1); $child_eid = $eid; } if ($this->moving && $this->moving != $child_eid) { $strmove = get_string('move'); $actions = $moveaction = ''; // no action icons when moving $aurl = new moodle_url('index.php', array('id' => $COURSE->id, 'action' => 'move', 'eid' => $this->moving, 'moveafter' => $child_eid, 'sesskey' => sesskey())); if ($first) { $aurl->params($first); } $cell = new html_table_cell(); $cell->colspan = 12; $cell->attributes['class'] = 'movehere level' . ($level + 1) . ' level' . ($level % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd'); $cell->text = html_writer::link($aurl, html_writer::empty_tag('hr'), ['title' => get_string('movehere'), 'class' => 'movehere']); // Create a row that represents the available area to move a grade item or a category into. $moveto = new html_table_row(); // Obtain all parent category identifiers for this item and add them to its class list. This information // will be used when collapsing or expanding grade categories to properly show or hide this area. $parentcategories = array_merge($rowclasses, [$eid]); $moveto->attributes['class'] = implode(' ', $parentcategories); $moveto->attributes['data-hidden'] = 'false'; $moveto->cells[] = $cell; } $newparents = $parents; $newparents[] = $eid; $row_count++; $child_row_count = 0; // If moving, do not print course and category totals, but still print the moveto target box if ($this->moving && ($child_el['object']->itemtype == 'course' || $child_el['object']->itemtype == 'category')) { $html_children[] = $moveto; } elseif ($child_el['object']->itemtype == 'course' || $child_el['object']->itemtype == 'category') { // We don't build the item yet because we first need to know the deepest level of categories (for category/name colspans) $category_total_item = $this->build_html_tree($child_el, $totals, $newparents, $level, $child_row_count); if (!$aggregation_position) { $html_children = array_merge($html_children, $category_total_item); } } else { $html_children = array_merge($html_children, $this->build_html_tree($child_el, $totals, $newparents, $level, $child_row_count)); if (!empty($moveto)) { $html_children[] = $moveto; } if ($this->moving) { $row_count++; } } $row_count += $child_row_count; // If the child is a category, increment row_count by one more (for the extra coloured row) if ($child_el['type'] == 'category') { $row_count++; } } // Print category total at the end if aggregation position is "last" (1) if (!empty($category_total_item) && $aggregation_position) { $html_children = array_merge($html_children, $category_total_item); } // Determine if we are at the root if (isset($element['object']->grade_item) && $element['object']->grade_item->is_course_item()) { $root = true; } $levelclass = "level$level level" . ($level % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even'); $courseclass = ''; if ($level == 1) { $courseclass = 'coursecategory'; } $categoryrow = new html_table_row(); $categoryrow->id = 'grade-item-' . $eid; $categoryrow->attributes['class'] = $courseclass . ' category '; $categoryrow->attributes['data-category'] = $eid;
< $categoryrow->attributes['data-itemid'] = $category->get_grade_item()->id;
> if (!empty($parent_eid)) { > $categoryrow->attributes['data-parent-category'] = $parent_eid; > } > $categoryrow->attributes['data-aggregation'] = $category->aggregation; > $categoryrow->attributes['data-grademax'] = $category->grade_item->grademax; > $categoryrow->attributes['data-aggregationcoef'] = floatval($category->grade_item->aggregationcoef); > $categoryrow->attributes['data-itemid'] = $category->grade_item->id;
$categoryrow->attributes['data-hidden'] = 'false'; foreach ($rowclasses as $class) { $categoryrow->attributes['class'] .= ' ' . $class; } foreach ($this->columns as $column) { if (!($this->moving && $column->hide_when_moving)) { $categoryrow->cells[] = $column->get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, [ 'id' => $id, 'name' => $name, 'level' => $level, 'actions' => $actions, 'moveaction' => $moveaction, 'eid' => $eid, ]); } } $emptyrow = new html_table_row(); // Obtain all parent category identifiers for this item and add them to its class list. This information // will be used when collapsing or expanding grade categories to properly show or hide this area. $parentcategories = array_merge($rowclasses, [$eid]); $emptyrow->attributes['class'] = 'spacer ' . implode(' ', $parentcategories); $emptyrow->attributes['data-hidden'] = 'false'; $emptyrow->attributes['aria-hidden'] = 'true'; $headercell = new html_table_cell(); $headercell->header = true; $headercell->scope = 'row'; $headercell->attributes['class'] = 'cell column-rowspan rowspan'; $headercell->attributes['aria-hidden'] = 'true'; $headercell->rowspan = $row_count; $emptyrow->cells[] = $headercell; $returnrows = array_merge([$categoryrow, $emptyrow], $html_children); // Print a coloured row to show the end of the category across the table $endcell = new html_table_cell(); $endcell->colspan = (19 - $level); $endcell->attributes['class'] = 'emptyrow colspan ' . $levelclass; $endcell->attributes['aria-hidden'] = 'true'; $returnrows[] = new html_table_row(array($endcell)); } else { // Dealing with a grade item $item = grade_item::fetch(array('id' => $object->id)); $element['type'] = 'item'; $element['object'] = $item; $categoryitemclass = ''; if ($item->itemtype == 'category') { $categoryitemclass = 'categoryitem'; } if ($item->itemtype == 'course') { $categoryitemclass = 'courseitem'; } $gradeitemrow = new html_table_row(); $gradeitemrow->id = 'grade-item-' . $eid; $gradeitemrow->attributes['class'] = $categoryitemclass . ' item '; $gradeitemrow->attributes['data-itemid'] = $object->id; $gradeitemrow->attributes['data-hidden'] = 'false'; // If this item is a course or category aggregation, add a data attribute that stores the identifier of // the related category or course. This attribute is used when collapsing a grade category to fetch the // max grade from the aggregation and display it in the grade category row when the category items are // collapsed and the aggregated max grade is not visible. if (!empty($categoryitemclass)) { $gradeitemrow->attributes['data-aggregationforcategory'] = $parent_eid;
> } else { } > $gradeitemrow->attributes['data-parent-category'] = $parent_eid; foreach ($rowclasses as $class) { > $gradeitemrow->attributes['data-grademax'] = $object->grademax; $gradeitemrow->attributes['class'] .= ' ' . $class; > $gradeitemrow->attributes['data-aggregationcoef'] = floatval($object->aggregationcoef);
} foreach ($this->columns as $column) { if (!($this->moving && $column->hide_when_moving)) { $gradeitemrow->cells[] = $column->get_item_cell( $item, [ 'id' => $id, 'name' => $name, 'level' => $level, 'actions' => $actions, 'element' => $element, 'eid' => $eid, 'moveaction' => $moveaction, 'itemtype' => $object->itemtype, 'icon' => $icon, 'type' => $type ] ); } } $returnrows[] = $gradeitemrow; } return $returnrows; } /** * Given a grade_item object, returns a labelled input if an aggregation coefficient (weight or extra credit) applies to it. * @param grade_item $item * @return string HTML */ static function get_weight_input($item) { global $OUTPUT; if (!is_object($item) || get_class($item) !== 'grade_item') { throw new Exception('grade_edit_tree::get_weight_input($item) was given a variable that is not of the required type (grade_item object)'); return false; } if ($item->is_course_item()) { return ''; } $parent_category = $item->get_parent_category(); $parent_category->apply_forced_settings(); $aggcoef = $item->get_coefstring(); $itemname = $item->itemname; if ($item->is_category_item()) { // Remember, the parent category of a category item is the category itself. $itemname = $parent_category->get_name(); } $str = ''; if ($aggcoef == 'aggregationcoefweight' || $aggcoef == 'aggregationcoef' || $aggcoef == 'aggregationcoefextraweight') { return $OUTPUT->render_from_template('core_grades/weight_field', [ 'id' => $item->id, 'itemname' => $itemname, 'value' => self::format_number($item->aggregationcoef) ]); } else if ($aggcoef == 'aggregationcoefextraweightsum') { $tpldata = [ 'id' => $item->id, 'itemname' => $itemname, 'value' => self::format_number($item->aggregationcoef2 * 100.0), 'checked' => $item->weightoverride, 'disabled' => !$item->weightoverride ]; $str .= $OUTPUT->render_from_template('core_grades/weight_override_field', $tpldata); } return $str; } // Trims trailing zeros. // Used on the 'Gradebook setup' page for grade items settings like aggregation co-efficient. // Grader report has its own decimal place settings so they are handled elsewhere. static function format_number($number) { $formatted = rtrim(format_float($number, 4),'0'); if (substr($formatted, -1)==get_string('decsep', 'langconfig')) { //if last char is the decimal point $formatted .= '0'; } return $formatted; } /** * Given an element of the grade tree, returns whether it is deletable or not (only manual grade items are deletable) * * @param array $element * @return bool */ public static function element_deletable($element) { global $COURSE; if ($element['type'] != 'item') { return true; } $grade_item = $element['object']; if ($grade_item->itemtype != 'mod' or $grade_item->is_outcome_item() or $grade_item->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_NONE) { return true; } $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($COURSE); if (!isset($modinfo->instances[$grade_item->itemmodule][$grade_item->iteminstance])) { // module does not exist return true; } return false; } /** * Given an element of the grade tree, returns whether it is duplicatable or not (only manual grade items are duplicatable) * * @param array $element * @return bool */ public static function element_duplicatable($element) { if ($element['type'] != 'item') { return false; } $gradeitem = $element['object']; if ($gradeitem->itemtype != 'mod') { return true; } return false; } /** * Given the grade tree and an array of element ids (e.g. c15, i42), and expecting the 'moveafter' URL param, * moves the selected items to the requested location. Then redirects the user to the given $returnurl * * @param object $gtree The grade tree (a recursive representation of the grade categories and grade items) * @param array $eids * @param string $returnurl */ function move_elements($eids, $returnurl) { $moveafter = required_param('moveafter', PARAM_INT); if (!is_array($eids)) { $eids = array($eids); } if(!$after_el = $this->gtree->locate_element("cg$moveafter")) { throw new \moodle_exception('invalidelementid', '', $returnurl); } $after = $after_el['object']; $parent = $after; $sortorder = $after->get_sortorder(); foreach ($eids as $eid) { if (!$element = $this->gtree->locate_element($eid)) { throw new \moodle_exception('invalidelementid', '', $returnurl); } $object = $element['object']; $object->set_parent($parent->id); $object->move_after_sortorder($sortorder); $sortorder++; } redirect($returnurl, '', 0); } /** * Recurses through the entire grade tree to find and return the maximum depth of the tree. * This should be run only once from the root element (course category), and is used for the * indentation of the Name column's cells (colspan) * * @param array $element An array of values representing a grade tree's element (all grade items in this case) * @param int $level The level of the current recursion * @param int $deepest_level A value passed to each subsequent level of recursion and incremented if $level > $deepest_level * @return int Deepest level */ function get_deepest_level($element, $level=0, $deepest_level=1) { $object = $element['object']; $level++; $coefstring = $element['object']->get_coefstring(); if ($element['type'] == 'category') { if ($coefstring == 'aggregationcoefweight' || $coefstring == 'aggregationcoefextraweightsum' || $coefstring == 'aggregationcoefextraweight') { $this->uses_weight = true; } foreach($element['children'] as $child_el) { if ($level > $deepest_level) { $deepest_level = $level; } $deepest_level = $this->get_deepest_level($child_el, $level, $deepest_level); } $category = grade_category::fetch(array('id' => $object->id)); $item = $category->get_grade_item(); if ($item->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_NONE) { // Add 1 more level for grade category that has no total. $deepest_level++; } } return $deepest_level; } /** * Updates the provided gradecategory item with the provided data. * * @param grade_category $gradecategory The category to update. * @param stdClass $data the data to update the category with. * @return void */ public static function update_gradecategory(grade_category $gradecategory, stdClass $data) { // If no fullname is entered for a course category, put ? in the DB. if (!isset($data->fullname) || $data->fullname == '') { $data->fullname = '?'; } if (!isset($data->aggregateonlygraded)) { $data->aggregateonlygraded = 0; } if (!isset($data->aggregateoutcomes)) { $data->aggregateoutcomes = 0; } grade_category::set_properties($gradecategory, $data); // CATEGORY. if (empty($gradecategory->id)) { $gradecategory->insert(); } else { $gradecategory->update(); } // GRADE ITEM. // Grade item data saved with prefix "grade_item_". $itemdata = new stdClass(); foreach ($data as $k => $v) { if (preg_match('/grade_item_(.*)/', $k, $matches)) { $itemdata->{$matches[1]} = $v; } } if (!isset($itemdata->aggregationcoef)) { $itemdata->aggregationcoef = 0; } if (!isset($itemdata->gradepass) || $itemdata->gradepass == '') { $itemdata->gradepass = 0; } if (!isset($itemdata->grademax) || $itemdata->grademax == '') { $itemdata->grademax = 0; } if (!isset($itemdata->grademin) || $itemdata->grademin == '') { $itemdata->grademin = 0; } $hidden = empty($itemdata->hidden) ? 0 : $itemdata->hidden; $hiddenuntil = empty($itemdata->hiddenuntil) ? 0 : $itemdata->hiddenuntil; unset($itemdata->hidden); unset($itemdata->hiddenuntil); $locked = empty($itemdata->locked) ? 0 : $itemdata->locked; $locktime = empty($itemdata->locktime) ? 0 : $itemdata->locktime; unset($itemdata->locked); unset($itemdata->locktime); $convert = array('grademax', 'grademin', 'gradepass', 'multfactor', 'plusfactor', 'aggregationcoef', 'aggregationcoef2'); foreach ($convert as $param) { if (property_exists($itemdata, $param)) { $itemdata->$param = unformat_float($itemdata->$param); } } if (isset($itemdata->aggregationcoef2)) { $itemdata->aggregationcoef2 = $itemdata->aggregationcoef2 / 100.0; } // When creating a new category, a number of grade item fields are filled out automatically, and are required. // If the user leaves these fields empty during creation of a category, we let the default values take effect. // Otherwise, we let the user-entered grade item values take effect. $gradeitem = $gradecategory->load_grade_item(); $gradeitemcopy = fullclone($gradeitem); grade_item::set_properties($gradeitem, $itemdata); if (empty($gradeitem->id)) { $gradeitem->id = $gradeitemcopy->id; } if (empty($gradeitem->grademax) && $gradeitem->grademax != '0') { $gradeitem->grademax = $gradeitemcopy->grademax; } if (empty($gradeitem->grademin) && $gradeitem->grademin != '0') { $gradeitem->grademin = $gradeitemcopy->grademin; } if (empty($gradeitem->gradepass) && $gradeitem->gradepass != '0') { $gradeitem->gradepass = $gradeitemcopy->gradepass; } if (empty($gradeitem->aggregationcoef) && $gradeitem->aggregationcoef != '0') { $gradeitem->aggregationcoef = $gradeitemcopy->aggregationcoef; } // Handle null decimals value - must be done before update! if (!property_exists($itemdata, 'decimals') or $itemdata->decimals < 0) { $gradeitem->decimals = null; } // Change weightoverride flag. Check if the value is set, because it is not when the checkbox is not ticked. $itemdata->weightoverride = isset($itemdata->weightoverride) ? $itemdata->weightoverride : 0; if ($gradeitem->weightoverride != $itemdata->weightoverride && $gradecategory->aggregation == GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM) { // If we are using natural weight and the weight has been un-overriden, force parent category to recalculate weights. $gradecategory->force_regrading(); } $gradeitem->weightoverride = $itemdata->weightoverride; $gradeitem->outcomeid = null; // This means we want to rescale overridden grades as well. if (!empty($data->grade_item_rescalegrades) && $data->grade_item_rescalegrades == 'yes') { $gradeitem->markasoverriddenwhengraded = false; $gradeitem->rescale_grades_keep_percentage($gradeitemcopy->grademin, $gradeitemcopy->grademax, $gradeitem->grademin, $gradeitem->grademax, 'gradebook'); } // Only update the category's 'hidden' status if it has changed. Leaving a category as 'unhidden' (checkbox left // unmarked) and submitting the form without this conditional check will result in displaying any grade items that // are in the category, including those that were previously 'hidden'. if (($gradecategory->get_hidden() != $hiddenuntil) || ($gradecategory->get_hidden() != $hidden)) { if ($hiddenuntil) { $gradecategory->set_hidden($hiddenuntil, true); } else { $gradecategory->set_hidden($hidden, true); } } $gradeitem->set_locktime($locktime); // Locktime first - it might be removed when unlocking. $gradeitem->set_locked($locked, false, true); $gradeitem->update(); // We don't need to insert it, it's already created when the category is created. // Set parent if needed. if (isset($data->parentcategory)) { $gradecategory->set_parent($data->parentcategory, 'gradebook'); } } } /** * Class grade_edit_tree_column * * @package core_grades * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ abstract class grade_edit_tree_column { public $forced; public $hidden; public $forced_hidden; public $advanced_hidden; public $hide_when_moving = true; /** * html_table_cell object used as a template for header cells in all categories. * It must be cloned before being used. * @var html_table_cell $headercell */ public $headercell; /** * html_table_cell object used as a template for category cells in all categories. * It must be cloned before being used. * @var html_table_cell $categorycell */ public $categorycell; /** * html_table_cell object used as a template for item cells in all categories. * It must be cloned before being used. * @var html_table_cell $itemcell */ public $itemcell; public static function factory($name, $params=array()) { $class_name = "grade_edit_tree_column_$name"; if (class_exists($class_name)) { return new $class_name($params); } } public abstract function get_header_cell(); public function get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params) { $cell = clone($this->categorycell); $cell->attributes['class'] .= ' ' . $levelclass; return $cell; } public function get_item_cell($item, $params) { $cell = clone($this->itemcell); if (isset($params['level'])) { $level = $params['level'] + (($item->itemtype == 'category' || $item->itemtype == 'course') ? 0 : 1); $cell->attributes['class'] .= ' level' . $level; $cell->attributes['class'] .= ' level' . ($level % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even'); } return $cell; } public function __construct() { $this->headercell = new html_table_cell(); $this->headercell->header = true; $this->headercell->attributes['class'] = 'header'; $this->categorycell = new html_table_cell(); $this->categorycell->attributes['class'] = 'cell'; $this->itemcell = new html_table_cell(); $this->itemcell->attributes['class'] = 'cell'; if (preg_match('/^grade_edit_tree_column_(\w*)$/', get_class($this), $matches)) { $this->headercell->attributes['class'] .= ' column-' . $matches[1]; $this->categorycell->attributes['class'] .= ' column-' . $matches[1]; $this->itemcell->attributes['class'] .= ' column-' . $matches[1]; } } } /** * Class grade_edit_tree_column_name * * @package core_grades * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class grade_edit_tree_column_name extends grade_edit_tree_column { public $forced = false; public $hidden = false; public $forced_hidden = false; public $advanced_hidden = false; public $deepest_level = 1; public $hide_when_moving = false; public function __construct($params) { if (empty($params['deepest_level'])) { throw new Exception('Tried to instantiate a grade_edit_tree_column_name object without the "deepest_level" param!'); } $this->deepest_level = $params['deepest_level']; parent::__construct(); } public function get_header_cell() { $headercell = clone($this->headercell); $headercell->colspan = $this->deepest_level + 1; $headercell->text = get_string('name'); return $headercell; } public function get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params) { global $OUTPUT; if (empty($params['name']) || empty($params['level'])) { throw new Exception('Array key (name or level) missing from 3rd param of grade_edit_tree_column_name::get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params)'); } $visibilitytoggle = $OUTPUT->render_from_template('core_grades/grade_category_visibility_toggle', [ 'category' => $params['eid'] ]);
> $mastercheckbox = ''; $moveaction = isset($params['moveaction']) ? $params['moveaction'] : ''; > if ($this->deepest_level > 1) { $categorycell = parent::get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params); > if (empty($params['eid'])) { $categorycell->colspan = ($this->deepest_level + 2) - $params['level']; > throw new Exception('Array key (eid) missing from 3rd param of ' . $categorycell->text = html_writer::div($visibilitytoggle . $moveaction . $params['name'], 'font-weight-bold'); > 'grade_edit_tree_column_select::get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params)'); return $categorycell; > } } > > // Get toggle group for this master checkbox. public function get_item_cell($item, $params) { > $togglegroup = $this->get_checkbox_togglegroup($category); global $CFG; > // Set label for this master checkbox. > $masterlabel = $params['level'] === 1 ? get_string('all') : $params['name']; if (empty($params['element']) || empty($params['name']) || empty($params['level'])) { > // Build the master checkbox. throw new Exception('Array key (name, level or element) missing from 2nd param of grade_edit_tree_column_name::get_item_cell($item, $params)'); > $mastercheckbox = new \core\output\checkbox_toggleall($togglegroup, true, [ } > 'id' => 'select_category_' . $category->id, > 'name' => $togglegroup, $itemicon = \html_writer::div($params['icon'], 'mr-1'); > 'value' => 1, $itemtype = \html_writer::span($params['type'], 'd-block text-uppercase small dimmed_text'); > 'classes' => 'itemselect ignoredirty', > 'label' => $masterlabel, // Generate the content for a cell that represents a grade item. > // Consistent label to prevent the select column from resizing. // If a behat test site is running avoid outputting the information about the type of the grade item. > 'selectall' => $masterlabel, // This additional information causes issues in behat particularly with the existing xpath used to > 'deselectall' => $masterlabel, // interact with table elements. > 'labelclasses' => 'accesshide', if (!defined('BEHAT_SITE_RUNNING')) { > ]); $content = \html_writer::div($itemtype . $params['name']); > } else { > $mastercheckbox = $OUTPUT->render($mastercheckbox); $content = \html_writer::div($params['name']); > } } >
< $categorycell->text = html_writer::div($visibilitytoggle . $moveaction . $params['name'], 'font-weight-bold');
> $rowtitle = html_writer::div($params['name'], 'rowtitle'); > $categorycell->text = html_writer::div($mastercheckbox . $visibilitytoggle . $moveaction . $rowtitle, 'font-weight-bold');
< global $CFG; <
< < // Generate the content for a cell that represents a grade item. < // If a behat test site is running avoid outputting the information about the type of the grade item. < // This additional information causes issues in behat particularly with the existing xpath used to < // interact with table elements. < if (!defined('BEHAT_SITE_RUNNING')) { < $content = \html_writer::div($itemtype . $params['name']); < } else { < $content = \html_writer::div($params['name']); < }
> $itemtitle = html_writer::div($params['name'], 'rowtitle'); > $content = \html_writer::div($itemtype . $itemtitle);
< $itemcell->text = \html_writer::div($moveaction . $itemicon . $content, "{$params['itemtype']} d-flex align-items-center");
> > $checkbox = ''; > if (($this->deepest_level > 1) && ($params['itemtype'] != 'course') && ($params['itemtype'] != 'category')) { > global $OUTPUT; > > $label = get_string('select', 'grades', $params['name']); > > if (empty($params['itemtype']) || empty($params['eid'])) { > throw new \moodle_exception('missingitemtypeoreid', 'core_grades'); > } > > // Fetch the grade item's category. > $category = $item->get_parent_category(); > $togglegroup = $this->get_checkbox_togglegroup($category); > > $checkboxid = 'select_' . $params['eid']; > $checkbox = new \core\output\checkbox_toggleall($togglegroup, false, [ > 'id' => $checkboxid, > 'name' => $checkboxid, > 'label' => $label, > 'labelclasses' => 'accesshide', > 'classes' => 'itemselect ignoredirty', > ]); > $checkbox = $OUTPUT->render($checkbox); > } > > $itemcell->text = \html_writer::div($checkbox . $moveaction . $itemicon . $content, > "{$params['itemtype']} d-flex align-items-center");
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
> */ > /** class grade_edit_tree_column_weight extends grade_edit_tree_column { > * Generates a toggle group name for a bulk-action checkbox based on the given grade category. > * public function get_header_cell() { > * @param grade_category $category The grade category. global $OUTPUT; > * @return string $headercell = clone($this->headercell); > */ $headercell->text = get_string('weights', 'grades').$OUTPUT->help_icon('aggregationcoefweight', 'grades'); > protected function get_checkbox_togglegroup(grade_category $category): string { return $headercell; > $levels = []; } > $categories = explode('/', $category->path); > foreach ($categories as $categoryid) { public function get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params) { > $level = 'category' . $categoryid; > if (!in_array($level, $levels)) { $item = $category->get_grade_item(); > $levels[] = 'category' . $categoryid; $categorycell = parent::get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params); > } $categorycell->text = grade_edit_tree::get_weight_input($item); > } return $categorycell; > $togglegroup = implode(' ', $levels); } > > return $togglegroup; public function get_item_cell($item, $params) { > }
global $CFG; if (empty($params['element'])) { throw new Exception('Array key (element) missing from 2nd param of grade_edit_tree_column_weightorextracredit::get_item_cell($item, $params)'); } $itemcell = parent::get_item_cell($item, $params); $itemcell->text = '&nbsp;'; $object = $params['element']['object']; if (!in_array($object->itemtype, array('courseitem', 'categoryitem', 'category')) && !in_array($object->gradetype, array(GRADE_TYPE_NONE, GRADE_TYPE_TEXT)) && (!$object->is_outcome_item() || $object->load_parent_category()->aggregateoutcomes) && ($object->gradetype != GRADE_TYPE_SCALE || !empty($CFG->grade_includescalesinaggregation))) { $itemcell->text = grade_edit_tree::get_weight_input($item); } return $itemcell; } } /** * Class grade_edit_tree_column_range * * @package core_grades * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class grade_edit_tree_column_range extends grade_edit_tree_column { public function get_header_cell() { $headercell = clone($this->headercell); $headercell->text = get_string('maxgrade', 'grades'); return $headercell; } public function get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params) { $categorycell = parent::get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params); $categorycell->text = ''; return $categorycell; } public function get_item_cell($item, $params) { global $DB, $OUTPUT; // If the parent aggregation is Natural, we should show the number, even for scales, as that value is used... // the computation. For text grades, the grademax is not used, so we can still show the no value string. $parentcat = $item->get_parent_category(); if ($item->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_TEXT) { $grademax = ' - '; } else if ($item->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_SCALE) { $scale = $DB->get_record('scale', array('id' => $item->scaleid)); $scale_items = null; if (empty($scale)) { //if the item is using a scale that's been removed $scale_items = array(); } else { $scale_items = explode(',', $scale->scale); } if ($parentcat->aggregation == GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM) { $grademax = end($scale_items) . ' (' . format_float($item->grademax, $item->get_decimals()) . ')'; } else { $grademax = end($scale_items) . ' (' . count($scale_items) . ')'; } } else { $grademax = format_float($item->grademax, $item->get_decimals()); } $isextracredit = false; if ($item->aggregationcoef > 0) { // For category grade items, we need the grandparent category. // The parent is just category the grade item represents. if ($item->is_category_item()) { $grandparentcat = $parentcat->get_parent_category(); if ($grandparentcat->is_extracredit_used()) { $isextracredit = true; } } else if ($parentcat->is_extracredit_used()) { $isextracredit = true; } } if ($isextracredit) { $grademax .= ' ' . html_writer::tag('abbr', get_string('aggregationcoefextrasumabbr', 'grades'), array('title' => get_string('aggregationcoefextrasum', 'grades'))); } $itemcell = parent::get_item_cell($item, $params); $itemcell->text = $grademax; return $itemcell; } } /** * Class grade_edit_tree_column_status * * @package core_grades * @copyright 2023 Ilya Tregubov <> * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class grade_edit_tree_column_status extends grade_edit_tree_column { /** * Get status column header cell * @return html_table_cell status column header cell */ public function get_header_cell() { $headercell = clone($this->headercell); $headercell->text = get_string('status'); return $headercell; } /** * Get category cell in status column * * @param grade_category $category grade category * @param string $levelclass Category level info * @param array $params Params (category id, action performed etc) * @return html_table_cell category cell in status columns */ public function get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params) { global $OUTPUT, $gtree;
> $categorycell = parent::get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params); > $category->load_grade_item();
$element = []; $element['object'] = $category; $categorycell->text = $gtree->set_grade_status_icons($element);
> $context = new stdClass(); // Aggregation type. > if ($category->grade_item->is_calculated()) { $aggrstrings = grade_helper::get_aggregation_strings(); > $context->calculatedgrade = get_string('calculatedgrade', 'grades'); $context = new stdClass(); > } else {
< $context = new stdClass();
// Include/exclude empty grades. if ($category->aggregateonlygraded) { $context->aggregateonlygraded = $category->aggregateonlygraded; } // Aggregate outcomes. if ($category->aggregateoutcomes) { $context->aggregateoutcomes = $category->aggregateoutcomes; } // Drop the lowest. if ($category->droplow) { $context->droplow = $category->droplow; } // Keep the highest. if ($category->keephigh) { $context->keephigh = $category->keephigh; }
> }
$categorycell->text .= $OUTPUT->render_from_template('core_grades/category_settings', $context); return $categorycell; } /** * Get category cell in status column * * @param grade_item $item grade item * @param array $params Params * @return html_table_cell item cell in status columns */ public function get_item_cell($item, $params) { global $gtree; $element = []; $element['object'] = $item; $itemcell = parent::get_item_cell($item, $params); $itemcell->text = $gtree->set_grade_status_icons($element); return $itemcell; } } /** * Class grade_edit_tree_column_actions * * @package core_grades * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class grade_edit_tree_column_actions extends grade_edit_tree_column { public function __construct($params) { parent::__construct(); } public function get_header_cell() { $headercell = clone($this->headercell); $headercell->text = get_string('actions'); return $headercell; } public function get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params) { if (empty($params['actions'])) { throw new Exception('Array key (actions) missing from 3rd param of grade_edit_tree_column_actions::get_category_actions($category, $levelclass, $params)'); } $categorycell = parent::get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params); $categorycell->text = $params['actions']; return $categorycell; } public function get_item_cell($item, $params) { if (empty($params['actions'])) { throw new Exception('Array key (actions) missing from 2nd param of grade_edit_tree_column_actions::get_item_cell($item, $params)'); } $itemcell = parent::get_item_cell($item, $params); $itemcell->text = $params['actions']; return $itemcell; } } /** * Class grade_edit_tree_column_select *
> * @deprecated Since Moodle 4.3. * @package core_grades > * @todo Final deprecation on Moodle 4.7 MDL-77668 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later > *
*/ class grade_edit_tree_column_select extends grade_edit_tree_column {
> /** public function get_header_cell() { > * @deprecated Since Moodle 4.3. $headercell = clone($this->headercell); > * @todo Final deprecation on Moodle 4.7 MDL-77668 $headercell->text = get_string('select'); > */
return $headercell;
> debugging('Method grade_edit_tree_column_select::get_header_cell() is deprecated, ' . } > 'please do not use it anymore.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); >
public function get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params) {
> /** global $OUTPUT; > * @deprecated Since Moodle 4.3. > * @todo Final deprecation on Moodle 4.7 MDL-77668 if (empty($params['eid'])) { > */
throw new Exception('Array key (eid) missing from 3rd param of grade_edit_tree_column_select::get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params)');
> debugging('Method grade_edit_tree_column_select::get_category_cell() is deprecated, ' . } > 'please do not use it anymore.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); >
// Get toggle group for this master checkbox. $togglegroup = $this->get_checkbox_togglegroup($category); // Set label for this master checkbox. $masterlabel = get_string('all'); // Use category name if available. if ($category->fullname !== '?') { $masterlabel = format_string($category->fullname, true, ['escape' => false]); // Limit the displayed category name to prevent the Select column from getting too wide. if (core_text::strlen($masterlabel) > 20) { $masterlabel = get_string('textellipsis', 'core', core_text::substr($masterlabel, 0, 12)); } } // Build the master checkbox. $mastercheckbox = new \core\output\checkbox_toggleall($togglegroup, true, [ 'id' => 'select_category_' . $category->id, 'name' => $togglegroup, 'value' => 1, 'classes' => 'itemselect ignoredirty', 'label' => $masterlabel, // Consistent label to prevent the select column from resizing. 'selectall' => $masterlabel, 'deselectall' => $masterlabel, 'labelclasses' => 'm-0', ]); $categorycell = parent::get_category_cell($category, $levelclass, $params); $categorycell->text = $OUTPUT->render($mastercheckbox); return $categorycell; }
> /** public function get_item_cell($item, $params) { > * @deprecated Since Moodle 4.3. if (empty($params['itemtype']) || empty($params['eid'])) { > * @todo Final deprecation on Moodle 4.7 MDL-77668 throw new \moodle_exception('missingitemtypeoreid', 'core_grades'); > */
> debugging('Method grade_edit_tree_column_select::get_item_cell() is deprecated, ' . $itemcell = parent::get_item_cell($item, $params); > 'please do not use it anymore.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); >
if ($params['itemtype'] != 'course' && $params['itemtype'] != 'category') { global $OUTPUT; // Fetch the grade item's category. $category = grade_category::fetch(['id' => $item->categoryid]); $togglegroup = $this->get_checkbox_togglegroup($category); $checkboxid = 'select_' . $params['eid']; $checkbox = new \core\output\checkbox_toggleall($togglegroup, false, [ 'id' => $checkboxid, 'name' => $checkboxid, 'label' => get_string('select', 'grades', $item->itemname), 'labelclasses' => 'accesshide', 'classes' => 'itemselect ignoredirty', ]); $itemcell->text = $OUTPUT->render($checkbox); } return $itemcell; } /** * Generates a toggle group name for a bulk-action checkbox based on the given grade category. *
> * @deprecated Since Moodle 4.3. * @param grade_category $category The grade category. > * @todo Final deprecation on Moodle 4.7 MDL-77668 * @return string > *
*/ protected function get_checkbox_togglegroup(grade_category $category): string {
> debugging('Method grade_edit_tree_column_select::get_checkbox_togglegroup() is deprecated, ' . $levels = []; > 'please do not use it anymore.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); $categories = explode('/', $category->path); >
foreach ($categories as $categoryid) { $level = 'category' . $categoryid; if (!in_array($level, $levels)) { $levels[] = 'category' . $categoryid; } } $togglegroup = implode(' ', $levels); return $togglegroup; } }